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Homeopathy borax 6. Borax (Boraks): instructions for use of homeopathic medicine. Other Key Features

Description and indications for use of a homeopathic medicine

BORAX– a heart-rending screaming child, especially with meningitis. For skin pathologies, give continuously for several weeks, because The r-tion is developing slowly. The child's fear when moving downward is characteristic that he does not react to movement in other directions, while when moving downward his face is literally distorted with fear, he throws up his arms as if afraid to fall. In fact, in this unique way, they manifest their fear of loneliness and fear of losing contact with their mother, fear of losing control. Fear of going up. Here it appears common topic at B. and Alumina the need for stability and confusion in the absence of it. These children are extremely timid and sensitive to any noise, flinching at the sound. Impressionable. They cry and whine during feeding, and are anxious before passing stool and urine. In a state of fright, they cling to their mother, do not leave her side, and cry out in horror. They suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, scream in fear and without apparent reason They grab the crib tightly with both hands.

A remedy that is tropic to the skin, nerve formations, mucous membranes, circulatory system, and kidneys.
Sad and irritable subjects, with mnestic disorders and a feeling of depression. Nervousness and anxiety. Fussiness. Mental stress produces nausea. They flinch at the slightest noise. Frightened by the sound of sneezing. Fear of traveling by car and traveling far from home. A special symptom is the fear of going down the stairs (in children, going down from their hands to the floor). There are fears of escalators, flights of stairs, and airplanes. Most authors note a predominantly right-sided effect of the drug.
Young women with shiny, red noses. Pain during labor contractions, rising upward. When breastfeeding, pain occurs in the gland that is free from feeding. The milk is of poor quality and the baby refuses it. Bleeding nipple ulcers. Diseases of nursing mothers and their babies. Feeling of emptiness in the mammary glands after feeding the baby. Bleeding from the uterus and repeated bleeding between periods. Profuse hot leucorrhoea (as if hot water were pouring down). Leucorrhoea is similar to egg white, annoying; two weeks before menstruation.
Sleep disorder, with terrifying dreams. The position on the right side in sleep is difficult. Insomnia after midnight and from heat. They jump up in bed, frightened; cling to those around them.
Pale-faced babies and children who have trouble gaining weight or refuse to eat. Consequences of birth injuries in children. They wake up from sleep with fright and cry. Aphthous lesions of the mouth interfere with feeding. Feeling of heat in the mouth. Teething problems. Children cry when urinating (the urine feels hot).
Feeling of fullness in the head, worse on descent. Headaches after nosebleeds. Itching and irritation of the scalp. Diencephalic crises. Dizziness when going down stairs. Hair is disheveled and matted. Inability to comb hair. Koltun. When reading - flickering in the eyes. Ulcerative processes on the eyelids. Chronic blepharitis. Gluing eyelids. Nasal congestion, with constant desire to empty it. Alternating sides of congestion. Dry nose makes it difficult to sleep. Pain in the nose that gets worse when lying down. Nosebleeds. Ulcers on the tip of the nose. Mucous discharge from the nose. Tinnitus before and during menstruation. Vesicular eruptions around the mouth. Stomatitis, aphthous lesions of the oral cavity. Irritation of the gums and oral cavity due to dentures. A whitish coating on the mucous membranes of the mouth, with a bleeding surface underneath. Accumulation of viscous mucus in the throat. Difficulty in removing mucus. Chronic catarrhal processes. Difficulty breathing, with a feeling of “catchment” when descending. Belching when pressing on painful areas. Pain in the stomach from lifting a load, radiating to the back. Dull pain in the abdomen and groin area, especially when yawning and menstruation. Rare urination during the day and frequent urination at night. Painful dysuria. Acne and pimples on the skin. Dry and extremely sensitive skin. The slightest damage to the skin leads to damage. Slimy stool.
Need for protection. Desire for open air. Worsening of well-being during sleep, from noise, sour and salty foods, downward movement and touch, horse riding, noise, cold, dampness, from fruit and smoking. Smoking can cause diarrhea. Worse before defecation and urination. Better on the sea coast, from pressing on sore spot or his support, at 11.00. Better from cold drinks. Mood and well-being improve after bowel and bladder movements.
