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The best frost-resistant varieties of sweet grapes. Uncovered grape varieties for the Moscow region: the best zoned Uncovered grapes

Grapes are rightfully considered “sunny berries”. It is customary to think of it as a heat-loving species that requires care and painstaking work. Growing vines in regions with cold winters is associated with many difficulties, as proven by the experience of many winegrowers. But thanks to the work of modern breeders, it has become possible to obtain harvests even in the northern regions. The most famous varieties include, for example, “Anniversary of Novocherkassk”.

Moscow is on the list of world capitals with the harshest climate. So how to determine the best grape varieties for the Moscow region, a region that also does not have favorable weather conditions?

Frost-resistant varieties

Vines with increased resistance to adverse weather conditions are gaining increasing popularity. This is due to the fact that northern grapes are able to withstand a significant decrease in temperature without special shelter. This characteristic helps reduce the cost of maintaining a vineyard and requires much less effort and time from its owner. Due to reduced labor intensity, they are favorites among beginning winegrowers. Often, these grape varieties have not only increased frost resistance, but also good immunity. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, we have a lot of northern varieties that not only keep up with their southern counterparts in yield, but also surpass them, which makes it possible to grow grapes in the Moscow region. The varieties of non-covering grapes for the Moscow region are very diverse, and choosing the right one needs to be approached comprehensively; you also need to choose varieties that are resistant to diseases.

"Anniversary of Novocherkassk"

"Jubilee Novocherkassk" is ideal for growing in the Moscow region. It rightfully takes its place in the top ten table varieties. It has frost resistance down to – 25 0 C and early ripening. Its greatest advantage is the clusters, reaching 1.5 -3 kg. The fruits have a harmonious, moderately sweet taste, juicy and crispy. The peel is not felt when consumed. The color is light pink with a purple tint. The shape of the berries is oval. "Yubilei Novocherkassk" has a good level of resistance to the main pathogens of grape diseases. It has no special care requirements and is able to successfully take root and bear fruit in almost any soil. Due to the fact that “Yubilei Novocherkassk” does not have a tendency to pea, it produces consistently high and high-quality yields. This species is quite easy to propagate. It takes root well both when grafted onto other bushes and as its own root crop. requires additional care and shelter only in the first 1-3 years of life, while the root system is not sufficiently developed.

"Kishmish Radiant"

"Kishmish Radiant" is one of the most famous table varieties in the world. Despite the fact that it cannot boast of significant frost resistance, “Radiant” is able to thrive even in northern regions. This is achieved by winter shelter. During the ripening period, this sultana variety is covered with many pink tassels with a delicate purple tint. Thanks to its amazing taste and yield qualities, it has become a breeding basis for many other vines. Ripening period is early or medium (120-130 days), depending on climatic conditions. The harvest begins in mid-August - early September. The average weight of one bone is 0.6 kg, although with proper care and attention it can reach 1 kg. The grapes have parameters of 24x22 mm and a weight of 4-6 g. The level of fruiting of the shoots is high and amounts to 70%. Fruiting coefficient 1.9. The crop is able to withstand transportation and storage.


  1. Able to withstand frosts down to -15 0 C without shelter;
  2. Extremely sensitive to spring frosts - do not rush to open;
  3. Needs regular crop rationing and pruning;
  4. Without regular feeding and when the soil is waterlogged, it quickly loses some of its taste properties.


This vigorous grape, with proper care, can produce record yields. - one of the most famous representatives of table species. It belongs to early or very early vines. From the moment the buds swell until the grapes ripen, 100-110 days pass. Even in cool areas you can get your first harvest before mid-April. The number of fruitful shoots is 55%, and the fruiting coefficient is 1.1, which are good indicators. The weight of the bunches can reach 0.5-0.6 kg, and sometimes 1.2 kg. The berries are very large, oval. Their dimensions are 25x18 mm. They have an uneven white color with redness, simulating blush. The taste is distinguished by bright nutmeg notes and a high level of sugar accumulation (21%). The fruits have a good presentation. They tolerate storage and transportation at a decent level. An undeniable advantage is frost resistance. The threshold of this plant is -23 0 C. Resistance to pathogens extends to gray rot, mildew, and powdery mildew, but it is sensitive to other pathogens. Fungi can attack the current crop and the future, depleting the plant for the year ahead.


