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How to diversify everyday family life. Ways to add variety to sex: what can you do if you want? How to diversify your sex life with your husband

Noticing the cooling of their partners in bed, spouses usually perceive it as a temporary phenomenon. But there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Lack of sex becomes a habit, and every day it becomes more and more difficult to return passion to the marital bed.

People get stuck in platonic relationships. And the consequences are disappointing:

  • Men lose self-confidence. It is more difficult for them to initiate intimacy, they are more afraid of failure. What fears lead to is well known: they come true. If a woman also emphasizes that her partner is not up to par, intimate relationships gradually fade away.
  • The peculiarity of the female hormonal system is the ability to “fall asleep”. If there are no intimate relationships for a long time, then the woman begins to feel that she no longer needs them. At the same time, irritability, rudeness, quarrelsomeness, and hysteria begin to appear in her character.
  • As the distance between the partners’ bodies increases, the distance between their souls also increases. People treat each other less kindly and consider their marriage not particularly prosperous.
  • It happens that one of the partners is satisfied with abstinence, but the other is not. In such couples, cheating on the husband or wife is logical, because... people seek sexual satisfaction “on the side.”

How to save a family and intimate relationships in it?

Almost all couples go through periods when sexual harmony is the norm, so one gets the misleading impression that it is enough to just love, and intimate life will be beautiful without any additional effort. This attitude is strong, and only a few couples understand that harmony in intimate life does not arise from a mere feeling of tender affection.

Physical and mental intimacy is almost an art that you have to learn.

There are several techniques that help spouses discover each other's needs:

  1. Talk. Marital sex is considered almost an obligation, but talking about it is almost taboo. Partners are embarrassed to discuss this topic. In addition, such conversations often turn into quarrels with mutual accusations. Spouses will have to learn to discuss intimate difficulties so that in the future they will not have to learn to forgive infidelity.
  2. Pay attention tactile contact. Sex is traditionally considered proof of love. This is due to the abundance of tactile sensations that partners give each other. Touching is associated with care, tenderness, and puts you in a romantic mood, so try to touch each other more often. Another reason to touch is to stimulate the production of the fidelity hormone oxytocin.
  3. Change the environment. Vivid impressions dispel the routine that often accompanies marriage and family. Spouses get the opportunity to see each other in new conditions, circumstances, and images.
  4. Mentally return during a period of sexual harmony. Remember more often the interesting moments that you associate with a period of passion. If you can return some image or significant detail, be sure to do so.
  5. Break stereotypes. Your partner is used to seeing one particular trait in you - tenderness, attentiveness or thriftiness. Don't be afraid to show other qualities of your personality - passion or even sexual aggression.

The psychology of relationships is multifaceted, and the topic of family is inexhaustible. Every couple has both happy memories and skeletons in their closet.

Firstly: The most important thing is not to worry. Even if the doctor allowed you to do “this,” it will take some time to begin to experience pleasure from intimacy in a new way. “It's really important for couples to talk about their sex lives in a friendly, open way, without using expressions like 'I'm tired' or placing blame on each other,” writes Rachel. She advises young parents, after putting their children to bed, to grab a bottle of good wine and talk about their sex lives.

Secondly: you need to hug her (him) for at least twenty seconds every day. According to the authors, couples in which partners touch each other have more emotional sex and more often. A hug for twenty seconds is all a woman needs to increase her oxytocin levels, allowing her to bond with her partner. Kerner says non-sexual intimacy outside the bedroom, such as cuddling and holding hands, arouses desire and anticipation for sex. More advanced couples can try minute cuddles.

Third: You can’t argue and try to win. It's better for your couple's sex life to do everything together rather than sharing household chores. When you are preparing dinner or making love, do not rush, enjoy the moments together. Rachel says that quite often you only care about your pleasures and needs. If you don’t spend time together and don’t feel close to each other, then you won’t get pleasure from your intimate life.

Fourthly: everything changes. Making love with your only sexual partner is a given. Therefore, the authors recommend that couples create a “love map” to explore different roles for their sex lives. From submission to dominance, from voyeurism to exhibitionism, you don’t need to delve too deeply into the fantasies you create so that the pleasure is not spoiled, but just try to add a little variety to your intimate life to ignite mutual passion. Rachel says the most important thing is to find ways to stay sexy for your spouse.

So, in order to improve your sex life with your loved one, you need to get rid of bad thoughts from your head, which include:

  • “I look bad at the most crucial moment”: thoughts about external attractiveness during sex are a direct path to disappointment, because they do not allow you to relax, block the onset of positive emotions, and prevent the onset of pleasure. Therefore, it is advisable to get rid of completely inappropriate this moment experiences. After all, a man enters into a close relationship with a woman only if she is pleasant to him externally and directly internally.
  • “He thinks only to himself”: another thought that prevents young ladies from enjoying their sex life. In order to rid yourself of annoying thoughts, you need to talk with your partner and explain the reason for your worries. It is worth noting that this should not be done in bed, but long before.
  • “I’m shy, an intimate relationship is not decent for me”: such thoughts should be driven away from yourself, and it’s better to fill your head with other more useful information: sex is a completely natural process in which only two people participate, it’s a kind of manifestation of feelings, so it’s worth discarding all complexes.
  • “I want to talk about the future”: bed is not the place to discuss the future, so don’t mix intimacy with the solution of vital issues. It is better to postpone the discussion of such an issue that interests you to a more favorable time.
  • “I forgot to clean the kitchen”: many young ladies think about everyday problems during sex and thereby deprive themselves and their partner of pleasure. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to complete all the planned tasks.
  • “His physical fitness desires the best”: thinking about the shortcomings of your loved one in bed is unacceptable; it’s better to hint to him about this at another time. It is wiser to think about its merits.

As people in marriage grow closer together, love becomes closely intertwined with friendship. The flip side of this process is a decrease in sexual attraction to each other.

