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Character of a woman according to the zodiac sign Taurus. The Taurus woman's birthstone is sapphire. Which plants are suitable

Among the female representatives of the zodiac constellations, one of the brightest and most colorful figures is the Taurus woman. Why is a Taurus woman so attractive and what is she really like?

Character traits

A woman of this sign is charismatic and attractive. At first glance, she may seem too simple and understandable, but this impression is deceptive: a Taurus woman may turn out to be a mystery to you, and you can only find out what she really is like by starting close communication with her. Only after getting to know her better will you understand that she is not an “open book” at all.

  1. She is pragmatic and knows exactly what she wants from life. Taurus knows how to formulate life goals and go towards them, sweeping away all obstacles along the way.
  2. A woman of this sign can be harsh in conversation and categorical in her judgments, but at the same time she is a faithful and reliable friend, and will definitely help in difficult times.
  3. Representatives of this sign are practical and prudent in a good way: they are good housewives, neat and thrifty; They cook deliciously, love and know how to dress beautifully, and at the same time manage to acquire a fashionable outfit, spending a minimum of money.
  4. What a Taurus woman is like in life will be revealed by her attitude towards money: she loves jewelry, but will not spend it on buying trinkets - she is thorough and serious, and does not throw it away over trifles.
  5. She is a luxurious woman, and she knows it, therefore she demands appropriate signs of attention: she does not forgive indifferent attitude towards herself, inattention and underestimation of her irresistibility.
  6. Men, get to know her and try to please her, and you will understand what kind of Taurus woman is in a relationship - you probably won’t find a more pronounced owner. She won’t allow anyone to see the man who won her heart, and she won’t let him go anywhere either. But it is impossible to argue with her: she is extremely stubborn, and in order to convince her of anything, you will have to spend a lot of time. You shouldn’t be surprised if she defends her opinion not only verbally, but also by throwing a plate at you.

Taurus is never satisfied with little in life - he needs everything!

Taurus woman, what is she like in love?

IN love relationships she is as bright as her whole nature. She is naturally endowed with the subtle art of flirting, so she does not tolerate lethargy, boredom and monotony: a night for two should be romantic and different from the previous one. Routine kills the energy of this sign; The Taurus woman does not recognize platonic relationships: she needs the fire of love, she needs to be seduced and wooed.

However, over time, making sure that the man is firmly on her hook, she can change her elegant high-heeled shoes and elegant dresses to a robe and slippers. Therefore, in order to remain bright and attractive longer, she needs a romantic relationship and the worship of a man nearby.

Nata Karlin July 27, 2018, 19:04

Taurus are women for whom nature has not stinted on the best. They are beautiful, energetic, charming and in any company they strive to become the center of attention. Quite rightly, Taurus women are the subject of undisguised interest among men.

The most important characteristic of a Taurus woman according to her zodiac sign is restraint. Many ladies would like to acquire such an ability, but not everyone is given this. In addition, she is characterized by calmness, determination, stubbornness, pride, and a desire for financial stability.

If you describe all the qualities of a lady of this zodiac sign in a few words, then the phrase “real lady” will fit perfectly

The character of the Taurus girl is very calm. She is always restrained, measured and thoughtful, and will never allow herself a sharp verbal attack or insult towards another person. At the same time, he will not tolerate such an attitude towards himself. Her external beauty is harmoniously combined with willpower and angelic patience. She rarely loses her temper and, as a rule, these outbursts of anger are short-lived. However, you should not test her patience, appearances can be deceiving, it is not endless. The Taurus woman does not forgive insults; she is vindictive and unbearable if attacks on her self-esteem occur regularly. With age, this lady begins to like the luxury and comfort of her home more and more; she can rarely be forced to go on a trip, and there can be no talk of moving to another place of residence.

The Taurus woman is special, regal and calm grace, she is fully endowed with natural charm, pleasant manners and a languid look. In her company, many people find that same peace of mind and find the desired moral support. Her innate sense of taste and style allows her to choose only the best cosmetics and clothes, while saving money. The lady of this zodiac sign simply loves chic and strives to achieve prosperity, saving money from her youth. She needs a man who will provide a comfortable existence and can satisfy all her needs.

