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Prayers and conspiracies protection amulets. The most powerful prayer amulet. Types of protective prayers

Life modern man very difficult. Events often occur in it that a person is not able to control or change their outcome. To protect yourself from negativity and minimize the consequences of difficult life situations, you should use the amulet prayer. Prayer texts have a positive effect on a person’s destiny and strengthen his fortitude. Amulet prayer is an effective means that will help a believer protect himself from evil rock. It will help you calm down and make the right decision. You can read the amulet prayer for loved ones.

The amulet prayer is filled with special positive energy. It creates a powerful protective energy field around a person, through which no harmful message of a random or directed nature can penetrate.

How and when to read a prayer

To strong prayer The amulet worked continuously, it needs to be read once a month. This must be done in privacy. A special environment must be created in the room. It is important to exclude any external interference. Any random external influence, for example, phone call, will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the prayer amulet. Also, all pets should be removed from the room where the prayer is read.

The prayer must be read with lit candles. This will enhance its protective properties. Usually the text is spoken three times. You will also need to use holy water in the ritual. If prayer words are spoken over it, then in the future it can be used in moments of life when there is a deterioration in health for no apparent reason, which usually indicates an energy attack. Washing with enchanted water will help remove damage or the evil eye.

Daily prayer “Charm of the three angels”

For daily protection, there is a special prayer “Charm of the Three Angels”. As you know, every person has a Guardian Angel assigned at the moment of birth by the Lord for his protection. But there is also a church tradition that every person is protected by three angels:

    Two heavenly angels accompany a person on his birthday to earth and on the day of death to heaven; One earthly angel accompanies a person throughout his entire life path.

That is why the prayer “Charm of the Three Angels” is the strongest protection. You need to read it every day in the morning. It is important to fully tune in and distract yourself from all extraneous thoughts. It is necessary to imagine the coming day and realize what events may happen. While in a relaxed state, you need to mentally turn to the Lord. You should tell him about your own aspirations and hopes. You should never wish anyone harm.

After you have managed to completely relax and open your soul to God, you should say the following prayer words:

“Save and preserve me, servant of God ( given name), God. You sent three angels to help me, who are my devoted protectors. They carry out your order to protect me and not give offense to anyone, to save me from any troubles and misfortunes, to guard my happiness and not to allow anyone to disturb me. Hear my prayer, my three angels, put a protective fence around me up to the heavens so that no one can go beyond it. So that I am not afraid of the evil eye and words. So that bad speeches, cruel illnesses, evil people and the forces of the devil cannot harm me. Help yourself feel completely protected, so that behind your back it’s like behind a stone wall. Protect me, angels, from morning to night, save me and keep me on my path in life. Amen".

Prayer to protect from all troubles

There are special amulets prayers that protect against various troubles. They are universal. After reading them, peace comes in the soul and confidence in own strength.

Prayer for troubles at work

Every person periodically experiences situations when trouble arises at work. Usually people try to explain them as a black life streak. But at the same time, you should know that a special prayer will help to minimize their consequences, which contains an appeal for help to the prince-brothers Saints Boris and Gleb.

These people were real righteous workers during their lifetime. Historical characters always stood up for what was right.

The prayer goes like this:

“Oh Holy Duo, beautiful brothers, valiant princes Boris and Gleb, sincere believers in the power of Christ, who served the church with faith and love. You have served righteousness and are now reigning in heaven with Christ. Remember us living on earth and respond to my sincere prayer. Become my intercessors, keep my soul pure, do not allow it to be harmed. Protect me from unbelief and sorrow, do not let me become embittered and die a wasted death without repentance. Tame the enmity and anger of those who want to harm me. Ask God for forgiveness for me for all my known and unknown sins. Help me gain confidence in my abilities and save me from troubles at work. Intercede for me and do not allow me to participate in internecine warfare. Amen".

Forty strong amulet - prayer against the evil eye and damage

A forty-strong amulet can protect against the evil eye and damage. This is a very ancient prayer. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by time itself. It is very important to remember that the main condition for its effectiveness is sincere faith.

You should first prepare for the ritual in which the amulet prayer will be used. Strict fasting must be observed for a week. It is imperative to exclude alcohol and refuse to attend noisy social events. During the preparatory period, you need to visit the temple at least 4 times. This approach will allow you to clear your own energy field and increase your internal strength, which will be the key to success.

The best time for prayer is early in the morning. For women, suitable days are Wednesday and Friday, for men - Tuesday and Thursday. The prayer is said in complete privacy and it is important to ensure that the reading process is not interrupted by any external interference.

