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Bad from reduxin. Reduxin met side effects. Which is better: Reduxin or Xenical

And microcrystalline cellulose .

The medicine contains calcium stearate as an additional substance.

The capsule shell consists of gelatin, azorubine dye, titanium dioxide dye, and patented blue dye.

Release form

The product is available in the form of capsules of 10 mg and 15 mg.

Capsules 10 mg They are blue in color and contain white or white-yellow powder inside. Contained in blister packs, which are packed in cardboard packs. This pack may contain 30 or 60 capsules.

Reduxin 15 mg- These are blue capsules, inside the capsules there is white or white-yellow powder. Contained in blister packs, which are packed in cardboard packs. This pack may contain 30 or 60 capsules.

pharmachologic effect

Wikipedia testifies that Reduxin is a combination drug that is used for the treatment of . The way a drug works determines its composition.

Sibutramine is a prodrug that acts in the body through metabolites (primary and secondary amines). Metabolites inhibit reuptake monoamines (mostly and serotonin ). Due to the increase in the content of neurotransmitters in synapses, the activity of adrenergic receptors and central serotonin 5-HT receptors increases. As a result, the patient’s feeling of satiety increases and the need for food decreases. Also, under the influence of the drug, thermal production increases. There is an effect on brown adipose tissue due to indirect activation of β3-adrenergic receptors.

In parallel with a person’s weight loss, there is an increase in the concentration of HDL in the blood serum. Overall indicators are also decreasing , the amount of triglycerides, uric acid.

Microcrystalline cellulose is an enterosorbent that demonstrates a nonspecific detoxification effect and sorption properties. This substance binds microorganisms, xenobiotics , allergens , toxins and removes them from the body.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

After the drug is ingested, sibutramine quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Absorption is at least 77%. Sibutramine is biotransformed, resulting in the formation of two active metabolites (mono- and didesmethylsibutramine). The highest concentration of the substance in the body is observed 1.2 hours after administration. The highest concentration of metabolites is after 3-4 hours.

If Reduxin tablets were taken simultaneously with food, the maximum concentration of metabolites is reduced by 30%, and the period for achieving it is increased by three hours. Distributes quickly into tissue. Sibutramine binds to blood proteins by 97%, and metabolites by 94%. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys, the half-life of sibutramine is 1.1 hours, that of metabolites is 14-16 hours.

Indications for use

The abstract indicates that Reduxin is used to reduce body weight. Like other weight loss products, it is indicated for people who suffer nutritional obesity , and their body mass index is 30 kg/m2 or more. It is also prescribed to people who have been diagnosed with nutritional obesity with a BMI of 27 kg/m2 and have other risk factors associated with excess weight ( dyslipoproteinemia , diabetes ).

Contraindications for Reduxin

Before you start taking the drug, you should definitely take into account contraindications and side effects. Reduxin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • organic causes of obesity (etc.);
  • mental illness;
  • eating disorders ( bulimia nervosa , anorexia nervosa );
  • Tourette's syndrome;
  • severe heart and vascular diseases (heart failure, congenital heart defects, ischemic heart disease, , peripheral arterial disease, etc.);
  • cerebrovascular diseases (cerebrovascular accidents, );
  • arterial hypertension uncontrolled;
  • severe renal and liver dysfunction;
  • pheochromocytoma ;
  • closed angle ;
  • prostate hyperplasia benign;
  • alcohol, drug or drug addiction;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • age under 18 years and after 65 years;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • simultaneous treatment with MAO inhibitors or the use of such drugs for two weeks before using Reduxin;
  • simultaneous use of drugs that have an effect on the central nervous system.

The description of the drug also contains information about under what conditions Reduxin should be taken with caution. This is a chronic circulatory failure arrhythmias history of coronary artery disease, cholelithiasis , neurological disorders, arterial hypertension (history), mild to moderate impairment of renal and liver function, motor and verbal tics.

Side effects of Reduxin

When taking 10 mg and 15 mg capsules, the following side effects may occur:

  • nervous system: , dry mouth, , headache , paresthesia, anxiety, drowsiness; in rare cases - , nervousness , cramps, back pain, irritability ;
  • the cardiovascular system: heartbeat, , increased blood pressure, vasodilation;
  • digestive system: , changes in appetite , nausea , exacerbation ;
  • dermatological manifestations: sweating, itchy skin, Henoch-Schönlein purpura;
  • manifestations of the body as a whole: in rare cases - swelling, dysmenorrhea , influenza-like syndrome , rhinitis , thirst , nephritis , thrombocytopenia , bleeding.

Upon withdrawal, negative effects on the body are rarely observed. Increased appetite and headache may occur. There is no data on manifestations of withdrawal syndrome.

Manifestation side effects Most often observed in the first days or weeks of taking the pills. Negative manifestations are mostly mild and weaken over time.

Reduxin capsules, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The instructions for use of Reduxin stipulate that the doctor prescribes the medicine individually, taking into account its composition and the patient’s condition. You need to take the tablets once a day. The capsule should not be chewed; it is important to drink it with plenty of water. You can drink the drug before or during meals. As the instructions for Reduxin indicate, 10 mg is the initial dose of the drug. If the patient does not tolerate the medicine well, the dose can be reduced to 5 mg.

If over the course of four weeks the patient has reduced body weight by 5% or more, the daily dose is increased to 15 mg. For those patients who do not respond well to treatment, that is, their weight has not decreased by more than 5%, treatment should not continue for more than three months. Also, treatment should not be continued if the patient has regained more than 3 kg after the achieved weight change.

If the drug is well tolerated, you should not continue taking capsules for more than two years. The manufacturer provides instructions describing the drug and how to drink it to lose weight.

A specialist can tell you in detail how to take it correctly to lose weight. The dosage and duration of treatment are prescribed by a doctor who has experience in treating obesity. The medicine must be combined with diet and exercise.


