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How to run in the morning correctly to... Is running in the morning beneficial? How does morning jogging help? What shoes are most comfortable?

Running is the most popular and most accessible sport in the whole world; it does not require financial investments and special equipment, trains the entire body, effectively burns fat. Most people prefer running in the morning, as it can give you energy for the whole day and free up the evening for relaxation. How to start jogging correctly in the morning, is it beneficial, what will it do at 6 am, what is the benefit and is there any harm from morning jogging, this article explains.

The benefits of jogging for the body

Before starting training, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to it, and to ensure that the training is not harmful, but beneficial, it is better to consult with a specialist. To do a morning jog correctly, you need to listen to your doctor’s individual advice and follow the correct running technique.

For female body running will be useful as a prevention of cellulite, a way to lose weight and keep your body in good shape. Increasing blood circulation while running is good for skin covering. After regular morning jogging, sleep and mood normalize.

What does running in the morning give a person:

  • the heart muscle is trained - it becomes more resilient;
  • blood circulation improves, oxygen metabolism in the body is normalized;
  • the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin increases, due to which the immune system is strengthened;
  • thanks to the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to the brain, mental activity is normalized;
  • the whole body is activated and becomes more efficient;
  • causes a surge of endorphins;
  • liver and kidney tissues are restored;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the functioning of the respiratory system improves;
  • Joint diseases are prevented by increasing blood flow to bone tissue.

What are the benefits of running in the morning?

According to most experts, a morning run will be much healthier than an evening run, since the concentration of toxic substances and dust in the morning air is much lower and the required level of humidity is maintained. For training, it is recommended to choose places with the cleanest air possible - parks, recreation areas, forests.

You should start jogging slowly and gradually increase your speed, but not more than 11 km/h. The optimal amount of training per week is considered to be about 3 hours and no more than 50 minutes per day. The benefits of a morning jog will be much greater if you learn to monitor your well-being and not overload your body.

To run correctly in the morning and achieve maximum benefits for the body, you need to follow the recommendations of specialists. If waking up early does not cause difficulties, then you can run in the morning some time after it, drinking a glass of water, but in this case it is necessary to increase the morning warm-up by at least 2 times.

The benefits of running for losing weight and burning calories

Many women turn to running to lose weight. Running in the morning for women is useful in this aspect because during cardio exercise, blood flow and metabolism accelerate, which affects the reduction of body fat. Fat is burned under the influence of oxygen when the body uses it as fuel instead of carbohydrates. The benefits of a morning jog for weight loss are enormous, since immediately after waking up the body contains a very low percentage of carbohydrates, so more fat mass is burned during a morning jog.

The longer the workout lasts, the more fat is oxidized. But you shouldn’t exhaust your body with loads, since the most effective results are achieved by running without tension at a comfortable pace. An hour-long jog at a slow pace burns an average of 360 kcal, but if you do it during the peak of human biological activity, between 5 and 7 a.m., this figure will be higher, and physical exercise will be transferred more easily.

What are the benefits of running for mental disorders?

For a person with mental disorders, running in the morning is not harmful, but even beneficial. Exercising is an effective tool in the treatment and prevention of mental disorders, since during jogging the body produces endorphin, which reduces stress levels and improves mood. If your physical fitness allows you to exercise and there are no contraindications from your doctor, then there will be no harm from running.

Running strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep and appetite, promotes the production of serotonin and endocannabinoids (responsible for reducing anxiety).

Preparing for morning runs

To start running quickly and efficiently in the morning, before training you should develop a program, choose the right clothes and warm up. To do this, beginners should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You should start running in the morning at a calm pace with short distances of 1-2 km and gradually move on to longer ones;
  • choose suitable clothes and shoes for a morning run for beginners;
  • monitor your feelings: if your heart is beating too fast, you can slow down the pace or take a step.

The optimal time to run in the morning is between 5-7 hours, but if waking up is difficult, then you can train at any convenient time before breakfast. For beginners, it is recommended to start morning running with interval running.

Each stage in the table is designed for a distance of 4 km:

Stage number Acceleration Rest Explanations
1 Warm-up – 800 meters or 10 minutes The speed is very slow. When running, warm up your arms and legs. Pulse – 100-110 beats per minute
2 200 meters or 1 minute Pulse 130-150
3 400 meters or 3 minutes Pulse 100-120
4 200 meters or 1 minute. Pulse 130-150
5 400 meters or 3 minutes Pulse 100-120
6 400 meters or 2 minutes. Pulse 130-150
7 400 meters or 3 minutes Pulse 100-120
8 200 meters or 1 minute. Pulse 130-150
9 400 meters or 3 minutes Pulse 100-120
10 200 meters or 1 minute. Pulse 130-150
11 400 meters or 3 minutes Pulse 100-120
12 5-10 minutes Pulse 100-110. Fast walking or slow running

Beginners should not practice daily. At first, even 3 runs a week, with a total volume of 7-10 km, will be enough. You can use this chart:

  • Monday – 2 km;
  • Tuesday – rest;
  • Wednesday – 2 km;
  • Thursday – rest;
  • Friday – 3-4 km;
  • weekend - rest.

