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Sayings of commanders. Quotes from great commanders: statements about duty, honor, power. Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases - Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

"Life to the Fatherland, Honor to no one."
(Motto of Russian officers)

P.I. Bagration(1765 – 1812). Prince, General of the Infantry,

- “Happiness is always on the side of the brave.”

A.K. Baiov(1871-1935), Russian military historian, lieutenant general

- “Combat success is guaranteed only to the army that is imbued with the spirit of initiative.”

Bujot Thomas Robert, Marshal of France since 1843,

- “Oh, moral strength,
you are the queen of armies."

V.Ya. Bryusov(1873-1924). Poet.

- “Only valor lives immortally, For the brave are glorious forever!”

N.D. Butovsky(1838 - 1917) - General of the Russian Imperial Army

- “Higher and final goal military education is the art of defeating the enemy.”

Military encyclopedia(pre-revolutionary)

- “The art of war has the task of achieving victory over the enemy in war with the least possible expenditure of effort, money and time.”

M.S. Vorontsov(1782-1856). Graph .

- “..Officers must know their duty and feel the importance of their rank; “It is their indispensable duty not only in all cases to set an example of obedience, patience, cheerful spirit and fearlessness, but to instill and root the same qualities, the same feelings in their subordinates.”

- “It is not enough if the officer himself is not afraid, and his team does not have the same firmness as him; A truly brave officer will have heroes as well as his subordinates.”

M.S. Galkin(1866 -1920). Colonel of the General Staff.

- “Honor is the shrine of an officer... it is the highest good... honor is a reward in happiness and consolation in grief. Honor tempers courage and ennobles courage. Honor knows neither hardships nor dangers... honor does not tolerate and cannot bear any stain.”

A.V. Gerua.(1870 - 1944). Russian military leader, lieutenant general.

- “The guardians of what is most precious - professional covenants and traditions, the source of the soul of the army, its spirit, the creators of its knowledge and science, they are at the same time educators of that stoicism of duty, without which no war or combat action is possible.”

IN AND. Dahl.(1801 -1872). Russian writer

- “Obedience is the basis of military valor.”

A.I. Denikin(1872-1947). Lieutenant General of the General Staff

“Nowhere can the importance of an individual be as great as in the army.”

A.A. Dmitrievsky(1856-1929). Church historian

- “An ideal, like a religion, gives purpose and meaning to an officer’s service, shows direction... An ideal makes you think about the future, about the consequences... Without an ideal, a nation, an army, a corps of officers are short-lived.”

F.M. Dostoevsky(1821-1881). Russian writer.

- “Nowadays they fight not so much with weapons, but with their minds...”

M.I. Dragomirov(1830-1905). General

- “In our time, an officer is not only a military rank, but something more: he is a public figure in the civil sense of the word, because he is called upon to play not the least role in public education.”

- “They study great examples of military science not in order to literally imitate them, but in order to be imbued with their spirit.”

- “Devotion to the Motherland and the interests of the common cause is the main task of the military education program.”

- "Upbringing more important than education, because military affairs are to a large extent more volitional than intellectual.”

- “Don’t think about yourself, think about your comrades; your comrades will think about you.
This is the first military commandment."

G.K. Zhukov(1896 -1974). Marshal .

“As you know, the army is an instrument of war, it exists for armed struggle against the enemies of the Motherland, and for this struggle it, first of all, must be tactically prepared. IN otherwise she will be forced to complete her studies during the battles, while suffering unnecessary losses.”

- “The defeat of the enemy in an operation, battle or battle is the work of the entire team, a common cause. Anyone who tries to rise above the collective, or someone who wants to elevate someone, is contrary to the truth.”

- “Time has no power over the greatness of everything that we experienced during the war, and the people, who once experienced great trials, will continue to draw strength from this victory.”

M.I. Zhukov. Commander of the Riga provincial battalion in 1883-1886.

“In any other matter you can be good or mediocre, but in a military matter you must be absolutely excellent.”

P.I. Izmestiev
(1873 -1925). Major General, participant in the Russian-Japanese War, military writer.

- “It is not the uniform that makes a person worthy, but the person must be worthy of the uniform.”

- “Will and suggestion are two important factors of victory. The charm of a leader’s personality is necessary in war.”

- “The army must be infiltrated vital energy and capacity, which constitutes the military spirit... The military spirit consists of a fusion of intellectual and moral aspirations, manifesting itself in independent actions, in initiative.”

- “All great commanders were great experts on the human soul.”

“The army, imbued with the spirit of initiative, is always ready for action.”

- “Freedom is the first factor of human dignity, and within the limits of discipline it is quite applicable in the army. A correct view of military service requires that an officer of unblemished name be able to act in his life with the same courage and independence as any other citizen.”

- “Comradeship is one of the forms of military spirit... Friendly work generates solidarity, without which productive service to the common cause is impossible. There must be camaraderie in the army.”

Roman Ilyushchenko- lieutenant colonel, military journalist, bachelor of religious studies.

- “Saving the prestige of the army and troops is the job of the officers themselves.
The army, the state as a whole, has no future if its officers do not have a sense of honor."

I.A. Ilyin(1883-1954). Famous Russian philosopher, thinker.

- "... there is the concentrated willpower of my state, the stronghold of my homeland; the embodied courage of my people, the organization of honor, dedication and service...".

N.M. Karamzin(1766-1826). Russian historian, writer.

- “Patriotism is love for the good and glory of the Fatherland and the desire to contribute to them in all respects. It requires reasoning, and therefore not all people have it...”

N.L. Klado(1862-1919). Historian and theorist of the Russian fleet, professor (1910) of the Naval Corps, Nikolaev Naval and Engineering Academies, major general (1912) of the Admiralty.

“Courage is absolutely necessary in war, but it is no less important in peacetime, when it is necessary to stand uncompromisingly against lies, the routine of military service, ignorance, shortcomings and the calming influence of the environment.”

N.V. Krainsky(1869–1951). Professor.

“The traditions of military honor, valor and glory of feat play a colossal role in maintaining the spirit of the army.”

M.I. Kutuzov(1747-1813). Field Marshal General .

- “The Russian army is invincible in battles and inimitable in generosity and peaceful virtues.”

- “The Russian soldier must know and keep in his memory that
his forefathers and ancestors for the glory of their Fatherland... famine.
thirst, labor and death were imputed to nothing...”

“Your iron chest is not afraid of either the severity of the weather or the anger of enemies: it is the reliable wall of the Fatherland, against which everything will be crushed.
Good soldiers are distinguished by firmness and patience. Old servicemen will set an example for the young ones.
Let's move forward, God is with us; “Before us is a defeated enemy, and behind us may there be peace and quiet.”

IN AND. Maikov(1728 - 1778). Popular Russian writer of the 18th century.

- “So a cheerful spirit, possessing art, knows what courage consists of in the military line.”

S.O. Makarov(1849 – 1904). Admiral .

- “When swimming, you should not miss an opportunity to practice exercises that are useful in combat.”

- “A Russian soldier does not go into service because of money, he looks at war as the fulfillment of his sacred duty, to which he is called by fate... All the valor of the Russian soldier is based on this.”

“The entire disciplinary charter is completely contained in one phrase of the oath: “not only for fear, but also for conscience.”

V.F. Margelov(1908 – 1990). Army General.

- “Anyone who has never in his life left an airplane, from where cities and villages seem like toys, who has never experienced the joy and fear of a free fall, a whistle in his ears, a stream of wind hitting his chest, will never understand the honor and pride of a paratrooper... »

- “Knocked down - fight on your knees, you can’t get up - advance while lying down!”

- “Any task - at any time!”

A.L. Mariyushkin(1880 - 1946). Colonel of the Russian army, military writer.

- “The army is an eternal sentry that never leaves its post. Constant vigilance and improvement for the glory of the Great Motherland are its responsibilities; security, greatness and glory of the Fatherland are its rights!”
I. Maslov

“The more a warrior values ​​himself, the more inner dignity he has, the more impeccably he fulfills his duties.”

- “Mind and reason are powerful weapons of combat power... The art of war is completely uncharacteristic of savage peoples, poorly developed mentally.”

