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Perennial onions growing and care. Perennial onions for greens: planting and care in open ground. Types and varieties of perennial onions

It’s no secret that ground vegetables are tastier and healthier than greenhouse vegetables, which is why spring gifts from the garden are so desirable. And the first among them are perennial onions. Of course, we paid attention to them before. But it’s unlikely that anyone in their garden has any complete collection. That’s why we decided to talk in detail about perennial onions.

The genus Allium (onion) includes half a million species, but only two hundred of them grow in Russia. Almost all of them have high nutritional, medicinal and decorative properties, but, unfortunately, they mainly grow garlic, onions, leeks and shallots. And batun, chives, slime, fragrant, multi-tiered, oblique, and wild garlic are rarely seen among gardeners.

Perennial onions are rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, have a great effect on metabolism and immunity, their essential oils stimulate appetite and improve digestion. And about volatile substances, phytoncides with strong bactericidal properties everyone knows.

Perennial onions also have other advantages: simple agricultural technology, winter and frost resistance (withstand temperatures down to minus 40°), resistance to diseases and pests, and a good harvest for 3-5 years even with repeated cutting.

Unlike onions, perennial onions form a false bulb, which, under favorable conditions, continuously produces leaves. And since the dormant period is short, they are suitable for growing in protected ground or room.

For perennial onions, a plot is allocated outside the main crop rotation - it will be used for 5-6 years. It’s good if the onion corner is not flooded with water in the fall and spring. The roots of this plant are string-shaped and lie at a depth of 20-30 cm, so the soil must be very fertile, light in texture, neutral or slightly acidic (pH = 6-7), without rhizomatous and root-bearing weeds. If horsetail or horse sorrel grows on the site, liming is first necessary.

The soil is prepared in the same way as for onions: in the fall, manure, humus or compost (10 kg per sq. m) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added for digging, and nitrogen fertilizers are added under the rake in the spring.

Perennial onions are propagated by divisions or sown. The seeds are small, especially those of chives, and the germination rate is low. It is better to sow fresh ones, but if they have lain down (germination rate is below 80%), then the seeding rate should be increased. Before sowing, they must be disinfected.

Depending on the type of soil, the seeds are placed on a flat surface, ridges or ridges; the last two methods are useful in lowlands and on cold ground. They are sown in open ground in April-May and must be mulched with peat or humus (0.5-1 kg per sq.m.). Seedlings and cuttings are planted in the spring and summer.

In the second and subsequent years, regular fertilizing is necessary (in early spring and after each cutting of leaves - 10 g per square meter of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers and 15 g of phosphorus fertilizers). In the first year, a plant with one to three branches is formed, and the next year the same number of flower arrows with spherical inflorescences appear.

At the end of April - beginning of May, chives, batun and multi-tiered trees grow earlier than others, later - slime and fragrant. Therefore, by planting a set of perennial onions, you can create a green conveyor belt.

To get greenery in winter, 3-4 year old planting material is selected in the fall and dug up. Place in boxes, sprinkle with earth or peat and store at a temperature of 0 - plus 2° until planting.

Chives(reznets, skoroda) are valued for their decorative properties, high content of vitamin C in early spring and good winter hardiness (does not freeze even at Far North). It has fist-shaped, hollow, awl-shaped, green leaves with a waxy coating up to 40 cm long. The plants grow strongly and produce a powerful bush in the fourth year. Flower arrows are straight, thin, slightly longer than the leaves. They bear small spherical inflorescences with flowers of various colors: from white to lilac-violet.

This bow has two varieties: Central Russian(it bushes strongly, leaves quickly grow up to 25 cm, but also quickly become coarse) and Siberian(leaves are larger, up to 40 cm long, grow more slowly and later, but persist for up to two months). In our country Honey plant and Nemal are zoned everywhere, and Bohemia and Crocus grow better in areas with mild winters.

Honey plant- mid-early variety. Its plants grow dark green, semi-sharp leaves in spring. They can be harvested for a long time, the yield is 1.7-2.5 kg/sq.m.

Chemal- a highly bushy plant with sharp-tasting leaves up to half a meter long.

IN open ground chives seeds (consumption 1-1.5 g per 1 sq.m) are sown to a depth of 2 cm according to the 5x25-30 cm pattern, and the cuttings are planted in rows with distances of 30x30-50 cm.

In the second year, from the first ten days of May to the end of September, the feathers are cut off, and in an annual crop they are completely removed when the leaves reach 30 cm.

Skoroda onion, or chives (Chives). The chives are the first to pop up.

Batun(Tatara, sand, butun, Chinese) looks very similar to young onions, but its leaves are more powerful and twice as rich in vitamin C.

The whole variety of batun forms is represented by three subspecies.

In plants Russian small, no more than 40 cm, dark green, spicy-tasting leaves. They branch heavily (in the third year they produce 30-50 branches) and do not freeze even in the harshest winters with frosts up to 50°.

Russian winter- a new mid-early, winter-hardy, highly branching variety. Its dark green, semi-sharp-tasting leaves do not become rough for a long time, and the bush does not bolt.