Sufficient data regarding sibutramine overdose on this moment No. In case of overdose, it is important to immediately contact a specialist. If you take too much of the drug, side effects may increase. There is no information about specific signs of overdose.

When taking excessive doses of the drug, you need to take it and rinse your stomach. Symptomatic treatment is carried out. If after an overdose the patient's blood pressure increases or tachycardia is noted, it is advisable to prescribe beta-blockers.


If Reduxin is combined with inhibitors of microsomal oxidation (including with inhibitors of cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A4), there is an increase in the concentration of sibutramine metabolites in plasma with an increase in heart rate and an increase in the QT interval, which is clinically insignificant.

A number of drugs can accelerate the metabolism of sibutramine: macrolide antibiotics, , , , .

Please note that serious interactions may occur when taking multiple medications that increase serotonin levels in the blood at the same time.

In rare cases, the development of serotonin syndrome is possible under the condition of simultaneous use of Reduxin and selective reuptake inhibitors , a number of drugs for the treatment of migraine, antitussive drugs, potent analgesics.

Non-exposure to oral contraceptives has no effect.

Terms of sale

Patients who are interested in whether Reduxin is sold by prescription or not should know that the drug can only be purchased with a prescription. A sample recipe can be found on specialized websites.

Storage conditions

Capsules should be stored in a dry place, the temperature should not exceed 25°C.

Best before date

Capsules are stored for 3 years.

special instructions

You can take 10 mg or 15 mg Reduxin capsules only if all other methods aimed at weight loss are ineffective, that is, if over the course of 3 months the weight has decreased by less than 5 kg.

Any drugs for weight loss, including Reduxin, should be taken in combination with other measures aimed at reducing body weight. In this case, the supervision of an experienced doctor is important.

As evidenced by the official website of the drug, complex therapy includes changing the principles of nutrition and lifestyle, as well as increased physical activity. It is important to realize the need to change habits in order to maintain the results achieved. Those who do not follow these rules may subsequently wonder why any drug does not help lose weight.

The doctor should advise the patient not only on how to properly lose weight with the drug Reduxin, but also tell him about the need to regularly measure pulse and blood pressure. These indicators must be monitored every two weeks at first. Blood pressure control should be especially careful in people with arterial hypertension. It is important to suspend treatment if, during monitoring, pressure exceeding 145/90 mm Hg was observed two times in a row. st

Particular caution should be exercised when concomitantly taking medications that increase QT interval . These are drugs against arrhythmias , increasing the QT interval, as well as blockers histamine H1 receptors , gastrointestinal motility stimulants.

To date, there is no precise data on the relationship between treatment with this drug and the patient’s manifestations. primary pulmonary hypertension . But during the treatment it is important to pay attention Special attention to the manifestation of chest pain, swelling in the legs and progressive dyspnea.

It is important to consider that when taking medication, a person’s ability to drive and operate other machinery may be limited.

What is the difference between Reduxin and Reduxin Light?

When choosing a drug, patients often ask the question: which is better - Reduxin or Reduxin Light . You should immediately take into account the differences in the composition of these funds. The instructions indicate that Reduxin Light is a supplement that contains conjugated linoleic acid, and additional substances. The active components of the product help normalize metabolism and activate fat processing. However, Reduxin Light is most appropriate to use with an active lifestyle and constant physical activity. The price, compared to LS Reduxin, is slightly lower. The drug Reduxin has a different mechanism of action. Therefore, in each individual case, the doctor individually determines what is more effective and what is best prescribed to the patient. When discussing Reduxin and Reduxin Light, patients leave varied reviews, from positive to less enthusiastic.

Which is better: Goldline or Reduxin?

If we compare the two drugs, it should be noted that the active substance of Goldline is also sibutramine. The product is available in capsules. The doctor must determine which drug is appropriate to use.

Which is better: Reduxin or Orsoten?

is an inhibitor of intestinal enzymes. By reducing the activity of gastric and intestinal lipases, it reduces the intake of calories into the body and thus promotes weight loss. Reduxin acts differently, so the choice of drug should be made only by a doctor, guided by the individual characteristics of the patient.

Which is better: Reduxin or Xenical?

also acts by inhibiting gastrointestinal lipases. The active ingredient of this drug is . Since both drugs act differently in the body, the final choice must be made by a specialist.

Lindaxa or Reduxin - which is better?

In the composition of the drug Lindaxa there is also an active ingredient sibutramine. Its mechanism of action is similar to Reduxin. However, now the supply of the drug is limited, so it can only be ordered by mail or purchased through a “for sale” ad.

Which is better: Reduxin or Turboslim?

In the composition of the product contains plant extracts that stimulate the process of weight loss. This product is active biological additive and is used on the recommendation of a doctor.

For children

The drug is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age.

Reduxin and alcohol

When discussing the compatibility of Reduxin with alcohol, it should be noted that when taking capsules and alcohol together, no negative effects of ethanol on the body were noted. But since treatment with this remedy requires you to follow a diet, doctors strongly recommend completely eliminating alcohol.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindications for taking the drug.

Reviews about Reduxin

Reviews of those losing weight about Reduxin 15 mg indicate that the drug is effective, first of all, in combination with an active lifestyle. Patients who write on a forum dedicated to whether this remedy helps you lose weight sometimes even leave reviews with photos as evidence. Often found and positive reviews o Reduxin 10 mg. Those who have lost weight on the drug note that their appetite has decreased, and accordingly, their body weight has gradually decreased.

Some women write that in the first weeks of treatment they experienced increased thirst. Some patients combined these capsules and diet pills from other manufacturers. However, they note that this can only be practiced under the supervision of a doctor. There are rare reviews from doctors about side effects, which say that the negative effects are mild and, as a rule, pass quickly. Experts note that when taking the medicine, the instructions must be strictly followed. The drug should not be taken in large doses. Sometimes even 20 mg of the drug per day can cause increased blood pressure, etc. Doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol during treatment.

