All about car tuning

Observation notes on a walk on the topic: “Looking at dandelions” in the middle group. Card file of summer walks and observations (middle group) Considering a ladybug


Walk No. 1

Observation: behind the sun

Target:Give children an idea of ​​the weather conditions in summer. Fix the name of the seasonal clothing.

Progress of observation:It should be noted that the sun is hotter in summer, so children walk around naked. Ask if it is easy to look at the sun. Why can't you look at the sun? Note that the sun is high during the day - it’s hot outside; In the morning and evening the sun is low, so it becomes cooler. The day lasts long, and the nights are short and bright.

Artistic word: riddle – A hot scrambled egg hangs above your head. But you and I cannot take it off and eat it. (Sun)

Outdoor game: No. 1 "Traps"

Target: develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

Didactic game: "Make a proposal"

Target:consolidate the ability to compose a sentence with a given word.

Labor activity: collection of natural materials.

Target:develop labor skills.

Individual work: throw and catch the ball

Target:practice catching and throwing a ball

Walk No. 2

Observation: behind the butterfly

Target:introduce the butterfly, their way of life, and the necessary conditions for life. Develop observation skills.

Progress of observation:In summer, many insects appeared, including butterflies. Butterflies have a very beautiful pattern on their wings - one of the most beautiful ones created by nature. You cannot pick up butterflies by the wings; they are covered with delicate pollen, which can be easily wiped off and the butterfly will no longer be able to fly. Tell children how a butterfly is born.

Artistic word: chant - Box butterfly, fly to a cloud, there are your children - on a birch branch. Riddle - A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, didn’t want to sleep anymore, moved, perked up, soared up and flew away. "butterfly"

Didactic game: "Guess by the description"

Target:learn to compose a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, find similarities and differences.

Labor activity: collect garbage from the site.

Outdoor games:“Who will remain in the circle?”

Target: develop a sense of balance, dexterity, speed of movement.
Individual work
Development of movements.
Target: practice running at speed, improve the technique of standing long jump.

Walk No. 3

Observation: behind the dandelion
Target: introduce dandelion. Disassemble its structure, pay attention to what changes happen to it after the end of flowering.
Progress of observation. The dandelions sensed the change in weather, sensed the imminent rain and squeezed their petals, hiding the pollen from the moisture. It will get wet and will not fly in the wind, will not fall from flower to flower. Even a bee cannot tolerate wet pollen. An unpollinated flower will not produce seeds. And when the seeds have already set, they have acquired their own fly - a parachute, the plant monitors the weather even more. On a sunny day, all the ripe dandelions sway in the meadow in light fluffy balls. Each parachute is waiting for a good wind to break away from the mother plant and fly to new lands. But it also happens: right before your eyes, a gray veil of dense clouds covers the sky, a breeze rises... remember: were the fluffy balls of dandelions swaying on the lawn in the morning? No, they didn't swing. Although the sun was still shining with all its might, instead of balloons there were sadly clenched “umbrellas”. Dandelion knows that wet parachutes don’t fly well, so he hid them until a good time. .

Mystery: The ball grew white, the wind blew - the ball flew away. (Dandelion)

Didactic game . “Describe the flower”

Target- teach how to select adjectives for nouns.

Outdoor game"Gardener and Flowers"

Target- develop the ability to run across to the opposite side of the site, dodging the trap, develop dexterity, and speed of reaction.

Labor activity . Children wash all toys (which can be treated) and lay them out on the grass to dry.

Target:cultivate a positive attitude towards work and responsibility when carrying out assignments.

Individual work . Development of movements.

Target:improve spatial orientation and sense of balance.

Walk No. 4

Observation:behind passing traffic.

Target:teach children to distinguish between cars and trucks, develop observation skills, and the ability to correctly express their thoughts.

Progress of observation:Consider passing cars with children, classify them into trucks, cars and special-purpose vehicles.

Artistic word: It doesn’t fly, it doesn’t buzz, the beetle runs down the street, and two brilliant lights are burning in the beetle’s eyes. (car)

Outdoor game:"Colored Cars"

Didactic game: “Come up with a word for the given sound”

Target:develop phonemic hearing.

Labor activity: clear the area of ​​branches and stones.

Target:develop labor skills and work collectively.

Individual work: walking on a cord

Target:maintain balance, maintain posture.

Independent play activities of children with external materials.

Walk No. 5

Observation: behind the sparrow


deepen knowledge about the features of the appearance of a sparrow, lifemanifestations ;

activate children's attention and memory.

Progress of observation

Questions for children:

What does a sparrow look like?

What does he eat?

How does he move?

How does he sing?

The sparrow is a small, lively bird. The sparrow's back is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. The sparrow is an agile bird, unafraid to jump near a person’s feet, peck from a dog’s bowl, and pick up crumbs, seeds, and grains. It adapts well to human habits everywhere. The sparrows sing "chick-chirp".

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site

Target:accustom to work;encourage adults to help.

Outdoor games

"Find yourself a mate."

Target: learn to move quickly according to a signal, changing the direction of movement.

"Catch the ball ».


continue to strengthen the skills of throwing and catching the ball with both hands;

cultivate attention and dexterity.

Individual work.

Development of movements.

Target: teach walking on an inclined board.