M.O. Menshikov(1859 -1918). Russian thinker, publicist.

- “Military service, before everyone else, rests primarily on idealism, completely unselfish, on the poetry of action, on that sacred religion of patriotism, without which a soldier is cannon fodder...”.

- “Woe to the army that is not courageous enough to admit its sins.”

- “Military class- sword and shield of Russia”

- “Officership is knighthood and is still bound by knightly vows. But a true knight must ask himself: does military service entail him? If not, then a decent person should leave the army.”

E.E. Messner(1891-1974). The colonel is an outstanding Russian military theorist, writer, and historian.

- “An officer should not be afraid of responsibility, he should love responsibility.”

ON THE. Morozov(1879-1937). Russian and Soviet military leader.

- “That army could not fail to win, where the general and the officer made up one great family, living with an ardent desire for victory, an ardent dream of the greatness and benefit of the Motherland, where the good and honor of the army stood above all personal accounts, where each individual member of the army was ready for the soul to lay down yours for another."

From the book "Education of a general and an officer as the basis of victories and defeats"

Napoleon I Bonaparte(1769 - 1821)

- “Usually the soldiers win the battles, and the generals get the honors.”

P.S. Nakhimov(1802–1855). Admiral.

- “Of the three ways to influence subordinates: rewards, fear and example - the last is the surest.”

“I leave it to everyone to act completely independently at their own discretion, but be sure to fulfill their duty.”

V.A. Nedzwiecki. Honored Professor of Moscow State University. Author of the book Information special operation of the Russian command in the war of 1812 with Napoleon: plan and result.

“In the absence of wars, strengthening the military spirit in armies becomes the main educational task of peacetime.”

- “The troops, falling into the hands of talented commanders who knew how to influence their moral side, worked truly miracles.”

A.A. Neznamov(1872 – 1928), Russian military theorist, historian.

- “The high calling of the army requires special care to protect its honor. There may be, as elsewhere, people of different abilities, but dishonest, polluted people are morally intolerant.”

N.N. Obruchev(1830 - 1904). Russian military leader, general. In 1858, with the assistance of General M.A. Milutina founded the magazine "Military Collection"

- “Without developing the spirit, it is easy to make a soldier, but it is difficult to make a real warrior.”

Peter I(1672 -1725).

- “And so you should not think that you are fighting for Peter, but for the state, Peter, entrusted to him, for your family, for the Fatherland... And about Peter, know that his life is not dear to him, only if Russia lived in bliss and glory for your well-being."

(Address to Russian soldiers before the Battle of Poltava).

- “Reason and art win more than multitudes.”

- “All our affairs will be overthrown if the fleet is spent.”

- “Military affairs is the first of the worldly affairs, as it is the most important for the defense of one’s Fatherland.”

- “Officers are to soldiers as fathers to children.”

- “By military deeds, Russia has emerged from darkness to light.”

A. Popov.

“The military man stands in the exceptional position of a knight of high moral principles, always ready for the feat of self-sacrifice.”

Kavad Rush. 1936 Captain 1st rank, writer, historian and publicist.

- "Self-sacrifice - highest manifestation culture in the world and the main virtue of the Russian officer."

- “Traditions are memory, and memory is the air of culture and the soul of the army. The connection between times has not been broken.”

A.S. Pushkin
(1799 – 1837)

- “You can not only be proud of the glory of your ancestors,
but it should; not to respect it is shameful cowardice.”

- “I swear on my honor, I would not want to change the Fatherland for anything in the world,
Or have a different story than the story of my ancestors.”

A.S. Rezanov. Colonel, member Russo-Japanese War, assistant military prosecutor of the Petrograd Military District Court, author of many publications. In 1915 he published the book “German Espionage”.

- “The strength of armies is not in the number of troops, but in the quality of their leaders.”

K.F. Ryleev(1795-1826). Russian poet, Decembrist.

- “Aren’t you the strength of free souls, O valor, gift of the former heavens, mother of heroes, wine of miracles...”

V. A. Samonov(1872-1941). Colonel.

- “The composition of the officers has a decisive influence on the quality of the entire army. As are the officers, so is the army. The spirit that animates the corps of officers is the spirit of the entire army. Everything that is bequeathed by the great commanders and eras of wars will only be passed on by officers to the younger generations, and therefore in good "The army must draw from the quality and cheerful warlike spirit of its officers those moral forces that alone can lead it to victory."

A.A. Svechin(1878-1938). Russian military strategist.

- “War brings with it serious surprises. A terrible responsibility for thousands of lives. And it seems to me that an army in which the leaders greet and shoulder any responsibility with a smile will be invincible.”

- “The main duty of a military leader is to give happiness to his soldiers”.

M.D. Skobelev(1843 – 1882). An outstanding Russian military leader.

- “Discipline must be iron. There is no doubt about this, but this is achieved by the moral authority of the boss, and not by slaughter.”

- “Let us preserve in all purity the glory of the Russian name and the glory of the regiments, supported at the cost of blood.”

- “To be successful, a commander must lead his unit into battle, and not send it.”

- “The basis for success in a collision with the enemy is order in battle; I call it the best expression of the valor of a unit.”

- “The influence on the moral side of individuals and units in military affairs should be in the foreground.”

I.V. Stalin(1879 – 1953). Generalissimo.

- “Let the courageous image of our great ancestors inspire you in this war:
Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky,
Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov!”

A.V. Suvorov(1730 - 1800). Generalissimo .

- “Everlasting glory to Russian weapons!”

- “Eye - Speed ​​- Pressure; Subordination, Exercise, Obedience, Training, Discipline, Military Order, Cleanliness, Health, Order, Vigor, Courage, Bravery. Hooray! - Victory! - Glory, glory, glory!”

- “A good name is the property of every honest person; but I concluded my good name in the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity.”

- “Without virtue there is neither glory nor honor.”

- “Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, cheerfulness, courage, courage - victory.”

- “Speed ​​and pressure are the soul of real war.”

- “Military virtues are: courage for a soldier, courage for an officer, courage for a general, but they must be guided by order and discipline, controlled by vigilance and foresight.”

- “A warrior must crush the enemy’s power, and not defeat the unarmed.”

- “Conquer yourself and you will be invincible.”

- “Do not strive for shine - but for consistency”!

- “A soldier must be healthy, brave, strong,
I will decide, justly, piously!”

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Never give up. Dropping your knees will only make the situation worse. You were born, which means you took on the world. No agreements with Helheim! Victory or Valhalla - there is no third option.

1. Ihr Ziel - der Wunsch zu gewinnen. Your goal is the desire to win .
2. Ihr Weg - Gleichgewichtstraining. Your path is hard training .
3. Ihre Blutsbande - Kampf Bruderschaft. Your blood ties are a fighting brotherhood .
4. Ihr Erfolg - ist der Erfolg der Mannschaft. Your success is the team's success .
5. Im Kampf hart sein, aber edel. In battle, be cruel but noble .
6. Ihre Grundregel - eiserne Disziplin. Your main rule is iron discipline .
7. Ihre Regel - als interne Disziplin Richter. Your rule is discipline as an inner judge .
8. Disziplin - die bedingungslose Unterwerfung unter den Kommandanten. Discipline - unconditional submission to the commander .
9. Drücken Sie nicht Ihr Glück - in die Niederlage zum Sieg verwandeln. Don't tempt fate - you'll turn victory into defeat .
10. Nicht scheuen aus eine Entscheidung. Don't shy away from making a decision .
11. Legen Sie nicht die Verantwortung auf den Schultern der Gefährten. Do not shift responsibility onto the shoulders of your Companions .
12. Denken Sie daran, der Gewinner ist immer bescheiden.Remember, the winner is always humble .
13. Nach dem Verlust, nicht für leere Ausreden zu begleichen. When you lose, don't make empty excuses .
14. Denken Sie daran, den Hauptgrund für die Niederlage in Ihnen. Remember, the main reason for defeat is in yourself .
15. Sei ein Ritter, wie es sich verhalten, im Kampf und im Leben. Be a knight, behave as you should in battle and in life .