The prayer text might sound like this:

“I glorify the Father God, I glorify the Son of God, I glorify the Holy Spirit. Lord Almighty, save the servant of God (proper name) from all demonic evil, from enemy intrigues, from the secret plans of enemies. Don't let yourself fall into the devil's snares, protect from poisons and swords. Deliver from the harm of conspiracies, cunning and insidious slander. Give up your enemies and don’t let me experience imprisonment. Let there be no sins due to bribery and from a word spoken in haste, from a false promise. Let the flooding and flooding water not overwhelm you. Save me from the evil beast and hot fire, the violent wind and cold ice, the evil sorcerer and terrible illness. Don't let me die an early death in vain. No minds, no flesh, no red blood. I ask my Guardian Angel to pray for my soul. Let all the words that I, having forgotten, did not say, also come true. Save and preserve the servant of God (proper name) from all evil. Amen".

Prayer from the evil eye

There are a lot of evil and unkind people in the world around us. Sometimes it happens that for no apparent reason your mood changes and your general well-being worsens. Prayer against the evil eye allows you to protect yourself from intentional or accidental negative influences. After reading it, you will not be afraid of envious people.

The prayer to Saint Tikhon is most widely used as protection against the evil eye.

It sounds like this:

“Oh Saint Tikhon! You lived an angelic life, which allowed you to become a saint of God. I, a servant of God (proper name), believe that you will hear my plea for help. I ask for your mercy. May it descend from heaven and protect my soul from human evil. Ask the Lord for forgiveness for all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, and for the salvation of my soul. Hear my prayer and intercede for me, take away human gloating, envy and meanness from me. Give me strength to resist all bad things and not succumb to demonic temptations. Let me live in peace and quiet. Grant me salvation and godliness. Amen".

Protecting prayer to Archangel Michael for all occasions

For all occasions, you can use a universal prayer directed to the Archangel Michael.

IN short version it sounds like this:

“Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, bright-looking and formidable archangel, chief commander of the Heavenly King. Let me repent of my sins before the Lord God. Help me with my life to earn forgiveness of all my known and unknown sins. May my soul be filled with peace. Oh, great and strong heavenly commander, protect me from all enemies and enemies who will meet on my life’s path. Don’t let me experience the horror of a mortal and help me resist the devil’s temptations. Oh, great archangel, hear me and do not despise my sincere prayer. Amen!"

Prayer amulet “Seven Crosses” for home and family

To protect your home and family, you can use the powerful amulet prayer “Seven Crosses”. It is recommended to read it every day, but you can do it anywhere and at any time. The main thing is that the prayer is read in a secluded place.

The prayer words are said seven times and sound like this:

“I, the servant of God (my own name), place the first Cross from the Holy Spirit, and the second cross from the Most High Lord, and from the Savior of the human race, the Son of God, I place the third Cross, the fourth Cross from my Guardian Angel, the fifth Cross from the Most Holy Theotokos , I will place the sixth Cross from sunset to sunrise, the seventh Cross I will place from earth to heaven. All seven strong Crosses will close my home with seven locks. The first will protect me from any misfortune, the second from poverty, the third from sorrows, the fourth from robbery, the fifth from wasteful spending, the sixth from debilitating illnesses, the seventh lock locks all six locks and reliably guards my home. Amen!"

Prayer for my son

A prayer for a son should be said with a bright feeling. It is necessary to put all the mother’s love into the spoken words.

The amulet prayer sounds like this:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the sake of the prayers of the Most Pure Virgin Mary, Your Mother, hear me, a sinful and unworthy servant of God (proper name). Do not refuse my motherly prayer. I ask, Lord, Your mercy to have mercy and preserve my son, the servant of God (son’s name). I pray to You, the Just One, to have mercy and save him. Forgive him, Lord, all his voluntary and involuntary sins. Tell him, God, the righteous path, do not allow him to succumb to devilish temptations, teach him to live according to the commandments of God. Enlighten him, Lord, with Your light of Christ. Bless my son at home, on the road, at work, do not let him make mistakes and grant him the willpower to make the right decisions in life. May all adversities pass him by and may no terrible illnesses harm his health. Give him peace of mind family life and godly childbearing. Amen!"

Prayer for my daughter

Prayer for a daughter has miraculous powers and is a real strong amulet.

It might sound like this:

“Lord Almighty, hear the maternal prayer of the servant of God (proper name) asking for the happiness and well-being of the daughter of my servant of God (name of the daughter). My beloved daughter is in your power, and I will humbly accept any of your will. I ask you to grant me forgiveness for my feminine sins, so that my daughter does not have to pay for them. I repent of my sins, and I am ready to beg forgiveness for them. I ask you, All-Merciful and All-Just, to guide my daughter on the right path, not to allow her to make life mistakes that will have a detrimental effect on her life. I ask for Your blessings for her, so that she may live a prosperous and happy life. I believe in Your goodness, Lord. Amen".

