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What types of military services are there? Professions in the army


The art of warfare has appeared since the formation of states and exists to this day. For the defense and protection of their territories, a constant composition of physically resilient and professional specialists is required. Even in peacetime, constant training of the armed forces is carried out. This is not only the construction of military bases and the production of equipment, but also human resources. Special educational institutions have been created to train highly qualified military personnel.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Serviceman are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Military personnel.

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Description of activity

What knowledge should a soldier have? Not only theory is important here, but also the practice of preparing and conducting military operations on land, sea or in the air. Each serviceman adheres to the Charter of the Armed Forces, the norms of international humanitarian law, as well as the rules for treating the wounded and prisoners. Military personnel have their own special obligations. They are not allowed to engage in entrepreneurial activity, disclose military secrets, or refuse to complete the assigned task.


Moscow average:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Serviceman cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Serviceman, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Serviceman You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work For military personnel(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become For military personnel.

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Job responsibilities

The duties of military personnel are determined by the Charter of the Armed Forces, as well as the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. The soldier protects territory, equipment and human resources. Depending on his rank, he can supervise his subordinates, make decisions and give orders. Before this, the serviceman analyzes the available facts and predicts possible danger. His responsibilities include not only physical training and studying the regulations, but also drawing up documentation about the operations or events carried out. A serviceman can also work in educational military institutions and perform the functions of a teacher.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Serviceman- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Serviceman the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

A serviceman's career growth depends on receiving ranks and awards. This requires positive feedback from higher command and a certain period of service. Currently, contract service is popular. This has its advantages: high wages, possible provision of housing and benefits when entering educational institutions.

Career Opportunities

There are enough opportunities

The vast majority of representatives of the profession Serviceman believe that they have enough opportunities for career advancement. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to occupy a leadership position in this area.

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In society, it is sometimes customary to separate exclusively male and female professions. Military positions are certainly considered male professions. But women can now make a career in the army in virtually any specialty. Working in the army is not only a career, it is a great prestige, a serious level of responsibility and a reliable job in the public service.

The military profession can be called one of the most ancient of those existing today. Any state, despite the art of diplomacy, fears military aggression from other countries. The state has always needed and still needs specialists of various categories - physically well-prepared fighters, intellectually trained professionals. Intellectual labor in the army is no less in demand than physical labor. Technology and technology often become the main strategic points in war and science, ensuring the security of society and the state for many decades.

There are several areas of activity in military affairs. Within these areas of activity, several groups of specialties are distinguished. Each specialty is related to public service, and the employee has the opportunity to receive benefits. But benefits are not the only advantage that public service entails. There are some others:

  • relatively high wages;
  • transparent career growth structure;
  • there are all conditions for studying and improving your own qualifications;
  • there are guarantees from the state for the employee and his family for the provision of housing and other benefits;
  • There is a wide choice of specialties within the framework of military affairs.

A military man is always in good physical and intellectual shape, he is perfectly assembled and organized. Many people are interested in how many months in the army to study for a profession? On average, the training process can last from six months to 9 months.

Professions in the Russian Army

What professions exist in the army? Civil service in the national army involves a wide choice of specialization. There is a job here for people of all abilities. Each specialty has important strategic importance for the normal functioning of the army. Depending on your personal qualities, a career in military service can be built in the following areas.

List of professions in the army:

  • Special purpose positions. These positions require excellent physical fitness. Special forces units include the airborne forces, infantry, navy and others.
  • Military-technical positions. Specialists maintain the normal operation and combat effectiveness of military equipment and equipment; they are employed in aviation.
  • Military driver positions. People who work on all kinds of vehicles. 4. Military research activities. This includes new technologies, developments to improve the technical equipment of the army and combat strategies. All these groups of specialties answer the question of which professions are in demand in the army primarily.

Necessary professions in the army

What professions are needed in the army? There are many, but these are the main ones:

  • doctor, profession nurse in the army;
  • engineer;
  • military pilot;
  • military signalman;
  • soldier, officer;
  • military driver;
  • mechanic, installer;
  • cartographer;
  • radio operator

Professions in demand in the army

The main professions in the army belong to the special forces group. Soldiers and officers are the oldest profession in the army. Second in importance are military doctors. In the army there are paramedics who have the rank of warrant officer, privates and sergeants who perform the function of orderlies. The position of military doctor can only be held by officers. The tasks of military engineers are the construction of structures, repair and maintenance of equipment, construction of obstacles, minefields, mine clearance, logistics, water extraction, and more. Military pilots are called upon to destroy enemy air and ground targets and conduct reconnaissance work. Military signalmen transmit information at different levels of communication systems.