CASE STUDY of Anita Salunkhe (India).
Profession is the key to similimum. Miss D.A., 36 years old.
COMPLAINTS. Rash on the face for 3-4 days. Increasing weakness and fatigue throughout last month. Pain in the left knee (history of injury, 7-8 months ago).
LIFE STORY. Asthma for which I took homeopathic treatment. Now there are no complaints about this (according to the author, there is suppression). In addition, during childhood there were febrile seizures.
APPEARANCE AND WORK. The patient is impassive, thin and tall. Slightly exhausted. Works as a clothing designer for an export company.
CHARACTER. She is very sensitive to what others will say about her, especially when surrounded by people. She then wants to throw something, shower her with reproaches. Her boss is very temperamental and has a hot temper. She cannot be rude to people’s faces and quarrel, and she also cannot speak reasonedly in society; prone to tearfulness and tears from sensitivity.
She describes herself as conservative by nature, not prone to disorderly communication. She is often ignored among friends and social circles. She has a difficult relationship with her father. As a child, she was a whipping girl. She is still offended by her father and is not satisfied with her relationship with him.
She shares everything in her relationship with her mother. The relationship is very good. It was the mother who decided that her daughter should specialize in microbiology. And when she worked as a laboratory assistant in a hospital, measles-like rashes first appeared. She left her job. After this, she had scars and many fears arose, especially about incurable illness, crossing roads, and accidents. IN Lately she avoids appearing near busy roads. Uses a bus or rickshaw, but cannot bring himself to walk along a road with moving vehicles. She even says that she feels like she is in a trance while walking or walking. She is also afraid of riding a horse or even riding a bus if it moves at very high speed. She closes her eyes in fear and grabs the handrails very tightly. There is a fear that the bus will crash. Traveling by bus or car across a bridge also forces you to close your eyes.
She has dreams about accidents and accidents, about falling, about exams (she used to be very anxious before exams).
She had a story where she was deceived by a young man.
Appetite is reduced.
Thermoregulation - needs constant air circulation and coolness.
Thirst. Wants cold water.
In food - wants sweets, fried foods, ice cream.
Disgust – for seafood.
Departures - no complaints.
Sleep is restless.
CASE ANALYSIS. This is a very delicate and sensitive, fearful patient, with a special attitude towards what they say about her. She is fearful, afraid of being cheated on by her boyfriend, and has a history of being dominated by her father. She had previously been prescribed many medications such as Natrium muriaticum, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla.
This case has a history of suppression with all homeopathic medicines. Her asthma (level two) was healed and joint pain developed (level three). The disease was suppressed, Hering's laws were not taken into account.
The medical history includes the fact of leaving work after the appearance of rashes. It also changed my career. She became a clothing designer.
And, an important point in the case is that she was engaged in deep pathology (microbiology), and it was the consequences of exposure to one of the viruses that caused her to change her job and social circle.
This first caused fear of infections, and then incurable disease. After all, the rashes left scars, despite the medications. And she began to be afraid of even touching dresses that were already on, because... it's unhygienic. After working with dresses at her company, she is afraid to touch her own face.
The second important fact in the medical history is the fear of falling, both in dreams and when driving.
Now she feels better only with the support of her boyfriend, but there is a fear of deception on his part.
Three categories became fundamental in the case: fear of infection, fear of falling, and many fears. These are sycotic rubrics, and the drugs of choice were Borax, Silicea, Calcarea, Curare, Natrium muriaticum.
Since it is hot, consider Borax and Natrium muriaticum. But she had previously taken Sodium Mur without results. So, Borax. In the case there is also sensitivity to interference - many people, noise. This is in the third degree in Borax, and the only medicine in the third degree in this section.
Received Borax 30, and after 15 days she said that she had never felt so fresh and healthy. Then her pain in the joint went away. Improvement progressed gradually over 3 months.

