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History of the development of the game football. Football as a sport. History of the development of football. Start of international competitions

Football is a sport in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal as many times as possible. Football is the most popular sport in the world.

Han chronicles dating back 2,000 years mention a game similar to football. We can safely assume that the founder of this popular game was Ancient China. Undoubtedly, after a large amount of time, football and the rules have changed greatly, but the fact is that this game has been played for many centuries in different countries undeniable.

In Great Britain, the game of football was an entertainment that began in the market square and ended at a designated place near the city center. The number of players was then unlimited.

The game of football at that time was very tough and it was often life-threatening for the participants themselves. Due to the violence in football and the large number of destroyed shopping areas, the game of football was repeatedly banned in England. Special decrees were issued banning the game. But the popularity of the game was so great that football still continued to live. In 1863, the first rules of the game were developed in England, which were accepted by the world ten years later. After the official rules were published, the first football clubs began to form in England, and the name of the game “football” was coined in England.

Initially, in football, handball was only allowed for the goalkeeper in the goal area. This is how everything continued until the mid-20th century, until the famous Lev Yashin appeared. He played brightly, confidently, and aroused admiration among the fans. After a certain time, goalkeepers of leading clubs in the championships of their countries adopted Yashin’s style of play. Now there is the Lev Yashin Award, which is awarded to the best goalkeeper at the World Cup.

The game of football appeared in Russia in 1880. It was adopted from English sailors and foreign workers who were working in Soviet factories at that time. The first Russian clubs arose in Odessa, Riga, Nikolaev and St. Petersburg, and a couple of years later in Moscow.

The first international match was played between England and Scotland in 1872. The match ended with a zero score, and since then the competition between the teams of these countries has continued.

The first international tournament was held in 1884 between four countries - Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales. The first winner was Scotland, but in subsequent international tournaments the English team already won the championship.

The first Olympic football tournament took place in 1900. The winner was the England team. For 20 years in a row, the English were the invincible team in the world. And only in 1920 they lost to a team from Norway with a score of 1-3.

In Russia, the first football league was organized in 1901, and 10 years later the All-Russian Football Union was formed. In subsequent years, football developed very rapidly in Russia. The whole country knew such names as Vsevolod Bobrov, Grigory Fedotov, Valentina Solovyova. Our team met in international arenas and often won.

In the mid-40s and 50s, the famous Brazilian national team developed. In Brazil, this sport is a national idea. It is played everywhere. In courtyards, on beaches, in vacant lots, in small areas. To this day, the Brazilian national team has the highest FIFA rating. The first success of the USSR national team came at the Olympic Games in 1956. Our team has become Olympic champion. Four years later, the USSR national team won the European Championship. There was only one tournament left for the “complete set” - the World Cup. But at that time the leader was the Brazilian national team, which became an obstacle to taking the championship of the World Cup.

What the Brazilians showed at that time can be called “more than football.” Amazing technique, highest speeds, unexpected moves, magnificent feints - all this was very, very cool. It was in those years that the phrase appeared: “You will score for us as much as you can, and we will score for you as much as you want.”

The only time England won the World Cup was in 1966. As for the Russian national team (USSR), the highest achievement was the defeat in the semi-finals and winning 4th place. In subsequent championships, victories were won by such teams as Germany, Argentina, and Italy. In 1998, the French national team wrote its history together with “Zizou”. In 2002, Brazilians won the FIFA World Cup for the fifth time.

As for the European Championship, the first cup was won by the USSR in 1960. Subsequently, the championship belonged to the following teams: Spain, Italy, Germany, Czechoslovakia, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany.

As for club championships, there were 3 main international tournaments: the Cup Winners' Cup, the UEFA Cup and the European Cup. In the Cup Winners' Cup - he collected teams that won the cup of their country, in the UEFA Cup - the teams that were leaders of their championship, in the Champions Cup - teams that won the championship of their country.

In the early 90s, in these European international tournaments there were global changes. The Cup Winners' Cup was no longer played, all teams were relegated to the UEFA Cup. The European Cup was renamed the Champions League and the roster was expanded to 4th place in the national championship.

