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What kind of wish can you make on ng. How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true. Ways to make wishes for the New Year

August 12, 2015

How to make a wish for the New Year?

New Year's Eve is a magical time. If you make a wish for the New Year, it will definitely come true, if not immediately, then certainly within a year. How to make a wish for the New Year correctly so that it comes true?

Make a wish during the chimes

The wish you make during the chiming clock will most likely come true. Firstly, midnight is a special time in magic when most magical rituals are performed. All thoughts, desires and dreams coming from the Heart itself, from the Soul, gain strength and materialize soon. To make a wish for the New Year, it is enough to determine in advance what you really want so as not to get confused at the most crucial moment. On the eve of the New Year, take time to reflect, to sum up the past year, think about your plans that you are going to implement in the coming year. After you determine your most cherished desires, write down each of them (no more than three) on a separate piece of paper and hide it in a secluded place until midnight of the New Year.

To make your wishes come true, you don’t have to burn pieces of paper and drink them with champagne. And although this is a fairly common tradition, deeply rooted in our consciousness, it is worth at least trying to understand what lies at the heart of this magical ritual - the burning of notes with the most cherished desires.

Firstly, fire, as a symbol of cleansing from negativity, is not quite the right choice for a magical ritual to fulfill desires. The only exceptions are if your desires are related to getting rid of something, be it illness, financial instability or other troubles that you want to get rid of. In these cases, you can “burn” all your misfortunes of the past year, and wash off the ashes with running water. In other cases, especially if your desires are related to the acquisition of something - love, health, prosperity, etc., magic ritual burning notes, at best, will not give any result, and at worst, it will have the exact opposite effect.

May the wishes you make on New Year come true, take notes with wishes, prepared in advance, and holding them in your left hand, at midnight, as the chimes strike, say each wish to yourself. After carrying out this magical procedure, hide the notes with wishes so that no one but you can find them. This method of making wishes for the New Year is very effective, because everything that is written in your hand will definitely come true. The main thing is to be careful what you wish for! Write only what you really want. It is also important in what form you write down your New Year's wishes.

In order for your wishes to come true, write them down as if they had already come true: for example, “In 2016, I purchased a property that all my relatives liked, we feel very good and comfortable, we are very happy with this purchase and thank Heaven for that everything worked out for us”, or “in 2016 I organized own business. It brings good profits, thanks to which my family and I received additional opportunities for self-development and education,” “2016 brought me a favorable opportunity to improve my financial situation. Now I don’t need anything and I can make those around me happy.” In formulating your desires, show your imagination, and most importantly, try to visualize what you want. If you can’t imagine any desire, it means that for some reason you are not yet ready to fulfill it. Make only those wishes that you can visualize.

Decorating the New Year tree with wishes

Another one indeed effective method making wishes for the New Year means hanging your wishes on the New Year tree. To do this, you can also choose three of your most cherished desires. For example, if you want to buy a car in the New Year, then you need to purchase a model of the desired car in advance and hang it on the tree in the most visible place. You can also use a picture depicting your cherished desire. You don’t need to explain anything to anyone, just make your wishes and decorate them christmas tree, even if others guess what you wished for, do not think that your wish will not come true. It will definitely come true! Moreover, opportunities for its implementation will come quite unexpectedly for you. The likelihood of your wish coming true increases many times over if you make your own Christmas tree decorations in the shape of your wishes!

Writing a letter to the Universe

This method of making a wish for the New Year has been known to us since childhood; As kids, we all wrote a letter with our deepest wishes to Grandfather Frost. Having grown up, we stopped believing in miracles, but we should not lose faith that the Universe always hears us.

Write a letter to the Universe. Take a pen and a piece of paper, and from the bottom of your Heart, with all your Soul, write down your desires. Do not regret the time spent - write beautifully, select precise wording, construct sentences correctly. Write consistently about what you want to achieve in the New Year. Try to limit yourself to three wishes, don’t make wishes “just because.” If your desires come from a pure Heart, your message will be accepted by the Universe. After you have written down your wishes, do not forget to express words of gratitude for the successes of the past year, thank the Universe for all the good things that you have. Seal your message in an envelope, and after midnight go outside and, concentrating on your desires, release the envelope in the direction of the wind (in calm weather, throw it in the direction of the east).

