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Main filter for water purification in an apartment - how to choose the right one. Coarse and fine water filters: types and recommendations, which is better to choose Coarse water filter for faucets

If the device has a flushing tap, such a device will be self-flushing. At the moment when the need arises to rinse the filter, you need to open the tap at the bottom of the housing, and the water will wash away all the large particles that have settled on the mesh.

With mesh

A filter with a mesh is a sediment type of device. As a rule, they are made of steel or brass. The outlet can be located obliquely or straight. Such models must be washed when they become dirty.


In a disk filter, water purification is carried out by two polymer disks. These elements are mounted on an axis and pressed tightly against each other. After passing through them, all contaminants settle in special shallow grooves. The size of the grooves determines what particle size a given device can sift out.


Cartridge filters are inexpensive, which is why they are the most popular. They look like a flask with a polypropylene or thread cartridge inside.

Customer Reviews


Many thanks to Denis and Ivan for their help in repairing the heating system at the SNT Sokol dacha. Everything was done quickly, competently and accurately. It’s a pity that we didn’t immediately contact Complex of Ideas. I would be happy to use your help "A complex of ideas" in the future, because it is clear that people know their business and can solve problems that arise when operating suburban housing.


In the summer, as a preventative measure, I wanted to flush the heating system. I called a dozen companies and spent a week - either the price is high, or they don’t inspire confidence, or there are some other restrictions. Some said that they would wash it for 3 days, removing all the batteries in the house - they also announced 50 thousand.
My wife went online from her phone and immediately found the site, called and invited. The next day they arrived and did everything in one day using some special compressor + chemicals. Fast,…


I thank the company employees “Complex of ideas” for the work done. Really saved the New Year!!!


At the beginning of January 2017, it was very cold in the Moscow region and our gas boiler went out and we could not start it. Before this, he periodically “capped” and “clicked”, but we did not attach any importance to this. And then... New Year, the whole family is at the dacha, and the boiler is broken. It's good that the experts “Complex of Ideas” came and solved our problem. Almost froze :)

I recommend it to everyone! The masters' telephone number was written with a marker directly on the cauldron.


I would like to write a review about the work of an employee of the Complex of Ideas company. When the cold weather came, a problem arose with the heating boiler in a country house - the error message was Error, I don’t remember what number. On the phone they found the first website on the Internet and called. They arrived, fixed it, and took very little money. Very prompt, polite and left only pleasant impressions. It seems the employee’s name was Vadim or Vlad - I don’t remember exactly =)


I spent the whole weekend trying to connect the boiler at the dacha to heat water... I went to the market 3 times for additional parts, scoured the entire Internet - I just can’t seem to get it done. It doesn’t turn on, then it leaks, then something else. I found this site on the Internet, called - they came and did in 50 minutes what took me 2 days! I should have called right away. I would have rested better. Next time I'll do that!


I express my gratitude to specialist Victor from "Complex of ideas"! He came, fixed our gas boiler, replaced something there - voila, everything worked. I couldn't have done it on my own.

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It's no secret that the water that comes to our apartment from the central water supply is undrinkable. Even household tasks such as washing dishes or washing clothes require a certain level of water quality. Qualitative improvement of tap water is only possible by using filters to purify tap water. There is a huge selection of filter systems, from the most inexpensive to the most productive, bringing water parameters to almost ideal. In this article we will tell you how to choose a water filter, tell you about the existing varieties and operating rules.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the features of a water filter rough cleaning

    What are the features of a fine water filter?

    What are the features of a main water filter?

Coarse water filter: types and maintenance

Any owner of his own home that is not connected to the central water supply system does not even have questions about the need to install a filter on the water pipe. Water from a well or well must undergo a purification cycle to remove impurities of dirt, sand, harmful microorganisms, etc. This situation does not even require discussion. A filter for tap water is a necessary attribute in the private residential sector. But apartment owners are not so categorical in their beliefs, and many of them have doubts about the need to install a water filter.

Of course, a central water purification system requires the presence of mechanical filters that retain solid particles, and chemical treatment, neutralizing the effect of pathogenic microorganisms on water. But water, passing through the entire plumbing system, absorbs rust, mineral deposits and fungal formations from the inner walls of the pipeline. In this form, this liquid enters our apartment. In order for the quality of water to improve to drinking level, it is necessary to install a multi-stage purification system.

The absence, for example, of a coarse water filter will lead to the need to quickly replace seals on all plumbing fittings. A coarse filter is required for the normal operation of household appliances connected to water. Without its presence in the home plumbing system, faucets will quickly fail, becoming clogged with dirt and debris.

A coarse water filter is often equipped with a metal mesh with small cells that trap all solid impurities. Next, the water can flow to a fine filter or go directly to the mixer.

Filters for tap water in an apartment work on a similar principle, but may differ in the material of manufacture, shape, method of insertion into the pipe, type of filter element and method of removing accumulated residues.

One of the most popular types of water filters for rough cleaning. The filter element is a micro-mesh stainless steel mesh. The cell size can vary depending on the model in the range of 50–400 microns. Has a long service life and does not require replacement Supplies(they are simply not present in this type of filters). The models differ from each other only in the method of insertion into the pipe, the cleaning method and the location of the filter elements relative to each other.

