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A very powerful spell for diabetes. Which diabetes plot to choose? Infusion of plantain leaves

Diabetes is quite common in modern world disease. It spares neither adults, the elderly, nor small children. It is very difficult to completely cure, but it is quite possible to stop the development of the disease and further complications. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to use magic spells for diabetes.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with spells

A conspiracy against diabetes will help normalize the amount of sugar in your blood, improve your well-being and help avoid unpleasant consequences from this disease. Any nervous strain or excessive stress can complicate the course of the disease.

What can trigger the development of diabetes

  • Doctors and nutritionists recommend not to abuse fried, fatty, sweet and salty foods. Sometimes this is very difficult to do. After all, there are times when you really want to eat a piece of chocolate, fried pork steak or pickle. It is not prohibited to eat these products in small quantities. But it can be very, very difficult to resist.
  • Alcoholic drinks, smoking and smoking mixtures can also cause diabetes or complicate the course of an existing disease.
  • A sedentary or sedentary lifestyle can lead to various diseases of the digestive tract. And along with them, the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted.
  • Permanent stressful situations and nervous breakdowns, as well as concomitant and chronic diseases.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Lack of regular meals and dry snacks.
  • Abuse of highly carbonated drinks such as Pepsi-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, as well as various energy drinks and cocktails.

It is important to consider that amputation does not cure the disease. It only helps to slightly improve the patient’s condition, but the disease does not stop developing. Therefore, it is very important to listen to the advice of doctors and follow their recommendations.

If your illness has been going on for several years, you are strongly advised to have your vision and fundus examined regularly. IN otherwise You may go blind or partially lose your vision.

Therefore, if you value your precious health, take care of it. Stick to your diet and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Waning moon spell

“Just as it is true that the sun will not hang itself in a noose, just as it is true that a male dog will not crow like a rooster, so it is true that a white bitch will take upon herself, from white sugar, a sugar disease from the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

And then give it to some animal. It's best if it's a dog. This folk method quite strong and effective in treating such a disease. That is why it is often used by magicians, sorcerers and traditional healers. And due to the ease of execution, it can be done at home and independently.

Diabetes conspiracy on candles

This conspiracy is very strong. With its help, you can significantly improve the condition of a sick person, and stable remission occurs during the disease.

Ritual for diabetics

To perform a magical ritual, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the temple and buy thirteen candles there.
  • Without turning your gaze to the faces of the saints, leave the temple and cast a magic spell:

“I expel sweetness from the blood, go away, diabetes is an evil thing. Amen"!

After the words have been spoken, return to your home. Find a quiet, secluded place, retire, and light the candles you bought in the temple. Try to drive away all bad thoughts from yourself, don’t think about anything. Direct all your thoughts towards a speedy recovery. To do this, imagine how all excess sugar is expelled from your body, your condition improves and you feel better.

Do not forget about the treatment that the doctor prescribed for you. Stop taking medicines Absolutely forbidden. This can lead to hypo- or hyperglycemic coma.

You can also use the following, no less powerful and effective, plot. It will help reduce high level blood sugar and normalize general condition.

“Just as everything sugar melts in tea and coffee, so let diabetes leave me. It doesn’t stay in the blood, it will dissolve with some water, and it will be afraid of the medicine. I will curse diabetes for a hundred years, let it calm down quickly and go back to hell. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen"!

The main thing in casting this spell is regularity. And to consolidate the resulting effect, you need to cast another magic spell.

“Let diabetes leave me, and let sugar not poison my veins. I’ll use the pill to heal my whole body so that it doesn’t ache or ache. I ask the sun to give me strength so that diabetes does not win. I ask the moon to give me will, to take away my evil fate forever. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen"!

Extinguish all candles and throw the stubs in the trash. Hide the piece of paper on which the magic spell is written away from strangers. And don't expect results to come instantly. You will need to wait less than a month to notice positive changes in the disease.

If after a month the spell does not work on you, repeat the same steps, but only on the full moon. You will see that the disease will soon leave you. It will become much easier for you. Your blood sugar levels return to normal.

Prayer for “sugar sickness”

You need to measure the diameter of your head yourself. Then make a birch wreath according to these measurements. It is very important that it has buds and leaves.

Prayer for “sugar disease”

Weave bay leaves in there too. The wreath obtained in this way must be consecrated in the temple. To do this, place it near the icon of the Mother of God and light seven church candles from it. Ask the Mother of God for healing. Your words should not be memorized or written on a piece of paper. They must come from your heart. Ask her for healing, for the gift of health. At the end of your prayer, be sure to ask for her blessing and do not forget to leave a donation for the needs of the church.

When you leave the temple, say these words:

“I, the servant of God (my full name), came for health and left with health! Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen"!

When you get home, you need to brew tea from a small handful of leaves from the wreath. You should get approximately half a liter jar of liquid. The infusion should be drunk hot.

When three hours have passed, brew the drink again. It must be cooled slightly and drunk warm.

And after another three hours, brew a medicinal drink, cool it and drink it cold. Repeat your actions over and over again. Continue until you run out of leaves on the wreath.

Next, you need to prepare an aspen infusion. To do this, take 50 grams of aspen bark and fill it with cool water (three liters). Bring all contents to a boil and then cool. This infusion is drunk a glass a day, replacing tea. In the evening you should definitely eat one hundred grams of walnuts.

Never forget about the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to follow all his recommendations. And treatment with folk remedies, such as spells, will only complement the treatment and make it better.

Sugar disease affects people regardless of gender, religion or age. It is impossible to cure it forever, but a balanced diet that limits fats and carbohydrates, and prayer for type 2 diabetes, when the pancreas remains insensitive to insulin, can stop the disease.

Spells and special words are also useful for type 1 disease, when insulin is not produced in the required quantities.

Psychological component of the disease

Doctors are called upon to treat bodily ailments, which they sometimes succeed 100%. But this is so if during the therapy the patient realized that he is doing something wrong in life, since pathology has been sent down to him. Even the Bible states that health problems are caused by sins.

According to Louise Hay's theory, diabetes mellitus is a disease that is caused by the following conditions:

  1. Sadness for the past, unwillingness to live for today.
  2. The desire to control others and yourself, to live according to a schedule.
  3. Prolonged grief, depression. A person tries to eat stress, which leads to obesity.

The reasons may also be hidden in gluttony, the desire to eat more, and this is already a sin. To get rid of it, people turn to the same saints as for drug addiction or alcoholism. At the beginning of the healing process, you need to pray to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon.

Meditation will also help. You need to sit down in a calm environment, when the patient remains at home alone, light a candle and remember how the disease began. It is necessary to forgive yourself and others for wrong actions and look at the disease with gratitude. Perhaps it will become the starting point in a new vision of the world.

Treatment will also be positive when a person reconsiders the physical prerequisites for the development of pathology.