Some reviews also mention the program of Elena Malysheva, within the framework of which the group “ Losing weight with Reduxin" Malysheva claims that her participants managed to lose 15-20 kg. Many women wrote positive reviews about this on the forum.

Reduxin price, where to buy

The price of Reduxin 15 mg No. 60 in Moscow and St. Petersburg is on average 4,500 rubles. The price in Moscow pharmacies for a pack of 90 capsules is on average 5800 – 6000 rubles. You can find out where to buy Reduxin 15 mg in Moscow with delivery in an online store that specializes in selling medicines.

What are doctors' recommendations for the use of Reduxin? How does Reduxin act on the human body? How long can you take it without a break? Can it be harmful and why? What is the best way to take it correctly? Can I drink it with coffee?

Sibutramine is not considered a drug - just a potent substance, the use of which requires mandatory medical supervision. It is prescribed exclusively to those who have not been helped by other weight correction measures. It was assumed that, like all weight-normalizing drugs, it would help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases among heavy snackers, and at first it even gave the desired result. However, with long-term use, its effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels turned out to be worse than atherosclerosis itself, which gave rise to the need to limit the use of Reduxin.

Operating principle

The work of the central nervous system is based on the generation and transmission of electrical impulses from one neuron to another through processes of different lengths and branching - dendrites and axons. Neurotransmitters help transmit such impulses - intermediary substances that facilitate or inhibit the passage of the signal, and also preserve for some time the path it has taken (so that the “answer” of the cortex can go to the same place where the “question” came from). They accumulate in nerve cells in order to be released into the space between them when a signal passes through this area.

Temporary “bridges” that mark the path of a particular signal are called synapses. And a significant part of the hormones belong to neurotransmitters, including serotonin and norepinephrine. These two substances can undergo reuptake - first released to create a synapse by the tip of a nerve cell, which transmits a signal to its “neighbor”, and then again absorbed into it. Sibutramine is a norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitor. It prevents their absorption into the process of the nerve cell after the neurotransmitters have already been released from it and created a synaptic connection.

This scheme of action allows Reduxin to increase the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine in the intercellular space (and therefore in the bloodstream). And its use relieves symptoms of depression, dulls hunger, accelerates satiety with food and metabolism (the action of norepinephrine and adrenaline is aimed at stimulating metabolism and activity of cardio-vascular system).

Release forms

Sibutramine is included not only in Reduxin, but also in:

  • "Meridia";
  • "Obestata";
  • "Green Bomb"
  • "Reduce";
  • "Zhuidemena";
  • "Slimii."

Reduxin also has “intraspecific” variations - a common way to evade restrictions on over-the-counter sales imposed on the drug. Its “official” version is called “Reduxin” and is sold in packs of ten capsules, in a dosage of 10 mg (blue capsules) or 15 mg (blue capsules). But besides it, there are also “Reduxin Light” and “Reduxin Met”.

  • "Reduxin Light". It is registered as a dietary supplement (not considered a medicine), does not contain sibutramine and is sold without a prescription. The similarity of its name with the anorexigen “Reduxin” is an advertising ploy by the manufacturer. “Reduxin Light” is based on one of the isomers of linoleic acid, which has an antitumor effect, but does not in any way affect the gain/reduction of fat or muscle mass(proved by a number of independent studies in the USA). And the positive reviews about “Reduxin Light” are explained either by the placebo effect, or by the same advertising.
  • "Reduxin Met" A mixed preparation, each package of which contains 30 capsules of sibutramine at a dosage of 15 mg and 60 tablets of metformin at 850 mg. Metformin is an antidiabetic drug - a biguanide (a derivative of guanidine - a component of goat's rue) that blocks the synthesis of glucose in the liver. It is used separately, in the stage of prediabetes and diabetes mellitus, in combination with insulin compensation. Both components of the product should be taken simultaneously. "Reduxin Met" is nephro- and hepatotoxic due to the presence of metformin, and therefore is sold only by prescription.

Speaking about which “Reduxin” is more effective for weight loss, we can only summarize: “Reduxin Light” does not have any weight-reducing effect. And the use of “Reduxin Met” for weight loss is relevant if weight gain leads to an increase in insulin resistance and/or the patient’s blood sugar level.

Metformin is considered one of the drugs suitable for use in dietetics for the treatment of obesity. But it, like all biguanides, is extremely toxic to the kidneys and liver and can cause lactic acidosis (excessive formation of lactic acid, which indicates the destruction of muscle tissue). And most of these side effects do not go away after stopping the drug.


Sibutramine was developed from the very beginning as an antidepressant. Then it became one of many drugs repurposed to treat completely different diseases, including “helping” diet. Until 2008, Reduxin was prescribed for:

  • bulimia - overeating caused by psychogenic trauma, the antipode of anorexia;
  • depression - which is often accompanied by a craving for overeating due to the presence of a strong reflex relationship between satiety and a feeling of comfort and well-being;
  • obesity - all its cases, including those that arise from hormonal imbalance temporary in nature (pregnancy, postpartum background changes in women, menopause in both sexes), as well as endocrine pathologies such as diabetes;
  • hypotension - a relatively rare disorder that is expressed in low blood pressure instead of the typical high blood pressure for most;
  • cardiovascular diseases- atherosclerosis and its complications in the form of hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

But the results of monitoring the massive and long-term use of the drug led first to a narrowing of the range of its prescriptions, and then to the introduction of restrictions on its sale and the addition of the drug to the list of doping substances prohibited for use by athletes. Now the list of indications for the use of Reduxin is limited to nutritional (caused by overeating and/or physical inactivity) obesity with or without complications such as diabetes mellitus.


