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Is it possible to coat alkyd paint with polyurethane varnish? Can acrylic paint be varnished? Is it possible to varnish acrylic paint?

To find out what varnish to coat acrylic paint with, we will consider the types of varnish compositions available for repair, select the optimal ones and describe the procedure for applying it.

Different varnishes are needed, different varnishes are important

In its most general form, varnish is a liquid solution of various resins, which is applied in a thin layer to various surfaces and, after drying, gives them shine and protection from external influences. With the help of varnishing, a significant aesthetic effect is achieved, the service life of many products and the durability of repairs are increased. Varnish compositions are very diverse in terms of area of ​​use:

  • Furniture - used indoors to cover any wooden products (not just furniture); they often act as a finishing layer after sealing cracks in a log. They may contain coloring pigments immediately or be supplemented with tinting before use, thereby immediately giving the wood the desired shade during the varnishing process. They are economical in cost, but have low wear resistance;
  • Parquet. Used on floors made of natural wood, including factory-treated floors. Parquet varnishes are compatible with parquet itself, solid boards and ordinary floorboards. Their cost is quite noticeable, as is their high abrasion resistance. The common property of furniture and parquet varnishes is low moisture resistance - this is why it is recommended to wipe parquet, furniture and varnished floors with mastic or special compounds, and not wash them with buckets of water;
  • Yachting. They are the antipodes of their predecessors in terms of moisture resistance, because they can resist prolonged exposure to sea spray, salty winds and ocean waves for a long time. They are used not only in shipbuilding, but also in land-based household repairs, for example, when varnishing garden furniture, gazebos, stands for wooden canopies or carved trim outside windows. The cost of yacht varnish is several times higher than the price of parquet varnish, so it must be used wisely and carefully;
  • Universal or decorative. They occupy an intermediate position between the above-mentioned compositions, allow application indoors and outdoors, and have moderate durability and cost.

Varnish for water-based paint is most often universal. The area of ​​decorative use of water-based acrylic paints is very wide; they are perfect for both interior repairs and exterior decoration, therefore the protection of these paints should have universal properties.

Main types of varnishes by composition

By studying the label (or other accompanying inscription) on the packaging of a container of varnish, you can glean a lot of useful information about its components and compatibility with paint. The formulas of varnishes and the technologies for their production are very diverse:

  • Oil based, based on organic (natural or synthetic) oils and resins. They are best compatible with wood surfaces; this material absorbs oily substances well and has high hardness after hardening. Unfortunately, the hardening of oil varnishes itself can take several days;
  • Alkyd - produced from alkyd resins and synthetic solvents. In terms of moisture resistance and wear resistance, they are better than oil ones, and dry a little faster. They have universal qualities - they can be used to varnish interior items and products located outside. They can be applied using all known methods – from miniature brushes to rollers and sprayers;
  • Acrylic – environmentally friendly and absolutely fire safe (available on a water basis). Completely transparent acrylic varnishes well protect any wooden surface and acrylic painting on plaster or plaster, however, their durability depends on the stability of the microclimate in the room;
  • Nitrovarnishes are advantageous because they harden quickly and adhere quite “tenaciously” to the surface being treated. The disadvantage of nitro varnishes is toxicity and the ability to corrode the painted base, so before varnishing you need to stock up on a respirator and test the nitro varnish in an inconspicuous place, what if instead of a glossy layer, rags of new paint form?
  • Polyurethane is a universal and convenient composition with high resistance to mechanical, natural and chemical influences. Well compatible with various materials and paints. Among the “disadvantages” of polyurethane varnishing, one can note its technical complexity and high cost;
  • Epoxy. They are inferior to polyurethane in aesthetic qualities, comparable in strength, and dry faster. Typically used for varnishing wooden products in rooms with high humidity (baths, saunas, steam baths, swimming pools).

Whether acrylic paint can be varnished is determined by the identity of its composition with the painted surface, that is, acrylic varnish will obviously be compatible with acrylic paint; it is also permissible to use polyurethane and some types of alkyd varnishes.

How to coat acrylic paint with varnish - application instructions

Acrylic paints have one interesting feature: the longer they are left unvarnished, the more firmly they “bond” with the wooden base. Before choosing a varnish, the paint must be allowed to dry thoroughly, from several days to several weeks.. While drying, the painted product can be protected with film or glass.

