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Do-it-yourself flowerbeds for a summer residence - types, practical tips for creating, unique photo ideas. Beautiful and interesting flower beds at the dacha with your own hands (photo) Simple flower beds with your own hands from scraps

Flowerbeds created from improvised materials will become not only a “home” for your plants, but also another opportunity to demonstrate your talent to others and prove that you can create beautiful things with your own hands.


A flowerbed in a country house is, first of all, a decorative element. Without a neat flower garden with many colorful plants, it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged plot. It will look gray, boring and empty. Therefore, almost all owners decorate at least one flower bed on their territory.

But besides aesthetics, flower beds have a more important meaning. For example, some experienced gardeners plant flowers next to their beds to attract insects. Having flown to the flower beds, they will also pollinate your garden. In addition, some insects fight garden pests, for which gardeners are also grateful to them.

Flowerbeds also help drain the soil, which is why they are sometimes planted where the quality of the soil does not suit the owners of the site in one way or another. And flowers that have outlived their short life may well become an excellent soil fertilizer.

However, the main purpose of the flowerbed is to please the eyes of those who live on the site, as well as to decorate the area next to the house. To make the flower garden look beautiful, they try to place it in an original container with soil. Such structures made from scrap materials become not just a container for flowers, but a full-fledged decorative element in your garden.

Choosing flowers

Since the main attention is always focused not on the flowerbed itself, but on its contents, you need to be able to carefully select plants that will not only look harmonious in one container. They must also “get along” with each other, without oppressing, but also without shading. In addition, it is worth remembering that there are plants that are demanding to care for, and those that grow quietly without your attention. You should choose flowers based on your capabilities, so that a beautiful flower garden does not wither or dry out a couple of weeks after its design.

If you do not want to regularly plant new flowers, then select perennial plants that will delight you with their flowering for several years in a row. Such sprouts include snowdrops, tulips, and black-browed flowers. They are easy to care for. Mother Nature herself can take care of them.

And if you are not afraid of difficulties, then plant more “delicate” flowers, such as rare roses, for example.

It is important that the plants you choose are suitable for the climate in which they grow.. Some exotic flowers have a hard time surviving without sun, others don't like constant rain, and so on. Find out all the necessary information about flowers before planting them in your flower bed.

Most experienced gardeners also know that the combination of plants looks different. Flowerbeds can be made classic or more original, following simple rules, or completely ignoring them. Here are examples of the main types of flower beds that are used to decorate areas of private houses. You can adopt them for yourself or create something of your own, trying not to repeat existing patterns.


Like the animal for which this flower bed is named, a flower garden is capable of changing its appearance. It all depends on what angle you look at it from. The space of such a flower bed is filled with assorted flowers that contrast sharply with each other. At the same time, despite such a riot of colors, the flowerbed looks harmonious from all sides.

Irregular flower garden

This is one of the most common forms in which flower beds are made. Here all the plants are planted in even rows or circles. Everything looks simple, neat and well-groomed. The only disadvantage of such a flower bed is clear from the name - she will not please you with her blooming appearance on a regular basis. The flowers will gradually fade.

Plants are selected that bloom at the same time, so it turns out that in one season the flower garden pleases the eye with an abundance of colors, and after a couple of months it becomes empty.


This type of flower bed is the exact opposite of the previous one. When choosing flowers for her, they try to find those plants that bloom in turn. And it turns out that when one part of the flower garden withers, the other is just blooming. This alternation is pleasing to the eye. A flowerbed can serve as a decoration for your yard throughout the warm months.


Unusual, but difficult to implement flower beds are carpets. From above, such a flowerbed looks like a green carpet decorated with bright flowers. It looks simply amazing. But creating such living patterns is quite difficult, because you first have to make a sketch of the flower garden on paper, then draw the patterns on the ground, and sow the seeds. And it’s still not a fact that everything will work out the first time, because plants may behave completely differently than expected, thereby disrupting the harmony in the area.

Basic garden compositions You now know this type and can use them to decorate the area around your house.

Subtleties of design

When you have sorted out the colors and their possible combinations, you can move on to creating flower beds and their further design.


Before making the simplest flower bed with your own hands, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the existing varieties of flower beds. Almost all complex compositions can be created with your own hands without spending extra money on such decoration.

Many novice gardeners are familiar with the concept of "Alpine slide". But not everyone knows what it really looks like, or where such flower beds come from.

Rock gardens- These are flower beds stylized as Alpine mountains. To create them, the soil is first prepared. A slide is made from earth or stones. The ground can be laid out with small pebbles, covered with moss or a thin layer of green grass. The plants that decorate rock gardens are those that grow in alpine meadows. If you do not have access to such colors, you can always replace them with something similar.

Another original type of flower bed, which is not at all difficult to make with your own hands, is a water one. In our country, this type of flower beds is not used so often. But it is popular in the East. So, if you are decorating your yard in an oriental style, then such a design solution will allow you to convey the desired atmosphere. A water flower bed does not require much space. The flowers are located in a small pond, which is also decorated with living plants around the edges. Lilies and other flowers that are able to survive in such an environment are planted in the water.

Flower beds stylized as decorative beds look beautiful. In them, plants are usually planted in even rows. Sometimes they form some kind of geometric pattern. For example, a square, rectangle or spiral. Real herbs or vegetables can also coexist with flowers in a decorative garden. For example, carrots, thyme or basil.