Sibutramine significantly interferes with the functioning of the central nervous system. This property is its main harm in some pathologies accompanied by a set of extra pounds. Bulimia and depression, as mental pathologies with a physiological “continuation,” were among the first to disappear from the list of drug prescriptions, becoming contraindications. “Reduxin” turned out to be a bad antidepressant due to a pronounced “reset” in insomnia, increased anxiety, and suicidal thoughts after a period of serotonin euphoria caused by its use.

Among the ways of obesity in which its use is acceptable, everything except overeating has been eliminated. "Reduxin" increases the speed of blood flow, vascular tone, heart rate and body temperature were initially perceived as a positive property that contributed to the absorption of glucose from food and weight loss. But it turned out that its long-term use also accelerates the wear and tear of the cardiovascular system and the development of atherosclerosis, and increases complications. An overdose of Reduxin can cause arrhythmia and cardiac arrest.

Such damage to the heart and blood vessels is comparable to the long-term consequences of atherosclerosis, although initially stimulating their activity was supposed to reduce its rate. Currently, taking Reduxin is contraindicated in the following conditions.

  • For cholelithiasis. Due to its increased tone and peristalsis of all organs controlled by the central nervous system, including gallbladder. The use of "Reduxin" for gallstones can provoke their displacement.
  • For pathologies of the liver and kidneys. With their obesity, cirrhosis, hepatitis, urolithiasis, nephritis, renal failure. The breakdown and absorption of sibutramine, like other drugs, is carried out primarily by the liver, and its excretion by the kidneys. The accumulation of its metabolites in the blood can lead to an inadequately strong “acceleration” of the central nervous system with an equally pronounced subsequent inhibition.
  • With organic obesity. For example, provoked by diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism (decreased production of thyroxine and triiodothyronine by the thyroid gland).
  • For neurological disorders. For Tourette's syndrome, tics, neurasthenia.
  • In combination with mental illness. For example, with paranoia, manic-depressive psychosis.
  • For epilepsy and schizophrenia. In origin, they are closer to neurological disorders, but directly affect the psyche, and therefore are studied in more detail in psychiatry. In the practice of Reduxin therapy, one case was recorded when it led to the development of psychosis in a patient with schizoaffective disorder.
  • With developed atherosclerosis. Signs of which include hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke and myocardial infarction.
  • For pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. For heart defects, arrhythmias, varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis. “Reduxin” constricts blood vessels and can lead to heart rhythm disturbances, so taking it in the presence of blood clots can result in their blocking vessels of various diameters.
  • For glaucoma. Due to increased arterial and capillary pressure during treatment with sibutramine.
  • For prostate adenoma. And also for precancer, cancer, endometriosis, and fibroids. The activation of blood circulation in such neoplasms provoked by the drug can activate their growth and malignancy (transformation into cancer).
  • During pregnancy. AND breastfeeding. Losing weight when planning a pregnancy is, in general, a dubious idea. To conceive and successfully bear a child, a woman needs a stable estrogen background, and the accumulation and metabolism of female sex hormones occurs in the fat cells of the body. This means that before conceiving, it is wiser for a woman to gain a few extra pounds rather than lose them.

"Reduxin" is also not recommended for children and adolescents, the elderly, especially those suffering from senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It is not suitable for the prevention of obesity or other diseases, and is strictly prohibited for use in cases of alcoholism and/or drug addiction. The simultaneous use of sibutramine with alcohol does not affect the dynamics alcohol intoxication or a hangover. But this incompatibility applies to all antidepressants, antipsychotics and drugs that regulate the functioning of the central nervous system.

Sibutramine, like alcohol or drugs, with long-term use can cause depression, headaches, and suicidal thoughts. And the combined effect on the patient’s psyche of “Reduxin” and other neurotoxic substances can be fatal.

Side effects

The list of side effects of Reduxin is not at all less list its contraindications. The drug may provoke:

  • sleep disorders;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • unreasonable anxiety, nervousness;
  • depression;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • dizziness;
  • limb spasms;
  • changes in taste perception;
  • back pain;
  • increased sweating and hot flashes;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension, up to crisis;
  • acceleration of pulse and heart contractions;
  • loss of appetite, up to anorexia;
  • acute constipation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Episodes were also recorded when treatment of obesity with Reduxin caused nephritis, rhinitis, thrombocytopenia, dysmenorrhea in women, swelling of the extremities, and uncontrollable thirst in patients. Rumors about the development of dependence on it have not received clinical confirmation. Instead, a number of patients experienced the phenomena “ transition period“- with changes in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the central nervous system, but without a pathological desire to return to sibutramine.

Instructions for use of "Reduxin"

You should drink Reduxin for weight loss once a day, before or after meals. Taking any medications after meals is preferable due to their irritating effect on the digestive tract and the risk of developing drug-induced gastritis when taken on an empty stomach. The daily dosage of Reduxin tablets is individual and can be adjusted according to the body's response to therapy. Obesity treatment regimens are as follows.

  • Standard. Most often, patients are prescribed 10 g of sibutramine per day.
  • Poor tolerance. If side effects occur or a general deterioration in health, the dosage can be reduced to 5 g per day, and the patient can be switched to taking the drug only after meals.
  • Low performance. If the patient loses less than 5% of his current weight per month on Reduxin, the dose is increased to 15 mg per day. Officially this is the limit daily dose drug. And if the rate of weight loss still leaves much to be desired, it is wiser to cancel it than to increase the dosage further.

The use of Reduxin should also be discontinued if, after a period of weight loss, the patient begins to gain weight (that is, while continuing to take the drug).

You can use the medicine for weight control in the absence of side effects and overall good response for up to two years in a row. No one knows what will happen if you take sibutramine for even longer - there are no studies on this topic yet. And the regimen for taking “Reduxin” for weight loss is only when overweight(without obesity) is calculated for no more than three months.