Over time, you can increase the distance and achieve new goals.

Workout clothes

When choosing clothes for running, you should adhere to the following rules: it should be comfortable, suitable for the weather, made of natural and breathable fabrics, and not restrict movement. Girls are recommended to wear a special sports bra.

Shoes should also be comfortable. It is better if these are special sneakers or sneakers for running (marked “running”). The heels should be equipped with shock absorbers and the base material should be perforated. Wearing the right clothing helps with thermoregulation for a morning run in any weather.


When drawing up a route, so that you can immediately start running correctly, it is advisable to choose an area away from noisy areas and highways. Ideal places for running people would be parks, forests, squares and stadiums.

To accelerate weight loss and strengthen muscles, it is recommended to run around the area alternating descents and ascents. When running up, metabolic processes speed up, and going down allows you to rest a little. The road surface must be smooth, as running on wavy surfaces can cause injury.


Morning jogging should not be done on a full stomach - this causes unnecessary discomfort and stress on the digestive system.

If you wake up before 6 am, then before your morning jog it is recommended to eat a light breakfast or drink clean water 30-40 minutes before, but the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before the activity.

To benefit from morning running, you need to maintain fluid levels in your body during your workouts. You can take a small bottle of water with you and drink small sips during breaks.

You should not eat food in the next hour after training, since at this time subcutaneous fat continues to be burned.

To gain muscle mass after a run, it is recommended to eat dairy products, legumes and eggs. Plant foods, rich complex carbohydrates, is more suitable for breakfast, as it provides more energy, but is digested more slowly.

Heart rate regulation

Morning jogging is good for the heart, because it trains the heart muscle. You can get the most out of running by measuring your heart rate while you run. This way you can find out what effect the exercises have. The minimum heart rate to achieve a healing effect is calculated using the formula: (maximum heart rate + age) * 60%.

The average maximum heart rate is considered to be 220 beats per minute.

The number of heartbeats from the maximum pulse is divided into zones: 50-60% – warm-up zone; 60-70% – health zone, which promotes effective fat burning; 70-80% – zone of increased oxygen consumption (aerobic); 80-90% is the anaerobic zone, most often used in strength training.

By calculating in advance the number of heartbeats for a particular training zone, you can adjust your pace while jogging to avoid harm from morning running.

Video about the benefits of running in the morning

Morning running technique

You need to run in the morning regularly and using the correct technique:

  1. You need to run while maintaining rhythmic breathing, it should not get confused. Beginners are advised to inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouth. By maintaining a uniform breathing rate, the lungs are actively saturated with oxygen, which allows you to retain energy longer.
  2. When running, you need to step on your heel with a smooth roll to your toe, your steps should be quiet.
  3. The arms must be relaxed and held at the waist, swinging them evenly in time with the movement of the legs.
  4. You should keep your back straight, straighten your chest and avoid slouching, as this will give better blood circulation throughout the body.

It is advisable to start morning jogging with 2-3 km per day. Running for a long time in the morning is harmful. Sudden heavy loads can lead to pain in the muscles and excessive stress on the heart.

Warm up before your morning run

It is necessary to warm up before running, as a set of simple dynamic stretching exercises will help beginners warm up their muscles and joints, prepare them for the upcoming physical activity, and help avoid sprains and injuries. This can be squats, bends, turns of the head and body, swings and rotational movements of the limbs. Warm-up should take 10-15 minutes, 2-3 minutes for each exercise. You can complete the warm-up with a brisk walk, gradually turning into a run.

To achieve the maximum effect from running and proper distribution of the load, you must follow all techniques and recommendations. With a moderate load, daily jogging will be beneficial, but beginners should not overload their body this way.

Rules for an effective morning jog:

  1. For beginners, it is advisable to run for 10-15 minutes 3 times a week, gradually increasing the duration.
  2. Before each run, do a light warm-up.
  3. Maintain a moderate pace.
  4. Monitor blood pressure, pulse, breathing and body position.
  5. Do not overload the body. After intense workout arrange a day of rest.
  6. Choose wisely when choosing clothes and shoes for classes.
  7. Do not run on a full stomach; it is better to start training after a morning glass of water.
  8. After your run, you can do gentle stretching exercises and take a contrast shower.

To run properly in the morning, men are advised to spend more time warming up and stretching, as the risk of injuries and sprains is higher than in women. Men should have a larger pre-workout snack due to the high calorie loss during exercise. You can eat a light breakfast, such as a banana.


You can start running in the morning tomorrow. For sufficient motivation and effectiveness, it is necessary to decide what the goal of the training will be: losing weight, hardening, staying in shape or general improvement of the body. Having determined the goal, you can start morning jogging according to one of the standard programs.

Running in the morning for weight loss

Morning jogging will be a great way to burn fat and get a slim figure.

Main provisions of the program:

  1. For the first 2 months, jogging time should be 15-25 minutes. In subsequent months, the time increases to 40 minutes.
  2. At first, 2-3 classes are held per week, over time the number increases to 5.
  3. During the first 2 months you need to run 1.5 km, and then 2 km per workout.
  4. Recommended to use interval running– alternating between jogging and fast pace.