Word "mixborder" seems incomprehensible to many. But in reality there is nothing complicated here. It's just a flowerbed that's practically blooming all year round. Even inexperienced gardeners can arrange it. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of flowering plants and place flowers that bloom at different times of the year in one place.

On the territory of many suburban areas there are front gardens. This is not a separate flowerbed, but a row of flowers growing along the path. This beautiful design passage is used very often. A vertical alley designed in this way pleases the eye and makes you want to walk around your area more often.

There are several more flower beds with interesting names. For example, arabesque, which is a patterned flower garden. The easiest way to implement such an idea is to plant flowers in circles or spirals. In addition, you can try to create some kind of pattern or symbol that is important to you. An arabesque can even be a flowerbed on which some inscription or initials of the creator are planted with plants.

Flower garden with a beautiful name "discount" found in many parks. This is a long rectangular flower bed, which is often located next to the wall of a building or fence. The tallest plants are located closer to the wall, and the short ones are located next to the passage. This not only looks beautiful, but also allows all the sprouts to develop evenly without crowding each other.

The last type of flower beds - rockery This is a combination of low flowers and stones different sizes and forms. It can be decorated with flowers or plants weaving along the ground, as well as ornamental grasses.


A beautiful flower bed in itself is a wonderful decoration of the site. But you can also use some additional decorative details.

So, for example, in a courtyard decorated in an oriental style, in addition to flower beds, you can also create a rock garden with your own hands. For this you do not need any special materials - just select the simplest pebbles of different sizes and shapes.

When decorating a site in a rustic style, you can use simple household items. These could be old buckets, pots, barrels and other similar things. Most often, flower beds are located in such unnecessary containers.

You can also use vines as decoration. It is easy to weave from it both a full-fledged fence and a low fence for a flower bed. Both options will look quite organic.

Also, flower beds are often decorated or surrounded by familiar garden sculptures - all kinds of gnomes or animals.

Original ideas

One of the most favorite materials for creating flower beds with your own hands is car tires. To build a simple flowerbed from a tire, you just need to move it to a suitable place, fill it with soil and sow flowers there. However, it is possible to create something more complex.

For example, cut the tire, cut off its top part so that teeth are formed, or simply wrap the tire with a clothesline. The last option is suitable for decorating a plot in a rustic style - your original flowerbed will resemble a nest or a wicker basket.

You can try creating a flower bed out of wood. Boards, stumps, vines or thin branches - all this can serve as the basis for your future flower garden. It can be woven or knocked down from boards. You just need to follow the instructions step by step.

You should decorate such a flowerbed using available materials with bright colors, painting the entire surface with one color, and also creating some interesting patterns.

Where to place it?

Beautiful flower beds can be placed almost anywhere. However, often site owners prefer to place them where they cannot interfere with free movement around the territory.

At the entrance

The first and most logical option for placing a flower bed is right at the entrance to the site. In this case, the flower garden will be noticed by everyone who comes to visit you. As a rule, two identical flower beds are placed next to the entrance on opposite sides of the gate or gate. In addition, the path is also decorated with flowers.

Under the house

A flower bed next to the house is another interesting means of decorating the site. It is usually located next to the main entrance or under the windows. By placing a flower garden next to your dacha house, you can constantly enjoy not only the beauty of the plants, but also their aromas.

On site

If you do not want to place a flower bed near the entrance to your yard or house, then place it in the sunniest place on your site. Thanks to this solution, you will definitely be sure that the flowers will have enough warmth and sunlight.

To decorative flower beds really served as a decoration for the site, and did not create additional problems for you, You need to follow some tips to make life easier for a novice gardener:

  • Provide plants with suitable conditions for growth and development. Plant them in full sun and fertilize the soil. Some flowers need additional protection from wind or heavy rainfall, most also need protection from frost, so in winter the flower beds are protected either with special coverings or with a dense layer of leaves.
  • As for creating flower beds from available materials, try to do everything so that your creation looks organic on the site. If this is a rustic-style yard, then you can easily decorate it wooden products or flower beds surrounded by a wicker fence. Next to a luxurious old mansion or a modern cottage, such structures look ridiculous. The same applies to flower beds made from tires, bottles or other similar materials.
  • Sometimes a coat of paint or thoughtful decor helps correct the situation.

If you didn’t manage to create an even blank for the flowerbed the first time, decorate it along the edges artificial flowers, rope or metal decorations. This will immediately improve the appearance of the product.

Beautiful examples

Better than any spatial reasoning, beautiful examples inspire. The imagination of enthusiastic gardeners is almost limitless, so flower beds are made from everything that comes to hand. Here are some of the most successful examples.

New life for an old car

The creativity of ordinary gardeners sometimes causes real delight. Here is an example of how something that is not at all intended for this can be turned into a flowerbed. For example, an old, outdated car. There is no need to send your old car to a landfill. It can be filled with different plants.

The main type of flowers is climbing, because they weave everything around so beautifully, covering the shabby details with a dense floral carpet. And in the cabin there is enough space for simple flowers, which can be admired through the car windows. Such an original flowerbed is proof that nature still defeats all technology, no matter how ubiquitous it may be.

Any owner land plot strives to improve its territory, make the surrounding space not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Do-it-yourself flower beds and flowerbeds from scrap materials: photos and descriptions of compositions are the best way to achieve originality and fill the area with bright colors. Great opportunities are offered by a huge selection of designs and materials for manufacturing, as well as a variety of plant species.

