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Prayer by agreement to Jesus Christ. Athos prayer by agreement. In Church Slavonic

This prayer is practiced based on this instruction in the Holy Scriptures: “Truly I also say to you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father who is in heaven, for where two or three are gathered together My name, there I am in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:19-20), when in case of any difficult situation: illness, misfortune, disaster, etc. - two or more Christians agree together to pray intensely for the deliverance of someone from the misfortune that befell him. It is recommended to read it four times a day (morning, afternoon, evening and night), which you and those with whom you agreed to pray until, by the grace of the Lord, the request in prayer is fulfilled.

The text of the request in the prayer can be changed, as long as the prayer comes from loving hearts and with firm faith that the Lord hears it and, in His wisdom, will do what is best for the person or those for whom they are praying. Depending on the zeal of those praying and the condition of the one for whom they are praying, the frequency of saying prayers during the day is determined.

“Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with Your most pure lips You told us: “If two of you on earth agree to ask for anything, then whatever they ask will be done for you by My Heavenly Father.” With deep faith in the immutability of Your words and Your immeasurable mercy, we ask You to hear Your servants (name the names of those asking), who have agreed to humbly ask You for Your needy (sick, lost, etc.) servant (name) - and grant him. make a request). However, not as we want, but as You, Lord; May Your holy will be done for everything. Amen."

Examples of prayer by agreement

about the sick person

about granting healing and health to your sick servants (names of the sick)

about the birth of children

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Thou hast spoken with Thy most pure lips: Amen, I say unto you, that if two of you shall take counsel on earth concerning every thing, whatsoever thing shall be asked of My Father. Like in heaven: where there are two or three congregations in My name, I am in the midst of them. Thy words are incomparable, Lord, Thy mercy is inestimable and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee: grant us Thy servants (names of those praying) who have agreed to ask Thee about giving us long-awaited children to your servants (names) fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

about marriage

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You have declared with Your most pure lips: Amen I say to you, for if two of you take counsel on earth concerning every thing that anyone asks, it will be done from My Father who is in heaven: for where there are two or three gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them. Thy words are incomparable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application, and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names), who have agreed to ask Thee for the fulfillment of our request. about giving us honest and pious spouses, so that in love with them and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

You do not have the opportunity to visit Holy Mount Athos, but do you want to receive the prayer help of the Svyatogorsk brothers? We invite you to join the prayer in agreement with the Athonite monks.

"Truly I also tell you that if two of you
agree on earth to ask for any deed, then
whatever they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven,
for where two or three are gathered in My name,
there I am in the midst of them."

(Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 18:18-20)

In these words of Jesus Christ, by His infinite mercy, He gives people a direct instruction that if they need help or are in a hopeless situation, then there is a way out - a heartfelt prayer to the Lord God.

With the blessing of the Svyatogorsk fathers, we invite you to join our conciliar prayer by agreement.

is a conciliar appeal of people to God who have agreed to pray together at a certain time. And despite the fact that those praying may be separated by many kilometers, this prayer is incredibly strong and effective!

By agreement, our monastic brothers read the prayer daily at 21:00 Athens time. For other countries, everyone will determine their own time for reading, depending on their time zone of residence. If someone is unable to read the prayer at the specified time, you can add it to the evening rule.

The duration of reading the prayer is not limited. It could be a day, a month, forty days, or more. Each request can be individual. The Lord God Himself knows what we need.

Text of prayer by agreement

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You said with Your most pure lips: “Truly I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven, for where there are two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Your words are immutable, O Lord, Your mercy is unconditional and Your love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to You: grant to me, and to all those who are now offering conciliar prayer with us, whose names You, Lord, know Himself, who have agreed to ask You for spiritual brotherhood; about acquiring a prayerful spirit; about compassion, mercy and forgiveness; about giving peace and love; and about every request, the requests of which You, Lord, know Yourself. Hear also my request and help me (say the request in your own words). We pray to You for the fulfillment of our petitions. But let it be not as we want, but as You, Lord, may Your will be done forever. Amen.

The candle flame symbolizes the Holy Spirit, and of course our prayer. When you light a candle, your attention is focused on the prayer and request you are making. Lighting up Prayer candle you join us in prayer together.