Reduxin has few safer analogues. Among the “candidates” with a clear composition and operating principle, the following funds can be distinguished.

  • Orlistat. The active ingredient in the “” composition is of the same low efficiency as that of “Reduxin” (5% of the total body weight per month is not much). Orlistat blocks the digestion and absorption of plant and animal fats from food. It can become an effective means of controlling diet and weight for lovers of fatty foods, especially foods rich in hybrid fats - made on the basis of spread or margarine (shortbread cookies, puff pastries, other factory-made baked goods).
  • Metformin. The same as in the composition of Reduxin Met. It is sold separately under the names “Siofor”, “Glucophage”. Its effect on weight loss is significantly higher than that of sibutramine or orlistat, due to its inhibition of glucose synthesis in the liver. For diabetics, it helps control blood sugar levels, and for those losing weight, it helps the body absorb carbohydrates from food. Its only drawback is the side effect on several organs of the digestive tract, including the liver, which rarely goes away after its discontinuation.
  • Non-digestible fillers. Fiber or a product called “Porciola”. Plant fiber is not digested or absorbed - therefore the intestines strive to remove it as quickly as possible, which leads to normalization of stool. When taken with food, it occupies part of the volume of the stomach and intestines, accelerating saturation with its own zero calorie content. Its use is prohibited for gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer due to high irritant properties. And “Porziola” consists of the same indigestible gelling agent - polyacrylic acid carbomer. The principle of its action is similar to fiber. Taking Portiola allows you to avoid overeating and does not irritate areas of inflammation/ulceration, if any. But this drug also has laxative properties and causes increased gas formation and dysbacteriosis when taken for a long time. Although both side effects are reversible immediately after discontinuation of the drug.

The shortage of licensed and effective weight loss products on the market is explained by the fact that such drugs without side effects do not exist. And all of them are created for cases where the benefit from their direct action outweighs the potential harm. The desire to improve your figure and weight, if they are not catastrophic, is not one of these. The optimal method in such situations is to equalize the calorie content of the daily diet with the consumption of incoming carbohydrates. And medicine considers taking “Reduxin” tablets for weight loss or any drug with a similar effect to be reckless for this purpose.

If you are wondering how to take Reduxin 15 mg to lose weight, then you should know and remember that experts recommend taking the pills only for obese people - then the effect of the drug will not adversely affect your health, and the feeling of satiety created will allow the body to lose weight. Familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug, find out what contraindications this fat-burning medicine has.

What is Reduxin 15 mg

Reduxin 15 mg is a combination drug that not only promotes weight loss, but also simultaneously increases the amount of HDL in the blood, due to which the level of uric acid and cholesterol in the body decreases and the number of triglycerides significantly decreases. The main components of Reduxin are sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose.

According to the manufacturer of this medicine (and this is also confirmed by reviews of those who have lost and lost weight), this medication is good for weight correction: it helps reduce a person’s need for food, while it quickly increases the feeling of satiety and thermal production. When buying Reduxin capsules for weight loss, it is important not to forget that treatment with their help should only occur with the participation of a nutritionist.

Composition of Reduxin

According to reviews from those losing weight, when taking the drug they feel high activity, mild euphoria and at the same time do not feel any feeling of hunger. All this is explained by the fact that Reduxin contains the following components:

  1. Sibutramine– the main active ingredient. Sibutramine is ideal for weight loss, because its action is aimed at reducing appetite, reducing hunger, and in general, so that a person prone to overeating consumes fewer calories. In addition to its effect on the satiety center in the brain, the substance is distinguished by its effect on adrenergic receptors, due to which fat cells are broken down. Further fatty acid are converted into energy, and the resulting water and glycerin are excreted from the body.
  2. Microcrystalline cellulose- a substance that, when it enters the stomach, swells greatly, due to which a person eats a smaller portion. When cellulose swells, it absorbs a huge amount of water and additionally “grabs” harmful substances, but this causes not only a lack of appetite, but also severe thirst.

Indications for use of Reduxin

The domestic drug is becoming increasingly popular among nutritionists who help their patients fight excess weight. According to the manufacturer, the indications for use of Reduxin are as follows:

  • with nutritional obesity, if the body mass index exceeds 30 kilograms per 1 sq. m.;
  • with alimentary obesity, in the case when the body mass index is 27 kg/sq. m., but dyslipidemia or diabetes mellitus is still observed.

Instructions for use of Reduxin 15 mg

Regarding the dosage of the drug, the patient must follow the recommendations of his doctor, who, before prescribing the dosage, must conduct appropriate research and send him for tests. Another important factor for determining the norm is the degree of obesity of the person who needs to take Reduxin. The instructions for use of Reduxin 15 mg say that the capsule should be taken in the morning once a day, and it does not matter whether with food or on an empty stomach - the effectiveness of the drug will not decrease. You can take the Reduxin tablet with water.

Patients who start taking Reduxin tablets to lose weight are first prescribed a small dose, then, depending on the effectiveness rate and individual tolerance, it can be changed. For example, it is recommended to switch to a dosage of Reduxin 15 mg after completing the first stage of treatment - a month of using 10 mg tablets, if the course did not give the desired result in losing weight.

How to take Reduxin 15 mg correctly to lose weight

15 mg is a safe dosage for weight loss. However, to actively burn fat cells, it is recommended to make lifestyle and diet changes: include exercise every day, give up fried and fatty foods, sweets. The diet should include more low-fat vegetables fermented milk products, fruits, fish, berries. It is advisable to start taking the medication with 10 mg tablets. If you have not managed to lose more than 2 kg in a month, then the dosage is increased to 15 mg. Read the simple rules on how to take Reduxin 15 mg correctly to lose weight:

  • Drink the capsule in the morning on an empty stomach with 200 ml of plain water;
  • The minimum course of treatment is 3 months, but if during the use of pills the weight begins to increase, then treatment must be interrupted immediately.