The Taurus woman is distinguished by her regal and calm grace.

As a rule, Taurus women have feminine forms, are plump and do not give of great importance own weight. It should be noted that extra pounds do not spoil the impression of the lady herself. The essence of a woman of this sign is to show the world what beauty and health really are, and not painful dieting that has a bad effect on appearance.

Taurus women are great workers. Patience, determination and willpower help them achieve success in their careers.

They do all the work, if not with great pleasure, then with zeal and receive true satisfaction both from the process itself and from the results of work. However, out of all types of activities, they will choose the one that brings the most income, regardless of whether they like it or not.

Compatibility of Taurus women with other zodiac signs in love, marriage, friendship and work

Love for a Taurus woman is a serious activity that requires precise calculations and meaningful actions. Usually, she chooses her own partner. The persistent courtship of a gentleman whom she considers unpromising will never lead to anything. The Taurus woman is overflowing with sexual energy, and her partners feel it without words. Using rational thinking and excellent intuition, she immediately weeds out unnecessary gentlemen, establishing relationships with those who are most suitable as candidates for her hand and heart.

Love for a Taurus woman is a serious and meaningful activity

The Taurus woman is very jealous and possessive by nature. Observing the changed behavior of her partner, she waits for a long time, remaining calm and driving away obsessive thoughts. But sooner or later, these relationships can simply burst like a soap bubble, if the Taurus woman’s cup of patience runs out. In this situation, the culprit will have a hard time, because the Taurus lady is scary in anger. It is unlikely that it will be possible to return a lady who has been offended in her feelings to the bosom of her family.

In marriage, a woman of this zodiac sign is an excellent housewife, a caring wife and mother.

She is a great cook because she loves to eat delicious food herself and believes that the way to her beloved husband’s heart is through his stomach.

As a life partner, the Taurus woman chooses people who are just as generously gifted by nature as she is. They are compatible with men who can combine external and internal beauty, good health and preferably a thick wallet. This lady really loves gifts, going to good restaurants and clubs, and traveling to beautiful places.

The Taurus woman becomes a wonderful life partner. She respects her man and will never claim leadership unless he allows it. In this woman’s house there is always order and the delicious aroma of cooking dishes is in the air. She loves guests, however, only those who are required to warn about their arrival.

The Taurus lady loves gifts and trips to beautiful places

For a woman of this zodiac sign, the life of her own children is extremely important. She is completely immersed in their affairs and concerns, trying to live with her children every hour. She always has Warm and trusting relationships develop both with daughters and sons.

Table of compatibility of the Taurus woman with other signs of the Western horoscope in love, friendship, work:

Taurus woman and man:Compatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityCompatibility in friendship and work
a lionAverageAverageAverage

Taurus woman in bed - what is she like?

Even at a relatively young age, the Taurus woman seems like a lady wise with life experience compared to her carefree and flirtatious peers. In sex she is ardent and passionate, however, without excessive romanticism. It should be noted that a man who does not conquer her on the first intimate date completely loses all chances of conquering her the second time.

Taurus women are distinguished by their special sensuality, which they place above all other manifestations in the love sphere. They make wonderful mistresses for those men who know how to feel the desires of a lady, who are patient and calm.

It is easy for them to adapt to the desires of their partner, and the level of return will be equal to the strength of the man’s sexual desire

In the sex life of a Taurus woman best compatibility with Cancer, Leo and Gemini.

How to win a Taurus girl: all the ways to conquer your heart

Men who had to encounter a Taurus woman on their life path were immediately struck by her willpower and charisma. This lady is at work poses a serious threat to competitors, and it’s better for rivals in love not to get involved with her at all. The Taurus lady initially makes serious demands on men. You need to consciously meet her criteria in order to be able to please her and claim the lady’s favor. Very often, a Taurus woman chooses as her life partner a man who has reached certain heights in his career.