Women's professions in the army

What professions can women get in the army? Today, the list of military positions for women exceeds three dozen titles. For example, these are the following professions for a girl in the army:

  • installer;
  • optician-mechanic;
  • cartographer;
  • radio operator;
  • orderly;
  • signalman;
  • military doctor.

Civilian professions in the army

Civilian occupations in the army include those workers who belong to the service personnel of the military. This includes warehouse workers, cooks, cleaners and other employees in such positions. This category of workers is not related to the army, but supports its performance every day.

Get a profession in the army

To master professions related to the army, you must have a certain level of education:

  • general education with a military focus;
  • higher professional.

Further advancement depends entirely on the personal qualities of the person. To build a military career after regular high school, compulsory military service will be required. Then a contract will be required.

Alternative service in the army - professions

The alternative service answers the question in the affirmative,

Is it possible to get a profession in the army and involves work in the following specialties:

  • bartender;
  • driver;
  • gas welder;
  • loader;
  • street cleaner;
  • worker;
  • mason;
  • courier;
  • washer;
  • installer;
  • operator;
  • carpenter;
  • hairdresser.

The above professions are not a complete list of all those that can be mastered by choosing an alternative service. But working in these positions does not imply career growth, the same as in a real professional army.

Contrary to the popular belief that defending the Motherland is an activity only for men, more and more representatives of the fair sex are joining the ranks of the Russian army. Many female soldiers are resilient, hardworking, and are not afraid to take up arms. They often take the commander’s tasks much more responsibly than their male colleagues.

Why do young girls agree and even strive to become military personnel? What educational institutions do they go to for this? Are there military specialties suitable for women? We will try to answer these questions in detail.

The state is interested in female military personnel

Currently, there are approximately 100,000 women in the Russian Army and Navy. Half of them are in military positions, half in civilian positions. In peacetime, girls are not subject to compulsory conscription into the army. They serve only of their own free will, on a contract basis.

One of the strategic goals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation after 2010 is to arouse interest in military service among representatives of the fair sex. Due to the fact that many men do not want to join the army and try in various ways to avoid fulfilling their civic duty, many vacancies are created in the Russian armed forces. Women willing to serve help solve the problem of staffing the army. Thanks to the growing number of ladies in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland, the armed forces of the Russian Federation are becoming more progressive and diversified.

The State Duma is preparing a bill according to which girls over 18 years of age will be sent summonses from military registration and enlistment offices. However, women will decide whether to serve on their own.

Why do girls want to join the army?

It turns out that there are quite a lot of young women who are ready to become defenders of the Fatherland. In military educational institutions there is often a large competition for “ladies’” specialties: up to 10 applicants per place. What motives most often encourage representatives of the fairer sex to become military personnel?

1. Many girls want to join the army because they are true patriots of Russia. They want to defend their homeland and consider military affairs their calling.

2. Some women consider joining the armed forces as a way to move up the social ladder. This motive is especially common among women planning to build a political career.

3. Spouses of defenders of the Motherland, living in units and closed towns, often master military professions. For them, as a rule, there is no other opportunity to go to work.

4. Some young girls enter military universities at the insistence of parents who want to instill high moral character in their daughters. Mothers and fathers rightly believe that by learning the art of the army, their daughters will acquire such valuable qualities as determination, willpower, and strictness towards themselves. As a rule, in this case, parents do not insist that girls remain in military service after graduation. Nevertheless, many young women “get involved” and continue to work in their profession on a voluntary basis.

5. For some girls, mastering military science becomes the only way to get a higher education if there are no universities of a different profile in the locality.

6. Many young women entering the service seek to increase their chances of marriage in this way. They work together with young men and are often surrounded by the attention of fans.

Some representatives of the fair sex on forums note that women, along with men, should be subject to compulsory conscription into the army. The ladies believe that this will help them gain the necessary self-defense skills, learn how to handle weapons and provide first aid. In addition, many young girls are ready to serve because, if necessary, the fair sex will also have to defend their Motherland.

What vacancies can women be hired for?

There is a list of military specialties for women approved by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The text of the document is classified. It is known, however, that representatives of the fairer sex cannot be involved in combat operations on the front line. Women soldiers participate in battles only when absolutely necessary. In the army they play the role of home front workers.

What military specialties are provided for the fairer sex?