Where to get inspiration for decorating flower beds and flowerbeds with your own hands

The process of landscaping begins with planning. Any designer will tell you that you can’t start work without a pre-compiled project. To do this, you can use the services of a specialist who will provide solutions to all planning problems.

These tasks include:

  • drawing up ideal planting schemes;
  • selection of plants for flower beds;
  • design choice.

If you do not have the opportunity to hire a professional landscape designer, you can save money cash and deal with this issue yourself. On the Internet you can find photos of simple flower beds and flower beds with your own hands that can fit into the space of your personal plot. Most of them are supported by descriptions of suitable plants and detailed diagrams that will allow you to plant flowers so that the flowerbed fits harmoniously into the design of your garden plot.

Scheme of a flower garden with melliferous plants that attract butterflies: 1 - tuberous milkweed (or yarrow “Anthea”); 2 - New England aster “Purple Dome” (or “Red Star”); 3 - buddleia of David; 4 - Echinacea purpurea “Bright Star” (or phlox paniculata “Eva Cullum’l”); 5 - Liatris spicata “Floristan Violet”; 6 - double monarda; 7 - brilliant rudbeckia “Goldsturm” (or large-flowered coreopsis “Sunray”); 8 - sedum “Matrona” (or iris “Bandury Ruffles”); 9 - goldenrod “Golde Fleece” (or scabiosa “Butterfly”); 10 - gray fescue “Elijah Blue” (or multicolored spurge); 11 - marine lobularia; 12 - curly parsley; 13 - graceful zinnia

Don't be afraid to experiment. Most often, unique and effective compositions are obtained by those who independently search for information, study the topic and view numerous examples. Flower beds and flower beds created with your own hands can become a real source of pride.

Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds from scrap materials: photos and general classification

Within the framework of the general classification, the following types of flower beds and flower beds are distinguished:

  • traditional flowerbed - looks like an ordinary bed, which is dotted with flowers that replace each other throughout the summer season. Thanks to different flowering times, the flowerbed delights the eye with flowering plants throughout the warm period of the year;

  • chameleon - created on the basis of the same principle as a traditional flowerbed, but the plants contrast with each other: one shade of flowers is sharply replaced by another;
  • irregular flower garden - plants are grouped in a certain sequence. During the summer season there is a uniform and natural change of flowering;
  • regular flower garden - plants begin to bloom simultaneously, while the filling of the flower bed differs in variety and size;

  • carpet flower garden - a high-quality result requires patience and careful selection of the components of the composition. The end result is a kind of floral carpet, spreading across the ground in unique living patterns.

Additional ideas for do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds near the house

The list of main varieties of flower beds and flower beds can be supplemented with several more options. These compositions are considered the most popular among summer residents and gardeners:

  • a monoflower consists of flowers of the same type or color, which are planted together;
  • vertical flower bed - used to decorate vertical objects. For example, garden structures (gazebos, canopies, arches), screens, walls and partitions;
  • ring - a composition framing certain objects (statues, fountains, bushes, trees);

  • alpine hill - a flower bed dotted with small perennial flowers. They are planted on top of small hills, which form a hill. Driftwood and stones can be used as a basis for planting;
  • border - used as a frame for areas, lawns and paths in a suburban area;

  • flowerpot is a specific flower bed that allows you to perform landscaping in those areas of the local area where it is not possible to arrange a flower garden in the standard way. Such areas include alleys, squares, courtyards and other areas with asphalt or other similar surfaces. The flowerpot looks like a wide container with soil where plants are planted;
  • multidimensional composition - additional objects are used to create this volumetric flower bed. A multidimensional flower bed is characterized by special concepts that guide the landscape designer when planting plants.

A guide to creating flower beds with your own hands from scrap materials: tips for beginners

Numerous photos of flower beds and flower beds with your own hands, which can be found on the Internet, once again prove that you do not need to have a special education to create beauty near your home. This will require a little imagination, as well as plants.

Scheme of a flower garden, in which yellow-red shades predominate: 1 - viburnum-leaved bladderwort; 2 - Houston's ageratum; 3 - hybrid gatsania; 4 - rose stock; 5 - maned barley; 6 - blue cornflower; 7 - white derain; 8 - hybrid daylily; 9 - evening primrose Drummond; 10 - Hosta Fortune; 11 - acrid sedum

At the first stage, you should take care of the following things:

  • The choice of colors is carried out not only on the basis of their color. It is worth considering the flowering time of plants, as well as the conditions that are required for their growth;
  • choosing a place to create flower beds is one of the determining factors for success. It is recommended to plant flowers on the east or west side of the site. It is important to provide them with wind protection and protect them from direct sunlight;

  • Soil preparation needs special attention. Most garden plants take root well on leaf soil mixed with sand and turf. To improve the properties of the soil, you can add complex fertilizers to this mixture or spill it. The area where the flower bed will be located is carefully weeded. The soil needs to be loosened well, or better yet, drainage must be installed;
  • The shape and size of the flower beds must be determined in advance. This can be one large composition or a collection of small flower beds.

Photos of do-it-yourself flower beds using improvised materials near the house and recommendations for choosing plants

Ideal design is based on careful concept development. You should know that plants are grouped according to flowering time. A composition with continuous flowering can maintain its attractiveness throughout the season if the design of the flower garden is based on perennial plants (as a base) and annuals, which will add a touch of freshness to the overall appearance. By choosing plants according to their flowering time, you can create a composition that will be updated all the time.

When choosing a color scheme for a future flower bed, you should make sure that there are several brightly colored spots. The rest of the garden plants will form the main background. The remaining plants should not distract attention.