We need to figure out the reasons

There are more factors that cause diabetes than are known to the general public. In addition to obesity and excessive consumption of carbonated sweet drinks, sweets and flour, fried, fatty foods, there are other reasons:

  • An autoimmune variant of the disease, then healing begins with spells, prayers and meditations. The main goal: to reach the subconscious, because it is nervous system coordinates the body.
  • Pancreatic disease. Therapy begins with a medication regimen prescribed by an endocrinologist. But you cannot refuse prayers. They will speed up recovery.
  • Pregnancy. Against this background, diabetes may go away after childbirth, but consultation with a doctor is required.
  • You can also help yourself with special words when diabetes develops against the background of infectious diseases, due to taking medications or due to genetic pathologies.

A consultation with an endocrinologist will not be superfluous; even healers and church ministers confirm that the medicine prescribed by the doctor must be taken without fail. And only then you need to reinforce this therapy with words.

Help of conspiracies

Patients faced with pancreatic pathology or high blood sugar levels sometimes doubt whether there is a conspiracy for diabetes. Healers offer proven options.

      1. The ritual is performed over sugar - regular, crushed, refined. He absorbs information like water, Vanga and modern psychics worked with him. It also represents the disease itself.

        This is a strong conspiracy, they read it as the month wanes: “The sun is spinning in a loop, he will not be hanged. The male barks loudly, but does not sing to him. The white dog has one fate: to take this disease from sugar, and the servant of God (the name of the patient) will become healthy. Amen". Afterwards, the product is fed to the dog of the specified color.

        Important! The Church does not approve of such a transfer of the disease to another creature, since medicine has proven that cats and dogs also suffer from diabetes. The animal will suffer. If a person decides to undertake the ritual, he must ensure that the sugar is not eaten by any of the children or close relatives after reading the words.

      2. The patient can also read a prayer on a church candle: “Go away, unnecessary sweetness, take away the disgusting thing from my body: diabetes, go away for 100 years! Amen!". Read several times until the candle burns out. Afterwards, the cinders are thrown away.
      3. Boris Piven with a prayer against diabetes is popular. This man is famous for creating his own healing school. You can read it with him in this video:
      4. A reliable way to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood is to replace regular sugar in tea or coffee with a sweetener, preferably stevia. It has no contraindications like fructose. But there is also a ritual with dissolving sugar in these drinks; you can replace them with others. For example, you should read a conspiracy against diabetes with water.

        “Just like my sugar melts in water, diabetes leaves it like that, it doesn’t stay in the blood, it just spills out like water. He will be afraid of the medicine and go to another kingdom, let him go to the unclean, but he will bypass me! Amen!". You need to add sugar to your drink or water and drink it. You can pour a small amount, the main thing is the presence of granulated sugar.

But for people of faith, conspiracies are not acceptable; a prayer appeal to God, the Virgin Mary, and the saints is suitable for them.

Pray: God can do anything!

A common appeal to the Heavenly Father, for all diseases at once and specifically for diabetes, will be the prayer: “I, the name of the servant of God, came to the temple for good health, and left with it! Amen!". They read it when entering and leaving the church.

Also, the popular experience of centuries-old beliefs confirms: ordinary repentance, confession with three days of fasting and prayers work true miracles. The disease is receding.

They also resort to the help of icons, they will help drug treatment make it effective, sometimes miracles are performed - according to a person’s faith.

      • They turn to Healer Panteleimon. He treats all human ailments, including incurable and advanced forms of diseases when there is no hope of recovery.
      • Prayer at the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is also useful, which helps with physical and mental infirmities, the manifestation of which is diabetes.
      • They pray to Saint Artemy the Great Martyr for deliverance from stomach ailments, and from the pancreas too. This is associated with his life story, when a man was crushed by a huge stone and his insides were damaged.

Asking for health in front of any icon that the patient wants to venerate, they sincerely repent of their sins and promise to give up any bad habit. Then the saint will send recovery from diabetes.

Folk remedies

Reinforcing therapy with prayer words or spells, they adhere to frequent fractional meals. Recipes from traditional healers, which the endocrinologist’s patients still use today, will also come to the rescue.

Lemon mixture can lower blood sugar:

      1. Take 100 g of lemon zest, 300 g of parsley root and garlic.
      2. The ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and mixed, leaving for 14 days in a cool, dark place.
      3. Before meals, take 1 tsp of this remedy three times a day. You can wash it down with a decoction of corn silk.

Important! For gastritis or stomach ulcers, use this mixture only after consulting a doctor.

If diabetes is associated with low insulin production, take another remedy:

      • Minced in a meat grinder onion(50 g) pour vodka (300 ml). Send to infuse for a week, filter.
      • The same amount of alcohol is poured into 50 g of walnut leaves. They also insist.
      • At the same time, pour alcohol into the crushed grass of the cuff.

A tablespoon half an hour before breakfast and before going to bed take the combined infusion. It is prepared like this: mix 100 ml of the first mixture, 50 ml for the walnut, 30 ml for the cuff.

Decoctions of acorns, green beans, and smoothies made from leaves are also useful. Chinese cabbage, carrots and cucumber. But they will help to survive exacerbations of the disease not only therapeutic nutrition and decoctions, the recipe for which was created and passed on by healers for hundreds of years, but also the right attitude. It is provided by conspiracies and prayers.

To bring a state of long-term remission closer, you can, without resorting to magic, ask God for health on certain church days.

On the night of January 7, from midnight to sunrise; On Epiphany, Annunciation, Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday, during the ringing of Easter bells, they ask for strength of body and spirit - and God does not refuse.

But remember: the doctor’s instructions regarding taking medications and nutrition must be taken into account.

Diabetes mellitus causes a huge number of problems that the patient tries to correct for the rest of his life. The development of the disease can be stopped, and sometimes even cured, a conspiracy against diabetes will help. Read magical spells with water, perform rituals on church candles, say the words of prayer - this and much more are recommended to be done by specialists who resort to the help of alternative medicine.

Conspiracies will help you get rid of the torment of diabetes

Living with diabetes is like 24/7 torture. This is a disease in which blood sugar levels are elevated and a hormone such as insulin is completely washed out of the body. The list of causes that cause the disease includes:

  • Bad heredity;
  • Viral infections;
  • Obesity;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Chronic stress condition;
  • Inactivity;
  • Pancreatic disease.

However, these are mainly age factors. The problem often occurs in children. The mere indication of the presence of type 1 diabetes mellitus in a child is life-threatening. In babies, high blood sugar occurs due to:

  • Low immunity;
  • High body weight (if the newborn weighs more than 4.5 kg);
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Metabolic disease.

Both small and adult patients with diabetes experience chronic fatigue, constant urination, reproductive system disorders, constant feelings of hunger and thirst, unfocused vision, rapid weight loss, and poor blood clotting.

Prayer against diabetes helps a person cope with the initial stages, however, to treat advanced diabetes, you need to think about another way of relief - about conspiracies and rituals aimed at a speedy recovery.

Waning moon spell

On the waning moon, a large number of rituals are performed aimed at ridding a person of something. This phase is no exception in the fight against diabetes. You should prepare sugar, pour it into a small saucer, while reading the plot for diabetes:

“The sun can never be strangled, a dog can never become a bird. These laws of nature are known to everyone. And I, the servant of God (your name), know that an unfavorable creature will take over my illness. I don’t need sugar sickness, I want to get rid of it faster. She's ruining my whole life. Amen".