How to varnish acrylic paint - step by step diagram

Step 1: Choose a varnish

Be sure to check whether the varnish you like (acrylic, polyurethane or universal) is compatible with the type of base - wood, plaster or putty. It is highly desirable that the varnish composition with acrylic components be fresh, that is, no more than 90 days have passed since its manufacture. All other things being equal, it is better to purchase a matte composition instead of a glossy one, because... acrylic paint rarely needs additional shine.

Step 2: Getting ready for varnishing

Protective film, cellophane, glass, etc. need to be carefully removed without damaging the acrylic base. If dust is found on the surface, remove it with a vacuum cleaner (without contact with the base!) In extreme cases, you can use a feather whisk. Moreover, movements should be as careful and measured as possible. Mechanical sweeping with rags is strictly prohibited - acrylic paints are quite delicate and can fly around with petals of multi-colored hopes even before varnishing. Before applying the varnish to a dust-free surface, it should be heated to a temperature of 40-50 ˚C. It is best to perform this operation in a water bath. If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, then you can stick to the empirical ratio: a three-liter jar of varnish in a boiling liter of water heats up to a temperature of 40-50 ˚C in about five minutes. During heating, the varnish composition must be stirred several times with a smooth lath.

Step 3: Varnish!

It is important to set the lighting correctly; in the dark, the best painter will not be able to cope with the task. The optimal light source is at the top and to the right, even if the room is sufficiently illuminated. It is best to work with a wide flute brush - from 50 to 150 mm wide, depending on the volume of varnish. Take a small amount of varnish onto the brush (so that it does not drip onto the floor or flow over the product) and apply it to the surface with wide, smooth strokes, moving from top to bottom. The trajectory of the brush movements should be parallel to the upper border of the varnish. After processing 0.5-0.7 m2, the varnish layer must be polished. Polishing is carried out with a dry flute brush using movements from top to bottom. When the dry brush begins to stick to the surface being treated, you should move on to varnishing new areas. The finished product should be protected from dust accumulation until the varnish layer hardens. This is done by installing visors, film frames, etc. It is better to try self-varnishing with acrylic paints on small products; once you acquire skills, you can move on to decorative elements with a significant surface area.

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Varnish is a type of coating that protects the surface from moisture and mechanical damage, and it also copes well with its aesthetic function. Modern manufacturers are constantly releasing new types of this finishing material.

Taking a course towards organic and environmental friendliness, experts recommend choosing a varnish based on acrylic.

What it is?

Acrylic varnish is crushed plastic dissolved in acrylic. After drying, this composition forms a thin, colorless acrylic film with high resistance to mechanical damage.

The main substances that make up the varnish fit into three points:

  • liquid polymer (acrylic);
  • antiseptic (to protect wood from moisture and pests);
  • plasticizer (the main component that gives the coating maximum strength and durability).

Acrylic varnish is a ready-to-use substance: homogeneous, transparent, practically odorless. It is based on high-quality acrylic resins, not burdened with color, and water dispersions.

To get acquainted with this almost universal coating, you should highlight its main properties and characteristics.

  • Acrylic varnish is a liquid. It is characterized by high viscosity and the ability to dissolve in water.
  • One of the pleasant features is the minimal presence of odor (at least unpleasant).
  • Despite the fact that this type of varnish is water-soluble, it cannot be washed off after drying.
  • The film that appears in place of the dried acrylic varnish has increased elasticity and wear resistance.
  • The coating does not lose its transparency even over time and under the influence of sunlight.
  • If necessary, this varnish is even recommended to be mixed with water-soluble paints.
  • Ideal for exterior and interior use. It interacts well not only with wood, but also with brick.


The main and most pleasant feature of acrylic varnish is its ready-made state, that is, you can buy it, bring it home and immediately begin processing. Also, professionals advise focusing your attention on it because the coating is highly resistant to temperature changes (it will not crack in either heat or severe frost). Acrylic varnish is so versatile that it can easily be applied not only to wood or brick. There is information about its successful application on paper, wallpaper, cardboard, plastered surfaces, metal and plastic products, fiberboard and drywall, glass surfaces, etc. Let's dwell on the positive and negative aspects of acrylic varnish.