Jogging in the morning will be useful for weight loss for both women and men. For effective results, it is recommended to combine training with proper nutrition, stop using tobacco, alcohol, fatty and starchy foods. In order not to cause harm to the body, it is better to consult a nutritionist to select the optimal diet.

Jogging to maintain tone

Any person will benefit from running in the morning, as it promotes the proper functioning of the body and makes it healthier. To maintain overall body health, beginners can use the following morning running program:

  • jogging time is 20-35 minutes;
  • maintaining a uniform breathing rate, alternate average speed 7-9 km/h and fast pace;
  • the distance is 2-3 km;
  • you need to train 2-3 times a week.

Running to restore the body

Morning jogging to restore the body's athletic tone will be useful and will help you quickly get back into shape.

  • how long do you need to run: the duration of the run is 10-20 minutes;
  • average speed – 7-9 km/h;
  • start running at a slow pace, gradually accelerating;
  • the distance is 1-1.5 km;
  • For the first 2 weeks, practice 2 times, gradually increasing the number to 5.

If discomfort or pain occurs, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the workout. If the pain is acute and prolonged, you should consult a specialist.

Proper nutrition and exercise are the simplest formula for maintaining a slim figure. In the variety of diets, you can always find a menu that won’t break your budget. But going to the gym is more difficult: memberships to fitness clubs are not cheap. But there is an excellent alternative to exercise machines and personal trainer on weight loss! This is running in the fresh air in the morning. There is zero monetary investment, and the result is simply priceless.

The health benefits of running in the morning

The main goal of morning running is to activate metabolic processes and put all types of muscles into action. After all, after sleep the body is in a relaxed state, and we need to set it up for a productive working day. In addition, jogging:

  • saturates blood vessels with oxygen,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • charges with vivacity, energy and good mood.

Efficiency in weight loss

Morning jogging is extremely effective for losing weight. On average, you can lose 1–3 kg in a week. Noticeable result you will see within a month after starting running training. Naturally, it is recommended to completely avoid flour and fatty foods, alcohol and cigarettes.

Why ? An hour-long run burns approximately 360 kcal. For comparison: working at a computer is only 100 kcal, and a leisurely walk is 200 kcal. “Energy leaks” occur due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. When running, the body uses all muscle groups, organs work more intensely, and, accordingly, calories are spent more efficiently. In addition, between 5 and 7 a.m. the first peak of human biological activity occurs. According to physiologists, it is at this time that physical activity is easier to bear.

How to run in the morning correctly

If you are determined to run, then keep in mind that the run should last at least an hour. Because the body begins to burn fat cells only after half an hour of such exercise. Therefore, a novice runner needs to choose a special training regimen in order to maintain the distance with flying colors.

  1. You will achieve the desired result faster if you choose an uneven surface for jogging. An excellent option is the steps of a stadium or an area with frequent descents and ascents. When running upward, the heart “accelerates” metabolic processes, and fat deposits are slowly “shed.” And when running down, the intensity of the load decreases, and the body rests a little.
  2. Experienced trainers recommend starting classes with the so-called interval running, when the intensity of the load alternates evenly. The first 10 minutes are fast walking, the next 15 minutes are running at an average pace. After this, go to the maximum pace. When you start to get tired and breathing becomes difficult, gradually return to an average pace. In one approach (per hour), it is advisable to do 2-3 approaches with accelerations.
  3. Don't squeeze the last juice out of yourself. If you can't last an hour, reduce your jogging time. Listen to the overall health of the body. Gradually endurance will come. The adaptation period is purely individual. If you have never played sports actively, then be patient.
  4. The best places for a morning jog are stadiums, fields, forests, parks, squares. In general, all paths away from noisy highways.
  5. Try not to eat anything in the morning. Drink a glass of water or organic yogurt and go for a run. And after it, eat a hearty and healthy breakfast.
  6. The key to a successful run is proper breathing. Inhalations and exhalations should be rhythmic. Breathe through your nose. This will allow you to run more kilometers.
  7. Remember, you will be taxing your heart. Therefore, before you start training, consult with your doctor, get a cardiogram and pass the necessary tests.

Morning running program for weight loss

To make it easier for you to plan your run, we suggest taking a look at the standard training plan for beginners. Distances are indicated in both meters and minutes. Choose the value from which you will start (but not both at once!). The table also shows your heart rate, but if you don’t have a smart watch or fitness bracelet, use the tips. This running pattern is designed for 4 km.

Table: morning jogging plan for beginners

Stage No. Acceleration Rest Note
1. Warm-up - 800 m or 10 minutesRun barely, one foot at a time, shaking your arms, warming up your legs. Pulse - 100–110 beats per minute.
1.1 (optional) Light stretching, squats, swings.
2. 200 m or 1 minute
3. 400 m or 3 minutes
4. 200 m or 1 minute Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and three” stage.
5. 400 m or 3 minutesPulse - 100–120. Or count to ten at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and three” stage.
6. 400 m or 2 minutes Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and three” stage.
7. 400 m or 3 minutesPulse - 100–120. Or count to ten at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and three” stage.
8. 200 m or 1 minute Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and three” stage.

