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Screaming as a means of developing correct posture. Physical exercises as a means for developing correct posture in primary schoolchildren. Causes and ways to prevent incorrect posture

Completed by: Tsigiman Tatyana Vladimirovna.

Topic: Physical exercises are the main means of developing correct posture in middle-age children before school age .

Research recent years in the field of environmental education indicate serious violations in people’s health, in particular, deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system.

A comprehensive indicator of the state of physical development and health of children is posture. According to the Research Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 79.8% of first-grade students were found to have postural disorders, mostly of an unstable functional nature (69.9%). The largest number of postural disorders was recorded in preschool children.

The formation of posture is closely related to all aspects of development: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic, mental. Correct posture ensures high physical and intellectual performance. A special role in children maintaining correct posture is played by the formation of a psychological attitude towards maintaining the body in space.

The most important condition for correct posture is the normal development of the spine. If the body position is correct, then no negative changes in the person’s health state occur. This is especially true for the condition of the bone skeleton and muscles.Poor posture is not a disease, it is a condition that does not progress if health-improving measures are started in a timely manner and is a reversible process; issues of early diagnosis and prevention of postural disorders in children deserve special attention. Integral integral part physical culture, is the education and formation of correct human posture.

The use of a variety of physical exercises, taking into account the individual characteristics of preschool children based on an analysis of the reflex excitability of the nerve centers innervating the skeletal muscles on both sides of the spinal column and the developmental characteristics of physical qualities, will increase the healing process of children prone to poor posture in the frontal plane.

The relevance of this topic is undoubted, because the health of children largely depends on the organization of physical education in the family and in children's institutions. It is important to ensure that children feel the same need for exercise as they do for their daily food intake.

The object of the study is the formation of correct posture in children of middle preschool age.

The subject of the study is physical exercise as a means of developing correct posture.

The purpose of the study is to determine the importance of correct posture in preschool children and the effectiveness of physical exercises in the formation of correct posture.


1. Study the problem of developing correct posture in preschoolers

2. To determine the level of formation of correct posture in children of middle preschool age

3. Create and test a system of physical exercises as the main means of developing correct posture.

Hypothesis: Physical exercise will be an effective means of developing correct posture if:

- They will be used in different forms physical education work;

Appropriate conditions will be created for the formation of correct posture;

Close contact between the kindergarten and the family will be established;

- Various physical exercises will be used.

Research methods:

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature,


Methods of qualitative and quantitative processing.

Postural defects can be roughly divided as follows: violations of posture in the frontal, sagittal plane and both planes simultaneously. Each type of postural disorder is characterized by its own position of the spine, shoulder blades, pelvis and lower extremities. Preservation of pathological posture is possible due to a certain state of ligaments, fascia and muscles.

All methods for diagnosing spinal deformity can be divided: subjective and objective. Subjective methods include visual inspection.

The most common is the Adams test. When the patient bends forward, frontal curvatures of the spine and torso-rotational displacements of the torso are visually assessed.

The basis of the experimental work is determined middle group No. 4 preschool educational institution No. 60 in Blagoveshchensk in the amount of 30 people.

We have determined the goal of the ascertaining stage: to identify the level of work on the formation of correct posture in children of middle preschool age, Preschool Educational Institution No. 60.

Research objectives:

1. Establish the content of the work of educators on the use of physical exercises to develop posture.

2. Determine the level of postural impairment in the study group.

Preschool childhood is an important period in the formation of correct posture , since, despite the increased functionality of the child’s body, his skeletal system is still in the process of formation.

With this in mind, preschool educational institution No. 60 is constantly working to improve the general regime, hardening, improve nutrition, and cultivate a culture of movement. The preschool institution has created good conditions for the lives of children and their upbringing. Teachers constantly monitor the changes in children’s activities, and systematically conduct in-depth medical examinations. The selection of furniture occurs in accordance with the height and age of the children.

IN kindergarten It is practiced to check the posture of children in the presence of a teacher, which makes it possible to become familiar with the examination methodology. The kindergarten doctor, determining the state of posture of each child, talks about the identified defects and the reasons for their occurrence, gives teachers specific recommendations for eliminating them, and prescribes corrective exercises.

After the examination, on the advice of the doctor, observations were made individual characteristics children's behavior. We were interested in what body position they take in different situations: when walking, sitting, standing and lying down. Upon careful observation during classes, we noticed that children either lowered their heads, leaned forward and leaned their chests on the table top, or took even more uncomfortable positions: their torsos were tilted to the right, to the left, their legs were tucked under a chair. While playing on the carpet, many children often sat with one leg under them.

After a conversation with the doctor, we realized that in order to form correct posture, daily correctional work is required, both in classes and in children’s free activities. First of all, we set ourselves specific task- lead permanent job to strengthen the strength and endurance of large muscle groups and develop a stable reflex for the correct body position of children.

Determination of the state of children’s posture in the sagittal plane was carried out using the goniometric method according to V.A. Gamburtsev; in the frontal - by measuring the Moshkov rhombus. The study involved 5-year-old children from Preschool Educational Institution No. 60 in Blagoveshchensk, 30 people (12 girls, 18 boys).

It should be noted that 41.6% of girls and 72.2% of boys have the first degree of postural impairment, which indicates insufficient attention paid to the process of its formation in preschool institutions and the family. A comparison of the prevalence of postural disorders in boys and girls did not reveal significant gender differences.

In addition to the general state of children’s posture, we analyzed the nature of the identified disorders; the most common type of postural disorder in preschool children is a stooped back - 23.1% of children, a flat back - 13.2%, lordotic posture - 3.5%, kyphotic - 3.5% and round-concave - 10.1%.

In accordance with the long-term work plan for the formation healthy image life, which includes activities for the formation of posture, the work began with the organization of a rational motor regime in the group.

During the year, children had conversations about the importance of correct posture and became familiar with the human skeleton.

In addition to the ongoing physical education work, physical education breaks were added and began to be carried out between classes for 5-6 minutes, and after a daytime nap, in combination with hardening procedures, lasting up to 15 minutes.

We also reviewed the organization of children’s motor activity during walks. Together with the methodologist, we drew up a schedule for the week, where we distributed all the moving,sport games and game exercises, providing for their varied use, taking into account the conditions and time of day. Such planning determined the future and made it possible to use all the main types of physical exercises more widely in working with children.

At the same time, we began to instill in children the habit of adopting the correct working posture in various conditions: sitting on a chair at the table straight, at ease, with their feet on the floor, their backs on the back of the chair, their forearms on the table top; walk and stand correctly, evenly distributing the weight of the body on both legs or alternating the supporting leg.