Desires are snowflakes

A good way to make a wish for the New Year is to write it down on a paper snowflake. To do this, you need to cut out snowflakes in advance - as many wishes as there are snowflakes. All guests present can make a wish on snowflakes. After you have prepared snowflakes with wishes, at the stroke of midnight, at the chime of the chimes, release snowflakes from the window or from the balcony, and while they are spinning, repeat your wish.

Let's launch Chinese lanterns

Perhaps Chinese lanterns are one of the most effective ways to make wishes come true. The main thing here is to concentrate on your desires, and, in a calm atmosphere, say them to yourself. This is another way of addressing the Universe. You can ask for anything, as long as it comes from a pure Heart. Launch chinese lantern with a wish it is best after midnight - this way you will have the opportunity to better concentrate on the process of making wishes.

Whatever method of making wishes you choose, believe me sincerely, all wishes made on New Year’s Eve will come true! Just believe in a miracle, don’t think about the details, about ways to achieve your dreams. You deserve to see your dreams come true in the New Year 2016! Be happy!

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How to make a wish on New Year to make it come true

People have been making wishes for a long time. Making a wish on New Year's Eve occupies a special place in such rituals. Apparently enormous strength general joy and fun helps to convey desires to places where something will influence their fulfillment.

Perhaps one of the most famous, yet effective ways of making a fortune is this. You need to write a wish on a piece of paper and read it as the chimes strike, burn it, shake the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it.

The problem is that in those very last minutes it is very difficult to gather your thoughts amidst the general noise, jokes and laughter. Maybe, if you really want it, you’ll still be able to make the desired wish, that’s why it’s cherished. Moreover, rumor claims that the method works.

They also make a wish on the New Year tree. In addition to the beautiful Christmas tree, you will need a bouquet of flowers, ideally donated by someone. Carefully sorting through the petals, they think about their cherished desires. Exactly one hour before midnight, you need to pick exactly three petals, whisper a wish, throw them into a glass and hide them under the tree. When the clock strikes, they take out a glass and drink with everyone else.

You can make a wish on a sparkler or candle. The Yellow Dog will love candles and lights on New Year's Eve, so you can count on her patronage. A wish should be whispered over the fire.

How to make a wish for the New Year 2018 so that it comes true

The most important thing for a wish to come true is to formulate it correctly. There should be no negativity in it, no particles of “not”, only positivity. The desire should sound without the words “I want”, because it has already come true: you already want a car or get married.

It is very important to express your dream correctly. Here is a dream come true: a large, bright apartment, but together with my mother-in-law or other relatives.

The dream must be real. Having an average income, you should not dream of becoming a millionaire, because this is unlikely to come true. It is more realistic to wish for a promotion at work, which will lead to improved well-being. But, in this case, you need to try to fulfill your desire. Because in many ways its implementation depends on the person himself and it is before New Year's Eve will help bring order to your thoughts and desires. And if some wish is not fulfilled, then there is a reason for it: fate has prepared something else, even better. It is only important to consider your chance in time and do the right thing.

You will need

  • -leaflets
  • - pen or pencil
  • -grapes (or small tangerines)
  • - chewing marmalade
  • - coins of different denominations
  • -candles
  • -telephone
  • And the main ingredient is enthusiasm and self-belief and the power of desire.


So, the very first and most common way of making a wish for the New Year in Russia is to write down your request on a small piece of paper before the chimes strike, not forgetting to thank the higher powers for the past year, burn the paper, and stir the ashes from it in champagne and drink up.

The second, no less common method is to write 12 wishes on small pieces of paper, put them under the pillow, and in the morning after the New Year, pull out the only one that promises to come true in the coming year.

An equally entertaining way to make a wish is to write down the number of wishes that correspond to the age of the person making it (that is, if you are 12 years old - 12 wishes, if you are 25 years old - 25 wishes, etc.), then find a live spruce or pine tree and start picking tree by needle, pronounce one wish to yourself. It turns out one wish - one needle. Then put the needles in an envelope, seal it and put it in a place where no one will see or find it for a whole year.