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov: « Bogatyrs! The enemy is trembling from you. Yes, there is an enemy more than almshouses: damned incompetent, hint, guess, deceitful, crafty, eloquent, short-spoken, two-faced, polite, stupid, nickname, which is stupid and pronounce: lame, prick, afokh, vairkah rock, hell. So on and so forth. I'm ashamed to say! The incompetent person causes a lot, a lot of trouble ».

Boris Alekseevich Smyslovsky: « Let pacifists not talk about the horrors of fire war. Every professional warrior knows the other side of the battle. Knows its beauty and greatness. The greatness of love, who lays down his soul for his friends - for the idea, for the life of his nation and for state and historical glory.
The warrior knows the burning beauty that goes beyond the sphere of the line of the transcendental binomial of good and evil.
The beauty of tension to the point of failure of mental forces, when the rhythm of the human heart merges with the breath of nature, when all feelings are heightened to the utmost, painful extremes, when between heaven and earth all boundaries of the visible and invisible collapse, and a warrior going into battle feels with his soul what was hitherto inaccessible to his physical senses.
The warrior transcends the boundaries of the individual and dissolves in the spheres of superhuman duty

Carl von Clausewitz: « No commander can immediately give an army the habit of war, and peacetime exercises are only a weak substitute for war (combat). Weak compared to real military testing.
It is very important that a military man, no matter what his rank, does not have to face in war those difficulties that, when seen for the first time, shock and bewilder.
If a person who calls himself a military man has encountered similar things at least once before, he is already half familiar with them. This even applies to physical fatigue. In order to get used to it, you need to train the mind no less than the body.
In war, a young fighter is inclined to consider the exertion of forces required of him as a consequence of mistakes and difficulties in leadership, and because of this he becomes despondent. This will not happen if he is prepared for it in advance through peacetime training.

Therefore, a state that has long been in a state of peace always strives to obtain officers who have served in various theaters of war, or to send its officers there so that they can learn the art of warfare».

Denis Vasilievich Davydov: « Russia has not yet risen to its full gigantic heights.her height, and woe to her enemies if she everbe risen ».

Crown Prince Eugene of Prussia: « Continuously reflect on your military profession. About your own actions. About the actions of outstanding commanders. Such reflections are the only means of acquiring that quickness of thought which helps one to immediately grasp and think through everything that can be done in a given situation.».

Quotes from various works Boris Aleksevich Smyslovsky.

1. " It is much worse for us when former military men, who in the full sense of the word have forgotten not only the ABCs of military affairs, but also its very spirit, try to create so-called military organizations, which ultimately boil down into societies of “cups of tea, mutual adoration,” and which the dynamics of the Russian national officer are sprayed».

2. " The word has great and magical power, and with concentration and repetition it is itself realized and goes into action. You just need to be able to turn an idea into a word, and a word into a fact.».

3. " Military policy is the policy of preparing armed forces, advance military bases, airfields, bridgeheads, occupying those initial operational positions that, with their geopolitical weight alone, could put pressure and predetermine in favor of their strategy the entire course of a further campaign».

4. " Policy should be divided into two parts: the so-called pure policy, which will be the subject of action by state diplomacy or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And on the policy of state strategy, which is inherently within the competence of the large headquarters».

5. " Each new war begins with the same firepower and tactics that ended the previous one. With the difference that the equipment will be significantly strengthened and the tactics will be more improved».

6. " Two armies, armed from head to toe, cannot stand inactive for a long time, one against the other. Mobilized troops either begin armed action or become demoralized from inaction. Military science does not know any other way out of this situation.».

7. " Peoples of the white race, protect your sacred rights»!

8. " Combat is part of war. And war is a part of our life».

9. " All victories, no matter how brilliant, won over a secondary enemy, as they now say a satellite, cannot bring a strategic solution to the entire campaign».

10. " Pacifism is a disease of a people or a separate class. This is a weakening of the will to fight for one’s class or national existence. Propaganda of pacifism or a strictly defensive war, from a military point of view, is as unnatural as propaganda of artificial restrictions on childbearing. This propaganda is a direct road to totalitarian defeat or historical suicide».

eleven. " Today, without military intelligence, preparing for war is unthinkable. No military organism is capable of acting blindly. The most powerful body - the army, the highly intelligent mind - the General Staff - cannot work successfully if there are no eyes and ears, that is, omniscient and comprehensive intelligence. The army must be educated in this spirit. Every officer and soldier must be intelligence officers. The time of only “professional spies” and sending out patrols has sunk into eternity. On the front line, at headquarters, in battle, in the rear, in a factory, in a bureau, in a laboratory, at an airfield, on a train and a restaurant, on the street and at home, every soldier must be able to see and hear what his country, his nation needs in the struggle for ideals and for their existence. It is necessary to educate the army in modern intelligence principles. It is necessary to instill and teach that today an intelligence officer is not a “despicable spy”, but a faithful, ideological soldier and officer standing guard over his state, his nation and his historical and national mission».

Adolf Gitler:« When human hearts are broken with grief, and souls are torn apart from despair, then from the darkness of past times our great ancestors look at us, who more than once overcame need and care, shame and torment, spiritual lack of freedom and physical coercion. They look at us and extend their eternal helping hand to us, desperate mortals! Woe to the people who are ashamed to lean on her»!

What does the expression mean« Jedem das Seine » , that is« to each his own » . Why there is not and will not be equality among people.

Many people fundamentally misunderstand the principles of caste division of society and their relevance, superficially seeing in them only the division of society into “ elite" And " black" With such a vision " elite" - this is a certain narrow layer of snickers " masters of the world”, which are such only by the right of inheritance of this status, or due to the possession of large material resources.

The first group includes the aristocracy, which is rotting in Europe. If we talk about the Russian Federation, then these are the children of officials and politicians. Often such “ dynasties“originate from the Soviet nomenklatura.

The second ones are people different ways who have gained access to material wealth, from businessmen who started in the 90s in a semi-criminal environment, to pop artists. Although artists and people of art in general are not always rich, they are also considered “ elite of the nation", called " our conscience", which is absolutely absurd. It's funny, but in Indo-Aryan society, actors are always sudras.

Under " mob"is understood to mean everything excommunicated from" feeders"part of the population, that is, actually" people». « Elite"basks in luxury, revels in power, " people“starving, suffering, dying.

But let's try to figure out whether this state of affairs has anything to do with the caste system. It is worth mentioning that it is more correct to use the term “ varna”, since castes are smaller divisions within varnas. Let’s say that in the Shudra varna there may be castes of potters, corpse burners, hairdressers and others. But the word " caste” due to its greater distribution outside India.

The concept " upper castes", if you follow the Vedic system (and it is this system that will be used, since only in it the Aryan terminology has been preserved without changes. Moreover, it is clear to everyone who is even superficially familiar with the works of Evola and Guenon), includes four castes (varnas) :

- kshatriyas.

That is, people with a spiritual and intellectual orientation (clergy, scientists), people with an active position, ready to fight for their ideals (warriors and leaders), people focused on material enrichment (merchants, businessmen).

The lowest caste - Shudras, includes all people engaged in manual labor, peasants, workers, servants. Each varna has its own dharma (law and life goal), its own ideas about happiness, good and evil:

- sudras.

Brahman is completely devoted to communication with the Divine, or the search for truth (science).

A Kshatriya is a leader and protector, he protects the people (including Shudras) and he kills, he is obliged to kill, which a Brahman, for example, not only cannot do, but has no right to do.

Vaishya achieves success by engaging in trade. His goal is a full stomach, sensual pleasures, and comfort.

The goals of a Shudra are no different from those of Vaishyas, the only difference is in the type of activity. Neither the Shudra nor the Vaishya are aware of any lofty goals or all sorts of abstract reasoning.

Thus, we can conclude that brahmins and kshatriyas are people of the Idea. Their life is subordinated to serving the Meaning, intangible for Shudras and Vaishyas. Serving God, searching for truth, for the former, and protecting the Nation and Faith for the latter. This is their Dharma. And for the sake of Dharma, they are ready to die, and in the case of kshatriyas, to kill.