Medium in power, branching and winter hardiness Japanese subspecies It includes several varieties.

Onion, or Tatarka, or Wooden onion (Welsh onion). For okroshka and summer cabbage soup there is no better loaf

Saladny 35- early ripening semi-sharp zoned variety. In the second year it produces two or three branches. Each has five dark green leaves, up to 45 cm long. Plants bolt early, so the green harvest period is short.

April- early ripening variety. The leaves are tender, juicy, semi-sharp in taste, bright green, up to 40 cm long. They shoot late.

May- a strongly branching late-ripening variety. The leaves are dark green with a strong waxy coating, have a pungent taste and quickly become coarse.

Parade- a variety for an annual crop with a high (up to 60 cm), powerful, erect leaf rosette. The leaves are tender, juicy, green with a bluish tint, and do not become rough for a long time.

The most heat-loving bows from Chinese subspecies. It produces only 3-5 branches, but very large ones (up to 130 cm in height) with juicy, sharp-tasting leaves of large diameter. There are no zoned varieties, but they are found in personal gardens.

Slime onion or drooping onion (Allium nutans). Slime of the Broadleaf variety is an excellent vegetable in May, and in July it will also be suitable for a bouquet

With an annual crop of batun, the seeds (consumption 1-1.5 g per sq.m.) are planted in early spring and the entire plant is harvested the following spring. Usually sown with a distance between lines of 25, and with ribbons - 50-60 cm.

With a perennial crop, sowing lasts from mid-June to August. The cuttings are planted in mid-summer in a row according to the 20-30×50 cm pattern. The leaves are cut every other year at a height of 25 cm. Up to three cuttings per season, but the last one no later than August.

U slime(drooping onion) leaves are flat, up to 30-50 cm long and up to 2 cm wide. They are very fragile, but juicy, with a pleasant onion-garlic taste without strong pungency. Moreover, they do not become rude and retain their dignity until the fall.

Slime is resistant to downy mildew and adverse conditions, rich in ascorbic acid, bioactive polysaccharides and salts important for health. It is recommended to eat it for anemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Branched onion, Jusay or fragrant onion (Garlic chives). Gorgeous fragrant onions of the Piquant variety

This onion is grown only as a perennial. It branches all season and forms a squat plant with a cylindrical shortened “bulb”. In the second year, it grows up to four branches and several flower shoots up to 60 cm high, each ending in a spherical umbrella-inflorescence.

Seeds (1 g per sq.m.) are sown in April-May on ridges, and cuttings are planted in June-August in rows 30x40. Leaves begin to be cut at a length of 25 cm.

During the season, up to 7 kg of greenery per square meter is collected.

In Russia, only one variety is regionalized everywhere Green. This is a semi-spreading or compact plant with a powerful rhizome and large, succulent leaves. They are tender, mildly spicy in taste, with a garlicky smell.

Recently, breeders created a new winter-hardy mid-season salad variety broadleaf. It has a squat false stem and long, wide, lanceolate leaves with a mildly pungent pleasant taste and smell. They are rich in ascorbic acid and remain tender until late autumn. During the season, 3 kg of greenery can be collected from 1 sq.m of Broadleaf plantings.

fragrant onion The good thing is that it has little fiber and remains tender all season long. Its belt-shaped leaves, unlike slime, are without pungency, richer in vitamin C (up to 100 mg%) and grow continuously until late autumn.

In the first year, two shoots are formed, each with 3-6 leaves 30 cm long, and in the second year, flower arrows with white flowers collected in a simple umbrella. The flowers emit a pleasant scent, like hyacinth or almond.

A variety of fragrant onions has been zoned Astrologer(in all zones). Its dark green leaves quickly grow up to 60 cm long, leaf width is 1.5 cm. The variety is distinguished by a semi-sharp, weak garlic taste. A new promising mid-season variety has been developed Spicy. It is more winter-hardy and richer in vitamin C.

As you can see, there are more and more perennial onions, including varietal ones, every year. IN fresh They are added to salads, as seasonings for first and second courses. They can be dried, salted and fermented, while beneficial features perfectly preserved. We hope we have convinced you, dear readers, that it’s time to think seriously about onion corner!

Plants that contain special chemical substances— phytoncides, have disinfecting properties. These include various onions, garlic, and katran. Phytoncides kill many pathogenic microorganisms and have a therapeutic, antiseptic effect on the human body.

The most common types of onions in our country are onions, shallots, baton, and garlic. The range of these vegetables can be expanded to include perennial onions. They grow well and have valuable nutritional and medicinal properties slime, chives, multi-tiered, oblique, wild garlic, leek, fragrant, etc.


They are called differently: sandy, pipe-shaped, winter, Tatarka. This is a perennial winter-hardy plant. It contains many different vitamins (C, B1, B2, PP), sugar, salts, magnesium and iron. It does not form a true bulb, but it intensively produces fistula-shaped leaves.