We taught children to take the correct body position and, according to the teacher’s verbal instructions, to control their posture, to see and correct the incorrect position of a friend’s body, and taught them to actively help us in this work.

To prevent postural disorders, we created a system of special exercises that were performed.

We include corrective movements in outdoor games and relay games.

Upon re-examination, the children in the group had top scores for all indicators of physical development. They gained more weight, their chest circumference increased by 2-3 cm. Colds decreased by 12%, and the group became the best in kindergarten in terms of attendance.

In 9 children, signs of poor posture completely disappeared, in 6 they were significantly smoothed out. The children's stoop has disappeared; only one girl still has shoulder asymmetry.

The achieved results convinced us that the education of correct posture is possible when carrying out educational and health work with children in a complex, subject to a strictly scientific approach to its planning and implementation.

According to the Russian Ministry of Health, 50% of school-age children have deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system. This is largely due to the shortage motor activity. From the first years of school, physical activity decreases by 50% and subsequently continues to decline steadily.

All parents dream of raising their children healthy and happy, but many of them want this to happen by itself, without any extra effort on their part. They would be happy for these issues to be resolved by educators, doctors, school teachers, and social workers. Quite often, parents who strive to help their child grow up to be a physically and mentally healthy person are unable to solve these problems correctly and in a timely manner due to lack of knowledge. At the same time, almost all parents, deep down, are well aware that no one is better able than them to make their child healthy in all respects. The foundations of health, lifestyle, and health habits are laid in the family from early childhood. Raising a healthy, smart child is not an easy task; solving it requires knowledge, skills, diligence and patience. It is very important to start as early as possible, skillfully and systematically carry out hardening, gymnastics, and massage. These actions, started in time, will prevent the development of incorrect posture in the child. Poor posture most often appears at school age, especially during periods accelerated growth skeleton of children (periods of stretching), but since today's generation of children spends a lot of time watching TV and computers, children's posture worsens already in preschool age. A child with poor posture is not only distinguished by an unattractive appearance, this child, as a rule, spends little time in the fresh air, is inactive, does not eat properly, and often gets sick colds. Poor posture is a disease, but a child with poor posture is at risk for developing orthopedic pathologies of the spine, respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, etc.

With the beginning of systematic learning, the static component becomes predominant in children's activities. In elementary grades, students spend from 4 to 6 hours at their desks. At the same time, static endurance in schoolchildren is low, body fatigue develops relatively quickly, which is associated with age-related characteristics of the motor analyzer. Outwardly, this manifests itself in a change in posture and motor restlessness. A difficult task For schoolchildren it is also a mobile state. Primary school students cannot hold a standing position for more than 5-7 minutes. For teenagers, standing, which is the main posture when conducting various lines at school, is also very tiring. This explains the relevance of this topic.

Identifying the causes of poor posture is one of the main tasks of medical supervision in physical education lessons.

The problem of the research: the number of children of primary school age with poor posture is currently increasing, not decreasing.

Object of study: prevention of postural disorders.

Subject of the study: the influence of systematic physical exercise on the development of posture in schoolchildren.

Purpose: to identify the effect of systematic physical exercises in the prevention of postural disorders in schoolchildren.

Objectives: 1) study literature and other sources of information on this topic;

  • 2) determine methods of experimental work;
  • 3) determine the role of systematic physical exercises in the formation of posture in schoolchildren;

Hypothesis: if the methodology for conducting classes, including a set of special physical exercises, is correctly selected, this will help prevent postural disorders in primary schoolchildren.

Research methods:

  • - Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;
  • - Methods of somatoscopy, anthropometry;
  • - Analysis of medical records documents;
  • - Analysis of the results obtained and their mathematical processing.

The work consists of an introduction, one chapter, conclusions on the 1st chapter, a list of information sources. The introduction reveals the purpose and objectives of the research, defines the object and subject of the research. The first chapter reveals the concepts of posture, its types and anatomical and physiological features.

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Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region

State educational institution

Secondary vocational education

"Kemerovo Pedagogical College"

Department of Natural Medical Disciplines

Course work

Physical exercises as a means for developing correct posture in primary schoolchildren


Veduta Milana

3rd year student of group 1101

Scientific adviser:

Sergeeva Olga Nikolaevna


Chapter 1. Theoretical basis formation of correct posture in children of primary school age.

1.2 Types, signs, and causes of postural disorders.

Conclusions on the first chapter

posture school anatomical


According to the Russian Ministry of Health, 50% of school-age children have deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system. This is largely due to a lack of physical activity. From the first years of school, physical activity decreases by 50% and subsequently continues to decline steadily.

All parents dream of raising their children healthy and happy, but many of them want this to happen by itself, without any extra effort on their part. They would be happy for these issues to be resolved by educators, doctors, school teachers, and social workers. Quite often, parents who strive to help their child grow up to be a physically and mentally healthy person are unable to solve these problems correctly and in a timely manner due to lack of knowledge. At the same time, almost all parents, deep down, are well aware that no one is better able than them to make their child healthy in all respects. The foundations of health, lifestyle, and health habits are laid in the family from early childhood. Raising a healthy, smart child is not an easy task; solving it requires knowledge, skills, diligence and patience. It is very important to start as early as possible, skillfully and systematically carry out hardening, gymnastics, and massage. These actions, started in time, will prevent the development of incorrect posture in the child. Poor posture most often appears at school age, especially during periods of accelerated growth of children’s skeletons (periods of extension), but since today’s generation of children spends a lot of time watching TV and computers, children’s posture worsens already in preschool age. A child with poor posture is not only distinguished by an unattractive appearance, this child, as a rule, spends little time in the fresh air, is inactive, does not eat properly, and often suffers from colds. Poor posture is a disease, but a child with poor posture is at risk for developing orthopedic pathologies of the spine, respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, etc.

With the beginning of systematic learning, the static component becomes predominant in children's activities. In elementary grades, students spend from 4 to 6 hours at their desks. At the same time, static endurance in schoolchildren is low, body fatigue develops relatively quickly, which is associated with age-related characteristics of the motor analyzer. Outwardly, this manifests itself in a change in posture and motor restlessness. Mobility is also a difficult task for schoolchildren. Primary school students cannot hold a standing position for more than 5-7 minutes. For teenagers, standing, which is the main posture when conducting various lines at school, is also very tiring. This explains the relevance of this topic.

Identifying the causes of poor posture is one of the main tasks of medical supervision in physical education lessons.

The problem of the research: the number of children of primary school age with poor posture is currently increasing, not decreasing.

