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Instructions for duty officers at the enterprise. Legal regulation of duty within the framework of labor relations. Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Job description of security guard on duty

I. General provisions:

  1. Appointed, transferred and dismissed from a position by order general director on the recommendation of the head of the security service.
  2. The salary of the security guard on duty is established according to the staffing table.
  3. The security guard on duty reports directly to the head of the facility security service and the senior security guard.
  4. His work is guided by:

The current legislation of Ukraine, regulations and other documents;

Rules on occupational health and safety in river ports;

Orders of the General Director, orders of the head of the security service and the head of the facility security service;

Charter of OJSC "_______________________";

By this Instruction.

II. Tasks and responsibilities:

  1. Serves for the protection of objects and material assets, ensures the established access control.
  2. Carries out visual control or control using control and observation devices (cameras) over the territory adjacent to the protected object.
  3. Carries out document checks for persons entering the protected facility (exiting the facility) and control over the import and export (removal) of material assets.
  4. Verifies the data of accompanying documents with the actual presence of goods, verifies that the submitted personal documents belong to the bearer.
  5. Performs inspections of vehicles, as well as, if necessary, inspections of belongings and personal searches of workers and employees.
  6. When going on duty, accepts and checks the serviceability of communications equipment, lighting, internal order at the post and in office premises, the adjacent territory of the checkpoint, official documentation, and fire extinguishing equipment. Familiarizes yourself with the situation at the guarded facility.
  7. Particular attention is paid to areas with the most vulnerable areas of the facility
  8. Monitors the operation of security and fire alarm devices installed at the enterprise.
  9. Reports their activation to the head of the facility security service, and, if necessary, to the internal affairs bodies or the fire department.
  10. Finds out the reasons for the alarm and takes measures to apprehend violators or extinguish the fire.
  11. Takes the necessary measures to eliminate detected malfunctions of communications, lighting, control and observation devices (cameras).
  12. Confiscates temporary passes from persons leaving the territory of the facility and transfers them to the senior security guard.
  13. Checks the integrity of seals and seals on premises, if any.
  14. Accepts separate premises equipped with alarm systems under protection from financially responsible persons.
  15. Walks around the territory according to the established route. The time and frequency of the tour is determined by the head of the facility security service.
  16. Bypass of crane mechanization is carried out only together with the shift foreman of the PRR.
  17. When an alarm is declared at a protected facility, the checkpoint closes, and the release (entry) of all persons from the facility (to the facility) is carried out only with the permission of the senior security guard or the head of the facility security service.
  18. Takes actions to prevent and suppress offenses at protected sites.
  19. Detains persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs, attempting to illegally remove (carry out) material assets from a protected facility or suspected of committing other offenses, and, if necessary, escorting them to a guardhouse or police station.
  20. Immediately report all incidents, violations of access control and intra-facility regulations to the senior security guard.
  21. During the duty shift, maintain cleanliness and order in the office premises, as well as in the surrounding area.
  22. In winter, it removes snow at the entrance and exit through the checkpoint, and sprinkles snow-covered paths (near the checkpoint) with sand.
  23. In case of absence from work due to illness or other reasons, he promptly notifies the senior security guard of his shift or the head of the facility security service.

III. Employee Compliance Responsibilities

regulatory legal acts on labor protection:

  1. Must take care of personal safety and health, as well as the safety and health of surrounding people in the process of performing any work or while they are on the territory of the enterprise.
  2. Know and comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection, rules for handling machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production, use collective and individual protective equipment.
  3. Undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the procedure established by law.

IV. Must know

  1. Laws and others regulations Ukraine, regulating security activities.
  2. Instructions, orders, other regulatory documents regulating the organization of work to protect the facility and material assets.
  3. The specifics and structure of the enterprise and the operating mode of its divisions.
  4. Instructions on the access system of JSC "_____".
  5. Regulations on the protection of JSC "_____".
  6. Samples of passes, waybills and other access documents.
  7. Signatures of officials who have the right to give orders for the import and export (removal) of inventory items.
  8. Requirements for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.
  9. Internal labor regulations and instructions on access control at a guarded facility.