Everyone cares about their partner, monitors their well-being, and confides their most intimate things to them. But the excess of sex hormones is replaced by other components. That's why married woman even outwardly different from free. She is calmer and the light in her eyes does not burn so brightly. Such changes, unfortunately, lead to a decrease in the quality of sexual life.

Sometimes people think that their feelings have disappeared, identifying them with sexual attraction. In such cases, they start looking for new partners. But, if love has only become stronger over the years, the spouses think about how to return their former passion. This is not so easy if friendship, mutual understanding and determination in the desire to create best conditions children.

People need each other, but the bed has ceased to be for them a place where complete mutual understanding previously reigned. Quite quickly after establishing a permanent way of life, boredom begins to creep into the relationship. Therefore, a woman should create such conditions in the family that her husband does not start looking for any adventures on the side.

It can be even more difficult to diversify your intimate life if its absence has led to daily quarrels and attacks. If previously spouses made peace at night, now such a way to establish peace in the family becomes questionable. Each of them begins to look for something they like that does not require their presence in the house.

In order for daily sex life to cease to be a routine, you must first introduce warmth into personal relationships.

For this you should:

  • constantly show your husband signs of attention;
  • tell him about your love;
  • take care of him;
  • monitor his health;
  • give him small gifts;
  • talk with him on abstract topics;
  • make him laugh;
  • be sincere with him;
  • go to concessions;
  • argue less if the issue is not too important;
  • ask your husband what is bothering him;
  • do not insist on your opinion out of principle;
  • be less shy;
  • show affection;
  • bring romance into relationships;
  • dream with your husband, etc.

Such methods will help to attract the attention of your spouse, make him understand that love is still strong and that he is the most desirable person. Such actions will push him to reciprocal care, to the revival of faded interest and respect for his wife. He will be interested in spending time with her and he will be confident in the future.

Her gentleness will make him show reciprocal attraction and the need to give his lifelong friend pleasure, he will remain in a good mood, and the absence of quarrels will not force him to look for entertainment on the side.

It must be remembered that the couple entered into marriage, passionately dreaming of children. But then they were born and gradually completely captured the woman’s attention. The husband now receives only a small part of the former love and care. He appreciates her efforts, but feels neglected and forgotten. Often, a spouse, completely exhausted during the day, instantly falls asleep, forgetting about the needs of her life partner.

He will understand and will not judge his wife, but after some time she will discover that he himself no longer strives for sexual contact.

Therefore, taking care of children should be in the foreground, but sometimes you need to give grandparents the joy of babysitting their grandchildren and being left alone with their beloved man. A woman should not feel guilty about leaving her children behind.

The husband needs her love and attention no less than they do. Therefore, from time to time you should spend time just together, where no one can interfere or force you to refuse intimate contact. If such moments have become quite rare, then you need to try to make them bright and unforgettable.

The inadmissibility of becoming a housewife

Any man appreciates good food and the variety of tastes that his wife offers him. But over time, it unwittingly turns into an addition to the kitchen stove, especially if there are children in the family. The husband retains great respect for her, but as a sexual partner he is no longer attracted to her. He will not think about how they will spend time at night, but about the upcoming dinner.

Of course, this state of affairs does not mean that a woman should stop doing housework. But amid all this trouble, she shouldn’t forget that next to her is the man she loves.

If there is a chill in the relationship, you need to take a little time to take out an album with photographs and remember those times when the passion was still strong. If there is a video that captures intimate moments, you need to turn to it. The main thing is for the spouses to remember the wonderful moments spent together. Most often, they have a desire not only to repeat them, but also to revive the former attraction, when one glance was enough to go to bed.

A good way to warm up the atmosphere is to capture intimate moments with a photo or camera. Constantly returning to them will activate biochemical processes that increase hormonal levels and enhance libido.

Therefore, we must not forget about affection and tenderness. It’s enough just to remind your husband of your love several times a day, hug him, and exchange jokes. You can allow a little frivolity or make your everyday outfit awaken erotic fantasies. If your husband looks into the kitchen or bath, you need to take advantage of this moment.

During the day, you need to give yourself rest at least several times, break away from household chores and simply flirt with your husband, as it was in the first years of married life. Flirting does not have to be frank; just flirting is enough for a person to immediately see a woman in his companion, and not a housewife.

It’s also good to casually touch him, stroke him or lightly spank him. Representatives of the stronger sex love surprises and the hunting instinct immediately awakens in them. The wife's unpredictability will make them forget about other representatives of the fair sex. In reality, men only seek variety when boredom has become unbearable. When his wife gives him the opportunity to get everything right at home, it won’t even occur to him to complicate his existence.

How to diversify your intimate life with your husband

One should not think that long marital experience obliges the spouse to be a sedate mother of the family. Men do not like strict and demanding women. Sometimes it’s worth meeting your partner halfway if he asks for something unusual. Therefore, it is advisable to discard thoroughness and turn into a stranger who is not afraid of anything and is not shy about anything. There should be no prohibitions left. If two people love each other, are married and have children, there should be no shame left between them.

Therefore, if both agree, then you can try different scenarios and games.

The roles that are most successful among men are:

  • nannies;
  • nurse;
  • teachers;
  • maid;
  • bosses;
  • strippers;
  • Tamers;
  • singers, etc.

The husband will be very grateful to his wife for her imagination. Even if she was brought up with strict rules, you need to realize that her parents instilled them in her in order to avoid mistakes in the future. But now she is already married and can take some liberties with her husband.

It is better to directly ask him to talk about his erotic fantasies. It is possible that a woman will also like them. And with a certain amount of imagination on the part of both, the couple will experience an unforgettable sexual adventure.