Prayer for all household members

You can read a prayer for all household members, it will immediately protect everyone from envious people and all evil. Best read a short prayer every morning, which sounds like this:

“Save, Lord, and have mercy on all my relatives, grant them all the blessings of life, fill their lives with joy and happiness. May they be healthy and live a peaceful life. Drive away all the troubles of life from them, let them not know sorrow and need. Save them from severe losses in life. Amen".

Life throws us surprises every day. Sometimes pleasant, and sometimes not so much. Every person has a desire for comfort and a desire to protect himself from troubles. To get protection from intruders and problems, you need to make amulets with your own hands. It's amazing, but even the most ordinary item can be turned into a powerful talisman. Even a writing pen or a small tilde doll that you made with your own hands can become a talisman.

From envious people and ill-wishers

Other people's successes cause indifference in many people, and often envy and a desire to do some dirty tricks. Do you want to know how to protect yourself from such negative individuals? To make your own amulet, you will need a new pin, a white wax candle and red thread.

The ceremony takes place on Sunday at noon. You need to tie a small piece of red thread, 10-15 centimeters, to a pin. Light a white candle and drip wax from it into the round hole of the pin. At this time, the following plot is supposed to be read:

As this wax melts, so do bad thoughts disappear. Look at me, but see not me. Turn away all enemies and envious people from me, and let human anger fall on Alatyr-Stone.

The pin should be pinned to the clothes in which you most often appear in public. The amulet that you made with your own hands should not be noticeable to others. Therefore, the pin is attached to the clothes from the wrong side.

If a person whom you suspect of bad intentions is about to come to your house, then you can prepare for this in advance. Hammer a small nail into the door frame with the words:

As long as this nail stands, no harm will happen in my house.

Try to give your guest some kind of treat - candy, cookies, an apple, a glass of tea. If he accepts your treat, he will tie himself to it and will not be able to cause you any trouble.

From thieves

To prevent your wallet from being stolen . Buy at the church shop a small icon with the image of your patron saint, and then put it in your wallet. If you couldn’t find the corresponding icon, then a cross will do. Now you don't have to worry about pickpockets. If your wallet is stolen, then you shouldn’t be too upset about it. Along with your money, the thief will take away a fair share of your problems and troubles.

To prevent thieves from entering the house . This amulet is not difficult to make with your own hands. Carefully cut a small sliver of wood from the window frame, threshold, or door frame. Say this:

Abara, come, take the eyes of the enemies away from my house. If he passes by, he won’t notice, he will start to wander and he won’t find help. May my word be fulfilled.

To complete the ritual, hide the sliver in your bed linen. Now thieves will avoid your house. The duration of the ritual is one year, then the ritual will need to be repeated.

From various troubles

You're haunted by nightmares ? In this case, you can make your own amulet that wards off bad dreams. Sew a small bag, inside which put buckthorn bark, a bird feather (chicken or pigeon will do), and a small pebble. Sew the bag up with white thread and place it under your pillow at night. Bad dreams will leave you alone.

From danger on the way . You need to buy one, inside which you should put some earth collected near your house. Such a talisman will protect the owner from many dangers. This amulet is perfect for sailors, military personnel, and truck drivers. If desired, it can be supplemented.

From attacks by wild animals . If you need to go to an area where you can meet a wild animal, then it is advisable to have with you an icon with the image of Saint Mokios of Amphipolis, who was not touched by hungry lions.

General advice - when making a talisman with your own hands, you must believe in the power of the ritual. This will make the amulet more powerful and allow it to be charged with your energy. The talisman must periodically exchange energy with its owner; this requires physical contact (occasionally pick up the object in your hands).

The amulet is special magic item, endowed with power and called upon to protect the home from troubles, misfortunes, theft, and bring peace and love. Our ancestors decorated their homes with amulets made from natural materials, which symbolized wealth, good health, happiness.

Types of amulets for the home

As a rule, familiar household things served as amulets - a horseshoe, a whisk, dough, dried herbs, stones.

Nature itself fills stones and plants with strength. They are often used to make pendants and pendants and then sell them in souvenir shops. However, each pebble has its own properties, so it is important to choose the right amulet for your home in order to attract well-being, and not repel it.

You can buy a protective home amulet or make it yourself. Homemade home amulets often depict runes, Slavic symbols and other signs that have magical properties.

There are also enchanted amulets. These are things that a loved one makes with their own hands as a gift for you. At the same time, he invests part of his energy, which will then protect the owner and his home. But here you should be careful and accept gifts only from those people whom you trust unconditionally.

