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The fruit is a drupe, examples of plants. Classifications of fruits. Generative organs of plants abstract

Education and structure of fruits

In many plants fetus formed from the ovary. In most plants, other parts of the flower - the receptacle, or all parts of the flower - also participate in the formation of the fruit. For example, in a flower of raspberry, buttercup, and gravilat there are several pistils, each of them forms a fruit, and together the fruits form a complex fruit.

The seeds are surrounded by a pericarp, which can be dry or juicy. On this basis, fruits are divided into dry and juicy. Juicy fruits, for example, currants, cherries, raspberries. Dry fruits - peas, wild radishes, bells.

Main types of fruits

Number of seeds

Fruit name

Structural features


Dry fruits



The leathery pericarp fuses with the seed

Oats, rice, wheatgrass

The leathery pericarp does not fuse with the seed


Pericarp woody

Oak, walnut


Achenes and nuts with wing-shaped outgrowth

Maple, ash, birch


The fruit consists of two valves to which the seeds are attached.

Peas, beans

Pod and Pod

Fruit of two valves with a septum, seeds attached to the septum

Shepherd's purse, ka-empty


A capsule-shaped fruit that opens with a lid or holes,

Poppy, henbane, cloves

Juicy fruits



A fruit with juicy pulp and a lignified inner layer of the pericarp - a stone

Cherry, peach, almond


Multi-seeded fruit with pulp covered with thin skin

Currant, tomato

The seeds lie in filmy dry chambers

Quince, pear, apple tree

The seeds lie in the juicy pulp of the fruit, the outer layer of the pericarp is woody

Repetition of learned material





Goals of educational activities

To acquire knowledge of the definition of the concept “fruit”.



Develop the ability to distinguish between different types of fruits.

The fruit is a “ripe flower”. A.Eames


  • Fetus is the organ of seed reproduction of flowering plants, developing from the ovary of the pistil.
  • Fetus is the organ of seed reproduction of flowering plants, developing from the ovary of the pistil.
  • Fetus is the organ of seed reproduction of flowering plants, developing from the ovary of the pistil.
  • Fetus is the organ of seed reproduction of flowering plants, developing from the ovary of the pistil.

Functions of fruits

The fruit is the most important reproductive organ of flowering plants.

Ensures seed ripening

Protects ripening seeds

Promotes seed dispersal

Structure of the fetus




the outer part of the fruit formed from the walls of the ovary




Title in here

Pericarp value

  • Protects seeds
  • Helps spread seeds

Fruit classification






Fruit classification





Fruit classification




Leathery, woody pericarp



Juicy fruits




Apple tree





Achene -

a dry, single-seeded, indehiscent fruit, the pericarp of which is adjacent but not fused with the seed.



Caryopsis -

dry, single-seeded, indehiscent fruit, the membranous pericarp of which is fused with the seed

Wheat Corn Rye

dry single-seeded, indehiscent fruit with lignified pericarp

hazel Linden Lotus

Acorn is a single-seeded, indehiscent fruit with a leathery pericarp, covered with a cap at the base.

Lionfish (two-winged fish)

  • Fruit with a leathery pericarp with a wing-shaped outgrowth



A fruit that dehisces with a lid, holes or

Falling apart.

Poppy, tulip, datura, henbane

  • Single-locular fruit dehiscent at two sutures. The seeds are located on the walls of the fruit.

Peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, vetch

  • Fruit that dehisces. The seeds are located on the inner partition.

Cabbage, radish, mustard, radish

Leaflet (multiple leaflet)

  • Single seam opening
  • Single-lobed fruit

The leaflet is characteristic of some ranunculaceae (larkspur, marigold, etc.), magnoliaceae, Crassulaaceae and proteaceae (banksia).

peony flyer

Delphiniums leaflets

Larkspur leaflet

Juicy fruits












3. Succulent single-seeded

  • A drupe is a fruit with a hard, woody intracarp, a juicy pericarp, and a filmy, colored extracarp.