The batun is grown on loose, weed-free, fertile soil. Batun is sown in early spring (until mid-May). Plants have time to develop well before winter and are more productive.

The greens are ready for harvesting in the second or third decade of May. To get it at the end of April - beginning of May, in the spring, when the snow melts, the onion plantation is covered with film, stretching it over the arcs placed in the fall.

The largest harvest of batun is obtained in the second year of life, before the plant begins to bolt. If necessary, greens are harvested in the fall of the year of sowing.


Otherwise, chives are called rezanets, skoroda. This is perennial frost-resistant plant. The leaves contain up to 100 mg of vitamin C. They are thinner and more delicate than those of the batun, grow during the summer, and regrow well after cutting. Propagated by seeds and division of two to three year old bushes.

Chives are decorative and are planted in flower beds.

The best: Pink K-1669 and Siberian K-1670. Sow seeds in early spring (1.0-1.5 g/m²). In the first year, the plants grow slowly, reaching high commercial quality by the autumn of the second year.

They grow chives for 2-3 years. It grows faster under the film, while giving tender and long leaves at an earlier period.

In autumn, perennial bushes are fed by scattering 10-15 g per m². ammonium nitrate, double superphosphate and potassium salt. The leaves are cut off in May-June, when they reach a length of 18-20 cm. The harvest is obtained until the flower shoots appear. In the spring of the third year, onions are completely removed from the garden. From one m², gardeners have 1.5-2 kg of two-year-old onions and 3 kg of three-year-old onions.

If desired, every gardener can get chives seeds if he thins out the crops and does not cut off the leaves. Seed germination lasts up to two years.

Slime bow

Slime is also called glandular, drooping. It is fragrant, perennial, with flat light green leaves up to 3-4 wide and up to 40 cm long. They contain a lot of iron salts and vitamins. It is used for salads.

Slime onions are propagated by seeds, seedlings and dividing bushes. Sowed early in spring. Up to 1.5-2 g of seeds are consumed per m²; for seedlings, up to 10-13 g. When dividing, two- to three-year-old bushes are dug up. Individual plants are planted in May in deep (up to 15 cm) furrows with a three-line tape with a distance between lines of 30, and in a row - 5 cm.

During the summer, they monitor the cleanliness of the crops (plantings), and water them in dry weather.

This type of green onion grows in early spring. Leaves are cut off when their length is 15-25 cm. Plantings are used for 3-5 years. 4-6 kg of green leaves are removed from one m².

Plants covered with film grow faster in spring and produce juicy, tender produce 7-10 days earlier than without covering. Slime shoots in the second year and blooms from late June - early July.

Multi-tiered onion

Multi-tiered onion (Egyptian) - frost-resistant, perennial. Does not have a dormant state, grows quickly. Young leaves are more nutritious than those of batun. They contain various vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, PP), sugars, essential oils and other substances. This onion grows in one place for 4-5 years. Best variety Gribovsky-38.

It is propagated only vegetatively - by root bulbs and aerial bulbs (bulbs). Aerial bulbs appear in the form of 2-4 tiers. Tubular leaves are most suitable for nutrition at the beginning of their regrowth.

In the spring, overwintered basal bulbs are usually planted, and aerial bulbs are planted in the fall (in August-September, immediately after harvesting).

An area with fertile, loose soil is allocated for multi-tiered onions. When planting in one row, the plants are spaced 20 cm apart. 50 cm are left between the rows. When planting three lines on greens, the distance between lines is 30-35, and in a row between plants - 3-4 cm.

Gardeners use planting material depending on the size of the bulbs. The aerial bulbs are not the same: larger (up to 3-5 g) on ​​the lower tier, small (up to 0.5-1 g) on ​​the upper. Before planting, they are calibrated and each fraction is planted separately. Basal bulbs are usually large (20-30 g). In the first year there are only two of them in the nest, but later up to 4-8 appear. The leaves are cut up to three times during the summer, 5-8 cm above the neck of the bulbs. To obtain planting material (aerial bulbs), shoot plants of the third or fourth year of life are selected.

For planting in spring, the bulbs are stored in the cold, placed in a trench 35-50 cm deep, when a steady cold snap occurs. The top of the trench is covered with straw and a layer of earth up to 15-20 cm.

Oblique bow

This onion is also called vinegar or garlic. Its leaves are flat and long. The bulb is oblong with leathery reddish-brown scales. The plant tastes, smells and even looks a little like garlic, but is larger in size.

In Russian conditions, an inflorescence is formed on a long arrow (up to 1.5 m), in which seeds are formed and ripen well. The plant can replace garlic when pickling vegetables, as the leaves have a pleasant garlicky smell.

Onion is an excellent spice for meat dishes. Greens can also be salted.

Seeds are sown in autumn or early spring. It grows in one place for several years, but it is more advisable to use the site for no more than three years.

Angular onion

A perennial plant with succulent flat leaves and a pleasantly fragrant inflorescence. It has an intensive growth of new buds and produces vitamin-rich greens until late autumn. Plants are placed in three-line strips 20 cm apart. Leaves are cut once or twice during the summer, collected from one square meter 2-3 kg each.