Since 2010, the UEFA Cup has once again been renamed the Europa League. The most famous club teams that won European Cups include: Spanish Real and Barcelona, ​​English Liverpool and Machester United, Italian Inter and Milan, German Bayern and other teams. Soviet clubs also made their mark at the European Championship; in 1975 and 1986, Dynamo Kyiv won the Cup Winners' Cup. In 2005, CSKA won the UEFA Cup, and in 2008, Zenit. Until 2016, there were no more victories for Russian teams. And we really, really believe and hope :)

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of the game of “kick ball” is England. The British most likely did not invent this game themselves - they saw football from the Roman legionnaires. Ball games similar to football were found in Greece, Egypt and China. It is believed that the people of China played football more than 2000 years ago. Exactly how many years Chinese chronicles, in which there are references to playing ball in a team. But this was not football at all.

How did the game "football" appear?

It was in Britain that the rules of the game that are used today began to be formed. At first, football was a popular pastime Maslenitsa week and Easter. The number of players on teams sometimes exceeded a hundred people. And the game itself was more like a fight. It was allowed to play with both feet and hands, and the matches themselves lasted 20 hours. The gates could be several kilometers apart. During such matches, injuries and injuries occurred. City property also took a toll—trade shops were destroyed, and citizens hid while watching the football carnage.

This is what the first football matches looked like in England in the 19th century.

The priests called this game "the devil's dances" and in the 14th century, by royal decree, football was banned on pain death penalty. The ban on the game was lifted only after 200 years.

At first, each English private school or university developed its own rules. At one school you could hit the ball with your hand, at another they allowed trips. In one educational institution a team had to have 25 players, and in another, no more than 10 players could play on the pier.

In 1846, negotiations began between university football clubs in an attempt to create uniform rules. The attempt to make football a popular game was successful. Clear rules appeared and the English Football Association was formed. Football championships began to be held, strong teams appeared. The rules of the game, of course, have changed more than once, but it is the British who should be thanked for modern football.

When did they start playing football in Russia?

Football in Russian Empire started playing at the end of the 19th century. The first football teams appeared and friendly matches began to be played. In Russia, the public knew nothing about the game of football. The first matches took place amidst whistles and laughter from the crowd.

In the fall of 1897, the first official football match took place and the development of football began by leaps and bounds. In 1912, our football players took part in Olympic Games in Stockholm.

Football players of the Russian team at the Olympics in Stockholm in 1912.

Today the FIFA World Cup is one of the most exciting international sports tournaments. The next world football championship will be held in St. Petersburg in 2018.

In 1863, to distinguish the game from other forms of football that existed at the time, such as rugby football ( "rugby football", "football according to the rules of Rugby School"), where handball was allowed. Over time, the long names seeing “association football” began to be shortened in everyday speech and print. At first, the abbreviation “assoc.” was common in England, then in the 1880s the term “soccer” was formed from it by adding to the abbreviation "-soc-" suffix "-er" Oxford style(by analogy, rugby football was abbreviated as “rugger” (English rugger)). The term "soccer" has been used in periodicals since at least 1892.

Nowadays, the name “soccer” is common in a number of English-speaking countries, where other types of football historically continue to be popular. For example, in Australia and New Zealand, football is historically referred to as Australian rules football or rugby league. In Ireland, the term "football" refers to Gaelic football, which is why "soccer" is used in the press. In South Africa, the majority game is known as "soccer", which is reflected in the name of the South African championship, "Premier Soccer League", and the Soccer City stadium, which hosted the 2010 World Cup final. In the USA and Canada, the term “soccer” is used, as American football and Canadian football are called football. In England, the name "soccer" is outdated and new generations of fans now consider it disparaging.

In other languages ​​the name of the game is:

  • or by borrowing an English word football, as in Russian - “football”, in Portuguese - futebol;
  • or a tracing paper of the word football, as for example in German - Fußball, Greek - ποδόσφαιρο , Finnish - jalkapallo, Hebrew - כדורגל , Karelian - jalgamiäččy and Adyghe - l'epeyeu;
  • or derived from the words “kick”, “leg”, etc., as in Italian - calcio, Croatian - nogomet.