Synonyms: Borax veneta

Borax (“Borax veneta”) is sodium tetraborate. This homeopathic remedy has a noticeable effect and is mainly used to treat childhood aphthous stomatitis, as well as cramping abdominal pain in women. This drug is a unique natural remedy that gives very characteristic symptoms.

Characteristic Features patients of this type are:

  • Excessive sensitivity;
  • Unreasonable fussiness;
  • There is a constant fear of contracting infectious diseases;
  • Unreasonable worry, anxiety;
  • Jumping up at the slightest sounds;
  • Anxiety is aggravated when going down or going up;
  • Jumping up and screaming during sleep;
  • Nostrils sore, with ulcers, tip of nose swollen;
  • The process of breastfeeding a baby is very painful;
  • After feeding, severe pain is felt, the mammary glands seem empty;
  • Crying and laughter alternate;
  • Fear in a dream;
  • Constant feeling of nervous tension;
  • All senses are heightened;
  • Urination in children is accompanied by strong crying;
  • Excessive sensitivity to surrounding people and events;
  • Constant feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • The mucous membranes and skin are painfully sensitive;
  • Particular deterioration occurs in wet weather;
  • The condition worsens in the elevator when descending, when walking down the stairs, when bending, or with loud or sharp sounds.

Indications for use

"Borax" is an effective homeopathic medicine for the following diseases:

  • Children's stomatitis. In case of wounds, dry mucous membranes and pain in oral cavity;
  • Diarrhea. There is an admixture of mucus in the stool. Loose stools are accompanied by the occurrence of aphthous inflammation;
  • Diseases of the female reproductive system, infertility. Menstruation that is painful, unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant for more than 1 year (with regular unprotected sexual intercourse);
  • Cough. Attacks of dry cough, in the morning and in the evening, accompanied by pain on the right side of the chest, sputum rarely comes out.

Pharmacological action of the drug

  • Head. Feeling of dizziness, which intensifies when going down;
  • Hair. The ends of the hair become lumpy even immediately after hairdressing procedures. Eyelashes become brittle and curl, which leads to eye irritation. It happens that the lower eyelid completely turns inward;
  • Face. The tip of the nose in young women turns red. The complexion becomes pale and takes on an earthy tint. The face looks unhealthy and there are signs of suffering. Herpes appears on the lips and skin around the mouth;
  • Stomach. The digestive function is impaired, this entails the appearance of vomiting with mucus, which is accompanied by pinching and pressing pain;
  • Intestines. A long-term inflammatory process can provoke the occurrence of persistent spasms, which are accompanied by a burning sensation;
  • Oral mucosa. The most characteristic symptoms are ulcers (aphthae) on the oral mucosa. Due to pain in the mouth, the patient often refuses to eat. After eating, symptoms may appear that can develop into a chronic form;
  • Breast. In women during lactation, nipple damage occurs, which is aphthous in nature. Because of this, the process of breastfeeding becomes almost impossible. The milk becomes excessively thick, and its secretion becomes more abundant. Its taste changes for the worse, and the child may refuse it.

After starting to take Borax, patients note the following changes in the body:

  • There is a feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • An allergic rash may appear;
  • Nightmares plague me;
  • Laziness and apathy interfere with work and study;
  • Increased irritability;
  • The scalp becomes crusty;
  • Herpes appears on the lips and near the mouth;
  • The state of chronic constipation is abruptly replaced by diarrhea;
  • The occurrence of sudden vomiting;
  • Eating fruit is accompanied by diarrhea;
  • During urination, the patient feels pain, and at night - enuresis.

Instructions for use

For treatment, different potencies of Borax are used - from C3 to C1000. In addition, there is LM potency.

Choosing the correct potency and dosage is not recommended to be done on your own - this issue should be entrusted to professionals.

The generally accepted rule is that low potencies can be taken more often, several times a day, high potencies - up to once a month.

Analogues of the drug

  • Bryonia is a drug similar to Borax. It is capable of causing and treating oral aphthae in children. A characteristic symptom of this drug is that the baby does not latch on well or refuses it completely. But as soon as his mouth is moistened, he begins to vigorously suckle at the breast. Patients who have encountered this drug know that when taking it, there is a strong feeling of dryness in the mouth. To encourage your baby to breastfeed more effectively, he should moisten his mouth with liquid;
  • "Mercurius" is a substitute for "Borax", when in case of diseases of the oral cavity, which are accompanied by hypersalivation, saliva literally drips from the baby's mouth. With diarrhea, clearly defined straining (tenesmus) is observed. This should be sufficient to separate these drugs;
  • "Aethusa cynapium", popularly called dog parsley, is given to children in cases where crying and intestinal colic are accompanied by strong and frequent vomiting, which are characteristic of this remedy;
  • "Arum triphyllum" - his distinctive feature is the intensity of symptoms. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are usually accompanied by pain and the appearance of scabs near the mouth and nostrils. For Borax characteristic symptom is the baby's crying preceding urination. The urine is hot, with a foul, pungent odor;
  • “Petroselinum” is used quite rarely in domestic homeopathy, although completely undeservedly - the remedy is indeed very effective. The symptoms are very similar to Borax, but there is an unexpected, strong and sudden urge to urinate. In addition, this remedy is taken for gonorrhea;
  • "Graphites" helps to cope with the problem of eyelashes curling into the eye;
  • "Natrum carbonicum" is similar to "Boraxom" and is good for itchy skin, in particular the back of the hand. Small ulcers appear around the finger joint;
  • Sepia is the most effective remedy for eliminating small ulcers around the mouth.

The use of Borax in various areas of everyday life

In addition to its unique healing capabilities, Borax also has many useful functions at home. This product has been used as a household assistant for more than 100 years.

Borax is a natural mineral that comes from the seasonal evaporation of lakes. The composition includes boron, sodium, water and oxygen.