Scheme of a lush flower bed decorating the facade of the house (flower garden dimensions - 4 x 3.5 m): 1 - common mordovnik; 2 - veronictrum virginiana; 3 - sand grate; 4 - double-pinnate cosmos; 5 - cultivated dahlia; 6 - alpine eryngium; 7 - paniculate phlox; 8 - Louis wormwood; 9 - antirrinum large; 10 - Houston ageratum (tall varieties); 11 - Fassin's catnip; 12 - Houston ageratum (low-growing variety); 13 - erect marigolds; 14 - white derain; 15 - Peruvian heliotrope; 16 - garden petunia

The height of the plants also plays an important role. The tallest of them should be placed in the central part of the flowerbed or moved to the opposite edge. Low flowers are placed in the outer edges or near garden paths.

Plants with different flowering periods will help avoid excessive diversity. The optimal option is considered to be one in which the change of colors is carried out starting in spring and ending in late autumn.

It is better if the colors gradually flow. To successfully place accents, just choose flowers in warm colors and a background made in cool colors.

Features of creating original flower beds with your own hands from scrap materials

Flowerbeds are created on the basis of earth embankments. Additional objects can be used to form interesting compositions.

Such objects include:

  • trolleys;
  • car tires;
  • flowerpots;
  • bottles;

  • elements for multi-tiered flower beds;
  • interior furnishings, such as a bed, chest of drawers, shoe racks, chairs, etc.

The original appearance can be achieved in different ways. To place a flower bed, it is permissible to use shoes, stumps located on the site, shells and other components plumbing equipment. A flower garden planted around a fountain or pond looks impressive. The design stage of any composition includes choosing a place to place plants and drawing up a planting scheme.

Arranging drainage will not cause any difficulties. For this you will need gravel or expanded clay. After which the area under the flowerbed is covered with pre-prepared soil.

The next step is to prepare the flowerbed fencing with your own hands from scrap materials.

For these purposes you can use:

  • ceramic or stone tiles;
  • plastic;
  • bottles;
  • wood;
  • brick;
  • car tires.

Photos of do-it-yourself flower beds from scrap materials with different types of placement on the site

After the area cleared of turf and drainage is covered with soil, you should wait at least two weeks before the soil settles and subsides. This is a prerequisite for planting flowers. If the need arises, you can add more soil.

The optimal area for placing flower beds is the edge of the territory. In this case, the composition will gradually turn into a lawn. But at the same time, the flower garden is separated from the rest of the garden plot by a fence made of plastic or any other material. Thanks to this fence, weeds will not be able to move into the flowerbed.

The simplest flower garden to make is a monoflower. A striking example of this is the rose garden. Unlike standard flower beds, flower beds do not have clear spatial restrictions. To develop a flower bed consisting of perennial plants, it's worth spending significantly more time.

Various factors are taken into account:

  • plant size;
  • compatibility;
  • color spectrum.

Annual plants are added to perennials. This will give a certain variety that will appear in a new way every year.

Features of making and photos of vertical flower beds and flower beds with your own hands

Arranging vertical flower beds requires skill and certain skills. As an example, we can take the popular option of decorating this type of flower beds using pots. These products must have different diameters. The flower filling is selected in one size. It is desirable that the plants have a similar shape. Flower pots are hung in the ceiling area of ​​the veranda or along the walls of the building.

To create flower beds with a vertical placement option, you can use a chain-link mesh. The stone is laid out as a decorative decoration. Using these materials, a wall is created. It should be shaped like a mountain serpentine. Small, delicate plants are suitable for flower filling.

The ideal option would be:

  • primrose;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • violas.

Vertical flower beds can be created from the following materials:

  • old barrels;
  • pockets made of felt or film;
  • plastic bottles and pipes;
  • wooden boxes;
  • car tires.

This type of flower arrangement has its drawbacks. They manifest themselves in the need for frequent watering and regular fertilization.

Creating original flower beds and flower beds from tires

You can use available materials to decorate flower beds. Car tires can be an excellent basis that does not require any special investment. This type of material lends itself well to processing.

From tires you can make:

  • borders (the outer part of the material is coated with paint with water-resistant properties);
  • elegant flowerpots;
  • animals and birds.

To create flower beds from car tires, it is better to take tires that belong to foreign-made cars. It is recommended to use winter tires, as they are convenient to work with and easy to cut. To apply a design to the surface, you must use a marker or chalk. Slicing is carried out with a sharply sharpened knife, pre-lubricated with soap. After the product is cut, the tire is turned inside out and painted on the inside and outside.

Curly cuts and finishing with other materials will give the flower beds a finished and beautiful appearance. The cavity inside is filled with soil, where plants are planted.

Tools and materials for working with tires

Domestic tires are suitable for creating compositions of simple shapes. For flowerbeds with complex designs, imported tires are suitable. The more worn out the tread on winter tires, the better. This will make the process of turning the material easier.

The list of tools and materials required for working with tires includes:

  • gloves - used as a protective device for hands, because rubber leaves marks when cutting;
  • knife with sharp sharpening - used as the main tool for creating cuts on tires. When working with it, precision and accuracy must be observed, hand movements must be firm. Instead of a knife, a hacksaw or jigsaw can be used;

  • soap for marking or marker, chalk;
  • the coloring composition plays the role of a finishing coating. Be sure to use paint intended for outdoor use, as it is more resistant to the adverse effects of external factors, such as ultraviolet radiation, wind, moisture, low and high temperatures;
  • decorative elements (as additional decoration, for example, pebbles).

