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Ksenia Borodina broke up with Kurbani for a reason. Details of the relationship between Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov. Ksenia Borodina gave her eldest daughter a trip to Capri for her birthday

The hype around the personal life of Ksenia Borodina does not subside. Numerous fans of the 33-year-old star are intrigued: has Borodina broken up with her new husband Kurban Omarov, with whom she recently gave birth to a daughter? The “House-2” star herself remains silent and does not comment on her relationship with her husband. However, Borodina's subscribers on the social network Instagram they noticed that she no longer wears a wedding ring, and on social networks she stopped posting photos together with her husband. Even to the holiday dedicated to the birthday of Borodina’s daughter from her first marriage, Marusya, Kurban Omarov was not invited. Life was shed light on what happened in the family of Omarov and Borodina by Ksenia’s ex-boyfriend, Mikhail Terekhin. Terekhin assures that everything is to blame for Ksenia’s wild jealousy and her strange habit of spying on her men using special Internet programs.

Kurban stepped on the same rake that I did in my time: he did not stop all attempts to take full control of himself in time,” Terekhin shared his thoughts. - Ksenia is very jealous. I'm sure she secretly installed a special spy app on her husband's phone. This is a special hacker program that allows you to remotely read a person’s correspondence on social networks and monitor his activity there. I have no doubt that she read something there, some kind of compromising evidence, learned about his communication and connections with girls. That's how it was with me. Because of this, Ksenia and I finally separated. Although she herself can also cheat - she cheated on me.

Do you follow Ksenia's life after the breakup?

Yes, sure. I read her on social networks and subscribe to her. Despite the discord in her family, I hope that they will make peace soon. They have a child, it’s a responsibility. It’s not easy with Ksyusha, she has a sharp tongue and can “hit” with the word so much that it doesn’t seem too much. She has one very bad trait - comparing her men with others. She envies her rich friends and their successful husbands. For example, Ole Buzova. I always said: “Ksyusha, well, Buzova’s husband is a football player, why do you look up to her?” But she wants everything at once: for her husband to be young, handsome and rich, she wants a macho man. This, unfortunately, does not happen. Therefore, she may be overly demanding in financial matters.

How is your life going after breaking up with Ksenia?

I'm now I’m trying to move away from media life - sh*t that’s all there bad people who, seeing that you are smart, handsome, successful, strive to make you look like a moron. After breaking up with Borodina, I started educating myself, preparing to become a lawyer, and spending more time with my son. He recently entered my cadet school and will be in the military. I won’t talk about my personal life yet, I’m open to relationships.

Ksenia Borodina is divorcing her husband Kurban Omarov. According to the TV presenter, The main reason for divorce is infidelity.

Rumors that there were serious disagreements between Kseniy Borodina and Kurban Omarov have been circulating for several months. The House-2 star stopped publishing photos together with her husband, whereas before photos of the happy couple appeared regularly on social networks. At first, it was suggested that there were disagreements between the spouses over the conduct of a common business. Then it became known that Kurban Omarov was vacationing in Spain with the famous Russian actress Nastasya Samburskaya. In the photo of Samburskaya vacationing in Barcelona, ​​Borodina’s husband appeared thanks to a phone with the inscription ZIMA. Borodina herself began to go out without a wedding ring. And soon after this, the TV presenter said that her husband led a riotous lifestyle. Ksenia Borodina said that she could not forgive her betrayal to her husband: “There are many reasons, I thought he could be loving husband and a caring father (as he presents himself to the public). But I remembered this night of December 12th for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 am from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about treason is pure truth, and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his hard parties with cheating. I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else.” Ksenia Borodina also added that all this time she “lived with rose-colored glasses” and constantly believed her husband, hoping that he would come to his senses after the birth of his daughter, but a miracle did not happen.

TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and businessman Kurban Omarov got married on July 3, 2015. For Ksenia Borodina, marriage became the second. From her first marriage, the host of House-2 has a daughter, Marusya. For Kurban Omarov, this marriage also became the second. Ksenia and Kurban had a daughter, Thea.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov photo

Ksenia Borodina said, why they broke up with Kurban Omarov. Rumors about the couple's divorce appeared back in May 2016. However, neither Ksenia nor Kurban commented on these messages. However, the couple had not been seen together for a long time, both stopped wearing wedding rings, and joint photos disappeared from the TV presenter’s Instagram.

Now Ksenia Borodina shared with her Instagram followers the latest news about her family and Kurban Omarov. It turned out that the reason for the separation was her husband’s infidelity.

Why Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov broke up: the reason for the divorce

Ksenia Borodina stopped being silent and told what happened in the family and why she and Kurban Omarov broke up. The reason for the divorce lies in the husband's infidelity. According to Ksenia, at first she had “rose-colored glasses”, believed her husband and hoped that he would improve after the birth of her daughter. However, this did not happen.

"I remember the night of December 12th all life. My husband came home from another party at 7 am, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about betrayal is the pure truth, and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his tough parties with cheating,” Ksenia Borodina wrote on her Instagram.

The TV presenter noted that Kurban Omarov liked to pretend to be a loving husband and father. “He prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes,” Ksenia emphasized and added that someday she will tell the whole truth about the divorce.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov: latest news

News about the family of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov at the end of spring 2016 upset fans. Then the first reports appeared that the couple had separated. Journalists noted that in May 2016, joint photos with her husband disappeared from the TV presenter’s social networks; she began posting photos with her daughters. Then Kurban deleted his account from Instagram.