A classic example of Kshatriya ethics can be seen in the conversation between Krishna and the warrior Arjuna before the battle of Kurukshetra, described in the Bhagavad Gita. This example disassembled by Evola in " Aryan doctrine of struggle" Krishna convinces Arjuna, who is overcome by doubts, to fight no matter what, not friends and relatives in the camp of enemies, no matter what. Arjuna is a warrior and fighting is his Dharma. " You are behaving unworthy of an Aryan"says Krishna. We see that duty is placed at the forefront of the warrior's Dharma.

If the warriors do not fight, then the Brahmins will not be able to perform sacred rites, the Vaishyas will not be able to trade, and the Shudras will not be able to cultivate the land. The personal interests of the kshatriya fade into the background, the main thing is Duty, Dharma.
Brahmins, in turn, on the contrary, should never stain their hands with blood. Moreover, it is the brahmanas who are the teachers of martial arts for the kshatriyas. In India, traditionally, young men from Kshatriya families were trained by brahmans and it was from them that they received knowledge about the art of war. That is, a brahmana knows how to fight and kill, but consciously refrains from this out of compassion for living beings. Although sometimes they had to take up arms. This is the Indian Parashuram, a Brahman by birth, who destroyed the entire warrior caste, which was mired in vices and the Brahmins of the Mahabharata and the Russian Magi and Siberian shamans leading popular uprisings. For the sake of fairness, it is also worth mentioning European and Russian warrior monks. In general, these two castes are closely related to each other. Precisely because their representatives, as stated above, live by an immaterial Idea, unlike the Shudras and Vaishyas.

So, it is clear that in addition to purely social division, castes represent certain ideological characteristics. Can we say that now one corresponds to the other? Can we call an OPON officer (because there are no police, but there are police - therefore things must be called by their proper names), beating people on orders, a kshatriya? Are we sure that he is motivated by warrior Dharma? Do we know that he is honest, noble, fearless? No, most likely, he is driven by a thirst for profit, coupled with satisfaction from humiliating others.

Can we call priests who are mired in sycophancy before the authorities, overwhelmed by greed, and often downright stupid, brahmanas? Obviously not. Both the first and second are either vaishyas or sudras. And what do we say about a worker, a peasant, a person from the lower social classes, a poor family, who follows the path of spiritual development, discovering the divine in his microcosm, or who gives all of himself, his life and freedom for the triumph of the ideals he shares? Of course he is not a sudra. As for the Vaishyas, everything is simpler with them; a person who makes money always remains one.

There is a version belonging to Georges Dumézil that the merchant caste appeared among the Indo-Europeans much later than among the peoples of Asia. Indeed, if we take as an example “ historical"of the Aryans, who are considered to be pastoral nomadic tribes, it is absolutely clear that they simply did not need trading activity. Shudras have the same " historical"The Aryans appeared after the Aryan invasion of India, where all aboriginal non-Aryan inhabitants fell into their category.

That's why the word " varna" means " color" Moreover, those who belonged to the aristocracy or the priestly class of the indigenous peoples of India were automatically enrolled as shudras. Hence the concept “ Aryan», « Aryan", as in the meaning " noble”, and in a purely racial sense. That is, the Aryans are Brahmins and Kshatriyas, and the aborigines are Shudras. Over the course of history, the Aryan and non-Aryan populations mixed with each other, and the term lost its original meaning. In the same way, castes ceased to have racial overtones.

But let's return to our topic. Castes are the spiritual characteristics of a person, following which he finds his place in society. Now, of course, this correspondence does not exist. Why is that? This can only be answered by realizing what kind of world we live in now.

According to the Hindu concept of history, humanity, originating in the Golden Age, gradually regresses, finds itself in the Iron (Dark) Age - Kali Yuga. In German-Scandinavian mythology there is the concept of the Wolf Age. Similar concepts are characteristic of most Indo-European peoples, as is the idea of ​​the Golden Age. The memory of him was preserved even in Christianity in the form of the myth of Eden. At the end of the era of decline, the destruction of the completely degraded world inevitably occurs by the Avenger God, Kalki in Hinduism, Odin-Wotan in Northern European paganism. The era of Kali Yuga is characterized by comprehensive chaos in human relationships between themselves, the surrounding reality and the Divine. Here it would be reasonable to cite a few quotes from Indian sacred texts regarding the Age of Kali:

« In Kali Yuga, a simply rich person will be considered an aristocrat with impeccable manners and exalted qualities».

« Men and women in this age will enter into cohabitation only because of momentary attraction, and success in business will depend entirely on the ability to deceive. Femininity or masculinity will be judged by how successful a person is in sex, and those who simply wear the corresponding sign on their neck will be recognized as brahmins».

« The spiritual position of a person will be determined only by his external symbols and attributes».

« Not receiving a large salary for a person would be considered the height of indecency. And a sign of outstanding scholarship will be considered simply the ability to juggle words very deftly».

« As the Earth becomes increasingly overrun by corrupt people, the social class that this moment turned out to be the most powerful».

« These greedy and ruthless rulers will behave no better than ordinary thieves».

« People will completely forget the path that the Vedas lead, and the so-called religions will be mostly atheistic. Almost all kings will turn into thieves, and the main occupations of people will be theft, deception and senseless violence. All classes of society will descend to the lowest level of Shudras" (Srimad-Bhagavatam).

« Unlucky and obsessed with material desires, the people of Kali Yuga are almost entirely sudras».

« Uncultured people will collect alms in the name of God and earn their living simply by dressing up as monks and playing pretend renunciation. People who have no idea about religion will dare to talk from high platforms and stands about religious principles" (Bhumi-Gita).

There are a great many similar descriptions, however, I think those given above are more than enough to understand that Kali Yuga is an era of loss of true meanings. Excerpts are given that specifically relate to the decline of the caste division of society, but it is characteristic of all vital spheres of human activity.

Kali Yuga is the era of confusion and degeneration. And just by going outside or turning on the TV, we can easily see that this is true.

Based on all of the above, we can absolutely say that castes are now precisely spiritual, not social characteristics. At the time of involution, the correspondence between caste by birth and caste by spirit was lost.

In Indian Tantrism there is the concept of “bhava”, which is perhaps more consistent with the current division human society.

This " pasu-bhava" - the lowest human type, the beast-man (" plowing" - animal), down-to-earth materialist, consumer.

« Vira bhava" - an active, heroic type of person, a warrior.

AND " divya-bhava" - the highest type of person, who has, strictly speaking, transcended the human. His life has little to do with the outside world; he is completely immersed in a relationship with the Divine.

Tantrism rejects caste division; in Kali Yuga, as stated in one of the quotes above, most people are Shudras. Therefore, even a person born in a lower caste can reach the level of divya. It is logical to imagine that ideally, pashu are sudras and vaishyas, viru are kshatriyas, and divyas are brahmanas. But don't forget, we live in the Age of Kali. However, this does not mean that human society has lost the need for the caste system. Each of us has our own individual characteristics. One wants to drink beer in front of the TV, and the other wants to perform rituals in the night forest, one wants to earn money for a car, the other wants to change history. And it doesn’t matter at all which of them works at a factory, and which in a large corporation, who was born into which family, and the like.

In his work " Caste regression“Julius Evola describes in detail the process of the decline of human society from Brahmanical sacred ideals (conditionally the Golden Age), through the era of kshatriya states (antiquity, the Middle Ages), where the main values ​​were Honor, Loyalty, Duty (Dharma), courage. To the states belonging to the Vaishya traders (bourgeois revolutions, the emergence of capitalism), and then, further down, to the Shudra states, the first of which was, of course, the USSR.

Lenin's famous phrase about " cook who runs the state"is an absolutely Shudrian principle. Now we see that all current culture, art, human life and worldview are precisely Shudrian in nature - entertainment and satisfaction of physical desires. The entire world cinema industry, all the so-called show business, sets as its goal to entertain and excite, without forcing you to think or encouraging you to develop. Art has long lost its original sacred mystical character. The Jews produce products for the Shudras, respectively. We all know who owns Hollywood, the media in Europe, Russia and the USA, the porn industry and so on.