If your spouse has found a description of bold poses on the Internet, a magazine or a book, you should not rush to condemn him or abandon “debauchery.” First, you should just think about such information, talk about it and discuss it. It is possible that during the conversation it will become clear that innovations introduced into sexual relations can only decorate them. The most important thing is not to allow them to become bored and not to turn in the eyes of a man into a decorous lady, whom he will respect immensely, but whom he will no longer desire.

It is necessary to study the male body. There is no need to be shy, but you should tell your husband about your feelings. Stimulation of erogenous zones will make intimate life more intense for both.

These most often include:

  • genitals;
  • breast;
  • nipples;
  • clitoris;
  • stomach;
  • groin area;
  • shoulders;
  • hips;
  • back;
  • Feet;
  • buttocks;
  • scalp;
  • legs;
  • hands, etc.

Caressing these areas produces an immediate response. They can be touched with lips, hands, feathers, pieces of ice or soft objects. You need to watch your partner all the time, monitoring his reaction. The excitement of one will immediately be transferred to the other. If people think that they have studied each other thoroughly, then it is worth asking your spouse to fantasize about sex and eroticism. In this way they learn a lot of unexpected and unknown things, which later brings great variety to the extinct sex life in a long-term marriage.

If people are shy and cannot overcome themselves, then the search for new unfamiliar erogenous zones is carried out with the help of massage. It is advisable to use aromatherapy, creams or lotions. By gently and slowly running your hands over your partner’s body, you find his most intimate places, which can quickly cause a strong surge of sexual desire.

Men quite clearly separate family life and the desire for adventure. Therefore, they are quite capable of maintaining love for their wife and burning with passion for their colleague. To prevent this from happening, it is worth filling the vacuum that has arisen in the relationship. If a man needs thrills, you just need to give them to him at home. He should feel excited and eager to please his wife.

Therefore let sexual contacts will become unpredictable. You can’t make them a “marital responsibility.” Any duty gives rise to the desire to shirk.

Intimate relationships should be a man's right to his woman. And in order for him to strive to realize such a right, the bed does not need to be turned into a place to sleep. If a spouse feels love for her companion, it is here that she is able to show him all the ardor of her feelings. This should be done using different methods, so that the husband does not know what to expect the next day. Sex shouldn't become a boring habit.

Options for improving intimate relationships

You need to try new places for sexual intercourse.

It's worth trying this from time to time:

  • In the kitchen;
  • in the bathroom;
  • in the corridor;
  • on the floor;
  • In the armchair;
  • near the refrigerator;
  • In the woods;
  • Outdoors;
  • in an abandoned place;
  • at the hotel;
  • in the attic, etc.

A woman who allows a man to have sex in unexpected places immediately turns from a wife into an adventurer in his eyes. This is precisely how the stronger sex is attracted to women of easy behavior. They can bring the most unexpected pleasure.

They know very well the characteristics of their body and the body of a man. Therefore, they do the most unexpected things. Their partner often experiences incomparable sensations.

The use of erotic toys should not be discounted. As a rule, the relevant industry develops them with the expectation that, having received maximum pleasure, a person will come for new purchase. Touching such objects sometimes becomes a source of great pleasure. It's fast and easy way add variety to your intimate life.

There is nothing shameful in watching a porn film together and trying to understand what is so attractive about it. You should not copy his poses, but you need to study the experience, and, having comprehended it, try to extract what can bring pleasure to both. If during the discussion the spouses realized that none of what was shown suits them, it will still spur their imagination and awaken erotic feelings. Frankness in conversations about intimate topics will create an atmosphere of trust and desire. Most often, even this will be enough for the husband to look at his wife with new eyes.

An excellent and effortless way to diversify your intimate life is to go with your husband to a lingerie or bedroom furniture store. If a husband looks into a booth where his companion is trying on a stunning set or revealing swimsuit, he will experience intense desire. And the fact that his wife lies down on the bed in an unfamiliar place, where he cannot touch her, will make him want to quickly return home, where they will be alone.

Many representatives of the fair sex think that if they created a cozy home for their husband and allowed him to continue his family, then he will be forever grateful to them and will not look for anyone else. And then they are shocked when the husband leaves for a woman who is nothing. And the secret is very simple. The man just wanted a change of scenery. It is possible that he will repent many times afterwards, but he is unlikely to return to his family.

Therefore, you should avoid routine by any means and keep your spouse’s interest in you. If his intimate life is full and varied, no rival will be able to keep him near her for a long time. And if he feels loved and desired, his feelings for his wife will never fade away.

1. Classics of the genre.

“Include love notes that fuel your man’s imagination.” It's simple, I decided. Notes in my pockets, text messages on the phone, lipstick on the mirror - my imagination worked at full capacity. True, there were some hiccups with the text. To begin with, I decided to limit myself to the banal “I love / I’m waiting / I want.” The result was not bad. The husband rose to the occasion.

Rating (on a 5-point scale): 3.

Disadvantage: you need to overcome embarrassment from the unusual way of announcing your desire, in last years we're used to getting by non-verbal means invitations to bed.

2. The most common advice.

“Remember how Kim treated Mickey in the famous erotic scene of the film “Nine and a Half Weeks,” sit by the refrigerator or grab some fruit for the bedroom and start serving. Your friend will appreciate it!” Well, I couldn’t go straight to the refrigerator. Having made the necessary supplies, I settled down with Darling on the sofa in front of the TV to watch the nightly news. Quite by accident, a strawberry falls on his manly chest... Then it’s a matter of technique. The husband is on top again. And I was pleasantly refreshed with strawberries and cream. They used up the entire canister.

Rating: 3.

Disadvantage: you have to choose the moment of “serving”, because not even the most interested husband will be able to distract himself from every program. In addition, cream is not entirely healthy for your figure. I take comfort in the fact that subsequent sex “eats up” the resulting excess calories.