It is recommended to cast a spell against diabetes at night. The enchanted product can be mixed with a glass of boiling water and a glass of flour. Make a pancake from the mixture, which you then give to the dog. This ritual is very simple, practiced in folk medicine many centuries. Thanks to its miraculous results, it is still popular today.

Candle plot

The patient's health can be significantly improved with the help of candles. The conspiracy against diabetes is read on candles, a prayer is said before the main part of the ritual. You need to go to the cathedral and purchase thirteen wax candles. At this moment, you should not look at the faces of the Saints located around the perimeter of the room. Having given money without change, leave without looking back. Leaving the church, the words are spoken:

“I’m expelling destructive sweetness from my blood, go away, diabetes - no one needs evil filth. Amen!".

A candle as a magical attribute enhances the power of a spell

Returning home, you need to retire and light candles. The head should be clear of negative thoughts, the mind should be calm and the soul should be light. Energy should be directed towards the speedy recovery of the patient. Not only the spoken word is useful in this matter. powerful prayer from diabetes, but also visualization. You should imagine how all the excess sugar comes out of a person, cleansing all the walls of the body along the way.

Prayer for diabetes

There are several prayers for diabetes that can be used by both the sick person and his loved one in asking for the health of the diabetic. It is recommended to carry out prayer procedures in the morning.

Look at the damp earth and say three times a day, not forgetting to cross yourself:

Blessed Virgin Mary, you walk the earth, you help people, help the servant of God (servant of God) (name) get rid of (name of the disease). You know that three stones lying in three seas cannot end up in the same sea and lie side by side. Make sure that illnesses leave the house of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) and cannot return, just as three stones from the three seas cannot unite together in one sea and lie side by side. Blessed Virgin, you know that diseases die away on the dead, make sure that the diseases on the servant of God (servant of God) (name) die away, and he begins to live without illness and rejoice in his destiny.”

It is said eight times in one prayer. Immediately after sunrise, use the following prayer:

“From the oncoming, transverse, from the dashing person, Lord, have mercy on Your servant (Your servant) (name) from the tributary, from the tributary mother, from the black and from the red-haired person, from the envious and disrespectful, from the gray and from the brown, from the blue and from the black eye! Just as the dawn of Amnitaria came out and went out, so let all sorts of ailments caused by evil spirits come out and go out from the servant of God (servant of God) (name). Just as fire knocks fire out of blue damask steel with a stone, so let him knock out and knock out all ailments and damage from the servant of God (servant of God) (name). You are a tributary, a tributary mother, illnesses, lessons, prizes, go from the servant of God (servant of God) (name) into dark forests, into dry trees, where people do not walk, where cattle do not roam, where birds do not fly, where animals do not prowling! Salmanida, the grandmother of Christ, the ruler of Christ, washed Christ, ruled, and left us the pellets. I lock the sentence with thirty-nine locks and thirty-nine keys. My word is strong. Amen".

The main rule is that the reader must believe in the powerful force of the cosmos and that he will hear requests for help.

Conspiracy from Boris Pivny

Boris Piven is a preacher who offers prayer for healing diabetes. The words of the prayer are as follows:

“In the name of Your Son, I ask You, Lord, where my hand is laid and I beg You right at this moment - touch your divine finger to the pancreas and remove the disease and its manifestations from it to praise You, God. Listen to me, disease, I command you by the power of God, disappear from the pancreas, leave it forever and irrevocably. Diabetes mellitus, gone forever, I fight with you and drive out the unclean spirit and order you - get out of your body at this very second, leave it, go away the unclean one. Pathological disturbances in this organ, disappear completely, right now come to a state of absolute recovery, itching and burning - disappear. As well as foreign secretions, go away, evaporate and never return. God, I ask You now: anoint the pancreas with divine oil, so that it receives new forms and is healed for Your glory, Lord. Amen".

Healing rituals show themselves to be effective, but do not forget to consult a doctor

Practitioners of Boris Pivny’s prayer confirm that treatment of type 2 diabetes, and especially type 1 diabetes, with prayer is quite effective.

The preacher recommends reading the plot at least six times. If it is not possible to devote time like this, the prayer for diabetes was said at one time, you can repeat it throughout the day. In this case, one hand should lie on the disturbing part of the body, and the second should be periodically raised to the sky - this will create an invisible thread between God, the Cosmos and the person in need. These magic words can also be read into holy water. Then you need to drink a glass of it four times a day at a convenient time.

Other folk methods of combating illness

Traditional healer Vera Solovyova recommends a folk remedy that requires a wreath. The patient must break thin birch twigs with his own hands and twist them into a wreath on his head. You need to weave as many bay leaves and walnut leaves into this decoration. The next day, take the craft to church, approach the icon of the Mother of God and ask to bless the object. When leaving the church say:

“I came (came) for health, I will leave with health.”

At home, pinch off a decent slice of wreath and brew it with boiling water. Drink the first decoction hot. After three hours, boil again, but drink when the liquid becomes warm. After another three hours, break off the last piece of the craft, brew and wait until it cools completely - take the infusion chilled. Repeat the procedure until the wreath is “drunk” completely.

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of diabetes can have a positive effect on the general condition of the patient and on inflammatory processes. However, this is a serious disease that, in addition to alternative medicine, must be treated by traditional medicine.

Over the past few years, diabetes has been developing at an incredible rate. Moreover, it applies not only to adults. It negatively affects the elderly and even infants. A vaccine has not yet been invented to completely cure it, so sick people must constantly use insulin. This reduces the development of the disease and stops the rapid process of cell destruction. But insulin is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it.

In magic, there are a large number of rituals that can reduce the development of the disease. Very often people use a conspiracy against diabetes. It is very simple and does not require special magical knowledge. Therefore, you can do it yourself at home.

Ritual for the waning moon

This plot for diabetes should be read only during a certain phase of the moon. The ideal option is if you read magic words specifically on the waning moon, because it is this phase that helps reduce negativity and prevents the occurrence of complications. You must take a plate and put sugar on it. It doesn't matter what type of sugar you use. It can be either cane or crumbly sugar, or square sugar. Take the one you have at home.

“There are different situations in the world that nature cannot explain. But, I, the servant of God (name), ask the heavenly powers for help. A terrible disease has appeared in my life that can destroy my existence on the planet. I don't want to die. The doctors said they could amputate my limbs. This may affect my work. I want any white animal to take sugar sickness away from me. He’s not afraid of anything, but I still need to live. I am reading a conspiracy for diabetes and hope that it will help me recover at least a little. Magic always helps a person and I had to decide to use it. If this conspiracy for diabetes does not help me, then I don’t know what to do next. That's mine last hope. I learned the words of the prayer by heart, because it is very necessary for the desired result to be achieved. Lord, only you can help me and save me from health problems. I am a believer and always read your prayers. Help me, please. Hear my words. Amen".