Walk No. 6

Observation: for cars


learn to distinguish cars by their purpose;

to form an interest in the driver’s profession, the desire to master his work activities.


The teacher suggests watching cars moving along the city streets. Consider their appearance and answer questions.

What types of transport do you know? (Ground, underground, water, air.)

What functions does this or that machine perform?

You can see them everywhere, you can see them from the windows, They move along the street in a long stream. They transport various cargoes -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons. We fell in love with them for this work. They are called... (cars).

Labor activity

Collecting and removing garbage to a certain place, sweeping paths.


teach cleanliness and order;

strengthen the ability to work in a team.

Outdoor games

"Colored Cars"

Target : continue to develop motor activity using games with objects (steering wheels).

"The Fox in the Chicken Coop."


improve the ability to act quickly on a signal;

develop dexterity.

Individual work

Standing jumps on two legs - push off energetically and land correctly.

Target: develop dexterity.

Walk No. 7

Observation: behind the wormwood.

Target:introduce wormwood, understand its structure, talk about medicinal properties. Develop children's knowledge about plants and caring attitude.

Progress of observation:wormwood was popularly called: Chernobyl, wormwood grass, widow's grass, serpentine, God's tree, steppe chimka. Wormwood is one of our most bitter plants. Among Slavic plants, wormwood was credited with miraculous powers. In Rus', on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, people girded themselves with Chernobyl, putting wreaths made of it on their heads; this was supposed to protect against illness, witchcraft and encounters with monsters for a whole year.

Artistic word: Borka ate wormwood instead of milk. Tanya shouted: “Throw it!” Spit out the bitter wormwood.”

Outdoor game:"Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Didactic game: "What grows where"

Target:consolidate children's knowledge about forest and meadow plants; clearly pronounce the endings of words; develop phonemic hearing.

Labor activity: weeding the flower bed.

Target:develop labor skills, the ability to distinguish weeds from flowers.

Individual work: standing long jump

Target: develop jumping ability, perform the exercise correctly.

Children's games with external materials: scoops, buckets, molds.

Walk No. 8

Observation:behind the bird cherry blossoms

Target:introduce bird cherry (structure, benefits, changes that occur after flowering ends).

Progress of observation.Discuss the aroma of bird cherry. Remind that flowers are future fruits. Compare with the flowering of poplar and birch. Introduce children to folk sign that bird cherry blossoms during cold periods. Pay attention to the appearance of a large number of flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects . Poem by V. Zhukovsky “Bird cherry”
And all fragrant,
Dropping petals
Bird cherry blossoms, blossoms
In a ravine by the river.
From morning until late twilight
From all over the earth
People are rushing to her flowers
Heavy bumblebees.
Didactic game " I saw on our tree …»

Target: develop memory, help remember the features of the life of a tree.

Progress of the game. The presenter says: “I saw a leaf on our tree.” Each child must reproduce the phrase of the previous participant, adding his own object. The next one says: “I saw a leaf and a flower on our tree,” the third: “I saw a leaf, a flower and a bird on our tree,” etc.

Labor activity
Cleaning the area from dry branches .
cultivate a positive attitude towards work and responsibility when carrying out assignments.

Outdoor games

"Sleeping Fox"
practice running, throwing and catching a ball.

"Migration of Birds"

Target: learn to perform actions on a signal.

Individual work
Jumping up from a place.

Target:develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed.

Walk No. 9

Observation:behind the sky and clouds.

Target:understand the concept of “cloud”, the dependence of weather on the presence of clouds. Develop observation, attention, and the ability to answer questions with grammatically correct sentences.

Progress of observation:On a cloudy day, ask the children what they see in the sky. Notice that the clouds are moving, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. What are they? If there are clouds in the sky, they cover the sun, then it’s not so hot outside. With children, remember that clouds can be cirrus and cumulus. Determine what clouds are in the sky on the day of the walk.

Artistic word: puzzles. There are no legs, but he walks, no eyes, but he cries. (cloud) White horses on a blue field. (clouds in the sky)

Outdoor game: No. "Find where it's hidden"

Didactic game: "Say kindly"

Target:learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes .

Labor activity: watering the flower garden.

Target:continue to learn how to care for flowers

Individual work : jumping from a tree stump on two legs.

Target: consolidate the ability to land on bent legs.

Independent play activities of children.

Walk No. 10

Observation: What blooms in summer?

Target: introduce some flowering herbaceous plants. Disassemble their structure, talk about the benefits of flowers.

Progress of observation: look at the plants, ask what color they are, what shape they have, what they have besides flowers. Teach children to take care of flowers and not crush them. Explain that you cannot pick too many flowers. By looking at the plants in the flower garden, children will learn how flowers emerge from a bud. Please note that some flowers close in the evening and before rain. Why do plants need to be weeded? Introduce children to plants growing along the road. Many of them are medicinal: nettle, tansy, lungwort, plantain. Why is plantain called that? Introduce the fireweed plant. Its flowers are bright, crimson, generously showering the entire bush. Ivan tea is very useful. It produces abundant nectar. His honey is completely transparent, like water. Its leaves are used to make a salad, and the flowers are dried and brewed as tea.
Mystery. Guests are greeted all day and treated to honey. (Flowers)

Didactic game . “Describe the flower.”