Object of study: prevention of postural disorders.

Subject of the study: the influence of systematic physical exercise on the development of posture in schoolchildren.

Purpose: to identify the effect of systematic physical exercises in the prevention of postural disorders in schoolchildren.

Objectives: 1) study literature and other sources of information on this topic;

2) determine methods of experimental work;

3) determine the role of systematic physical exercises in the formation of posture in schoolchildren;

Hypothesis: if the methodology for conducting classes, including a set of special physical exercises, is correctly selected, this will help prevent postural disorders in primary schoolchildren.

Research methods:

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;

Methods of somatoscopy, anthropometry;

Analysis of medical records documents;

Analysis of the results obtained and their mathematical processing.

The work consists of an introduction, one chapter, conclusions on the 1st chapter, a list of information sources. The introduction reveals the purpose and objectives of the research, defines the object and subject of the research. The first chapter reveals the concepts of posture, its types and anatomical and physiological features.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of correct posture in children of primary school age

1.1 The concept of posture, its types and anatomical and physiological features

Posture is the usual position of the body when sitting, standing, walking. It begins to form in early childhood and depends on the shape of the spine, the uniformity of development and tone of the torso muscles.

Posture is the ability to maintain the correct posture in various positions without much stress: sitting, walking, while playing. With correct posture, the head and torso are on the same vertical line while walking, the shoulders are turned, slightly lowered and both are at the same level, the shoulder blades are pressed, the chest is slightly convex, the stomach is retracted, the curves of the spine are expressed normally, the legs are straightened at the knee and hip joints. Correct posture is valuable because it benefits everyone internal organs the most favorable operating conditions are created, and human movements are the most natural, economical and effective.

Incorrect posture has a bad effect on the functioning of internal organs: the work of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, the vital capacity of the lungs decreases, metabolism decreases, headaches appear, fatigue increases, appetite decreases, the child becomes lethargic, apathetic, and avoids outdoor games.

The most well-known postural disorder is stooping. With it, the cervical curve of the spine is increased, and the lumbar is smoothed, the shoulders are lowered and slightly brought forward, the shoulder blades are apart, the chest is sunken, the head is lowered, the legs are often bent at the knees, the arms hang along the body. There are some violations in various parts body: the so-called “wing-shaped” (i.e., too far behind the body) shoulder blades, flattening of the chest, asymmetry of the shoulders (one higher than the other) or their excessive contraction forward, etc. There are three degrees of postural impairment.

First degree - only muscle tone is changed. All postural defects disappear when a person straightens up. The violation is easily corrected with systematic corrective gymnastics exercises.

The second degree is changes in the ligamentous apparatus of the spine. Changes can be corrected only with long-term corrective exercises under the guidance of medical professionals.

Third degree - characterized by persistent changes in the intervertebral cartilage and bones of the spine. The changes cannot be corrected by corrective gymnastics, but require special orthopedic treatment. To prevent defects in posture, it is necessary to exercise from an early age preventive actions, promoting the proper development of the child’s musculoskeletal system.

The spine performs the main supporting function. It is examined in the sagittal and frontal planes, the shape of the line formed by the spinous processes of the vertebrae is determined, attention is paid to the symmetry of the shoulder blades and the level of the shoulders, the state of the waist triangle formed by the waist line and the lowered arm. A normal spine has physiological curves in the sagittal plane; the frontal view is a straight line. At pathological conditions The spine may have curvatures both in the anteroposterior direction (kyphosis, lordosis) and lateral (scoliosis).

A flat back is characterized by the coherence of all physiological curves of the spine. A round back (slouching) is a form of thoracic kyphosis. With a rounded (saddle-shaped) back, thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis are simultaneously increased. With a flat curve, only the lumbar lordosis is increased.

Normal posture is characterized by five signs:

· the location of the spinous processes of the vertebrae along a plumb line descending from the tubercle of the occipital bone and passing along the intergluteal fold;

· location of the shoulder girdles at the same level;

· arrangement of both blades at the same level;

· equal triangles (right and left), formed by the torso and freely lowered arms;

· correct curves of the spine in the sagittal plane (up to 5 centimeters deep) lumbar region and up to 2 centimeters in the cervical region).

Often, participation in an inappropriate sport and early specialization lead to spinal dysfunction and muscle imbalance, which negatively affects the function of internal organs and the performance of the student as a whole.

Unfortunately, postural defects are observed in many schoolchildren. This occurs due to improper body position at home while preparing homework, reading, eating, relaxing, and also in the classroom. Many students sit at their desks incorrectly - either leaning on the back of the chair with only their upper back, or leaning forward too much, or bending their torso to the side, often to the left. While answering, some students do not stand straight, but try to lean on a desk or blackboard.

Sometimes, poor posture turns out to be the result of conscious efforts of a teenager or young man. The fact is that some of them think that widely spaced legs and a generally tense body position are a sign of strength and courage. They often develop this behavior after they started attending any sports section, especially the wrestling section. They do not understand that the best demeanor is one that combines complete freedom and ease with smartness and flexibility: even with a relaxed state of the muscles, a person should look collected. Movements should not be sweeping, but economical. Another disadvantage of posture is deliberate negligence, general relaxation and, as it were, lethargy. This is also the result of following not the best examples. Only here, apparently, it is not strength and courage that is assumed, but wisdom from life experience, a certain carelessness in the perception of the environment, characteristic of middle-aged and already somewhat tired people. In both cases, the teenager and young man look comical.

1.2 Types, signs, and causes of postural disorders

Physical component Modern people They spend most of their time sitting: working, resting, studying, waiting, eating. The sitting position, which is the most convenient for performing many tasks, as well as learning, is a serious test for the musculoskeletal system. After all, most often your posture suffers when you are in this position! Maintaining a sitting position for a long time causes back pain and various diseases. Mass schooling also has a downside: posture disorders are now detected in 40-80% of children. In 3-10% of them, the disorders develop into various curvatures of the spine - most often into the so-called school scoliosis. With the development of our civilization, the content, methods and organization of human labor have changed. A new mass profession has emerged - office workers, whose number is this moment makes up more than half of the total working population. Prolonged sitting in a sitting position when working at a computer, with clients or documents, causes an increase in the number of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system among the adult population. The number of such diseases is constantly growing, they are getting younger - and this trend is likely to continue in the near future.