Instructions for creating flower beds with your own hands from scrap materials using car tires

Before starting work, the tires are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, washed and dried.

Flowerbeds in the form of flowerpots are created exclusively from tires equipped with rims. The presence of a disk will provide the structure with a reliable bottom, and will also eliminate the need for drainage. Regular tires are suitable for decorating flower beds and group beds.

On the outside of the tire, markings are applied in the form of an even circle. An incision will be made along it. The depth should not exceed a third of the product. The remaining two-thirds will be the container for the flower bed. At this stage of production, the appearance is set, which can become a flower, animal or bird. To decorate a flower, you can create large or, conversely, small petals. Optimal size is 12 cm. If you go too far with the size, you will not be able to give the required shape.

There is no need to remove the disc when making cuts. Using a jigsaw will greatly simplify the work. Working with a knife will require additional actions - treatment with soap and water.

Photos of do-it-yourself flower beds from scrap materials: options for using tires

You can create flower beds from car tires in different ways. There are many options for arranging such structures.

The most popular methods:

  • vertical display of tires with different diameters. Each tier is painted with a certain color and then planted with plants;
  • tires with the same diameter are stacked one on top of the other. Every detail of the structure is painted in some color. It is possible to use a variety of ornaments. Tires can also be grouped vertically to create different patterns, for example a structure painted in a special way can imitate a snake;

  • solid tires are good for arranging long flower beds. Tires can be combined in a vertical or horizontal direction;
  • flower beds are cut into half-tire petals. A one-piece version of the tire is placed in the center;
  • solid tires with an overlapped bottom (disc) are suspended on chains or ropes of great thickness. To cover the bottom, instead of a disk, you can use plugs made of plywood.

Interesting diagrams describing flower beds and flower beds

When choosing plants, remember that the final result depends even on such nuances as the shape and color of the buds. Plants with yellow and pink flowers capable of creating a romantic atmosphere. The orange shade puts you in a cheerful mood, red is intriguing, purple is perceived as unusual and expressive.

One type of plant is grown as seedlings, another is accompanied by rapid flowering, and the third option is vulnerable to frost. This is worth considering. Based on the size of the future flower garden, you can accurately calculate the number of plants, select the type of flowers and how to care for them.

When drawing up diagrams, the factor of possible shading must be taken into account, as well as the convenient placement of the flower bed with regard to watering, etc. Development of the project can begin in the winter, so that with the onset of spring you can immediately begin work. To draw up diagrams, special patterns, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, and rulers are used.

Continuous flowering bed (flower bed size – 1.5 x 2 m): 1 - hosta; 2 - magnificent dicentra; 3 - epimedium red; 4 - liriope muscariformes; 5 - geranium; 6 - white-flowered lungwort; 7 - spring umbilical cord; 8 - violet

With their help the following is performed:

  • breakdown of flower beds by shades and sizes;
  • markings for placing annual and perennial shrubs;
  • markings for additional decorative elements;
  • designation of plant height.

The edging of the flower bed is done using low-growing varieties of plants. Shrubs and tall plants should be placed in the center. You should pay attention to irises (dwarf version), primroses. Jasmine, garden roses and lilac will fit in the middle. Hyacinths, begonias and zinnias are suitable for the area between short and tall plants.

Flower garden suitable for outdoor sunny place, with a bird drinker: 1 - cultivated delphinium; 2 - Arends astilbe; 3 - Przhevalsky’s buzulnik; 4 - hairy hair; 5 - hosta plantain; 6 - hosta lanceolate

Other types of flower beds made from scrap materials

One of the new trends in landscape design for domestic latitudes is the use of old furniture. Unnecessary beds are dug into the ground up to the level of the headboards. Such a flowerbed will be an excellent habitat for climbing plants: ivy and loaches.

Similar manipulations can be done with an old chair, table or sofa. A good option the vehicle will become unusable. The vehicle can be painted in a bright color, and a tray with soil can be placed on the roof where climbing greenery will grow. Ultimately, the cascading plants will look like a green waterfall.

The trunk is filled with soil and low-growing flower varieties (budra, periwinkle). You can do the opposite by placing tall plants on the roof and climbing ones in the trunk.

Bicycles are often used to decorate flower beds; for example, the following methods are suitable:

  • creating hanging flowerpots on the steering wheel (an old lampshade, bag or hat is suitable for flowerpots);

  • decorating the frame and seat with baskets, decorating the trunk with a box of growing bright flowers;
  • painting metal elements in bright colors and filling them with climbing plants.

The good thing about flower beds and flower beds is that the imagination and choice of materials are practically unlimited. Anything can be used: from broken vases to logs and old trees, the removal of which from the site can be accompanied by difficulties. It is much easier to create a picturesque flower garden in them, which will delight the eye throughout the warm season.

Plastic bottles are not only a container for liquids, but also a good basis for creativity and handicrafts. Some craftsmen surprise you with unusual crafts that are hard to imagine, made from old things, plastic, and rubber residues from wheels. For all this you will need the material itself, scissors, paint, glue and some free time. Don't forget to use creative thinking. Let's look at ideas for a do-it-yourself garden made from a variety of materials.

Plastic crafts

How often do you buy water in plastic bottles? If the answer is yes, then you probably have a lot of unnecessary containers, from which you can create unusual and useful products for the garden.