Target- teach how to select adjectives for nouns.

Labor activity
Clearing the garden of debris.
Target: cultivate the desire to work together, to bring the work started to the end.

Outdoor game. "Gardener and Flowers"

Target- develop the ability to run across to the opposite side of the site, dodging the trap, develop dexterity, and speed of reaction.

Individual work: development of movements.
Goals: to cultivate, through movements, a caring attitude towards nature; practice jumping over logs, stones, stumps; develop strength qualities.


Walk No. 1

Observation behind the nettles.

Target: introduce the medicinal plant, disassemble the structure, talk about its benefits.

Progress of observation.

Tell the children about nettles: they are as angry as a wolf, they sting like mustard. Where do you find nettles? Where does she grow up in our kindergarten? Know that nettle likes wetplaces that she is a very delicate plant, but does not allow you to touch her. Nettle stings with its hairs - needles, the entire surface of the leaves is covered with them from top to bottom, the needles break and burn with caustic juice, nettle blooms for a very long time, bees love its pollen. It is medicinal: a lot of vitamins, the infusion is used to stop bleeding, nettle cabbage soup and salads are very tasty.
Artistic word: Oh, don’t touch me, I’ll burn you even without fire.

Di"Find out by description"

Target: consolidate the ability to recognize plants by description or describe the desired plant yourself.

P/game: "Planes"

Target: develop running in different directions without bumping into each other

Individual work : jumping rope.

Work. instructions: Sweep the area free of debris.

Target: cultivate a desire to carry out instructions from an adult.

Walk No. 2

Observation behind the poplar.

Progress of observation:

What is the name of this tree? What is it like? (the tall trunk is gray-green, it has strong, strong branches, with sharp, sticky leaves and buds). When the leaves bloom, it seems that the poplar has put on a green cap, in the summer fluff flies from the poplar, and in the spring the poplar appears with earrings. What are the branches and leaves of a tree called? (tree crown). Poplar purifies the air well, the roots of the tree extract moisture from the ground, and it provides a lot of heat. Poplar wood is soft and light; it is used to make paper, matches, toys, and plywood.

Artistic word : the boy stomped, stomped, stomped and saw a poplar, a poplar.


Target: learn to perform game actions, depict a tree at different times of the year.

P/game: “The fence is still hanging”

Target: practice running, act on a signal, perform movements in accordance with the words.

Individual work : Run in pairs at different speeds.

Work. instructions: Apply sand to the sandbox.

Target: cultivate hard work.

Walk No. 3

Observationbehind the summer rain

Target: consolidate summer seasonal signs, changes occurring in inanimate nature.

Progress of observation. Watch the summer rain with your children. Listen to the rain knocking on the windows, see how the water flows in streams, what puddles are on the asphalt. Note what the weather is like (rainy, stormy). Tell that warm summer rain waters all the plants. After the rain, show the children how the trees have washed, the leaves have become wet, the raindrops glisten in the sun. Ask the children where the rain comes from and where the puddles go. Why is rain needed? Please note that the rain can be light, drizzling, or heavy - downpour; goes in different directions, sometimes oblique and straight. While observing rain, bring to an understanding of the causes of different precipitation in winter and summer, their dependence on air temperature. In the past, magical rain making eventually evolved into fun game children who eagerly shouted spells, engaging in mischievous conversation with the rain.

Mystery: Came from the sky, went to the ground. (Rain)

Zaklik: Rain, rain, pour, pour, Don’t feel sorry for anyone - Neither birch trees, nor poplars! Rain, rain, harder, so that the grass is greener, flowers and green leaves will grow!

Didactic game "Good bad".

Target- develop coherent speech, the ability to speak in complex sentences, to see positive and negative qualities in one phenomenon.

Labor activity: collective work in the garden to clean up garbage.

Target:develop teamwork skills.

Outdoor game"Sunny Bunnies".

Target- clarify directions with children: up, down, to the side. Learn to perform a variety of movements.

Individual work : development of jumping.

Target: strengthen the ability to jump on one leg.

Walk No. 4
rain and the appearance of a rainbow in the sky
consolidate summer seasonal signs, changes occurring in inanimate nature. Explain the concept of "rainbow".

Progress of observation.

Invite children to admire the rainbow, express their opinion about its appearance, tell why they like it; name the colors of the rainbow and count them. Tell children that a particularly bright, festive rainbow appears after a noisy summer thunderstorm or during a thunderstorm. When it is drizzling, the colors of the rainbow are pale, and the rainbow itself can turn into a whitish semicircle, since it is formed when the sun's ray is refracted in each drop of rain. A rainbow appears after rain, when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, only in the direction opposite to the sun. If you stand facing the sun, you won't see the rainbow.
Mystery: What a miracle - beauty! Painted gates appeared on the way!.. You can’t drive through them, you can’t enter them. (Rainbow)
Artistic word
: poem by M. Lermontov

There is a multi-colored arc,

Cheerful, elegant divas

They build a beautiful bridge on the clouds,

So that from one rock to another

Take the air path.

Didactic game "Rainbow"

Target -consolidate children's understanding of primary and secondary colors.

Labor activity: clearing the area of ​​dry branches.