Biennial plant. Valued for its high content of essential oil, vitamin C, sugars and potassium salts. The false stem (leg) 15-35 cm high and 5-7 cm thick and young leaves are used for food. Leeks are consumed raw (in salads, side dishes), boiled and stewed - for making soups and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

For the middle zone, the Karantansky variety is most suitable. He winters well. It is grown through seedlings. At the beginning of April, 1.5-2 g of seeds are sown in a seed box and up to 300 seedlings are obtained within 30-40 days.

They are brought into open ground in the first half of May. Before planting, the leaves are cut to a quarter of their length, and the roots to 2 cm. The seedlings are planted in a well-rooted bed in three rows with a distance between plants of 20-25 cm, somewhat deeper than they grew in boxes.

During the summer, the plants are regularly watered and hilled two or three times. Selective harvesting of leeks begins at the 4-5 leaf stage and continues until late autumn. Store it in the basement at a temperature of 0° or buried in a greenhouse.


Shallots (scallion, magpie) - biennial plant, a type of onion. It reproduces vegetatively, forms a large number of bulbs in the nest (from 3 to 10-12). It is distinguished by early ripening. Stores relatively well. Sometimes it shoots. This is usually facilitated by long-term decreases in temperature (up to 2-10°) during storage and at the beginning of regrowth.

Of the shallot varieties, the most famous are Russian Violet, Kuban Yellow, and Kushchevka Kharkovskaya. The Pervomaisky variety is good for greens.

Shallot plants are cold-hardy, not afraid of temperatures dropping to -4°, -5°, but cannot tolerate excess moisture. Planted in early spring in light, well-fertilized organic substances soil.

The distance between the bulbs in a row is 10-15, and between the rows 20-25 cm. 150-200 g of bulbs measuring 3-3.5 cm are planted per m². Caring for shallots is the same as for onions.

Perennial onion (name genus in Latin Allium) has excellent decorative, nutritional, and medicinal properties.

The genus includes about 500 species. However, about 200 of them are grown in Russia. Mostly in gardens you can find garlic, shallots, leeks, and onions. Such varieties of perennial onions, such as fragrant, slime, chives, wild garlic, batun, oblique, multi-tiered, etc., unfortunately, do not enjoy such popularity.


Varieties of perennial onions differ not only in taste, but also in the characteristics of cultivation, appearance, periods of maturation.

They can be planted in flower beds and garden beds - some varieties are in no way inferior ornamental plants according to its aesthetic qualities.

Most gardeners appreciate varieties of perennial onions (photo some of them can be seen in the article) their ability to ripen early. Indeed, in the landscape that has not yet turned green at the beginning of spring, only young, succulent onion shoots stand out noticeably.

This plant is rich in vitamins and essential amino acids. As a rule, they are planted. After all, the substances it contains have a positive effect on metabolic processes and immunity, and essential oils improve digestion. IN folk medicine The properties of these plants to increase hemoglobin and promote the removal of excess cholesterol from the body have long been known.

Perennial bows Many summer residents also plant them for decorative purposes. Plants perfectly complement a flower bed, borders along paths, or an alpine slide. Flowers attract pollinators, so nearby crops will not be deprived of the attention of bees.


Perennial bows frost-resistant - they can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees. Plants are practically not susceptible to diseases and are resistant to pests. In addition, the crop produces a good harvest for 3-5 years even with repeated cutting.

U perennial onion A false bulb is formed. When favorable climatic conditions it continually produces leaves. The dormant period is quite short, so crops can be grown indoors or on protected ground.

In open space, a plot isolated from the main crop rotation is perfect for perennial onions (pictured Below you can see where the crop grows). This site will be used for about 5-6 years. It is important to protect it from flooding in spring and autumn.

Onion roots are string-shaped. They lie at a depth of about 20-30 cm. Accordingly, the soil on the site should be highly fertile, slightly acidic or neutral (pH 6-7), and have a light composition. Rhizome and root weeds will greatly interfere with growth, so they must be removed. If there is horse sorrel or horsetail on the site, then liming is necessary before planting onions.

Perennial onions: cultivation and care

Soil preparation is carried out in the same way as for onions. In the autumn, manure, compost or humus is added for digging at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m2. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are also used. IN spring period Nitrogen nutrient mixtures are added under the rake.

Perennial bows You can sow, or you can propagate by divisions. The seeds of the crops are small (especially chives) and have low germination rates. It is recommended to plant fresh seeds. If they lie down, the germination rate will drop below 80%. In this case, it is necessary to increase the seeding rate. Before adding to the soil, the seeds are disinfected.

Growing perennial onions in general, it is not accompanied by difficulties. Seeds are placed on ridges, ridges or flat surfaces. It depends on the type of soil. The first two methods are used on cold ground and in lowlands. Sowing in open ground begins in April-May. In this case, it is necessary to mulch with humus or peat in a ratio of 0.5 kg per 1 m 2 of soil. In the spring and summer, cuttings and seedlings are planted.