3. Change of role.

“Become a vamp / priestess of love / young Lolita for one evening - and you will be surprised how much passion is hidden in the heart of your man.” I settled on a geisha. I prepared (read “ordered at a Japanese restaurant”) sushi and other seafood, pulled out a kimono from the depths of my wardrobe, organized the space on the floor by throwing pillows on a blanket - it turned out very oriental. At first I felt a little uneasy, but after eating the process began.

Rating: 2.

Disadvantage: there is a risk that the Blessed One will come home from work tired and not in the mood, and you’ll be all in a kimono...

4. Change of scenery.

“Are you used to having sex in the bedroom? Move to nature, to the car, to the kitchen, finally!” Oh, it's a pleasure! To shake off the old days, so to speak. Oh, where didn’t we practice when we first fell in love?! Over time, having gained the opportunity to do THIS in the bedroom, they lived only there. But there is so much romance in diving mosquitoes! What an adrenaline rush in a half-empty cinema! And how many orgasms can you collect in a car on the side of a big road! By checking the facilities, it turned out that we are now uncomfortable in the parks, but it turns out that the cinemas are full of people. Good old “machine” sex played a role in the change of scenery.

Rating: 4.

Disadvantage: for those accustomed to the silence, coziness and comfort of the bedroom, it is already more difficult to get out into the world, and most importantly, to collect thoughts in such extreme circumstances.

5. Add a twist.

“Change your behavior in the bedroom: if you are always silent, start talking; if the night light is always on, turn it off; break the sequence of poses, try new ones.” Studying sex tips in detail inspired me to experiment in the bedroom. Blindfolds, silk scarves, ice cubes, massage lotions - original, but the greatest effect was having champagne in my mouth (mine) during oral sex (to my Beloved). He appreciated the effect of the bubbles, and part of the drink went to my head.

Rating: 4.

Disadvantage: not all experiments were successful, although time was spent searching for the most interesting ones for mutual benefit and to mutual pleasure.

6. Morning exercises.

“A man gets an erection up to five times a night. You need to use this!” Well, at night I was never able to catch these “four times”, because it was difficult to do it in my sleep, but I didn’t miss the morning session. True, he had to set his own alarm clock to open his eyes fifteen minutes earlier than Darling, but he liked this way of waking up. And since there was not much time, the “session” was excitingly fast.

Rating: 4.

Disadvantage: Sometimes it's hard to force yourself to wake up 15 minutes earlier.

7. Shared reading.

“Look through hot magazines or an explicit film together. And then repeat the story in your bed.” Not too much new way for our couple - so I showed my imagination and drew a dozen erotic drawings, slipping them to the One for viewing. He studied the home-grown Kama Sutra, made a couple of additional touches and used the “book” as a cheat sheet.

Rating: 5.

Disadvantage: at first I wanted to write here that the disadvantage could be the inability to draw. But on the other hand, it can turn out to be an irreplaceable advantage! So we can say that the method has no disadvantages. In addition, this way you can express your secret desires.

8. A little separation.

"Absence heightens the senses." It's hard to argue with that. To be more sure, I combined this method with step 1. Expenses for mobile communications made a small hole in the family budget, but the result of the first wedding night after Precious returned home from a week-long business trip was impressive.

Rating: 5.

Disadvantage: it is not always possible to find time for separation. But overall, I highly recommend it.

9. Separation from the body.

“Many happily married couples are religious people and therefore have limited access to sex, which gives it (sex) a special charm.” We, of course, are not very religious people; we do not observe fasts very strictly - this is the problem with our generation of atheists. But why not start spiritual self-improvement? That was my idea. A total disaster. Neither my husband nor (let’s hide it) I could follow a sex schedule.

Rating: 1.

Disadvantage: if there is no reason, then all refusals of sex under any pretext are not perceived very well.

10. Return to basics.

“After numerous sexual experiments, it can be very pleasant to return to familiar rituals.” I confirm. When I got tired of experimenting, we remembered how we usually do it. And it seemed as if it were new. So sex experiences are also good because you can always return to proven and honed methods of making love over the years of living together.

It often happens that in the eyes of strangers a couple looks happy, but the husband and wife do not feel like that. Difficulties at work, everyday affairs, material well-being - all this affects family relationships. Spouses are moving away from each other, so there is a need to add variety to everyday life.


Some men do not want to share a bed with a single partner, so they are in constant search. They often want to experience something new and unknown, which pushes them towards active sexual relations. Men expect bright and passionate sex from meetings. Intimacy with one woman seems like a routine to them. In order to avoid such an outcome, you need to add variety to the sexual life of your partners.

  1. No graphs or tables. Intimacy must be desired; sexual intercourse cannot be scheduled. Sex is governed by the feelings of the partners. You shouldn’t set aside a specific time, everything should not go according to plan. Only then will making love definitely bring pleasure to both of you.
  2. Quick sex is good in its own way. Such sexual intercourse is not only an opportunity for pleasure, but also a way of improvisation, because it happens suddenly. Quick sex will warm up the excitement in a man, and from now on he will have to always be on guard. This type of act is good because it can be done not only in the bedroom.
  3. Memories of first intimacy. You can warm up the feelings you experienced at the beginning of the relationship, remember your first intimacy and repeat. Perhaps you were in nature or in the back seat of a car. This method is useful if partners are tired of everyday life, as a result of which they want to feel the former attraction.
  4. Time for pranks. A man and a woman who are in a long-term relationship have already perfectly learned each other’s preferences. Couples are encouraged to experiment by learning new methods of achieving orgasm. Sometimes you can play role-playing games, revealing something new and exciting. Use your imagination and come up with conditions, for example, undressing or fulfillment of desires. Flip through the Kama Sutra or watch an erotic video.

Bringing your companion to orgasm through simple manipulations is a great way to brighten up everyday life. Ladies should not be ashamed of their own desires, learn to guess the fantasies of your gentleman. By following simple manipulations, your husband will look forward to the evening.