Let's start with a strange version of a product on the topic “What can be created from a huge bottle” - a waterer using new technologies:

The next option for using conventional packaging for good watering vegetables that love moisture:

For your country house or dacha, which is fenced with an inconspicuous and simple fence, it can be cheaply and very beautifully decorated with flowers, as in the photo:

There is also no need to hang vases; it is also possible to create floor flower beds in the shape of different animals from large containers:

Such unusual animals, people, houses, candlesticks and other figures made from plastic bottles will serve as good garden decor for you:

You can also make flowers directly from plastic containers, take a look at this beauty - it can make any fence very beautiful, but it is created, it would seem, from unnecessary things:

Even if the container is not made of plastic, you can create very beautiful crafts from it:

A game made from small plastic bottles - bowling, made with your own hands from scrap materials.

And also a cool basket:

Rubber products

The first place on our list is occupied by non-slip tire roads. To begin with, you don’t need to suffer with constantly growing grass on the paths. Then, the tire tread will prevent you from slipping on the path. Plus, they prevent you from bringing dirt home.

Roads made from tires will last a very long time and are not difficult to make: you just need to cut off the pattern on the tires and attach them to a pair of cross beams using nails or self-tapping screws.

Ground vases. You can cut a chamomile from the surface of the tire. Then turn it out. Now all that remains is to paint, and the place for the flowers will be completed. And if you leave the tire on the base, you will be able to make a flowerpot on a leg.

The most difficult procedure is to turn the tire out. But there is a little trick: at the moment when about half is turned out, you should press on it to obtain an oval, then it will become easier to work.

Use different tires, be creative in the shape of the petals and coloring, then your products - flowerpots made from tires - will become original.

Swans are a classic product made from tires. The procedure is almost the same. In the photo-instructions for this product made from tires for a summer residence, you can see how to make it yourself.

Work progress:

  1. Draw a cutting diagram on the tire.
  2. Cut it according to the pattern (first the head, then the tail and feathers).
  3. Turn the tire out.
  4. Make a beak and color it red.
  5. Place the two halves of the head together, insert the beak secured with screws between them.
  6. Raise your head and press it down lightly. Secure the resulting fold with screws.
  7. Paint the swan and decorate the eyes so that the screws are not visible.

There are several options for cutting a swan. Choose the one that suits your taste.

Exotic birds made from tires. These are also flower beds, only they can be hung. They are created by analogy with swans, except that a much larger variety of colors is required. When you color the parrot, keep the photo in front of your eyes, the coloring will turn out more realistic. This idea can be used as an unusual swing for children.

Second Life

Those things with which we spent some part of our lives are difficult to part with. They are addictive and it seems that they may still be useful. Perhaps some things that are dear to you are not worth saying goodbye to? Postponing a decision about their fate, you send them to garages or dachas. To prevent them from becoming a place for storing various rubbish, we recommend giving them a second life. We offer some options for your attention.

Jeans become unusable very unexpectedly, despite the fact that the main part of them may look very good. But slight wear or other defects indicate that their intended use is no longer possible.

A fan of this item probably has a lot of unnecessary pairs. The first option for the future life of this item is to create a hammock.

A good option would be to upgrade an existing hammock. But remember that you will need very strong things, it would be a shame to make rags out of them. We use fastening material, ropes and other items from an old hammock; they wear out less than the fabric itself. We sew several pairs using a thick and fairly strong thread. The guides and ropes must be attached exactly as they were on the old product. The remains of your pants can be used by creating something in the form of a pocket or bag out of them. By attaching them to the sides, they will accommodate a bottle of water, a book, glasses, sun cream and a number of other little things that will be useful for those relaxing in a hammock.

After renovating your apartment, you decided that the old bathtub is no longer useful. But as it turns out, it can be used as an excellent decoration for your summer cottage. All that remains is to decide on the option in which it can be used. And also, if you want to create a small pond on your site, thereby diversifying the landscape, a bathroom will come in handy. Choose the place you like, mark it based on the size of the bathtub, and dig a place for it. The drain in the bathtub can be sealed with a wooden plug wrapped in fabric.

Many people coat the inside of the bathtub with dark paint to make it look more like a real pond. The edges of the pond can be decorated with different stones, lanterns, figures and flowers. Ferns, bluebells, iris and others are good choices.

Video on the topic of the article

In conclusion, we present several videos with DIY ideas for your garden.

With the arrival of spring, many summer residents go to their garden plots. For any amateur gardener, it is important not only to grow vegetables, fruits and fruit trees on their plot, but also to give it a beautiful appearance that will delight not only the owners of the garden plot, but also all the neighbors and guests who come to the dacha.

Decorating a garden is a kind of art. On your site, you have the opportunity to create unforgettable paintings from flowers, expressing your inner world with them. It’s not without reason that they say: “An artist paints his pictures with paints, and a florist paints with flowers.”

In this regard, summer residents planning to decorate a flower garden on their site have questions: what types of flowers are best to buy to make their site more beautiful, where and when is the best time to plant them, what can you use to decorate your flower garden?

Selecting a design and drawing up a layout

Let's look at how to decorate flower beds with your own hands step by step. First of all, it should be noted that the concepts of “flower garden” and “flower bed” are identical. The flowerbed has the correct shape and is necessarily fenced with a border. But when creating a flower garden, you don’t have to adhere to the rules and give free rein to your imagination.

When growing a flower garden, you must take into account the following factors: the general appearance and area of ​​the garden plot, the number of buildings and structures located on it, the varieties of fruit and vegetable crops planted in different places on the plot, as well as your financial capabilities.