10. Rules for inspections of exported goods.

11. The procedure for detaining persons who committed theft and registering materials against them.

12. Rules for the use of technical means of security and fire alarm systems.

13. The procedure for securing separate premises and responding to alarm activation.

14. Location of primary fire extinguishing and communications equipment, procedure for using them.

15. Rules for searching items and personal searches, conducting administrative detention, filing materials against offenders, using radio equipment and intercoms.

16. General rules providing first aid.

V. Rights:

The security guard on duty has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with orders, instructions for the enterprise and other documents relating to its activities.
  2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for consideration by management.
  3. Demand that workers and employees of the enterprise comply with access control rules.
  4. Detain persons who violated the established access regime, the procedure for the import and export of material assets from the territory of the protected facility.

VI. Responsibility:

The security guard on duty is personally responsible for:

  1. Inconsistency of the decisions he made with the current legislation of Ukraine.
  2. Improper performance or failure to fulfill one's official duties as provided for in this instruction - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
  3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation
  4. Giving false information about the status of the work.
  5. Violations of the requirements of laws and other legal acts on labor protection.
  6. Leaving the post, except to inspect the territory, according to the established route.
  7. Passage of persons and vehicles into the territory of the facility who do not have a pass or other documents giving the right to move around the territory of the protected facility.
  8. Poor safety of the property entrusted to him.

VII. Relationships:

To perform his duties, in the process of work he interacts with employees of his department, with his immediate supervisor, as well as with other department heads and port personnel.

VIII. Qualification requirements:

Secondary education, no work experience requirements.

Head of structural unit _______________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)


Legal Advisor ____________________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)

Labor safety engineer ____________________________ __ __________ g.

(signature, full name)

I have read the instructions:___________________________ __ __________ g.

(signature, full name)


Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Belarus,
Candidate of Legal Sciences

The material is prepared using
legal acts according to the status
as of November 17, 2006