  • high level of moisture resistance and thermal conductivity;
  • transparency and elasticity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • pronounced antiseptic properties;
  • excellent decorative solution;
  • low fire hazard;
  • resistance to household chemicals and alcohol solutions.

There are practically no disadvantages in using acrylic varnish, with the exception of the human factor and simple inattention of buyers.

Professionals always advise paying attention to the production date and expiration date of acrylic varnish, which can significantly affect its physical and chemical characteristics. If the coating has been stored in the cold for a long time, it may freeze and lose its main properties: elasticity and ease of application. Of course, the disadvantages include the high price for a quality product.

Required Tools

Preparing the surface for applying acrylic varnish is the main and important step in the work. First you need to clean everything from dust, dirt and grease. In case of re-application, the old layer must be removed and the part to be varnished must be sanded. The first application to wood is characterized by the use of three layers: the first is varnish diluted with a solvent by 10%; the second and third are undiluted varnish.

It is recommended to apply acrylic coating using a special roller. Professionals do not recommend using a brush when it comes to large sizes of the surface to be varnished. The interaction of the substance with the skin is unacceptable, so work should be carried out with gloves.

When decorating a room and its elements, the idea of ​​adding color to the varnish may arise. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve bright colors, but tinting makes it easy to give your favorite piece of furniture a new shade.


When starting to purchase acrylic varnish, you should understand its main types. There are countless varieties of this finishing material on the modern market. Even before purchasing and applying acrylic varnish, you need to firmly decide what kind of coating you want to get in the end: matte or glossy, transparent, dull or with a certain shade.

There are several main characteristics according to which varnishes can be divided into groups.

  • Compound. One-component - a coating that contains only acrylic. Two-component – ​​varnish supplemented with polyurethane.
  • Appearance treated surface. Two polar subspecies: matte and glossy, and one adjacent – ​​semi-matte. Matte varieties have a pleasant silky texture with added notes of velvety. Gloss, on the contrary, creates the impression of an impenetrable ice sheet.

  • Type of surface to be processed:
  1. for flooring (acrylic-based urethane varnish is suitable for perfectly smooth surfaces; for uneven parquet it is better to use matte varieties);
  2. for furniture (often used to add freshness and brightness to old interior items, so it is best to choose a polyurethane glossy varnish).
  • Color. In its original form, acrylic varnish is a liquid transparent substance that can easily be combined with any water-based paint, acquiring its unique shade. Just like paint, it can be tinted and colored. From colorless it easily goes to extremes: white and black.
  • Packing. This can be an aerosol in a spray can, intended for processing wood and tinting it (such a universal aerosol acrylic varnish allows the flight of fancy to take part in decorating the room). The spray promotes uniform, easy application. The main container for coating is also a jar or bucket, depending on the desired volume.

You can list the types exactly as long as you can sing the praises of all the advantages of acrylic varnish. Insulating and antiseptic properties, a slight presence of odor also make it possible to distinguish a specific type of varnish into a separate category and subspecies.

And such a universal product as VGT acrylic varnish leaves no chance for any of its fellows, because it is VGT that has universal qualities for treating both parquet floors and other heterogeneous surfaces.

Selection and Application

Not only saving time and money, but also the successful processing of the selected surface depends on choosing the right finishing material. Acrylic varnish is so unique and versatile that it can be easily used in any interior design with your eyes closed.

When processing wood, acrylic-based varnish has a practical and aesthetic effect. How much does it cost to treat a wooden floor? When working with a solid rough board, it is necessary to choose options that form the most dense layer. Also, such a coating should easily tolerate temperature changes and be resistant to moisture. Acrylic varnish for parquet was originally created so that the coating was thin, transparent and almost weightless, but if you cover rough boards with this type of varnish, the floor will soon crack. It is worth remembering that it will not be possible to quickly varnish the floor, because the first layer dries for at least 4 hours and at least 12 hours after finishing. In order to make life as easy as possible for the craftsmen, the acrylic floor varnish was initially made white. As it dries, it acquires perfect transparency, which gives a signal for applying the next layer.

For exterior work, applying this product as a finishing coat is also applicable. Resistant to sudden changes in temperature and mechanical damage, it allows the surface to retain its original pattern and shade.