This grape variety is classified as technical. Despite the small size of the clusters (170-210 g) and berries (1-2.5 g), it has earned the warmest reviews from winemakers. The grapes are oval in shape and the same size. As they mature, the green color of the berries takes on a warmer yellow hue. The taste is harmonious, the sugar content is 18%, which is ideal for wine.

The popularity is due to the high level of yield with average growth vigor. This plant can withstand a load of 50-60 buds. Shoot fertility is 90%, and the yield coefficient is 1.3. This variety benefits not from the size of the fruits, but from their quantity, which is not a disadvantage for a wine variety. It is rightfully considered one of the most popular grapes in the Moscow region for the production of dry wines.

It is classified as an early or very early variety. The growing season takes 110-125 days, depending on weather conditions. Even among frost-resistant grape varieties, “Crystal” stands out favorably. It can withstand temperatures down to -29 0 C without protection.


  1. The need for regular pruning of shoots and leaves. Neglecting this measure may lead to crop failure;
  2. Low resistance to fungal diseases (with the exception of gray rot), which dictates the need for preventive treatments;
  3. Adverse weather conditions can lead to a decrease in taste. This leads to a decrease in its suitability for the production of alcoholic beverages.


Christina occupies a leading position among winegrowers in the Moscow region. It gained its popularity thanks to its tasty, sweet fruits. It does not require increased attention from the owner and exhibits good frost resistance (down to -23 0 C). "Christina" has a very impressive appearance. The clusters are medium or large, cylindrical in shape. The berries are oval, bright pink, plain. Disadvantages include the uneven size of the grapes and the possibility of peas.

"Pearl of Saba"

“Pearl of Saba” came to us from Hungary and quickly gained recognition among both professional and inexperienced gardeners. The reason for this was its phenomenal unpretentiousness, frost resistance (-27 0 C) and resistance to pests. The berries are highly sweet, juicy and have a pleasant aroma. The clusters have a rich green-yellow color, which makes the plant spectacular.


The “Lydia” (“Isabella”) grape variety is excellent for the Moscow region. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, along with excellent taste, it has a sufficient amount of tannins. This makes it suitable for making white wines. During the ripening of the crop, it acquires a large number of small dark blue-red clusters. They weigh 200-250 g, but there is an opinion that with proper care you can get fruits weighing up to 2.5 kg. The weight of one berry is about 3 g. The berries have an unusual taste, in which notes of raspberries and strawberries clearly appear.

In the Moscow region it is becoming increasingly widespread due to its frost resistance. It can survive temperature drops down to -27 0 C.

It has sufficient resistance to oidium, phylloxera and mildew - the most common pests.


It is relatively new, but already well proven. The bush is vigorous and has good rooting rates. It has early ripening periods (110-120 days). The bunches weigh 0.7-1.5 kg, but with a successful combination of circumstances they can reach 2%. The average weight of a grape is 14 g. The fruits have a uniform light pink color and look very impressive, as can be seen from the many photos of this species. The Transfiguration grapes have a pleasant, harmonious taste. Along with high sugar content (18%), there is pronounced sourness (6%). Productivity is high. From one bush you can collect about 20 kg of fruit. Pea peas are uncharacteristic for him. It has average resistance to fungi, which requires the gardener to carry out periodic preventative spraying. Due to the high sweetness and thinness of the skin, it is susceptible to attack by wasps. Strengths include frost resistance (-23 0 C).


  • With excess humidity and overload of the bush, the taste characteristics sharply deteriorate.