That is, our civilization today can be characterized by us as Vaishya-Sudra. The Vaishyas make money from the Shudras, and the first and second are quite happy. But try to talk to your acquaintance from among those who are called ordinary people about the fact that you are ready to give your life for your Motherland, for your ideals, or, for example, that you want to go live in the forest to see how the moon sanctifies the old fir trees . It seems, to put it mildly, that they will not understand you. Because kshatriya and brahminical ideals have no place in modern society total desocralization.
What conclusion can be drawn?

Castes, in our understanding, are a natural, natural division of people. However, we do not mean by it a rigid social framework. Most people on Earth now are sudras, ordinary people. They are interested in little except own skin. These include deputies and workers and businessmen and plumbers. But most people should be like that. A society where everyone is warriors or magi is not very viable. Another thing is what ideas and guidelines dominate society. Instilling in him the ideals of heroism, honesty, and selflessness is not at all useless. Of course, the majority will never be heroes, but the atmosphere in such a society will be completely different from the one where profit, debauchery, perversion and meanness are promoted. People who live by the idea, who give themselves for the good of the nation, the race - these are modern kshatriyas. They are the true Elite, and not fat pigs in offices or sleek buggers at social events. These are not even sudras, these are even worse, they are mlechchas.

A good name belongs to every honest person, but I based my good name on the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity. Never has pride, the often submissive veil of fleeting passions, controlled my actions. I forgot myself where I should have been thinking about the common good. My life was a harsh school, but my innocent morals and natural generosity made my labors easier: my feelings were free, and I myself was strong.

Tsars praised me, soldiers loved me, friends marveled at me, haters reviled me, they laughed at me at court. I was at court, but not as a courtier, but as Aesop and La Fontaine: I told the truth with jokes and animal language. Like the jester Balakirev, who was under Peter the Great and was a benefactor of Russia, I grimaced and writhed. I crowed like a rooster, awakening the sleepy, calming the violent enemies of the Fatherland. If I were Caesar, I would try to have all the noble pride of his soul, but I would always shun his vices.

Conscience is an inner, closed luminary, which illuminates only the person himself and speaks to him in a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, bringing it to its senses, and following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case.

Without virtue there is neither glory nor honor.

Atheism consumes states and rulers, faith, rights and morals.

(About godlessness). Behold hell, over which madness reigns even stronger at the end of the century. This hell, opening its jaws to the Alpine mountains, is erecting a new Rome, the foundation of which is near the abyss.

Heroism defeats courage, patience - speed, reason - intelligence, work - laziness, history - newspapers...

Heroes need goodness and mercy.

The target closest to the action is better than the one farther away.

The more conveniences, the less courage.

Even an executioner can be polite.

Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and selfless in your actions.

Rule the happiness, the speed of Caesar, who was so good at taking enemies by surprise even during the day.

Great adventures come from small reasons.

Liberty and equality cannot stand for long against faith and power.

Here are my thoughts about people: the sign of fools is pride, people of mediocre intelligence are meanness, and a person of true merit is sublimity of feelings, covered with modesty.

Courageous deeds are truer than words.

Time is most precious.

Above money, time is scary.

Do you know the three sisters? Faith, Love and Hope. With them glory and victory. God is with them.

The whole earth is not worth even one drop of needlessly shed blood.

Where there are fewer troops, there are more brave men.

Benevolent generosity is often more useful than a swift military sword.

Where there is anxiety, there is a road; where there is cheers, it’s time to go there; the head does not wait for the tail.

The main talent of a great man is to be able to choose people according to their talents.

The head does not wait for the tail; it will always arrive in due time.

Civic virtues are no substitute for useless brutality in the military.

There cannot be two owners in one house.

The master's work is afraid. And the peasant does not know how to wield a plow - no bread will be produced.

Money should not be left empty.

True glory cannot be assessed: it is the result of sacrificing oneself for the benefit of the common good.

Money is expensive, human life is even more expensive, and time is most valuable.

Diplomatic language is deceptive duplicity.

Hunger is the best medicine.

One must hurry to do good.

Virtue is always persecuted.

Unity gives consent. Look at the matter as a whole.

If you like hot, be capable of cold too.

Imitation is pathetic, competition is praiseworthy. Imitation is a recognition of the lack of one's own abilities. Competition is the impulse of a noble soul that wants to show the advantage it has disputed.

The one who grabs the heat with someone else's hands will later burn out his own.

Sincerity of relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship.

Art cannot tolerate enslavement.

Mercy covers severity. With severity, mercy is needed, otherwise severity is tyranny.

Truth favors one virtue.

How painful is indifference to oneself!

The peasant gets rich not with money, but with children. The children give him money.

When going forward, know how to turn back.

The one who surprised wins.

Those who are good for the first role are not suitable for the second.

Love true glory.

Laziness is born from abundance. The closest reason for laziness is lack of leadership.

Flattery is like a pie: it needs to be baked skillfully, everything needs to be filled in moderation, not too much salt or pepper.

A proud and unpunished flatterer is the greatest villain.

A wise and meek ruler does not find his safety in the fortress fences, but in the hearts of his subjects.

A wise man does not fight accidentally.

Self-reliance is the basis of courage.

Never throw away an orange while it still has contents.

Do not be flattered by brilliance, but by constancy.

Innocence does not tolerate excuses.

The uncut forest grows again.

Hatred clouds reason.

Continuous science from readings!

It is more necessary to have unpleasant news to overcome than to find pleasant news to console you.

There is no land in the world that is so dotted with fortresses as Italy. And there is also no land that has been conquered so often.

There is nothing worse than desperate people.

The leg strengthens the leg, the hand strengthens the arm.

The burden of service is light when many lift it together.

It is better to meet danger halfway than to wait in place.

Distinguish between ambition and pride and arrogance.

Command happiness, for one minute decides victory.

Suspicion is the mother of wisdom.

Assumptions and prejudices upset everyone.

What was supposed to not be completed—God’s wrath!

Get used to tireless activity.

They don't take cities by standing.

Once happiness, twice happiness - God have mercy! Someday you need a little skill.

From a young age, learn to forgive the shortcomings of your neighbor and never forgive your own.

Speed ​​is necessary, but haste is harmful.

Self-care and self-love are different: the first is commanded by God, the second is initially spoiled by pride.

The only secret of a strong connection between worthy friends is to be able to forgive misunderstandings and immediately enlighten them about their shortcomings.

Self-love is drowned in ignorance of its lot, but it has desires.

Service and friendship - two parallel lines - do not converge.

To sacrifice one's property at all times is the rule of the highest service.

Happiness depends on rules, fortune on chance.

Tactics and diplomacy are nothing without the lamp of history.

A solid oak tree falls not from the wind or itself, but from an axe.

Theory without practice is dead.

He is not yet great who is revered as such.

He is not subtle who is considered subtle.

He is no longer the cunning one about whom everyone says that he is cunning.

The three main virtues of a leader: courage, intelligence, health (physical and mental).

The industrious soul must be employed at his trade, and frequent exercise is as invigorating for it as ordinary exercise for the body.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Surprise - win.

Fortune turns happiness like a wheel with spokes.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Fortune has eyes in the back of her head, her hair is short, her flight is lightning fast: if you miss it once, you won’t catch it. (There is another option: Fortuna has a bare back of her head, and long hanging hair on her forehead: if she didn’t grab it... she’ll never come back!)

To the clean - everything is clean


Great is the Russian God! We will go with him along the paths of ancient glory!

Almighty God! Grant that evil will not be revealed to Russia before 100 years, but even then the basis for this will be harmful.

The fortress is strong, the garrison is a whole army. But nothing can stand against Russian weapons - we are strong and self-confident.

He who loves his Fatherland sets the best example of love for humanity.

Easy victories do not flatter the Russian heart.

Our slowness will increase the enemy's strength. Speed ​​and surprise will upset and amaze him. The width of the river will not narrow, the height of the banks will not decrease. The Russian God is strong. With Him we will fly a heroic flight, with Him we will win!

We are Russians, we will overcome everything.

No army in the world can resist the brave Russian grenadier.

Nature produced only one Russia. She has no rivals. (Suvorov quotes the statement of Emperor Peter the Great)

Show in action that you are Russian!

Try to move this stone. You can not? So the Russians cannot retreat.

The Russian is distinguished by faith, loyalty and reason.