Smaller projects also need acrylic varnish treatment. For example, it is very convenient to use it to cover stools and bedside tables, stairs, railings and plasterboard walls, table tops, decorative interior items (figurines, frames, and so on). Even painting requires treatment - it is worth covering the picture with acrylic varnish so that it will delight you longer with its bright, pristine colors.

Due to the high cost of acrylic varnish, there are several ways to make your own wood varnish at home. The oldest and most common method is mixing acetone and foam. The consistency is jelly-like, not the most convenient for application, but its durability and wear resistance are not inferior to store-bought ones. This mass can be used to treat small areas of the surface or to apply a protective layer to homemade interior decorations.

Decoupage can be considered another creative area for using acrylic varnish.– decorating various interior items with pieces of paintings, drawings, ornaments and monograms on a paper basis.

  • Padding. After cleaning the surface from dirt, dust and grease, it should be primed with a special primer or impregnation. This will help make the varnish layer as even as possible.
  • Grinding. An ideal mirror surface can be obtained by so-called wet grinding: the wetted wood is hard sanded, and only then a primer and acrylic varnish are applied. Each layer, except the first, also continues to be sanded with fine sandpaper.
  • Wash. When decorating an already varnished object, you must first wash off the old layer of varnish. Most often, it is enough to just sand the surface, prime it and apply a coat of varnish. Sometimes it becomes so difficult to remove the old coating that you have to resort to additional physical effort or mechanical grinding. For example, to remove a layer of varnish from a guitar, you will have to work a little. There is a risk of spoiling the wood, but there are humane ways: sanding with sandpaper and drying with a hair dryer (preferably a hair dryer, but the main thing is not to overheat the wood).

It is better to dilute the thickest mixtures. Since acrylic varnishes are made on a water basis, they can only be diluted with water, but the amount of thinner can be no more than 10% of the total weight of the coating.

Among the important recommendations for using acrylic varnish is compliance with external conditions: temperature and humidity. The first indicator must be positive, and the second must be at least 50%. Any deviations from these standards will lead to deterioration in the performance of the coating.

Do not apply too thick layers. The thinner the layer, the smoother the treated surface will be, and the more aesthetically pleasing it will look.

Manufacturers and reviews

Among the most famous whales of the building materials market in the production of acrylic varnish, the following brands stand out: Tikkurila, Neomid, Lakra, Optimist and Goodhim. Let's look at each in more detail.

Tikkurila- the queen of paints and varnishes. The acrylic varnish for parquet – Parketti Assa – received the maximum number of positive reviews. It has increased wear resistance, so it can be used in the most trafficked places. Easy to clean and does not deteriorate when using household chemicals of any composition. Even if there is a need to erase traces of paint from an already varnished floor, you can resort to using White Spirit or any other solvent. Parquet flooring protected with Tikkurila varnish is not afraid of anything.

At the moment, acrylic paint is consistently included in the list of the most popular ways to give a surface a particular color. The advantages of this paint are fast drying, the ability to carry out painting work on almost any surface, environmental friendliness and wear resistance. At the same time, many ask the question of whether such paint requires a varnish coating, how acrylic looks under a layer of varnish and, in the end, what product to choose for this?

The main task of varnish is to protect the surface from external influences. As a rule, varnishing is carried out on wood, preventing moisture from entering the wood and preserving the wood from various external influences. At the same time, varnish is also applied for decorative purposes.

Do I need to varnish acrylic paint?

Of all types of paint and varnish coating, acrylic requires varnishing the least. The reason is that it already contains varnish and is extremely successful in resisting moisture. Therefore, covering such paint with a layer of acrylic can only be explained by the need to give the surface additional protection.

Types of varnish by composition and place of application

Varnish is represented by very numerous types of products, allowing you to satisfy almost any need. This product is now actively used in various fields of activity. All this divides varnishes into different areas of use, which we list below:

  • Furniture. As the name implies, it is widely used in the furniture industry. However, it is also actively used for other wooden surfaces, including floors;
  • Parquet. Like the above, it is also actively used for flooring. But it can also be used for the same furniture, doors and the like. It is a one-component alkyd-polyurethane or acrylic-polyurethane;
  • Decorative. It is applied primarily for reasons of improving the appearance of the surface, and only then out of the need to protect this surface. The areas of application are extremely numerous;
  • Yacht. From the name it is clear that the wooden deck of boats can be covered with it. But the applications of this varnish are much more multifaceted, and it can be used in a number of external works. The reason is that the varnish perfectly resists water and natural influences.