In the second and subsequent years, you need to regularly feed the crop. In early spring, as well as after cutting, 10 g/1 sq.m. is applied. m. potassium and nitrogen mixtures and 15 g of phosphorus.

During the first year, a plant with 1-3 branches is formed. Next year, flower arrows with spherical inflorescences will begin to appear in the same quantity.

By the end of April - beginning of May, the first to appear are baton, chives and multi-tiered onions. A little later, the fragrant and slime sprout.

To obtain a harvest in winter time In the fall, you need to select three- and four-year-old planting material and dig it up. Plants are placed in boxes, sprinkled with peat or soil. Before planting, they must be stored at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees.


Varieties of perennial onions so many. We will focus only on some of them. It's worth starting with chives.

This variety is also called chisel or skoroda. Chives are used primarily for decorative purposes. It is grown by many gardeners throughout most of the country.

On average, the life cycle of chives is 3-5 years. This plant reproduces well by seeds, self-sowing, hummocks of bulbs, and forms overgrown turf.

The size of the bulbs is small. They are not eaten. The value of this plant is the narrow, hollow, slightly rough feathers. Their width is about 2-7 mm, and their height is about 40 cm. Onion greens will remain tender and will not harden if you cut them in a timely manner.

Schnitt flowers are spherical. The shades are very diverse - from pink to purple. Flowering does not affect the quality of the life cycle. This period falls on May-August.

Chives - very unpretentious plant. It successfully takes root in the northern regions. However, the crop requires abundant watering.

Some gardeners plant it exclusively for greenery, others use the plant to decorate the site. Chive islands effectively highlight borders; They also look great on alpine slides. In the latter case, it is preferable to plant onions on the eastern and southern sides.

Varieties of chives

They are selected depending on the climatic characteristics of the region:

  • Crocus and Bohemia bear fruit well. They do very well in regions with warm winters.
  • Vitamin, Honey plant, Sonnet are frost resistant.

Preparing for winter

When preparing, the plant is cut almost to the root. It can be transplanted into a pot and left for 2 months. In winter, the seedling will produce fresh greens.

Schnitt is one of the first to appear after the snow melts. In early spring, the leaves of the plant are very soft, and in early summer they become coarser and become tough. By the beginning of the flowering period, they become pungent and are almost not eaten.


This species is considered one of the delicacies. Shallots are valued for their delicate aroma and sweetish taste of the leaves. The bulbs of the plant, although rare, are also used for food. The plant is especially popular in France.

Shallots are typically grown for their greens. It has a lot in common with onions. At the same time, shallots are more branched, and small oblong bulbs form nests. They are fairly easy to separate when digging. The next time they are planted, they multiply very well. The ability to quickly renew allows shallots to be grown on an industrial scale.

Features of the view

Shallots, unlike a number of other perennial onions, are a demanding plant. It requires a special area. Shallots are not suitable for growing for ornamental purposes. Neighborhood with annual onions can lead to the degeneration of shallots and loss of their taste.

The most common varieties in Russia can be considered Siberian Yellow, Sprint, Druzhnaya Semeyka, Banana, Delicatessen.

Most shallot varieties are suitable for planting in middle lane countries. In addition, it tolerates cold well; its bulbs remain viable even at very low temperatures. Therefore, it can often be seen in gardens in the Far East and Siberia.

Bulbs for the next planting are usually dug up at the end of summer. To get juicy greens, it is recommended to sow immediately after the snow melts. To ripen the bulbs, sowing is carried out under the first snow, in the fall.

Perennial onion batun

It is considered one of the most common types. Batun is grown in almost every garden. This species is also called Tatara or Dudcha.

As a rule, the batun is planted in a separate bed. The plant takes root well next to flower crops.

The batun has a very branched bush, with succulent, long, fist-shaped leaves. Their height reaches 60 cm. You can cut greens from spring until the end of the season.

In terms of taste, the batun is in no way inferior to onions, but in terms of the amount of useful substances it is the undoubted leader. The batun contains ascorbic acid, potassium salts, riboflavin, etc.

The crop propagates well by seeds obtained after flowering. The plant can be grown in one area for 6 years if it is properly watered and fed regularly.

The most common varieties are Baikal, Izumrud, Trinity, Totem, Molodets, Russian Winter, Maysky, April, etc.


It is also called drooping onion. The slime emerges immediately after the snow melts. At the beginning of April, the greens are already suitable for eating.

Slime is considered one of the earliest species and the leader in the amount of iron. Onions have a rich, mild taste that does not change throughout the season.

Slime grows as a low bush. Its leaves are succulent and pale green in color. After cutting, they quickly recover. Blooms with large purple single balls.

Compared to other perennial onions, the yield of slime is not very high. The average life cycle is 4 years. Upon completion, the plant is replanted and well fed.

Reproduction is carried out by seeds.

Among the main varieties, Vitamin Glade, Leader, and Fount of Health are especially popular.

Slime is often grown for decorative purposes. It is planted on alpine hills, in flower beds.