Target:to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

Outdoor games“Find where it’s hidden.”

Target:learn to navigate in space.

"Wolf in the Moat"

Target: teach jumping.

Individual work: development of movements (jumping, walking on a log straight and sideways):

P/n“From hummock to hummock”, “Cross the river”.

Target:develop coordination of movements.

Walk No. 5

Observationbehind the ladybug.

Progress of observation:

What bug are we going to talk about today? Why did this bug get such a name? Yes, people believe that the ladybug brings good luck and destroys harmful insects and aphids. How many black dots are there on the back of a bug? For this they call it a seven point. What mushroom can it be compared to? ladybug? (fly agaric) Why is the ladybug called Doctor Aibolit? Ladybug eats harmful insects.

Artistic word: Back with freckles, oh, how awkward and blushing the ladybug was. Ladybug fly to the sky, bring us bread, black and white, but not burnt.

Di"Find out by description"

Target -consolidate the ability to recognize insects by description or describe another insect yourself.

P/game: "Ladybug"

The goal is to develop jumping and agility.

Individual work : hitting the ball off the ground, rearranging the column at a signal.

Work. instructions: sweep the area free of debris

Target: cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and order.

Walk No. 6

Observationbehind the flash of lightning during a thunderstorm

Target:consolidate summer seasonal signs, changes occurring in inanimate nature. Understand the concepts of “lightning” and “thunderstorm”.

Progress of observation.Observation is carried out in the depths of the group opposite the window. Lightning is a strong electric spark (discharge) that occurs from the collision of clouds when they are highly electrified. Zippers can be narrow, long, similar to a ruler and therefore called linear. There is also ball lightning; it has the shape of a ball (sometimes elongated). Lightning colors are white, blue, purple and black. Lightning flashes, thunder roars.
How should you behave during a thunderstorm? Thunderstorms and lightning should not be afraid, but they must beware:
You can't go close to the windows.
Do not handle metal objects as they attract electricity.
On the street, you should not stand under tall trees (especially poplar): they attract an electric discharge (lightning), which breaks and ignites them.

Puzzles:The red-hot arrow Oak fell and left. (Lightning) Fuck-bang! A woman wanders on the mountains, strums a poker, grumbles at the whole world. (Thunderstorm) Knocks loudly, Screams loudly, But what he says, no one can understand And the wise men cannot know. (Thunder)

Didactic game "Syllables"

Target -teach children to form different syllables.

Labor activity. Clearing the area of ​​branches and stones.
cultivate diligence and the ability to work collectively.

Outdoor games“We are drivers”, “Obedient leaves”.
teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands; develop attention.

Individual work
Walking on a boom and jumping on both feet.

Target:develop a sense of balance and the ability to jump from heights.

Walk No. 7

Observation for mosquitoes.

Progress of observation: the mosquito is small, weak, with a thin body and 6 legs, a long proboscis with which it feeds. Pay attention to the fact that not all mosquitoes land on the body, many of them land on flowers and use their proboscis to bloom nectar from them - these are males. And females must drink blood in order to lay eggs in the water, so they annoy people and animals. The mosquito is easy to catch and is food for many animals (frogs, birds, waterfowl).

Artistic word : It flies, squeaks, drags long legs, does not miss an opportunity, sits down and bites.

Di“Name the insect” from the pictures.

Target:develop the ability to identify insects

P/game: "Sly Fox"

Target- develop running and agility.

Individual work : rebuilding columns according to a signal.

Work. instructions: remove trash from the area.

Target: foster a sense of collectivism.

Walk No. 8

Observationfor an earthworm.

Target:introduce the earthworm, its structure, its way of life, living conditions, habitat.

Progress of observation.Find out which of the guys has seen these soil inhabitants before. Where was it? Why are worms called earthworms? When is it easiest to spot them? Draw children's attention to the fact that these underground inhabitants Most often they crawl out of their burrows when it rains. Water fills their burrows and they lack air. Invite the children to collect all the earthworms that end up on the walking path and move them to a safe place: to a flowerbed, under a tree, or to a vegetable garden. Discuss why you need to do this. What could these animals say to children if they could speak?

Artistic word : Poem by O.G. Zykova "Earthworm":

He is very hardworking, does not sit without work, and tirelessly loosens the entire earth with an obedient body. We ourselves need this, we eat this land. – Taking a break from work, Rain said the worm. - I am not an enemy of my native land .

Mystery:You can't tell my tail from my head. You will always find me in the ground. (Worm)

Didactic game. "Who can name more actions"

Target -teach children to select verbs that characterize the actions of an earthworm, to activate their vocabulary with verbs.

Labor activity. Dig a hole for the worm.
cultivate a positive attitude towards work, a sense of compassion and a willingness to help .

Outdoor games."Jumpers."

Target:teach children to jump on two legs and move forward .

"Catch up with your mate."

Target:learn to run when the teacher signals, without looking back.

Individual work. Development of movements.
: improve techniques for playing with the ball against the wall.

Walk No. 9

Observationfor dragonflies .