Video: rules of interval running for weight loss


There are many contraindications for running. After all, this is a serious burden on the body. You should avoid morning jogging if:

  • diseases of cardio-vascular system(heart disease, stenocardia or tachycardia, chronic heart failure, previous heart attack or stroke);
  • diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, some forms of scoliosis);
  • acute chronic diseases;
  • problems with the pulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma);
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • glaucoma.

Jogging in the morning– one of the most common ways to lose weight or get your body in shape. In the warm season, you can run in the fresh air, and in the cold season, on a treadmill at home or in the gym. The main thing is to get ready for the workout and not oversleep in the morning.

Running in the morning is useful, as it teaches you to get up early, strengthens the heart muscle, lungs, immunity and blood vessels. Jogging (often used for weight loss) helps build endurance, while fast long-distance running helps develop muscles and builds strength. You can also listen to audio lessons during your morning jog, which will bring you double benefit.

Running is one of the most famous and effective exercises for weight loss. It strengthens the heart by increasing blood flow to it, and also increases lung capacity and makes the entire cardiovascular system resilient. Due to this, the endurance of the entire body increases, immunity improves, and the body becomes more resistant to diseases.

Morning jogging is useful because it helps a person get up early without any problems. A morning jog for weight loss invigorates and keeps your muscles toned all day, making it more productive.

Important! Morning jogging can help solve weight problems. If you are overweight, then a morning jog in the morning is the best way to lose weight, since exercising on an empty stomach burns more calories. If you have complaints of poor appetite, running will also help - the morning energy expenditure will awaken the feeling of hunger.

Runners committed to losing weight need to understand the difference between morning and evening running. When jogging in the evening, the fat reserve begins to deplete only after the carbohydrate reserve runs out. And for this to happen, you need to spend additional time - from 20 to 40 minutes. In the morning, the body immediately begins burning fat. Good exercise in the morning has a positive effect on sleep. If you run in the evening, then the body must readjust itself, and from overexcitation nervous system you will hardly be able to sleep. A run in the morning will invigorate you for the whole day and by the evening it will remind you of yourself with pleasant fatigue.

The benefits of running in the morning

Jogging in the morning on an empty stomach is not a mindless waste of time, but an important activity. This activity is especially useful for people who get up early.

The advantages of this activity are:

  • Such a workout is more productive than in the evening (in the evening you may be very tired and you may not have enough energy for the lesson);
  • Freeing up time - after going for a run in the morning, you can calmly go about your business all day;
  • Vigor and decreased feelings of drowsiness;
  • Improved heart function (muscles pump several times more blood than usual);
  • Strengthening muscles, bones, blood vessels;
  • Increased lung volume;
  • Reduction of fat layer.

When running, the heart begins to beat 2-3 times faster. If you run regularly, your resting heart rate will decrease. This means that the heart muscle will be more trained and will have more rest.

The harm of running in the morning

Everything is good in moderation, and this also applies to running. Excessive exercise is harmful, as such runners increase the risk of heart attack. The best option- This is jogging at an average pace. The best time is considered 50 minutes, and the total hours per week is about 2.5 hours.

Important! Excessive stress also harms the central nervous system. With insomnia and poor preparation, long morning runs can negatively affect the nervous system.

If you have diseases of the joints, kidneys, heart and liver, it is also not recommended to run in the morning. Problems with posture and spine, and hypertension may also be a contraindication. It is not recommended for night owls to run early in the morning - such a run is unlikely to bring them pleasure.

What to do while running?

Some people find it boring to run alone or without music. Running is a monotonous process, and it is not necessary to concentrate during it. But you can spend your free time on a parallel activity and spend your time with double benefit.

While running you can:

  • Try to look at the problem from a different angle;
  • Search for new ideas;
  • Listen to an audiobook or audio lesson (for example, in a foreign language).

If you jog, try finding a running buddy. During a slow run, you can talk to a friend - this way the run will go by unnoticed quickly.

What time is it better to run in the morning - immediately after you wake up, or after some time? In this matter, be guided by your preferences, since the time of training is not important, the productivity of the training itself is important.

Monitoring your well-being while jogging

There are 4 ways to calculate your normal heart rate and heart rate while running;

  • Age;
  • According to Ball State University standards;
  • Moeschberger;
  • Miller.

To simplify the determination of a normal heart rate, you can use a calculation based on age, multiplying by a coefficient that corresponds to the level of load and fitness of the body. Heart rate when running must be controlled so that it does not exceed 200 beats per minute. If the indicators during training exceed all permissible limits, you need to consult a cardiologist and a specialist in physical therapy.

Running to stabilize your heart rate at rest

Some people with heart disease have a higher than normal heart rate at rest. During moderate exertion (for example, lifting heavy things), their heart rate can jump to 160-220 beats per minute. Of course, such people are accustomed to their high blood pressure, however, a critical increase in pressure can negatively affect your well-being.

