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Stomach treatment clinic. Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary

Hello, Dear friends! The site is with you - your personal assistant in choosing a spa treatment. I never cease to be amazed at how many people go to resorts to treat their gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Naturally, our dear clients have a lot of questions about making the right choice resort and sanatorium.
As an expert spa specialist, I’ll tell you a few interesting points that few people know or think about. I noticed one interesting trend: in all resorts where there is a drinking thermal or mineral water, the chief doctors claim that they treat the gastrointestinal tract. I assure you, this is nothing more than a desire to attract as many clients as possible. For example, in the Czech Republic, where there is the “Cross” spring, which is prescribed by doctors for gastrointestinal diseases. But, you must admit, the presence of a source does not guarantee the quality of treatment. Many clients tell me that Karlovy Vary thermal water helps the stomach much better than the mineral water in Marianske Lazne. As the famous balneologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, author of more than 400 scientific works V.V. Yezhov, the best indicator of the quality of a resort is how vacationers feel after visiting it.

The same can be said about resorts and. There are drinking springs there, and I personally studied them chemical composition. You can drink it after consulting with a doctor at the sanatorium, but do not expect an exceptional effect from the drinking course.

So, we have come to the key issue - choosing a specialized resort for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. On our website, the most effective treatments for gastrointestinal diseases are: Each of these resorts is unique in its own way. I will not say which of them is stronger in terms of quality of treatment, because this is incorrect. I have repeatedly told the story when I conducted a sample survey in Rogaska Slatina of clients who had previously visited Karlovy Vary. 90% of the people surveyed answered that they would no longer travel to Karlovy Vary, since the Donat Mg mineral water in Rogaska Slatina helps them better. Other clients who called me noted that the mineral water in Essentuki helped them better than in Montecatini Terme.

I say this because it is impossible to know in advance with absolute certainty at which resort the effect of a drinking treatment course will be better for you. But many spa doctors rightly claim, and I can confirm this with client reviews, that the most “universal” water is in the resorts of Karlovy Vary, Essentuki and Rogaska Slatina. Come to the resort for two weeks, take a drinking treatment course, and after six months change the resort and you will understand which water helps you best.

Contrary to popular belief, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that gastrointestinal diseases are not treated in sanatoriums and spa hotels. The fact is that the basis of treatment, as you already know, is a drinking treatment course. That is, in any case you need to go to the sources. In some sanatoriums they can do intestinal lavage, but this procedure is rarely prescribed and is not fundamental for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. It makes sense to be more careful when choosing a sanatorium if you adhere to a certain diet, since not all sanatoriums and spa hotels offer a high-quality diet. The most “advanced” resort in this regard is Essentuki. In Karlovy Vary the situation is worse, but some (Bristol, Imperial, Thermal, Colonnade, Astoria) offer a good dietary regime.

Let me remind you once again the most important rules drinking treatment course.

Firstly, thermal or mineral water should be drunk from ceramic mugs, since when it comes into contact with plastic, chemical reactions begin in the water, reducing it medicinal properties. One day I specifically came to the springs in Karlovy Vary at 6 in the morning to watch how vacationers drink thermal water. There was no limit to amazement. Wherever thermal water is collected: in plastic bottles, beer cans or energy drinks, thermoses.

Secondly, you should drink thermal or mineral water after consulting a doctor at the sanatorium. Many times I heard from clients something like this: “we come on weekends, we won’t wait for the doctor, we’ll start a drinking course.” Did you know that unsystematic intake of water can increase blood pressure, cause swelling, and worsen kidney function? The dosage and time of drinking water are prescribed only by a spa doctor.

Third, while drinking medicinal water, it is recommended to walk slowly, as it is better absorbed while walking.

Fourth, drinking thermal and mineral water is incompatible with drinking alcohol and smoking, as this reduces the therapeutic effect of the drinking treatment course. It is also advisable to combine a drinking treatment course with diet therapy.

I foresee the question you are asking. What should you do if, together with the gastrointestinal tract, you urgently need to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, urology, gynecology, and respiratory organs? In this case, go to a resort where the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is a related specialization. For example, . All these resorts have drinking mineral springs, which make it possible to treat the gastrointestinal tract with some effectiveness. Did you know that even at a resort where the gastrointestinal tract is not specifically treated, there are several sources that help with mild catarrhs ​​of the stomach, intestines, digestive disorders, and constipation.

A normally functioning gastrointestinal tract is the basis for the health of the entire body. Therefore, it is still better to treat the gastrointestinal tract at specialized resorts. Don’t be afraid to change resorts, even if you get good treatment at the resort you go to. Very often in my practice it happened that changing the resort gave even more top scores in terms of treatment. And, of course, call or write to my email info@site - I take into account many different factors when choosing a resort and can advise the best option for you.