The only differences here are in the method of inserting into the water pipe. If the diameter of the water pipe is equal to or greater than two inches, then a flange type of filter is installed. Due to their large diameter, such filters are installed on water supply mains and at junction points of apartment buildings.

The flanges are mounted on bolts or studs, which greatly facilitates their dismantling without the need to disassemble other elements of the plumbing system. The presence of such flanges must be included in the house design at the very beginning of construction.

The apartments use coarse water filters with threaded connections. Such a filter is mounted directly on a water pipe or connected to it with American nuts (quick-release nuts).

A coarse water filter consists of two pipes (inlet and outlet) and a reservoir (sump) in which the water is filtered. The direction of the tank relative to the axis of the water pipe divides filters into two categories: oblique and straight.

The reservoir of water filters with a direct arrangement “looks” down (perpendicular to the water flow). The size of the tank affects the speed at which the water flows (the larger it is, the lower the speed). Heavy particles remain at the bottom of the sump, and the water is directed further to a mesh with microcells that trap smaller impurities.

It is not difficult to determine a filter for a water pipe with an oblique location of the tank. This option is preferable in conditions minimum distance between water pipes or between a pipe and a wall. A plug or flange cap is screwed onto the end of its reservoir.

Mud collectors with flushing system

The method of cleaning the filter element divides such filters into two categories: non-washable and filters with a flushing system. Oblique filters, as well as some straight ones, are classified as non-washing filters. Cleaning such filters involves disassembling the housing by unscrewing the plug or lid.

Cleaning systems for filters with a direct reservoir location have a drain valve to drain sediment from impurities.

In apartments, flask type filters are often used with a plastic housing on the outside and a filter element (replaceable cartridge) inside. There may be several such flasks in the filter, depending on the degree and level of filtration.

The cartridge can be made of polyester, in the form of threads twisted together or compressed fiber. The degree of filtration of each cartridge is determined in microns. For example, for coarse water filters this figure is 20–30 microns.

In most cases, flask filter cartridges are not maintained, but are replaced with new ones when they become clogged. The flask filter by default should be the second stage of water purification after the coarse filter.

Installation and Maintenance

The installation and further operation of a household water supply filter has its own characteristics, which should not be forgotten.

It is advisable to install a coarse filter at the water inlet to the apartment, in front of the meters. Due to limited space, filters are usually installed with an oblique arrangement of the tank. In any case, such a filter will be able to protect the meter and other elements of the system from rapid clogging and failure.

For proper operation of the filter, it is mounted horizontally, pointing the tank down, which will simplify the cleaning procedure. The arrow on the product body will indicate the correct direction for installing the filter. In some cases, oblique water filters are also installed vertically, and the direction of water movement should go from top to bottom.

Filters with a direct flask arrangement are mounted exclusively on horizontal sections of water supply. The installation must take into account the possibility of unhindered servicing of the filter.

For filters with a direct flushing system, it is possible to equip a system with reverse flushing. This is done by adding a bypass loop with taps to the water supply system with the ability to switch the direction of water flow from direct to counter flow.

In any filter, you periodically need to remove the filter element to replace or clean it. This is especially true for filters that do not have a washing system. This procedure involves blocking the water supply (close the inlet taps), thereby relieving the pressure in the system.

For filters with an oblique connection, the removable nut has hexagonal slots for easy unscrewing with a regular wrench.

Advice: To simplify dismantling and maintain the tightness of the plug fastening, it is necessary to replace the complete paronite gasket with a tow winding.

For filters with vertical placement of flasks, the filter element can be removed using a shaped wrench (usually included in the filter kit) or standard wrenches. When replacing the filter element, you need to pay attention to the condition of the gaskets and seals.

The oblique filter on the water pipe is disassembled, having previously prepared a container for draining the dirt. At the same time, the filter element (mesh) is thoroughly cleaned, rinsing it with water pressure or air from the compressor. As necessary, the mesh is replaced with a new one.

In water filters with a direct reservoir, unscrew the flask and pour out the accumulated sediment. The cartridge is changed when clogged.

Filters equipped with a flushing system do not require disassembly. To clean such a water supply system from dirt, it is enough to regularly flush with water under pressure by opening a special tap.

Fine water filter

Coarse filters do an excellent job, but the presence of mechanical impurities is far from the only problem. Tap water contains, in various forms, compounds of mineral salts and organic matter. In most cases, the quality of such water does not meet drinking standards.

Modern filters for purifying tap water can change the composition of water to a state that does not require boiling.

Sorption filters for cleaning

Sorption-type cleaners are capable of retaining microparticles of rust, sand, clay and other impurities measuring 20–40 microns. They usually have a long service life and high throughput per unit of time. Some of these purifiers can disinfect tap water using silver, fluoride or iodine.

The sorbent most often is activated carbon (in granules), sometimes aluminosilicates. Property activated carbon absorb substances such as pesticides, heavy metal salts, excess calcium, chlorine and radioactive compounds making this absorbent one of the most versatile. Aluminosilicates absorb heavy metal salts, harmful microorganisms, and normalize the pH level of water.

The scope of application of sorption-type water filters is very wide, ranging from household devices (jug type and stationary) to high-performance systems mounted on main water pipes. Their restoration occurs due to the reverse direction of water flow.

The body of ion exchange purifiers is made of plastic or stainless steel. Inside there is a reservoir for saline solution and ion exchange material. Tap water is passed through several filter elements, leaving ions of heavy metal salts in them.