You can win the heart of a Taurus woman only if you are potentially able to achieve what you want, active and purposeful. A lady of this zodiac sign will never pay attention to a redneck, a boor, a troublemaker and an envious person. She won't tolerate a quitter, dissuading himself from work by any means. Next to a Taurus woman there must be ideal man, able and aware of how to make money. She must be absolutely sure that her offspring will grow up in prosperity and prosperity.

At work, the Taurus woman poses a serious threat to competitors

You can make a Taurus lady fall in love with you only with a sincere attitude and gifts. Moreover, the more expensive the offering, the more attention the suitor will receive. If you managed to approach a lady of this zodiac sign at an honorable “friend” distance, try keep her attention, becoming a real reliable support. Solve her problems and troubles, because for her, a man’s dedication is the main indicator of his love.

Seducing a Taurus woman is not that easy. Even if you succeed, know that, apparently, this is her personal decision and desire.

A lady of this zodiac sign takes her reputation very seriously and will never enter into an intimate relationship with a stranger

How to understand that a Taurus girl is in love: main signs

A Taurus girl in love tries in every possible way to demonstrate her advantages. She turns her already impeccable appearance into a real work of art. She knows her strengths and weaknesses very well and focuses on the former with enviable skill. If she speaks to a man chosen as a lover, her speech becomes smooth, soft, and there are languid notes in her voice.

A woman under the sign of Taurus knows her strengths and weaknesses very well.

Her eyes never leave the object of her passion for a moment. Even if she does not see the man, it seems that her eyes are everywhere, because the Taurus woman literally feels the presence of her lover on her skin.

The main features of the behavior of a Taurus woman in love are as follows:

  • she looks in the mirror more often;
  • looks simply great;
  • her look is radiant and happy;
  • tries to cook something tasty in order to feel the fullness of the joys of the world;
  • shows interest in sports and his own figure;
  • buys new things.

Gift for a Taurus woman: options for interesting gifts

Presents for a Taurus woman should be rational and justified from a reasonable point of view. For example, if you give a lady of this zodiac sign a huge bouquet of flowers, she simply will not understand the generosity of this gesture. But she will be really happy with some categories of gifts:

  • Hobby. If you know for sure that a Taurus woman has a certain hobby, try to please her by presenting something on the topic. For example, avid cooks will be pleased to receive kitchen utensils, table setting items, large encyclopedia with recipes or a set of exotic seasonings.

Gifts for a Taurus woman should be rational

  • Fashion. Taurus ladies treat things with special trepidation. They have excellent taste and always dress stylishly. If you know about a lady’s preferences, feel free to buy clothes, cosmetics, accessories, and perfumes. However, you need to keep in mind that all things must be of high quality. If you are not familiar with it, you should not choose this option.
  • Interior. As a true housewife and connoisseur of beautiful things, the Taurus woman will be delighted with high-quality and fashionable pieces of furniture and household appliances. The ultimate dream of hers is a great car.

It is worth paying attention to costume jewelry and jewelry

Ladies of this zodiac sign are very fond of everything beautiful and sophisticated. However, a small gold ring may impress her less than a large set of stylish jewelry.

Taurus Woman: Thanks to the patronage of Venus, she is endowed with special charm and femininity.

Women born under the sign of Taurus are distinguished by their knowledge of the price of their beauty, the price luxurious life. It's as if they were specially created for beautiful life. They are attracted by flowers, fine wines and gourmet cuisine, and expensive perfumes. These women are wasteful for men. But, despite her love for sophistication in everything, this woman will not actively seek boyfriends. In her search, she relies on delicacy and wisdom. The Taurus woman has a very important trait: she will not abandon her friends in trouble, she will help. All her friends are different from each other. She tries to understand people and is endowed with intelligence. A typical Taurus woman has practically no dislikes, because she simply does not communicate with a person who is unpleasant to her.