In turn, according to their composition, varnishes are divided into the following types:

  • Acrylic. The most environmentally friendly and safe types of varnish. The reason is that this one is so aquatic. It is used in interior decoration and is distinguished by its transparency. Once applied to wood, it does not change its appearance. Likewise, the paint underneath will look the same;
  • Nitrovarnishes. They are used for interior work, but unlike acrylic ones, they are toxic, so they must be applied in respirators. They are distinguished by their fast drying time. The base contains plasticizers, resins, and organic solvents;
  • Alkyd. Applicable for external and internal work. They consist of alkyd resins and various organic solvents. They are highly resistant to moisture, but have the disadvantage of a long drying time;
  • Polyurethane. Universal varnishes for various wooden surfaces. They are distinguished by extremely high strength to various mechanical influences. Scratches on this varnish are less likely to appear than on others;
  • Oily. They take a very long time to dry - up to several days, depending on external conditions. They are created on the basis of vegetable oil, to which organic solvents are added, as well as natural and synthetic resins. They give the tree a signature yellowish-brownish hue;
  • Epoxy. Resistant to mechanical stress and moisture. Can be used for a wide variety of surfaces, both indoors and outdoors. It takes approximately 12 hours to dry.

Which varnish to choose for acrylic paint

From all of the above, you can understand that acrylic varnish is ideal for painting this type of paint. It is closest in chemical composition to the paint itself and is transparent. That is, we do not change colors, which is sometimes extremely important. Other advantages of this varnish include resistance to solar ultraviolet radiation, fast drying time and the absence of an unpleasant odor. At the same time, this varnish is also easy to work with, and we’ll talk about this later.

The nuances of applying varnish to acrylic paint

  • When choosing a varnish, inquire about the presence of strengthening components in it;
  • It is best to use varnish whose shelf life does not exceed 90 days from the date of manufacture. That is, as fresh as possible;
  • Since acrylic paint forms a good glossy coating, there is no need to add additional shine to it except in rare cases. So it’s better to buy a matte varnish;
  • Before covering the surface with varnish, you must wait until the paint has completely dried. In addition, it is necessary to completely clean the surface of dirt and foreign fragments. If you do this soon after painting, you need to be as careful as possible and not use rough rags;
  • Do not apply varnish until you have treated the painted surface with an acrylic primer. This way you can protect the varnish coating from possible cracking in the future. Apply varnish only after the primer has completely dried;
  • The varnish itself must be heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees Celsius. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can put a three-liter jar of varnish in a liter of boiling water. And the product will reach the desired temperature in about five minutes;
  • Try to varnish the surface under the light source located above and to the right. This will give you the clearest understanding of the process;
  • The ideal application tool is a wide flute brush 50-150 millimeters wide;
  • After covering approximately half a square meter of surface, we polish the layer. To do this, you need to take a dry flute brush and start running it vertically over the surface. As soon as the brush begins to stick to the surface, you can continue working.
  • While the varnish is drying (fortunately, acrylic dries quickly enough), it is necessary to prevent dust from settling on the surface.

Construction varnish is used in many areas of applied craftsmanship. They cover furniture, wooden interior elements, yachts, and works of art. Varnish is especially common and popular when laying a new floor during renovation or construction of a house. Also often during renovation it is necessary to solve the problem of restoring old parquet. Then the question arises: can regular varnish be coated with varnish? How to do it right?

Advantages of varnish coating

The varnish goes very well with the wood. Wooden varnished parquet flooring is deservedly popular among homeowners. What are the advantages of such coverage?

The advantages that varnish provides when treating a wooden floor are obvious:

  • increases service life,
  • provides protection against damage,
  • preserves the original color of the wood,
  • guarantees environmental friendliness during operation.

In addition, the varnish coating looks very beautiful and emphasizes the status of the owner of the house.