History of football

Early varieties of football

Ball games were played in many countries. In China, this variety was called Zhu-Ke. In ancient Sparta the game was called "Episkiros", and in Ancient Rome"Harpastum". Somewhere in modern times, games were held in the Bryansk lands, the equipment of which was a leather ball the size of a human head, stuffed with feathers. These competitions were called “shalyga” and “kila”. Around the 14th century, the Italians invented the game Calcio. It was they who brought this game to the British Isles.

First rules

Legalization of professionalism and spread throughout the planet

In the 1880s, football became popular in society. The number of clubs in the Football Association exceeded 100. At the same time, rumors began to circulate that some clubs were paying players salaries, and according to the original plan of the association, football was an exclusively amateur sport. Therefore, in 1882 the following clause was added to the rules:

Any player of a club who receives any form of remuneration or monetary compensation from the club in excess of his personal expenses or means in connection with attending a game shall be automatically suspended from Cup competitions or any FA competitions. and in international tournaments. The club that hired such a player is automatically expelled from the Association.

In early 1884, Upton Park accused Preston North End of paying wages to its players. Preston president William Saddell also admitted this. The club was expelled from the FA. And in 1885, the Football Association still allowed football players to be paid salaries. This led to the creation of the world's first regular Football League. Preston North End became the champion of this tournament. On November 30, 1872, the first ever international match was played. It was played between the national teams of England and Scotland. FIFA, the governing body of football, was founded in Paris in 1904. It included: Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain (as FC Madrid), Sweden and Switzerland.

Start of international competitions

Following the election of Jules Rimet as FIFA President in 1921, a proposal was ratified to designate subsequent Olympic football tournaments as "World Amateur Football Championships". These tournaments - 1924 and 1928 - were won by the Uruguay team. Thanks to these successes, the Uruguayan Football Association had no competitors in the fight to organize the first ever FIFA World Cup (better known in Russian simply as Soccer World Cup), which took place in 1930. The Uruguayans became the winner of the home championship, three-time world football champions and the first winners of the FIFA World Cup. This was the beginning of a new era in the history of football. Until 1970, this trophy bore the name of Jules Rimet and was also known as the “Goddess Nike Cup,” but after the third victory of the Brazilian national team at the World Cup, it was given to her for eternal storage. Instead, the modern World Cup began to be played.

Rules of the game

There are 17 official rules of the game, each of which contains a list of stipulations and guidelines. These rules are intended to apply at all levels of football, although there are some changes for groups such as juniors, seniors, women and people with disabilities. Laws are very often formulated in general terms, which make their application easier depending on the nature of the game. The rules of the game are published by FIFA, but are maintained by the International Football Association Board (IFAB).

Each team consists of a maximum of eleven players (excluding substitutes), one of whom must be the goalkeeper. Rules for unofficial competitions may reduce the number of players to a maximum of 7. Goalkeepers are the only players allowed to play with their hands provided they do so within the penalty area of ​​their own goal. Although there are various positions on the field, these positions are optional.

A separate football game is called a match, which in turn consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do this as many times as possible and try to prevent a goal from being scored into your own goal. The match is won by the team that scores the most goals.

If the teams score the same number of goals during two halves, then either a draw is recorded or the winner is determined in accordance with the established regulations of the match. In this case, additional time may be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each. As a rule, teams are given a break between the main and extra time of the match. Between extra periods, teams are given only time to change sides. At one time in football there was a rule according to which the winner was the team that scored a goal first (the “golden goal” rule) or won at the end of any of the extra periods (the “silver goal” rule). At the moment, extra time is either not played at all or played in full (2 halves of 15 minutes each). If it is not possible to identify a winner during extra time, a series of post-match penalties are held, which are not part of the match: five shots are taken at the opponent’s goal from a distance of 11 meters by different players. If the number of penalties scored by both teams is equal, then one pair of penalties is taken until a winner is identified.