  • Composite fruit. Formed from flowers with a large number of pistils. It consists of small drupes fused together

Raspberry, blackberry, stone fruit, cloudberry

  • Single-locular or multi-locular indehiscent fruit

Currants, grapes

Potatoes, tomato

Apple (apple)

  • Fruits with a cartilaginous intracarp. In addition to the ovary, other parts of the flower are also involved in the base of the fruit.

Rowan, hawthorn

Fraga (strawberry)

  • A multi-nut with a fleshy receptacle that expands when ripe.

Hesperidium (orange)

  • Multilocular fruit, consisting of three layers: flavedo, albedo, pulp.


  • From a botanical point of view, “a berry is a juicy multi-seeded fruit.” That is, if the fetus has pulp and there are a lot of seeds inside - don’t worry, it’s a berry (currants, gooseberries, grapes).
  • More berries
  • To make it harder for children to learn, botanists have come up with additional names for some berries. (The following three characters, along with the "real berries" from the previous paragraph, are combined into the group of "berry-like fruits".) Pumpkin. Let's repeat the characteristics of the berry: 1) Is there pulp in pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber? - Eat. 2) Are there a lot of seeds? - A lot of. - So these are berries. Pomeranian. Here, it’s time for people with weak psyches to die from excess information. Well, what to do - natural selection. Orange is also a type of berry, characteristic of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine). Apple!!! Don't you dare call it a berry? Despite the presence of sweet pulp and many seeds? You shouldn't be doing that. (Apples, from a botanical point of view, grow not only on an apple tree, but also on a pear and rowan tree.)
  • Not berries
  • Now imagine a ripe, juicy cherry. With a slightly tart taste. Warm. You are lying on the grass, next to you lies... Stop! We get distracted. Are you still imagining cherries? Then you probably remember how many seeds there are. One!!! Therefore, cherry (plum, coffee) - from the point of view of cunning science-botany, not berries, but drupes. What about raspberries (drupes, blackberries)? They seem to consist of tiny cherries connected to each other, right? When many drupes are combined, multi-druplets are obtained. Finally, wild strawberries and strawberries. - What, them too?! - Yes, and they too are not berries, but many nuts. Do you remember the little black (or white, depending on your luck) dots on the surface of the strawberry? - Here.
  • For those who argued that watermelon is a berry
  • When one debater shouts that “a watermelon is a berry, not a pumpkin,” and the second one shouts that “a pumpkin, not a berry,” then such a dispute will not be resolved well. Because pumpkin is a type of berry. So don’t think too long, get ready for a quick transition to personalities, and then for a fight.
  • An example of such a fight is Russian Wikipedia: at the beginning of the wiki article "Watermelon" it is written that “Pumpkin by structure similar to a berry,” and in the middle - that “Pumpkin is a type of berry.” Place your bets on who will win the age-old Russian dispute between pumpkin growers and berry lovers.

Fruits in art

still life

Valentin Serov "Girl with Peaches"

Internet resources used

pericarp or pericarp called the outer part of the fruit. As a rule, the pericarp is a greatly expanded and modified wall of the ovary, although other parts of the flower can participate in its formation.

The pericarp is conventionally divided into the following parts:

  • exocarp(extracarp) is the outer epidermis, consisting of cells tightly closed together, having thick outer walls. In unripe fruits, stomata are found in it, which become invisible in mature fruits. It happens that small lentils develop in the exocarp. This happens, for example, in an apple;
  • mesocarp(intercarp) - this part corresponds to the mesophyll of the carpel. As a rule, this is parenchyma, with conductive bundles that perform a storage function (starch, sugar, tannins). It may also contain sclereids (mechanical tissue). It is known that for long-term storage of juicy fruits it is very important to accurately select the harvest time. The fruits must be fully ripe, but not overripe. The collected fruits “breathe”, absorbing oxygen from the air and releasing carbon dioxide. At the same time, the transformation of starch into sugar occurs in the fruits, and dissolution of the intercellular substance of the mesocarp parenchyma (maceration) can be observed. With strict adherence to the fruit storage regime, namely: humidity, temperature, access to oxygen, ethylene concentration, it is possible to maintain the high quality of the harvested products for a long time.
  • endocarp(intracarp) - this part is formed from the inner epidermis of the carpel. Over time, it may become woody or multi-layered. (apricot, peach, cherry, plum).