After this, the enchanted product should be given to the nearest animal. Experts in the field of magic claim that after this your condition will improve. It is believed that the animal will take over the entire disease and its symptoms will cease.

Conspiracy with candles

The question is often heard whether there is a conspiracy for diabetes that can solve the problem in a short time. Of course there is. The ideal option is a candle spell. Even though it is very simple, it is quite effective. You will be able to feel the results in just a few days. You need to go to church and buy thirteen candles there.

It is important to remember that you should not look at icons. After purchasing, go outside and read the following conspiracy for diabetes:

“I don’t need sweetness in my blood. I live well without her. Honey replaces all sweets for me. Let this disgusting thing leave my body and forever deprive me of the opportunity to meet with it. My health is most important, so I ask heaven to help me. Only you are my last hope. I, the servant of God (name), wish to be healed and find health. Amen".

The words of the prayer are read by heart. Now go home and light all the candles you bought in the room. Don't forget to think that the result will not keep you waiting. Remember that faith is very important. And only by believing in a positive result can you achieve your desired goal. Mentally imagine that the sugar is gradually dissolving and leaving your body. It is important to remember that human thoughts tend to materialize.

Water spell

The spell for water against terrible diabetes mellitus is effective and popular today. Quite often people use this universal and effective method. To carry it out you need to prepare holy water. With its help, you can reduce the level of sweets in the blood and improve your well-being. Fill a glass with water and hold it in your hand.

Conspiracy theory. Food drug – sugar 10/17/2015

Set fire to a BAY LEAF in your home! For what? You will be pleasantly surprised!

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“Sugar always dissolves in warm water. But I, the servant of God (name), do not use warm water, but ordinary water. But, it should dissolve not ordinary sugar, but the one that is in my blood. The sacred liquid helps a person against the evil eye. So why doesn’t she help me get rid of the disease. The words of prayer are spoken from a pure soul and with pure thoughts. I ask you, Lord, send me your grace. Help me improve my health and live a long, happy life. Hear my words and send your grace to me. May the heavenly angels bring it and help me. Amen".

Prayer to help

This method is considered very effective. Our ancestors have already tested it on themselves. In order to get rid of diabetes once and for all, you will have to perform a number of simple manipulations.

  1. Measure the diameter of your head.
  2. In accordance with it, weave a wreath for yourself from birch branches. Please note that the wreath must have both buds and leaves. Don’t be lazy and weave laurel leaves into such a wreath.
  3. Take the wreath and head to the church.
  4. Place exactly 7 candles near the Mother of God and consecrate the item that you brought with you.
  5. Standing at the icon, ask the Saint to give you health. Under no circumstances should you sight-read, you must sincerely want what you are asking for, and therefore the words must be sincere.
  6. When leaving the temple, do not forget to say: “I came here for health, I am leaving having achieved my goal.” You must take the wreath with you.

When you get home, tear off a few leaves from your wreath and make tea from them. Please note that the scheme for “taking” this medicine is also unique: from the first leaves you need to drink a cup of hot infusion, after a few hours, a second infusion already warm, and then iced tea. You must “drink up” your entire wreath; not a single leaf should remain on it. Is there really a conspiracy against diabetes? Yes, you just need to perform such rituals, adhering to all the rules.

Spells and special words are also useful for type 1 disease, when insulin is not produced in the required quantities.

Psychological component of the disease

Doctors are called upon to treat bodily ailments, which they sometimes succeed 100%. But this is so if during the therapy the patient realized that he is doing something wrong in life, since pathology has been sent down to him. Even the Bible states that health problems are caused by sins.

According to Louise Hay's theory, diabetes mellitus is a disease that is caused by the following conditions:

  1. Sadness for the past, unwillingness to live for today.
  2. The desire to control others and yourself, to live according to a schedule.
  3. Prolonged grief, depression. A person tries to eat stress, which leads to obesity.

The reasons may also be hidden in gluttony, the desire to eat more, and this is already a sin. To get rid of it, people turn to the same saints as for drug addiction or alcoholism. At the beginning of the healing process, you need to pray to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon.

Meditation will also help. You need to sit down in a calm environment, when the patient remains at home alone, light a candle and remember how the disease began. It is necessary to forgive yourself and others for wrong actions and look at the disease with gratitude. Perhaps it will become the starting point in a new vision of the world.

Treatment will also be positive when a person reconsiders the physical prerequisites for the development of pathology.

We need to figure out the reasons

There are more factors that cause diabetes than are known to the general public. In addition to obesity and excessive consumption of carbonated sweet drinks, sweets and flour, fried, fatty foods, there are other reasons:

  • An autoimmune variant of the disease, then healing begins with spells, prayers and meditations. The main goal: to reach the subconscious, because it is the nervous system that coordinates the body.
  • Pancreatic disease. Therapy begins with a medication regimen prescribed by an endocrinologist. But you cannot refuse prayers. They will speed up recovery.
  • Pregnancy. Against this background, diabetes may go away after childbirth, but consultation with a doctor is required.
  • You can also help yourself with special words when diabetes develops against the background of infectious diseases, due to taking medications or due to genetic pathologies.

A consultation with an endocrinologist will not be superfluous; even healers and church ministers confirm that the medicine prescribed by the doctor must be taken without fail. And only then you need to reinforce this therapy with words.

Help of conspiracies

Patients faced with pancreatic pathology or high blood sugar levels sometimes doubt whether there is a conspiracy for diabetes. Healers offer proven options.

      1. The ritual is performed over sugar - regular, crushed, refined. He absorbs information like water, Vanga and modern psychics worked with him. It also represents the disease itself.

      This is a strong conspiracy, they read it as the month wanes: “The sun is spinning in a loop, he will not be hanged. The male barks loudly, but does not sing to him. The white dog has one fate: to take this disease from sugar, and the servant of God (the name of the patient) will become healthy. Amen". Afterwards, the product is fed to the dog of the specified color.

      Important! The Church does not approve of such a transfer of the disease to another creature, since medicine has proven that cats and dogs also suffer from diabetes. The animal will suffer. If a person decides to undertake the ritual, he must ensure that the sugar is not eaten by any of the children or close relatives after reading the words.

      A reliable way to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood is to replace regular sugar in tea or coffee with a sweetener, preferably stevia. It has no contraindications like fructose. But there is also a ritual with dissolving sugar in these drinks; you can replace them with others. For example, you should read a conspiracy against diabetes with water.

      “Just like my sugar melts in water, diabetes leaves it like that, it doesn’t stay in the blood, it just spills out like water. He will be afraid of the medicine and go to another kingdom, let him go to the unclean, but he will bypass me! Amen!". You need to add sugar to your drink or water and drink it. You can pour a small amount, the main thing is the presence of granulated sugar.

But for people of faith, conspiracies are not acceptable; a prayer appeal to God, the Virgin Mary, and the saints is suitable for them.

Pray: God can do anything!

A common appeal to the Heavenly Father, for all diseases at once and specifically for diabetes, will be the prayer: “I, the name of the servant of God, came to the temple for good health, and left with it! Amen!". They read it when entering and leaving the church.