  1. Medical: military doctor, paramedic, nurse, pharmacist, pharmacist.
  2. Technical: foreman, mechanic, machine operator.
  3. In the field of communications: telephone operator, telegraph operator, radio operator, radio mechanic, military signalman.
  4. In the field of terrain observation: cartographer, meteorologist, meteorological observer or hydrometeorological observer, surveyor, theodolite.
  5. In the field of photogrammetry: photogrammetrist, photo lab assistant.
  6. In the field of printing: engraver, master adjuster of printing machines, zincograph.

A promising specialty for a girl is a military signalman. Many women become indispensable in the military due to their ability to use various communications hardware. They transmit signals, most often encrypted, using telegraph, television, telephone, telecode and signal communications. It is thanks to the high-quality work of these specialists that military personnel receive orders from command centers and operational information in a timely manner.

Popular among women are military professions that can be considered relatively safe: translator, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, economist, researcher.

Military ranks of women

It is no secret that ranks in the Russian army are assigned in accordance with the level of qualifications and positions held. After graduating from a military university, the graduate becomes an officer. Theoretically, a woman can receive any rank, depending on her length of service and personal achievements.

But in practice, ladies working in units rarely receive high ranks in the Russian army. 25% of female military personnel are warrant officers and midshipmen. Ladies achieve higher status (up to the rank of general) in the police, prosecutor's office, tax service, and FSB.

Military educational institutions

Currently, only women who have a military registration specialty, that is, who have graduated from special educational institutions, are registered with the military. The Ministry of Defense, depending on the needs of the armed forces for personnel, annually regulates the number of places in universities and colleges for girls. Therefore, it is difficult for a representative of the fairer sex to plan a military career, because in the year of graduation from school, admission to the desired specialty may be closed.

Which educational institutions are willing to consider female applicants? The most famous are the following:

1. Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, St. Petersburg (there is a branch in Moscow). This university provides professional training for military paramedics and doctors. The academy has two areas of work:

  • training medical specialists from scratch,
  • advanced training of civilian doctors.

A girl can get an education in the specialties “general medicine”, “pharmacy”, “medical and preventive care”, “dentistry”.

The S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy offers full-time training programs for paramedics (3 years) and doctors (6 years). The university has scientific departments.

2. Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny, St. Petersburg. The university provides (military technician) and higher (military engineer) education. From its walls emerge specialists in the field of communication systems, switching, and software for the armed forces.

The duration of full-time education at the academy is 5 years. Upon graduation, the girl receives the rank of lieutenant. The secondary education program is designed for a period of 2 years 10 months. The graduate is awarded the rank of warrant officer.

3. Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Moscow - excellent Representatives of the fair sex can study here as a military psychologist, translator, lawyer, teacher, economist, personnel officer. There are full-time and part-time forms of study.

4. The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow) trains specialists to work in “hot spots”. After graduating from high school, you can become a criminologist, military journalist, translator, or orchestra musician. According to the documentation, the university accepts girls. However, in practice, according to management, female recruitment has not been carried out for a long time, since the 90s.

5. The Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow) trains specialists for service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The university is also engaged in improving the qualifications of existing staff.

6. The Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin (Voronezh) trains meteorologists, radio technicians, security specialists in automated and information systems, air traffic controllers, and logistics workers for weapons provision. Upon graduation from the university, you are awarded the qualification “engineer”.

7. Volsk Military Institute of Material Support (Volsk, Saratov region). The university trains logistics specialists to support troops. There are quite a few female students here.

In general, there are about 20 military universities in Russia that are ready to accept girls for training. There are specialized educational institutions in Rostov, Penza, and Stavropol. Cadets studying at universities reporting to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation receive a monthly allowance in the amount of 10 to 25 thousand rubles.

Military institutes do not accept women for training:

  • previously convicted;
  • not having the right to perform military service by law before the expiration of any period;
  • registered in psychoneurological dispensaries;
  • having medical contraindications to military service.

Legal rights of women in the army

Women military personnel are generally entitled to the same rights as men. However, their legal status has its own characteristics. In particular, women in military units should be provided with separate rooms from men for sleeping, resting, and changing their wardrobe. Ladies in the service are not subject to such a form of punishment as disciplinary arrest: they do not sit in the guardhouse.

The main document that fully defines the rights and responsibilities of the military, including women, is the 1998 Federal Law on the Status of Military Personnel. In it, representatives of the fair sex are not singled out as a separate category. All provisions that apply to men are equally valid for women.