The current legislation does not regulate the procedure for organizing and paying for duty. These issues are regulated by local regulations.
Duty means the presence of an employee in an organization by order of the employer after the end of the working day, on weekends or holidays for the uninterrupted resolution of emerging current urgent issues that are not included in the normal duties of this employee. In this case, duty must be distinguished from the employee’s performance of his usual job duties, for example, duty on shift work in continuous production, night duty of medical personnel, duty of telegraph workers when performing their functional duties at night, etc. Urgent issues that are resolved by those on duty include: informing the manager about arriving cargo by rail on weekends and holidays and organizing the immediate unloading of railway cars; informing the manager about urgent instructions received from a higher authority government controlled; answers to phone calls, coming from out-of-town and foreign partners, etc. Those on duty cannot be assigned the duties of guards, checking passes for employees when entering and exiting the organization’s territory, cleaning premises, processing documents, etc. The rights, duties, and responsibilities of the duty officer are regulated by local regulations approved by the head of the organization. The duty officer has the right to independently make decisions to resolve extreme production issues that arose during his duty at odd hours, holidays and weekends. He is given the right to call department heads, specialists, repairmen and representatives of relevant city services to the organization on weekends to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters, accidents, and restore the supply of electricity, gas, and water. Local regulations may provide for other rights of the duty officer, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities. In practice, quite often the duty officer does not know that he has the right to demand from other workers who are on duty at the production site (in the organization), for example, this or that documentation or information. And only when the question of his punishment for poor quality of duty is raised, the question is raised with indignation that he could not demand this or that from others - they will not give it to him. In such a situation, duty officers may find themselves who have not studied the local regulations on the rights, duties and responsibilities of the duty officer, and also when they have not been briefed before going on duty. Failure to comply with the instructions of the duty officer by other employees occurs in those organizations in which the local regulations on the rights of the duty officer have not been officially brought to the attention of the organization's employees. The duty officer is obliged to immediately notify the head of the organization about all emergency situations that arise during duty, and take immediate measures to eliminate the incidents that arise. The duties of the duty officer include visual control of the employees located there in the departments. Also, the duty officer may be charged with periodic external inspection of office premises.
In a journal specially designed for this purpose, the duty officer is obliged to make entries, such as: about taking over duty, identifying violations, measures taken and handing over duty, indicating the exact time when this happened. In cases where the duty is transferred to another person on duty, for example, on holidays, the person who completed the duty verbally informs the person taking over what he needs to pay attention to while on duty. For example, due to heavy rain, some office premises may be flooded, etc. While on duty, the duty officer is required to interact with the organization's security service. The duty officer bears disciplinary liability for poor performance of the duties assigned to him by the approved Regulations. When approving the local Regulations on the rights, duties and responsibilities of the duty officer of the enterprise (organization), the employer must strictly follow the current legislation. An approved Regulation that contradicts current legislation will be declared invalid. To attract workers to duty, the employer is obliged to select workers whose business and personal qualities can practically cope with the responsibilities assigned to them. Characteristic feature the selection of workers for duty at night, weekends and holidays, in comparison with the performance of work at odd hours, assigned to specialists with irregular working hours, is their voluntariness in giving consent to be included in the duty schedule. Duty schedules are drawn up by the personnel service for the current month, approved by the manager and brought to the attention of security workers, since they are required to interact in their work with the duty officers of the enterprise (organization). Organizational and methodological instructions of duty officers are mandatory for departmental security workers.
Do employers have the right to include workers on duty lists on weekends without their consent? Yes, you have the right. In accordance with Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, the employer has the right to attract an employee to work on his day off, established by the internal labor regulations or work schedule (shift), without the employee’s consent in the following exceptional cases:
1. Preventing a catastrophe, industrial accident, performing work necessary to immediately eliminate their consequences or the consequences of a natural disaster;
2. Accident prevention;
3. Elimination of accidental or unexpected circumstances that may disrupt or have disrupted the normal functioning of water supply, gas supply, heating, lighting, sewerage, transport, communications;
4. Provision of emergency medical care by medical personnel.
In accordance with Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, it is prohibited to employ pregnant women and women with children under three years of age on duty at night, on public holidays and public holidays. Women with children aged from three to fourteen years (disabled children up to eighteen) can be called to duty on public holidays and public holidays, weekends and at night only with their consent.
It is prohibited to involve workers under eighteen years of age on duty. Involving disabled people on duty is not allowed if duty at night, holidays and weekends is contraindicated for them due to health reasons in accordance with a medical report. In cases where night shifts, holidays and weekends are not contraindicated for them due to health reasons, then such engagements are permissible with their consent.
In cases of being called to duty after the end of the working day, attendance at work for both employees with irregular and normal working hours is postponed to a later time on the day of duty. The duration of duty or work together with duty cannot exceed the normal length of the working day. Duties on weekends and holidays, by agreement of the parties, are compensated by providing within the next 10 days another day of rest of the same duration as the duty, or by increased pay no less than double (Part 4 of Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus). It should be noted that in organizations financed from budgetary funds, by agreement of the parties, in most cases other days of rest are provided for duty on weekends and holidays. These rules apply to workers with both regular and irregular working hours. If while on duty the employee performs his usual job duties (for example, duty of medical personnel), then in these cases the time on duty is the time of work and wage the employee is paid for his duty on a general basis. Labor legislation sets a limit on the number of days off that can be used to attract workers to work. In accordance with Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, it is allowed to use no more than 12 days off per year for each employee for work, including on duty. This number of days off is also the limit in cases where the initiative to include it in the duty schedule comes from the employee himself. However, Part 2 of Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, as an exception to this rule, establishes that this maximum number of days off does not include days off on which the employee is called to work in exceptional cases provided for in Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus. Consequently, the total number of days off on which an employee can be involved in work and duty during the year may be more than 12 days, if this was caused by exceptional cases.