Rusak is not a coward.

The Russians always beat the Prussians, so what can we learn from that?

The Russian God is great! The French groan, the Tsars are pacified!

A Russian must experience everything.

Death or captivity - it's all the same!

In essence, there is nothing more harmful and even more - no one can be as cruel as sentimental people are harmful and cruel as a result of their actions. A man who loves his neighbors, a man who hates war, must finish off the enemy so that after one war another does not begin.

Where a deer passes, a Russian soldier will also pass. Where a deer will not pass, a Russian soldier will still pass.

All of Europe will move towards Russia in vain: it will find Thermopylae, Leonidas2 and its own coffin there. (Leonidas is the Spartan king who died in battle defending the Thermopylae Gorge in 480 BC.)

The bayonet, speed, surprise - these are the leaders of the Russians.

Victory is the enemy of war.

A soldier in peacetime and at war.

Die for the House of the Mother of God, for the Mother Queen, for the Most Serene House. The Church prays to God. To those who remained alive, honor and glory!

Prepare in war for peace, and in peace for war.


Attack with what you came with! Stab, chop, drive, cut off, don’t miss! Hooray! - works wonders, brothers!

Take care of the bullet in the muzzle.

Save the bullet for three days, and sometimes for an entire campaign, when there is nowhere to take it.

Be patient in your military work, do not give in to despondency from failures.

Brothers! Hit with a bayonet, stab with a butt! Don't linger: move forward quickly! Whoa, wave! Shake your head, go ahead, brothers! Miracle heroes, forward! We are Russians!

Be discerning, be careful. Have a specific goal. Know how to prevent false and doubtful circumstances, but do not get carried away by local fervor.

They lie in the office, but they beat you in the field.

Speed ​​and surprise replace numbers. Pressures and blows decide the battle.

Speed ​​and pressure are the soul of real war.

Military virtues: for a soldier - courage, for an officer - courage, for a general - courage, guided by the principles of order and discipline, controlled by vigilance and foresight.

In a field battle there are three attacks: the first is on the wing, which is weaker. It’s not good to be in the middle - they’ll squeeze you. An all-out attack bypassing is good only for a small corps.

Don't waste time in sieges... An open assault is best. There is less loss here.

Look! Rapidity! Victory!

Fight not with numbers, but with skill.

Military science is the science of winning.

Military science must be learned in war. Every theater of war is new.

If obstacles arise, you cannot be distracted by them too much; time is most valuable - you need to be able to save it. Often our previous victories remained inconclusive due to lack of people. The most false rule is the belief that everything is over after the defeat of the enemy, while one should strive for greater successes.

The highest thing is the eye, that is, the use of the position of the place, hard work, vigilance and comprehension.

Do in war what the enemy considers impossible.

He who is afraid is half defeated. Fear has big eyes, one for ten will seem.

Activity is the most important of all military virtues.

One should strive for one main point and forget about the retreat3. Onslaught and blows decide the battle, and an assault is preferable to a siege. (retreat - retreat)

For a scientist they give three non-scientists. Three is not enough for us, give us six, give us ten for one - we’ll beat them all, knock them down, take them to the full...

If you want to die in war, then you must want to die in action with glory, like Turenne. (Henri Turenne (1611-1675) is a famous French commander.)

You go to beat the enemy, multiply your troops, empty your posts, remove communications. Having beaten the enemy, update according to the circumstances, but drive him to destruction.

He who is courageous and boldly goes straight to the enemy has already won half the victory.

Correct shooting at a target is of great importance: it multiplies the death of the enemy and prevents unnecessary waste of ammunition in action.

The true rule of military art is to directly attack the enemy from the side that is most sensitive to him, and not to converge, timidly making his way through roundabout roads, through which the attack itself becomes complex, while the matter can be decided only by a direct, bold offensive.

A local (resident) in his vicinity judges better based on circumstances.

We owe all our exploits to the unification of the first two armies in Europe into the invincible Russian-Austrian army. And if we start the campaign again, then it is necessary to bring the systems closer together. Otherwise there can be neither salvation for humanity nor the restoration of oppressed rulers and religion.

In war, money is precious, human life is even more precious, time is more precious than anything else.

This refers to the development of strategy and tactics.

You have to beat with skill, not numbers.

There is no need for methodism, but a military view that is correct.

The infantry should not engage in much firing, but only go with bayonets and take full force.

Discipline is the mother of victory.

Not a single post should be considered a fortress... there is no shame in yielding a post to an enemy superior in number. On the contrary, this is the art of war: to retreat in time without loss, the ceded post can be reoccupied, and the loss of people is irreversible: often one person is more valuable than the post itself.

There is no way to win any battle in the cabinet.

Never waste your strength to occupy points. If the enemy has bypassed him, so much the better: he himself is going to defeat.

Nothing - except offensive.

Don't offend the average person: he gives us water and food. A soldier is not a robber. Holy prey: take the camp - everything is yours, take the fortress - everything is yours. Do not go hunting without an order.

Although courage, vigor and courage are needed everywhere and on all occasions, they are only in vain if they do not flow from art.

Operating plan in a building, in a column. Clear distribution of regiments. Timing is everywhere. In correspondence between military commanders, the matter should be stated clearly and briefly, in the form of notes, without large titles. Future enterprises should be determined a day or two in advance.

Bayonets, speed, surprise!.. The enemy thinks that you are a hundred, two hundred miles away, and you, doubling your heroic pace, arrive quickly, suddenly. The enemy is singing, walking, waiting for you from an open field, and you, from behind the steep mountains, from the dense forests, swoop down on him out of the blue. Strike, constrain, knock over, hit, drive, don’t let you come to your senses.

In any case, the most harmful thing to the enemy is our terrible bayonet, with which our soldier works more efficiently than anyone else in the world.

Victory depends on the legs, and the arms are only the instrument of victory.

The ditch is not deep, the rampart is not high. Throw yourself into the ditch, jump over the rampart. Hit with bayonets, stab, drive, take full advantage!!!

Take care of your gun, breadcrumbs and legs more than your eyes!

The tirelessness of a soldier and the determination of an officer are the leaders to glory!

Treat prisoners humanely; he is ashamed of barbarism.

The regiment is a mobile fortress, together, shoulder to shoulder, and you can’t take it with a tooth!

Sikurs (help), danger and other words serve women who are afraid to get off the stove.

Death flees from the bayonet and saber of the brave. Happiness crowns courage and bravery.

Death on a bed is not a soldier's death.

Shoot rarely, but shoot accurately. Stab firmly with a bayonet. The bullet is stupid, the bayonet is great.

Subordination or obedience is the mother of discipline or the art of war.

A step back is death. Forward two, three and ten - I allow it.

Firmness, foresight, eye, time, courage, pressure, less details and details in speeches to the soldiers.

Three martial arts: the first is eye, the second is speed, the third is pressure.

Subordination, exercise, discipline, cleanliness, neatness, health, vigor, courage, bravery, victory, glory, glory, glory!

It’s hard to study - it’s easy to go on a hike; it’s easy to study - it’s hard to go on a trip.

An intelligent military man should not act at random, without going to extremes.

Three will rush in: stab the first, shoot the second, bayonet the third with a karachun. Don't delay in attack.

With a bayonet, one person can stab three or even four, but a hundred bullets fly into the air.

A fleeing enemy is destroyed by one pursuit.

Beat the enemy, sparing neither him nor yourself, be angry, fight to death, the one who spares himself the least wins.

Constantly studying the enemy will make you a great commander. It is impossible to win any battle in the cabinet. Know how to use the terrain, control your happiness.

You should not give the enemy time, take advantage of his mistake as much as possible and boldly take it from the weakest side.

Bogatyrs, the enemy trembles from you, but there is a greater enemy: a damned ignoramus, a hint, a riddle, a deceitful, crafty, eloquent, curt, two-faced, polite... the ignoramus caused a lot of trouble.

There are no lousier people than the Prussians. Lauzer or lice was the name of their cloak. You won’t be able to walk through the Shieldhouse (Guardroom) or near the guardhouse without getting infected, and their heady stench will make you faint.