In addition to prayer by agreement, depending on your personal needs, we also advise you to read the following Prayers and Akathists after joint prayer.

About strengthening faith;
about those suffering from unclean spirits; about getting rid of addictions; from the wiles of the devil;
about the difficulty of choice in a difficult situation;
about the reconciliation of warring parties; about the eradication of anger and hatred; about compassion, generosity and forgiveness;
about healing and especially about those suffering from cancer;
about patronage and success in business and entrepreneurship; about getting a job; about getting rid of debts; about those in court, in prison, captivity; about travelers;

Prayer by agreement

†Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: Amen I say unto you, For if two of you take counsel upon the earth of every thing whichsoever he asketh, it shall be done by him from My Father who is in heaven: for where there are two or three congregations in My name, I am in the midst of them. Thy words are incomparable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application, and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names), who have agreed to ask Thee (request), the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

“Truly I also say to you that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matt. 18, 19-20).

Based on this instruction in Orthodox Church the so-called “prayer by agreement” is practiced when, in the event of some difficult situation: illness, misfortune, disaster, etc., two or more Christians agree together to pray intensely for the deliverance of someone from the misfortune that has befallen them.

This prayer was used by Father John of Kronstadt and one of the Moscow pastors, Fr. Konstantin Rovinsky. According to the latter, he had to witness numerous and miraculous occasions the effectiveness of such prayer: patients sentenced to death by doctors recovered; lost vision and the ability to walk returned; persistent attacks of hatred, etc. ceased.

When praying by agreement, Father Konstantin Rovinsky read the following prayer four times a day (morning, afternoon, evening and night), which was also read by those persons with whom he agreed to pray until, by the grace of the Lord, the request was fulfilled in prayer.

Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with Your most pure lips You told us: “If two of you agree on earth to ask for anything, then whatever they ask will be done for you by My Heavenly Father.” With deep faith in the immutability of Your words and Your immeasurable mercy, we ask You to hear Your servants (name the names of those asking), who have agreed to humbly ask You for Your needy (sick, lost, etc.) servant (name) - and grant him. (state your request). However, not as we want, but as You, Lord; May Your holy will be done for everything. Amen.

The prayer is read daily (for example, at 21.00 Moscow time).

Prayer by agreement

Ksenia of Petersburg

Oh, holy servant of God, blessed Ksenia! Look mercifully with your eye on us, servant of God (names), tenderly praying to your honorable icon and asking you for help and intercession. Extend your warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins. Therefore, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit, we call on you to be a merciful intercessor to the Lady and a prayer book for us sinners, as if you have received from Him the grace to pray for us and deliver us from troubles. We therefore ask you, do not despise us, unworthy, praying to you and demanding your help, and intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, for by your prayers to the Lord God, having received grace and mercy, we glorify all the good Source and Gift-Giver and the One God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer by agreement

About the sick person

Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with Your most pure lips You told us: “If two of you agree on earth to ask for anything, then whatever they ask will be done for you by My Heavenly Father.” With deep faith in the immutability of Your words and Your immeasurable mercy, we ask You to hear Your servants (name the names of those asking), who have agreed to humbly ask You for Your needy (sick, lost, etc.) servant (name) - and grant him... ( make a request). However, not as we want, but as You, Lord; May Your holy will be done for everything. Amen.

Prayer by agreement
About health

† Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: Amen I say unto you, For if two of you take counsel upon the earth of every thing whichsoever she asketh, it shall be done by her from My Father who is in heaven: wherefore there are two or three congregations in My name, I am in the midst of them.
Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end.
For this reason we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (to name the names of those asking) and to all whose names You Himself weigh, Lord, who have agreed to ask Thee
about granting to Your servants (names) health, strengthening, healing, admonition and deliverance from the actions of the devil, the fulfillment of our request.
But not as we want, but as You want.
Thy will be done forever.