Also, the popular experience of centuries-old beliefs confirms: ordinary repentance, confession with three days of fasting and prayers work true miracles. The disease is receding.

They also resort to the help of icons; they will help make drug treatment effective, and sometimes they work miracles - according to the person’s faith.

  • They turn to Healer Panteleimon. He treats all human ailments, including incurable and advanced forms of diseases when there is no hope of recovery.
  • Prayer at the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is also useful, which helps with physical and mental infirmities, the manifestation of which is diabetes.
  • They pray to Saint Artemy the Great Martyr for deliverance from stomach ailments, and from the pancreas too. This is associated with his life story, when a man was crushed by a huge stone and his insides were damaged.

Asking for health in front of any icon that the patient wants to venerate, they sincerely repent of their sins and promise to give up any bad habit. Then the saint will send recovery from diabetes.

Folk remedies

Reinforcing therapy with prayer words or spells, they adhere to frequent fractional meals. Recipes from traditional healers, which the endocrinologist’s patients still use today, will also come to the rescue.

Lemon mixture can lower blood sugar:

      1. Take 100 g of lemon zest, 300 g of parsley root and garlic.
      2. The ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and mixed, leaving for 14 days in a cool, dark place.
      3. Before meals, take 1 tsp of this remedy three times a day. You can wash it down with a decoction of corn silk.

Important! For gastritis or stomach ulcers, use this mixture only after consulting a doctor.

If diabetes is associated with low insulin production, take another remedy:

  • Onions (50 g) chopped in a meat grinder are poured with vodka (300 ml). Send to infuse for a week, filter.
  • The same amount of alcohol is poured into 50 g of walnut leaves. They also insist.
  • At the same time, pour alcohol into the crushed grass of the cuff.

A tablespoon half an hour before breakfast and before going to bed take the combined infusion. It is prepared like this: mix 100 ml of the first mixture, 50 ml for the walnut, 30 ml for the cuff.

Decoctions of acorns, green beans, and smoothies made from Chinese cabbage leaves, carrots and cucumber are also useful. But not only therapeutic nutrition and decoctions, the recipe for which was created and passed on by healers for hundreds of years, will help you survive exacerbations of the disease, but also the right attitude. It is provided by conspiracies and prayers.

To bring a state of long-term remission closer, you can, without resorting to magic, ask God for health on certain church days.

On the night of January 7, from midnight to sunrise; On Epiphany, Annunciation, Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday, during the ringing of Easter bells, they ask for strength of body and spirit - and God does not refuse.

But remember: the doctor’s instructions regarding taking medications and nutrition must be taken into account.

How to cure diabetes with a spell

Diabetes is a fairly common disease in the modern world. It spares neither adults, the elderly, nor small children. It is very difficult to completely cure, but it is quite possible to stop the development of the disease and further complications. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to use magic spells for diabetes.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with spells

A conspiracy against diabetes will help normalize the amount of sugar in your blood, improve your well-being and help avoid unpleasant consequences from this disease. Any nervous strain or excessive stress can complicate the course of the disease.

What can trigger the development of diabetes

  • Doctors and nutritionists recommend not to abuse fried, fatty, sweet and salty foods. Sometimes this is very difficult to do. After all, there are times when you really want to eat a piece of chocolate, fried pork steak or pickled cucumber. It is not prohibited to eat these products in small quantities. But it can be very, very difficult to resist.
  • Alcoholic drinks, smoking and smoking mixtures can also cause diabetes or complicate the course of an existing disease.
  • A sedentary or sedentary lifestyle can lead to various diseases of the digestive tract. And along with them, the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted.
  • Constant stressful situations and nervous breakdowns, as well as concomitant and chronic diseases.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Lack of regular meals and dry snacks.
  • Abuse of highly carbonated drinks such as Pepsi-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, as well as various energy drinks and cocktails.

It is important to consider that amputation does not cure the disease. It only helps to slightly improve the patient’s condition, but the disease does not stop developing. Therefore, it is very important to listen to the advice of doctors and follow their recommendations.

How to cure leg ulcers

If your illness has been going on for several years, you are strongly advised to have your vision and fundus examined regularly. Otherwise, you may go blind or partially lose your vision.

Therefore, if you value your precious health, take care of it. Stick to your diet and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Waning moon spell

“Just as it is true that the sun will not hang itself in a noose, just as it is true that a male dog will not crow like a rooster, so it is true that a white bitch will take upon herself, from white sugar, a sugar disease from the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

And then give it to some animal. It's best if it's a dog. This folk method is quite strong and effective in treating such a disease. That is why it is often used by magicians, sorcerers and traditional healers. And due to the ease of execution, it can be done at home and independently.

Diabetes conspiracy on candles

This conspiracy is very strong. With its help, you can significantly improve the condition of a sick person, and stable remission occurs during the disease.

Ritual for diabetics

To perform a magical ritual, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the temple and buy thirteen candles there.
  • Without turning your gaze to the faces of the saints, leave the temple and cast a magic spell:

“I expel sweetness from the blood, go away, diabetes is an evil thing. Amen"!

After the words have been spoken, return to your home. Find a quiet, secluded place, retire, and light the candles you bought in the temple. Try to drive away all bad thoughts from yourself, don’t think about anything. Direct all your thoughts towards a speedy recovery. To do this, imagine how all excess sugar is expelled from your body, your condition improves and you feel better.

Do not forget about the treatment that the doctor prescribed for you. Stopping taking medications is strictly prohibited. This can lead to hypo- or hyperglycemic coma.

You can also use the following, no less powerful and effective, plot. It will help reduce high blood sugar levels and normalize your general condition.

“Just as everything sugar melts in tea and coffee, so let diabetes leave me. It doesn’t stay in the blood, it will dissolve with some water, and it will be afraid of the medicine. I will curse diabetes for a hundred years, let it calm down quickly and go back to hell. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen"!

The main thing in casting this spell is regularity. And to consolidate the resulting effect, you need to cast another magic spell.

“Let diabetes leave me, and let sugar not poison my veins. I’ll use the pill to heal my whole body so that it doesn’t ache or ache. I ask the sun to give me strength so that diabetes does not win. I ask the moon to give me will, to take away my evil fate forever. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen"!

Extinguish all candles and throw the stubs in the trash. Hide the piece of paper on which the magic spell is written away from strangers. And don't expect results to come instantly. You will need to wait at least a month to notice positive changes in the disease.

If after a month the spell does not work on you, repeat the same steps, but only on the full moon. You will see that the disease will soon leave you. It will become much easier for you. Your blood sugar levels return to normal.

Prayer for “sugar sickness”

You need to measure the diameter of your head yourself. Then make a birch wreath according to these measurements. It is very important that it has buds and leaves.

Prayer for “sugar disease”

Weave bay leaves in there too. The wreath obtained in this way must be consecrated in the temple. To do this, place it near the icon of the Mother of God and light seven church candles from it. Ask the Mother of God for healing. Your words should not be memorized or written on a piece of paper. They must come from your heart. Ask her for healing, for the gift of health. At the end of your prayer, be sure to ask for her blessing and do not forget to leave a donation for the needs of the church.