The productivity of such purifiers depends on a number of indicators:

Some of the main disadvantages of such cleaning systems are:

    short service life of the filter element;

    the need for disposal of consumables;

    difficult maintenance procedure (requires regeneration tanks).

Tap water in such filters is passed through a membrane with cells up to three microns in size. This cell size allows only water molecules to pass into the next filter compartment. All harmful microorganisms and chemical compounds of any form remain on the membrane. This type of purifier has a fairly long service life of the main filter element (membrane).

A pressure pump supplies tap water to the membrane through the inlet pipe. At the outlet, the water is divided into two reservoirs. The first contains permeate (water with the highest degree of purification), and the second (drainage collector) contains a solution with impurities filtered by a membrane.

The level of filtration can be determined by the size of the cells (micropores) of the membrane:

    no more than 1 micron – microfiltration level;

    no more than 0.1 microns – ultrafiltration level;

    no more than 0.01 microns – filtration at the nano level;

    up to 0.001 microns – reverse osmosis.

Molecular purification of reverse osmosis systems allows you to remove all microorganisms from tap water, including pathogenic bacteria and heavy metal compounds. The water leaving such a filter has a minimal degree of mineralization (about 20% of the original). In some cases, low-mineralized water is necessary, but this is also a disadvantage of such filtration systems.

Filter maintenance

Each type of filter installed on a water pipe has its own maintenance rules:

The sedimentary type requires regular washing of the metal mesh (filter element). The procedure involves relieving water pressure by turning off the taps at the entrance of the water supply to the apartment. The frequency of checking the tank depends on the degree of contamination of the incoming water.

Disc-type filters are removed from the water supply system, the housing is unscrewed and all filter elements (discs) are washed. If necessary (high degree of contamination), a brush is used for cleaning.

Cartridge-type polypropylene cleaners are replaced with new ones after their service life expires. Most manufacturers of filter elements mark them with the throughput of the purifier, measured in liters. But when calculating the service life of the filter element, the initial quality of the water must also be taken into account. The service life of the cartridge can be measured in several months, but if the water quality suddenly deteriorates, the filter instantly becomes clogged.

Reverse osmosis purification systems have different types fillers, which largely determines the period of their replacement. Pre-cleaning cartridges are changed approximately every six months, the carbon filter (at the output of the system) is changed once a year, and the membrane itself can last from two to two and a half years. Before replacing cartridges, remember the order in which they are arranged to correct installation. After replacing one or all filter elements, water from the storage tank can be used by running several liters of water through it empty.

If the filter has not been used for a long time (three months or more), then the water should be disinfected. In the case of a large accumulation of microorganisms on the water pre-filter, the water is exposed to ultraviolet light.

Types and purpose

    Additional purification of tap water. The water coming to our taps from the central water supply is often treated only by chlorination. It is known that chlorine cannot remove all bacteria in water, heavy metal salts and carcinogens.

    Improving the taste properties of water. The taste sensation is affected by various substances contained in tap water, such as chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, and ferrous compounds. The use of a main purifier allows you to improve not only the taste of the water itself, but also the food prepared with it.

    Reducing water hardness. The quality of tap water is also affected by such a parameter as hardness. High values ​​of this indicator lead to negative effects on human skin and hair. With constant use of such water, skin rashes may appear and the hair structure may be damaged.

    Increasing the service life of household appliances. Additional purification of water from the central water supply allows you to get rid of solid suspended impurities in the water, including rust, which significantly reduces the service life of plumbing fixtures and household appliances in contact with water.

Main water filters have their own classification according to the degree of filtration. They can be:

Rough(primary) cleaning. As a filter element, they are equipped with a mesh with small cells, which traps solid impurities contained in the water. It must be cleaned as it gets dirty to maintain the throughput of the line. In more advanced types of main filters, a multi-stage cleaning system consisting of several meshes is installed. Each subsequent mesh has a smaller cell size. Thus, the water is purified to a level quite sufficient for technical needs.

Fine cleaning. The design of such a cleaning system is as follows: an inlet mesh filter is placed in front of a flask cartridge capable of absorbing the smallest particles ranging in size from 1 to 20 microns. The established standard for such cartridges is the retention of impurities up to 5 microns in size.

As a rule, main filters are installed in conjunction with other filtering devices, for example, with a water softener. This makes the water suitable for cooking and extends the life of household appliances. The softener can be a magnetic (reagent-free) filter that retains mineral salts in the form of sediment. Fine filters are installed exclusively after the coarse cleaning system, otherwise dirt residues will quickly “clog” such a filter, and it will need to be changed frequently.

There is also such a category of equipment as a cleaning system with granular loading. Essentially, this is a main filter with a full cleaning cycle. This system allows you to get rid of chemical and organic impurities and harmful microorganisms. In appearance, it is a large container with a throughput capacity of 16 to 400 l/min. Installing this type of main filter on a water pipe can significantly reduce water hardness and carry out a full cleaning cycle. The only drawback of these systems is their large dimensions.

How to choose a main filter

Don't forget that apartment buildings equipped with two water supply lines (for cold and hot water). In private houses where a local heating system is provided, an additional filtration system is required cold water.

Types of inline filters designed for hot water can withstand high temperature loads, but they can also be used for cold water. But reverse interchangeability is unacceptable!