This species is rarely found in the areas. Vinegar is also called mountain garlic. Externally, it is close to garlic. It has the same thick stem, from which alternately flat leaves emerge. Their thickness reaches three centimeters. However, vinegar blooms like all onions.

This culture is distinguished by its taste properties. It tastes like both garlic and onion. The leaves are ready for consumption at the end of May. However, by the end summer period leaves become hard. They are used instead of garlic in canning.

Multi-tiered bow

This species is the only viviparous one. Its bulbs ripen above the ground and produce new leaves. The multi-tiered bow is also called Egyptian, horned, or walking.

During the first year it resembles a batun. In subsequent years, the development of the bow occurs with the help of arrows.

Greens can be eaten throughout the season. All summer it does not lose its properties. Multi-tiered onions have a spicy, pungent taste.

The bulbs can also be eaten. They are also used for sowing. The bulbs take root well in the ground. They form nests like shallots.

Main varieties: Pamyat, Odessky winter, Likov, Gribovsky 38.

It is worth saying that multi-tiered onions are not planted for decorative purposes and next to other varieties.


This type became popular thanks to early maturation. In early April, you can eat the first greens. Wild garlic is also called wild garlic or bear onion.

Flowering stops after completion active growth culture. Wild garlic bulbs are not used in cooking. The leaves of the plant are similar to the leaves of lily of the valley.

The most popular varieties are Bear and Bear's Ear.

Wild garlic is not grown as a garden decoration. At the same time, it feels great next to berries and fruit crops. The plant contains phytoncides - substances that repel pests.

fragrant onion

It is rich in fiber and vitamin C. The leaves of the plant are belt-shaped.

During the first year, 2 shoots with 3-6 leaves are formed on each. Their length is about 30 cm. In the second year, flower arrows are formed. White flowers are collected on them in a simple umbrella. They smell nice.

Among the varieties, Stargazer is popular. The dark green leaves of this plant grow up to 60 cm quite quickly. The leaf width is 1.5 cm. A promising (new) mid-season variety called Piquant has also been introduced. It contains more vitamin C and is more frost-resistant.

Ground vegetables are always tastier than those grown in greenhouses. That is why in dachas and garden plots there is always room for growing perennial onions. The main purpose of its cultivation is to obtain greens, without which no salad can do. In addition, from the point of view of health benefits, perennial onions are rich in amino acids and vitamins, which helps improve immunity. Consumption of its greens helps remove toxins from the body and reduces the level of unhealthy cholesterol.

Growing perennial winter onions is profitable, according to summer residents who have sufficient experience in growing them. This vegetable is good because it is frost-resistant (does not freeze at a temperature of -40°C), is not susceptible to diseases, and pests do not like its smell. This is a natural phytoncide. Another important advantage that distinguishes it from onions is that it does not have a dormant period; forcing it into greenery can be done at any time of the year.

Description of popular varieties

More than 500 species of this miracle vegetable are known to grow in the wild. All of them are divided into types with tubular leaves, such as batun, multi-tiered, chives and shallots; so with flat leaves: slime, leek, fragrant. Currently, perennial varieties of early onions are grown by people not only in gardens, but also on balconies in boxes and pots.

The most common of the perennial varieties is batun.

The most common of the perennial varieties is the batun, which is popularly called the Tatarka or pipe onion due to the appearance of its feathers. China is considered its homeland, it is widespread perennial(Chinese onion) was received at dachas in the northern and central parts of Russia relatively recently. It does not have a compact appearance. It grows quickly and puffs up in different directions with its feathers, similar to pipes. The height of the bush can reach up to half a meter. The diameter of the palm leaf varies from 1 to 2 cm. It reproduces with the help of flowers that appear on the arrows. Feather forcing takes place at a temperature of +15-24°C; at higher temperatures, feather growth is inhibited. At warm winter shoots are visible from under the melting snow. Popular varieties cultivated in central Russia: Tenderness, Ladozhsky, Maisky, Baron. Among the mid-season varieties, the young representative of the onion is a variety bred by domestic breeders, called Ispolin.

Chives, like the previous vegetable, have tubular leaves, but their inflorescence is bright pink-violet, which makes this crop a decorative addition to the site. The leaves of the perennial chives have a mildly pungent taste in early spring. Before flowering begins, the rigidity of the leaf and its taste change. The onion is not suitable for food. You shouldn't dig it up - next season it will give feathers. It tends to grow quickly, and by the fourth year a large bush is formed. Schnitt throws out flower arrows, on which flowers appear in the form of bulbs in the spring. They bloom until autumn. Popular released varieties: Honey plant, Chemal and Bohemia.


Additional Information! Bulbs of perennial onions can be used to force green feathers at home. This can be done by sowing them in a greenhouse or in a box, placing it on the windowsill. The distillation is going quickly. The feather reaches a length of up to 45 cm.