Important! People with high blood pressure should exercise to strengthen their heart and stabilize their heart rate.

Such trainings are considered:

  • Nordic walking with poles;
  • Hiking;
  • Walking on a treadmill;
  • Run at a medium pace.

This training is designed to accustom the body to a small load and change its intensity.

If light training is regular, the resting heart rate decreases by 20-25 units, which may be enough for running training. During such training, it is advisable to monitor the condition of the heart and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Running for weight loss

Usually, the first exercise machine for losing weight in fitness clubs is a treadmill. Beginning athletes set a low speed on the track, then increase it. The slope of the track can also change over time to simulate an uphill climb. Such training is useful not only for those losing weight, but also for people with high heart rate.

Attention! If you work out with a trainer, then one of the main parameters is heart rate. The coach will select the correct rhythm on the track so that the frequency heart rate did not exceed the permissible values.

Some Treadmills automatically adjust all parameters, adjusting them to the pulse and other parameters of the trainee. The inclination and speed of movement of the running belt changes.

You can run for weight loss not only in the gym, but also in the open air. The main thing is to control your heart rate and pulse. For exercise to be effective for weight loss, the heart rate when running should be within 60-70% of the maximum. So, when running long distances, it is important to monitor your condition, pulse and heart rate. In order for classes to bring benefits and not harm, you need to start gradually, adding a few minutes every day.

If you want to lose weight, boost your immunity and improve your well-being, running in the morning is a great option. The best way solve the problem of. Morning cardio training improves health, increases immunity, endurance, and gives a boost of energy for the day ahead.

No special equipment is required for classes: only quality sneakers, tracksuit and the right attitude. At the same time, jogging is the most efficient type aerobic training that involves many muscle groups.

Is running in the morning beneficial?

The benefits of running in the morning have been proven more than once by doctors, trainers, and scientists. Daily running in the morning helps normalize the functioning of many body systems, improve health, increase endurance, improve mood and appearance.

Why do you need to run in the morning:

  1. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system: normalizes heart rate, improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels. Increases the volume of the heart chambers, strengthens the heart.
  2. Strengthening immune system: increases protective functions body, has a hardening effect, prevents infectious inflammatory diseases.
  3. Prevention of diabetes: reduces blood glucose levels, thins the fat layer, reduces the likelihood of type 2 diabetes.
  4. Stimulates brain function: normalizes cerebral circulation, increases the speed of thought processes, improves memory.
  5. Improving the functioning of the respiratory system: increases the volume of the lungs, improves their condition, makes them stronger.
  6. Increased endurance: Long-term aerobic exercise increases the energy produced by the body, allowing you to exercise longer without fatigue.
  7. Getting rid of excess weight: improves the functioning of the digestive system, helps burn calories, gets rid of extra centimeters.
  8. Improved mood: relieves stressful conditions, relieves depression, helps fight psychological disorders.
  9. Charge of vivacity: increased muscle tone, release of endorphins and dopamines improves well-being throughout the day.

What benefits does running in the morning give to representatives of different sexes?

The benefits of running in the morning for women

The benefits of jogging in the morning for women include the following effects:

  1. Normalization of sexual function. Improving blood circulation in the pelvis increases female potency, increases the chance of conceiving a child, and relieves painful menstruation.
  2. Getting rid of cellulite. Subcutaneous fat fiber is cleansed of toxins, receives nutrients and is filled with oxygen. Skin elasticity is restored.
  3. Elimination of swelling. Excess intercellular fluid leaves the body, causing swelling different parts bodies fall off.
  4. Weight loss. Burning calories helps you quickly lose excess fat and achieve your dream figure without exhausting starvation diets.

In addition, jogging affects the condition of the skin. Cardio exercises allow you to get rid of toxins and waste from the body, this has a positive effect on appearance faces and bodies.

The benefits of running in the morning for men

A little about what jogging in the morning does for men:

  1. Increased potency. Regular exercise helps normalize blood circulation for everyone internal organs, which affects sexual function.
  2. Prevention of prostate diseases. The work of the muscles near the prostate gland improves, which affects its functioning.
  3. Relief manifestation. Aerobic exercise burns fat deposits and increases muscle definition. The body begins to look more sporty and athletic.
  4. Improved psychological state. Systematic exercises normalize the functioning of the nervous system: efficiency increases, calmness and self-confidence appear.

The benefits of morning jogging for men are undeniable. But it manifests itself with constant training: irregular training will not give full results.

Morning running for beginners

Morning jogging for beginners should be easy, not too tiring. Severe overload will do more harm than good to an unprepared body. In addition, at the beginning of training it is important not to lose momentum, not to give up - and simple exercises contribute to this.

Some tips on how to start running in the morning:

  1. Assess your level of preparation. You should not start with a serious load if you understand that you cannot cope with it.
  2. Buy quality sports equipment. Nice sneakers with a thick sole and perforation reduce the likelihood of injury.
  3. Don't forget about warming up before training: neglecting it can seriously damage your joints and ligaments.
  4. Watch your breathing and running technique. Incorrect movements will not bring benefit and will harm your body.
  5. Monitor your pulse. If after a run it does not return to normal for more than 5 minutes, exercise less intensely.
  6. Don't forget about your attitude: training should give you positive emotions, otherwise you will quickly give up.