Never despise your enemy, whatever he may be, and get to know his weapons, his way of acting and fighting. Know what his strength is and what the enemy’s weakness is.

It is no less a weapon to strike the enemy with philanthropy.

Oh, how this young Bonaparte strides! He is a hero, he is a miracle hero, he is a sorcerer! He conquers both nature and people. He walked around the Alps as if they were not there at all. He hid their menacing peaks in his pocket, and hid his army in the right sleeve of his uniform. It seemed that the enemy then only noticed his soldiers when he rushed them, like Jupiter his lightning, sowing fear everywhere and striking the scattered crowds of Austrians and Piemnians. Oh, how he walks! As soon as he entered the path of military leadership, he cut the Gordian knot of tactics. Not caring about numbers, he attacks the enemy everywhere and defeats him completely. He knows the irresistible force of the onslaught - no more is needed. His opponents will persist in their sluggish tactics, subordinate to cabinet pens, and the military council is in his head. In his actions he is as free as the air he breathes. He moves his regiments, fights and wins according to his will!

This is my conclusion: as long as General Bonaparte maintains his presence of mind, he will be a winner. Great military talents were his inheritance. But if, to his misfortune, he throws himself into a political whirlwind, if he betrays the unity of thought, he will perish.

It’s amazing, really, that you prefer cunning to reason and take the end as the beginning! It is proper to do this only with court jesters.

Learned men, with their immortality, are more like gods than anyone else: it is they who carry us to the heights of virtue. Their genius shows us how sweet it is to devote one's life to the public good. They instruct us not to care about our own person, to despise the vicissitudes of fortune and to sacrifice ourselves for the good of the Fatherland and humanity.

Although courage, vigor and courage are needed everywhere and in all cases, they are only in vain if they do not flow from art, which increases from trials, with inspiration and confirmation to everyone of his position.

Give mercy to the rest who surrender: it is a sin to kill in vain. They are the same people.

The enemy is pushed back - failure. Cut off, surrounded, scattered - good luck.

Generosity befits a winner.

The enemy has the same hands, but they don’t know the Russian bayonet.

The French, and especially the Neapolitan cavalry, shout “Pardon” so that they come over to us.

The French are hot, they are hot: they beat them a lot, it’s difficult to save them.

The French are violators of general silence and enemies of general peace. The French rejected Christ the Savior, they trampled on the legitimate government. Fear their depravity... You were happy with your faith - keep it. Treasure your conscience: may it not reproach you for being companions in oppressing the faith and rights of the people. Flee from false teachers.


The vigil of the boss is the best peace of mind for his subordinates. His foresight overcomes accidents.

The general needs to educate himself in the sciences.

Pathetic is the commander who wages a war based on newspapers. There are other things he needs to know.

The commander needs continuous education of himself in science through reading.

It is necessary for the troops of their leader to understand.

Learn to obey before you command others.

A commander in war should not bind himself to anything, but act according to the circumstances and always quickly.

Training is needed, as long as it is succinct and concise. The soldiers love him.

From severity to cruelty half a fathom, half an arshin, half an inch, half a half an inch.

Full power to the elected commander.

Eat your share, and give the soldier's share to the soldier.

Keep in your memory the names of great people and follow their example with prudence in your campaigns and actions.

Do not use “stop” commands. And in battle: “attack”, “cut”, “stab”, “hurray”, “drums”, “music”.

Train the soldiers under your command carefully and set an example for them.

Constantly sharpening your eye will make you a great commander.

The nightly defeats of his opponents prove the leader’s ability to use victory not for shine, but for constancy.


Without ambition, obedience and good behavior there is no good soldier.

See your family in your unit, your father in your boss, and your brother in your comrade.

Every warrior must understand his maneuver. A secret is only an excuse, more harmful than useful. The chatterbox will be punished anyway.

What a soldier needs is useful, but what is unnecessary leads to luxury - the mother of self-will.

Die yourself, but help your comrade. The Church prays to God for those killed!

The soldier is dear. Take care of your health, clean your stomach if it’s clogged. Hunger is the best medicine.

A soldier must be healthy, brave, firm, determined, truthful, and pious.

You swore an oath. Die for the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. Defend the banner to the last drop of blood.

A battle is calmer to me than a shovel of lime and a pyramid of bricks.

My wealth consists of donated diamonds and uniforms made in St. Petersburg and silver spoons recently ordered from Moscow.

In your letter... the word “retreat” was used in reference to me. I answer that I did not know him all my life, just as I did not know the defensive war, which at the beginning of the campaign cost the lives of over 10,000 people in Tyrol alone, which we did not lose during the entire Italian campaign...

Yes, I served as a sexton, sang in bass, and now I’ll go sing with Mars.

Your brush will depict the features of my face - they are visible. But my inner humanity is hidden. So, I will tell you that I shed blood in streams. I shudder. But I love my neighbor. I have never made anyone unhappy in my entire life. Not a single sentence death penalty didn't sign. Not a single insect died by my hand. Was small, was big. With the ebb and flow of happiness, he trusted in God and was unshakable.

Take the hero of ancient times as your model. Watch him. Follow him. Get even. Overtake. Glory to you! I chose Caesar. The Alpine mountains are behind us. God is before us. Hooray! Russian eagles flew around Roman eagles.

I'm proud to be Russian!

Every honest person should have a good name; I personally saw this good name in the glory of my Fatherland. My successes had the sole purpose of his well-being.

A life as open and well-known as mine can never be distorted by any biographer. There will always be false witnesses to the truth, and most of all I do not demand someone who deems it worthy to work about me, think and write. This is the scale by which I would like to be known.

Seek true glory, follow the tracks of virtue. I am devoted to the latter, and I close the former in the service of the Fatherland.

A soldier is dearer to me than myself.

If I were not a commander, I would be a writer.

The cabinet ordered me not to take any more fortresses.

Kamensky knows military affairs, but it does not know it, Suvorov does not know military affairs, but it knows it, and Saltykov neither knows military affairs, nor does it know him.

My tactics: courage, courage, insight, foresight, order, moderation, charter, eye, speed, onslaught, humanity, pacification, oblivion...

It's better to have your head off than to lose your honor. Through five hundred deaths I learned not to be afraid of death.

The Prussians accept my tactics, but leave their rotten ones.

Meanwhile, while the European world and tactics are being renewed, I am numb in shameful inaction, I am exhausted under the burden of an idle and useless life.

Self-esteem, most often generated by an instant impulse, never controlled my actions, and I forgot myself when it came to the benefit of the Fatherland.

Powder is not gunpowder, letters are not a cannon, a scythe is not a cleaver, and I am not a German, but a real hare.

Repnin can always talk about Mother Catherine, Suvorov can talk about it sometimes, but Kamensky should never talk about it.

One minute decides the outcome of a battle, one hour the success of a campaign, one day the fate of an empire. I act not in hours, but in minutes.

True, I didn’t communicate much with women. But while amusing myself in their company, I was always respectful. I didn't have enough time to study with them, and I was afraid of them. Women run the country here, just like everywhere else. But I did not feel strong enough to defend myself from their charms.

Titles are not for me, but they are necessary for the public.

Honoring and unfeignedly loving God, and in him my brethren, men, never tempted by the alluring song of the sirens of a luxurious and carefree life, I have always handled the most precious treasure on earth - time - thriftily and actively, in a vast field and in quiet solitude, which I delivered to myself everywhere. Intentions, thought out with great difficulty and even more fulfilled, with persistence and often with extreme speed and not missing the fickle time. All this, formed according to the form characteristic of me, often brought me victory over capricious Fortune. This is what I can say about myself, leaving my contemporaries and posterity to think and say about me what they think and say they want.

Nature has not given me carelessness, it’s too late to change, I will always be the same.

For seventy years I have been chasing fame. I stand at the tomb and recognize her dream: peace of soul at the Throne of the Almighty.

At court, language is filled with hints, guesses, omissions, and double meanings. I, a rude soldier, am not a guesser at all.

Alas for me with my love for the Fatherland - intrigues prevent me from showing it.

My honor is most dear to me. God is her patron.