For guidance when choosing a main filter for a water pipe, it is worth considering:

    The amount of nominal pressure loss in the system. It can range from 0.1 to 0.6 bar, and in some cases more. Low water pressure may require the installation of a mains pump.

    Filter capacity.

    Planned volume of water consumption(more is better than less).

    Filter housing size and form factor. Most manufacturers produce filters in the Slim Line and Big Blu series. One of the best water filters for apartments is the 10’’ Big Blu model. It has a blue body with a diameter of 184 mm and a cartridge measuring 10 inches. Filters of this type do an excellent job of retaining chlorine compounds, heavy metal salts, organics, and soften water. Slim Line type systems have a smaller diameter - from 114 to 130 mm. Main filters with a red or orange body (or stainless steel) are designed for hot water, blue or transparent filters are for cold water.

    Properties of the filter element. For each type of pollution there are corresponding neutralizers.

Modern coarse mesh filters for the main line have a multilayer design, located in steel pipe. They are capable of trapping particles up to 50 microns in size. The most preferred are filter models with a flushing function. They are more productive and less troublesome to maintain. It is also worth paying attention to the correspondence of the diameter of the water pipe to the pipes on the filter.

The main filter is installed on the water pipe, and in sectors with water supply and drainage it is recommended to install a bypass and shut-off valves. For ease of maintenance, the cartridge should be placed in a convenient place.

When choosing a particular water filter system, it can be difficult to take into account all the nuances. Therefore, we recommend turning to professionals. There are many companies on the Russian market that develop water treatment systems. It is quite difficult to choose one or another type of water filter on your own, without the help of a professional. And even more so, you should not try to install a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured it out.

It is safer to contact a filter installation company that provides a full range of services - specialist consultation, analysis of water from a well or well, selection of suitable equipment, delivery and connection of the system. In addition, it is important that the company provides filter maintenance.

our company Biokit offers a wide selection of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!

Coarse water filters for apartments (FGOV) retain relatively large insoluble elements, for example:

  • rust components;
  • scale from welding, sealants;
  • sand.

Therefore, it is necessary to install FGOV in the apartment.

Their work is based on the mechanical retention of large particles. The devices differ in:

  • parameters;
  • form;
  • throughput potential;
  • highest operational period;
  • cleaning blocks;
  • manufacturing materials;
  • purification method;
  • type of filter component.

Types of federal state government

Let's take a closer look at the types:

  1. Reticulate. This is one of the most common varieties. It has a long service life without replacing the working component. In the grid, the cells have parameters of 50 – 400 microns. The device is made of stainless steel. Differences between mesh types are associated with the method of their entry into the pipeline, methods of regular cleaning and maintenance.
    These devices are divided into two further subcategories:
    1. With backwash. The deposited components are automatically removed.
    2. Without such washing. The device can only be cleaned by disassembling it.

    Devices that work with cold water have a transparent body. This way you can monitor the conditions of the grid.
    Devices operating with hot water, metal. After all, metal can withstand high temperatures.
    Many models also have other functions. For example, they can have a valve built into them to adjust the pressure. They can be combined with a pressure gauge. This is a safety measure for the internal space of the pipeline and household models against pressure surges.
    It is logical to install devices with automatic flushing where there is a drainage pipe and they follow dirty waters with impurities.

    Pros of mesh models:

    1. Simple and effective design.
    2. Acceptable price.
    3. Ease of installation, use and maintenance.
    4. No consumables needed.
    5. They work in domestic and industrial networks with any water (hot and cold).

    There are also disadvantages, but they are conditional:

    1. During standard maintenance, you have to turn off the water.
    2. Relatively weak cleaning performance.
  2. The second type of FGOV. Flange and coupling. They differ in the method of connecting to the main line. If the pipe diameter is over two inches, it is better to use a flanged type. Bolted connections allow the device to be removed without dismantling other structural components. Pass-through models are placed on the pipes during system design.
    If the pipe has a smaller diameter, the coupling model is used. Typically these are residential and private networks. The device is directly screwed onto the pipe or connected to it using American ones.

All FGOV have similar installation criteria:

  1. For tapping, scale, corrosion and other dirt are removed from pipes.
  2. The water is shut off.
  3. Any sealant is wound onto the threaded section of the device cover. The same treatment is carried out with the connecting section of the device and the pipe.
  4. When installed, the filter component is directed towards the bottom.
  5. The device is secured with a clamp. Mechanical wear is reduced there.
    All filters have pipes (one at the inlet, one at the outlet) and a settling tank that purifies the water. Depending on the position of the sump, the device can be straight or oblique.
  6. Direct version at the entrance to the apartment. In it, the settling tank has a vertical position to the flow. Its dimensions are large. The quality of cleansing is better because of this. The speed of water flow decreases. Large particles sink to the bottom.
  7. Oblique version. The position of the settling tank to the flow is at a slight angle. The device is installed when the pipe is located next to a wall or floor. Flange covers or coupling plugs are used to close settling tanks.
    Clause 3 and clause 4 have different methods cleansing. Devices with and without this option are used.
  8. Cartridge models. They are attached to the wall. They have a flask. It can be transparent or opaque. Inside it are replaceable cartridges. The materials for their manufacture are:
    • press-treated polypropylene fiber;
    • polyester;
    • twisted thread.