When you leave the temple, say these words:

“I, the servant of God (my full name), came for health and left with health! Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen"!

When you get home, you need to brew tea from a small handful of leaves from the wreath. You should get approximately half a liter jar of liquid. The infusion should be drunk hot.

When three hours have passed, brew the drink again. It must be cooled slightly and drunk warm.

And after another three hours, brew a medicinal drink, cool it and drink it cold. Repeat your actions over and over again. Continue until you run out of leaves on the wreath.

Next, you need to prepare an aspen infusion. To do this, take 50 grams of aspen bark and fill it with cool water (three liters). Bring all contents to a boil and then cool. This infusion is drunk a glass a day, replacing tea. In the evening you should definitely eat one hundred grams of walnuts.

Never forget about the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to follow all his recommendations. And treatment with folk remedies, such as spells, will only complement the treatment and make it better.

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Is it possible for an unconsecrated person to test for diabetes?

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“Son of God, Jesus Christ, help me heal the servant of God (servant of God) (name) and everyone who suffers from various diseases. Lord, save and preserve, preserve and have mercy. Give me strength, Lord, to take trouble away from people, to take all misfortune away from them. Son of the Lord, Jesus Christ, help guide everyone to the righteous path, to holy prayer. Have mercy on us."

“Blessed Virgin Mary, you walk the earth, you help people, help the servant of God (servant of God) (name) get rid of (name of the disease). You know that three stones lying in three seas cannot end up in the same sea and lie side by side. Make sure that illnesses leave the house of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) and cannot return, just as three stones from the three seas cannot unite together in one sea and lie side by side. Blessed Virgin, you know that diseases die away on the dead, make sure that the diseases on the servant of God (servant of God) (name) die away, and he begins to live without illness and rejoice in his destiny.”

You should say 3 times:

“I renounce the servant of God (servant of God) (name) from (name of the disease), I save my soul. I opened the coffin, and you, Lord, heal the servant of God (servant of God) (name) with your divine words. Lord, open your soul, and I will save a person from (name of the disease). I open 100 gates to the Lord. Dead Souls, get out of here - the road is open. We will live and rejoice in our fate.”

Then you should cross the person over whom the conspiracy is being committed 3 times and remove the napkin from his head, which the patient should keep for some time in his possession, so that at exactly midnight, moisten it with blessed water, wipe his body with it, leave the house without telling anyone anything. , reach the intersection, stand in its center, close your eyes, turn clockwise three times, throw a napkin over your left shoulder and say:

“Disease, go away and never come. Cross, harvest, three circles for you.”

After this, the patient should also silently return home, without looking back at the intersection.

When crossing yourself, say 3 times:

“From the oncoming, transverse, from the dashing person, Lord, have mercy on Your servant (Your servant) (name) from the tributary, from the tributary mother, from the black and from the red-haired person, from the envious and disrespectful, from the gray and from the brown, from the blue and from the black eye! Just as the dawn of Amnitaria came out and went out, so let all sorts of ailments caused by evil spirits come out and go out from the servant of God (servant of God) (name). Just as fire knocks fire out of blue damask steel with a stone, so let him knock out and knock out all ailments and damage from the servant of God (servant of God) (name). You are a tributary, a tributary mother, illnesses, lessons, prizes, go from the servant of God (servant of God) (name) into dark forests, into dry trees, where people do not walk, where cattle do not roam, where birds do not fly, where animals do not prowling! Salmanida, the grandmother of Christ, the ruler of Christ, washed Christ, ruled, and left us the pellets. I lock the sentence with thirty-nine locks and thirty-nine keys. My word is strong. Amen".

Wipe the diabetic person with the wrong side of a clean shirt and put on clean clothes.

Early in the morning, fill a can with a lid with spring water, without looking back or speaking to anyone, return home, put three hot coals, a pinch of salt and a piece of clay into the water. Then wash the patient with this water twice, early in the morning and late in the evening, saying:

“Like water off a goose, water off a swan, so the servant of God (servant of God) (name) has trouble, illness, and thinness!”

Cast a spell over a person with diabetes 7 times.

“To every troubled person: salt in the eye, hot sand, scorching fire - the evil, the dashing, the corrupt and the unlucky. Every troubled person cannot recognize God’s creation, cannot open the clouds, cannot shoot down the frequent stars, cannot cross the dawn with an ax, cannot push the new moon, so the servant of God (servant of God) (name) cannot be spoiled by anyone, cannot be disfigured from century to century , from now on and forever and ever, Amen. Which words are forgotten, which are missed, be all spoken in full from century to century, from now on and always. Heaven is the key, earth is the lock.”

“Unclean spirits, evil spirits! Move away, fall away from the servant of God (servant of God) (name), do not torment, do not torment, neither early in the morning, nor in broad daylight, nor in the dark at night. You came from the forest, go back to the forest, from the water - back to the water, from the white-haired girl, from the long-haired woman, from the peasant, from the boy. Soak everything in salt. Go where the grass does not wither, where people do not look, under a stump, under a log, into quicksand swamps, where they do not ride horses or walk on foot, beyond small streams, beyond large rivers, beyond dark forests. Leave everyone, do not break the bones of the servant of God (servant of God) (name), do not pull the veins of the servant of God (servant of God) (name). Ugh, ugh, ugh."

“In order to avoid illness, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) is a guardian cross, the cross is the beauty of the church, the cross is an orb for kings, the cross is the scepter of princes, the cross is a fence for the servant of God (servant of God) (name), the cross is a chaser away from the slave God's (servant of God) (name) every enemy and adversary. Holy Hierarchs: Ivan the Forerunner of the Theologian, friend of Christ, Tifinskaya, Kazan and Smolensk Mother of God, in Holy Baptism Friday Paraskovya, pray to God for deliverance from illnesses to the servant of God (servant of God) (name).

Oh, Movement of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, holy Victorious Yegor the Brave, Great Martyr, take up your spear, holding it against the flattering serpent; Archangel Michael, take your flaming spear and repel from the servant of God (servant of God) (name) the silence and relatives who dream, roar and reject winds and lumbago, day and night commotion, and all sorts of sorrows and illnesses from the seventy-seven joints, from the seventy-seven He lived from his whole body to twelve relatives and twelve simple-haired wives. Holy Archangels and Angels, Cherubim and Seraphim, heavenly powers Voivode Michael the Archangel, Ascension of the Lord, Holy Prophet of God. Elijah, the Great Saint Sophia over the gates of the Tsar City, Anastasia and Barbara the Great Martyr, the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, Righteous Ivan the Fool for Fool, the Mother of God in Jerusalem, the city of Judea, into which the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, came. God's Son, reverend fathers Izosim and Savvaty, Solovetsky miracle workers, pray to God for deliverance from illnesses to the servant of God (servant of God) (name). Just as a tree will not reach from the earth to heaven with its top, like Christ our God, there will be no silence, no relatives, no sorrows and illnesses, visible and invisible, so the servant of God (servant of God) (name) will not have any sorrows and illnesses, the holy cross will protect him.