Here is a morning running schedule for beginners. It is designed for people who are not accustomed to high workloads, and allows them to get involved in the process quickly and easily.

A week Workout plan Frequency and duration
1 Run for 1 minute, walk for 2 minutes. 7 reps 2 times a week, 21 minutes
2 Run for 2 minutes, walk for 2 minutes. 5 reps 2–3 times a week, 20 minutes
3 Run for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes. 4 reps 2–3 times a week, 20 minutes
4 Run for 5 minutes, walk for 2 minutes. 3 reps 3 times a week, 21 minutes
5 Run for 6 minutes, walk for 1.5 minutes. 3 reps 3 times a week, 20 minutes
6 Run for 8 minutes, walk for 1.5 minutes. 2 reps 3–4 times a week, 19 minutes
7 Run for 10 minutes, walk for 1.5 minutes. 2 reps 3–4 times a week, 23 minutes
8 Run 12 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 8 minutes 4–5 times a week, 21 minutes
9 Run 15 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 5 minutes 4–5 times a week, 21 minutes
10 Run for 20 minutes without walking breaks 5 times a week, 20 minutes

After week 10, you can increase the duration of your run: this will allow you to achieve more pronounced results.

How to run in the morning?

Before starting classes, you should figure out how to run properly in the morning.

Basic rules for running in the morning:

  1. Don't start jogging immediately after waking up. The body needs 1–2 hours to begin full-fledged work.
  2. Exercise at the same time. Allow the body to get used to the load at certain hours and tune in to it.
  3. Use sneakers with cushioned soles to avoid injury.
  4. Warm up your joints and ligaments before starting your workout.
  5. Choose routes away from the roadway: do not inhale exhaust fumes while jogging.
  6. Remember about in the right mood. If you're feeling down, practice while listening to your favorite music or audiobooks to enjoy your workout.

Don't forget how to breathe properly when jogging in the morning. Breathing techniques will reduce the load on internal organs and improve the results of your workout.

When playing sports you should breathe like this:

  • for every 4 steps there is one inhalation and one exhalation;
  • exhalation is 2 times longer than inhalation;
  • you need to inhale through your nose and mouth, exhale through your mouth only.

In addition to the basic rules, the morning running technique must be followed. The correct body position during the process should be like this:

  1. The posture is straight, the head is raised straight.
  2. The gaze is directed forward, not at the feet.
  3. Shoulders are relaxed, slightly lowered.
  4. The abs are a little tense.
  5. The hands are not clenched into fists, they are relaxed.
  6. Elbows are bent at right angles.
  7. Arms and legs move at the same pace.
  8. The steps are short and frequent.
  9. Landing on the ground occurs in the middle of the foot.
  10. Pushing off the ground is done from the toe.

After completing the lesson, do not forget about the puff: this is an analogue of the warm-up, carried out after the main run. It is necessary to stabilize the functioning of the heart muscle. Slow jogging, walking for 5-10 minutes will do.

How to run in the morning for a man?

Rules for running in the morning for representatives of the stronger sex:

  1. Spend more time stretching and warming up. Men have a slightly higher risk of injury and sprains.
  2. Exercise at a medium or high pace: this increases the body's endurance and improves muscle definition.
  3. Don't run for more than half an hour unless you're trying to lose weight. Long runs are detrimental to gaining muscle mass.
  4. Eat a pre-workout snack: Men burn more calories during exercise, requiring a larger meal.

How to run in the morning for girls?

  1. Exercise at a slow pace, but for a long time: this is how the body burns fat more efficiently.
  2. Monitor your heart rate values: if the values ​​are high or low, you will not get the desired results from running.
  3. Try interval cardio: alternating fast and slow running, which triggers metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Breathe calmly and measuredly. Breathing techniques are more difficult for women than for men. Practice beforehand.

What time should you run in the morning?

The time for a morning jog is selected individually. It depends on the mode and preferences. There are 4 main time periods:

  1. 4–5 hours: calm, silence. It's deserted outside, so don't be shy.
  2. 6–7 hours: the optimal hour for studying. You can run, take a shower, have breakfast, and calmly get ready for work.
  3. 7–9 a.m.: rush hour. Everyone is rushing to work, you can disturb those around you. It is advisable to exercise in deserted places: parks, stadiums.
  4. 11–12 o'clock: silence, absence of people. A convenient hour for night owls who work on a non-standard schedule.

This depends on the chosen training hour. Subtract 2 hours from it: this is exactly how much time the body needs to fully awaken.

Should I run before or after breakfast?

Exercising on an empty stomach is undesirable even for those losing weight: the complete absence of calories forces the body to consume energy from muscle tissue. You should eat a light meal or drink as fuel before starting exercise.

A full hearty breakfast is needed after 40-60 minutes. after a run.

Should you eat before your morning run?