Sweet onion (Djusai) gets its name from the smell of its star-shaped white flowers. The leaves are flat and narrow. It is good because it can grow in one place for more than 10 years. Several times a season you can cut it for greenery. Drooping or broad-leaved onion mucus has flat leaves, the length of which ranges from 30 to 50 cm. The width of the leaf is approximately 2 cm. They have a bulbous-garlic taste, which is not for everyone.

Rules for growing in open ground

The advantages of perennial onions include the ease of growing and caring for plantings. Having planted the variety you like, you can count on a good harvest within 3-5 years.

Note! When choosing a site for planting a perennial, you should be aware that it will be used for 5 years. This should be soil without groundwater and flooding, neutral or slightly acidic (pH = 6-7), of light composition.

Summer residents who are engaged in the agricultural technology of perennial winter onions, before planting, recommend starting soil preparation with autumn digging, applying organic and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and removing weeds, the proximity of which the onion does not tolerate. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizer is applied, weeding and deep (15 cm) loosening of the soil are done.

There is practically no time when it is better to plant this perennial vegetable. It can be grown in spring, summer and autumn. Perennial bush onions are propagated both by dividing the bush and by seeds.

The second option is sowing a bulbous perennial

Best time for vegetative propagation– mid-spring or late summer. Usually a three-year-old bush is divided into small bushes. Each part of the divided bush should have a bulb with a well-developed root system. The bush is planted to a depth of 8-10 cm. Bushes with a weak root system are planted to a depth of 5 cm.

The second option is to sow a bulbous perennial. You can sow seeds in open ground or, as gardeners practice, prepare seedlings. To do this, the seeds are planted in boxes in March. The emerging shoots are kept at temperatures up to 20°C. Planting perennial onions in the spring, in mid-May, is done by planting seedlings that were grown in boxes.

Growing perennial onions for greens

To obtain earlier production of green feathers, pre-winter sowing is carried out. In late autumn, when the soil temperature reaches a stable temperature of +3 +4°C, thickened sowing is carried out, that is, the seeding rate increases by 15-20%. The production of greenery will be constantly guaranteed with conveyor sowing and harvesting at intervals of 2 weeks.

For example, gardeners practice summer sowing of onions without harvesting. Greens are obtained in early spring. Another advantage of this sowing option is that there is no early bolting, which means there will be a long period of feather production and its high quality. It has been noticed that when sowing in summer in open ground, green feathers appear 10-15 days earlier than when sowing in spring.

Note! Good results gives greenhouse cultivation of perennial onions. Having adopted the experience of growing perennial onions in Japan and China, gardeners plant them in furrows and hill them to a height of 10-15 cm. This gives a whitening of the base and a wonderful delicate taste.

Caring for perennial onions

Any plant, even an unpretentious one, still needs some care. Initially, perennials do not like dry soil, but this does not mean that there should be water near the bushes. Excess water causes root rot. Following the rules for caring for perennial onions in the spring, it needs to be watered after each cut of the leaves so that the plant gains strength for the next development.

Initially, perennials like soil that is not dry

Onions love fertile soil, which means periodic fertilizing is necessary. Since it does not tolerate proximity to weeds that clog it, it is necessary to do regular weeding, especially after watering and rains. By the way, if we talk about neighbors, it’s worth paying attention to compatibility with other crops growing in the garden or personal plot. Perennial onions and carrots are ideal for growing side by side because they have the same requirements for moisture.

Autumn feeding should consist of potassium-phosphorus supplements, which help the onions to overwinter well and accumulate enough nutrition in the root part. After collecting the last feathers of the perennial, it is recommended to fertilize the soil a little with urea.

It turns out that perennial onions, which are mainly planted on greens, are very diverse, provide early vitamin production, are unpretentious in cultivation, and easily tolerate the winter and spring vagaries of nature.

...Here it is April. The vitamins in the body are already running out. I want to get caught like a goat

in your own plot, pluck some grass... And emerald sprouts of perennial onions already appeared from the soil.

Growing them is not difficult, it is a rewarding task, it is easy to create conditions for the plants under which they can turn green almost continuously, they give several cuttings per season, even in the fall - winter, if they are transplanted home, they will continue to feed.

Despite the variety of species and varieties, agricultural technology is practically the same.

Soil for growing

It is better to prepare the soil long before planting, since most likely it will have to be limed. Onions, not only onions, love a neutral, slightly alkaline environment. Therefore, I consider deoxidation to be the main thing in soil preparation and cultivation. To do this, dolomite flour (calcium and magnesium carbonate salts), lime - fluff (calcium hydroxide), calcium nitrate, and ash are added.

Lime, when applied, blocks the effect of other fertilizers, so it is necessary to deoxidize the soil with lime six months before planting. for example, when sowing or planting in spring, lime is applied in the fall and vice versa.

Dolomite flour can be added two weeks before planting. saltpeter, ash - a week; later as fertilizer during the growth process.

The amount of application depends on the acidity and composition of the soil. Lime will require from 100 g per 1 square meter. More dolomites can be added; it, being brought in in excess. does not increase acidity.

Superphosphate 20 - 30 g is added in advance, a bucket of humus per square meter. meter.