Men of all ages who have been exhausted by the difficulties of life always strive for a woman like her. Men are attracted by the fact that a Taurus woman easily creates a pleasant environment and atmosphere in a company; she changes the mood of the company, quietly defusing even the most tense situations. Taurus achieves her goals, but she does it calmly and beautifully, not at all demanding. The Taurus woman is a persistent woman, sometimes she makes it clear exactly what she wants. Those who try to confuse her and convince her retreat from their own.

The Taurus woman is interested in fashion and art. She knows a lot about various talents, because she herself is endowed with them, grace and excellent taste. Because of her strong principles, she may lag behind the flow of life for some time, but she will never lose her charm and charm that nature itself has endowed her with. She is cheerful and friendly.

In relationships with the opposite sex, this woman strives to build emotional and harmonious relationships; she needs stability. Outwardly, this woman is very attractive, personified by sensuality. She is inherently feminine. A typical Taurus woman's wardrobe must include turquoise, blue, pale blue, and green colors. She loves blouses, light dresses, casual suits, but despite this subtlety, she is not alien to a sporty style. It's rare that a man is indifferent to her. She does not hide or disguise her character under a mask, but remains as soft even at the beginning of acquaintance. She is a good housewife, knows a lot about delicious food and a cozy interior. Conflicts arise extremely rarely with children, being in complete harmony in emotional life, she knows how to behave with a child. It is important for them to remain in parental authority and feel the love of their children.

This woman is one who knows how to not only spend, but also save money. It is no secret that when choosing a life partner, she pays attention to his social status. However, if her man has financial problems, she will go to work without hesitation.

To conquer such a woman, you need to be smart about financial spending. It is necessary to find a “golden mean” between her desires and the permitted norm. You need to be able to hold a conversation with her about cinema, music, theater. And this topic should not be limited to just conversations, invite her to the theater, to an exhibition, or on an excursion. Remember that she is jealous, even possessive, but you should not focus on this too much. Taurus does not like weakness in people, she needs a strong person.

This is a faithful friend who knows how to support and cheer in difficult times. This is a great hostess who surprises with new dishes. This loving mother. You will never regret that this person came your way.

Women's horoscope for Taurus

Women's horoscope - choose your zodiac sign
a lion

The beautiful ladies from medieval legends undoubtedly belonged to this Zodiac. The Taurus sign is a woman whose characteristics are the embodiment of beauty and grace, she is elegant and sensual. Representatives of this sign make good housewives, whose home is filled with warmth and comfort. They love to make new friends, host guests, and of course, they attract men like a magnet.

Charming Venus endowed representatives of this sign with the ability to please.

They often have very

Horoscope Taurus Woman

attractive external forms, have an ideal feminine figure. Thin wasp waist, rounded attractive hips and gorgeous breasts. Sometimes they are overweight, which does not in any way reduce their attractiveness, but, on the contrary, makes them even more desirable.

They have a languid look that is conducive to their interlocutor. Their movements have inner grace and smoothness. They are always fresh and charming. Among women of the zodiac sign Taurus there are practically no smokers. They know how to correctly select their individual image, cosmetics and perfumes.

Fashion & Style

Always perfect clothes, manicure and makeup, jewelry, and a representative of this sign will never go unnoticed, no matter where she is. She has a beautiful, sonorous voice, and her appearance is mesmerizing.

Taurus spend more than one hour and very decent amounts of money to maintain their body and appearance V in the best possible way. They love to invest in themselves to always be perfect. Often among them there are women who do yoga, dance, and spend many hours in the gym.

Behavior and inner world of a Taurus woman

They are very sociable, know how to win over their interlocutor, are often smart, and it is pleasant to have conversations with them on various topics. At the same time, they can and know how to listen, which is very important when communicating.

Taurus are almost never categorical and rude. But for all their apparent restraint and calm, they are very easy to unbalance. If the claims are justified and reasoned, they will adequately perceive the comments, but if the nit-picking has no particular reason, then you will see the fury live.