Progress of observation:These are predators well adapted to catching prey for the summer. They, like mosquitoes, lay eggs in water, which is why they live near rivers. Emphasize on interesting features her body: thin, long body, round head, 4 elongated wings. The dragonfly has a very big eyes, with which she can clearly see, a large mouth at the ends of the jaw. The black spots at the ends of the wings are not decorations, but thickenings that help the dragonfly to fly well. The dragonfly flies very well, it is difficult to catch, it catches others itself.

Artistic word: Blue airplane, sat on a large dandelion.

Di"Find out by description"

Target- consolidate the ability to recognize insects by description or describe another insect yourself.

P/game:"Beetles and Birds »

Target- develop jumping and agility.

Individual work: hitting the ball off the ground, changing into columns at the signal.

Work. instructions:tidy up the sandbox, fill it with sand

Target:develop the ability to complete a task started


Walk No. 1

Studying sand and soil :

Target- remember the properties of sand and soil, their similarities and differences.

Observation: Compare the color of dry and wet sand. Wet sand can be used to sculpt and build, but dry sand crumbles. Pay attention to the soil (earth, sand, clay), digging, loosening. Clarify and consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand. Learn to identify these properties by appearance(by color), check by touch. Ask if insects live in sand and soil, if plants grow. Conduct an experiment: plant a seed in the soil and sand. After a while, check where there are shoots.
Artistic word:
Let your parents not be angry
That the builders will get dirty, Because the one who builds
He's worth something! B. Zakhoder

D/i“What will I build from sand” - children tell what can be built from sand.

Target- teach how to write sentences on a given topic.

Development exercises fine motor skills hands :

“Recognize by touch” - lay out a pattern on the sand, children should recognize it by touch.

“Draw with your finger” - draw any design on wet sand.

Work assignments : Loosen the soil, dig sand.

Individual work : Walk along the sandbox curb.

Target: develop balance

P/n"Don't Stay on the Ground"

Target- develop dexterity and speed of reaction to a signal.

Walk No. 2

Observation behind the shadow

Target:understand the concept of “shadow”, the relationship between clouds and the sun for the appearance of a shadow.

Progress of observation.In sunny weather, sometimes large clouds float across the sky. To draw children's attention: when a cloud covers the sun, we all on earth find ourselves in the shadow.
Poem by E. Shen, W. Shao-Shan “Shadow”:

It's good on a hot day to meet Aunt Shadow! Under the green foliage I met you. We danced in the shadows, We laughed in the shadows.
It's good on a hot day to meet Aunt Shadow!

Didactic game
"Say it kindly."
Target -
teach how to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Labor activity
Collection of large waste on site.
encourage the desire to work, to do the work cleanly and accurately.

Outdoor games

Target:learn to perform actions on a signal, work smoothly with your hands, run in a certain direction;
"Get in the circle."

Progress of observation: Draw children's attention to the properties of water: liquid, flowing, can have different temperatures (it warms up in the sun, cold from the tap). The water is clear, you can see everything in it. On a hot day, the water heats up quickly in the basin. The water in the pond, river, lake is heated, so in the summer people enjoy swimming. Observe how quickly the water splashed on the asphalt dries. With older children, determine which objects sink in water and which float. Offer to determine why they float or drown.
Artistic word:
At sunset the pond sleeps.
Circles float on the water -
These are small fish
They played out here and there.
E. Stewart
D/i"They drown and float."

Target -consolidate knowledge about the properties of objects and their weight. Activate the dictionary. consolidate knowledge about insects, their way of life, living conditions.
Progress of observation:
Consider how beetles crawl, some of them fly. Pay attention to the long mustaches of longhorned beetles. Show a ladybug, it crawls along your hand, spreads its wings, and flies off to look for food. Consider the butterfly, how it flutters, how it folds its wings, sits on a flower, crawls along it. Examine the anthill. What does it consist of? Twigs, bark, lumps of soil - all this was brought by little workers - ants. Small holes are passages. The ants are constantly scurrying about, and each one is carrying something. Ants are friendly guys. They never quarrel and take care of each other. Ants don't hurt anyone. For this, everyone respects them - both in the forest and in the field. Nobody touches them. And we will not interfere with them - let them work. Watch how the bees examine the flower and climb deep inside for nectar. Talk about the benefits brought by bees: during the summer they pollinate a huge number of flowers. Ask what insects eat and who eats them. What are the benefits and harms of them? What do insects need to live?
Artistic word:
By the path under the mountain ash
A spider has spread a web,
Thread of transparent web
I wound it around my fist.
If a fly flies -
The web will tremble
And the hunter from ambush
Will come running for prey...
E. Stewart
They look, of course, rather small,
But they drag everything they can into the house.
Our guys are ants,
Their whole life is connected with work.
“Onomatopoeia” (the teacher names the insect, the children pronounce the onomatopoeia).

Target- consolidate the pronunciation of individual sounds .

“Guess by the description”—(the teacher describes the insect, the children guess ).

Target- teach how to write a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, find similarities and differences.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills:

"Build an anthill" build from dry blades of grass.
Work assignments:
Build an anthill.
Individual work
: Crawling on a log.

Target -teach how to run, holding each other’s hands, accurately repeat the movements of the driver, make turns, step over obstacles.