I now feel my former wounds, but as long as I live, I will serve, although sometimes I will rest. This is the duty of a Christian! Pure mind without knots. My style is not figurative, but natural - with the strength of my spirit

Bayonets, edged weapons, attacks, blows - these are my reconnaissance.

I cannot give up the 50-year habit of a hectic life and my acquired talents as a soldier.

I would legitimately wish to be sometimes in public in a foreign uniform: it is glory to the Great Emperor that his subject deservedly deserved them.

I was happy because I commanded happiness.

As a slave, I die for the Fatherland and as a cosmopolitan, for the world. I'm waiting for dismissal from the Baltic worldly vanities.

I'm better than the late Prussian king. By the grace of God I did not lose any battles.

I am not a fan of Demosthenes’ chatter, I don’t like either academicians, who only introduce confusion into sound judgments, or the Senate of Hannibalov. I don't like rivalries, demonstrations, counter-marches. Instead of these childish things - eye, speed, pressure - these are my leaders.

I’m the same, I haven’t lost my spirit. Anyone who wants my last shirt will deceive me in his own interests, I’ll give it to him, I’ll remain naked. Because of this I am not yet small.

I am a soldier, I don’t know either tribe or clan. The field is one of my elements.

The materials belonging to the history of my military operations are so closely intertwined with the history of my life that the original man and the original warrior must be inseparable from each other in order for the image of one or the other to retain its essential appearance.

I love the truth without embellishment.

Suvorov’s main rule: hurry to do good.


O joy! - Muse! give me the lyre

Yes, I sing Suvorov again!

How the world heard thunder after thunder,

Let everyone hear my song!..

Walks in heroic joy

And with a quiet wave of the hand,

Commands a strong army,

Calls the shelves around him.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was born in Moscow on November 13, 1729. The great Russian commander, who did not suffer a single defeat in his military career, one of the founders of Russian military art, Prince Russian Empire with the title of Prince of Italy (1799), Count of the Russian Empire with the name Suvorov-Rymniksky (1789) and the Holy Roman Empire (1789), Generalissimo of the Russian land and naval forces, Field Marshal of the Austrian and Sardinian troops, Grandee of the Kingdom of Sardinia and Prince of the Royal Blood, holder of all Russian and many foreign military orders. He died on May 6, 1800 in St. Petersburg.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases - Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich.

  • A soldier is not a robber.
  • The master's work is afraid.
  • Even an executioner can be polite.
  • Time is most precious.
  • The one who surprised wins.
  • Discipline is the mother of victory.
  • They don't take cities by standing.
  • Virtue is always persecuted.
  • Theory without practice is dead.
  • We are Russian and therefore we will win.
  • For a scientist they give three non-scientists.
  • There is nothing worse than desperate people.
  • Suspicion is the mother of wisdom.
  • They lie in the office, but they beat you in the field.
  • And there are heroes in the lower ranks.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
  • If you die yourself, save your comrade.
  • Those who are scared are half beaten.
  • Generosity befits a winner.
  • When going forward, know how to turn back.
  • Speed ​​is necessary, but haste is harmful.
  • Where there are fewer troops, there are more brave men.
  • Money should not be left empty.
  • Heroes need goodness and mercy.
  • There cannot be two owners in one house.
  • Take care of your gun, breadcrumbs and legs more than your eyes!
  • Wherever a deer passes, a soldier will pass.
  • Every warrior must understand his maneuver.
  • The target closest to the action is better than the one farther away.
  • Prepare in war for peace, and in peace for war.
  • There is no way to win any battle in the cabinet.
  • Great adventures come from small reasons.
  • The bayonet, speed, surprise - these are the leaders of the Russians.
  • The soldier who answers “I can’t know” is worthless.
  • The one who grabs the heat with someone else's hands will later burn out his own.
  • The Russians always beat the Prussians, so what can we learn from that?
  • It is better to meet danger halfway than to wait in place.
  • Service and friendship are two parallel lines: they do not converge.
  • Idleness is the root of all evil, especially for a military man.
  • The whole earth is not worth even one drop of needlessly shed blood.
  • Atheism consumes states and rulers, faith, law and morals.
  • Constantly sharpening your eye will make you a great commander.
  • Easy to learn - hard to travel, difficult to learn - easy to travel.
  • Shoot rarely, but shoot accurately. Stab firmly with a bayonet. The bullet is stupid, the bayonet is great.
  • Benevolent generosity is often more useful than a swift military sword.
  • Where there is anxiety, there is a road; where there is cheers, it’s time to go there; the head does not wait for the tail.
  • Avoid societies that want to shine with intelligence: their morals are mostly depraved.
  • Powder is not gunpowder, a curl is not a cannon, a scythe is not a cleaver, and I am not a German, but a natural hare.
  • The vigil of the boss is the best peace of mind for subordinates. His foresight overcomes accidents.
  • Fortune has eyes in the back of her head, her hair is short, her flight is lightning fast: if you miss it once, you won’t catch it.
  • Keep in your memory the names of great people and follow their example with prudence in your campaigns and actions.
  • Pathetic is the commander who wages a war based on newspapers. There are other things he needs to know.
  • A wise and meek ruler does not find his safety in the fortress fences, but in the hearts of his subjects.
  • Shoot rarely, but shoot accurately. Stab firmly with a bayonet. The bullet is foolish, but the bayonet is not foolish: the bullet is a fool, the bayonet is a good fellow.
  • There is no land in the world that is so dotted with fortresses as Italy. And there is also no land that has been conquered so often.
  • It’s amazing, really, that you prefer cunning to reason and take the end as the beginning! It is proper to do this only with court jesters.
  • An original person or an original warrior must be inseparable from each other so that the image of one or the other retains its essential appearance.
  • Follow Aristides in righteousness, Fabrician in moderation, Epaminondas in untruthfulness, Cato in laconism, Julius Caesar in speed, Turenne in constancy, Laudon in morals.

Military quotes can give you strength of spirit and set you up for active work. Quotes about the military are also collected here. This selection may or may not appeal to those who are involved or simply love everything related to military affairs.

The military class is the most honorable. What is war, what is needed for success in military affairs, what are the morals of military society? The purpose of war is murder, the weapons of war are espionage, treason and its encouragement, the ruin of the inhabitants, their robbery or theft to feed the army; deception and lies, called stratagems; the morals of the military class are lack of freedom, that is, discipline, idleness, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery, drunkenness. And despite this, this is the highest class, respected by everyone. All kings, except the Chinese, wear a military uniform, and the one who killed the most people is given a big reward...
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. War and Peace

Previously, the army was covered in glory; now - swearing.
Valentin Domil

A soldier chooses one indecent word for himself and constantly uses it.
Alexander Pokrovsky. Shoot

Quotes from the military are quite common here, because they know better what to say.

I feel calm every time when my question to the operations officer “Where is the nearest aircraft carrier?” He can answer: “It’s in that very place!”
John Shalikashvili

As old-timers used to say, “a soldier should look dashing and stupid in front of his superiors, so as not to embarrass his superiors with his intelligence.”
Alexey Chernenko. Lord Dark. Rider

The general was a peaceful man in all respects, except family ones.
Oscar Wilde. The importance of Being Earnest

A military doctor is neither a doctor nor a military man.
Alina Cooper

Every citizen is the master of his own destiny, but the fate of a military man belongs not to him, but to the Fatherland.
Oleg Roy. White square. Sakura petal

The military must obey the politicians.
Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz

The bosses won’t ask about health so easily, and since they ask, it means they are preparing some kind of next dirty trick for their subordinates. Such a dirty trick that will dramatically affect the well-being and health of the person asked. At least this is how it is in military service.
Evgeny Shchepetnov. Week Black magician

Are you asking me if I regret that the war is over? The fire department buys new equipment and trains guys, but that doesn't mean the firefighters want a fire to happen or that they start one.
Film "Top Secret Affair"

Forced military service- a monstrous invention, one of the greatest evils of our time. Who needs this: putting uniforms on people and sending them to kill each other? Once upon a time, knights entered into duels on good terms; war was a sport for them, and they were simply not fit for anything else. But it never occurred to anyone to chain a philosopher or poet in armor and drive him to the battlefield.
Archibald Joseph Cronin. Monument to the Crusader