Also, you cannot accept amulets from a sick person and you cannot do them if you are sick.
It is good if the item is inherited. So he becomes the guardian of the clan and acquires special power.

When composing a talisman, the meaning of each element is taken into account. For example, a seed brings good luck, a bean gives beauty, a bag brings wealth. The sun is often depicted as a symbol of health and prosperity. IN Slavic amulets You can often find a swastika.

Images of animals also have their meaning. The horse is a male symbol, the birds are a connection with another world, the bear is health and strength.

One cannot help but mention the dolls, which were also strong amulets for the home. They were depicted without eyes and made from natural materials– straw, bast, clay, flax, birch bark. Dolls were divided into types, depending on their protective properties. There are dolls that protect the house, there are children's dolls, as well as female and male dolls.

Solar symbols were depicted on the walls of the house and on its roof. It was believed that the sun was able to protect against all misfortunes, as well as cope with any magic and evil spirits. The so-called “thunder signs” protected the house from lightning strikes.

If someone wished harm to someone, they would throw in objects symbolizing poverty and illness. Special spells were read on them, and the owners, without even thinking that the object was spellbound, used it as a talisman, and as a result they received not prosperity, but misfortune.

The meaning of home amulets

Each item has its own meaning and special properties.


The symbols of the goddesses Mokosh, Lelya, and Lada were embroidered on the towels. The signs protected the house from evil forces and created peace and tranquility in the family.

The bell is a strong amulet against evil spirits. It is believed that the ringing of bells scares away evil spirits and cleanses the energy of the room. The Slavs hung a bell at the entrance to the house. When it was windy, he would ring the bell and not let evil spirits into the house. It is important that the ringing should be pleasant to the owners. Therefore, it is better to spend time and find a talisman with a pleasant sound. The brownie likes the ringing of bells. To appease him, you need to tinkle periodically.

This is the name given to a stone that has a hole in the middle. If you are lucky enough to find it, then you need to bring it into the house. You can hang it over the front door as a talisman, and it will not let people with evil intentions in and will protect your home from fires, floods and other troubles.


They are also considered a strong talisman. It is better to choose pebbles with images of stars. They should be placed in the house, in the room where you spend the most time.

Fir branches

Without even suspecting it, we cleanse the energy at home by putting New Year live Christmas tree The needles scare away evil spirits, calm, and make the aura of the house calm and peaceful.

Agate stone

This stone has special powers and serves as a talisman for the home. It protects the home from natural disasters, attracts financial well-being, and improves relationships in the family. It is advisable to put several pebbles in a bag made of natural fabric and hang them in the house.

To make a talisman from nuts, you need to string them on a red woolen thread. Such amulets can be hung in the house, and they will attract prosperity and happiness.

The head of garlic should be placed on the windowsill. She will become a talisman against energy vampires and the evil eye.

Mistletoe sprig

It was attached to the ceiling and thus protected the house from troubles and misfortunes. It is believed that this plant can not only protect the house from the evil eye and evil spirits, but also attract wealth into the house, improve relationships between family members, and protect young children from accidents and illnesses.

Fresh bread

Our ancestors endowed freshly baked bread with amazing properties. It was believed that in a house with the smell of fresh baked goods there would always be harmony, joy and happiness. With freshly baked bread, you need to walk through all the rooms of the house, filling it with a pleasant aroma.

A braid of onion turnips is woven to absorb the negativity accumulated in the house. Onions act as a magnet for black energy, so you should not eat onions from the scythe.

To make a talisman for your home, place dried herbs of rosemary, dill and basil in a linen bag. You can put them in white natural fabric and tie them in a knot. Place it in the house away from prying eyes.


It is believed that with the help of a broom, not only ordinary garbage is swept away, but also energy waste. Therefore, the broom has always been a strong talisman. If you move, be sure to take an old broom with you - good luck will accompany you in your new place. And if quarrels and troubles began in the house, then the broom was buried in the ground and a new one was made. There are many signs associated with a broom. For example, if you place it with the whisk up, it will attract money. And in this situation, he will not let the witch out of the house - this is how they used to check guests. As long as the broom is facing up, the witch will spin around, but will not be able to leave the house.

Old shoe

Shoes were used to create a talisman. You will need leather shoes. You need to put sharp objects in the shoe - pins, needles, fragments, scissors, as well as herbs: rosemary, basil, fern, mistletoe, laurel. The shoe was hung in the basement or attic of the house.

Straw web

Straws made of rye and wheat are strung on a thread and suspended from the ceiling. Such a talisman ensures well-being and peace in the home. You can hang a spider web near your child's crib. After a year, the amulet is burned and a new one is made.