Walk No. 5

Observationaccording to the length of the day.
give an idea of ​​the length of the day, what changes have occurred with the sun in the summer.
Progress of observation.
Why does it get dark so late in the summer? We're already going to bed, and it's not that dark outside? Why in winter, when we are just leaving kindergarten, is it already dark outside and all the lights are on? Explain that both hot weather and long days in summer are due to the fact that our planet is now receiving more sunlight and heat.
Didactic game "Who is bigger?" What summer day? (hot, cool, cold, warm, rainy, sunny, joyful, sultry, long, etc.)
Labor activity
Cleaning up mown grass.
teach you to finish what you start; cultivate accuracy and responsibility.
Outdoor games
"Burners", "Wolf in the Moat".
- teach to follow the rules of the game, act on the teacher’s signal;
- develop dexterity.
Individual work:
development of movements .
develop and improve motor skills.

Walk No. 6

We are watchingbehind the work of adults :

Target -consolidate knowledge of how to care for plantings in the garden and flower bed.
Progress of observation: Pay attention to the fact that the plants in the garden and flower bed need to be looked after: loosen the soil, water. Observe how plants change in growth and develop, ask: “Why do you need to weed and thin out plants? What plants grow where?”
Artistic word:
Don't be lazy, my shovel,
There will be a dug up bed.
Let's smooth the bed with a rake,
We'll break all the lumps,
And then we'll plant flowers,
And then we’ll pour water on it.
Watering can, watering can, lei, lei!
Bed, bed, drink, drink!
G. Lagzdyn
D/i“Who needs what for work”—(children determine which items help people in different professions ).

Target -to consolidate children’s knowledge that tools help people in their work, to cultivate an interest in the work of adults, and a desire to work themselves.

“Who can name the most actions?” - the children list the actions of a gardener or gardener. Target- activate vocabulary with verbs .
Exercise to develop fine motor skills of the hands:

Walk No. 7

Forest gifts - mushrooms and berries :

Target- consolidate children’s knowledge about forest plants, remember the names of mushrooms - edible and poisonous.
Observation: Explain how to pick berries so as not to spoil the entire bush. Pay attention to the beautiful shapes of mushrooms and their color. Looking at pictures of mushrooms. Show edible mushrooms and highlight their features. Be sure to pay attention to the poisonous mushroom - fly agaric

Artistic word:

Along the forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Noticeable from afar.
Collect, don't hesitate,
This is... (russula).
V. Stepanov

D/i“Wonderful bag” - children feel dummies of mushrooms located in an opaque bag and name them.

Target- teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features, develop tactile sensitivity.

“Guess by the description” - the teacher describes a variety of mushrooms, the children guess. Target- develop the ability to compose a descriptive story, attention, coherent speech, find similarities and differences.
Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the hands:

“Place it on the sand” - place a mushroom and a berry on the sand using a variety of corks. Games with molds and sand.
Work assignments
: We collect berries.

Individual work : Walking with bends.
P/n: "Raspberry berry."

Target- develop coordination of speech and movement.

Progress of the game.Let's go into the forest for raspberries, (Children walk in a round dance, holding hands.)
Let's go into the forest, pick some ripe berries, pick them. ("They are picking berries.") The sun is high, (They show the sun.) And there is a path in the forest. (They show the path.) My sweet one, (They run in a circle, holding hands.) Raspberry. "Where have you been?". The goal is to develop coordination of speech with movements, to work on speech skills. Progress of the game. - Legs, legs, (Children walk in place.) Where have you been? — We went to the forest to pick mushrooms. - What have you guys been working on? (They squat, “picking mushrooms.”)—We were collecting mushrooms. - And you, little eyes, helped? - We searched and looked, (They look from under the hand, turn left, right.) We looked at all the stumps.

Walk No. 8

Observationfor different types of transport:
- consolidate knowledge that a person uses a bicycle
, which does not require gasoline;
- a person moves by rotating the pedals.
Progress of observation:
A bicycle is a form of transport. The word "bicycle" means "fast legs." In order to ride it, you need to pedal with your feet and keep your balance with the steering wheel.
Invite the children to look at the bicycle.
From the very first childhood years
The bicycle serves me well.
It's better than any car
Doesn't need gasoline!
I'm pedaling
- I'm flying from the mountain like a bird.
But up the hill, by the way,
It's very difficult to climb!
I won't be sad for long
I press the pedals.
Let me get a little tired
But I will become stronger!
The teacher asks the children questions.
What is the difference between a bicycle and a car? (The car is being filled with gasoline.)
Why do you get stronger when you ride a bike? (The muscles of the back and legs develop.)
Artistic word:
I'm rolling on two wheels,
I turn two pedals,
I hold on to the steering wheel, I look forward,
I know the turn is coming soon.
A road sign told me:
The highway descends into a ravine.
I'm idling
In sight of pedestrians.
Labor activity
Sweeping paths on the site, collecting garbage.
Target: cultivate a desire to work.
Outdoor game
"Migration of Birds"
continue learning to climb the gymnastic wall

Individual work: development of movements .
improve spatial orientation and sense of balance.

Walk No. 9
behind the wind.
repeat the concept of “wind”. What happens to trees in windy weather.
Progress of observation.
Watch how the trees sway and branches bend. Ask why the trees behave so restlessly. What kind of wind is blowing: cold or warm. With the children, remember the name of a strong wind that blows off the roof, breaks trees, knocks out windows and doors, in a word, destroys. (Hurricane.)
It is unknown where he lives.
It swoops in and bends the trees.
If he whistles, there will be tremors along the river.
You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop! (Wind)
Didactic game
"Blow like the wind."