An agreed prayer is a prayer said at a specific time by a group of people whose participants may be located in different places. Prayer workers preliminarily agree on a time to pray together. Believers need to know with whom and how to pray correctly, and when to expect results. This type was used by such experienced confessors as St. John of Kronstadt, Fr. John (Krestyankin), Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. They taught that a prayer by agreement must be read when a person is in distress. Having united, several Orthodox believers make requests for the needy. It is believed that such treatment is more effective.

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    Features of prayer by agreement

    Prayer by agreement differs from individual prayer, since it is based on conciliarity. Its principle is in the Gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ said: “If two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:19-20).

    Cathedral prayer is performed by several believers gathered in one place. This is a private version of prayer by agreement. The difference is that the latter does not require all worshipers to be in one church at the same time.

    People can be at the farthest distance from each other. Turning to God unites them on a spiritual level. For example, on January 14, 2018, a worldwide prayer of thanksgiving was held, at which believers read the akathist “Glory to God for everything.” Residents of 1,500 cities around the world participated.

    Praying by agreement has become especially widespread these days. This is due to the development of communications and the growing pace of life. This method does not require the presence of parishioners in the church.

    What does it help with?

    Prayer by agreement helps in any troubles in life. It needs to be read:

    • those who are sick;
    • those in need of material goods;
    • dreaming of getting married;
    • thirsty for offspring.

    You can ask for finding your calling, finding a good job, strengthening your family and faith. They pray not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones, as well as for non-believers.

    If relatives are against a family member praying by agreement, you can turn to God in secret.

    Getting started with this strong ritual, you need to be prepared for temptations to begin. Often the initial prayer leads to a worsening of the situation. This is how demons scare people so that those praying will stop reading. You should gain strength and continue.

    How to pray

    Orthodox churches have their own websites where the necessary information is available. If a prayer is read by agreement, then you can take part in it. The reading schedule and text will be indicated on the church resource.

    When and where

    You can read the prayer anywhere - on the road, at work, at home or at the dacha. The main thing is to do this at the same time as other believers. The power of such an appeal to God lies precisely in the simultaneous appeal of all those praying.

    Prayer for agreement in Yekaterinburg

    For example, in the temple of Prince Vladimir, located in the city of Yekaterinburg, prayer is held daily by agreement. You can join the reading through the head of the “Mercy” service, organized there. No financial contributions are required for this.

    Parishioners at 9:00 pm every day read the following prayer:

    “Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with Your most pure lips You told us: “If two of you agree on earth to ask for anything, then whatever you ask will be done for you from my Father in heaven.” With deep faith in the immutability of Your words and Thy immeasurable mercy we ask You - to hear Your servant (your name) and everyone who has agreed to humbly ask You for the allocation of land for the temple for the construction of a spiritual and educational center, for the strengthening of the parish community of our temple and the choice of its head, as well as for Your servants (names about health) and give them health and help in their needs; rest, O Lord, the souls of Your dead servants (names of repose) and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the kingdom of heaven. We pray to You for the fulfillment of our petitions. However, not how we want, but as You, Lord, let your holy will be done. Amen."

    The prayer lists names for health and repose, a list of which is on the website.

    How to prepare

    Before you begin to pray by agreement, you must take a blessing from the priest. You need to tell the priest that you are going to solve the problem by praying together, three or four times. When the Holy Father blesses you, you need to start.

    You can invite any Orthodox Christian to the team. He must be not indifferent to your misfortune. There is no need to persuade - if people turn to God just because it was inconvenient for them to refuse, such a formal approach will not be useful.

    Before you begin, you must confess and receive communion. Before starting the prayer, the “Our Father” is read. You should cry out to God with peace in your soul.

    How to read a prayer

    Anyone can join the prayer by agreement. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the schedule. It is indicated in Moscow time.

    They pray not in Church Slavonic, but in Russian.

    Usually the prayer by agreement sounds like this:

    The text may be different. In each church, prayer by agreement takes place differently, as the community chooses the appeal to God that is most suitable for any given occasion.

    For prayer to bring results, you need to fully concentrate on the words while reading and not be distracted. A request for help must come from a pure heart.

    Reading akathists

    One of the initiators of the revival of prayer by agreement was Archpriest Vladimir Golovin from the city of Bolgar, located in Tatarstan. In his sermons, he answers many questions from believers, including those concerning the subtleties of turning to God by consent.