    They have different cleansing potential. But the rough cleaning parameter is 20-30 microns.
    The cartridges of these devices can be changed frequently. The devices themselves are usually placed where there are small debris components that are poorly captured by mesh models.
    The cartridge retains such particles. And the carbon-treated fiber cartridge can remove chlorine from water.
    Installation of these models occurs where weak flows are observed. In conditions of strong flows, a large device is used.

    For your information! The cartridges do not have auto-rinsing. They have to be changed.

  9. Speed ​​models. They are needed when you need to remove various insoluble impurities. They contain special stainless steel containers.
    The filter component is located in the housing. There is a block in the upper zone of the device that automates the cleaning process. The water purification level is 30 microns.
    But such coarse filters also have disadvantages:
    • solid parameters;
    • placement in heated rooms;
    • An additional drainage pipeline is definitely needed for restoration.

Installation and maintenance

In this activity, the following criteria must be adhered to:

  1. It is better to place the device in front of the meter. Although in reality there is not enough space for this. For this reason, an oblique modification is performed. It protects the mechanism from clogging with suspended elements and protects the meter from damage.
  2. The oblique model must be placed on a pipe with a horizontal position. The flask is placed at the bottom. This makes cleaning easier. It is important to know the direction of flow. Usually there is an arrow on the body of the device indicating this direction. The oblique device can also be mounted on a vertical pipe. Only the flow should follow from top to bottom. If such a device is mounted upward with a sump, then dirt will not penetrate the system, but the likelihood of device failure will increase. After all, this dirt will prevent the faucet from opening.
  3. Direct model. It is installed only on the horizontal water supply area. There is some room left for removing the flask (if necessary).
  4. The device with direct flushing is also complemented by an automatic flushing option. To do this, a bypass water supply loop and several taps are installed. They can convert the flow direction to counter flow.

If you use the filter several times, you will need to disassemble it to clean or replace the mesh or cartridge.
Before disassembling the device, you need to relieve the pressure in the network. To do this, the water supply is stopped.

Oblique models have plugs with convenient caps that have six sides. This is made specifically for a wrench. The paranite gasket is removed. A tow winder is installed. This makes the connections more airtight. And in the future, the functionality of the device improves.
The flask of straight filters with a vertical position can be removed with a wrench. The flask is put back with new gaskets.

You can remove dirt from an oblique model like this: the model is disassembled and the dirt is drained. The mesh is removed. Contaminants are removed. This area is dried with compressed air. The damaged mesh is replaced.
In the direct modification, the bulb is unscrewed. Sediment pours out of it. The mesh is washed. Drying. Or a new cartridge is installed.

It is easier to work with models with automatic flushing. The tap at the bottom of the flask opens periodically. The mesh and flask are cleaned. A pressurized water stream is used. Then the water flows into the drainage or into a substitute container.
For more convenient work, an automatic flushing device is installed on the water supply itself. Then the water follows the flow in the opposite direction. And cleaning the mesh is more efficient.

There are many FGOV models on the market today. Below are the TOP 5 most common devices.

Rating. TOP 5

Here is a good selection of filters for any type and budget.

Honeywell FF 06 1/2″ AA

  • working with hot water
  • delicate elimination of various foreign elements from water
  • filtration component – ​​stainless steel mesh
  • device weight – 1100 grams
  • diameter – 1/2 inch
  • water is purified better if the device is mounted with the bowl down
  • The device does not allow harmful impurities to accumulate
  • guarantees a stable supply of purified water and operation of household appliances connected to the water system
  • price and quality are in optimal proportion
  • durability
  • compactness
  • mesh is easy to replace
  • high strength
  • not found

  • productivity – 2 cubic meters. m/h
  • selectivity – 100 µm
  • attachment DN – 15
  • functional pressure under flushing conditions – 16 bar
  • thread 1 - 1/2″
  • thread 2 - 3/4″
  • total height – 20.4 cm
  • device type – prefilter
  • purpose: work with cold water
  • protection of pipelines and their fittings from breakdowns and corrosion
  • the highest functional temperature of the cleaned medium reaches 40 °C
  • removing hazardous impurities from water
  • The device can work with a pressure gauge
  • if there are large particles in the water, place a mud trap in front of the device

The kit includes:

  1. Transparent plastic body.
  2. Filter component.
  3. Additional connections "American". Their appearance is 1/2. They have o-rings.
  4. A fitting with a tap for draining water.

AquaHit 1/2″, art. FW.110.04

Centralized filtration stations in cities and small towns perform comprehensive water purification, starting with the removal of large inclusions and ending with the deactivation of microorganisms through disinfection. However, the quality of water leaves much to be desired, which is due to the long period of use of water pipes.

A coarse filter installed at the entrance to an apartment or private house will significantly reduce the load on water absorption units and equipment, and ultimately save the family money.

Purpose of the coarse filter

During primary filtration, relatively large particles are separated, which may include rust, grains, pebbles, sand, silt, mineral grains, and residual organic contaminants. Installing a filter for rough water purification in a private low-rise building will protect against breakdowns:

  • heating system;
  • washing machines and dishwashers;
  • filters for thorough fine cleaning;
  • plumbing;
  • hydraulic accumulators;
  • taps;
  • heaters.

At the entrance to the apartment multi-storey building installing a filter is also economically beneficial because tap water flows into all of the listed devices, except for the heating system. Purification of water coolants in the heating systems of apartment buildings and hot water supply is primarily the task of the heating network, which a centralized company successfully copes with.