Standard dimensions of a football field

Matches can be played on both natural and artificial turf fields. According to the official rules of the game of football, artificial turf must be green. The playing field has the shape of a rectangle. The side line must be longer than the goal line. It was decided that the field size should be 100-110 m (110-120 yards) long and at least 64-75 m (70-80 yards) wide, but this requirement was then suspended.


Marking width

Field markings are made with lines no more than 12 cm (5 inches) wide; these lines are included in the areas they limit. All lines must be the same width.

Name of field lines

The two long lines that border the field of play are called lateral lines; two short lines - front lines or goal lines, since the gates are located on them.

middle line

The field is divided into two halves using midline connecting the midpoints of the lateral lines. A mark is made in the middle of the center line center field- a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft). A circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yards) is drawn around the center of the field. The kick-off is taken from the center field mark at the beginning of each half of regular and extra time, as well as after each goal scored. When taking the kick-off, all players must be in their own half of the field, and the opponents of the team taking the kick must be outside the center circle.

Gate area

gate area- the area from which a goal kick is taken.

From points 5.5 m (6 yards) from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 5.5 m (6 yards) these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. Thus, the dimensions of the goal area are 18.32 m (20 yards) by 5.5 m (6 yards).

Penalty area

Each half of the field is marked penalty area- an area in which the goalkeeper can play with his hands, and a penalty kick will be awarded against a team that commits an offense punishable by a free kick in its own penalty area.

From a point 16.5 m (18 yds) from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 16.5 m (18 yards) these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. The dimensions of the penalty area are therefore 40.32 m (44 yards) by 16.5 m (18 yards). Within the penalty area, in the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 m (12 yards) from it, a penalty penalty mark- a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft). Outside the penalty area, an arc of a circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yards) is drawn, the center of which is on the penalty mark. This arc is used to position team players when taking a penalty kick.

Corner sectors

In each of the four corners of the field, an arc with a radius of 1 m (or 1 yard) is drawn, centered in the corner of the field, limiting the sector for taking corner kicks.

At a distance of 9.15 m (10 yards) from the boundaries of the corner sectors, marks may be placed on the touch lines and goal lines (on the outside of the lines, adjacent to them at right angles) used to determine the distance at which players are when a corner kick is taken. .

Also, at each corner of the field, flags must be placed on flagpoles at least 1.5 meters (5 feet) high, which do not have points at the top.


Soccer ball

The ball consists of 3 parts: tires, lining and inner tube.

The cover is the outer shell of the ball that is struck.

Lining - the middle shell of the ball, the thickness of which determines the strength of the ball (the thicker, the stronger)

The chamber is the central shell of the ball into which air is pumped for more convenient striking.

Standard provisions

Balls A, B and C are in play, but ball D is out of play.

There are set pieces in football. The standard provisions in football are penalty kicks, free kicks, corner kicks and other kicks that are taken at the signal of the referee.

The standard provisions are:

  • Jump ball. Done by the referee throwing the ball between two opposing players. Invoked when the game was stopped due to a situation not related to the rules. Reminds me of a hockey throw-in.

Violations of the rules

Player scores a penalty

Fouls (violations)

The most common violations are:

  • Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent
  • Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent
  • Jump on an opponent
  • Opponent's attack
  • Pushing your opponent with your hands
  • Hitting or attempting to hit an opponent
  • And others

Unruly behavior

Undisciplined behavior in football can be represented by the following phenomena:

  • Obscene language and gestures
  • And so on

International competitions

The most prestigious competition is the World Championship, held every 4 years. The first drawing took place in 1930 in Uruguay. About 200 national teams are participating in qualifying for the World Cup.


Many clubs around the world have schemes with the position of “libero” or “sweeper”. He sits behind the center backs and corrects their mistakes. This scheme was first tried by Elinio Herrera during his work at Internazionale.

During the work of Rinus Michels at Ajax, the concept of “total football” appeared. This means that players can change positions on the field depending on the circumstances. Due to this, Ajax and the Dutch national team, which was later coached by Rinus, achieved great success.