As the horoscope of Taurus women says, for those born under this sign, the most important thing in life is always home, family and children, and of course their favorite job. They love to spend their free time in nature, but if they cannot find time for this, they very often engage in breeding indoor plants. Taurus people do not lead an active lifestyle; it so happens that they were born completely different.

Representatives of this sign are gifted by nature. They are talented in everything, very capable and purposeful. Due to their external attractiveness, Taurus often become the object of desire for men and the center of any company; they have powerful sexual energy.

They easily achieve their goals and go to the end. At the same time, they are wise, which makes it easy to make the right decision. Taurus will not stand out from others in any way, but the excitement of competition is very important to her. She is ambitious, knows what she wants from life, and goes towards her goal.

Positive and negative traits

In her reality there is no place for illusions and dreams. She goes through life, receiving the information and valuable experience she needs. Madness and spontaneous actions are not typical of her. She rarely loses her composure. What becomes interesting to Taurus will be subject to comprehensive study and analysis. Wisdom can be seen in all her actions.

This woman is pleasant to communicate with, she has a bright mind and clear goals. She is a calm, balanced person, never able to offend just like that or even speak inappropriately to someone, which is what she demands in relation to herself.

This woman is very difficult to piss off. She is patient, but does not like objections addressed to her. The main characteristic of a Taurus woman is an iron will, and they are also endowed with incredible beauty and patience.

But at the same time, she absolutely does not accept criticism addressed to her. A negative statement will result in a storm of emotions and resentment. If the bullying is repeated, she will turn into a vindictive creature, and everything will be returned to you in full. It is very difficult to force a Taurus to do something. She is domineering and loves luxury.

Work and career of a Taurus woman

She was and will be an excellent employee. With all

Representatives of this sign have enormous power will, and therefore always achieve the tasks set for themselves.

Due to their gentleness and charm, they cannot be classified as white-handed. The Taurus woman is ready to devote all her strength to her favorite job. Taurus choose activities that bring material income so that they are always financially secure. At the same time, work brings them only pleasure, makes their soul rejoice, otherwise they will not work at 100% and will never achieve the necessary results. They can't just sit through their workday. It is very important for them to enjoy the work done.

Leadership skills

Taurus women are very executive. They easily achieve leadership positions and perform this work just as easily. There is no need to be afraid to place such women in leading roles in the team.

These are people who can spend more than one hour doing monotonous, painstaking work, without getting tired at all. They are attracted by realistic employment, projects that have future development, ideas that Taurus will work on until the plan is fully realized.

Taurus woman's attitude towards love, sex, marriage and family

How do feelings manifest themselves?

  • Taurus women are polygamous in love. They have several partners at the same time. At the same time, each of the partners occupies a huge place in life, each is very dear, and the loss of one of them is very difficult to bear.
  • But for all their frivolity, Taurus are capable of truly falling in love and for life. Their spouse can be confident in the fidelity of their partner. These women become devoted friends and reliable companions in marriage.
  • At the same time, in love relationships, Taurus will advance confidently, but slowly. If such a woman’s gaze is fixed on you, you will immediately understand it.
  • The impulses coming from this sign are hard to miss.

Sex life

Taurus people love tactile touches and physical contact. For them, primitive sex is uninteresting and tasteless. They are very demanding in bed and can simply “drive” their partner and squeeze all the juice out of him, but the man will not regret it at all, but on the contrary, will get maximum pleasure and will remember the Taurus woman more than once.

Such women await worship. It is important for them to see the feelings that their chosen one experiences. If she is confident in the love of her partner, she will become the most affectionate, the most tender and languid and will pamper and at the same time spoil her man. But for the stronger sex, such women are alluring and very attractive.

Taurus have great fortitude, which more than one man can envy. But being cunning, they will never show this to their partner. She will always be a true woman, so a true man must be next to her. Passion arises in her impulsively, and it grows slowly, but when the fire flares up, you will not find a more sensual sign.