When growing winter-hardy varieties, you need to take into account a number of features:

  1. The landing site should be well lit. Grapes grown in the northern regions are especially in need of implementing this recommendation. Sun deficiency can lead to an extension of the ripening period, loss of crop weight and deterioration in taste characteristics.
  2. The area for the garden bed should not be below the main ground level. Overmoistening of the soil causes fungal infections and root rot.
  3. The landing pit should be prepared in advance. Its parameters should be 60x60x60 cm. A drainage consisting of 20 cm of gravel or broken brick should be placed at the bottom. A layer of soil is placed tightly on top of it, mixed with organic fertilizers, sand and gravel in equal parts.
  4. You need to keep a distance between individual bushes. Vigorous species require a distance of 2 m, average growth strength - 1.5 m, low-growing species - 1 m.
  5. Many winegrowers recommend placing a 50 cm long hollow plastic piece near the root of the plant before filling it with soil. They are very convenient to use for introducing fertilizers and watering.
  6. Most experts recommend using shelter for plants during the first 3 years of life, regardless of their frost resistance.

Grapes are a common crop in the home garden, giving your garden a beautiful appearance and tasty berries. The consumption of grapes has a long, rich history; they are consumed fresh and sent for processing. Wine, the oldest intoxicating drink, was obtained from grapes.

There are grape varieties that do not require shelter for the winter

What is the peculiarity of uncovered grapes?

Frost resistance and disease resistance are the result of the work of breeders. Grapes are a crop that falls victim to fungal diseases, so the development of disease-resistant varieties is a breakthrough in viticulture.

Uncovered grape varieties are a type of vine that, with the help of breeding work, has become resistant to pests and northern climatic conditions. Some time ago, it was not possible to grow the 10 best types of grapes in the north, since the crop did not survive in low temperatures. But today this problem is no longer relevant, because long-term work and crossing of different plant seedlings made it possible to obtain frost-resistant grape varieties.

There are dozens of frost-resistant grape varieties; they are grown in areas where the air and soil temperatures do not reach acceptable limits for the crop. Uncovered grapes include the following varieties:

  • Isabella and Ontario.
  • Lydia and Amethyst.

Isabella grapes - a popular frost-resistant variety

For summer residents of any region, it is possible to grow seedlings purchased by mail. It is enough to choose the most suitable seedling for the air and soil temperatures of a particular region. It cannot be said that each variety is endowed with only positive features, because for every plus there is a minus.

Vineyards are grown in two known ways: from seeds or seedlings. Planting a one-year-old seedling is a common type of plant cultivation. Its popularity is associated with a reduction in the ripening time of the crop and a greater likelihood that the plant will take root on the site.

In order for the grape cutting to take root, you need to start preparing the site in the fall:

  1. Dig a hole and clear it of weeds.
  2. Fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers and sand.
  3. The soil should be fertile with moderate acidity.
  4. To prevent the soil from being too clayey, it is mixed with sand.

Integrated sustainable mail-order grape varieties are grown in the same way as all other varieties. In order to receive the grape harvest by mail, it is provided with access to light and protection from draft winds. Since uncovered varieties can be grown in northern climatic conditions, warmth is not the most primary need, but it is better to plant in the south of your site.

Ontario grapes are well adapted to cold winters

Types of uncovered grapes

There are about twenty varieties of planting material uncovered for the winter. Among them there are more popular types. The Isabella variety was bred by American breeders. It was introduced to our lands in the fifties of the twentieth century.

Isabella berries are well-known among both experienced gardeners and beginners. Its functional purpose: fresh consumption, juice production and processing for wine.

Many types of wines are prepared using this type of berries. Tolerates temperate climates and produces dark berries. Isabella's aroma cannot be confused with other species, and the taste contains sourness.

The weight of one bunch reaches one hundred and fifty grams, the berries are arranged tightly. The variety has a late ripening period. Isabella's advantage is her predisposition to long transportation and endurance in winter.

Lydia grapes are used for making wine and for decorative purposes.