According to this document, representatives of the fair sex receive the benefits provided to military personnel, including:

  • treatment, receiving medications for free or at a reduced cost;
  • extended vacations (up to a maximum of 45 days per year);
  • housing subsidies;
  • education benefits for children, priority admission to educational institutions;
  • military pensions.

Rights of a military woman related to pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnant military women are completely exempt from physical activity. They also have the right to free medical care in specialized institutions. When the pregnancy is up to 20 weeks, if there are no complications, the female military personnel visits the gynecologist once a month at the place of registration. For a period of 20 to 30 weeks, the frequency of visits to the antenatal clinic is at least once every 2 weeks. For periods over 30 weeks, the frequency of visits to the gynecologist is at least once a week. A female military personnel of the Russian Federation receives a birth certificate and child care benefits. For two months before and after childbirth, they are also given additional cash allowance. Pregnant female military personnel have the right to maternity leave for up to 3 years.

At what age can a woman serve?

Representatives of the fairer sex “work” in the ranks of the armed forces on the basis of fixed-term contracts. A woman can enter into her first “agreement” with a military unit at the age of no less than 20 and no more than 40 years. The contract service period is 3.5 or 10 years, depending on the position and rank. Further, if the lady duly fulfills the terms of the contract and wishes to continue serving, the “agreement” is renewed. The age limit for female military personnel until which they can continue to serve the Fatherland is 50 years.

Physical training

The physical fitness of female military personnel is supported by the command of the units at a high level. Ladies serving in the army train daily. Female contract soldiers must be compatible with their “job” in terms of health and fitness level. Ladies pass the PHYS standards:

  • upon admission to universities of a special profile;
  • during training, quarterly;
  • when concluding a fixed-term contract;
  • during service - quarterly.

Mandatory standards for female military personnel are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defense. Ladies, to confirm their compliance with the army requirements, perform 3 blocks of exercises.

One of two options is performed:

  • for women under 25 years of age at least 12 times,
  • for women over 25 years of age, at least 10 times.

2. Bend the torso forward:

  • for women under 25 years of age at least 25 times,
  • for women over 25 years of age, at least 20 times.

For speed.

One of three options is performed:

1. 60m sprint:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 12.9 s;
  • for women over 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 13.9.

2. 100m sprint:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 19.5 s;
  • for women over 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 20.5 s.

3. Shuttle run 10*10 m:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the minimum standard is to run the distance in 38 seconds;
  • for women over 25 years of age, the minimum standard is to run the distance in 39 seconds.

For endurance.

Exercise - 1 km run:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 5 minutes. 20 sec,
  • for women over 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 5 minutes. 46 sec.

Women over 40 years old are not invited to take physical tests.

Dress code

For women in the service, just like for men, wearing a uniform is mandatory. You can wear other types of clothing only during rest, on weekends, during vacation and outside the military unit, if the exit is not related to the performance of an official task.

The uniform of female military personnel is approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and is sewn by authorized factories. It can be given to the lady free of charge by the military unit or purchased by her independently in a specialized store.

Cannot be worn by an unauthorized civilian. It is also prohibited to wear uniforms and insignia that do not correspond to the rank and position.

The style of women's workwear was developed by Russian fashion designer V. Yudashkin.

Field uniforms are sewn from membrane fabrics using nanotechnology. Military overalls fit neatly on a woman’s figure and do not restrict movement.

Successful careers of military women

The most ambitious career of a military woman that the whole world remembers is the professional path of Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, who alone completed a three-day space flight on the Vostok-5 spacecraft. Tereshkova reached the highest rank of major general, starting her career as a “bracelet girl” at the Yaroslavl tire plant.

Currently, many successful female military personnel work in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Among them: Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova (in charge of the economic block), Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense Elena Kalnaya, press secretary of the Minister of Defense - Lieutenant Colonel Irina Kovalchuk, head of the military education system - Ekaterina Priezzheva.


Now you know how female military personnel build their careers. Currently, the work of most of them is considered not very prestigious. All privileges, such as high ranks, interesting assignments, status positions, are predominantly given to men in the armed forces. However, now the number of women in the Russian army is increasing, and gradually their legal status is changing for the better.

The responsibilities of people performing military service in units and institutions of the Armed Forces include the performance of military duty. This service is not just a profession, but a calling. Society and the entire state as a whole assign socially responsible functions to military personnel.

There is no place in the military profession for people with poor physical fitness and weak willpower. After all, the main task of military personnel is to protect and retain territory, as well as human and material resources. People in active service are obliged to unquestioningly carry out all orders regarding necessary military actions, operations and activities. They must be able to predict the required number of units of equipment and manpower that need to be deployed. Their responsibilities include detecting potential dangers as well as compiling emergency reports.