Target:practice the strength of your voice, the ability to take a deep breath through your nose, exhale through your mouth while pronouncing the sound u.
Poem by V.L. Gaazov "Beetles":

There is a huge stag beetle, he is not too lazy to wear antlers. He scares his enemies with them and does not allow himself to be eaten. Beetle called "rhinoceros": Do you see the strong strong horn? For enemies it is a threat, but for a beetle it is an ornament.

Didactic game. “Guess by description” (the teacher describes the insect, the children guess).
Target- teach how to write a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, find similarities and differences.

Labor activity.
Clearing the garden of debris.
Target: cultivate the desire to work together, to bring the work started to the end.
Outdoor games. "Beetles."
Target: teach to run in all directions and change direction at a signal.

: teach to run, holding each other’s hands, accurately repeat the movements of the driver, make turns, step over obstacles.
Individual work"Happy Jumping"
Cel b: reinforce jumping over two objects.

Educator of MBDOU "D.\S No. 37 Kasatkina A.E.
Topic: “Looking at dandelions”
Program objectives: to enrich and clarify children’s ideas about the plants of their area (grass, dandelion), to teach them to recognize and name them, to distinguish them by color and structure (dandelion flower and stem), to evoke joy from direct communication with nature. Teach for a long time (2-3 seconds) and blow quite hard on the dandelion.
Preliminary work: walk around the site kindergarten, looking at various plants, looking at the album “Flowers”, illustrations, postcards with flowers, reading E. Blaginina’s poem “Dandelion”.
Vocabulary work: activate children's vocabulary: stem, flower, dandelion, yellow - yellowish, soft, smooth.
Progress of the lesson:

While dressing the children for a walk, there is a knock on the door. A familiar doll, Olya, comes to visit the children. She says that when she went to see the children in kindergarten, she saw a lot of beautiful yellow flowers on the lawn (shows), but she doesn’t know what these flowers are called. “Children, look, what flower did Olya bring? What is the name of this flower? (Dandelion). Olya, the guys and I are going for a walk right now, come with us, we have a lot of these flowers on our site, our guys will show you them and tell you how they grow.”
On the site, I invite the children to walk on the grass, admire the beauty of the green grass, yellow dandelions: the grass is green, but the dandelions are yellow - it’s very beautiful, Isn’t it!?
Kids, what kind of weed? (green, thick) And dandelions? (yellow, little yellow). Children, let's go up to the dandelion, but let's not pick it. Olya, come closer to us. Children, touch the flower. What is he like? (soft, soft). Look, the dandelion grows on a long stem (by moving the grass apart, I expose the stem). Tell me, Elina Ole, how the dandelion grows. (Olya, look, the dandelion grows on a stalk, the stalk is long). The stem is long and smooth. Find a dandelion and gently touch the stem. He? (smooth). Check if the stem is long? Lightly move your hand along the dandelion stem from top to bottom (Long. Choral and individual answers. The teacher makes this movement with a doll).
- What a wonderful dandelion flower (plucks a flower, shows it to the children and the doll). It has a long and smooth stem, and at the top there is a soft yellow cap. (Children repeat the description for the doll.) The dandelion will ripen and the cap will become like a white fluffy ball.
Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress
When he grows up he will dress up
In a little white dress.
Look for dandelions with white fluffy heads (balls). And Olya and I found such a dandelion. Children pick dandelions and blow on them strongly so that all the fluffs fly around 3-4 times. (Exercise to develop breathing).
The fluffs are dandelion seeds. New dandelions will grow from them (I accompany them with a display of fluff).
- Now, Olya, you know what flowers these are, you know where they grow and how. Olya thanks the guys. He offers to choose one of the most beautiful dandelions and makes a beautiful bouquet. Together with the children, he gives it to one of the kindergarten employees (he agrees in advance with this person who the bouquet is intended for, so that he will be at his workplace at a certain time).

I'm with. Aigolek


Dandelion observation

Educator: Muratbekova Sh.K.

2015 Dandelion observation

Target: develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about plants. Foster a love of plants.

Progress of observation

Watch the flower - dandelion Consider a yellow head consisting of many yellow petals. It is surrounded by two rows of green leaves that form a wrapper. During the day, the dandelion opens its flower wide and closes tightly in the evening; leaves are dark green, long, carved.Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Artistic word


Golden and young

In a week he turned gray.

And in two days -

My head is bald.

Hide it in your pocket

Former... (dandelion).


yellow head,

Pink leg.


I'll hold it in my palm.

The sun has appeared

In May in the meadow,

I admire him

I'm very careful.

It's a pity the sun won't last long

It will be golden

The sun will turn white -

And I will part with him.

V. Miryasova

The dandelion is called the sun because its flower is yellow, round and similar to the sun. First, a green bud appears, which opens into a yellow flower, then white fluffs appear in place of the petals - umbrellas, with the help of which the wind carries the seeds of the flower.