The Lydia variety produces crops starting in September. Lydia's berries are long in shape and pale pink in color. The variety has a thick skin, and the clusters themselves are large, but with sparsely spaced berries. The variety is resistant to diseases, pests and insects.

Lydia's vine is also intended for the decoration of the gazebo. Grape vines are often used to decorate gazebos. Growing grapes for the purpose of entwining a gazebo with vines is popular; it is mostly used to decorate a garden in a country house, and is also used to decorate gazebos in catering establishments.

The Amethyst variety has the highest resistance to winter and disease. The amethyst variety should be grown in the north, since the grapes can grow at temperatures down to -35. The Amethyst vine grows strongly, for this reason the seedlings can be used to decorate the gazebo.

The gazebo seedling ripens by the last days of August. The weight of grape bunches reaches seven hundred grams.

The 10 best varieties of uncovered plants: Delight, Victoria, Isabella, Amethyst, Ontario, Arcadia, Laura, Talisman, Strashensky, Negrulya.

Amethyst grapes do not require shelter for the winter

Caring for the variety

If a gardener decides to grow one of the 10 best grape varieties with high winter resistance and disease resistance, he can order the seeds of the variety of interest by mail. The 10 best varieties, no matter what type you choose, need care. The main part of care that makes grapes disease resistant is pruning. Shaping the vine allows it to be correctly guided along the arbor or installed support.

10 species that do not require shelter for the winter and disease-resistant varieties are fertilized and watered at certain intervals. 10 winter-resistant varieties, seedlings or seeds of which you ordered by mail, are pruned in three seasons: autumn, spring and summer. The only time without pruning is winter.

In order not to harm the winter-hardy seedling, pruning should be done before or after sap flow. Areas that have served their purpose and that have dried out must be removed.

Previously, there was talk about growing grape varieties that can withstand winter without shelter and are disease-resistant using seeds. They can be purchased by ordering by mail or going to a specialized store. Some varieties that do not need to be covered for the winter can be ordered online, and delivery will be sent to you by mail. Such seeds must first be checked for germination.

Empty seeds float in salt water. Seeds sent by mail that remain at the bottom will sprout. To get seedlings, you need to get seedlings from seeds.

For this purpose, they are placed in moistened gauze, which is kept moist for a week. After the roots appear, seeds received by mail or purchased in a store are planted in cups. As they grow, varieties that are not covered for the winter must be transplanted into a larger container.

If you decide to grow grapes on your plot, then you must take into account not only your taste preferences, but also your region of residence. For most regions of the country, only frost-resistant grape varieties may be suitable.

What is frost resistance?

Frost resistance is an indicator indicating the lower temperature limits below which the plant begins to be damaged by frost.

Frost resistance of grapes plays a major role when choosing uncovered varieties. This indicator affects:

  • growing conditions,
  • watering,
  • proper fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers,
  • autumn hardening conditions.

Long winter thaws can have the greatest impact on the frost resistance of grapes. During this period, the soil and roots begin to thaw, followed by the buds and wood, and biological processes develop in the bush. They then reduce hardening and resistance to frost to zero.

For example: if the variety is resistant to -26 degrees, then after prolonged thaws the bush can freeze even at a temperature of -12-14 degrees. That is why it is not recommended to cover bushes for the winter with materials that create a greenhouse effect during the thaw period.

Grapes Lydia

The grape - Lydia - has a high yield and good ripening, incredibly tasty and frost-resistant technical variety. It is used to make homemade dessert wine and juices, since the berries absorb sugar well (17-18% sugar content).

Its second name is pink Isabella, and its homeland is North America in the mid-20th century. It is grown in Ukraine, Russia and Moldova (including for export). The bunches tolerate transportation well due to their thick skin. Refers to late grape varieties.

Lidia grapes rarely get sick, but you need to take care of vaccinations and fertilize them on time.