Some householders install crude cleaning systems on hot water pipes, which is certainly a useful thing. The main thing is to pay attention to the purpose of the filter and carry out the installation correctly, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Types of devices

At the primary stage, coarse filtration is carried out, which is successfully handled by models with meshes or cartridges. There are devices that carry out cleaning using disks or a filter mass enclosed in a separate tank into which a water flow is supplied under pressure, but they have received less recognition from consumers and are used less often in practice.

Filtration with meshes

A coarse water purification mesh filter effectively copes with primary purification based on the mechanical separation of impurities on an industrial or domestic scale.

Subsequent stages of quality improvement are based on more subtle physical and chemical processes.

The filter mesh with the help of gaskets is hermetically mounted in a metal housing equipped with a pressure gauge for monitoring the pressure in the pipes. Models with two pressure gauges located in front of the mesh and after it are convenient to use, cost more, and make it easier to assess the degree of filter contamination. The most budget mesh devices are produced without pressure gauges, which forces the owner to independently, without additional devices, monitor the condition of the filter, remember the installation time and the timing of the necessary replacement.

Note! Any model must be placed on the pipes to the place where the meter is installed, which will extend the time of safe operation of the device that controls water flow.

The housing has outlet and inlet pipes, between which there is a settling tank, which serves to reduce the flow rate and accumulate settling particles at the bottom of the cylindrical branch.

The device is connected to the pipeline using a coupling or flange connection, which is determined by the size of the pipes. If the diameter exceeds two inches, flanges are used; for smaller diameters, the use of coupling fasteners is justified. In domestic conditions, the units are installed on pipelines using standard threaded connections, which greatly simplifies installation and makes it accessible to home craftsmen.

Installation and washing of mesh filters

The grids have different sizes cells, which must be taken into account when choosing a filter. The minimum pore diameter is 1 micron, the average is from 20 microns, the maximum is up to 500 microns. It is advisable to choose a filter after conducting a preliminary analysis of the water, having gained an idea of ​​the degree and nature of its contamination.

Devices may have a sump located on the same straight axis with the filter or along an oblique line relative to the housing. Straight models must be installed on strictly horizontal pipelines, with the branch for the sump being directed downwards. Oblique filters for coarse purification of tap water can be installed in both horizontal and vertically oriented areas.

Many devices have screens that need to be cleaned periodically because dirt accumulates on them. In everyday life, such mesh filters are often called mud filters. More advanced and expensive models have a system for flushing and draining dirty drains. To do this, you just need to open the tap located at the bottom of the sump and wait for the contaminated liquid to drain. The settled debris flows into the sewer, after which the rough cleaning device can operate for a long time.

Meshes made of metal materials are the easiest to clean, but they can easily become deformed when cleaned on their own. The metal alloys used are brass, bronze compounds or non-oxidizing steel. Mesh fabrics made from ordinary iron threads will not withstand constant exposure to water for long and will quickly rot, so unstable alloys are not used for the manufacture of filters.

A mesh basket made of plastic fibers or fiberglass has increased resistance to deformation, does not tear or break, but it can be much more difficult to wash than a metal one.

Filtration using cartridges

Devices with cartridges are in great demand because they purify water from both large particles and outwardly invisible small grains with a diameter of 1 micron. Units with retained particle sizes exceeding 20 microns are used for coarse filtration of water on highways. Devices for filtering small grains can be used to prepare drinking water for consumption. Sometimes cartridge cleaning is performed after filtering on mesh, ultimately combining both methods of improving water quality.

There are several types of materials for filling cartridges:

  • polypropylene;
  • cellulose impregnated with synthetics;
  • nylon.

Cartridges with polypropylene fibers, which are specially wound on a base, are easy to use. With the correct orientation of the threads, the outer part retains large suspensions, and the inner part filters out other impurities; In general, the entire volume of the cartridge works. Filters made by amateurs are filled in such a way that the outer layer is filled with dirt, blocking access to the internal volume of the cartridge.

If the devices become excessively dirty, the water pressure after filtering decreases noticeably, which additionally reminds you of the need to replace the cartridge.

Note! Cartridges with propylene are adapted to work with cold or heated water up to 52 ℃ (no more).

Hot water can be subjected to rough cleaning using special devices with cartridges filled with threads of impregnated cotton fibers. This material can withstand temperatures of 93 ℃, the presence of microbes and pollutants.

The cartridge in which the cartridges are placed can also be made of different materials, depending on the recommendations for use. The plastic body tolerates cold and warm water well, and a metal container is suitable for hot water supply. Plastic walls are convenient because they allow you to monitor the condition of the cartridge, however, when high temperatures You should neglect convenience and choose a model with a metal body.

Other types of coarse filtration

Good cleaning from particles of any size is ensured by devices in which water with initial pressure is supplied directly into a container onto the fibrous material. The disadvantage of such structures is their large size and the need for frequent replacement of the filler, which, without preliminary settling of the liquid, becomes clogged with dirt very quickly.

Coarse disk filters are often installed on heating central pipelines and irrigation water supply systems, in which dirt settles on polymer media. The disks are fixed on an axis in a branch of the pipeline along the path of the water flow. As water accumulates in the case, it seeps through all the disks, leaving foreign inclusions on them.