In fruits various types the structure of the parts of the pericarp and their ratio may differ. All three zones are very clearly represented in single-seeded simple fruits such as drupes. Such fruits include plum, cherry, peach, etc. They have a thin, leathery exocarp, a succulent and fleshy mesocarp, and a hard, woody endocarp. The pericarp serves to protect the seeds from mechanical damage and drying out until the fruit ripens.

All fruits are artificially divided into dry And juicy depending on what kind of pericarp they have. The pericarp or its layers can be juicy, fleshy, bony, leathery, woody, papery, etc. Juicy fruits are divided into polyspermous And single-seeded .

Dry fruits are divided into dehiscent And non-opening . Whether the fetus will be opened and the types of opening depend on the anatomical structure of the pericarp and how strongly the mechanical tissues are developed in it.

Character of the pericarp Number of seeds Fruit name Structural features Examples of plants
Dry(dry fruits) Multi-seeded Leaflet,
Single-locular fruit dehiscent at one suture Delphinium, buttercup, columbine, swimsuit
Bean Single-locular fruit dehiscent at two sutures with seeds located on the valves of the fruit Peas, beans, peanuts, lupine, clover, soybeans, vetch, lentils, china
Pod(pod) Dehiscent two-locular fruit with seeds on the inner septum Radish, cabbage, mustard, radish, shepherd's purse, yarutka
Box A single-locular or multi-locular fruit that breaks open with a lid, holes, or falls apart Tulip, poppy, datura, henbane, flax, horse chestnut
Single-seeded Nut(nut and multi-nut) Indehiscent unilocular or bilocular fruit with a woody pericarp Hazel, hemp, linden, gravilat, lotus
Acorn An indehiscent fruit with a leathery pericarp embedded in the cap (compactly fused branches of the inflorescence) Oak, noble chestnut
Lionfish(two-winged) Multilocular fruit with a leathery pericarp with outgrowths Birch, elm, maple, ash
Vislopordnik Fractional, disintegrating multilocular fruit Dill, carrots, celery
Achene An indehiscent single-locular fruit with a leathery pericarp, often with outgrowths - papples and spines Dandelion, cornflower, sunflower, string, thistle
Caryopsis Indehiscent single-locular fruit with a filmy pericarp close to the seed coat Wheat, barley, rice, corn, millet, sorghum
Juicy(juicy fruits) The pericarp consists of layers: extracarp, intercarp, intracarp Single-seeded (polydrupe) An indehiscent single-locular fruit with a hard intracarp and a membranous colored extracarp. If the intercarp becomes dry, the fruit is called a dry drupe Cherry, apricot, plum, Walnut, almonds, mango, raspberries, stone fruits, cloudberries
Multi-seeded Berry Unilocular or multilocular indehiscent fruit Currants, lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, grapes, potatoes
Apple(apple) Multilocular indehiscent fruits with a cartilaginous intracarp. In addition to the ovary, the receptacle also participates in the formation of the fetus. Apple, pear, rowan, hawthorn
Pumpkin A multilocular fruit with an extracarp that becomes woody when ripe; in addition to the ovary, the receptacle also participates in the formation of the fruit Cucumber, zucchini, watermelon, melon, pumpkin
Strawberry(frag) Polynut on a fleshy receptacle that grows during ripening Strawberries, strawberries
Cynorodia Polynut in a concave, goblet-shaped receptacle that grows when ripe Rose hip
Pomeranian(hesperidium) Multilocular fruit, consisting of three layers: flavedo, albedo, pulp Orange, lemon, tangerine
Pomegranate Multilocular fruit that opens when ripe with a leathery pericarp, the seeds have a juicy peel Pomegranate

This division is still very common in various literatures. It is quite convenient for various practical purposes, but it does not reflect evolutionary relationships at all different types fruits

The figure below shows the main groups of dry fruits:

Below are examples of some juicy fruits:

It grows and turns into fetus.

The fruit consists of a pericarp and one or many seeds. The pericarp has an outer layer - exocarp, internal - endocarp and middle layer - mesocarp. In some fruits these parts are clearly distinguishable (in fruits of cherries, plums, apricots), but others do not (fruits hazel). The pericarp protects the seeds from damage and in many cases facilitates their dispersal.