Dandelion officinalis - perennial herbaceous plant, grows throughout our country. The raw materials are roots. A decoction of dandelion roots is used as a bitter to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. Roots and rhizomes can be harvested only after the seeds have ripened and fallen off; it is advisable to leave some of the roots and rhizomes in the ground for plant regeneration.

Labor activity

Work on the site. Cleaning sand around the sandbox

Teach children to carry out assignments (remove sand around the sandbox with a shovel). To instill in children a desire for neatness and cleanliness.

Outdoor games

"Sleeping Fox"

Target: practice running, throwing and catching a ball.

"Migration of Birds"

Target: learn to perform actions when given a signal.

Individual work

Jumping up from a place.

Target: develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed.

Independent play activity

Drawing with chalk on asphalt

Encourage children to draw with crayons on the asphalt. Develop the ability to occupy yourself with play. Encourage initiative, independence, and joint actions of children in groups.

❀ What plants do we find most often? In summer these are dandelions, burdocks, plantains, chamomiles, yarrow and many others. Let's watch them.

❀ Is it the end of spring or the beginning of summer? This is the most amazing time of the year when flowers bloom and leaves turn green. Each of us, regardless of age, loves to watch nature awaken from sleep and transform itself. I suggest you, when going for a walk, observe the most common plant at first glance - the dandelion. First, watch how they appear in the spring, pleasing to the eye. Please note that dandelion loves open and sunny places. Ask your child what a dandelion flower looks like. Tell him that not only does he look like the sun, the dandelion loves his great friend. It opens early in the morning at dawn and closes its flower in the evening. It's rare to see a single dandelion. As a rule, they settle in a large and cheerful family on sunny lawns, then their friendly family looks like a fluffy yellow carpet. You can learn a poem about a dandelion with your child.

What kind of sun is there on a leg?

Did it shine near the path?

What turns yellow here and there?

What, tell me, is his name?

This is a yellow dandelion

Wears a bright sundress!

❀ You can tell your baby that these simple plants are not only pleasing to the eye, they are also very good for health. Dandelions are used to make a spring salad, which is rich in vitamins. And some housewives even make delicious jam from this flower. You can collect some flowers and leaves and put them in a vase at home. In addition, the child will be pleased that it was he who collected the small bouquet. A light salad diversifies the regular menu.

❀ I know that many will be against picking flowers, they say, children, like locusts, destroy all vegetation, and it is very difficult to stop them. There must be moderation in everything. No need to bring armfuls of flowers home. It's enough to pick a few pieces. Remember the story: from time immemorial, our ancestors collected flowers and wove wreaths from them. By the way, this is another activity while walking! Find a flowering lawn. There are a great many of them in the spring. Bring a blanket to sit on the lawn. A couple of sandwiches and juice will also make your baby very happy. Such a walk will combine observation, play (blind man's buff, catch-up), and weaving wreaths.

❀ You can continue observing the dandelions a little later, when their yellow heads turn white and turn into fluff. As a rule, there are both yellow and white flowers on lawns at this time. And that is great! You can play the dandelion game.

Brothers dandelions

❀ Home goal of the game- find similarities and differences between two dandelions, two brothers. One of them should have a yellow head, and the other should have a fluffy white head. Let the child first compare both flowers himself and tell you what the flowers are the same and what is different. And then add to his answer (if, of course, there is something to add).

❀ You can continue the educational game. Say that the dandelion with a fluffy head has grown old and raised little children who are ready to fly all over the world. Ask what the baby thinks, who helps the baby dandelion fluffs fly away? Of course, the wind. But he, your child, will be able to help them. Just blow hard on the flower head and the fluff will fly away. Offer to blow harder on the gray head of the dandelion, and then catch up with its flying babies.

❀ You can end your walk with a short tale about a dandelion.

The Tale of a Dandelion

Once upon a time there lived a dandelion. He grew up on a sunny lawn next to cheerful and elegant yellow dandelions just like him. There were a lot of them, and each one looked like a little sun. Every morning they woke up with the sun and turned their yellow heads towards it all day. And dandelions loved the sun so much that if it was hidden behind clouds or it was raining, then the flowers did not open their buds. Bees hovered around yellow dandelions, collecting sweet pollen. And in order to preserve pollen for the bees, the flowers were closed in the evening and fell asleep until the morning. It was like this every day. But then one day something happened. Our dandelion woke up in the morning and saw that its head, instead of being elegant and yellow, for some reason became gray and fluffy. At first he was upset and even frightened: “It turns out that my youth has passed and I have become old? What if other dandelions don’t want to be friends with me now?” But, looking around, he saw that the same thing happened to his friends. The entire lawn was covered with transparent gray balls. And in each ball there were many small seeds. The weather that day was cloudy and when the wind blew, all the flowers tilted their fluffy heads to one side and trembled in the wind. And when the wind blew stronger, they suddenly scattered into many baby seeds and flew after the mischievous wind. A small parachute was opened over the head of each seed. Dandelion looked in surprise after the flying seed children and remembered that he had once flown on a parachute above the ground in exactly the same way until he landed here, on this very lawn. The dandelion's head became bare, but he was not upset. After all, now, when the seeds fall to the ground and germinate, there will be even more dandelions. His children will settle everywhere and will delight everyone, like little suns. The dandelion waved its leaves after them and wished them a good journey.