Visiting new places and cities raises morale and gives positive emotions for the six months ahead. Take a three-day tour to Egypt or stroll through the narrow streets of Spain.

It is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts of money, especially if funds are limited. Go with tents to the banks of a river or lake, go on an excursion to a neighboring city, and see the sights of your native places. There are a lot of opportunities, the main thing is to find time to implement them.

Once a year, try to visit new countries, take a two-week trip and forget about work during this time. Days spent together diversify family relationships. Leave your problems and worries behind and enjoy your vacation. Don’t forget to take a camera with you, take a lot of pictures so that you can look through them later and revive the emotions you received.

If there is no opportunity for the above-described methods of relaxation, have a picnic in your hometown, turn off your phones and get to know each other with every passing minute. Take a soft blanket, a basket of groceries and a bottle of wine.

Family traditions

Eating together. If you eat breakfast separately, fix that. In cases where it is difficult to find time due to differences in work schedules, agree to see each other for lunch or dinner. Tasty food associated with pleasant memories, communicate, learn each other’s news, spend more time together.

Movie time. Agree with your husband that on a specific day of the week you will go to the cinema or arrange a home viewing. In the first case, buy tickets in advance so that both of you do not have excuses or imaginary fatigue. In the second case, order delivery of pizza, sushi or any other food of your choice. Turn on an interesting movie, buy a bottle of good wine or champagne, and enjoy the evening. Make it a habit to spend time together in this way at least once a week.

Camping. Create a weekend tradition. In warm weather, go to the park more often or go out of town, look for new interesting places, barbecue in nature. In winter, go skiing or skating, spend your weekends usefully, time flies.


Common interests bring spouses together, look for common ground. Of course, evening sitting on the couch watching TV is an exciting activity, but it is important to find something more worthwhile.

Summer is coming, but you haven't gotten your body in shape yet? Join a gym and buy a membership for your spouse. Modern fitness clubs offer discounts for married couples, so you can save money and tone your body. It is not necessary to lift dumbbells all day long; three visits a week is enough.

Pay attention to extreme hobbies. IN Lately The trend for motorsports is gaining rapid momentum, go to a trial lesson at a motor school, under the guidance of an experienced instructor you will easily master the basics of riding a two-wheeled vehicle.

Dance studios are recruiting groups to teach salsa and tango. The two directions are inextricably linked with the sensuality of partners, which is why such dances are very popular among married couples.

Not everyone knows how to ski and snowboard. Find out about the ski slopes in your city, and then start learning. You can buy your own equipment, but many companies rent it out.

For calm people, photography courses that last 1.5-2 months are suitable. Now you will have something to discuss at dinner, talking about the direction of the light and the makeup of the models. Also check out the exhibitions of famous photographers, which are held several times a month.

An excellent option would be to study the language. Learn to speak English, French, German or Spanish in just a few months. Practice with your spouse at home, communicate in foreign language. A useful and necessary skill in modern society.

It is not necessary to give your husband gifts only on holidays; buy gifts for no reason. Visit a spa and find out about couples' treatments. Spend time like king and queen while enjoying aromatherapy or a massage.

For brave couples, an excellent option would be a parachute jump with the assistance of an experienced instructor. There is an alternative to this extreme sport - a wind tunnel. For several minutes you will be floating in zero gravity, holding hands.

Go shopping, buy your husband a couple of new shirts and his favorite perfume. Prepare a delicious dinner, pour a hot bath with foam and rose petals. Turn on romantic music, dim the lights and call your spouse. Give him the gift you bought, which you presented for absolutely no reason. Such a romantic gesture will push your partner to respond.

You probably know your husband’s hobbies, so build on them. If he watches football with friends in the evenings, buy tickets for the match, a scarf and a T-shirt with the logo of his favorite team. In cases where a man is interested in cars, consult with the seller and purchase a navigator, radar detector or good speakers. You can also order a mug with a joint photo from a photo studio, accompanying it with gentle words. Use your imagination!

In summer or spring, you can visit a horse riding school and book a three-hour horseback ride around the area. You will be accompanied by an instructor, so no unforeseen situations should arise. After that, order dinner at your husband’s favorite restaurant and spend time together in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere.

Family life needs variety. Take the initiative in sex, create your own family traditions that will pass on to the next generation. Look for common ground, communicate more, get involved in a common cause. Make time for travel and outings, give your husband gifts, he will definitely reciprocate the gesture.

Video: how to diversify relationships

After several years of married life, couples notice that they are mired in the swamp of everyday life and family routine. Their relationship is completely different from what it was before the wedding, although the feelings have not gone away, they have transformed into something more. Some people put up with this state of affairs and look for a way out in a career, a hobby, or simply lead a boring life, while others are looking for ways to diversify their lives. family life and revive the faded passion. We offer you 7 ways to help make your family life brighter.

1. Pleasant surprises for your loved one

Your “other half” deserves to make her happy. So please! Do what she likes. It’s not at all necessary to give your wife a hundred and one roses or your husband a set of new fishing rods, just do what he or she likes. Get up fifteen minutes earlier and prepare breakfast in bed. Bring something tasty in the evening, and emphasize that it was bought with your “other half” in mind. Give a small nice gift - just like that, for no reason. Just, I beg you, avoid “everyday” gifts or gifts that hint at your spouse’s shortcomings! No pots and vacuum cleaners, no gym memberships - of course, unless your spouse asked for it himself, and you are absolutely sure of this.

2. Sex

This belongs to the category of well-known truths that everyone forgets about. Sex (ideally) is what distinguishes your friendship from love; it is the concentration of passion and love. So do it more often! Of course, we may get tired of each other over time, but there are many ways to update your relationship in bed: from new places for him to updating your wardrobe. Beautiful erotic lingerie is, no matter how trite, a fairly effective method of restoring lost desire. Try new things: new places, new positions, new ways. A lot of literature has been written on this topic, and you can learn even more by simply talking frankly with each other. Take action! The husband who rushes home from work because his wife told him on the phone what she plans to do with him in the evening, or the wife who rolls her eyes in admiration when her friends ask “how’s the family?” - one of the best guarantees of a lasting marriage.