Pod types

In addition to the ovary, other parts of the flower can take part in the formation of the fruit: the base of the perianth, stamens, and receptacle. Such fruits are called false.

The fruits may be simple, formed from one pistil in a flower, and complex- from several pistils of one flower. Groups of fruits formed from an inflorescence and fused as if into one fruit are called infertility (pineapple, beets).

Types of fruits

The fruits are very diverse in origin and structure of the pericarp, size, shape, and color. The classification of fruits is based on the structure of the pericarp, its consistency, and the number of seeds. Based on these characteristics, fruits are divided into dry And juicy, single-seeded And polyspermous, dehiscent And non-expandable.

Dry, multi-seeded, dehiscent fruits

Dry, multi-seeded, dehiscent - leaflet, bean, pod, box(Fig. 49).

  • Leaflet- formed by one carpel and opens with one suture ( larkspur). If there are many pistils in a flower, then the leaflets from one pistil make up a single fruit - a multi-leaflet ( swimsuit, marigold).
  • Bean- unilocular fruit, formed by one carpel, opens with two valves (peas, beans, acacia).
  • Pod bilocular fruit, formed by two carpels, opens with two valves, between which there is a partition to which the seeds are attached ( radish, cabbage, mustard).
  • Pod- differs from a pod in that its length does not exceed 2 times its width (shepherd's purse, yarutka).
  • Box- a multi-seeded fruit formed by several carpels, opens in a variety of ways: valves, holes, cap, etc. (poppy, willow, poplar).

If dry multi-seeded fruits do not open after ripening, but fall into pieces, they are called fractional (radish, maple).

Dry, single-seeded, indehiscent fruits

Fruits are dry, single-seeded, indehiscent - nut, nut, grain, achene, acorn.

Nut- the pericarp is woody or densely leathery, does not grow together with the seed. The pistil is formed by several carpels ( hazel, linden).

Nut- is formed from a pistil, which consists of one carpel. The pericarp is dry, woody ( cattail). If there are many pistils in a flower, a multinut is formed (buttercup, cinquefoil).

Achene- has a leathery pericarp that is not fused with the seed ( dandelion, chamomile, cornflower).

Caryopsis- has a membranous pericarp fused with the seed. Characteristic for cereals

Acorn- has a densely leathery pericarp; the fruits have a plus formed by the fusion of woody bracts (chestnut, oak).

Juicy, single- and multi-seeded, indehiscent fruits

The fruits are juicy, single- and multi-seeded, indehiscent - drupe, berry, strawberries, apple, pumpkin, orange.

drupe- a single-seeded fruit with clearly distinguishable layers of pericarp: the outer layer is membranous; middle - juicy, fleshy; internal woody, forming a stone ( plum, cherry, sweet cherry). If a flower has several pistils, it develops Polydrupe(y blackberries, raspberries).Material from the site

Berry- a multi-seeded fruit, with a filmy or filmy-leathery outer layer of the pericarp, a juicy middle layer and a filmy inner layer. Formed in flowers from the top (grapes, lily of the valley) and lower (blueberries, currants) ovary. The pistil consists of several carpels.

Strawberries- a polysemantic fruit, where the ripe achenes are placed on an overgrown juicy and bright receptacle.

Apple- a multi-seeded, multi-locular fruit with a leathery outer layer of the pericarp, a juicy and fleshy middle and cartilaginous inner layer. Formed from flowers with an inferior ovary ( rowan, quince, apple tree).

Pumpkin- a multi-seeded fruit with a hard, sometimes woody outer layer of the pericarp and juicy, fleshy middle and inner layers. Pumpkin is formed in flowers with a lower ovary of pistils consisting of several carpels.

Pomeranian- a multi-seeded, multi-locular fruit, formed in flowers with a superior ovary from a pistil, which consists of several carpels. The outer layer of the pericarp is leathery, with essential oil glands, the middle layer is spongy, white; internal - fleshy, juicy ( orange, lemon).

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Brief message about juicy fruits

  • Abstract classification of fruits

  • Generative organs of plants abstract

  • Dry multi-seeded fruits

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