Bottle with threads

You will need scraps of multi-colored threads about 7 cm long. The more colors, the better. They are placed one at a time in a bottle, reading a protective spell or prayer.

Bottle with metal objects

This is another version of a bottle amulet. Metal attracts negative energy and prevents it from escaping. Fill a dark glass bottle with nails or other small metal objects - pins, needles, etc. Seal it securely and hide it in the basement or attic. If you live in an apartment, then put it in an inaccessible place with the following words:

Silver plated ball

Few people know, but Christmas balls are a strong amulet (no picture). Such a ball attracts negativity and does not allow it to escape, thanks to its reflective surface. It is better to place the ball on the windowsill. You can fill it with dill seeds or scraps of multi-colored threads. It is important to keep it clean, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Amulet bags

They make a talisman for the home, filling the bag with contents that represent prosperity and happiness. You can make it like this: you need to sew a small bag from natural fabric, and one side should be red and the other blue. Place the following items in it:

  • small spoon,
  • coin,
  • Walnut,
  • 10 black peppercorns,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • unburnt match
  • a teaspoon of the following cereals: millet, rice, buckwheat, oats, pearl barley.

The bag is tied with a green rope. It is better to keep it away from prying eyes. He will bring prosperity and prosperity to the house.


The Slavs believed in the power of amulet dolls. There were many of them, and each had its own meaning and protected in a certain situation or brought good luck in different areas. Dolls without faces were made from natural materials. There were dolls for children, female amulet dolls, dolls that brought happiness to the house and protected from troubles.


On Friday evening, buy a needle, white thread and salt, and don’t talk to anyone along the way. Pour into a glass at home cold water, stir three tablespoons of salt in it. Cut a meter of thread. Place the thread in a glass and cross it three times. Thread the wet thread into the needle. Tie the ends into three knots. Trace the entire length of the frame with a needle around the front door and insert the needle into the top corner of the door frame. Say these words:

A year later, you should repeat the ritual with a new thread and needle, and remove the old one with the words:

The horseshoe is a well-known strong talisman for the home. Hang it over the front door with the ends up. The amulet will attract good luck and prosperity, and the house will always be a full cup. However, remember that you cannot move the horseshoe.

From the outside front door drive three nails so that they form a triangle (one nail at the top, two at the bottom). Then you need to close the door from the inside, saying the following words:

This way you protect your house from damage by ill-wishers and any negativity.

The mirror is the way to better world, a reflection of the existing, but ideal world. Therefore, there are many different signs associated with mirrors. They absorb negative energy and reflect it. Therefore, it is important to have a mirror in the hallway so that anyone entering can be reflected in it and get back everything that he brought with him. When guests please, always wipe the mirror with a damp cloth. You need to be very careful with donated mirrors. Before looking at them, wipe them with a sponge or rag soaked in holy water.

There is another way to check whether a mirror is dangerous. To do this, place a candle in front of him and light it. If it lights up well the first time, then everything is in order, but if not, or black soot appears, then it is better to wash it with holy or enchanted water. If it is small, then it is better to place it in water overnight. Never take or buy mirrors of deceased people, this can bring trouble.

Candles from the church

Blessed candles will also become a strong talisman. A candle flame perfectly cleanses space and makes energy clean. Once a month, walk through the rooms with a lit church candle, lingering for a few minutes in the corners and raising the candle to the ceiling. If the candle becomes smoky in some place, be sure to sprinkle it with holy water. If the candle smokes everywhere, then it is better to consecrate the house. If after the arrival of guests there is an unpleasant aftertaste, there is an uncomfortable feeling, then it is also recommended to light a candle and walk around the house with it.

Natural fabrics are filled with the life-giving power of nature itself, which is why they are often used to make amulets. But even bedding made from natural fabrics will preserve family relationships and ensure peace and love. Wool perfectly protects against damage and the evil eye.

Salt is often used in witchcraft practices and is a powerful talisman if used correctly or charmed. To protect the house from people with bad intentions, salt is poured under the threshold. “Thursday” salt is placed in the crib of young children to protect them from evil spirits. To make a talisman out of salt, you need to pour it from one hand to another with the words:
You can’t eat it afterwards; you need to put it on a saucer as a talisman.