Taurus is very sincere in feelings and in bed, surrendering to pleasure uncontrollably and strives to emphasize from each new relationship something previously unknown. She perceives life through touch, lazily accepts the caresses of her partner, but does not squander her own. But if the partner is attuned to her inner world, then he will receive maximum bliss from the time spent with her.

Marriage and family

For Taurus women, marriage means a lot. They are able to spend a huge amount of time creating a family home. At the same time, she is very selective about her partner, she will not marry the first one she meets, and she will set the highest standards when choosing her future husband.

But in marriage, the man will always be in charge, she will never swear allegiance to his place. However, these women always behave with great dignity; they will never allow anyone to humiliate them.

Taurus is a unique housewife. There are very few of these among representatives of other signs. Their home will always sparkle with cleanliness, and the comfort they create will be appreciated by any guest. They have exquisite taste and are able to create a unique interior even from the most unfavorable layout. Their home is always filled with the scent of flowers. Taurus are very economical, do not waste money, and no one in their house needs anything. They are hospitable and will treat visitors to the best and most delicious dishes, but only if you have been invited.

Having become a mother, she spends all her time on children. At the same time, when the children grow up and enter into adult life, the closeness between them and their mother will remain for many years.

But Taurus can also become a domestic tyrant. Very often she is very demanding of her children. However, no one can show better than her what true love and devotion in a family are.

These women can easily and deftly adapt to any current situation. But they always make the right decision, due to their unique self-control and ability to control their behavior.

Many people underestimate Taurus. Her natural cunning allows her to always keep everything in her hands. She easily sees flattery and deception in the actions of other people. But she will always respond to sincere actions with sincerity. Her strong-willed character allows her to easily overcome the difficulties that arise in her life and solve seemingly impossible tasks.

Taurus people are always very caring. They rush to help even strangers. But at the same time, they rarely demand anything in return. They are very careful in choosing their friends. They have very few friends, but they are all real. If a relationship with a person brings negativity, then she very quietly and easily breaks off such a relationship. But at the same time, representatives of this sign have a sense of ownership, even greed in some matters.

Gifts for a Taurus woman

  • A practical gift in the form of an iron, microwave oven or washing machine It's better not to give. She will perceive this as discrimination.
  • Such women love products made of precious metals with natural stones so that it is not cheap and looks solid. It’s also better not to give jewelry. A good option would be
  • The most the best option when choosing a gift there will be interior items, valuable decorations for her workplace. For example, beautiful flower pots or cute dishes.
  • And if the gift emits a pleasant aroma, it will be appreciated. A winning option would be a chocolate bouquet or other sweet gift.

Horoscope for Women of other Zodiac signs

Table: Horoscope for women of all zodiac signs

The Taurus woman is like a beautiful princess from fairy tales, she is distinguished by beauty, grace, elegance and sensuality. Usually the Taurus woman is an excellent housewife, and her home does not smolder, but burns with a bright flame. They are very friendly, love and know how to receive guests, and are also a very attractive object for the opposite sex.

Taurus Woman: Appearance

Often these Taurus ladies have a feminine figure and have very seductive shapes: their waist is perfect, their hips are elastic, and their breasts are simply luxurious! These ladies are prone to being overweight, but it does not disfigure them at all, but on the contrary makes them even more feminine.

They are real enchantresses, owners of languid looks and soft, cat-like plasticity. The Taurus woman always attracts interested glances, because it is difficult to find equals in the selection of cosmetics, clothing and perfumes.

Fashion & Style

Taurus women choose sophisticated looks, they always have neat manicure and hairstyle, and their makeup follows the latest fashion trends. That is why such women in any society are visible from afar. These ladies have a wonderful, very beautiful, feminine voice, and the image they choose does not leave men and women around indifferent.

To shine in society, the Taurus woman is ready to spend decent sums of money and spend hours on end in beauty salons. These women know very well that their appearance requires support, so without any compunction they invest the necessary amount of money in themselves. Such girls will not sit still, and if they are not working, they will definitely do yoga, dancing, or sports.