Losing weight runners should not eat a large breakfast before their morning run. They need to drink sweet tea or any other drink containing sugar and go to work.

When weight loss is not needed, before training you can eat:

  • oatmeal;
  • whole grain pancakes;
  • banana muffins;
  • wheat flakes;
  • fresh toast;
  • a hearty sandwich;
  • energy bar;
  • special cocktail.

It is important not to overeat: exercising with a full stomach is uncomfortable. Digestive upset may occur.

Breakfast after running in the morning

Breakfast after running in the morning should begin an hour after the end of the workout. It should be nutritious, satisfying and balanced. It is necessary that food contain large amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins.

Some examples of set breakfasts with various dishes:

  1. Fresh juice. Baked chicken breast. Any cereal, vegetable salad.
  2. Milk oatmeal porridge. Fruit salad: banana, orange, apple, strawberry. Fresh Juice.
  3. Mushroom omelet. Milk cocoa. Cereal cookies, some nuts.
  4. Fried egg. Coffee with milk. Bitter chocolate.
  5. Muesli, nuts, Greek yogurt, berries, honey.
  6. Soft-boiled eggs, homemade cheesecakes. Sweet tea, sandwich.
  7. Red fish, rice, vegetable salad. A glass of fresh milk.
  8. Toast, omelet, vegetable salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli. Fresh juice.

It is advisable to eat food after taking a shower.

How long should you run in the morning?

How much to run in the morning, everyone decides for themselves. Depending on the runner's preparation, the session can last 15–75 minutes.

  1. Beginners should practice for 15–20 minutes, gradually increasing the period.
  2. For those recruiting muscle mass 25-30 minutes of intense jogging is enough.
  3. Those losing weight need to exercise slowly for 40–50 minutes.

Deciding how often to run in the morning depends on your goal and fitness level. Optimal number of classes: 3–5 per week. Less than 3 workouts will not bring the desired effect, more than 5 will quickly tire you. Of course, there are exceptions.

What happens if you run in the morning every day?

If you run every morning, after a week you will notice the following effects:

  • the fat layer will begin to decrease;
  • endurance, muscle tone, immunity will increase;
  • toxins and waste will leave the body;
  • swelling and cellulite will decrease;
  • headaches and back pain will disappear;
  • the functioning of internal organs is normalized;
  • your health and mood will improve.

For moderate intensity exercise, daily morning jogging is beneficial. The main thing is not to do them as a beginner.


Despite the undoubted benefits of running, it has several serious contraindications. Prohibitions on training do not depend on the time of training: they are the same for morning and evening jogging.

Conditions that prohibit running include:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart disease, tachycardia, angina pectoris, hypertension, hypertensive crisis, heart failure, aortic aneurysm.
  2. Respiratory system diseases: asthma, bronchitis.
  3. Diseases musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, some types of scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia.
  4. Cerebrovascular accident.
  5. Severe degree varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
  6. Benign, malignant neoplasms.

Before starting training, you should consult your doctor to find out if you can go jogging. Slow, gentle jogging is allowed, even recommended, with some contraindications.

(5 ratings, average: 4,80 out of 5)

Running is probably the most popular sport in the world due to its many benefits. It is accessible to absolutely everyone, does not require financial investment, involves almost all the muscles of the body in work, and promotes effective fat burning. Morning jogging is considered especially useful, with which many adherents start the day. healthy image life. And if you also decide to do them, then you should first evaluate all the existing pros and cons of running in the morning.

Is it good to run in the morning? Definitely yes. Many experts consider the optimal time for it to be early in the morning, when the air is still clean, fresh, and not polluted by an abundance of cars and industrial exhausts, city dirt and dust. Thus, by running in the morning, you can not only strengthen your body and muscles, but also get enough fresh, cool air, moistened with morning dew. This will be beneficial, and after a few days of such jogging you will feel more energetic and cheerful.

One of the important benefits of running is its accessibility. He does not require any financial investment at all: no need to buy a subscription, pay for a trainer, or acquire additional equipment. All you need is comfortable shoes and clothes designed for running. It is recommended to run on a smooth and level surface - this will help soften the load on the feet. As for running shoes, it is recommended to purchase a special model for running, which will create a shock-absorbing effect with every step you take.

Speaking about the benefits of running in the morning, one cannot fail to note that during the activity it uses almost all muscles. Beginner athletes often think that running only works their legs, but in fact, during jogging, the buttocks, arms, as well as the back and abs are also actively worked - this helps to achieve a harmonious result. The more muscles are used, the more energy is expended, the more calories you burn, and the more better results your activities. By running regularly, you can strengthen your muscles, as well as ligaments and joints, preventing the risks of various injuries. During jogging, many of those muscles are worked that are not used in any way in ordinary life - this allows you to improve the tone of the whole body.

What happens if you run in the morning? You you can strengthen your immune system, since regular physical activity increases resistance to various viruses and infections. Running in the fresh air is a kind of hardening that improves the condition of the immune system. This is especially true for those who run not only in the warm season, but also in the cold season.