Course duration

The drug should be taken taking into account the initial weight and general health. Often, the duration of the course of taking Reduxin at a dosage of 15 mg does not exceed 3 months. As women (and men) losing weight say, the course may last longer - up to 6 months, but you need to take the medication under the supervision of a doctor. It is worth noting that you need to take pills to lose weight only when nothing else helps. This also applies to Reduxin analogues.

Reduxin contraindications

The manufacturer warns that it is prohibited to use this medicine if you are hypersensitive to the active ingredient sibutramine or other components, during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, if you are under 18 or over 65 years old. In addition, contraindications for Reduxin include:

  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • bulimia, anorexia;
  • hypothyroidism (organic obesity);
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • mental illnesses;
  • severe kidney and liver disorders;
  • closed-angle glaucoma;
  • diseases of blood vessels, heart.

Reduxin is highly not recommended to be combined with any drugs that are classified as MAO inhibitors, with sleeping pills containing tryptophan, with antipsychotics and other medications that affect the receptors of the human central nervous system. The drugs that are incompatible with Reduxin also include those used to treat obesity and those with which the patient fights mental pathologies.

Side effects of Reduxin

After reading the instructions on how to take Reduxin 15 mg to lose weight, it is also important to know how taking the pills threatens the body, because such a high dosage can be dangerous for the body and disrupt metabolic processes. After self-prescribing the drug, in addition to such unpleasant symptoms as dry mouth and strong feeling thirst, other side effects of Reduxin may be observed:

  • unmotivated outbursts of aggression;
  • psychosis or a condition with suicidal thoughts (in such a situation, the doctor should immediately prohibit the use of the medicine);
  • insomnia;
  • impotence, problems with orgasm, ejaculation;
  • complete loss of appetite;
  • uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation;
  • lack of coordination;
  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • from the nervous system: short-term memory impairment, convulsions.

As for the sensations of a patient who has exceeded the recommended dose of Reduxin 15 mg, he may experience severe headaches, increased blood pressure, malaise, dizziness or tachycardia. In case of an overdose, a person may experience any of the above side effects, and to a pronounced degree. If any of the symptoms appear, stop taking the medicine and rush to the doctor.

Reduxin's analogs

For weight loss, not only Reduxin can be used, but also similar products - dietary supplements, the main thing is to choose a supplement that is suitable in content. The price of Reduxin analogues can be either more expensive or cheaper than the original - the manufacturer decides here, for example, dietary supplements from the manufacturer Globul have a low cost. Another difference in price depends on the number of pills in the package. Analogues of Reduxin include products with the following names:

  • Goldline;
  • Reductil;
  • Meridia;
  • Slymia;
  • Lindax.

As for Reduxin Light, this is a medicine that is the complete opposite of its predecessor. It is recommended to be taken during an active lifestyle or physical training. The drug contains linoleic acid, vitamin E and other elements. Active substances normalize metabolism and promote the breakdown of fats. The price of Reduxin Light is less than that of regular Reduxin, because each of them has a different effect on the body.

Price of Reduxin 15 mg

The drug should be sold only in pharmacies. Even if the price of Reduxin 15 mg in some dubious online store of Chinese goods is too cheap, you should refuse this purchase, because for such a promotion you can “undermine” your health. How much does Reduxin cost in a pharmacy? Its cost is quite affordable: a plate of 30 capsules costs about 2,700 rubles on average. It is worth noting that the drug is available only with a doctor’s prescription, so if you decide that only pills will help you lose weight, be sure to visit a doctor.

You can also order Reduxin online: in Moscow and St. Petersburg, delivery is carried out quickly and for minimum cost. Here are the approximate prices of the original medicine and the drug Reduxin Light in different cities.

The desire to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas pushes many people concerned about this issue to use special medications that guarantee weight loss. One of the most commonly used domestically produced drugs is. This medication is sold in pharmacies strictly according to a prescription. This form of distribution indicates both the effectiveness of the drug and its serious contraindications.

This medicine is quite dangerous drug. The fact is that Reduxin has a direct effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, this drug is prescribed only by a medical specialist after examining the patient, taking into account all health indicators and possible contraindications. The action of Reduxin is based on the effect of suppressing appetite. This function is performed by sibutramine, one of the main ingredients of this drug. In modern pharmaceuticals, this is the only substance that has official approval for treatment overweight.

The drug has a negative effect on the body in the presence of diseases such as anorexia neurotic, heart disease, tachycardia, coronary artery disease, and decompensated heart failure. Various mental illnesses can be considered sufficient grounds for refusing to use Reduxin. Also sometimes observed increased sensitivity the body to the ingredients that make up this product, in particular to sibutramine.

The drug is also contraindicated in cases of a disease such as Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, or, more simply, in the presence of generalized tics. It is not recommended to use this drug for weight loss while taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, or any medications that increase blood pressure. A frivolous attitude in this case can lead to dangerous side effects.

Reduxin is not recommended for people suffering from dysfunction - thyrotoxicosis. If you want to use this drug as a means to correct body weight, you should take into account problems with the liver or kidneys. Before taking Reduxin, you need to carry out the necessary examinations for eye diseases, in particular, in the presence of a disease such as glaucoma.

Any minor abuse alcoholic drinks, drug addiction are also a sufficient contraindication for the use of this drug. In addition, it is not recommended to take Reduxin during pregnancy or lactation.

With constant use of Reduxin, weekly weight loss is 0.5 - 1 kilogram. Some may think that this is not enough. But it is necessary to take into account that sudden weight loss is severe stress for the body. Possible side effects include a slight increase in blood pressure, dry mouth, and sometimes nausea. But such side effects are short-term.