When making a wish for the New Year or any other day, it is important to think through your wish to the smallest detail. For example, by wishing “I want a red car!” you can quickly get it, but not into ownership, but simply see it on the street, find out that someone you know has purchased a similar car, or just drive in it. Therefore, you need to take into account down to the smallest detail all the features and characteristics of your desire: “I want to have my own car, brand...(such and such), color...(such and such), new (or used), etc. (specify everything that is most important to you in your desire)

Another popular and modern way making a wish and immediately finding out the answer is phone call. On New Year's Day, ask a question while looking at your phone. If after this the first call is from a man, the answer is positive, from a woman - negative.

Another well-known ancient way to find out the answer to a wish made on New Year’s Day is fortune telling on a jar of rice. Hold a jar of rice with your palm down left hand and ask a question out loud or make a wish. Then take a small handful of rice, place it on a saucer and count the number of grains. If the number is even, the wish will come true; if it is odd, the answer is negative.

You can also make a wish by following the instructions for your zodiac sign:
-Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - your main assistant is fire. If you have any wish, you need to choose a time at dusk when no one will disturb you and, concentrating, make your wish while looking at the candle flame. Next, this wish should be written on paper and read in the light of a candle for a year. If you want to get rid of something in life, the desire written down on paper needs to be burned and the ashes thrown into the toilet. When your wish comes true, you must also burn it with gratitude to higher powers.
-Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - your main assistant is water. You can make a wish while looking at the water, preferably while on the shore, then make a paper boat and set it sailing.
-Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn - your helpers are food and money. Make one wish per coin and carry it with you until the wish is fulfilled. During this period, it is better not to lend money to anyone. Also, when making a wish, chew grapes or chewing marmalade well.
-Gemini, Libra or Aquarius are your main assistants- funny company and clouds. Make wishes while in a noisy company at a party, among friends. You can also make wishes on strangely shaped clouds that, in your opinion, reflect the essence of your desire.

There is another equally interesting way to make a wish on New Year’s Day, which is common in Cuba. Before the New Year, you need to prepare a dish with grapes (quiche or another with small berries), you can take other berries or small tangerines and, as the chimes strike - at each stroke of the clock - have time to eat one grape, saying to yourself your desire. If you manage to do everything on time, your wish will certainly come true!

The next fun way is to make a wish while in a large company. You need to stand as high as possible (on a sofa, on a chair or other stable surface) and try to jump as high as possible as the chimes strike! In this case, you will have to choose a short wish in order to have time to make it during the flight!

In this way you can make your most cherished and significant wishes. Half an hour before the New Year, you need to write a letter to yourself, in which you should describe in detail your hopes, expectations and deepest desires. Next, the letter needs to be sealed in a red envelope and hidden in a pocket, under clothes, where others will not see it, and while the chimes are striking, touch it again, saying your wish to yourself. Afterwards, the envelope must be carefully hidden in a place where no one will find it for a year, and the letter can only be opened in the next New Year.

If in the New Year you want to make a wish related to material wealth, you should prepare in advance small symbolic gifts in a beautiful wrapper or bags in accordance with the last two digits of the coming year, that is, in the coming 2014, the last two digits are 14, which means there should be gifts be exactly 14. You can put fruits and sweets in the packages (it’s good to put chocolate coins). As the chimes strike, mentally say your wish, and then go outside and distribute these gifts to anyone you meet with wishes for monetary abundance in the coming year.

On New Year's Day, according to Spanish traditions, the outfit should have some red elements (belts, jewelry, underwear, dress, shoes, etc.). The Spaniards believe that the color red attracts money.

According to Italian traditions, on New Year's Day you need to prepare a lentil dish. Lentils are believed to be a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Also, to attract health, luck and wealth, Italians place a coin or light a candle on the windowsill on New Year's Eve. It is customary to give red underwear as gifts, which, according to legend, will bring renewal in relationships.