Sitting on the throne are Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, and Saints Michael and Gabriel, the Archangels, the Venerable Tikhon - to drive away from the head, ribs and the whole body - watery, large swamp sorrows and ailments. And I pray: take away from the servant of God (servant of God) (name) all sorrows and illnesses to the twelve relatives and twelve simple-haired wives, here stands Mount Tabor, on the mountain lie the church stacks, the most Holy Mother of God, the Lady of Vladimir, Kazan, Spasskaya and Renewal in the new city ​​of Jerusalem, on the place of execution.

And I, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I will call upon God for help, with the cross I will drive away the devil, with the cross I will cleanse all sorrows and illnesses. Lord, have mercy on me, servant of God (servant of God) (name). Amen".

“Lord God, bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Just as the Lord God established and strengthened the sky, and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and just as on that raw earth there is no illness, no bloody wounds, no pinching, no aches, no swelling, so the Lord created me, the servant of God (servant God) (name), the Lord did the same, and firmly established, and firmly strengthened my veins, my bones and my white body, just as I, the servant of God (the servant of God) (name), would not have on a white body, on my zealous heart, on my bones there is no disease, no blood, no wound, no pinch, no ache, no swelling. One Archangel key: forever and ever. Amen".

“I will rise, servant of God (servant of God) (name), blessing myself, go out, cross myself, go from door to door, from gate to gate, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under black clouds. I, the servant of God (servant of God), have an okiyan-sea, on the okiyan-sea there is a golden island, on a golden island there is a throne, on a golden throne sits the Mother Holy Mother of God, blows foam from the blue sea and brushes it away. Wipe away from the servant of God (servant of God) (name) 12 silences, 12 stones, 12 ailments, 12 aches, 12 tresots. Keys, locks - into the water, fire - up the mountain. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“Lord God, deliver (name) from illness, from the tax collector who does not allow him (her) to live a righteous life. Lord God, enlighten Your servant (Your servant) (name), turn him (her) to yourself, save his soul. Renounce him (her) from the toll sickness, cleanse his (her) house from all filthiness, direct him (her) to the true path, to fulfill Your commandments. Soul (name), I turn to you in the Lord, wake up, wake up from your confusion, from evil spirits, remove the chains that are choking you, open your eyes, look at all the uncleanness of your house, wash them, tighten the holes, smooth out the wrinkles, take out the nails, pins and other flaws. Fill your clean home with yourself. Lord God, drive away the unclean, send him away from (name)’s soul and give her the healing drink of the Lord.”

Dietary nutrition for diabetes.

Both traditional and official medicine in the treatment of diabetes agree that, in addition to the mandatory course of treatment, the patient must adhere to a therapeutic health-improving diet. It is noteworthy that in both cases, without a diet, the effect of treatment is small. To strengthen it, you need to give up eating certain foods and, conversely, give preference to not very expensive culinary products. In addition, it should be noted that if in the treatment of type I diabetes mellitus the diet is only an auxiliary remedy, then in type II diabetes mellitus it is fundamental.

Complete diets for diabetics including the optimal amount of carbohydrates were developed in 1943 by S. G. Genes and E. Ya. Reznitskaya.

Features of diet for different types of diabetes.

So, as already said, type I diabetes is very different from type II diabetes. In the first case, patients are insulin dependent and therefore do not need a special diet as such. For the most part, they just need to follow a diet. The fact is that in a healthy person, the body produces the hormone insulin after eating food and in strictly appropriate quantities. Since carbohydrates increase blood sugar, a patient with type I diabetes should strictly control the carbohydrate content of food, which will make it easy to introduce the required dose of insulin into his body.

In the case of type II diabetes, things are much more complicated. Patients suffering from it do not need insulin replacement therapy. The fact is that their blood sugar increases because insulin stops being produced. More precisely, the insulin hormone itself is produced in patients, but the receptors through which the signal passes to beta cells function poorly, or the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin is greatly reduced. Such patients usually suffer from excess weight, therefore, the diet is absolutely necessary for them, since it is aimed at reducing blood sugar and reducing body weight.

If patients receive insulin, the concept of a “bread unit” is introduced for them. For 1 bread unit, we roughly take 12 g of carbohydrates, which are contained in 25 g of black bread.

In this regard, people with type II diabetes are advised to consume carbohydrate-containing foods that practically do not increase blood sugar levels. These include cabbage, lettuce, parsley, dill, radishes, carrots, turnips, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, Bell pepper, beans, beans, peas. It is not recommended to eat bread, baked goods, pasta, cereals, fruits and berries, vegetables (potatoes and corn), liquid dairy products (milk, kefir), and foods that contain pure sugar.

Drinking alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol abuse is known to contribute to weight gain and changes in blood sugar levels. It can also lead to hypoglycemia or coma. Moreover, alcohol entering the bloodstream negatively affects the pancreas and slows down the removal of sugar from the liver. Among other things, it significantly enhances the effect of sweeteners and insulin, and therefore, soon after drinking a strong drink, the patient’s blood sugar level first rises sharply, and then drops sharply a few hours later. The problem is that this can happen while the person is sleeping and cannot get help in a timely manner. You can avoid such developments if you know which drinks and in what doses can be safely consumed by people with diabetes.

The most dangerous drinks are those with an alcohol content of less than 30%, but with a lot of sugar. These include dessert, dry, aromatized, fortified (port, Madeira, sherry) and semi-dry wines, as well as alcoholic drinks containing more than 5% sugar. All of them are very dangerous for people with diabetes. As for dry wines, dry champagne and beer, they are allowed in doses not exceeding 200 ml.

Alcoholic drinks with 40% alcohol content, which include vodka, cognac, gin and whiskey, contain little sugar. Diabetic patients can consume them in quantities not exceeding ml, and preferably with foods rich in carbohydrates.

Basic principles of diet.

Only a qualified specialist, that is, the attending endocrinologist, has the right to give any precise recommendations on diet therapy. However, there are certain foods that should never be included in the diet of people with diabetes. Any exceptions can be made only with the permission of a doctor.

There are no enzymes in nature that decompose fat. There are only those that promote digestion. Subject to low calorie diet It is harmful to constantly eat foods rich in enzymes, such as pineapple and papaya.

In extremely limited quantities, you can eat fried in vegetable oil, salted and canned vegetables, milk with 1.5-2% fat content, sausages, squid, low-fat sour cream, eggs, dried apricots, raisins, cereals, wheat bread, nuts, vegetable oil, oysters, meringue cakes, jelly, shrimp. The diet of diabetics should include the maximum amount of fresh, frozen, canned and dried vegetables and fruits, legumes, lean meat, poultry, lean sea and river boiled fish, mussels, lobsters, scallops, skim milk, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, bread rye and bran, oatmeal, tea, coffee, mineral water.