Characteristics of popular models

For rough purification of water flowing in large mains, Geyser filters with meshes or cartridges are successfully used. The devices are sold in both metal and plastic versions and are easy to install and maintain.

Aquaphor filters have earned a good reputation among consumers, as they successfully cope with high pressure, remove many impurities, and remove the bad odor of contaminated water.

Imported Honeywell products are expensive and have a wide range of capabilities. The company produces industrial shut-off and control valves, and also makes filters with a reducer that allows you to reduce the inlet pressure, thus improving the degree of purification.

Installation and cleaning rules

There are no universal installation instructions for all filter modifications and cannot exist, but the main advice is to carefully study the instructions and strictly follow them. Practitioners prefer to work with plug-in devices, no matter how often they need cleaning.

Note! It is important to remember that filters that perform coarse filtration must be installed immediately at the entrance of the pipeline to a house or apartment, before the location of the meter and distribution to rooms and household appliances.

To clean, you need to turn off the water supply, unscrew the device, removing the working part. The mesh and disk can be washed with water, cleaned with a brush, sponge, brush, and then installed in its original place. You should not try to clean the cartridges yourself; you need to replace the dirty cartridge with a new one and do the assembly correctly.

Of course, installation must ensure absolute tightness of the system; gaskets are used for this. A philosophical attitude towards dripping or leaking joints in this case is completely inappropriate, as well as any improvisation. For example, a filter intended for flange connection should be connected using flanges, and not otherwise.

Modern water supply and heating systems cannot be imagined without filters. These devices purify water from dirt, corrosion products and sludge ( rice. 1), harmful substances and even microorganisms. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a cottage or an apartment in a high-rise building, centralized or autonomous heat and water supply, you can’t do without a filter. There is a wide variety of different filters on the market, but this article will discuss the most common and indispensable coarse water filters. Among plumbers, these devices are called mud traps or the abbreviation “FGO”.

Rice. 1. All this could get into the apartment system

According to the principle of operation, coarse filters are classified as mechanical, because they do not require chemical reagents to operate. IN Soviet time filters of this type were installed, as a rule, only on in-house inputs. IN last years requirements for the quality of water and coolant have increased, because buildings began to be filled with devices and fittings that were very sensitive to pollution of the working environment. In addition, the condition of external engineering networks is deteriorating every year. More than 50% of engineering networks in Russia require replacement, and about 15% are in disrepair. A significant “contribution” to the contamination of pipelines is made by the specific “technology” of emergency repairs, after which already contaminated pipelines are replenished with sand and debris. All these factors require the use of FGO on water supply systems in each individual apartment.

The absence of a filter at the entrance to the apartment can accelerate the failure of water meters and household appliances (washing machines and dishwashers), as well as reduce the efficiency of fine filters. The current building codes (SP 30.13330.2012 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”) regulate the mandatory installation of mechanical or magnetic-mechanical filters in front of water meters.

The degree of purification of FGO depends on the design of the filter element. The smaller the cell size, the higher the degree of purification, but the greater the hydraulic resistance the filter will create. In this regard, it is best to entrust the selection of a filter to a specialist.

The largest manufacturer and supplier of engineering plumbing on the market of Russia and the entire post-Soviet space - the VALTEC company - offers wide range coarse filters for intra-house networks.

The most popular FGOs are oblique filters. They have a simple design and are the cheapest of the filters. VALTEC offers several options for oblique filters, differing in the design of threaded pipes and dimensions ( rice. 2):

  • VT.192 – filter with internal thread from 1/2 to 2";
  • VT.191 – filter with external thread at the inlet and internal thread at the outlet 1/2";
  • VT.190 – filter with 1/2" external thread.

Rice. 2. Oblique coarse filters (from left to right): VT.192, VT.191, VT.190.

All models of VALTEC oblique filters can be used in pipeline systems with a maximum operating temperature of up to 150 °C. The filtering capacity for models with a diameter up to 1" is 500 microns. The filter consists of ( rice. 3) from the body 1 (hot pressed nickel plated brass CW617N), brass plug 2 , filter element 3 (stainless steel AISI 316) and Teflon gasket 4 . The filter plug has a sealing hole, which is necessary when installing this element in front of the water meter. Maintenance of oblique FGO consists of periodic cleaning of the filter element. To do this, you need to unscrew the plug and remove the filter element for cleaning and rinsing.

Rice. 3. VALTEC oblique filter design

An example of using the VT.190 oblique filter is shown in rice. 4.

Rice. 4. Oblique filter VT.190 on the residential water supply inlet

In addition to oblique filters, VALTEC’s “arsenal” includes several models of direct FGOs ( rice. 5):

  • VT.385 – compact straight filter with a plug with a 1/2" thread;
  • VT.387 – straight filter with external and internal thread;
  • VT.388 – straight filter with internal thread.

Rice. 5. Direct coarse filters VALTEC (from left to right): VT.385, VT.387, VT.388

The design of direct filters is such that the flow of the working medium at the entrance to the filter element turns 90°, creating a turbulent vortex that washes the mesh ( rice. 6. This promotes more efficient cleaning by preventing the build-up of colloidal and fibrous particles on the mesh. The entire area of ​​the filter element is simultaneously involved in the cleaning process. VALTEC direct filters are equipped with filter elements with a mesh size of 300 microns, which is optimal for protecting apartment pressure reducers, water meters, thermostats, mixers and other water fittings from clogging.