How to protect your home from the outside

But you can protect your home not only inside, but also outside. There are old ways that will ward off trouble and protect your home from the elements, fires, theft, and evil people:

  • When laying the foundation of a new house, a tuft of wool and some grains are placed under the corners. And even earlier, a horse’s head served as a strong amulet.
  • A Kolovrat was painted on the wall of the house - a Slavic symbol that looks like a circle from which six rays extend.
  • A horseshoe was hung above the front door.
  • A weather vane is also not a simple decoration, but a strong amulet for the home. A rooster or horse protects the house and everyone who lives in it.
  • The windows of the house had to have shutters and carved frames so that evil spirits could not penetrate through the cracks. The carvings depicted protective symbols.
  • On the roof of the house I depict symbols of the sun. The Slavs often depicted a plowed field with ears of grain as a symbol of prosperity and prosperity.
  • Since ancient times, the image of dragons, griffins, and lions was considered a protective sign.
  • A concave mirror is another not very well-known, but powerful amulet that reflects all the negativity directed at the house.
  • Rice or sand is sprinkled on the roof; it is believed that all troubles will also be scattered.
  • It's good to whitewash the walls of the house. White color drives away evil people and misfortunes.

Charms-rituals to protect home and family

These actions, if carried out periodically, will help keep the energy at home clean, help maintain peace in the family and ward off people with evil thoughts:

  • Mirrors should be washed especially carefully. Wash them with soap or a special product, and finally rinse them with holy or enchanted water;
  • If there are often quarrels and scandals in the family or it seems that evil spirits have settled in the house, then pierce three small onions with a needle and red thread. After seven days, remove the amulet, place it on paper, sprinkle with salt and burn;
  • If you feel uncomfortable at home or feel the presence of otherworldly forces, burn for three weeks. church candles every day in all rooms. At the same time, read any prayer.
  • Pour salt into small saucers or bowls and place throughout the house;
  • In the evening, take a glass glass. There should be no designs or carvings on it. Fill it three-quarters full with water, holding it in your left hand. Place it on the floor by the front door overnight. Take a glass in the morning right hand, and with your left hand, wash yourself with this water and spray the house.

Amulets are the protection of home, family and all its members. But remember that the owner himself gives them power, believing in the help of magical objects.

Prayer-amulet is the strongest protection that protects us from any troubles, adversity and suffering. Many generations of people are confident that with the help of words addressed to God and the saints, you can protect yourself, protect your loved ones from enemies and envious people. Prayer will also help in protecting the house, which is also susceptible to negative influences.

In the article:

Prayer-amulet for home

Quite often, not only we, but also our home are under attack. Sometimes black magicians, when they want to cause damage to a person, damage his house so that the place of residence becomes cursed, drawing strength and energy from the person. To do this, however, you need to seriously offend the sorcerer, because damaging a house is a difficult task. The most powerful effect will be the curse imposed during its construction. But in this case, you will first have to remove it, and only after that install the amulet. A more common problem is the evil eye. Its consequences can also be very unpleasant.

To avoid becoming a victim of a negative housing-targeted program, it is necessary to put strong protection on your home. Before you start creating magical armor, you need to do this to get rid of existing negative programs.

There are many rituals that will help protect your home from magical attacks. Before performing this simple ritual, you need to arm yourself with a special candle.

You need to buy it for Easter. After purchasing, without leaving the church, light a candle and immediately extinguish it with your breath. This can be done in any part of the temple, as long as you are inside it. After this, at any time you can light this candle at home and walk around the entire house (apartment) 12 times clockwise. At the same time, cross each corner and say:

Father of Hosts, erect the Cross of Crosses from heaven to earth. Protect my house, close it from the black eye. The House of Christ is the Lord's cover. Here is the Most Pure Mother of God with her all-powerful guards and guardians, protect us from all enemies, adversaries. Amen. Amen. Amen.

You can take the help of St. John to protect your home from curses and black magic. In this case, you will need a church wax candle, with which you need to walk around the entire apartment three times clockwise. For each corner read like this:

Saint John is a warrior, call your soldiers to my estate, around my house, on the windows and on the doors. Take care of my house and everyone who lives in it. Amen.

Prayer for family protection

Often, a black magician not only poisons the life of one person, but also curses his family. There are various reasons why an evil sorcerer might use such a terrible weapon. But even such a strong curse as damage to the family can be resisted.

To do this, you will need to read this simple prayer every morning. It is advisable that no one disturbs you during the ritual, and that you are alone in the room. When reading a prayer, you can stand in front of an image of saints or simply in front of a window.

In the sea-in the ocean
There is a white fish fish.
Like that fish sick without water on a dry shore,
So let my enemy be sickened.
So that my family is strong and strong,
Who will eat that whitefish?
He won’t sleep for an hour, he won’t live a day.
In the name of God Christ,
No one will break up my family.
How scales attach to fish
From head to tail,
So my family may be strong and whole.


Seven crosses

This prayer is rightfully considered one of the most powerful prayers used as a prayer. If you are making a charm exclusively for yourself, then read it three times and say your name; if the amulet is made for all relatives, then read the text once for each of your relatives.