    In Bolgar, akathists are recited together - texts of praise and thanks dedicated to God, the Mother of God, an angel or a saint. On a certain day of the week a prayer service is held at which they are read.

    Anyone can join the worshipers. You need to go to the website of the Church of Abraham of Bulgaria, choose an akathist, focusing on your problem, and a convenient time. If you have questions for Father Vladimir Golovin, you can ask them on this same Internet resource.

    Anyone who wants his name to be spoken at the prayer service must make a donation. In 2018 it is 700 rubles for one name for a year. It is possible to pay for the service via the Internet.

    An indispensable condition is personal participation in prayer. You cannot limit yourself to just a monetary contribution. Throughout the year, on a selected day of the week at a certain time, you need to read the akathist.

    Reading schedule in the Bolgar Church of Abraham of Bulgaria:



    What are they asking for?


    Archangel Michael

    About getting rid of demonic wiles and finding your destiny

    Guardian Angel

    ABOUT making the right choice V difficult situations, about finding a life partner

    John the Baptist

    To be baptized, those who have committed the sin of abortion repent

    Abraham, Bulgarian, wonderworker

    About successful trade, entrepreneurship, about sick children

    Seraphim of Sarov

    Strengthening faith in recent times

    The Mother of God in honor of her icon "The Inexhaustible Chalice"

    About alcoholics

    In honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Softening evil hearts"

    About ending the hostility

    In honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa"

    About cancer patients

    Nicholas the Wonderworker

    About resolving financial problems, employment, buying, selling, exchanging housing, traveling, people in courts and prisons

    St. George the Victorious

    About defenders of life - people serving in the army, police

    Matrona of Moscow

    About solving everyday problems

    The Mother of God in honor of her icon "Seeking the Lost"

    About the missing, about sinners

    Martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv

    About family well-being

    Panteleimon the Healer

    About healing the sick

    Akathist for the one who died

    About deceased Orthodox Christians

    Mother of God in honor of her Kazan icon

    About the world, Russia, Orthodoxy


    Protection of the Mother of God

    About children, grandchildren, godchildren

    In honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

    To get rid of infertility, for easy childbirth, so that children or other loved ones can start a family

    Akathist "Thank God for everything"

    Thank God

    Does it work quickly?

    There are numerous testimonies where such prayer helped very quickly. Human He may pray privately for many years, but not see any results. And only by starting to pray by agreement does he get what he wants. It is believed that when turning to God together, the chances of being heard are higher.

    But congregational prayer is not a panacea. Sometimes a person prays for a long time, but there is no effect. This means that the request is not the will of God.

    Help facts

    About the facts God's help Believers write on the website of the Bulgarian community “My Spiritual Lighthouse.”

    1. 1. Olga, living in Moscow, could not sell her apartment. Then she and her mother began to read an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Soon a profitable deal occurred. Surprisingly, it was scheduled for Thursday - .
    2. 2. Maria from Nizhny Novgorod read the akathists “Softening Evil Hearts” and to Michael the Archangel. Within three days, her husband was given a bonus at work and relieved of some of his exorbitant responsibilities.
    3. 3. Natalia (St. Petersburg) shared her joy - a long-awaited child appeared in their family. This happened shortly after the woman joined the prayer by agreement that takes place in Bolgar on Sundays - she began to read an akathist in honor of the icon “Unexpected Joy”.

    Miracles related to healing are especially amazing.

    1. 1. Ekaterina from Moscow left a review in which she said that her father-in-law 3 was treated for cancer for a long time. IN Last year the family joined in prayer by agreement. As a result, the patient is still alive, although doctors claimed that he would not live long. In addition, the man, who had previously been an atheist, began going to church and even received communion and unction for the first time.
    2. 2. Natalya from the city of Klimovsk left a message on the website on May 23, 2018, sharing the fact of help with oncology. In 2 years, her brother turned from a man who could barely walk to a healthy one. After including the family in prayer, by agreement, brilliant doctors were found, money appeared for medicine, and the treatment was a complete success.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight in better side. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...