Features of restoration of varnished parquet

When carrying out renovations, there is often a need to renew an old parquet floor that has a varnish coating. Is it possible to varnish previously used varnish? I guess, yes. It is important to clarify what kind of varnish the floor was previously coated with. If you used a water-based varnish, then this is what you should use. Polymer compositions and nitro varnishes can be renewed with any paint and varnish substances, including water-based ones. But still, whether it is possible to varnish the varnish should be checked with a specialist in each specific case.

Applying a new coating - step by step

Having received an affirmative answer to the question: “Can regular varnish be coated with varnish?” - you need to start the process itself.

The repair work will take place in several stages.

  • It is necessary to decide on the type of varnish depending on the previous coating, the desired result and the functional purpose of the room.
  • First you need to thoroughly clean the surface of dirt, debris and uneven surfaces.
  • Then the floor is sanded using a special machine. This operation is aimed at ensuring the best adhesion of the old coating to the new one. In this case, the previous layer of varnish is not completely removed.
  • The next step will be another cleaning, which will finally prepare the surface for the main action.
  • Next, the floor is covered directly with varnish, always in several layers. Each layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Thus, it is easy to see for yourself whether it is possible to varnish the varnish. To do this, it is recommended to consistently and carefully go through all the necessary steps.

Varnish for laminate flooring - can it be coated?

Laminate is a modern coating that is very popular and is used everywhere. It already contains a special plastic layer that protects against damage and gives the surface a beautiful, smooth appearance. But over time, this layer can be damaged and lose its functional and decorative qualities.

Can laminate flooring be varnished? The issue is very controversial. For high-quality application of varnish, you need to ensure its good adhesion to the surface. The structure of the laminate is such that its top layer is very smooth and finely porous. The varnish application may not be durable and may crack quickly. Another factor in the fragility of varnish on a laminate surface is the technology of its installation. The panels have floating properties, responding to ambient temperature and humidity. And when the varnish dries, it forms a single specific moisture-proof film, which can crack when the laminate is deformed.

Nevertheless, there are experts who, when asked “Can laminate flooring be varnished?” - they answer in the affirmative. Compositions specifically designed for coatings such as laminate have appeared on the modern construction market. But it is better to protect the new surface with them. If the floor is already damaged, these varnishes will not give the desired effect. When coating a laminate surface with varnish, it is important to meet two conditions:

  • select the composition depending on the material from which the top layer of the panels is made;
  • When preparing the floor surface, do not use abrasive tools, but use special pastes.

Applying varnish to paint

Traditionally, wood is varnished. At the same time, there is often a need to protect and add additional shine and strength to surfaces made of other materials. For example, can paint be varnished?

When talking about applying varnish to a painted surface, we usually talk about acrylic or water-based paint. In solving this problem, the main place is occupied by the choice of varnish. It must be water based. It is better to give preference to acrylic varnish, which does not allow the paint to flow, dries quickly, does not smell, and is not harmful to health. The main thing is that before starting work you need to apply a primer to the painted surface, which will allow the varnish composition to lie smoothly and reliably.

Applying varnish to other surfaces

Varnishing, as a process of creating a protective layer, is also used on other surfaces. It can be metal, plywood, paper, self-adhesive film. Is it possible to coat the film with varnish?

It is possible if there is a need for it. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the varnish, so as not to damage the top decorative layer of the film and prevent the surface from cracking after drying. For example, nitro varnish, for all its advantages, has significant limitations on its use, but acrylic varnish is a more universal product.

So can you varnish varnish? Can. Can any other surfaces be varnished? Yes. But any process has its own characteristics, its pros and cons. What aspects do you need to know and consider when working with paints and varnishes? Professionals give a number of tips in this case.

To get the desired result and avoid unwanted surprises, you need to carefully study the manufacturer's instructions for using the varnish.

When deciding on floor varnishing, you need to take into account the functional purpose of the premises. For example, the corridor and kitchen are subject to high traffic. These rooms require a more durable and long-lasting coating.

Not all varnishes are safe for human health. For example, alkyd and acidic materials contain harmful substances and take a long time to dry. Therefore, when using such varnishes, you need to remember safety precautions.

The main role in the success of the varnishing process is played by the surface preparation stage: sanding and cleaning before coating. Mistakes at this stage can lead to disastrous results.