Football in the world

Children playing football

Football structures


There are a number of organizations responsible for the control, management and distribution of football. The main one is FIFA, located in Zurich, Switzerland. It organizes international competitions on a global scale, in particular the World Championships. At the continental level, the football population is provided by 6 organizations: CONCACAF, CONMEBOL, UEFA, CAF, AFC, OFC. FIFA is trying to expand football beyond Europe and South America. In 2002, the World Championships were held in Japan and South Korea, and in 2010 - in South Africa. Football is most developed in Europe. The 20 richest clubs are located there. Of the 700 players who took part in the 2006 World Cup, 102 played in England, 74 in Germany, 60 in Italy, 58 in France. Players mainly go to Europe because of high salaries and participation in the strongest leagues in the world.


A football club is the basic unit of the entire football structure. He is the link between players, staff and organizations. Essentially, this is a team of football players, part of one of the organizations, which has a certain infrastructure and support staff.


Referees keep order on the football field. Their job is to determine if the rules have been broken.

The role of the judge

Before the match, referees must check the goal net and football field markings and conduct an analysis of weather conditions. After the game, the referees write a protocol in which they explain all their decisions. During the game, the referee must determine, for example, how much time will be added to the regulation or whether the ball has crossed the goal line or not. If a player, at the referee's discretion, has violated a rule, he must award a free kick. The referee may issue a warning to the player or stop the match for any reason. On average, a referee runs 10 kilometers per match.

Assistant referees

In addition to the chief referee in football, there are also assistant referees (side referees). They help determine the offside position, as well as the ball going beyond the side and end lines of the field. They can also tell the main referee in a situation where he did not see a violation of the rules or a goal. In 2012, UEFA increased the number of assistant referees by adding referees behind each goal.


Referees are often not forgiven for mistakes in decisive matches. Due to slow replays, it is easy for fans to see the referee's wrong decision. For example, in one of the matches of the 2002 World Cup, Turkish national team player Hakan Unsal hit the Brazilian Rivaldo in the leg, and he began to hold his face. Unsal was shown a red card, but after a post-match review, Rivaldo was fined £5,180 for simulation. At the 2006 World Cup, referee Graham Poll forgot to send off a player after a second yellow card, and at the following World Cup the referee disallowed a clear Frank Lampard goal.

Use of technical means

Due to the high complexity of decision-making by judges and, as a consequence, frequent mistakes, the question of allowing their use of technical means has been repeatedly raised - as, for example, has long been done in basketball. To ease the burden in the most critical cases - play in the penalty area and goals - UEFA introduced additional goal referees in 2012, and the Automatic Goal Detection System was used in the 2013 Confederations Cup and the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

Youth football

Some players make their presence felt in childhood, when they play in amateur teams or in regional competitions. Well-known clubs send scouts to small towns, who attend training sessions and look out for promising players. The clubs also have football schools. One of the most famous schools is the Ajax school.

For many athletes, this hope remains a dream - many are inferior in talent to other football players, and others are not taken due to lack of physical preparation. For example, Michel Platini was refused admission to the French club Metz because bad work hearts, and Shaun Wright-Phillips because short They weren’t allowed to play for Nottingham.

Youth competitions

While the players are not first team players. They have the opportunity to participate in competitions for schoolchildren and youth. The most prestigious competition is the World Cup. It is held under the auspices of FIFA. For example, in 1991, the Portuguese team, led by players such as Luis Figo and Rui Costa, won the competition, and ten years later, Javier Saviola helped Argentina win the championship and became the tournament's top scorer, ahead of equally famous players Djibril Cissé and Adriano.

Professional football


Many football players cannot get into the main squad due to fierce competition. To gain playing practice, they can be leased to another club, usually of a lower status. Lease terms can range from several months to 2 years. Manchester United loaned David Beckham to Preston for 6 weeks and Tottenham loaned Mido for 18 months. Spanish striker Fernando Morientes scored 24 goals for the national team, but was loaned to Monaco by Real Madrid and helped the club reach the Champions League final.

Training and injuries

Injuries in football happen frequently. In the 1997/1998 and 1998/1999 seasons, more than 6,000 injuries were recorded by the English Football Federation. Injured players are treated by physiotherapists and surgeons. It takes months to recover from injuries.