3. Arrange your life

In general, everyday life should worry you as little as possible. An ideal home is also a home where there are no things that irritate the eyes. Fix everything that is broken, buy all the gadgets that can help you make things easier. Put aside stereotypes about “male” and “female” affairs, the presence of a Y chromosome does not at all bring a bonus of love for fixing plumbing or the ability to drill, and its absence does not at all guarantee that you will definitely like to cook or tinker with children. Do what you do best, leave the rest to the experts. By the way, about shifting: it is quite possible to agree on a redistribution of responsibilities, because what seems unpleasant to you may seem quite acceptable to your partner. Make sure that you have as few reasons as possible to reproach and nag each other.

4. Make claims, but don’t nag.

One of the worst habits in family life, which can turn you from a lover or sweetheart into a bore you don’t want to come home to, is the habit of nagging. Of course, you definitely need to tell your partner about what doesn’t suit you; moreover, this is one of the guarantees of a calm life together and that you won’t explode one day from unspoken anger. But repeating it over and over again if you are not understood is pointless. Think for yourself: you have told him or her so many times that you shouldn’t do this (or, on the contrary, you need to do something), but he (or she) doesn’t seem to hear! Ask yourself: why repeat this again? If you are not heard, it means you are acting incorrectly. Perhaps your spouse does not understand the significance of what you want from him, or for some reason it is easier for him to agree with you than to explain to you why you should not do this (an alarming sign, by the way). Change your tactics. Explain differently, act differently if it's really important to you. And in general, think about it: is this really so important to you? Does not being able to put dishes away in the sink really drive you crazy? Is an empty pot in the refrigerator really worth the scandal? If yes, change tactics and act so that you are finally heard and understood. Endless repetition and sawing will not lead to anything - nothing good, at least.

5. Be alone

Children are the flowers of life, and the parents who raised us, undoubtedly, must be respected. But a married couple sometimes needs to be alone with each other - at least just to pay attention only to their partner, without being distracted by other people.

Children: There's nothing wrong with asking someone to babysit or hiring a babysitter for a quiet evening. From the time of birth, your attention, once divided between two people, is now divided into many more parts, and it is difficult to realize that your love is not divided equally (at least, it should not be). Stay alone, allow yourself “outings” without children or the opportunity to spend an evening just the two of you.

Parents and other relatives: if you have the opportunity to separate, do it! Not because they are bad, treat your spouse badly, treat you badly, or anything like that. It’s just that each of us should have the opportunity to feel independent. Decide for yourself how to build your life, what job to choose and, finally, what to cook for dinner - without other people's advice and other people's opinions. There is a good saying: love for relatives is proportional to the distance to them. Of course, you shouldn’t go to the other side of the world; sometimes it’s enough to live in neighboring apartments - but your family should have its own, personal space, where only you are the masters. This will help you associate your partner only with himself, so that “mom, dad, grandma and their dog” do not subconsciously come into play.

6. Find good traits

Why did you fall in love with your spouse? Let it be even the funniest and stupidest things like “she smiles sweetly” or “he is ticklish.” Remember them often. Make sure that your spouse more often demonstrates the qualities that you like so much in him. Is your husband strong and caring? Let him show it again and again, because both you and he like it. Does your wife laugh very beautifully? Give her reasons to laugh with happiness! Many the good side our “halves” manifest themselves in contact with us - so take advantage of this.

7. Say “I love you” – over and over again.

Many people will probably disagree with me, but I believe that there can never be too many words “I love you”. And the fact that a “real man” should show this only in action, but remain silent like a partisan is stupidity, and a “real woman” pretend that she loves less is even greater stupidity. Words have great power. Words repeated often have the power of suggestion and self-hypnosis. Express your feelings in every way you can - both deeds and words. Think for yourself: wouldn’t you be pleased if morning and evening were accompanied by a declaration of love? If your partner convinced you of their love over and over again, as if they were still trying to win you over? As if you haven’t lived together for so many years, but you still go on dates like you did then for the first time? So try to start with yourself, and you will see how your “half” will blossom in response. Show your love – including with words.

It would seem that just yesterday everything was completely different: He spoke beautiful words and brought roses not only on March 8th. You fluttered around the house in one peignoir and studied the recipe book with interest. This is how the love story of most married couples begins.

I propose to jump ahead a little and see what their life looks like in about 10 years! He talks to you only to find out if the borscht is ready and whether there will be sex today. She wanders around the house in an old greasy robe and grumbles at the snotty kids. This is where the question must arise before you: “How to diversify family life”? IN otherwise you're taking a risk own skin find out what these terrible and truly terrifying words actually mean - routine and daily life.

Why did you fall in love with this person? Because your soul was drawn to him, because all your thoughts were dedicated to him, because only with him you were happy.

All this is the emotional side of family relationships. And as soon as the thin thread of this connection breaks, the marriage begins to crack at all the seams. What can be done to prevent this from happening?

Traditions – we keep old ones and introduce new ones

Once upon a time, you received coffee in bed every Saturday and didn’t sit down to dinner until your husband got home from work. Life has made its own adjustments - your husband has completely forgotten about coffee, and you are increasingly chewing salad in splendid isolation. Do you think nothing can be returned? You are wrong! Why don’t you make your husband’s breakfast yourself, wake him up with a gentle kiss and feed him directly from your hands? You'll see, he will probably be surprised by your transformation.

And on the weekend you can go out of town or take a bike ride in the park, go to the cinema or go to a concert of your favorite performer. Just sit in a cozy cafe that you used to visit almost every day! And so every Saturday or Sunday. Very quickly you will get used to these “innovations” and will look forward to the day when you can again devote time to yourself.