In the course of implementing its economic activity Many employers are faced with the need to organize workers on duty at an enterprise or institution.

Duty, as a rule, is carried out in order to ensure stable uninterrupted operation of the organization, prompt resolution of current issues on weekends and non-working holidays, at night, before or after the end of working hours of the main part of the enterprise personnel, etc.Unfortunately, the current labor legislation does not provide the necessary understanding of either the concept or the procedure for organizing and carrying out duties.The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the main document regulating labor relations, does not mention at all the possibility of involving workers on duty; There is no complete uniform and clear legal regulation of duty at the level of other normative legal acts.The latter are also departmental in nature and have a narrow sectoral focus.The only valid document concerning the organization of duty in general, regardless of the industry or departmental affiliation of the enterprise, is the resolution of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated April 2, 1954.“On duty at enterprises and institutions” does not correspond to the current level of development of legislation and regulates the issues of organizing duty in a very fragmentary manner.At the same time, the need to organize duty is an objective reality and these relationships, which actually develop in the course of work, are in dire need of legal regulation.Taking into account the lack of a full-fledged legal framework at the legislative level, the main document regulating the procedure for carrying out duties should be the corresponding local regulatory act created by the organization independently.It seems that for this purpose it would be advisable to adopt a special document devoted to the issues of duty, for example, a regulation on the organization of duty at an enterprise (institution).The procedure for carrying out duties may be included as an integral part in the regulations on the organization of working time and rest time or in the corresponding section of the collective agreement. In addition to this document, schedules for attracting specific employees to duty should be drawn up periodically (for a month, a quarter, a year). It is obvious that the conditions of local regulations must be correlated with the tasks set by the employer introducing duty duty, and not worsen the situation of workers in comparison with the current labor legislation. In cases where certain issues of organizing duty are regulated at the level of laws or by-laws, their provisions should also be taken into account when forming the corresponding local regulatory act. Thus, today some rules for carrying out duties are established by law in relation to law enforcement officers, emergency rescue services, communications enterprises, teaching and medical workers, railway transport workers, enterprises of the energy, oil, gas complexes and the mining industry. The content of the local regulatory act adopted by the employer must include all the necessary elements that determine the procedure for attracting employees to duty. THE CONCEPT AND GOALS OF DUTY As noted above, modern labor legislation does not contain a single concept of duty. The term “duty” is used in regulatory legal acts in several meanings. The first meaning presupposes that the employee performs his usual job duties within the framework of his profession, qualification, position within the work shift established for him. The term “duty” is used here due to the established traditions of legal regulation. For example, traditionally in legislation, duty refers to the activities of medical personnel, security guards, persons keeping watch on river and sea transport, members of emergency teams of public utility enterprises, etc. It seems that the use of the term “duty” in these cases is due to the specifics of the labor function, consisting in readiness to take certain actions at the necessary moment (stop a crime, eliminate an accident, etc.). This kind of duty does not require any specific regulation; it is the employee’s normal working time, which is taken into account and paid in the generally established manner. The second meaning of the term in question is also associated with the employee’s readiness, but not to perform certain actions, but to perform, if necessary, his immediate job duties in general at the request of the employer. In this case, the employee stays outside the employer’s location and comes to the place of work on call. Such duty, as a rule, is called “home duty” and requires the establishment of special rules for its implementation. The purpose of this type of duty is the prompt implementation by the organization of the tasks facing it, ensuring its uninterrupted operation, eliminating the consequences of accidents, etc. The third type of duty is the performance of actions in favor of the employer that are not directly related to the employee’s work function, aimed at resolving current urgent issues of an organizational nature. It was in this meaning that the concept under study was initially used by the legislator and was called responsible duty. Responsible duty officers are entrusted with the tasks of operational management of the organization during periods when its main administrative bodies are not functioning - at night, on non-working holidays or weekends. Responsible duty officers can also provide organizational preparation for the start of the work shift of the main part of the personnel of the enterprise (institution) - check the readiness of equipment, availability of materials, provide access to production or other premises, etc. This type of responsible duty differs from the previous one and can be distinguished as its independent variety. Thus, the type and order of duty are determined primarily by its goals. In the case when the organization uses duty various types- duty at home, responsible duty at an enterprise (institution, organization), responsible duty before the start or after the end of a work shift, separate rules must be established for each of them. PROCEDURE FOR ATTRACTION TO DUTY The procedure for involvement at duty must include: * the circle of subjects on duty; * frequency of duty; * duration; · the procedure for creating duty schedules and bringing them to the attention of employees. The circle of persons who are responsible for duty depends on the type of duty, as well as on the presence of certain categories of workers with a special legal status. When deciding on the subjects to be involved in duty, it is advisable to use two criteria: professional and social. So, for example, responsible duty for the enterprise as a whole can be entrusted only to persons who have certain knowledge and experience in the field of management, as well as having a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s activities, i.e. senior and middle managers. Being on duty before or after the end of a work shift presupposes that the employee has certain professional skills that allow him to properly prepare for the work. It seems that when establishing the circle of persons involved in duty, additional guarantees provided for by law for certain categories of workers should be taken into account. Thus, pregnant women, as well as workers under eighteen years of age, should be completely exempt from responsible duties. The obligation to perform duty of this kind cannot be imposed on workers for whom special rules have been established for engaging in overtime work, work on weekends and non-working holidays, and at night: disabled people, women with a child under three years of age, parents of a child - disabled person, persons caring for a sick family member. Despite the fact that the legislation does not provide special guarantees regarding the regulation of working hours and rest time for single mothers raising a child under the age of fourteen, in our opinion, it is also advisable to exempt this category of workers from participation in duty duties. By general rule, duty can be established for one employee no more than once a month. However, some special regulations provide for a different frequency of involvement in duty. For example, when docking at ports, the command staff of naval vessels can be called on duty once every three days. The dates of duty of specific employees must be recorded in the appropriate schedules and promptly brought to their attention against signature. The duration of duty depends on the needs of the employer. For example, with regard to employees of educational institutions, it is established that the duration of their duty cannot be more than 20 minutes before the start and 20 minutes after the end of classes. If we are talking about duty at home or responsible duty at an enterprise (institution), then it is, as a rule, equal to the duration of the work shift, although sometimes it can be increased to one day. Duties longer than 24 hours are not permitted. Despite the fact that duty duties are primarily not related to the employee’s performance of his direct job duties, they are carried out in favor of the employer, are part of the employee’s general labor function, and involve time costs or restrictions on the employee’s use of rest time. Taking this into account, duty time should be included in the standard working time when planning it for the month. With a different approach, duty is considered as overtime work. In accordance with Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, work for two shifts in a row is prohibited. Since duty is a type of working time, it is not permitted to be assigned to duty in such a way that it is immediately preceded or immediately followed by another work shift. Between duty and the work shift, the employee must be given rest time, as a general rule equal to no less than double the duration of the work shift. When on duty at the place of work, its duration is taken into account as part of working time in full. Unfortunately, the legislation does not have uniform rules for recording working hours when on duty at home. However, from the arsenal of labor law, the following calculation procedure can be used: the employee’s waiting time at home is taken into account as 0.25 hours of normal working time; in case of a call to workplace The time required to complete the work is calculated based on its actual duration. Only a small number of professions involve duty as a component of the employee’s main job function due to legislative provisions. The tariff and qualification characteristics of most professions and positions do not provide for the employee’s obligation to participate in duty duties. This creates an urgent need to include this responsibility in the labor function of employees at the level of job descriptions or employment contracts. Only under this condition does the employer have the right to demand that the employee participate in duty, and the employee has the obligation to comply with this requirement. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DUTY MAN Duty itself is a complex process of interrelated and interdependent actions of both the duty officer himself and other employees of the organization, its structural divisions, and management bodies. Taking into account the fact that responsible duty in an enterprise (institution, organization) is a component of the labor function of workers of various professions and qualifications, there is a need to develop, within the framework of the organization, unified universal rules for the implementation of responsible duty. The regulations on the organization of duty must provide for an algorithm for the behavior of the responsible duty officer, his rights and responsibilities, rules for interaction with other structural units, and, if necessary, with other organizations. For example, it may determine the procedure for keeping a duty log, the sequence of notification of the occurrence of any circumstances to various interested parties, specific measures that should be taken by the duty officer in certain situations, etc. Since duty at home also involves deviations from the usual procedure for carrying out the labor process, it is similarly advisable to develop special rules for them. Participation in on-duty duties is an additional job responsibility of the employee and, as a rule, is not covered by his main qualifications. In addition, each organization has its own specifics of duty management, determined by its needs and peculiarities of work organization. Therefore, the responsibility for training employees in the rules of duty lies with the employer. COMPENSATION FOR DUTY Duty duties included in the standard working hours are not subject to additional compensation. In the event that duty is carried out beyond the established working hours, on a weekend or a non-working holiday, compensation should be carried out according to the general rules established for these cases by labor legislation: increased pay or, at the request of the employee, provision of additional rest time (Art. 152, 153 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Taking into account that duty is a specific type of working time, in the regulations on the organization of duty, the procedure for compensating for duty, including the rules for its payment, must be specified in a special way. When forming the corresponding local regulatory act, other provisions on the implementation of duty may be provided, depending on its needs, as well as the specifics of the organization’s activities. By analogy with the rules establishing the rules for introducing working hours in organizations, provisions on the implementation of duty must be adopted with the participation of a representative body of workers. Since the involvement of workers on duty affects the most significant of their labor rights, the introduction, abolition of duty, and changes in the conditions for their implementation must be carried out according to the rules of Art. 73 Labor Code of the Russian Federation as changes essential conditions employment contract. Appendix Resolution of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of April 2, 1954 “On duty at enterprises and institutions” (Bulletin of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, 1954, No. 8) The Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions notes that in enterprises and institutions it is practiced to incorrectly involve workers and employees on duty after the end of the working day and at night. There are often cases when duty officers are assigned the duties of guards, checking passes, and receiving mail. Mothers with children under 12 years of age and pregnant women are also involved in duty. Workers assigned to duty are deprived of normal rest and their ability to work is reduced. In order to eliminate unnecessary duty at enterprises and institutions, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions decides: 1. Duties of workers and employees at enterprises and institutions after the end of the working day, weekends and holidays can be introduced in exceptional cases and only in agreement with the factory, local committee . It is not allowed to involve workers on duty more than once a month. 2. In the case of being assigned to duty after the end of the working day, attendance at work for employees with standard and irregular working hours is postponed to a later time on the day of duty. The duration of duty or work together with duty cannot exceed the normal length of the working day. Duties on weekends and holidays are compensated by the provision of time off over the next 10 days of the same duration as the duty. See for example: Federal Law of August 22, 1995 No. 151-FZ “On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers”; Regulations on working time and rest time for employees of operating communications enterprises, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 17, 1997 No. 58; Order of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR dated September 18, 1990 No. 8-TsZ “On the introduction of features for regulating working time and rest time for certain categories of railway and metro workers directly related to ensuring the safety of train traffic and serving passengers”; letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2004, etc. See, for example: Part 3 of Art. 28 Federal Law dated August 22, 1995 No. 151-FZ “On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers”; clause 1.8 of the order of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR dated September 18, 1990 No. 8TsZ “On the introduction of features for regulating working time and rest time for certain categories of railway and metro workers directly related to ensuring the safety of train traffic and serving passengers”, etc.