So, how to make a wish correctly

1. In order for wishes for the New Year to come true, they need to be formulated/pronounced as if everything has already happened - clearly, briefly, in the 1st person and in the present tense. That is, if you want a new car, your desire will sound like this: “I drive a new car/Bentley/Mercedes...”. If you dream of visiting another country: “I’m on vacation in Paris.”

2. You must also understand that when making a wish, you cannot use the particle “not”, since it is not perceived by our consciousness. If your desire is formulated like this: “I no longer want to suffer from love/separation...” - this is wrong. Remove the particle. What will happen? You are programming yourself to continue to suffer.

3. You cannot use the word “want”. You will continue to want to buy a car for years, make repairs, go on vacation.

4. You must also remember that only clearly formulated wishes for the New Year come true, do not make them in the abstract. For example, you write “I am a leader!” Be sure to add what exactly, for example, enterprise. Otherwise, on New Year’s Eve, the stars will align for you so that you will lead cleanup days in your yard.

5. Don't try to imagine the unreal. Your mind simply won't believe you.

6. And lastly, do not prescribe restrictions for execution. It looks like this: “I earn money and buy a car.” But maybe they could just give you a cool car for the New Year.

How to make a New Year's wish for fulfillment (ritual actions)

In the New Year's bustle and gifts, don't forget to buy beautiful paper and a pen. When you write a wish, be sure to write “Thank you” at the end. By doing this, you let the higher powers know that you want your desire to be fulfilled in a safe and kind way. You don't want, for example, to take over a management position after your predecessor gets into a car accident. After the words of gratitude, write: “So be it” and put a number and signature.

When New Year's Eve comes and you sit down at the table, do not forget to put the piece of paper with your wish next to it, turn it over so that no one sees what you wrote. During the chiming clock, take a glass of champagne and confidently say your wish to yourself 3 times. Place the glass on the scribbled piece of paper to charge the drink with your energy. Then, thinking that everything will certainly come true, slowly drink champagne.

By the way, psychologists say that it is not desires that actually come true, but intentions. Therefore, if you feel that you have enough confidence, strength, and energy for 2-3 intentions, you can write everything at once. But most likely, one will be implemented, and the rest will catch up.

I wish you the fulfillment of your dreams, desires and intentions.

Be happy! And believe me - New Year's wishes come true! *give_rose*

New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve itself are the most magical time of the year. This is the time when not only children, but also adults begin to believe in miracles and make cherished wishes. How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true for sure and as soon as possible?

In fact, the technical side of the issue, that is, how exactly to formalize a desire, what ritual to perform to make it come true, is secondary. First you need to decide on the desire itself, its essence and content. Exactly correct definition and formulation desires are the key to their fulfillment in the near future.

You can always make wishes, not only on New Year's Eve! But still this night - one of the best moments for making wishes. This is the time when all people in one impulse ask for something from fate, from the Universe, from God, from Santa Claus (depending on who believes in what) and this joint direction of thoughts and feelings enhances the probability of fulfillment of each of your wishes!

Psychologists, esotericists, physicists, and religious people explain this magical effect in different ways, but the essence is the same: wishes made by people together and at the same time are more likely to be translated into reality.

Precisely because a wish made on New Year's Eve has special power, it is very important to make it correctly.

How to correctly formulate a desire

Rules for making wishes:

Psychologists have long proven that what a person imagines in his imagination clearly, vividly, emotionally and in detail is perceived by the brain as really happening!

For example, psychologists have found that athletes who, in addition to regular training, train in their imagination and imagine themselves as winners in a competition, show top scores in this very competition than those who train without resorting to visualization.

Actually, this last rule - Visualization - already exists first excellent technique, ritual of making wishes. But besides her, there are others.

Magical rituals of making wishes

Toy on the Christmas tree

Spruce, a symbol of the New Year, was considered a sacred tree in ancient times. The ancient Slavs believed that evergreen tree- This is a symbol of continuous life; it combines the energies of the past, present and future. Our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree not just for beauty. Jewelry is an offering to the spirits of nature. Gifts were always presented with a request for a better, happier life. Spruce is a symbol of the transition from one life cycle to another.