Top footballers are treated in the same way as music and film celebrities. Some use their money for charitable purposes, sponsoring the construction of schools and hospitals, and also open their own academies for young football players. Players often give interviews and appear in commercials. It is very difficult for young players to limit themselves from constant communication with the press, as some media besiege their homes or follow on the heels of their family members. If a football player makes a mistake, be it speeding or participating in a carousing, he is treated unkindly by major media companies.


Competitions in football, as in any other sport, are an important component of the game. The competition is organized by the federation; for each tournament, regulations are drawn up, which usually determine the composition of the participants, the tournament layout, the rules for determining the winner in case of equality of points, and any deviations from the rules, for example, the number of substitutions. Competitions are divided into domestic and international, which in turn are divided into club and national teams. Football tournaments attract tens of thousands of spectators in the stands of the stadium and audiences of millions on television.

The most famous competitions are:

  • National teams
  • Club
  • National teams
  • Club
  • National teams
  • Club
  • National teams
  • Club

Types of football

Table soccer

There are many varieties of football, mostly with fewer players, including: futsal (AMF) and futsal (FIFA) - mini-football (played indoors on a special surface), showball (played in an adapted hockey box with artificial turf), yard football (played on any surface on fields of any size by any number of people), beach football (played on sand), “river football” (knee-deep in water, annual tournament in the English city of Burton), “swamp football” (played on swamp), freestyle football (consists of performing all kinds of feints and tricks), rushball (played on a field divided into goalkeeper, free kick, attack, defense and neutral zones), footdoubleball (played with two balls).

There is a National Football Museum in Manchester, which shows fifteen-minute films about outstanding matches of the past; in the halls of the museum there are wax figures of famous players, and various exhibits from the history of football.

Original text (English)

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, and its popularity is growing in the United States. It has been estimated that there were 22 million soccer players in the world in the early 1980s, and that number is increasing. In the United States soccer is now a major sport at both the high school and college levels.

" - ISBN 0873226747.

  • Mazumdar, Partha The Yanks are Coming: A U.S. World Cup Preview (English). Embassy of the United States in London (June 5, 2006). Retrieved June 6, 2009. Archived November 27, 2012.
  • Baily's Magazine of Sports & Pastimes, vol. lvii. - London: Vinton, 1892. - P. 198.
  • The Irish Times: Soccer. Retrieved November 28, 2012. Archived November 29, 2012.(English)
  • Soccer. Retrieved November 28, 2012. Archived November 29, 2012.(English)
  • , p. 10.
  • , p. 10.
  • , p. 14.
  • England “stole” football in the Bryansk region, Vladimir Mitrofanov (October 13, 2010). Retrieved June 24, 2013.
  • , p. 17.
  • Today our team takes on one of the tournament leaders in the 3rd division championship match.

    Novokuznetsk Football Championship: Sibshakhtostroy and EVRAZ-ZSMK are catching up with the championship leader

    The matches of the 5th round were played in the tournament.

    Football is a team sport in which the goal is to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with your feet or other parts of the body (except your hands) more times than the opposing team. Currently the most popular and widespread sport in the world.

    The history of football began a very long time ago. For example, in Egypt, Germany, and China there were games similar to football. The most successful of them was called Harpastum and was invented by the Italians. But when modern football appeared, Harpastum was forgotten. When the British invented football, they immediately began to popularize it in all countries, including Russia. At that time, many English teams participated in the championship. Football in Russia was first mentioned in the book of one of the doctors, “games with a ball in the air.”
    Rules of the game of football:

    There are 17 rules of the game that are the official rules. Each contains a list of guidelines and disclaimers. The rules apply at all levels of football, but some of them change for certain categories - women, juniors, people with disabilities. The rules are published in FIFA - this is the abbreviation of the International Football Federation. It is the international governing body for football.

    The team consists of 11 players, reserve players are not taken into account. One of the players is the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is the only player who is allowed to play with his hands, but on the condition that he will do this exclusively within the penalty area near his goal.