There are directly opposite ways to arrange a flower bed on a site:

  • matches the style and design with the appearance of the garden plot
  • on the contrary, a deliberate and complete contrast with the garden plot

It should be noted that there can be many flower beds in the garden, differing in style and design.

Preparations for creating a flower garden at the dacha with your own hands should begin in winter.

By the time you design a flower bed, you need to clearly understand what types of flowers will grow on it, and how it will look in general.

Moreover, you need to purchase flower soil and specialized fertilizers for planting.

Making a flowerbed with your own hands

Creating a flower bed with your own hands is similar to transplanting a plant into an ordinary flowerpot and takes a lot of time. However, there is nothing complicated in this process.

To create a flower bed on your garden plot need to:

  • Prepare and clear a place for it;
  • Remove the top layer of soil;
  • Be sure to do drainage. Broken bricks and crushed stone are quite suitable for this;
  • Place a border along the edges of the flowerbed;
  • Add new soil;
  • Let it sit for at least 10-12 days;
  • Start planting flowers.

Selection of plants for a flower arrangement

The flowers in the flowerbed must look beautiful and please the eye. However, you don’t need to plant all the flowers you have on it. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly travel to the dacha, you should select varieties of flowers that do not require special care.

To create a beautiful flower bed, you must follow these tips:

  • It is necessary that the plants are adapted to the same conditions. That is, flowers with the same requirements for care, weather conditions and soil composition are planted in one area;
  • select plants that will bloom throughout the entire period;
  • be sure to take into account the size of the plants;
  • connect plants according to color combinations.

Most often, from eight to fifteen species of plants are planted in one flower bed. When creating a flower garden, you must definitely use the principle of multi-tiered plants.

The tallest flowers are placed in the center, and low-growing plants are planted along the edges, as if framing them and the entire flower arrangement. The side from which the flowerbed is open to view is also of great importance.

In addition to flowering plants, the flowerbed may contain decorative foliage plants, usually perennials.


It should be noted that the process of creating such a composition is a little more complicated and requires a lot of imagination from the owner.


Plants are planted in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

If you decide to plant seeds, you need to prepare everything in advance. In early spring, flower seeds are sown in high-moor peat.

Depending on the duration of flowering, plants are divided into three types:

  • annuals (need to be planted annually);
  • biennial (bloom profusely in the second year);
  • perennial (bloom constantly, becoming more beautiful and luxuriant every year).

When planting seeds, you need to separate one group of flowers from another, leaving space between them. This is done so that the grown plants do not interfere with each other.


If the flowers grow too densely, they need to be torn out or some of them transplanted to a new place. Planting seedlings is much more convenient. In this case, you will not have to wait for the seedlings to appear and the result will be visible much faster.

Flower beds require constant care. First of all, it is necessary to regularly inspect the flower garden and remove wilted inflorescences. This encourages perennial flowers to bloom again and helps maintain the beautiful appearance of the plant.

Interesting design of a flower garden at the dacha

As a rule, organizing a beautiful flower garden does not require a lot of financial resources. To decorate a flower garden, you can use many homemade products. This will give your flower garden a special individual style and make it look like a fairy tale.

To create a flower arrangement, you can use any material, depending on the imagination of the amateur gardener.

You can use single “pots” and furniture that has served its purpose, parts of wood, unnecessary materials for construction, almost all types of transport in which flowers can be planted.


Tires are very popular for creating flower beds. They can be placed one on top of the other in the form of a fun slide. Think about what things you don't need at home. They can be very useful for summer cottage when creating a flower garden.

The advantage of such flower beds is that they are mobile and, if necessary, can be easily moved to another place. It should be noted that photos of flower beds decorated in this way will be simply stunning.

Decorative elements when creating a flower garden

To add originality and zest, you can use special garden figurines, children's toys and decorations. Very often among the flower beds you can see figures of various animals and birds: hares, deer, squirrels, hedgehogs, swans, titmice, as well as heroes from fairy tales: gnomes, Snow White, the Frog Princess and others.

In many cases, small toy windmills, fountains or castles are used in such compositions.

And illuminated lanterns located around the perimeter give the whole picture an additional effect and elements of a fairy tale.

You can also organize a flower garden in the courtyard of your home. Carefully thought out and made with soul, it will not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but will also make the atmosphere around your home magical and unforgettable.

Photos of flower beds with your own hands

Many owners of their own plots pay a lot of attention not only the harvest, but also an aesthetic component. Relaxing and working in an environment that is much more interesting. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on, then a great solution for you is to create original flower beds and flower beds with your own hands from scrap materials. Photos on the site show a huge selection of such homemade structures. Let's figure out how you can make a beautiful flower garden from improvised materials, and also consider the most interesting ideas and designs.

Before you start creating flower beds and flower beds at your dacha, you need to decide on the layout. You can create the project yourself. Here are the main tasks you will have to solve:

  • distribution and planning of planting patterns;
  • choosing plants for flower beds;
  • design selection.

There shouldn’t be any difficulties in choosing beautiful ones, because on the Internet you can find a lot of photos of simple flower beds and flower beds with your own hands. A bunch of interesting ideas can be found in landscape design and gardening magazines.

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Now let's figure out how a flower garden differs from a flower bed:

  • a flowerbed involves observing the geometric lines of the territory on which the plants will be planted. Similar elements of landscape design can be rectangular, round or other regular shapes;

  • For flower beds, shape is not important. In this case, the design can take on a wide variety of configurations.