Surprise, surprise, long live surprise!

Try to remember how long ago you received surprises from your husband and did them yourself. No, a broken car and shoes worth 15 thousand do not count. I mean pleasant surprises, pleasing the soul and body. For example, your man has been dreaming of a new spinning rod for a long time, but still cannot buy it. Do it yourself, please your beloved. Let's approach from the other side. Your wife looked at a luxurious dress in the store, but spared money on it. Don’t be stingy, buy her this very dress, she will remember it all her life.

By the way, surprises do not necessarily have to be of a material nature. Instead of your wife, you can do a general cleaning in the apartment or find in the library that very ancient book that your husband has been preoccupied with for several years. Does your other half love sweets? Throw a couple of candy bars into her purse. Packing your husband lunch for work? Don't forget to include a small note with assurances of eternal and passionate love. In general, if there is a desire, there will always be a reason for a surprise.

Bring bright emotions into your life

Why don't you go on some romantic trip together? Of course, ideally these should be exotic islands, but not everyone can afford such luxury. As an option, you can choose a weekend tour of ancient European cities, visit memorable places in your own state, or turn off your phones and go to your friends’ dacha.

Not impressive? Well, sign up for Latin American dancing, jump out of a parachute together, take up extreme sports. Organize a family photo session for yourself, but just don’t pretend to be a wise old man, but laugh, fool around, make funny faces... Hang the coolest photos on the wall instead of paintings. The main thing is to awaken in your sleeping soul the ability to enjoy life and see the world in bright colors. Then you will look at your family life with completely different eyes.

Surprise each other more often

Have you thought about how to diversify your family life? Throwing an unforgettable party? No reason? Let's figure it out! Gather your closest relatives and friends, leaving your beloved in slight bewilderment, ask for a moment of attention and solemnly announce to everyone that today marks exactly nine months from the day your husband refused to wash his socks! Of course, at first no one will believe you, but later others will probably appreciate your sense of humor.

Don't be afraid to show your feelings

How many times a day do you confess your love to your other half? How many times do you hug and kiss your spouse? How many compliments do you give your wife? How often do you hold hands? Do you sleep in an embrace or have you gone to separate beds long ago? Draw your own conclusions. I hope the task is now clear - increase the number of kisses, pleasant words and hugs. You can even keep a special diary and put crosses next to each item. At the end of the day, analyze the current picture, thanks to this it will become clear to you what you should pay closer attention to.

Change your appearance

Sometimes, in order to revive old feelings, it is enough to radically change your appearance. Yes, you are no longer a 20-year-old girl, but that’s not the point. Review your photos taken at the beginning of the relationship. What were you like then? Your eyes probably beamed with happiness, and your lips opened in a satisfied smile. You definitely wore short skirts and did interesting hairstyles every day. What now? Sneakers, jeans, a ponytail, hastily applied makeup and global despair in the eyes. Would you like yourself? You can get the answer to this question in the window of the first store you come across. Just try to find your own reflection there. Who did you see there? That's it.

Changing the intimate side of family life for the better

There is no way in a marriage without intimacy, it’s hard to disagree with this. But, unfortunately, the sexual sphere also loses its sharpness over time.

Sex turns into a daily chore, and then completely causes a feeling of disgust. It won't take long to reach adultery! Something urgently needs to be changed.

Role-playing games

Yes, those same notorious games of maid and guest, wolf and little red riding hood, secretary and big boss, nurse and dying patient. Don't be afraid to experiment, visit a sex shop or order costumes from an online store. Although, if you have at least a drop of imagination, such outfits can be made from what is hanging in the closet.

Not by bread alone

Don't know how to diversify family relationships? Place foods that stimulate sexual desire on the table more often. Here's just a small list:

  • Spices and herbs - cinnamon, ginger, fennel, cardamom, dill, basil, pepper, anise, marjoram, vanilla;
  • Black chocolate;
  • Favorite wine, but only a couple of glasses;
  • Asparagus;
  • Seafood - crabs, oysters, mussels;
  • Mushrooms – especially truffles and morels;
  • Fruits – melon, bananas, strawberries, avocado, passion fruit, dates, mango;
  • Coffee with cinnamon;
  • Pine nuts.

If desired, you can use essential oils: ylang-ylang, rosemary, bergamot, patchouli, ginger, myrrh and geranium.

Master the art of erotic massage

Just imagine, night, bed, you and him... You gently stroke his back, kiss his neck, tickle his ear... Your movements are either gentle and affectionate, or demanding and persistent. Tease your husband, entice him, inflame his passion and receive a sea of ​​passion and pleasure in return. Don't forget to choose sexy lingerie and all the accompanying attributes.

Not only with ears, but also with eyes

Everything ingenious is simple. That's why erotic and pornographic videos are made, so they can be watched. And not only lonely bachelors watched, but also married couples mired in everyday life. Hint to your spouse that you are interested this method pastime, offer to try something new, he definitely won’t mind.

Let there be flirting!

An innocently thrown phrase, a passionate SMS sent to your phone in the middle of a working day, enticing glances, a hot kiss goodbye... You probably have a lot of such things in your arsenal. Moreover, in the intimate vocabulary of each couple there are unique words, phrases and movements that only two of them understand. Have you forgotten them yet? Well, it's time to refresh your memory.

Marking the territory

Has sex in the marital bed gotten boring to hell? Has the same missionary position stopped exciting you long ago? Draw a map of your apartment on a piece of paper and mark on it the places where you have already made love. We reached the goal, set a mark and move on. For those who are especially daring, we recommend hanging the card in a frame so that it is always visible.

His Majesty impromptu

Make love not on a schedule, but when you want, or when circumstances are least conducive to it. For example, your mother-in-law is about to visit you, your children’s nanny is coming any minute, or your best friend is coming to visit you. There are more than enough such situations in our lives, but we are not always in a hurry to take advantage of them.