Thus, fatty meat, poultry, strong coffee, vegetables and cereals, especially if they were prepared with animal fats, fatty fish, sauces based on sour cream and butter, whole milk, cream, sour cream, fatty yoghurts, mayonnaise, etc. sugar, chocolate, candies, fatty cheeses, lard, cakes, baked goods, ice cream, puddings, condensed milk, hot chocolate.

The phenomenon of hypoglycemia is very dangerous for the life of a diabetic patient. It has already been mentioned above; here it will be discussed in more detail.

Hypoglycemia occurs when there is a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, which is often observed in people with type 1 diabetes. This occurs when there is an overdose of insulin, which can be caused by a technical or calculation error, as well as by using a higher concentration of insulin or double injection.

Hypoglycemia also occurs when the daily diet regimen or norms are violated, high or too long physical activity, as well as after drinking alcohol, since alcohol enhances the effect of insulin and sugar-lowering drugs.

If you do not completely exclude fat from your diet, then the feeling of fullness after eating will come sooner, and at the same time a person will be able to eat less.

The state of hypoglycemia develops very quickly and lasts about 30 minutes. It is characterized by sudden weakness, feeling of hunger, hand tremors, sweating, dizziness, pallor, palpitations, darkening of the eyes. The patient also begins to show anxiety, his behavior becomes inappropriate, and there is a sharp change in mood. Possible loss of consciousness. If you experience such symptoms, you should check your blood sugar levels and eat food immediately. For such a case, patients with diabetes should always have 2-3 lumps of sugar with them. You can drink sweet tea or juice. After this, for a persistent increase in blood sugar levels, the patient must take food containing slowly digestible carbohydrates, such as bread, porridge, and purees.

If the patient was unable or did not have time to help himself, missing the symptoms that appeared, then those around him should help him. To do this, the patient must have with him a card or other items that will contain information about the presence of diabetes. If help is not provided in time, coma may develop. Repeated hypoglycemia is dangerous for the brain. A person who has experienced this condition should analyze its causes together with a doctor.

Features of nutrition of patients with type II diabetes mellitus.

As mentioned earlier, for patients with type II diabetes, diet is a major part of treatment. Since such patients are not insulin dependent, they do not need insulin replacement therapy, because their main problem is obesity, which, in fact, is what therapeutic diets are aimed at combating.

The fact is that adipose tissue requires an increased dose of insulin, and with excessive secretion of this hormone, even more adipose tissue is formed. This vicious circle causes the disease to develop faster and faster; as a result of excessive intensity of insulin secretion, the insular apparatus weakens and dies, and the patient becomes completely dependent on insulin. Therefore, the most effective in this case is the purpose of the diet and physical activity which will allow you to quickly reduce the amount of fat.

You can experience many failures when trying to reduce your weight. Nevertheless, there is no need to despair. Over time, healers have developed many different diets. Some of them were successful, others were not. However, the point here is not only in the features of the diet, but also in the human body, which has many features. However, there are several general provisions, true for all diets aimed at losing weight and freeing yourself from insulin dependence.

Vitamins are necessary, but in no way contribute to weight loss. Therefore, you should not give up vitamins, but you should not place excessive hopes on them.

For example, many people believe that it is impossible to gain weight from certain foods. This is not entirely true. The main problem here is overeating, and it doesn’t matter what is eaten, the main thing is in what quantity. Of course, there are foods whose excessive consumption makes it much easier to gain weight, such as, for example, baked goods, but this does not mean that if excess calories enter the body with oranges, the body will ignore these calories. Therefore, you can gain weight from any type of food.

It should be remembered that a raw food diet does not always promote weight loss, because not all foods are healthy to eat raw, for example, eggplants or green beans. Of course, after heat treatment these products become absolutely safe. In addition, not all foods in their raw form are easily digested, that is, instead of getting rid of extra pounds, you can easily get gastritis, or even a stomach ulcer.

Strong conspiracy against diabetes, 2 powerful conspiracies

Without stopping the treatment prescribed by the doctor under any pretext, back it up with a strong conspiracy against diabetes. Blood glucose will drop noticeably.

Without going into details of the disease, try to do everything to get out.

My dears, everything is curable, including diabetes.

Maintaining the required level of sugar in the blood is also a kind of healing, which is achieved in both traditional and occult ways.

Without canceling insulin or other medicines, visit Orthodox church, having bought 13 candles.

Without bowing your head to the icons, go back.

As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around quietly and say these enchantment lines to yourself:

I expel sweetness from the blood, go away, diabetes is an evil thing. Amen!

When at home, retire to a locked room.

Light all the candles.

Calm down and banish harmful thoughts from your soul.

Visualize illness clearly as excess sugar, dissolving it and removing it from the body.

Heal diabetes on an energy level by regulating your metabolic process.

Begin to repeat powerful spells repeatedly and confidently to help traditional medicine lower blood glucose levels.

Just as everything sugar melts in tea and coffee, so let diabetes leave me. It doesn’t stay in the blood, it will dissolve with some water, and it will be afraid of the medicine. I will curse diabetes for a hundred years, let it calm down quickly and go back to hell. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Let diabetes leave me, and let sugar not poison my veins. I’ll use the pill to heal my whole body so that it doesn’t ache or ache. I ask the sun to give me strength so that diabetes does not win. I ask the moon to give me will, to take away my evil fate forever. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Throw the cinders into the trash bin.

Remove the handwritten spell sheet from prying eyes.

Wait for a positive result for at least a month, without under any circumstances canceling the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

If diabetes does not recede, repeat all activities on the days of the calendar full moon.

You will definitely get better!

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Spells to cure diabetes

Diabetes in last years is reaching epidemic proportions. The main cause of the disease is that the body cannot cope with the production of the required amount of the hormone insulin due to disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas.

It is very difficult to completely cure the disease, so in some cases desperate patients turn to alternative medicine methods.

Reading conspiracies for various ailments, including diabetes, is one such treatment method. Many people think that conspiracies for diabetes are the creation of healers, sorcerers and shamans. In fact, they are one of the areas of traditional medicine.

Mechanism of action

It would seem that conspiracies are a combination of certain words and sounds. But these are not just phrases, they are some kind of force with powerful energy. This is why conspiracies cannot be used too often.

By candlelight

For the ceremony, 13 candles are bought in the church.

When leaving the temple, you must say the words: “I expel sweetness from the blood, I drive you away, diabetes, evil filth. Amen"!

At home, in a calm atmosphere, candles are lit. We must direct our thoughts towards a complete cure.

Sugar plot for diabetes

During the waning moon, the following words are read over a bowl of lump sugar or sand: “It is true that the luminary cannot hang itself in a noose, and a dog cannot crow like a rooster. Let the white bitch take away the sweet illness from the white sugar from the servant of God (state the name of the patient). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The charmed sweet is fed to the dog.

Every diabetic should pay attention to aloe. The plant has the property of stabilizing blood sugar levels, strengthening the immune system and normalizing carbohydrate metabolism.

When used correctly, nettle is no less beneficial for diabetics. By taking infusions, teas and decoctions of nettle, the patient's condition noticeably improves.