It is pleasant to grow perennial onions in a separate raised bed or flowerbed without soaking the soil in an open place. They are not afraid of frost and spend the winter without shelter.

Types of bows

Schnitt was the first to appear in my collection. I grew it from seeds.


Its other name - rezun - contains twice as many vitamins and sugars as onion. Unpretentious, very frost-resistant. The leaf is thin, tubular, delicate, reaching a height of 30 centimeters.

I planted the seeds at home in March so that when planting in the ground, weeds would not have time to clog it. Before planting, I soaked it for a day. There are no difficulties in growing seeds. You can plant the seeds before winter, mulching them with peat.

If you planted an onion in the spring, you can cut it off little by little towards the end of summer. We need to let him get stronger.

When the chives are two to three years old, you can divide them in early spring or August. You can do this after five years, but by this age it will begin to shrink. When seating, I make the distance between the curtains approximately 20 cm.

In the second year after planting, the rezun blooms with very beautiful hemispheres. that's why I plant it along garden paths. Even when it fades or the greenery is cut off, the emerald foliage that grows again after a week is mesmerizing.

Perennial onions do not form bulbs, only thickened stems. When they begin to stick out of the ground, I add humus or compost to them.

This type of perennial onion must be constantly plucked or cut at least three times per season, since without such a procedure the leaves will become coarse.


A little curtain was given to me last year at the beginning of summer. I tucked it in a corner of the garden bed and forgot. I only saw it when it bloomed. Everyone really liked him. The leaf is flat, “fat”, fleshy, oval at the top. The leaves do not age over time and do not become coarse even without cutting before frost.

The height of the feathers is up to 40 cm, they taste not sharp at all, are pleasant, and contain a lot of ascorbic acid and iron. Bees constantly hang out in the ball-inflorescence.

It’s a pity that the yield of slime is less than that of chives. It is all the more important to create for him the necessary conditions: loves watering, fertilizing with infusion of ash and calcium nitrate (2 tbsp per bucket of water)

It is especially good for any salads, as it does not add any spice to them; children love such salads (they do not notice the onion flavor in them).

The most remarkable property of the onion - slime is that it will not cause discomfort at increased acidity, contains mucus, being a dietary food for people with gastritis.

The false bulb of the plant is also used for food if you have to dig it up.


Most often found among gardeners, it is also called sandy or fistulous. It is very similar to an ordinary onion, only instead of an onion it has a thickened stem - a false onion. It produces three cuts per season and is good for filling pies.

The taste is islandy. like onion. It is propagated by dividing the bush, by seeds, and grows quickly, so the distance between the bushes should be at least 30 cm. After flowering, the onion becomes coarser.


Perennial medicinal plant, grows in the mountains, rocky screes of Siberia, Mongolia, Baikal. Unpretentious and beautiful.

I recently bought seeds of the Altai onion “Alves”. I planted seedlings early in the spring. In May I planted it in a bed with perennial onions. Externally, it looks like a loaf, but the taste is not spicy, it remained green until frost, but is still small for cutting. In August I fed it with an infusion of ash (a glass of pre-diluted ash hot water per bucket of water).


Who loves garlic, this onion is for him. The garlic aroma is weak, the taste is not so spicy. Another name is mountain garlic. The leaves are flat, similar to slime leaves. fleshy, with a waxy coating, up to 40 cm high. Very winter-hardy. Contains a large amount of carotene, ascorbic acid, and phytoncides.

It is grown the same way. like other perennial onions for greens.

Fragrant onions do not have a dormant period, so they are used for forcing.

All perennial onions can be planted with seeds in early spring, summer and before winter. Depending on the time of planting, it is used for food either in the year of planting or the next.

I noticed. that onions reproduce well by cuttings (sods) almost at any time. excluding the heat. You just need to cut the greens. water well, shade.

After each cutting, it is better to feed the onions. In spring, infusion of herbs and complex fertilizer. Closer to autumn - ash, superphosphate.

To get even earlier greenery in the spring, you can build an insulated shelter over the plantings in March.

Forcing on the windowsill

All of the above-described types of perennial onions have a short dormant period, or, like the fragrant and slime ones, there is none at all. Therefore, onions can provide us with herbs, vitamins, and minerals even in winter! What a gift of nature!

We take “matured” three-year-old sods for forcing in October. Cut out the part you need to size. If there are greens left, we cut them off at a level of 3 cm. We also cut the roots that are too long to 10 cm. We don’t separate them into separate onions. I plant the divisions prepared in this way in containers with holes and place them on a covered balcony.

We provide the plants with a dormant period of about two months. Keep in a cool place (balcony, loggia, refrigerator, basement). If onions are planted on greens without a rest period, they will develop worse.

Sweet onions and slime can be immediately planted in the desired container and placed on the indoor windowsill.

The greenery is cut several times as it grows. If necessary, the turf from the storage location is replaced with new ones. They do this until spring. It is recommended to feed onion plantings with urea (1 tablespoon per bucket) 1-2 times during the forcing period. Or take a complex fertilizer. I don't do this for some reason.