    A match is a separate game consisting of 2 halves, each of 45 minutes. There is always a 15 minute break between halves. At this time, all players rest. And at the end of the pause, according to the rules, they must change goals.

    If, after 2 halves, the teams score the same number of goals, a draw is automatically recorded. Then additional time is assigned. The maximum extra time is two halves of fifteen minutes. Between extra and regular match time, both teams are given a break. If at the end of extra time there is still no winner, it is determined through a penalty shootout. The opponent's goal is hit 5 times by different players from a distance of 11 meters.
    As in all games, including football, there are tactics. There are many tactics and each team has its own. Since football is a team game, the mutual understanding of the players and the ability to conduct competent joint actions come first. The tactical formation of the players is important. The most common tactical formation in modern football is to play with four defenders, four midfielders and two strikers - 4-4-2. There are a great variety of schemes, but the very concept of a scheme, as well as the concept of the roles of players, is quite relative. Depending on the qualifications of the players, their responsibilities on the field may extend significantly beyond their role. So, often, according to the coach’s plan, midfielders, especially wingers (and sometimes even full-backs), play the role of attackers.

    The goal of which is to score a leather ball directly into the opponent’s goal, using all parts of the body, excluding the hands. The team that scores more goals throughout the match wins.
    For quite a long time, football has invariably been practically the most popular and widespread sport in the world. Before modern football, there was a game called harpastum, which was played in Egypt, Germany and Italy. But modern football was born only in 1863 in England, and since then it began to spread throughout the world.

    Basic rules of football

    A match is a football game that usually consists of two parts, so-called halves, each of which lasts 45 minutes. There is a break of 15 minutes between halves, after which the players change goals. The field on which players play football has grass and synthetic surfaces. A total of 22 players participate in the game, who are divided into 2 teams of 11 players. Only one player in one team has the right to touch the ball with his hands - the goalkeeper (but not throughout the entire field, but only in the penalty area). The following roles are also used in football: defenders, midfielders, forwards. The main task of the defenders is to put pressure on the opponents, to take the ball away from the opponent, preventing him from scoring a goal against his own team. Midfielders typically play in the center of the field and can either provide coverage for defenders or assist strikers, depending on the situation or the coach's instructions. The attackers, in turn, are mainly located in the opponent’s half of the field in order to be as close as possible to the opponent’s goal to score a goal.

    If the main time of the match (90 minutes) does not determine the winner, then, depending on the regulations, either a draw is declared, or additional time is assigned - two small halves, each lasting 15 minutes. However, if between extra and main time the players are given time to rest, then between the halves of extra time, according to the rules, time is only given to change the goal. If the winner is not determined and two additional short periods are not determined, then penalties of 5 shots from each team are taken. If, based on the results of these kicks, the sum of goals scored is equal, then one kick is taken from each team until the winner is determined. It can also be noted that until recently there was a rule of “Golden Goal” (the team that scores first in extra periods) and “Silver Goal” (the team that wins at the end of one of the extra periods).

    Football in the world

    In 2001, FIFA (an abbreviation of the Federation of International Football Associations) announced a list of countries in the world that play football the most:

    1). USA - 18 million (7.2 million women)

    2). Indonesia - 10 million;

    3). Mexico - 7.4 million;

    4). China - 7.2 million;

    5). Brazil - 7 million;

    6). Germany - 6.2 million;

    7). Bangladesh - 5.2 million;

    8). Italy - 4 million;

    9). Russia - 3.8 million;


    Well-executed tactics are the key to victory. The better the tactics, the better the mutual understanding between the players. In modern football, the most common tactic is 4-4-2 (four defenders, four midfielders and two strikers). But, of course, every coach can “design” his own tactics and the players must adapt to it (an example is Andrey Shevchenko, who after moving to Dynamo Kyiv acts as a midfielder).

    Types of football

    Basically, there are the following types of football: the most exotic type of football is the so-called “footdoubleball”, that is, playing with two balls at the same time, then swamp football (playing in a swamp), yard football, beach football (football on the sand), also futsal (mini-football). football), freestyle football (feints). Due to the fact that the popularity of modern football is very, very high, there are many different games similar to football in the world.