To carry out the ceremony, arm yourself with seven candles. It is advisable to purchase them in advance from the church. As soon as the sun rises, stand in front of the window, line up the candles in one line, light them and read the text of the prayer.

I lay down the first cross from the Holy Spirit,
The second cross from the Lord God,
The third cross is from Jesus Christ, the son of God,
The fourth cross from the Guardian Angel of the servant of God (name),
The fifth cross from the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
The sixth cross from the west to the rollout,
The seventh cross of earth to heaven.
Seven crosses will close the house with seven locks.
The first castle - from all kinds of troubles,
The second is from poverty, poverty,
The third - from burning tears,
The fourth - from theft,
Fifth - from spending,
Sixth - from illness and infirmity,
And the seventh is the strongest, closes six, locks forever, protects my house.

Prayer amulet for pregnant women

It is very important for a pregnant woman to be strong, healthy, and to be able to resist any forces that may prevent her from bearing a child. Therefore, be sure to turn to the Lord and the saints during pregnancy so that they can help you bear and give birth to a healthy child.

This can be done using one of the prayer texts. It is read, like most similar prayers, in the morning. But if you feel an inner impulse that pushes you to repeat these words several times a day, do not resist. Light a church wax candle and say the text of the prayer three times:

The body grows the fetus with the power of the Lord’s goodness, and I ask God to help in the birth of a new life and give me the strength to carry my long-awaited child to term. May the Lord protect him from evil, from the black eye, from dashing thoughts and not give me dangerous paths, so as not to interfere with the correct distribution of the forces of life and development will not be distorted and disrupted, for the Lord’s hand will help me and at the right time will reveal into the world that one, who is under my heart. Amen.

Try not to let anyone bother you while reading. Contact God with pure intentions and good thoughts. You must understand that nothing should interfere with communication with the Almighty.

You should not turn to saints if you are very angry. It’s better to try to calm down, and only after that ask for divine grace. IN otherwise your prayers will not reach God, as they will be said in a fit of anger.

Conspiracy prayer to protect a child

It is very important for every mother that everything is fine with her child. In order to protect your child from negative energy, you can use or read special prayers daily. There are different conspiracies that can be read at different times of the day. In the morning, as soon as the child wakes up, you can read the following prayer spell over him:

May my Son of God (name), arrive in health forever and ever, and pass through all obstacles, O Lord. Amen.

Before going to bed, over your son’s bed, it is best to read the following conspiracy prayer:

Lie down in a soft cradle, then turn over on your side, go to sleep and don’t be afraid of anything. May the Holy Mother of God protect you, and may all bad things go away.

This prayer will help both the baby and the adult child. It will protect you from nightmares, help you sleep well, and gain strength.

The third text must be read before important points in your child's life. The prayer is suitable for both small and adult children. Everyone needs divine help and mother's support, so do not be lazy to use this prayer before any serious trials that await your son.

An angel of heaven, from birth for his protection only. With white wings, protect me from enemies, all those villains, villains and enemies with fire, and frighten me with the Sword, but save my child. Oh Lord. Amen.

Prayers from enemies

Almost every person has to face enemies. If you successful man, there will always be people who want to cause damage. Special prayers and conspiracies from enemies will create protection both from damage or curses, and from more material methods of revenge.

In order to protect yourself from enemies, you can ask the Mother of God for help. She never refuses a just request from a praying person. In order to find yourself under the divine protection of the Mother of God, you need to read the following prayer in the morning:

Mother Theotokos got up early,
I read a prayer for my son Christ:
"Be you, my beloved son,
Under the gaze of the Most High Creator, Your Father God,
Everywhere saved, protected,
Defended against any misfortune until a certain time.”
The angels heard the prayer,
All her words were conveyed to the Lord God.
So would it be for me, God’s servant (name),
To know this mercy
To avoid trouble in your home.
Lord, bless, Holy Trinity, help!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

From enemies you can also read a prayer to St. John. This method is only suitable for protection from one specific enemy whose name you know. Remember, if you know exactly who wants to harm you, you should not be angry and do harm to this person; on the contrary, you need to ask God and the saints for love, kindness and harmony to appear in his heart. This conspiracy-prayer has nothing to do with damage and conspiracies for revenge, it is an appeal to the saint for protection from the enemy. There is no need to fear consequences, there will be none.

In order to ask St. John for help, you should go to the temple. Before the service, you will need to buy a candle, defend the service, and then place the candle near the image of St. John with the words:

Father John, you conquered the enemy regiments, conquer the heart of my enemy (name).

After saying the prayer, bow deeply 9 times.