Therapeutic measures, including a complete change in lifestyle, daily routine, will significantly increase the effectiveness of using this drug for weight loss. When treating obesity, the main factor is changing eating habits. This will be extremely necessary for the subsequent preservation of the achieved result when drug treatment will be finally completed. Good luck in achieving your goals!

Every girl, without exception, dreams of having a slim or toned body and makes attempts to combat excess weight. Often, it is necessary to reduce body weight by medical indications, and then, in addition to diets, special medications may also be required, one of which is Reduxin. The contraindications and harms of this medicine are actively discussed by doctors and patients, and it, like any other medicine, should not be taken without consulting a specialist.


The drug "Reduxin" is a drug for the treatment of obesity, the main active ingredient of which is sibutrabine hydrochloride.

While taking the drug, metabolism increases and energy consumption increases. The medicine suppresses the feeling of hunger and appetite, thanks to which any, even the most strict, diets can be tolerated with ease.

"Reduxin" is a popular and widespread weight loss drug on the domestic market and is available in the form of capsules, which contain white-yellow powder inside.

Worth knowing! The drug is available in various dosages of the active substance, most often 10 and 15 mg.

In addition to suppressing hunger and significantly reducing appetite, the drug also affects fatty tissue, promoting faster weight loss. The medication affects the central nervous system and brain, so taking it, especially if the recommended dosage is exceeded, can cause various side effects.

Important! In some cases, the use of Reduxin for weight loss and treatment of obesity is strictly contraindicated; moreover, it is not compatible with many medications, especially antipsychotics and sedatives.

Before taking the drug, you should undergo a full medical examination and consult with a nutritionist and your doctor.

Release forms

The drug "Reduxin" is available in various forms, differing in composition and action. In pharmacies you can find the following versions of the drug:

Composition and action

The main active ingredients of the drug "Reduxin" are:

  1. Sibutamine hydrochloride at a dosage of 10 or 15 mg;
  2. Microcrystalline cellulose – 158.5 mg.

In addition to the active ingredients, the capsules also contain:

  • gelatin;
  • calcium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • azarubine;
  • proprietary blue dye.

The operation of the central nervous system is based on the creation and transmission of electrical impulses between neurons through special processes of various lengths and branches - dendrites and axons. This transmission is ensured by special substances called neurotransmitters, which affect the speed of signal transmission. These substances accumulate in nerve cells and are released only when a signal passes through a specific part of the nervous system, preserving the path along which the signal passed so that the response from the cerebral cortex is received in the same place from which the request came.

Worth knowing! The signal path in the nervous system created by neurotransmitters is called a synapse.

Neurotransmitters include many hormones, including norepinephrine and serotonin, which can not only create a synapse from a nerve cell, but also undergo reuptake, that is, return back to the cell from which they were previously released.

Sibutramine is a reuptake inhibitor and prevents the absorption of neurotransmitters into the processes of nerve cells, due to which the amount of norepinephrine and serotonin in the intercellular space and blood flow sharply increases.

Thus, sibutramine provides:

  • dulling of hunger;
  • acceleration of saturation;
  • stimulation of metabolism (acceleration of metabolism);
  • activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase in thermal production;
  • decreased levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and uric acid in the blood serum;
  • destruction of brown adipose tissue.

Microcrystalline cellulose is an active enterosorbent with a detoxifying effect. This element of the Reduxin drug is capable of binding and removing toxic substances, pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products from the body:

  • xenobiotics;
  • allergens;
  • toxins of endogenous and exogenous nature;
  • excess metabolic products;
  • metabolites.


Considering that Reduxin is potent medicine sold by prescription, it should be taken if there are special indications.

The drug is prescribed for weight loss in conditions such as:

  1. Nutritional obesity with a body mass index of 30 kg/m² and above.
  2. Alimentary obesity with a body mass index of 27 kg/m² and higher in the presence of risk factors caused by excessive body weight (lipid metabolism disorders, type 2 diabetes mellitus, etc.).

Worth knowing! Body mass index is a special indicator developed by the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet in 1869 and used in official dietetics and medicine. The formula used to calculate BMI is weight/twice height in meters.

Often the drug is used by patients with a lower BMI than indicated by the manufacturer in order to achieve the desired weight and figure, however, in any case, its use should be agreed with a specialist.

Important! Doctors prescribe Reduxin only when other weight loss methods have not provided the required result, and overweight body threatens the patient's health.


Considering the active effect of the drug "Reduxin" on the central nervous system, there are a number of contraindications for which taking the drug is strictly prohibited:

  1. Increased individual sensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug.
  2. Presence of organic causes of excess weight (for example, hormonal disorders, hypothyroidism, etc.);
  3. Eating disorders – anorexia or bulimia arising from nervous disorders.
  4. Mental illnesses and disorders.
  5. Generalized tics (Gilles de la Tourette syndrome).
  6. Taking certain medications.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including chronic heart failure, birth defects heart disease, coronary disease, arrhythmia and tachycardia. Peripheral arterial diseases, cerebrovascular diseases.
  8. Arterial hypertension (pressure more than 145/90 mmHg).
  9. Thyrotoxicosis.
  10. Pheochromocytoma.
  11. Severe liver or kidney dysfunction.
  12. Angle-closure glaucoma;
  13. Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  14. Any addiction (medication, alcohol, drugs).
  15. Children's and elderly age(the drug is prohibited for use by persons under 18 and over 65 years of age).

In some situations, the drug "Reduxin" is used with extreme caution:

  • presence of arrhythmia in the anemnesis;
  • diseases of the coronary arteries, including previous ones;
  • neurological disorders and disorders (mental retardation, seizures, etc., including previous ones);
  • mild to moderate disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • history of verbal and motor tics;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • controlled arterial hypertension.