Depending on the assigned military rank and official position, all employees are divided into superiors (senior) and subordinates (junior). Strict observance of chain of command is an integral part of military service.

The demand for the military profession is average. Military service is not so popular today; many young people try to avoid conscription and try to evade service. Low salaries, strictness and some restrictions in the army frighten young potential defenders of the state. Meanwhile, the Russian military man has always been distinguished by bravery, courage and dedication. This profession is considered honorable and is treated with great respect. Employees are provided with guarantees and compensation by law. There are benefits for them when enrolling in educational institutions and when traveling on public transport. Military personnel are entitled to fairly long vacations and early retirement. Families in which the husband is on active duty are provided with housing. These facts are, of course, a nice bonus.

But as in any type of activity, in addition to the advantages, the military profession also has its disadvantages. A person serving does not have to choose the city and climatic conditions where he and his family need to move. Sometimes long working hours and night shifts require a lot of patience and perseverance from employees and their families. Another peculiarity of the military profession is that it is risky and dangerous, since those serving at sea, in the air or on land, if necessary, can be sent to “hot spots” at any time.

Personal qualities

The main qualities of a military man’s character include, first of all, high morality, decency and, of course, patriotism. People in military uniform are distinguished by their organization, honesty and integrity, observation and determination. They must be demanding not only of themselves, but also of their colleagues. Military personnel have the ability to analyze existing facts and predict the further course of events. Only people with a normal psyche and control over their emotions can serve in the army.

Good physical endurance, discipline, efficiency - these characteristics are not the least in the list of qualities that people performing military service should have. For most, the word “military” is certainly associated with such words as self-control, courage and endurance.

Education (What do you need to know?)

People with strong-willed character traits and organizational skills, who can react quickly and make decisions quickly, should try their hand at becoming a military man. You can master this profession by receiving secondary specialized or higher education. Future army personnel study at military schools, academies, institutes and universities.

Place of work and career

Military personnel work in military organizations and research institutes. Of course, people of this profession serve in military garrisons, units, units, etc. They also work in peacekeeping troops and are sent to “hot spots”. Teaching activities are also possible.

Some military personnel try to achieve a high rank, which makes it possible to receive a good military pension after service. People of this profession cannot engage in any entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, those who want to open their own business in the future should not connect their lives with the army.

Description of the profession

The responsibilities of people performing military service in units and institutions of the Armed Forces include the performance of military duty. This service is not just a profession, but a calling. Society and the entire state as a whole assign socially responsible functions to military personnel.

There is no place in the military profession for people with poor physical fitness and weak willpower. After all, the main task of military personnel is to protect and retain territory, as well as human and material resources. People in active service are obliged to unquestioningly carry out all orders regarding necessary military actions, operations and activities. They must be able to predict the required number of units of equipment and manpower that need to be deployed. Their responsibilities include detecting potential dangers as well as compiling emergency reports.

Depending on the assigned military rank and official position, all employees are divided into superiors (senior) and subordinates (junior). Strict observance of chain of command is an integral part of military service.

Personal qualities

high morality








Military personnel must be demanding not only of themselves, but also of their colleagues. They have the ability to analyze existing facts and predict the future course of events. Only people with a normal psyche and control over their emotions can serve in the army.

Good physical endurance, discipline, efficiency - these characteristics are not the least in the list of qualities that people performing military service should have. For most, the word “military” is certainly associated with such words as self-control, courage and endurance.


People with strong-willed character traits and organizational skills, who can react quickly and make decisions quickly, should try their hand at becoming a military man. You can master this profession by receiving secondary specialized or higher education. Future army personnel study at military schools, academies, institutes and universities.

Place of work and career

Military personnel work in military organizations and research institutes. Of course, people of this profession serve in military garrisons, units, units, etc. They also work in peacekeeping troops and are sent to “hot spots”. Teaching activities are also possible.

Some military personnel try to achieve a high rank, which makes it possible to receive a good military pension after service. People of this profession cannot engage in any entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, those who want to open their own business in the future should not connect their lives with the army.

Related professions

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”, higher military educational institutions provide training for cadets not only in their chosen military specialty, but also in a civilian specialty in one of the related (allied) civilian sectors - these are the specialties indicated in the information about military universities. Military and related or similar civilian specialties have a single foundation, including humanitarian socio-economic, mathematical, natural science and general professional disciplines. In addition, training programs include special and military professional disciplines that provide in-depth training in selected specialties.