To plan a flowerbed you need to know some important details:

  • correct selection of color design for the flower bed. Be sure to consider their flowering duration;
  • the number of species matters. Don't plant too many different varieties, it is enough to use 2-3 crops. In this case, you should take into account how the plants get along with each other;
  • The choice of flowerbed shape can be seen among those already developed by other designers. The selected configuration should not look out of place in the overall garden ensemble. It must fit into the overall concept and style.

Features of the flower garden layout can be seen in the video:

The most the easy way clearance is . You can plant compact and low-growing crops along. A flowerbed in the shape of a rectangle is called a ridge. You can plant both plants of the same height and several tiers of different heights.

Do-it-yourself types of beautiful flower beds in front of the house are popular. Such decorative elements are called mixborders.

Beginners should start with a simple flower garden - a polyflower garden. This is a simple option, but looks great when in bloom. Common options include a mini rose garden, which can contain several varieties of roses.

It is important to choose the right flower seeds for planting in a flower bed. It is important to pay attention to the height of an adult plant, the time of its flowering, and also be sure to observe the planting time.

For your information! You can create extraordinary flower arrangements with your own hands. A chic flower garden can be created using decorative stones or even a chain-link mesh. Low-growing varieties, such as edelweiss, can be planted in raised flower beds. And when decorating a flower bed, it is not necessary to use only flowering crops; climbing plants will also look great.

Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds from scrap materials: photos and varieties

When choosing the idea of ​​flower beds for your garden with your own hands, you need to understand the classification of these elements. These are the types of flower beds and flower beds:

  • traditional flowerbed looks like an ordinary one, on which flowers are planted, replacing each other and blooming throughout the season;

  • chameleon option suggests contrasting plantings. That is, one shade of colors is abruptly replaced by another;

  • irregular flower garden consists of plants that are planted in a certain sequence. At the same time, flowering changes evenly throughout the season;

  • in a regular flower garden all plants bloom at the same time, but varieties may differ in size and variety;

  • discount- it's in the form of a tape. Most often located along paths or. Available in two types - double-sided and single-sided. The double-sided option is a composition of low plants in the foreground and tall plants in the background. To create them, annual crops are often used;

  • carpet flower garden allows you to create a luxurious carpet of flowers that form beautiful patterns;

  • arabesques represent a floral design option that can be used in the center of a flower bed or as an independent element. It can be round or oval in shape, with an unusual flower pattern. For this option, carpet and annual crops are used;

  • mixborder- This is a mixed planting of ornamental crops. It does not have clear lines and geometric shapes. The design is characterized by arbitrary and soft lines.

Flower beds can be decorated with different flowering crops for open and closed ground. These can be perennials or annuals. Flower arrangements of the same color, but in different shades, look impressive.

The design process begins with the selection of suitable material. Further finishing methods, location and even types of flowers depend on this. It is worth using, since the soil must also breathe.

A variety of types of flower beds for DIY flowers: photos of interesting solutions

There are many varieties of flower beds. In addition to the main options, it is worth noting a few more. You can see them in the photos of flower beds and flower beds. You can do many options with your own hands.

Here are the most common compositions:

  • monoflower created from plants of the same color palette or one variety;

  • rock garden consists of stones different shapes in combination with ornamental plants alpine flora. At the same time, an imitation of the nature of the Alpine mountains is created;

  • curbs made in the form of narrow floral stripes. They frame paths and flower beds. The width of the border can vary between 10-50 cm;

  • ring compositions frame individual objects. For example, fountains, trees or statues;

  • for registration vertical elements Experienced gardeners often use vertical flower beds and flower gardens with their own hands. The photo shows the most original ideas. In this way, you can decorate partitions, screens, walls and arches;

  • - this type of flower bed is used in areas where it is not possible to arrange the composition using standard methods. These can be paved areas, squares, courtyards or paved alleys. To create it, a large container of soil is used for planting;

  • popular multidimensional compositions. They are created using additional elements.

How to make a flowerbed at the dacha with your own hands for beginners: useful recommendations

You can make many options for flower beds and flowerbeds with your own hands from scrap materials. Photos of simple and interesting designs can be viewed on our website. In this case, it is not at all necessary to be a specialist, you just need to have imagination and acquire plant seeds and certain materials.

Before you start creating a floral ensemble, you should take care of the following points:

  • plants are selected taking into account color, growth conditions and flowering periods;
  • It is important to choose the right place. This area should be protected from winds and also from sunlight in hot weather. It is better to plant plants on the western or eastern side of the territory;
  • special attention should be paid to soil preparation. It is better to use a mixture of leaf soil with admixtures of turf and sand. You can apply complex fertilizers. The area for the flower garden must be well weeded, and the soil. It's better to install;
  • The dimensions and shape of the flower bed must be planned in advance.

How to make a simple flower bed can be seen in the video below:

Flower arrangements are made on the basis of earthen embankments. To create original designs, you can use unusual objects. Tires, carts, bottles, flowerpots and even pieces of furniture will be used. Also used are elements that would seem to be inappropriate, for example, stumps, boots and parts of plumbing equipment.

More traditional fencing materials include plastic, wood, brick, bottles, tires or tiles.

Another simple flowerbed option:

The area of ​​the future flower bed needs to be cleared of turf. In this case, it is necessary to cut off a layer of at least 10 cm. Expanded clay or gravel is used to install drainage. Then the area with drainage is covered with soil. After this, you need to wait two weeks until the soil settles.