Psychological component

A person’s body and thoughts are inextricably linked - changes in one entail changes in the other, and vice versa. We are able to regulate muscle tension by influencing our thoughts, and changes in body position can lead to changes in our emotional state. Particular attention should be paid to adolescence. Boys and girls often deform their posture under the influence of various psycho-emotional factors - they push both shoulders forward and hunch over. As a result, over time, a restructuring of muscle groups begins, and a pathological posture begins to form. And it, in turn, contributes to the fixation of these psycho-emotional disorders and the development of neuroses in the future.

The first signs of poor posture

The importance of correct formation of posture is especially great in childhood, during the period of growth of skeletal bones. Pathological but habitual body positions quickly cause deformations of the spine, pelvis, chest, lower extremities, down to the feet. Flat feet and scoliotic disease are extreme manifestations of such improper loading. An important biological law is realized: function determines form. The first signs of poor posture in a child: complaints of pain in the chest, back, spine; fatigue, weakness; attention disorder. Parents may also notice that their child has begun to stoop, his spine looks asymmetrical, and his shoulder blades are at different heights. Sometimes there may be asymmetry of the waist, or even walking sideways, difficulty bending, etc. The reasons for contacting a doctor are: a child’s complaints of pain in the chest or back; pain when walking; foot pain; asymmetry of the spine, changes in its bends, obvious curvatures; stooping while sitting; different leg lengths when lying on your stomach; high incidence of colds.

Types of Posture

Select 5 various types posture: 1. Normal. 2. Round back. 3. Flat back. 4. Flat-concave back. 5. Concave-round back. A round back or stoop is caused by excessive thoracic kyphosis. In the event that it is very strong and even affects part of the lumbar region, such a back is called totally round. A flat back is characterized by smoothing of all physiological curves of the spine, a decrease in the angle of the pelvis and flattening of the chest. With this type of posture, the shock-absorbing function of the spinal column is greatly impaired. A flat back is often combined with lateral curvatures of the spine - scoliosis. A flat-concave back is characterized by increased only lumbar lordosis. With a round-concave (saddle-shaped) back, lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis are simultaneously overexpressed.

Causes of poor posture

Classification The causes of poor posture can be classified according to different criteria. Many of the factors overlap, and sometimes simultaneously belong to both one and other categories. The causes of poor posture are divided into external and internal, as well as congenital and acquired. External causes of poor posture imply disturbances in a person’s lifestyle. First of all, this is an incorrect daily routine, in which insufficient time is allocated for sleep. Physical inactivity also plays an important role - i.e. insufficient physical activity. The amount of muscle work is insufficient, and the muscles become weak and flabby over time. And weakened abdominal and back muscles, unable to hold the body in the correct position for a long time, cause poor posture. Internal reasons Postural disorders are, most often, some kind of chronic disease: congenital different lengths of the legs, due to which distortions of the spine occur; rickets; radiculitis; tuberculosis; hearing and vision defects - to compensate for them, a person takes incorrect positions. Congenital causes of poor posture include pathologies intrauterine development, which lead to disruption of the formation of vertebrae, their wedge-shaped shape, the formation of additional vertebrae, etc. Acquired causes of poor posture: injuries, for example, fractures of the vertebral bones; various pathologies such as rickets, tuberculosis, polio or radiculitis; features of a person’s professional activity, in particular, working in a sitting position with a bowed head.

Causes of posture disorders in childhood

First of all, this is a decrease in motor activity. Low physical activity causes weakening of the muscle frame and its inability to maintain the correct position of the body in space. Eating disorders. The lack of organic and mineral substances that develops with an unbalanced diet negatively affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system. The main problem in the nutrition of modern children is the lack of sufficient amounts of calcium salts necessary for the proper development of ligaments and bone tissue. This leads to damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the spinal column and, as a consequence, to the development of postural disorders. Poor organization of work and play space - for example, chairs or tables that are too high, insufficient space on desk etc. During long-term activities (drawing, doing homework, working on the computer) in the wrong conditions, the child’s posture deteriorates significantly, and over time this static stereotype is reinforced. Violation of the time of alternation of work and rest in schoolchildren. IN Lately Increased school loads play an important role in the increase in the number of children suffering from postural disorders. After all, the main posture during school activities is a long sitting position, which contributes to the development of incorrect posture.

Mechanical damage to the spine as a cause of postural disorders Often, various types of injuries, displacements of individual vertebrae, dislocations and subluxations that arise as a result of mechanical effects on the spine are accompanied by a whole complex of symptoms, one of which is poor posture. But, in most cases, changes in posture are a delayed manifestation of such injuries, developing over time. These changes may be due to physical violations of the integrity of the vertebrae or the entire spinal column, for example, with major fractures. In addition, chronic pain in the spine, occurring after a period of acute injury, can cause the “anti-pain” change in posture discussed above. A person reflexively tries to reduce muscle pressure on damaged structures in order to avoid pain. Over time, this position becomes habitual, the distribution of load on the muscles changes and poor posture develops. Osteochondrosis of the spine as a cause of postural disorders Enough common cause The appearance of pathological posture may be due to osteochondrosis of the spine. This pathology develops in the area of ​​damage to the intervertebral discs, when they become inflamed or deformed. Also in case of osteochondrosis great importance has increased deposition of calcium salts in the joints of the spinal column. At the same time, the joint apparatus of the spine loses its mobility, and this, in turn, causes pinching and compression of the nerve fibers emerging from spinal cord. This symptom complex leads to pain and, as a consequence, to poor posture. Scoliosis and scoliotic posture Scoliosis and scoliotic posture are completely different concepts that should not be confused. Despite the external similarity of their manifestations - asymmetry of the contours of the waist, the height of the shoulder blades and shoulders - they have significant fundamental differences. Scoliotic posture Scoliotic posture is the lateral deviation of the spine in only one section and in one plane - the frontal one. Such curvatures of the spine are functional and cannot be considered as an independent pathology. The causes of such violations can be many factors. The most common ones are listed below: true shortening of one lower limb as a result of trauma, osteomyelitis, etc.; diseases of internal organs; consequences of birth injuries; deforming scars on the back. The most common cause of scoliotic posture is the unresolved consequences of birth injuries: myotonic syndrome and torticollis. The clinical manifestations of this disease are indeed very similar to scoliosis: a visible curvature of the spine, often in the lumbar or lower thoracic region; asymmetrical height of the shoulder blades and shoulders - on the convex side the shoulder is higher, and on the concavity side it is lower; different sizes of waist triangles, but maintaining an even position of the pelvis. However, if the patient stretches out and stands up straight, or lies down on a hard, flat surface, all these symptoms disappear. This symptom is due to the fact that at this stage of the disease there are still no persistent structural changes in the vertebrae, intervertebral joints and discs. Curvature of the spinal column is caused only by weakness or overstrain of the back muscles. That is why it is so important to notice the appearance of the first symptoms in time, at the very beginning of the development of pathology, when the structures of the spine are not yet damaged. IN in this case Therapy for scoliotic posture is quite simple - a special set of physical exercises, a course of manual therapy and normalization of the rest and work regime. But if no measures are taken in time, scoliotic posture will quickly develop into a serious disease - scoliosis.