Amulet from evil people

If, due to circumstances, you are in a group where people may envy you or wish you harm, be sure to protect yourself with prayer. Such a talisman against evil people creates a strong protection that no black magic can penetrate.

Every morning before work or before going to school, you need to go to the window, cross yourself and read this text:

Mother, Mother Holy Mother of God Three-handed one, you protect all the righteous people, pray for me before God. Yes, cover me with your miraculous cover from all enemies and evil adversaries. Let it be so from now until the end of time. Amen.

This prayer is very powerful; it can protect you from almost any negative impact. In order to supplement it, you can use others. Prayers can be read without any restrictions. Remember that with God's help you can protect yourself and your loved ones from any misfortune.

The amulet prayer is truly the best for all your loved ones. Every person is able to protect himself, his relatives, his home. Therefore, be confident in your own abilities, turn to the saints and the Lord. Pray sincerely, then your prayers will be heard, and you will find yourself under divine protection.

In contact with

If you decide to perform a magical ritual, but do not want to wait a long time for the result, use spells that act instantly. These are the most powerful options for magical effects. We share effective and proven folk methods.

In order for the plot to work accurately, adhere to the following rules:

  1. . During this period of time, lunar energy reaches its peak and has a very powerful effect on the result of the magical ritual.
  2. Memorize the text in advance. This is necessary so that at the right moment you can clearly read the words important for the magical ritual without the slightest hesitation.
  3. Read conspiracies only with good intentions. If through a ritual you want to harm someone, evil will return to you many times over.
  4. Believe that the ritual will definitely work. Doubts and fears interfere and make it difficult to fulfill the request you send.

5 ways

For gunpowder

This version of the plot helps. Use it if you suffer from severe or. This ritual is a kind of “ ambulance”, which will instantly heal you from physical suffering.

You will need a box of matches. Empty them and use a knife to scrape the black powder off the heads. Place the collected gunpowder on a glass or metal surface in the shape of a cross.

Observing safety precautions, light the gunpowder and quickly say:

Wait until the gunpowder is completely extinguished. After this, the pain will begin to subside and should disappear completely within a few minutes.

To attract good luck

This version of the plot is used if luck runs out. Use it to bring luck back into your life and quickly cope with a series of failures and solve unforeseen problems.

Then roll the piece of paper into a tube and tie or seal it so that it does not unfold. Using the help, fasten the charmed piece of paper to your clothes so that it is invisible.

At the moment when you need to call on luck for help, touch your hand to the place of clothing where the paper is fastened and ask for help. At this moment, the conspiracy should instantly take effect.

From the evil eye

This spell option should be used immediately when you suspect that someone has jinxed you. If you felt that you were envied or someone wished bad in their hearts, also use this method.

To cleanse yourself of negative energy and remove bad slander, bring holy water from the church and prepare an oak broom. It is advisable that it has been previously used in a bathhouse.

Pour holy water over the broom and start slapping yourself with it, saying the magic words:

After completing the ritual, sprinkle your face with holy water and wipe yourself with the hem of the clothes you are wearing. this moment. Drink the remaining water and read the Lord's Prayer three times. At this point, the ritual is considered completed, and the evil eye should go away instantly.

Instant money spell

Use this plot if you need money or want to increase your income or make a quick profit. It acts instantly and helps bring your financial situation back to normal.

Prepare 12 coins. They must be made of yellow metal, so you can use coins in denominations of 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks or 10 rubles. Wait until midnight on the day when the moon is in its waning phase. Then go outside and come to a deserted intersection.

Stand by the road, take the coins in your palm. Extend your arm so that the moonlight hits your arm. Then read the text:

You need to repeat the sacred words three times. After completing the ritual, immediately go home. Put the charmed coins in your wallet. The conspiracy will take effect instantly - you just need to spend money on the right thing. From this moment on, the magical effect will begin to gain its strength, and within a month you will forget about financial problems.

To quickly accumulate money

This plot option is suitable if you are going to make a large purchase, but cannot save money for it.

Prepare a banknote - the higher the denomination it is, the more effective it will be. You also need to buy a piggy bank - it should be new and evoke positive emotions in you.

Wait until Wednesday and at midnight, put the bill into the piggy bank, saying the words:

The magic words must be said three times. After the ceremony, place the piggy bank in a visible place. You will need to put money there every day, at least one coin at a time.

But, most likely, you will be more generous, begin to put sufficient amounts into the piggy bank and, as a result, quickly save money for the desired item. At the same time, money will begin to appear in your life in larger quantities than usual.

Important: for conspiracies to work, it is necessary positive attitude. Try to get rid of emotions such as anger, resentment, envy, greed. Concentrate on good, joyful emotions and believe in the best. Then the conspiracy will not take long to take effect.