Rice. 6. Design and principle of operation of direct filters

On the VT.385 filter, instead of a plug, a drain tap (1/2") can be installed, which simplifies the process of washing it.

For ease of maintenance, plugs with internal threads are used on models VT.387 and 388. Thanks to this and the presence of an EPDM sealing ring, the threads of the plug do not come into contact with water and do not stick to the filter body.

Direct filters can be used on pipelines with a working fluid pressure of up to 16 bar and a temperature of up to 110 °C. Filters are produced with nominal diameters of 1/2 and 3/4". The existing wiring of plumbing systems does not always allow the use of standard products. When it is necessary to install FGO on a vertical pipeline with water supply from bottom to top, conventional oblique and straight filters are not applicable, because this leads to clogging of the lower branch of the pipeline ( rice. 7).

Rice. 7. Straight and oblique filters on a vertical section with water movement from bottom to top (error)

In such cases, it is necessary to make a horizontal section of the pipeline and install FGO on it. However, not always working space allows you to do this. The VALTEC VT.386 universal filter (patent No. 2464479) comes to the rescue. In this filter, the axis of the filter chamber is rotated 75° relative to the axis of the pipeline. Thanks to this, insoluble particles, scale and other contaminants do not have the opportunity to fall back into the pipe or fall down when the flow stops, but remain in the filter chamber ( rice. 8).

Rice. 8. Appearance, design and operation of the VT.386 filter in a vertical section with water moving from bottom to top

Everyone is familiar with the situation when, after repair work or a short-term shutdown of the pipeline, a cloudy brown liquid flows from the mixer ( rice. 9). If you pour this liquid into a bottle, after a short period of time you will notice that the upper part of the liquid in the bottle will become transparent, and a dark sediment will accumulate at the bottom. The reaction of the sediment to the approach of a magnet proves that it represents iron hydroxides, commonly called “rust.” Rust particles are so small that they can easily pass even through filters with mesh sizes of 100 and 50 microns.

Rice. 9. The smallest particles of rust are not retained by a conventional filter

Tachometer water meters suffer the most from rust. Getting into the impeller of the water meter, rust particles are attracted to the magnet built into the impeller axis ( rice. 10), which transmits rotation to the counting mechanism. The growth of particles leads to a slowdown in the rotation of the impeller, and then to a complete stop of the device. For manufacturers, this phenomenon is not a warranty case, and the consumer is forced to pay for the purchase of a new meter.

Rice. 10. Rust damages vane water meters.

VALTEC specialists, understanding the urgent need to solve this problem, proposed a simple but effective solution. A filter with a magnetic catcher VT.384 is installed in front of the water meter ( rice. eleven). It is a direct filter with the inherent advantages of FGO of this type, and a permanent magnet pressed into the plug allows you to capture magnetic substances (metal particles, scale, etc.) much smaller in size than the filter mesh mesh (300 microns).

Rice. 11. Design of a filter with a magnetic catcher VT.384

To service the filter, you need to unscrew the plug with an internal thread, clean the mesh filter element, the flask, and remove the resulting metal “coat” from the bar magnet.

Wash filters are becoming increasingly popular in residential water supply systems. They allow you to clean the filter without disconnecting or disassembling it. Wash cascade filter VALTEC VT.389 ( rice. 12) is equipped with two stainless steel filter elements (one inside the other) with mesh sizes of 1000 and 250 microns, a pressure gauge for pressure control and a drain tap for washing.

Rice. 12. Appearance and design of cascade filter VT.389

The filter body and flask are made of nickel-plated brass, grade CW617N. The presence of two filter elements of different capacities and the formation of vortex turbulence provides stepwise cleaning and increases the frequency of filter maintenance. Currently, the VT.389 wash filter is available in three sizes: 1/2, 3/4 and 1". The uniqueness of the filter, in comparison with analogues, lies in its minimal dimensions with high cleaning characteristics (patent RU 111451 U1). The wash filter should be installed flask downwards must be installed before and after the filter. shut-off valves to be able to remove filter elements. The best way to flush the filter is backflushing, but its implementation will require the installation of an additional section of the bypass pipeline.

Despite the fact that all FGOs are quite simple in design, this does not eliminate the requirements for their proper installation and operation. Most frequent mistakes installers are as follows:

  • the direction of flow of the working medium does not coincide with the direction indicated by the arrow on the filter housing. Such an error leads to the fact that sludge accumulates not in the filter chamber, but outside it;
  • The filter is installed with the plug or plug facing up. With this installation, the sludge does not settle in the filter chamber ( rice. 14), but remains in the pipeline up to the filter, which can damage the water shut-off valve located in front of the filter;
  • an oblique or straight filter is installed on a vertical section of the pipeline with an upward flow without installing a horizontal section. In this case, sludge settling in the lower branch of the pipeline can, over time, completely block the pipeline ( rice. 15).

Rice. 14. Installation error: the filter is installed with the bulb facing up

Rice. 15. Installation error: oblique filters on a vertical section with an upward flow

Whatever filter the consumer chooses, the main thing is that this device meets the requirements and features of a particular system, and that during installation and operation the building codes, rules and recommendations of the manufacturer are observed. Only in this case will the CSF serve faithfully for decades.