Job description of the duty officer[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The person on duty (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor) belongs to the category of technical specialists.

1.2. A person with an initial professional education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary (complete) general education, or basic general education and special training according to an established program without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. Appointment to the position of duty officer (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor) and dismissal from it is made by order of the hotel director.

1.4. The person on duty (for issuing certificates, the hall, the hotel floor) must know:

Regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and documents related to the work of the duty officer;

The procedure for registration, accounting and preparation of established documentation;

Fundamentals of labor and labor protection legislation of the Russian Federation;

Fundamentals of labor organization;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Techniques and methods of providing pre-medical care;

- [fill in what you need].

1.5. The person on duty (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor) reports directly to [fill in what is required].

1.6. [Enter as appropriate].

2. Job responsibilities

Duty officer (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor):

2.1. Receives clients and registers them for services provided.

2.2. Draws up the necessary documentation when working with clients, makes extracts and stores work-related documents in the appropriate order.

2.3. Prepares and issues certificates to clients in person or by telephone.

2.4. Ensures the serviceability and safety of inventory, equipment and other property.

2.5. Monitors the timeliness and quality of cleaning work carried out by maintenance personnel.

2.6. Monitors clients' compliance with fire and sanitary regulations.

2.7. Keeps a duty log.

2.8. Receives and transmits necessary communications to clients in person or by telephone.

2.9. [Enter as appropriate].

3. Rights

The duty officer (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor) has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the hotel management concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in these instructions for consideration by the hotel management.

3.3. Within the limits of your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified during the performance of official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Demand that the hotel management provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

3.5. [Enter as appropriate].

4. Responsibility

The person on duty (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor) is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. [Enter as appropriate].

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Since modern labor legislation does not contain a unified concept of duty, the practice of its use has several meanings. The first meaning involves the employee performing his usual job duties within the framework of his profession, qualification, position within the work shift established for him. This kind of duty does not require any specific regulation; it is the employee’s normal working time, which is taken into account and paid in the generally established manner. The second type of duty is the performance of actions in favor of the employer that are not directly related to the employee’s labor function, aimed at resolving current urgent issues of an organizational nature. This is the so-called responsible duty.

Organization of duty at enterprises

After the inspection is completed, a decision will be made on the illegality of the employer’s actions, on the basis of which he will be obliged to compensate for unpaid funds for previously worked time and to prevent such violations in the future. One should not confuse overtime work and involvement in work on weekends: the first case includes situations when employees remain to perform work duties after the end of the working day, and in the second case they begin them on Saturday or Sunday, i.e. on their official weekends. When working overtime, the procedure for calculating payment changes slightly: the first 2 hours of overtime are compensated at one and a half times, and the subsequent ones at double the rate.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The involvement of workers on duty according to the schedule is carried out in accordance with a written order (instruction) of the head of the enterprise, which must provide for days of rest provided to employees for duty. An order for an enterprise to be assigned to duty is based on the consent of employees, because duty is not part of their job responsibilities. In addition, the order may indicate the procedure for remuneration for the period of duty, specified in the collective agreement or other local act of the enterprise (see Appendix). Hours of duty are not indicated on the work time sheet. Appendix LLC "IRIS" ORDER 12/28/2013


Irregular working hours

XII, which established that until the adoption of relevant acts of legislation on the territory of Ukraine, acts of legislation of the USSR on issues not regulated by the legislation of Ukraine are applied, provided that they do not contradict the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.” url=”” ]resolution No. 233). There is no other regulatory basis for workers to be on duty yet. This is also emphasized by the Ministry of Labor in a letter dated April 2, 2010.
No. 89/13/116-10. Duty is considered to be the presence of an employee at an enterprise (institution, organization) by order of the administration before the start or end of the working day, on weekends, holidays as a person responsible for order and for the prompt resolution of urgent issues not related to the work duties of this employee, as well as for transfer of information.