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Numerous positive

Stomach ulcer is a disease in which ulcerative defects form on the mucous membrane and underlying tissues of the organ. The pathology is characterized by periodic exacerbations against the background of a chronic course.

The causes that provoke the development of the disease include previous stress (shock conditions, operations), renal, liver failure, diabetes, long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane, unhealthy diet, increased acidity gastric juice, long-term use medicines(for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs).

The ulcer manifests itself symptomatically:

  • pain after eating;
  • vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • heaviness in the epigastrium;
  • flatulence.

Diagnostic tests

A gastroenterologist diagnoses the disease. After studying the clinical symptoms and an objective examination, the doctor prescribes a diagnostic examination. It includes the following activities:

  • endoscopic examination (gastroscopy);
  • radiography with a contrast agent (barium solution);
  • culture of gastric contents;
  • urease test, PCR, serological tests (ELISA) to detect Helicobacter pilori;
  • stool examination for occult blood.

The most informative technique is considered to be gastroscopy, which allows you to visualize the ulcerative defect, assess its depth, size, and the condition of the surrounding mucous membrane.

Main stages of treatment

Therapeutic tactics for ulcers are determined by the results of instrumental examination and the presence of Helicobacter pilori. In most cases, conservative treatment is carried out. It involves changing your nutritional intake. The patient should avoid foods that irritate the mucous membrane and provoke the secretion of hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to exclude spicy, sour, salty, fried foods, products with coarse fiber. The cooking method is steam; boiled foods are also allowed.

Drug therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication is prescribed for 10-14 days. Antibacterial and antiprotozoal drugs are used. After completing the course, a test to identify the bacteria is repeated.

To reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid, proton pump inhibitors and histamine (H2) blockers are prescribed. Gastroprotectors (for example, De-nol) protect the mucous membrane and stimulate its regeneration. Antacids are used to neutralize hydrochloric acid. The duration of taking these drugs is 3 weeks, after which the dynamics are assessed. If necessary, therapy is extended. In some cases, lifelong medication is required in regular courses.

A surgical approach to treatment is used when complications develop. In this case, gastric resection (partial removal of the organ) is performed. The operation is also performed in case of frequent exacerbations of the disease, or the absence of effect from conservative therapy.

In addition to surgery, proton pump inhibitors are prescribed. It is possible to reduce secretory activity using vagotomy. In case of malignant lesions of the stomach, the issue of expanding the scope of the operation is considered, up to the complete removal of the organ (gastrectomy).


If left untreated, the stomach ulcer gradually progresses, the severity of clinical symptoms increases, and the patient’s body weight decreases. An ulcer leads to perforation of the organ wall and bleeding. If the ulcerative defect is localized in the pyloric area, the risk of stenosis increases. There is also a risk of tissue malignancy.

gastrointestinal tract.
gastrointestinal tract
in sanatoriums.

Indications for treatment.

Peptic esophagitis stage 1-2; esophageal ulcer; peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum 12; chronic gastritis; adhesive organ disease abdominal cavity; cholecystitis; pancreatitis; cholelithiasis; doudenites; dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract in sanatoriums.

In sanatoriums, when treating the gastrointestinal tract, they try to introduce as little as possible into the patient’s body. medicines and use medication treatments. And increasingly, in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract they use folk remedies treatments, infusions of medicinal herbs, herbal teas, syrups, natural vegetable oils(sesame, sea buckthorn, peanut, almond, olive, pumpkin, corn, walnut oil, grape seed oil and many, many others). The use of all these oils on an empty stomach when treating the gastrointestinal tract gives a positive and effective result in a short time. Stomach ulcers and gastritis recede in a couple of weeks, you just need to stick to it healthy eating And healthy image life.
An important role in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract in sanatoriums is played by dietary nutrition and balanced diet. Depending on the stomach disease, the sanatorium doctor prescribes to the patient healthy foods nutrition and The right way their preparation (steamed, baked in foil in the oven) an important role in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract for sanatorium patients is the use of clean water.
Basically, sanatoriums recommend mineral water with different contents of beneficial substances (carbonates, sulfates, bromine iodine and others) depending on the disease. For some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink slightly mineral water from local healing springs.
An important component in sanatoriums and treatments for the gastrointestinal tract is the consumption of medicinal infusions. For example, for constipation, you will be recommended a laxative mixture, which includes the following medicinal herbs: buckthorn, hay, elderberry, oak bark, coriander, mint. If you have an upset stomach, then a specialist at the sanatorium will recommend a collection of chamomile and linden. There is also a diuretic, kidney, phyto-collection and many others.
Effective treatment methods are used in which weakly mineral water from local mineral springs is consumed (Obukhovskaya, Nizhne-Serginskaya, Ust-Kachkinskaya, etc.).