Behavioral characteristics and worldview of a Taurus woman

A naturally sociable Taurus woman knows how to get even the most inhibited interlocutor talking. Their deep knowledge and intelligence allow them to carry on a conversation on almost any topic. One of the important characteristics of Taurus is their ability to listen to their interlocutor.

Taurus women They do not make categorical judgments and do not behave rudely, and sometimes one annoying mistake is enough to drive them into a rage. In a dispute, the Taurus woman adequately perceives other people's criticism, if it is constructive. If these are ordinary slander or a desire to insult, the Taurus woman will give a serious rebuff to her interlocutor.

For Taurus Women, family plays a huge role. They always put her first. Work and career play an important role in their lives. It is important for Taurus to spend time in nature; walking in the fresh air is their favorite activity. If, due to their occupation or other circumstances, Taurus women cannot go out into nature, they try to plant more indoor plants in their home. Despite their active life position, Taurus, as a rule, do not lead an active lifestyle.

Nature has very generously rewarded Taurus women: They are smart, talented and attractive in appearance. All these traits make Taurus the object of desire for any man. Often representatives of this zodiac sign become the life of the party.

Thanks to her wisdom, the Taurus woman makes the right decisions, and this quality helps to achieve all her goals. The Taurus woman is ambitious and passionate: when pursuing any goal, she goes to the end; competition is her way of life.

Negative and positive character traits of Taurus women

Taurus women- down-to-earth people, they don’t have their head in the clouds and always set themselves only specific goals. They do not commit spontaneous actions and do not lose self-control. If something seems interesting to a Taurus woman, he will study this phenomenon thoroughly, from all sides.

The Taurus woman has an iron will, is very patient, but does not tolerate criticism. In addition, it is almost impossible to force Taurus women to do something against their will. These people love power and luxury.

Work and career ladder for a Taurus woman

Apparent gentleness and charm at work are replaced by completely different qualities. Taurus are excellent workers, but Taurus choose a monetary job, because material wealth is very important to them. In addition, work should bring pleasure to Taurus. If this does not happen, they begin to be lazy or not perform work duties at all.

Leadership qualities of Taurus women

The Taurus woman is executive and often achieves leadership positions at work. She likes this kind of work and does it very well.

Taurus is not at all oppressed by monotonous, meticulous work. If they assessed the project as profitable, then they will work day and night to implement it.

Attitude of Taurus women to family, love, marriage

How do Taurus women show feelings?

Most often, the Taurus woman is polygamous, she has several lovers, but each of them plays a certain significance in her life. Despite this, a Taurus woman can fall in love and be faithful to her husband throughout their entire life together.

Sex life of Taurus women

In bed, Taurus women......are insatiable, you definitely won’t get rid of them with standard caresses, but if you are submissive and receptive to the experiments offered by Taurus, you will get great pleasure and will want to repeat this experience more than once. It is important for a Taurus woman to see and feel the love of her man. Passion flares up in them slowly, but if you ignite it to its full potential, you can see the full power of Taurus’s feelings, which other signs of the Zodiac are rarely capable of.

Marriage and family

Since the Taurus woman is truly a family person, she takes her choice of a future life partner seriously. She looks closely at the person for a long time.

Taurus women are the best housewives; their home is always clean, comfortable, unique in design and has a lot of guests. When Taurus has children, he devotes all his free time and energy to them. Such self-sacrifice more than pays off, and grown children tend to spend a lot of time with their Taurus mother.

The Taurus woman is very cunning and calculating, and it is this quality that allows her to hold the reins of power for all family members in her hands.

The Taurus woman is very caring and is always ready to help even strangers. Above all else, they value sincerity in relationships, so, as a rule, they do not have many friends, but they are real.

Gifts for Taurus

It is best to give Taurus a piece of jewelry or something to decorate the interior. It is important that the gift looks luxurious and costs a decent amount of money. It’s good if the gift exudes incense, but an ordinary bouquet of flowers is not enough here. You can give a bouquet of flowers and fruits or even a sweet composition.