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Thus, pregnant women, as well as workers under eighteen years of age, should be completely exempt from responsible duties. The obligation to perform duty of this kind cannot be imposed on workers for whom special rules have been established for engaging in overtime work, work on weekends and non-working holidays, and at night: disabled people, women with a child under three years of age, parents of a child - disabled person, persons caring for a sick family member. Despite the fact that the legislation does not provide special guarantees regarding the regulation of working hours and rest time for single mothers raising a child under the age of fourteen, in our opinion, it is also advisable to exempt this category of workers from participation in duty duties.

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According to current legislation, the duration norm working week is 40 hours, however, if necessary, employers can involve their employees, with their written consent, to work or be on duty on their days off. The exception is situations when employees can be called without written permission:

  • In case of production necessity, if this threatens the productivity or economy of the enterprise;
  • To prevent a disaster or accident;
  • To eliminate the consequences emergency that arose in the organization.

Separately, it is worth considering hiring employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations for duty on weekends. In this case, one should focus on special legislative acts operating within these structures, but here it will be applied general order payment for processing.

Workers on duty on weekends and holidays

Terms of remuneration for employees of healthcare institutions and social protection institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated February 28, 2006 No. 125.” url=”” ]hospital; crew members left on the ship by order of the captain for the duration of their stay in a port or roadstead to ensure the safety of the ship; crew members of civil aviation aircraft of Ukraine, etc.


Taking into account that duty is a specific type of working time, in the regulations on the organization of duty, the procedure for compensating for duty, including the rules for its payment, must be specified in a special way. When forming the corresponding local regulatory act, other provisions on the implementation of duty may be provided, depending on its needs, as well as the specifics of the organization’s activities. By analogy with the rules establishing the rules for introducing working hours in organizations, provisions on the implementation of duty must be adopted with the participation of a representative body of workers.

Since the involvement of workers on duty affects the most significant of their labor rights, the introduction, abolition of duty, and changes in the conditions for their implementation must be carried out according to the rules of Art.

Responsible duty officer and involve in work

Employees agree to such “duties.” How to attract an employee to work at night with a normal work schedule? Is it possible to shift the working hours of employees (instead of day - night) to prevent overtime work? Answer: Labor Code The Russian Federation does not contain, use or regulate the concept of “duty”. Resolution of the Secretariat of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions of 04/02/1954 N 233 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution N 233), which is applied by virtue of the first part of Art. 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, only insofar as it does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, establishes that duty of workers and employees at enterprises and institutions after the end of the working day, on weekends and holidays can be introduced in exceptional cases and only in agreement with the factory, factory, local committees. From Art. 15, art. 56, art.
As a general rule, duty can be assigned to one employee no more than once a month. However, some special regulations provide for a different frequency of assignment to duty. For example, when docking at ports, the command staff of naval vessels can be called on duty once every three days.


The dates of duty of specific employees must be recorded in the appropriate schedules and promptly brought to their attention against signature. The duration of duty depends on the needs of the employer. For example, with regard to employees of educational institutions, it is established that the duration of their duty cannot be more than 20 minutes before the start and 20 minutes after the end of classes.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation follows that, within the framework of the concluded employment contract, the employee undertakes to perform a labor function (work according to the position in accordance with staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications; specific type of work entrusted to the employee) specified in the employment contract. At the same time, Art. 60 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly prohibits requiring an employee to perform work that is not stipulated by an employment contract, except for cases provided for by federal laws. In the situation under consideration, employment contracts with employees do not provide for the performance of duties as an employee on duty as one of the components of the employee’s labor function. From Art. 72, part one of Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it follows that the labor function cannot be changed except by agreement of the parties.