Kurban Omarov did not come for the day birth of his daughter Ksenia Marusya, although he congratulated the girl on social network. Borodina began to appear in public without a wedding ring. The presenter also said that she is no longer the owner of the store that she opened with Kurban before the wedding.

Previously Borodin on his personal page posted a photo with children. “My dears, everything is fine with us, everyone is alive and well. And remember: everything that is done is for the better,” she wrote under the photo.

Now Kurban Omarov is suspected in an affair with actress Nastasya Samburskaya. They are vacationing in Spain, in one photo Samburskaya is photographed wearing sunglasses and mobile phone with the inscription ZIMA, that’s what friends call Omarov. Kurban himself denied rumors of an affair with Samburskaya.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov got married on July 3, 2015. In December, the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, Teona.

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Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov what led to the divorce of the famous couple: Ksenia Borodina for the first time announced a divorce from her husband due to infidelity. Press service of Kurban Omarov: “His upbringing does not allow him to say anything bad about Ksenia”

Press service of Kurban Omarov: His upbringing does not allow him to say anything bad about Ksenia

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov separated June 2016: the press service of the 35-year-old businessman commented on Ksenia Borodina’s statement about his infidelity and betrayal.

33-year-old TV presenter Ksenia Borodina spoke for the first time about the discord in the family with her newly-made husband, businessman Kurban Omarov, with whom the star had a daughter, Thea. On her Instagram, Borodina announced that she was divorcing her husband because of his infidelity and betrayal, which she could not forgive. However, not so long ago, in her interviews, Ksenia argued that Omarov is a completely non-conflict, decent person who is always the first to reconcile.

“Everything that is written about betrayal is the pure truth, and I found out about it,” the presenter shared with her subscribers.

In turn, representatives of the press service of businessman Kurban Omarov commented on the girl’s revelations as follows:

— Now Kurban is signing documents on major business projects. I don't think he saw this post. He does not follow Ksenia’s social networks. Last months there was a lot of negative information in the media and on the Internet, but after this post everything became clear. I will say that I have never heard negativity from Kurban towards Ksenia, although I think he could tell a lot, his male upbringing simply does not allow him to do this. He is very worried about the children,” said Kurban Omarova’s press secretary.

The press secretary also noted that, when mentioning the warm relationship with Kurban’s son, Ksenia did not even bother to write the child’s name correctly. The eight-year-old boy's name is Omar, not Amar, as the TV presenter wrote on her page.

Let us recall that shortly before Borodina’s frank post, in groups dedicated to the work of the TV presenter, information appeared from “well-wishers” about Kurban Omarov’s infidelities on his wife when she was pregnant. It is to them that she refers.

Ksenia Borodina announced for the first time that she was divorcing her husband due to infidelity

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov latest news: the host of “Dom-2” to Kurban Omarov’s mistresses: “You won’t wash away such dirt for the rest of your life”

All the rumors surrounding the separation of the 33-year-old TV star and her 36-year-old husband Kurban Omarov turned out to be true. Fans of Ksenia Borodina have long begun to suspect that there are many contradictions between her and her husband. Recently information appeared that the reason was that the businessman broke up with the mother of his child due to surveillance, allegedly finding a bug on his phone.

Neither Kurban nor Ksyusha practically commented on the situation all this time. But their behavior spoke for itself: they were no longer seen together. Omarov even missed the birthday of his wife’s eldest daughter.

Most recently, Ksenia announced that she is no longer associated with the clothing store named after her. Her husband helped her organize this business. Then there was talk that Omarov was dating Nastasya Samburskaya, the star of Univer. The actress herself neither denied nor confirmed such suspicions. The latest news about the Borodina-Omarov couple was the businessman’s statement that Borodina did not inform him that she was going to Turkey with her daughter.

And after all this time, the presenter of “House-2” could not stand it and announced a divorce. On Instagram, Ksenia spoke about everything that happened all these months between them (we give the author’s text in full):

“It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified manner (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be a loving husband and a caring father (as he presents himself to the public). But I remembered this night of December 12th for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 am from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about treason is the pure truth and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his hard parties with cheating. I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the man Borodina, if you are not afraid, we all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in reality you are unlikely to wash away such dirt for the rest of your life. I lived with rose-colored glasses, I was pregnant and believed my husband, I thought Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this didn’t happen, he likes to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes, by the way, everyone who writes about Amar, I love him very much and I’m sorry that he can’t come to our home anymore! In the meantime, I live for the sake of my children, for myself and my loved ones... P.S. and remember whose wife you are, Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is that you are a woman who is worthy of respect, love and care for yourself and your children!!! Someday I will tell the whole truth, but for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! And I would never allow you to rent for money and sell your family to you, my refusal was the right decision, I will not allow any person (even my husband) to sell us!!!” - wrote Borodina.

Ksenia is now relaxing at sea and delighting her subscribers with pictures from her vacation Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network

Let us recall that Borodina’s first marriage was with businessman Yuri Budagov, to whom the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, Marusya, in June 2009.

Three years after their wedding, they filed for divorce. She went with Kurban Omarov to the registry office on July 3, 2015, although the celebration was originally scheduled for September. The urgency was due to Ksenia’s pregnancy. In December 2015, their daughter Teona was born. The couple's divorce became known on Monday, July 18, a year after the wedding.