Scoliotic disease

Scoliosis (scoliotic disease) is a fixed lateral curvature of the spine. It should be considered as an independent pathology of the spinal column. Prevalence of scoliosis Girls suffer from this pathology more often than boys. The first clinical signs, as a rule, begin to appear at about 6-7 years of age, and tend to constantly progress until the growth of skeletal bones is completed. The peak activity of scoliosis occurs at puberty - 12-15 years. The faster a child grows, the faster the rate of progression of scoliosis. However, it is quite difficult to predict in advance the frequency of occurrence of disorders in each individual patient. This is judged mainly in retrospect. Statistically, the average progression of scoliosis is approximately 5 degrees per year. Causes of scoliosis Scoliosis is quite often the result of inattention to own health, non-compliance with working conditions and poor lifestyle. Prolonged sitting or standing in an incorrect position, which causes overstrain of certain muscle groups of the spine, improper lifting of weights, and improper bending cause muscle spasms, which become habitual over time. Subsequently, he begins to gradually change his normal posture. Spasmed muscles pull the bone structures of the spine to the left or right, causing them to take an incorrect position. In addition, such “distortions” in posture and disturbances in the anatomy of the spinal column stimulate the appearance of pain caused by muscle overstrain and compression of the nerve pathways. In some cases, scoliosis may be a congenital disorder. The manifestation of such a congenital disease in childhood is especially dangerous. The spinal ligamentous-muscular system in children is not yet developed enough to withstand pressure for a long time, and the structures of the spine are still pliable and flexible. All this together causes a very rapid development of scoliotic changes.

Internal mechanisms of scoliosis development

Violation of the location of the intervertebral discs leads to their deformation and poor blood supply. Because of this, the entire vertebral row is curved, shifted, and bone changes begin to form in the vertebrae. In addition to linear curvature of the spinal column in the frontal plane, this disease is almost always accompanied by torsion of the vertebrae. The disease most often begins in childhood and affects the growth zones of the spine. The consequence of this is the occurrence of growth asymmetry and an even more pronounced curvature of the back. Clinical manifestations of scoliosis The clinical picture of scoliosis includes: visual defects and disturbances in body symmetry; backache; fast fatiguability; headache; decreased ability to work; feeling of numbness in the back; mobility restrictions; in severe cases - disturbances in movement and sensitivity; dysfunction of the lungs and heart; sometimes - the occurrence of an intervertebral hernia that can only be surgical treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis In most cases, diagnosing scoliosis does not present any particular difficulties. Very often, pathological curvatures of the spine to the left or right are visible to the naked eye. To clarify the extent of the changes that have occurred, radiography is sufficient. True scoliosis is very difficult to treat - it is not for nothing that it is sometimes called the “orthopedic cross”. It is especially difficult to treat scoliosis if it has already developed in mature age. And if it occurs in a child, with timely diagnosis, these changes can be corrected quite easily. Constant wearing of an orthopedic corset and measures for the harmonious development of the muscular frame quickly return the spine to its normal position. In older patients, the same procedures need to be carried out much longer. In especially severe cases, it is even necessary to resort to surgical interventions. Treatment of scoliosis is a much longer and more complex process than correction of scoliotic posture. In addition, a person suffering from scoliosis has a much lower chance of full recovery. That's why early diagnosis poor posture, and their timely correction, will serve as the key to the health of your back and the whole body as a whole.

Kyphosis and kyphotic posture

Pathological kyphosis is an excessive curvature of the spinal column towards the back. The thoracic spine should normally curve posteriorly, but in cases where this curve has a pathologically pronounced curvature, a diagnosis of “kyphosis” is made. Clinically, this pathology manifests itself as “round back” syndrome. With relatively little severity, it has the appearance of a stoop, and in more complex cases it is characterized by the formation of a hump. The following types of pathological kyphosis are distinguished: congenital - caused by a violation of the development of the anterior parts of the vertebral bodies; genotypic - hereditary, which is characterized by an identical form in parents and children in several generations; compression - caused by compression fractures of the bodies of one or more vertebrae; mobile - arising due to weakness of the back muscles and habitual incorrect body position; rickets - developing in children with rickets in the second half of life, due to weakness of ligaments and muscles, as well as insufficient hardness of the vertebral bodies; senile - kyphosis thoracic spinal column in elderly people, which is caused by age-related changes in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae, as well as weakening of the muscular system; total - arcuate kyphosis of the entire spinal column, which is observed, for example, with ankylosing spondylitis, or normally in children in the first months of life; tuberculous - occurring with tuberculous spondylitis due to destruction and compression of the vertebral bodies; angular - in which the convexity has the appearance of an angle, with its apex facing posteriorly. Kyphotic posture occurs with a round, stooped back, caused by a strong curvature of the thoracic spine. Such a violation of posture is manifested by the following signs: tilting the head forward; the shoulders are also drawn forward and down due to shortening of the pectoral muscles, which further rounds the back; reflex protrusion of the abdomen; bent knees; narrowing of the chest. Changes in the anatomical structure of the chest over time lead to decreased mobility of the ribs, impaired movement of the intercostal muscles and limitation of the respiratory function of the lungs. This disease is diagnosed when there are deformations of the chest in the direction from the chest to the back, visible to the naked eye. To confirm the diagnosis, X-rays are used, which also make it possible to determine the severity of the pathology. The treatment regimen for kyphosis is almost completely identical to that for scoliosis.