When growing grapes, you must adhere to many nuances, because this plant is capricious. One of the main requirements is to provide reliable shelter in winter. This creates a number of inconveniences, especially if the grapes grow in the country and not on a nearby plot. In this case, preference should be given to unpretentious frost-resistant grape varieties, the cultivation of which extends to different climatic zones. An overview of the best frost-resistant grape varieties, as well as the nuances of caring for them, are discussed in our article.

Technical frost-resistant grape varieties - a list of the best and their descriptions

Review of technical non-covering grape varieties:

  • Isabel. Probably the most popular blue grape variety. Used for making wine at home and industrial scale, it is easy to care for. Ripening period is 150 – 180 days, yield is approximately 70 c/ha. Resistant to characteristic diseases, needs support and thinning of shoots. How to do it yourself is described in detail in the article at the link. Suitable for growing in the Moscow region.
  • Platovsky. It is distinguished by enviable frost resistance - up to -30 degrees. The small pink berries have a pleasant taste. The ripening period is 110 – 115 days; the fruits do not tolerate transportation well due to their thin peel. You can find out more about the Platovsky variety and see what it looks like.
  • Alpha. Rather intended for landscaping the area, rather than for harvesting. Average ripening period (135 – 140 days). Withstands cold temperatures down to -38 degrees, is distinguished by decorative leaves and good covering ability.
  • Option. Technical with good taste characteristics. Berries with a dense peel tolerate transportation well. Early ripening and high yield. Can be used fresh due to its well-balanced taste.
  • Marquette. A new generation hybrid that combines excellent taste characteristics and resistance to external threats. Withstands cold temperatures down to -38 degrees, high-yielding. Sugar content of berries is up to 26%, acidity is 2.9 g/l.
  • Lydia. Belonging to the Isabella family. It is frost-resistant down to -25 degrees. A high-yielding variety, often used for landscaping verandas and gazebos. You can see more photos of the Lydia variety by clicking on.
  • Northern Saperavi. Highly productive frost-resistant. Small blue berries with thick skin and juicy pulp. Ripening period - 140 days.

Of course, the list is far from complete; besides, each winegrower has his own “favorites”, which have proven their invulnerability in practice. Such plants are often used for landscaping gazebos and fences. You can learn more about the Saperavi Northern variety from the article in.

In the video - frost-resistant grape varieties:

Table frost-resistant varieties

The areas of use of table grape varieties are not so extensive, but they can be consumed fresh. They are distinguished by a more refined taste and aroma. In addition, the berries have a more attractive appearance and tolerate transportation well.

The sugar content of table varieties may be lower than that of technical varieties, but the acidity is also quite satisfactory. This helps to get the most balanced and pleasant taste.

Which table varieties are frost-resistant:

  1. Agate Donskoy. Ripening period is 115 – 120 days. The berries are not too sweet (sugar content ranges from 13 to 15%), they are round in shape, and have a simple taste. Withstands temperatures down to -26 degrees, requires thinning of shoots.
  2. Delight. Excellent taste and yield, frost resistance down to -25 degrees. The berries are round in shape, medium in size, and are well preserved on the branches without loss of commercial quality. And you can see a photo of Delight grapes.
  3. Beauty of the North. The growing season is 110 days, frost resistance up to -26 degrees. It is characterized by resistance to diseases, the berries are well transported. The taste is simple, the flesh is juicy.
  4. Muromets. Ultra-early, characterized by increased resistance to characteristic diseases. The berries are dark blue in color and withstand transportation well. Sugar content is up to 18%, acidity is normal 4.4 g/l. Prone to peas, it is highly productive.
  5. Northern. Early, characterized by good frost resistance (up to -30). The berries are dark blue, medium in size and have a thick skin. Ripens in 115 – 120 days and is easily transportable.
  6. Taiga emerald. Early ripening period - up to 120 days. It is characterized by increased frost resistance (up to -30 degrees) and resistance to diseases. The berries are medium in color, green with translucent skin. They have a characteristic strawberry aroma.
  7. High-yielding table. The berries are elongated and pink in color.

The taste is simple, resistance to diseases is high. Ripens at 115 – 120 days.