Run helps normalize blood circulation in organism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This helps to supply all internal organs and systems with a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is delivered to the cells along with the blood. When running, you must adhere to a certain breathing pace, which perfectly trains the lungs and respiratory system as a whole. But again, to get maximum benefits, it is recommended to run in places with clean air.

When we run in the morning, we actively initiate sweating processes, which helps cleanse the body. It gets rid of waste and toxins accumulated in pores and tissues.

After running, it is recommended to immediately take a shower and use a body scrub - this will certainly help eliminate all possible sources of contamination. Speaking about the benefits of running in the morning for women, it should be noted that accelerated blood circulation has a positive effect on the skin, moisturizing and smoothing it, giving it a healthy appearance. Regular jogging is an excellent prevention of cellulite.

Is running in the morning good for men? Yes, because it improves the functioning of all internal organs and systems, helps prevent problems with potency, and also promotes the development of such important qualities for the stronger sex as determination and willpower.

Another The advantage of running in the morning is its ability to influence our mood. Regular jogging promotes the production of endorphins, which improves your emotional state and good mood. Running normalizes sleep, fights insomnia, and helps normalize mental activity.

Also, the benefit of a morning jog is that it helps the body finally wake up, recharge itself for the day ahead with energy, vigor and good mood. It also triggers metabolic processes, which will work more actively throughout the day, contributing to your weight loss.

Is it bad to run in the morning?

Regarding whether running in the morning is beneficial, you can find negative opinions. If we talk about its opponents, then as an argument against morning running they cite the fact that the body is not yet prepared for active loads in the morning. Immediately after waking up, all processes have not yet started, and the body does not work at full capacity. During this period, he needs to adapt to new conditions and begin to produce energy for running in an increased volume. This can be very stressful and can negatively affect your heart function. That's why It is recommended to run not immediately after you wake up, but after some time so that all internal processes return to normal and prepare. If you're a night owl and find it incredibly difficult to get up in the morning, you might be better off running in the evening.

Besides, bad influence running is possible if you choose the wrong place to run. Try not to run near chemical plants, industries, and factories that emit toxic waste. Then running may not only not strengthen the body, but even provoke various diseases. But you can and should run in environmentally friendly areas: parks, squares, forests, the sea coast - you will get both benefits and pleasure.

When considering the benefits and harms of morning jogging, keep in mind that there are those for whom running is, in principle, contraindicated. These are people with diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system, lower back injuries, serious visual impairments, heart problems and respiratory system, high blood pressure. Some contraindications are absolute, some are relative, so if you have any doubts, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to run in the morning with maximum benefit

So what is more about jogging in the morning - benefit or harm? There are definitely many more benefits if you are convinced that there are no contraindications and do everything wisely. Experts recommend following these recommendations:

  • You will need comfortable shoes. These should be sneakers or running shoes with flat soft soles, comfortable inside, equipped with shock absorbers on the heels, springy and breathable.
  • Clothes should be comfortable made from natural fabrics that do not restrict movement. Girls will need a special sports bra. It is also important to dress appropriately for the weather to prevent overheating or hypothermia.
  • When it comes to food, it all depends on when you wake up. You can't run on a full stomach- this is discomfort for the body. You can run on an empty stomach or have a light snack 30-60 minutes before your workout. You can limit yourself to a glass of natural juice or a protein shake.
  • It is recommended to increase the load gradually. Always start with a brisk walk or light jog. Interval running is good for weight loss.
  • For beginners you can start running from 15-20 minutes every 3-4 days, gradually increasing the frequency and duration of training. For wellness and losing weight, it is recommended to run from 35 to 60 minutes. But regarding whether it is beneficial to run in the morning every day, experts give a negative answer - the body needs time to recover, so a couple of days a week can be taken as a well-deserved weekend or devoted to another type of activity.
  • Running try not to strain your hands- swing them freely as you run to the beat. Keep your body straight, do not bend or tilt your lower back forward, and do not throw your head back. It is also important to look forward and not at the floor.
  • Another important point- correct breathing when running. You need to breathe deeply and steadily, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
  • When you finish your run, do not stop abruptly. The speed should be reduced gradually. First, walk at a fast pace, let your breathing and heart rate recover.

For weight loss, as already mentioned, interval running is useful. Alternate moderate loads with intense ones: slow running with fast walking and sprinting for short distances. Do several accelerations for 1-2 minutes.

Do a short warm-up before your run. Do simple stretching exercises - bending, turning, squats, and so on. This will help prepare the body for further stress and prevent injury to muscles and joints. Also try not to overdo it so that your morning run doesn't tire you out. Remember that you still have the whole day ahead of you, and you need to save energy to spend it productively.

Now you know the benefits and benefits of running in the morning. It has a lot of advantages. It may be hard for you at first to get up a little earlier and go for a run, but over time you will get used to it and will no longer be able to imagine yourself without this part of your life. To make your workout more enjoyable and productive, run to your favorite music, rhythmic and dynamic. In the absence of contraindications and compliance with all necessary rules Regular morning jogging will be extremely beneficial.

Useful video about running in the morning