And finally. When love and mutual understanding reign in the house, every member of the family feels comfortable in it. The husband happily returns to such a home, and the wife feels the happiest in it. Don’t let routine eat away at your love, strive to diversify your own life and let peace and harmony reign in your family.

The answer to the question of how to diversify family relationships cannot be simple and completely comprehensive. It’s not a big deal to boast about passion and ardor of feelings during the so-called candy-bouquet relationship, but maintaining the spark after many years of marriage is truly hard and painstaking work.

Stop and think

Unfortunately, in modern society there is a clear trend towards a consumer approach to family relationships. We are not talking about arranged marriages, which, by the way, ultimately turn out to be the strongest. When there is not a cloud on the horizon, people enjoy spending time together, tenderness, agreement, but when the first clouds appear in the form of misunderstanding, the need for any concessions or simply boredom, young people, as a rule, slam the door loudly, not wanting to leave their own comfort zone. With this approach, sadly, it is impossible to build real love bonds. It is very important to understand that true family relationships do not exist without accepting each other’s shortcomings, without penetration into the life of the spouse, with its joys and problems.

As for boredom in relationships, this phenomenon is quite natural. Many people feel better knowing that marital crises have long been known to psychology. By the way, it is worth learning some points from our ancestors. The latter did not throw away broken things, but repaired them. This applied not only to chairs, but also to relationships, when at the slightest crisis people were in no hurry to get rid of the family burden through divorce.

To find a reliable marital shoulder in our era of hedonism and selfishness, you need to be interested in each other and be able to find compromises. You can break off a relationship at any moment, but to mend it, you need to stop and think about the problems. Perhaps everything can be solved, and saving the family is not such a difficult task.

Talk to each other

Surprisingly, many couples in family relationships do not talk to each other at all. Although they are discussing what kind of sofa to buy for the living room or what to cook for dinner, this is not what they are talking about. People don’t talk about their feelings and desires, and then at one point they realize that there is a complete stranger nearby who knows nothing about their inner world and needs. This state of affairs needs to be corrected. Before adding variety to your life, it’s a good idea to ask your partner what he would like to change in the family, to express his suggestions and dissatisfaction. Amazingly, such frank conversations can be incredibly surprising, revealing new facets of personality in your partner. Sex life can and should be discussed.

Travel together and establish family traditions

Nothing brings variety like new places and people.

You don't have to go to the ends of the world. Of course, a trip to a distant exotic country is ideal, but you can take a trip to a neighboring city or go with friends for an overnight stay. You should never waste money or time on fresh emotions, because a person treasures vivid memories as his greatest treasure. Why not brighten up your family life with them? Be easy-going, look for new horizons, and boredom will never come between your spouses.

Cute family traditions really help brighten up everyday life and warm the soul, because relationships consist of little things: making your favorite coffee every morning when seeing you off to work, a furtive kiss in a public place, conventional signs that only you understand. Romance is not about eating chocolate and oysters by candlelight, but about your little secrets.

Give each other freedom

It is difficult to imagine fresh marital feelings 24/7, and frantic checking of the phone and mail is unlikely to add spice to the relationship. First of all, you need to trust each other, otherwise what is the point of being together? It is important not only to have common ground, but also to have different interests and acquaintances. To make it interesting to communicate with each other, it is necessary to draw emotions and information from outside the family. There's nothing wrong with hanging out with friends. The same applies to hobbies that the spouse does not share.

What's wrong with a husband finding an outlet in fishing or hunting, while his wife, for example, is passionate about decoupage or Latin American dancing? It’s wonderful when two versatile personalities come together. Such people will never be bored in married life, because one simple rule works: if you are bored with yourself, no one can cheer you up for long.

To diversify family life, you need to start with your own development. Another thing is that the scope of freedom must be agreed upon by the spouses. Not every woman will understand her husband who went to get “energy” at the nearest strip club.

Watch your appearance

It would seem that the topic of a greasy robe and curlers has already set the teeth on edge! But the fact remains: after the wedding, many women begin to relax and appear unkempt in front of their spouse. And the point is not only that dirty hair, the notorious crumpled robe and trampled slippers are unlikely to stir up the erotic interest of a loved one, but also a man, most likely, looking at his keeper of the hearth, will eventually change into tights with elongated knees, grow a belly and solemnly scatters his socks in the corners. The woman initially sets the tone in this matter. No, you shouldn’t make dumplings in stockings, heels and an evening hairstyle, but since it so happened that the spouse is no longer his appearance to inspire inspiration, you should first look at yourself in the mirror. Light makeup, a neat home dress, regular exercise - and you have the right to demand that your husband at least change his clothes. Perform hair removal, masks and facial cleansing strictly in the bathroom.

Give gifts and surprise

Birthday and New Year Doesn't count, we're talking about spontaneous gifts. It is not necessary to shell out half of your salary, but even an unexpectedly presented favorite delicacy to your significant other will lift your spirits and diversify your life. Maybe your husband dreams of some gadget? After all, he will be so pleased to receive a surprise just like that! The main thing is to listen to each other.

Have you been writing poetry for a long time and are ashamed to tell your husband about it? Try it! It is very important to see in your spouse not only a lover, but also a best friend and companion. Reveal your secrets to him, and, most likely, he will eventually decide to tell you something of his own, personal.

The fact that the Mendelssohn march played in your life many years ago is not a reason to let your relationship take its course, turning into roommates in the same apartment, who, by a strange coincidence, end up in the same bed in the evening.

You need to be interested in each other, reading like a book, page by page, observing and talking, not hiding with your own thoughts and doubts. It may be almost impossible to forever preserve the original bright spark that ignited feelings at the very beginning, but it is quite possible to make married life as varied as possible. It's worth the effort, because true love is worthy of it.