A big advantage of table varieties is the different ripening time of the berries. By choosing the optimal ratio and planting bushes with different precocity, you can enjoy grapes all season long.

Which winter-hardy ones are suitable for Siberia and the Moscow region?

In a more northern climate, there is a chance to grow any of the varieties described above. The only thing that needs to be provided is additional protective cover. The declared frost resistance ranges from -24 to -30 degrees, but, as most winegrowers know, it is not frost that is worse for the plant, but icing. That is why, even in the south, most types of grapes need insulation.

There is another important nuance - the ripening period. The short summer period means that it is best to use extra-early and early varieties in order to have time to get the harvest before the first frost. How this happens is shown in this video.

In the video - growing grapes in Siberia:

The Krainova variety is characterized by early ripening of the crop; its growing season lasts about 100-120 days. You can enjoy the sweet berries from the bush as early as the end of July - the first half of August, depending on the climatic conditions of the growing region.

Frost-resistant grapes are an excellent choice for any occasion. Industrial and table varieties can be used when landscaping a site, so the need for shelter is highly undesirable. In addition, frost-resistant grapes can be grown in unsuitable climatic zones. The best varieties of non-covering grapes are presented in the information in this article. Read about the description of Victoria's strawberries.

The heat-loving grape crop comes from countries with a lot of hot days. However, thanks to the efforts of breeders, amateur winegrowers can grow sweet, sun-filled berries in Siberia and the central part of the country.

Uncovered grape varieties can withstand winter thaws and frost strikes without compromising product quality and plant health. The number of crop varieties that do not need to be covered for the winter is large and allows you to make a choice according to individual preferences (taste, sweetness, aroma, color) and agrotechnical characteristics (disease resistance, transportability, keeping quality).

History of creation and features of selection of non-covering varieties

Selective work on breeding frost-resistant grapes dates back to the beginnings of the 20th century, when, under the leadership of the Russian breeder biologist I.V. Michurin, a group of scientists created samples of grape crops that could withstand frosts and return frosts without damage. The varieties Metallichesky, Russian Concord, Northern White are now called representatives of the Michurin selection.

These works were developed in the middle of the century with the works of biologists-breeders Ya. I. Potapenko and R. F. Sharov, and other scientists. As a result of their work, today, even in regions with problematic gardening, uncovered grapes are grown on an industrial scale. The names of the varieties reflect the fact that the hybrids, which are not afraid of severe frosts, were bred on the basis of local wild species: Bashkir early, Khasan and Amur sweet. Created in combination with selected European and American species, they not only easily tolerate wintering with low temperatures, but even need it. They tolerate warm winters with sudden thaws more difficult than thirty-degree frosts.

It should be noted: the concept of uncovered grapes is quite arbitrary and depends on the geographical location of the place of its cultivation. In particular, in the Russian southern regions, almost all grapes are not covered in winter. In the middle part of the country, the same varieties in different areas may require shelter or do without it. Although, of course, the declared frost resistance is an important factor in the choice.

At the same time, uncovered grape varieties have many additional advantages: they are unpretentious in care, resist diseases, and calmly “tolerate” inept pruning. That is why experienced winegrowers advise beginners or those who just want to shade a gazebo or pergola to begin their gardening activities with them, while simultaneously collecting a “self-grown” harvest of grape clusters when there is no time to care for the vine.

Assessment of the degree of frost resistance

The difficulties in breeding frost-resistant grapes are based on the fact that the trait of frost resistance itself is not genetically determined, as is the case with many others, but is determined generally by the genotype of the plant. The extent to which a parent couple will pass on the required trait depends not only on the genotypes of both parents, but also on the strength of their heritability. To search for grape plants that are donors of frost resistance, breeders use various methods for assessing this property:

  • field - continues to be the main one today. Its essence is the collection of material on the basis of which one can judge the degree of damage to wood, eyes, bast from severe frosts or provocations in the form of winter thaws. The intensity of its use depends entirely on weather conditions;
  • laboratory - in which the required conditions are artificially created in low-temperature chambers. This method allows you to simulate various temperature situations, but does not allow you to take into account some climatic nuances - the direction of winds, sunlight in winter;
  • indirect - make it possible to establish the relationship between the various states of certain substances in the tissues of grape plants, the intensity of metabolic processes in them and their frost resistance. Low molecular weight sugars in tissues, the ratio of free and bound forms of water, enzyme activity, the rate of release of electrolytes from damaged tissues and other factors are taken into account. These methods are auxiliary, but they help in additional preliminary assessment of the created breeding forms.

The most reliable are the first two of the above methods.

Geography of cultivation

As already noted, the unambiguous division of varieties into non-covering or covering is incorrect. In different regions, the same ones are cultivated differently. For example, 300 km north of Moscow, Ontario, Amethyst, Kay Gray, and Valiant grapes feel good without shelter. Varieties Crystal, Levokumsky, resistant in areas south of Tula, Kaluga, can withstand temperature drops down to -28 ° C, are considered non-covering and are cultivated accordingly. At the latitude of Moscow, the Moscow region, and other regions of the central zone, due to unstable weather - thaws give way to frosts even in winter - many winegrowers often remove even uncovered frost-resistant grapes and lay them on the ground or boards to give them the opportunity to overwinter under the snow.

The complex climate of the Ural region as a whole is constantly humid and cold, but the volume of snow cover and temperature tend to vary greatly from year to year. In these places, the uncovered Baltic species of Jadviga Gailiunas and Zilg, and the domestic selection Moscow Stable, Northern Early, Aleshenkin, and Jubilee of Novgorod have proven themselves to be excellent.

From the Ural Mountains to the Far East, winter-hardy hybrids based on wild Amur grapes can easily withstand severe frosts. They are characterized by small berries, but their taste and aroma are not inferior to well-known European species.

In any case, even the best uncovered varieties should be accustomed to frost gradually. In the first couple of years, a young vine needs shelter in the traditional way; in the third year, only one sleeve is left open.

Varietal diversity

Some frost-resistant grape varieties are universal: they are tasty fresh and suitable for the industrial and amateur production of a variety of drinks. Many of them are divided into:

  • table - they are consumed fresh, unprocessed. They stand out for their pleasant taste, aroma and appearance;
  • technical - for the production of juices, including for children, wines, and other drinks with and without alcohol.

Like any crop, grape varieties are early, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

Table varieties

Their taste and consumer qualities are excellent, so they are consumed mostly in unprocessed form.

Early ripening Muromets- one of the most delicious domestic table varieties. Pink bunches weigh up to a kilogram. Taste with a slight hint of nutmeg, sweet. The bush bears up to 7 kg of fruit. Tolerates frosts down to -26 °C “excellently.”

Pink pearl- high-yielding, universal. Up to 8 kg of sweet brushes are collected from the bush. There are few seeds in the fruit. Overwinters on a trellis at -30 °C. It is not affected by fungal infections and has excellent resistance to pests. The percentage of matured ones is at least 95%. Sugar content - 20-25%. The only weak side of Pink Pearls is that they are damaged during transportation.

Features of the Kishmish grape- sweet taste and no seeds. The weight of the bunches sometimes exceeds a kilogram. The berries are small but juicy. Keeping quality is long compared to other grape varieties. It is considered a table species, although sweet wine can be made from the fruits. In addition, the berries are dried. Kishmish’s homeland is hot Central Asian and Middle Eastern countries, but breeders have developed frost-resistant varieties. The most popular of them are:

  • Aksai - early ripening, with pinkish berries, sweet. Withstands frosts down to -25 ° C, resists diseases;
  • Hungarian - early maturing. The fruits are green with a golden tint and sweet. Withstands temperature drops to -26 °C without damage;
  • Zaporozhye - high-yielding with purple berries with a beautiful red tint, fleshy and full of juice. Frosts and illnesses do not frighten him;
  • Red - the color of the fruit corresponds to the name. Pleasant, sweet, slightly nutmeg. Not affected by mildew and severe frosts;
  • Century - easily grafted onto other varieties. Resistant to pests and diseases;
  • Niagara - super early. Large, weighing 3-4 grams, yellowish-light green berries are particularly sweet. Resistant to mildew and frosts down to -25 °C.
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Technical varieties

“Isabella” grape varieties make up a large share in the list of non-covering technical varieties - these are American grape varieties characterized by exceptional winter hardiness (so named after one of the prominent representatives - the Isabella variety). Having taken root in the middle zone, they bear fruit in clusters that are smaller than European varieties. Not all consumers like the special “strawberry” flavor of berries, but many varieties - Buffalo, Pineapple Early, Seneca, Ontario - have virtually none of it.

The production of wine from Isabella varieties has been prohibited in recent years in the USA and most European countries: the threat is posed by methyl alcohol formed during fermentation. Its oxidation during digestion creates compounds that are dangerous to the human nervous system and vision. But the juices from them are useful: in addition to a wonderful aroma and concentrated taste, they have antibacterial and phytoncidal properties. These grape varieties are unpretentious in cultivation: they are not susceptible to major diseases and can withstand cold temperatures down to -32 °C.

Promising winter-hardy technical grape varieties also include:

  • Noah, or Fraga Albe- bred in the USA, with small light green berries. The taste is sweet. It crumbles quickly after ripening. Brings high yields in the European part of the country, is resistant to diseases and frosts;
  • - does not freeze at -40 °C. The clusters on a powerful vine are dense, violet-crimson in color. Resistant to rot, pests, and diseases;
  • - a variety bred for long Siberian winters, but gradually took root in the western Russian regions. In the 7-8th year of growth it produces up to 100 kg of fruit with proper care. The berries, remaining on the vine for up to two months, do not rot in the rain. The violet-blue berries have a sour taste.
  • - red wine variety bred in the USA. Ripens mid-late. It begins to bear fruit early. Clusters of small black berries can remain on the vine for a long time, accumulating sugar, but the acidity makes itself felt. Shows resistance to gray rot and cracking. Abundantly harvested, frost-resistant down to -34 °C. The wine from Frontignac has a cherry aroma with hints of plum;
  • - was named after the wife of its originator. The variety appeared less than 20 years ago, but its yield and stability attracted the attention of many producers. The clusters are dense, but not large. The berries are light green in color. Sugar increases up to 20% with moderate acidity. The risk of damage from late return frosts is reduced due to later bud break compared to other varieties. Apart from anthracnose, it is not predisposed to diseases. Frost resistance down to -35...-40 °C, but does not tolerate drought well.
  • - grapes that combine several table-technical subspecies. This means that it is good for both making wine and for regular consumption.
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Wines from Muscat are especially aromatic, with a bright and powerful taste. The clusters are on average 10 cm in length. The fruits are round, approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. The pulp is juicy, the aroma is nutmeg. The variety was originally cultivated in warm, sunny France, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, but frost-resistant technical varieties were bred:

  • Noble - early ripening, with large juicy berries;
  • Blau - especially good for producing Muscat red wines;
  • Donskoy - easily takes root in any soil;
  • Red - tolerates transportation well, but is susceptible to diseases - oidium and mildew;
  • Summer - transportable, successfully resists diseases;
  • Novoshakhtinsky is a purple-red, richly colored hybrid, high-yielding, with strong immunity to disease, and can withstand long-term transportation;
  • Crystal - early, productive. The fruits are sweet, amber in color. Good as a technical and table variety.

Uncovered frost-resistant grape varieties are a real gift to gardeners, winemakers and consumers in countries with frosty winters. Their correct choice is the key to obtaining a vitamin harvest, delicious juices and sweet wine. Due to the fact that frosty winters are the norm in most of the country, they are in demand in both industrial and amateur viticulture.