Important! Taking the drug "Reduxin" is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since there are no studies on the safety of its effects on the mother and fetus during this period. Contraception should be used while taking the medicine.

Side effects

According to the results of studies, including post-marketing studies, taking the drug "Reduxin" may be accompanied by some side effects. Undesirable manifestations associated with taking weight loss capsules are most pronounced at the initial stage of therapy and become weaker over time. In most cases, such effects are reversible and are not particularly severe.

Side effects of the drug may include the following symptoms:

  1. From the central nervous system:
    • dry mouth;
    • insomnia;
    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • anxiety;
    • change in taste sensations;
    • paresthesia;
    • convulsions;
    • short-term memory impairment.
  2. From the cardiovascular system:
    • tachycardia;
    • feeling of heartbeat;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • atrial fibrillation.
  3. From the outside gastrointestinal tract and digestive system:
    • loss of appetite;
    • constipation;
    • nausea;
    • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
    • diarrhea;
    • vomit;
    • urinary retention.
  4. From the skin:
    • increased sweating;
    • dysmenorrhea;
    • swelling;
    • purpura (bleeding into the skin);
    • alopecia (hair loss).
  5. From the immune system:
    • allergic reactions;
    • hives;
    • rashes;
    • anaphylactic shock.
  6. From the mental side:
    • suicidal feelings;
    • psychosis;
    • manic tendencies.
  7. From the visual organs:
    • blurred vision;
  8. From the reproductive system:
    • ejaculation disorder;
    • lack of orgasm;
    • impotence;
    • female cycle disorders;
    • uterine bleeding.

In addition to the described side effects during therapy with Reduxin, the following are also possible:

  • flu-like syndrome;
  • pain in the back and abdomen;
  • paradoxical increase in appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • rhinitis;
  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • increased liver enzymes in the blood;
  • bleeding;
  • acute nephritis.

Benefits and harms

The drug "Reduxin" has a number of useful properties:

Worth knowing! Taking Reduxin capsules ensures slow and gradual weight loss of up to 1 kg per week, and therefore does not create stress for the body caused by sudden changes in body weight.

Taking the drug is accompanied by a change in eating habits, patients begin to eat less and the need for food gradually decreases, so even after the end of Reduxin therapy, weight loss results persist for a long time.

Among the advantages of the drug, one can also note its ease of use (one capsule per day) and lack of addiction.

Despite the large number of advantages, the drug "Reduxin" is made on the basis of a potent chemical substance and can cause some harm to the body, especially if taken uncontrolled, in excess of the dosage and treated without consulting a doctor and prior medical examination.

According to the observations of doctors and patients, Reduxin therapy is accompanied by:

  1. Negative changes in the composition of the blood.
  2. Increased risk of strokes and heart attacks, especially in patients with a tendency to cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Lots of side effects.
  4. Deterioration of general condition and well-being.
  5. Irritability and nervous disorders.

Worth knowing! During animal studies conducted over two years, it was found that in male rats on which the drug was used, the incidence of benign tumors increased significantly, and the offspring of rabbits were born with noticeable anomalies.

Sibutramine, on the basis of which the drug "Reduxin" was created, is a potent psychotropic substance that has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, like a narcotic substance. As a result, the use of the drug does not stimulate weight loss, but creates a psychological state in which energy appears and appetite decreases.

Important! In 2010, the drug Reduxin was withdrawn from the American pharmaceutical market due to minimal effectiveness and a high risk of hazardous consequences for health in general and the cardiovascular system in particular.

Instructions for use

Reduxin capsules are intended for oral administration. They should be swallowed whole, without chewing or opening, with a significant amount of water.

Take 1 capsule per day, in the dosage prescribed by your doctor, starting with a minimum dose of 10 mg.

Worth knowing! If after a month of taking the drug the results of therapy are unsatisfactory and body weight has decreased by less than 5%, the dosage is increased to 15 mg.

The total duration of treatment for significant obesity should not exceed two years, since there is no data on the safety of taking the drug for a longer period of time.

If within three months the total body weight has not been reduced by 5% of the initial weight. treatment with Reduxin is canceled and another drug is selected.

Important! Therapy for obesity and weight loss with the use of the drug "Reduxin" should be carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Treatment is combined with dietary nutrition and physical activity.

The instructions for the drug indicate that it can be taken on an empty stomach or immediately before meals. According to reviews, the greatest effectiveness of Reduxin is observed when taking the capsule in the middle of the day, since only in this case the feeling of hunger is suppressed until the evening.

special instructions

The drug "Reduxin" is used as part of complex therapy for obesity along with special dietary nutrition and physical exercises recommended by a specialist.

There are special instructions that should be taken into account while taking the drug:

  1. Blood pressure and heart rate should be measured during treatment. In the first months of treatment every two weeks. Then monthly. If the blood pressure level exceeds 145/90, the drug should be discontinued.
  2. Taking the drug "Reduxin" is prohibited in combination with therapy with MAO inhibitors (ephedrine, ethylamphetamine, fenfluramine, etc.), as well as other medicines, affecting the central nervous system, including antipsychotics and antidepressants, medications for sleep disorders and any other weight loss drugs that have a central effect. You can start Reduxin therapy no earlier than two weeks after taking such medications.
  3. When taking antiarrhythmic drugs, gastrointestinal motility stimulants, hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia at the same time, Reduxin is used with extreme caution.
  4. During therapy, you should pay attention to the occurrence of such undesirable symptoms as dyspnea (breathing problems), chest pain, swelling of the legs, but the relationship between the occurrence of such manifestations and taking Reduxin has not been proven.
  5. If you miss another dose of the drug, you should not take a double dosage at the next dose. Treatment continues according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.
  6. Operating vehicles and machinery, as well as engaging in other activities that require concentration, should be done with extreme caution during Reduxin therapy.