Kyphoscoliosis Kyphoscoliosis is a combined disorder of posture, which is characterized by increased physiological kyphosis in the thoracic region, coupled with curvature of the spine to the left or right (scoliosis).
Lordosis and lordotic posture An increase in the physiological curvature of the spine (usually in the lumbar region) is called pathological lordosis. Its development leads to the appearance of lordotic posture. There are primary and secondary lordosis. Primary lordosis is caused by pathologies of the spine: malformations, tumors or inflammatory processes. In addition, it can be caused by contractures of the iliopsoas muscle or spasms of the back muscles. Secondary lordosis is usually one of the manifestations of congenital, or acquired as a result of injury, hip dislocation, flexion contractures or pathological fixation hip joint in the wrong position. When the hip joint is dislocated, the vertical position of the body causes the center of gravity to shift forward, and to maintain balance the patient bends the torso at the waist. Another factor in the development of lordosis may be overweight body, in particular, an increase in fat deposits in the abdominal area. Clinically, lordosis and lordotic posture are manifested by the following signs: the head is pushed forward; flat chest, turning into a protruding stomach; the shoulders are shifted anteriorly; legs spread at the knee joints; the lower back has a sort of “sunken” appearance appearance; metabolic disorders are observed; deterioration of the general condition of the body; fast fatiguability. The combination of these symptoms causes overstrain of the spine, stretching of its muscular-ligamentous apparatus, which is accompanied by pain syndrome and limited mobility. Over time, the progression of this disease begins to affect the normal functioning of the lungs, heart and gastrointestinal tract. With this type of posture, the loads caused by the weight of the human body do not fall on the bodies of the vertebral bones, as should be normal, but only on their arches. Such a violation of load distribution leads to the occurrence of diseases such as spondylolysis (destruction and fracture of the vertebral arches) and spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement with spinal deformity). Therefore, patients with lordotic posture should be under constant medical supervision, undergo periodic courses of treatment and use special orthopedic devices. In addition, such patients should be limited physical exercise, avoid lifting heavy objects and standing for long periods of time.

Flat feet as a cause of postural disorders

Flat feet is the flattening of the arch of the foot, in which it becomes flatter, which is associated with a violation of its shock-absorbing functions. The arch of the foot “absorbs” inertial loads when walking and running, which can reach up to 200% of body weight. This pathology indirectly causes the development of postural disorders and, conversely, postural disorders can lead to flat feet. How does this happen? With flat feet, the center of gravity of the body shifts backward, and in order to maintain balance, a person reflexively leans forward a little. A vicious circle arises, in addition, due to leaning forward, stooping begins to develop. A characteristic manifestation of flat feet is rapid fatigue of the legs. With this pathology, the knees suffer greatly, since most of the load falls on them. In addition, the load on the spine increases, because the body needs to somehow compensate for the shocks and jolts of running and walking. The main signs of flat feet: shoes worn out and worn out on the inside; very rapid fatigue of the legs when walking and standing in an upright position; pain and heaviness in the legs, cramps and swelling of the legs at the end of the day; swelling in the ankle area; increasing the size of the foot in width.

How to determine poor posture in a child?

To check the child's posture, you need to carefully examine his back, undressing the child down to his swimming trunks. Ask him to stand in his usual position, distributing the load on both legs, and lean forward a little. Your knees should be straight, your heels together and your toes apart. The chin should be pressed to the chest, and the hands should be joined in front of you. When viewed from the back, the spine should look straight and the spinous processes should form a straight line. Even slight curvatures indicate deviations from the norm. Correct posture is indicated not only by a straight spine. It is also determined by: the same level of shoulder height, angles of the shoulder blades, nipples; equal depth of the waist triangles - the corners formed by the freely lowered arm and the notch of the waist; symmetry of the reliefs of the lumbar region and chest when bending forward.

The physiological curves of the spine when viewed from the side should be expressed evenly and correspond approximately to the thickness of the child’s palm.

Treatment of postural disorders

In the treatment of postural disorders, 4 main methods are used: 1. Specialized gymnastics and sets of physical exercises. 2. Massages and manual therapy. 3. Use of orthopedic corsets. 4. Surgical interventions. Conservative treatment of postural disorders produces a pronounced effect only during the period of spinal growth. At later stages it is very difficult to do anything. It’s good if a child is interested in sports, but not all types of sports can be beneficial for existing spinal curvatures. Some sports involve significant stress on the spine: high jumping, weightlifting, track and field throwing, wrestling. Playing tennis, badminton or golf involves sharp turns of the body. Boxing, fencing, tennis and other “asymmetrical” sports may not be suitable for weak trunk and back muscles. Riding a bicycle with a low handlebar position helps to create a round back. To prevent it, it is necessary to perform compensatory exercises that train the back extensor muscles. Football, hockey and gymnastics may pose a danger to a curved spine during falls, jolts and impacts. A good effect in treating poor posture is achieved by combining special corrective exercises with swimming. It is best to swim breaststroke on the front or on the back. With this technique, the movements of the legs and arms are performed symmetrically and simultaneously. Doctors also recommend running on soft ground - for example, on sand, cycling, walking in the forest, skiing without using poles, or while pushing off with them. Prevention of postural disorders The main principle of maintaining correct posture is prevention. The experience of orthopedic specialists convinces us that the main role in the formation and maintenance of correct posture belongs to education and systematic physical exercise. Useful skills are easily developed in childhood, so it is necessary to begin to form correct posture even before school: Tables and chairs must correspond to the height of the child. Children need to be taught to stand, sit correctly and not slouch while walking from the age of 4. Moderate cold rubdowns will not only strengthen the child’s body, but also help increase muscle tone. An important role is played by proper nutrition with a sufficient content of all necessary substances - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements. Furnishings As the school period begins, parents should pay attention to Special attention to create a favorable working environment in the room for the child. After all, it is in his room that the child spends quite a lot of time, doing school homework, reading, playing on the computer, etc. First of all, you should make sure that the child is sitting comfortably. To do this, you need to choose furniture that suits his height. The check in this case is quite simple: the surface of the table should be 2-3 cm higher than the elbow of the sitting child, and the seat of the chair should be located at the level of the knee joint. Organization of the workplace Rational organization of the workplace will help the child save time and ensure high performance. Before starting classes, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and remove unnecessary things so that they do not distract or interfere with the child. It is more convenient to place a notebook, a book and everything that is needed at the moment right in front of you, in the middle of the table. What may be needed in the process (pencil, ruler, blank paper, etc.) should be placed on the left, and items that are no longer needed (notebooks with completed assignments, drafts, etc.) should be placed on the right, or removed altogether. To prevent postural disorders, it is also necessary to pay attention to the correct position of the table and its sufficient lighting while writing and reading. If the child is right-handed, then natural light from the window should fall from the left. In the left corner of the table you need to put table lamp, the optimal power of which should be 75 W. The normal distance from the eyes to a notebook or book is 30-35 cm.

Maintaining correct body position when working

It is also very important to ensure that the correct posture is maintained, especially during the writing process, since this is what causes the greatest fatigue, especially in primary schoolchildren. The child begins to unconsciously look for support for the body and head, and lean his chest on the edge of the table. This causes breathing and circulation difficulties and, of course, leads to postural defects. Since body position suffers most severely with oblique handwriting, it is necessary to teach the child to write with a slight inclination of letters (10-15o).