By decorating a Christmas tree, you can help improve your own life. It should be decorated with symbols of what you want to see in the new year.

You can also make a special, secret decoration. Taking the most beloved and beautiful Christmas ball, remove the top mount from it and put a note there with your deepest desire, then hang the ball back on the spruce branch, closer to the top of the tree.

Letter to Santa Claus

It is a mistake to believe that writing a letter to Santa Claus to an adult is pointless. Firstly, this is an opportunity to record on paper in the correct form the most important and expected events in the new year, and accordingly, tune in to their implementation. And secondly, this is a great way to cheer yourself up and make it festive.

The letter can be sealed in a beautiful envelope and placed under the tree or hung on its branch. At the end of next year it will be interesting to print it out and see what of your wishes came true!

Well, who is the Santa Claus to whom the letter is addressed? The author himself! This is a letter to yourself!

If dreaming is very useful, then making your dreams come true on your own is the most useful thing you can do.

Wish card

Usually on pre-holiday winter evenings you don’t want something specific, but something large-scale and comprehensive - . I want everything to be great in the new year on all fronts of life: at work, in personal life, with health, and with personal growth and development.

The “Wish Map” technique is primarily focused on visualizing a holistic ideal lifestyle. Here you need to select and paste onto whatman paper pictures from magazines, newspapers, photos that are suitable for your new life (a slender body, a cozy home, a wealthy husband, and so on), and not write down these images in words (although you can combine the first and second).

You will find a scheme for drawing up a “Wish Card” in the article

A glass of champagne

This magical ritual is already a New Year's classic. The method is very popular, many consider it effective. It is very simple, but requires quickness, since you need to manage to carry out several actions in a very short time. a short time, as one New Year’s song says: “While the clock strikes twelve!”

You need to think over and memorize your wish in advance, and a few minutes before the New Year, fill a glass with champagne, put next to it a small and thin piece of paper (but one on which you can write the wish), a pencil, matches or a lighter.

It is curious that the tradition of writing down a wish during the striking of the Chimes is so popular that today in stores you can find magic paper designed specifically for this ritual!

When the Chimes start chiming, you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, set it on fire, throw the ashes into a glass and in the last seconds, or better yet, drink to the bottom at exactly 00:00. It’s good if there is still time to clink glasses with your family and friends and wish them happiness!

The glass doesn't have to be champagne! It can be juice, compote, plain water - it doesn’t matter.

Message from the Universe

On New Year's Eve, while the Chimes are striking or after, at night or even in the morning of January 1, go out onto the street or onto the balcony (another option is to open the window), raise your eyes to the sky and whisper or shout your cherished desire, as if sending it upward.

The moment when everything seems to breathe newness, as if starting from scratch, when the frosty air is invigorating, and before your eyes there is a starry or clear blue sky, it is difficult not to feel the strength and energy of life.

If there are many desires?

This method could be classified as New Year's fortune-telling, but since it involves recording desires on paper, it is also suitable as a technique for making wishes.

This is a method for those who have a lot of desires and can’t decide which one to take on first.

All wishes should be written on small pieces of paper, mixed thoroughly and placed under the pillow (you can first place them in a bag). When you wake up in the morning, put your hand under your pillow and pull out one of the leaves. The desire that comes first has priority, and it will come true the fastest (if you make an effort, of course).

Turn your dream into a goal

A dream framed as a goal comes true more often and sooner!

May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

Many books have been written about how to make wishes and set goals correctly! We recommend that you read some of them:

  1. R. Berne “A Mystery for Every Day”
  2. V. Levi “Genius of Desires”
  3. I. Makarenko “Textbook of wish fulfillment”
  4. E. Hicks, J. Hicks “The energy of desire that changes the world. Law of Attraction"
  5. N. Pokatilova “Born to desire. Feminine power in realizing desires”
  6. M. Svetlova “Thought creates reality”
  7. A. Calabrese “Any whim - with the power of thought. The sure way to get everything and quickly”

Did your New Year's wishes come true?