Although the varnishing process cannot be called simple, with a responsible approach it is accessible to everyone. Despite many modern innovative technologies and materials, varnishing does not lose its popularity.

In decoupage, the choice of varnish is of great importance. It is not only used as a finishing coat, but is also used throughout the decoupage process.

Quite often, decoupage varnish plays the role of glue: with its help, cut-out motifs are attached to the surface. Decoupage varnish from a spray can is often sprayed onto thin napkins. They tear easily, and the varnish helps them avoid deformation when gluing them onto an object that is decorated using the decoupage technique. Fragments printed on the printer are also varnished so that the paint does not spread during the process. You can also varnish already pasted pictures: then, while working on the background, accidental paint on the picture will not spoil it.

What types of varnishes are there?

Varnishes are divided into groups based on composition. In decoupage work, special varnishes made on the basis of water or synthetic resins are used. Professionals recommend acrylic and polyurethane varnishes.

Water-based acrylic varnishes

Acrylic varnishes are an environmentally friendly type of varnish. They are not flammable, because the varnish is based on water, so it can be used for interior finishing work. This varnish has quite high levels of elasticity and strength, and it can also change the color of wood.

But acrylic varnish also has some disadvantages. Namely, it depends on the microclimate of the room in which the work is carried out. The humidity in the room should be at least 50%, then crystallization will proceed normally. In winter, this is difficult to achieve.

Polyurethane varnishes

Polyurethane varnishes help form an insoluble coating; they also have good adhesion to wood, plastic, metal, leather, fabrics, and plaster. The varnishes are resistant to sea and fresh water. They are able to maintain their shine for several years. But the main advantage of polyurethane varnishes is the formation of a film with high wear resistance and mechanical strength.

Water-based polyurethane varnishes are among the most modern paints and varnishes. They have the advantages of acrylic varnishes (odorless, environmentally friendly) and the advantages of polyurethane solvent-soluble varnishes (strength, resistance to mechanical influence). And although in their pure form the films of such water-soluble polyurethane varnishes are inferior to films of organic-soluble ones, special additives with strengthening characteristics increase the service life and quality of this type of varnish.

Oil varnishes

Some craftsmen use oil varnishes for decoupage. The main components of these varnishes are resins and vegetable oils, as well as organic solvents. When the varnish dries, a transparent hard film from light yellow to dark brown is formed. The color depends on the components of the varnish. Oil varnish dries in a few hours, but it can take a whole day to dry (this depends on atmospheric conditions).

This type of varnish is produced directly on the basis of organic solvents and alkyd resins. Varnishes are used for both interior and exterior decoration; there are also universal alkyd varnishes. They are highly moisture resistant and durable.

One drawback is the long drying period - about 72 hours. To shorten this period, some manufacturers specifically add a hardener to the varnish, which shortens the entire crystallization period to a day. Alkyd varnishes are applied to the surface with a roller or brush.


Nitrovarnishes are widely used for interior finishing work. The advantages of this type of varnish: fast drying time, high strength, fairly affordable price. But it is worth remembering that nitro varnishes are harmful to human health. You need to work with nitro varnishes only in a respirator.

How to choose a varnish depending on the surface to be decorated

1) If you decide to decorate using the decoupage technique (and even one that will be used and not just left “for beauty”), purchase a harmless decoupage varnish for the finishing coat.

2) Products that will constantly come into contact with water or simply be used in damp areas must be coated with waterproof varnishes.

3) A good varnish dries quickly without cracks or smudges, applies evenly to the base itself, does not have a strong, pungent odor, and does not turn yellow over time.

4) When choosing a varnish, you should also take into account what object you will be covering with it. For example, a final glossy varnish on a shabby chic style product will only spoil the entire impression, as it will contradict the very concept of the style. Choose matte acrylic varnish.

5) You can specifically design a certain effect using panting and special iridescent varnishes (with triple or diamond shine). You can take a matte or glossy shade. The effect depending on the type of varnish will be obvious. Therefore, in the “materials for decoupage” column, be sure to mark what type of varnish you will use.

6) A special transparent varnish (water-based) will allow you to achieve a voluminous effect. This varnish is applied from a tube to the reverse side of fragments cut from a napkin (on those elements that should be voluminous). After drying, they acquire the very necessary convex structure.