Alternation of work and rest

It is very important for schoolchildren to alternate mental work with periods of rest. In elementary grades, it is advisable to arrange short ten-minute breaks every half hour with simple physical exercises and mandatory eye exercises. This quickly restores children's performance.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Poor posture is a frequent companion to many chronic diseases, manifested in general functional weakness, hypotonic ( undervoltage tissues) condition of muscles and connective apparatus.

Incorrect posture contributes to the development of early degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs - osteochondrosis, and creates unfavorable conditions for the functioning of internal organs. A stooped back makes normal movements of the chest difficult, and weak ruff muscles also do not contribute to deepening breathing. The consequence is less oxygen supply to the tissues. Defects in posture negatively affect the activity of the heart and the position of organs abdominal cavity: stomach, liver, kidneys; adversely affect the pelvic organs, upper and lower extremities.

Spinal diseases are one of the main causes of disability, deterioration in quality of life and disability.

Thus, poor posture is caused by the lack of necessary conditions, insufficient physical exercises as a result of a weak muscle corset, bad habits and various diseases.

List of information sources

1. Alexandrova, E.Yu. Health work in preschools educational institutions according to the “Island of Health” program [Text] / E.Yu. Alexandrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. - 151 p.

2. Aliev, M. Formation of correct posture / M. Aliev // Preschool education. - 2000. - No. 2. - pp. 19-26.

3. Alyamovskaya, V.G. Program " Healthy child": how to raise a healthy child [Text] / V.G. Alyamovskaya // Preschool education. - 1993. - No. 11-12.

4. Anisimova, T.G. Formation of correct posture. Correction of flat feet in preschool children: recommendations, activities, games, exercises [Text] / Anisimova, T.G., Ulyanova, S.A. - M.: Teacher, 2011.

5. Babenkova, E.A. How to make your posture beautiful and your gait easy [Text] / E.A. Babenkova. - M.: Sfera, 2008. - 96 p.

6. Bogina, T.L. Protecting the health of children in preschool institutions: a methodological manual [Text] / T.L. Goddess. - M.: Mosaic - synthesis, 2006.

7. Borisova, E.N. System of organizing physical education and health work with preschoolers [Text] / E.N. Borisova, E.N. - Volgograd: Panorama, 2007. - 225 p.

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UDC 796.012.62


G.N. Bogdanova, P.F. Shevlyakova, R.F. Bogdanov

The influence of physical exercises on the formation of correct posture has been determined. The effectiveness of physical exercises for postural disorders in childhood is assessed.

Key words: poor posture, childhood, physical exercise, preschool institutions, swimming pool activities

According to statistics, 15-17% of preschool children have poor posture, at 7-9 years old - every third child, and among schoolchildren the percentage increases to 80%. The importance of correct posture cannot be overestimated. It is formed in the process of physical development and the formation of static-dynamic functions of the child and easily changes under the influence of positive or negative factors

Purpose of the study: to study the effect of physical exercise on the formation of correct posture in children.

Job objectives:

1. Determine the effect of physical exercise on the formation of correct posture.

2. Assess the effectiveness of physical exercises for postural disorders in childhood.

The basis of correct posture is a healthy spine - it is the support of the whole body. Poor posture gradually leads to a decrease in the mobility of the chest, diaphragm, deterioration of the spring function of the spine, which in turn negatively affects the activity of the main systems of the body: the central nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive organs, muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the whole body.

Posture is the habitual, relaxed posture of a person at rest and during movement, which he takes without excessive muscle tension.

Correct posture is characterized by a vertical position of the head and spinous processes, a horizontal level of the shoulder girdles, a symmetrical arrangement of the angles of the shoulder blades, symmetrical triangles of the waist, physiological curves of the spine, the correct shape of the chest and abdomen, an inclination of the pelvis, the same length of the lower limbs and correct positioning stop. Maintaining posture is ensured by tensing the muscles of the neck, upper limbs, torso, lower limbs and legs, as well as

elastic properties of cartilaginous and capsular-ligamentous structures of the spine, pelvis and joints of the lower extremities.

Reasons for poor posture in children:

Weakness of the child’s natural muscle corset;

Decreased physical activity;

Inconsistency of furniture with the weight and height of the child;

Enthusiasm computer games;

Prolonged sitting position;

Poor organization of work and play space.

An in-depth medical examination of 8,814 children was carried out in subordinate preschool institutions. Delays in physical development were detected in 205 (2.34%) children, and postural disorders in 324 (3.67%) preschoolers.

In the correctional kindergarten there were children with various health problems. We assessed the physical development of children in the preparatory group using external examination and anthropometric measurements. During an external examination, posture and forms of the bone skeleton were assessed: chest, back, abdomen, lower limbs, muscle condition, skin and fat deposits. Four children from the preparatory group had postural disorders. Three children had a stooped posture and one child had scoliosis of the thoracic spine. Other children had changes in the shape of their back: round, flat.

Poor posture in children was caused by poor physical development and lack of skill in correct posture, and not a consequence of metabolic diseases or orthopedic pathology. Functional disorders are relatively easy to correct. Therefore, when compiling complexes therapeutic exercises and physical education classes, they included general developmental exercises and corrective exercises.

The most effective means of preventing postural disorders is systematic physical education. The objectives of exercise therapy for postural disorders: 1) teaching the skills of correct posture and systematically consolidating this skill. 2) strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs. 3) normalization of trophic processes in the muscles of the body. 4) targeted correction of existing postural disorders.

The use of exercise therapy is based on three main areas - corrective, symmetrical and asymmetrical gymnastics.

The following exercises were used: breathing exercises, general developmental exercises (running, jumping, outdoor games), exercises on simulators or balance exercises, exercises using various types projectiles (flags, balls, cubes, skittles,


Such exercises and physical education sessions are recommended for long-term teaching sessions or prolonged mental activity. It is good to take breaks every 45-60 minutes, during which you need to perform simple physical exercises, exercises for the torso, back, hands and eye exercises.

To correct postural defects, certain exercises were used, which were selected in accordance with the types of postural disorders. Breathing and general developmental exercises were used for all types of postural disorders. They help improve breathing, circulatory system, and trophic processes. The exercises were performed from various starting positions, for all muscle groups, with or without objects.

For the prevention and correction of stoop (kyphosis), the following were used: bending the back back with arms moving upward; walking on toes with a tilted back; stretching the back muscles while sitting on a chair (bench) and stretching; stretching clasped hands back; arching the back in a lying position with emphasis on the elbows; strengthening the back muscles while standing on all fours and knees; bending backwards with arms moving to the sides.

For lateral curvature of the spine (C- and 8-shaped scoliosis): special exercises were selected to mobilize the spine, exercises to correct the deformity and maintain the correction. Spring tilts to the right and left; raising the left arm up while moving the right arm back and vice versa.

Starting position lying on your stomach. Head resting on the chin, arms in a correction pose: left up, right to the side with palm facing the floor, left leg abducted to an angle of 15 degrees. Raise your head, shoulders, arms, left leg, hands clenched into a fist. Hold the position with tension for 4 counts 6-8 times. Do it slowly and watch your breathing. Bending the back with abduction of the left arm while lying on the stomach, then the same with abduction right hand; bending the back from a standing position on all fours with raising the left arm up, then the same for the right arm. Lying on your back. Hands in a correction pose: left - up, right - to the side. Flexion and extension of the left leg at the hip and knee joints for 6 counts (“pump”) 6-8 times.

Exercises performed while lying on your back or stomach unload the spine, help increase the mobility of the affected segment, and strengthen the muscle corset. Balance exercises were actively used: swallow, stepping over obstacles, “fighting on a balance beam,” scissors and cycling exercises.

The effectiveness of exercise therapy lies in the targeted correction of existing postural disorders, strengthening the muscle corset and

normalization of trophic processes in muscles. A good effect of posture correction was obtained in children exercising in a swimming pool. A set of exercises was also specially selected taking into account the degree of spinal deformity. If you have kyphosis, you need to swim more on your back. Exercises were widely used that have a slight stretching effect on the spine, help strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, cause expansion of the chest and improve the vital capacity of the lungs and train the respiratory apparatus. The water temperature in the pool was comfortable, no lower than 28-30 degrees. The organization of therapeutic and recreational classes was carried out from September to June and included solving problems by period.

Objectives of the preparatory period: 1) increasing the level of physical development; 2) developing correct posture, acquiring the skills to float on the water, and perform special exercises.

Objectives of the main period: 1) strengthening the muscle corset;

2) stabilization of deformation of the spine and chest through measured swimming loads and special exercises in water;

3) improving swimming techniques, performing special exercises.

Objectives of the final period: 1) stable consolidation of the results of treatment and recovery; 2) increasing the functional capabilities of the body and the general level of physical development, 3) maintaining a good level of physical development and functional abilities acquired in the main period.

When assessing the effectiveness of classes, Romberg, Stange, Gentsch tests, strength endurance tests, Adams test, and spinal flexibility test were used.

All children studying in the swimming pool improved their physical development, achieved maintaining the spine in the correct position, correct posture, well strengthened the muscular-ligamentous system, significantly improved the functional state of the respiratory, cardiovascular and autonomic systems. nervous system. Classes in the pool made it possible to effectively perform a variety of exercises with a load on the spine to improve posture in combination with the acquisition of swimming skills.

Various options Postural disorders identified among pupils of children's institutions do not require the allocation of these children to any special group. To develop the skills of correct posture, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions: proper alternation of activities and rest, proper balanced nutrition, good development strength, flexibility, endurance, systematic development and strengthening

muscles of the back, abdominals. It is imperative to monitor correct posture not only during physical therapy classes, games on computers, but also while eating, sitting at the table when drawing, writing lessons.

Work on developing correct posture should be constantly carried out with all children, and not just with those who have any deviations. During classes, children should be reminded of the correct working posture and required to maintain it, to protect them from unbearable loads.

It is necessary to use a set of physical exercises: morning exercises, breathing, corrective, general developmental exercises and outdoor games when working with children. It is imperative to train the teaching staff of kindergartens, parents and children themselves in the systematic use of a set of special gymnastic exercises, classes in the pool, the need to introduce physical education to improve health, improve posture and increase immunity.

Conclusions. Early detection and correction of postural disorders in childhood brings more noticeable success when performing a set of physical exercises and regular exercise in the pool. Physical exercise significantly improved posture, increased physical activity and increased the children's body's resistance to various diseases.


1. Volkov I.P., Bukreev A.P. Correct human posture is the key to health and longevity. Minsk: Polymya, 2004. 172 p.

2. Zabalueva T.V. Patterns of posture formation by means of physical culture // Physical culture: education, education, training. 2006. No. 4. P. 51-54.

3. Kashin A.D. Scoliosis and poor posture: therapeutic physical culture in the system medical rehabilitation: textbook allowance. Minsk: NM Center, 2000. 240 p.

4. Kotesheva I. A. Poor posture. Treatment and prevention. M.: Eksmo, 2004. 208 p.

Bogdanova Galiya Nagimovna, dr med. Sciences, prof., [email protected], Ufa, Bashkir Institute of Physical Culture,

Shevlyakova Polina Feodosievna, head. department, e1epaat1- 712@uapyeh. gi, Ufa, det. Clinic № 2,

Bogdanova Regina Flyurovna, graduate student, e1epaaP-712@uapeech. gi, Ufa, Bashkir medical University


G.N. Bogdanova, P.F. Shevlyakova, R.F. Bogdanova

The effect of exercise on the formation of correct posture. The estimation of the effectiveness of exercise in violation of posture in children.

Key words: violation of posture, children, exercise, preschool, classes in the pool

Bogdanova Galiya Nagimovna, doctor of medical Sciences, elenaart-7l2@yandex. ru, UFA, Bashkirian Institute of Physical Culture,

Shevlyakova Polina Feodosievna, mad of the Department, elenaart- 7l2@yandex. ru, UFA, children's polyclinic No. 2,

Bogdanova Regina Flurovna, graduate student, elenaart- 7l2@yandex. ru, UFA, Bashkir Medical University


V.P. Guba, V.N. Egorov, E.D. Gryazeva

The dynamics of physical development and physical fitness of university students in the cities of Tula and Smolensk are considered, which allow us to judge the health of modern youth. Height-weight, girth and total data on the physical development of students are presented, as well as the results of the development of physical qualities, which are the foundation of the physical fitness and functional state of students.

Key words: health, healthy lifestyle, physical education, students, monitoring.

One of the central problems of physical education in the system higher education- improving the health of those involved and creating a mechanism for creating a lifestyle that allows you to effectively solve the professional problems of future specialists.

The theoretical and practical aspects of consideration and analysis of the physical education system in higher education are usually limited to issues of monitoring physical and functional readiness, without forming this concept as a fundamental approach. Of course, the problem of increasing physical and functional fitness is of important, and sometimes cardinal, interest when considering the development trends of the “healthy lifestyle” phenomenon. An important component in the formation of a new paradigm in physical