Borax has a pH of 9.3, making it excellent at cleaning, disinfecting, refreshing and deodorizing. Borax is an all-natural and safe bleaching and cleaning agent. It is also widely used in the household for the following purposes:

  • Effectively removes oil or grease stains from clothes, as well as protein stains (blood, milk, alcohol). For every 4 liters of warm water, add 0.5 cups of Borax to the washing machine;
  • Works great on stains on the stove, sink, bathtub, dishes, etc. The product does not leave streaks (when cleaning using a damp cloth);
  • Works great for removing dirt and grease on dishes if you pour 1-2 cups of Borax into the dishwasher;
  • An excellent substitute for air fresheners, odor neutralizer. To prepare such a freshener, you need to dissolve 0.5 cups of the drug in 1.5 cups of warm water. Next, pour into a spray bottle and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil;
  • Cope with diseases of garden plants. 5 tbsp. dissolve in 5 liters of water and add a little liquid soap, which acts as an emulsifier. Next, the plants are sprayed evenly;
  • Mixing borax with corn syrup or honey makes an excellent paste that is used to control insects and pests;
  • Traces of rust can be removed using borax paste and citric acid. The resulting paste should be rubbed onto surfaces that need cleaning. Next, brush;
  • 1 cup of borax with two cups of boiling water poured into the drain will perfectly clear a clogged sink;
  • 2 tbsp. Borax with 3 glasses of warm water will perfectly clean glass;
  • Borax solution is an excellent weed control solution;
  • 1 cup of Borax dissolved in 4 liters of water will help get rid of fungus and mold forever. All surfaces should be washed with this solution. You should not rinse the furniture very thoroughly after this - the active substance of the drug will act as a disinfectant;
  • ½ cup of Borax + ¼ cup of warm water will help you easily remove price tags, labels from glass jars, as well as any other adhesive on surfaces;
  • Adding borax to your wash water will make your carpet cleaner and fresher;
  • Continues the life of picked flowers;
  • Make homemade candles;
  • An effective remedy for controlling fleas in pets;
  • Excellent cleaning of porcelain and aluminum dishes. When washing, you need to rub it with Borax;
  • Reduces odors in the cat's litter box - add a little borax to the sand;
  • Removes the smell of musty bed linen;
  • By sprinkling borax along the walls where mice often appear, you can forget about them forever.
Atropa belladonna

Belladonna (Atropa Belladonna) - Belladonna, Sleepy stupor, Crazy berry. Perennial herbaceous plant with a straight stem up to 1.5 m in height, thick, multi-headed, fleshy rhizome. The leaves are ovate-elliptical with short petioles. The flowers are solitary, bell-shaped, purple. The fruit is a bilocular, multi-seeded, juicy, black berry. Grows in mountainous regions of Europe, Crimea, Caucasus, Transcarpathian Ukraine. Cultivated in Ukraine, on soils rich in calcium.

Family: Solanaceae - Solanaceae.
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.

Applicable part: the entire plant, picked at the beginning of flowering.
Chemical composition: alkaloids - atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine (hyoscine), apoatropine, belladonnine, volatile bases; n-methylpyrrolidine, pyridine and tetramethyldiaminobutane; choline, oxalate, malate and potassium chloride, calcium, magnesium.

Application in medicine

Belladonna has been used in medicine since ancient times. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) mentions it in his work “The Canon of Medical Science” (1020). In the 15th century, belladonna was known as Solanum mortale (deadly nightshade). In the 16th century, Mateolus experimented with belladonna on criminals. Around the same time, this plant was used in Venice under the name Herba Belladonna (beauty's herb) to add shine and vibrancy to the eyes. The name Atropa was given to this plant by Linnaeus (1707-1778), it was called Greek mythology that of the three goddesses of fate who interrupted the thread of human life.
Belladonna was used internally for whooping cough, epilepsy, vaso-southern spasms of the pharynx and esophagus, for various neuroses, for urinary retention, for renal colic, externally for various skin diseases, for inflammation of the eyes and for dilating the pupils (Hager). The use of the drug from the whole plant was gradually replaced by the alkaloid isolated from it - atropine. Currently, belladonna preparations are used mainly as analgesics and antispasmodics for diseases of the digestive tract, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.
A decoction of belladonna root is used to treat parkinsonism. The method was proposed by the Bulgarian peasant Raev in 1926. With systematic use of the decoction, hyperkinesis decreases and vegetative disorders disappear (G. A. Makudov).

In general medicine, the following preparations are used from belladonna leaves:

  • T-ra Belladonna - an infusion of belladonna leaves in 40° alcohol. Prescribed 5-10 drops, the highest dose is 20 drops.
  • Extractum Belladonnae siccum - dry extract of belladonna, Extractum Belladonnae spissum - thick extract of belladonna. Extracts are used in pills, mixtures, powders and suppositories, 0.01-0.02 g per dose (M. D. Mashkovsky).
  • Atropinum sulfuricum - atropine sulfate, prescribed for adults orally 0.0005 g (0.5 mg) - 0.001 g (1 mg). Under the skin, often in a 0.1% solution of 0.0005-0.001 g.

Application in homeopathy

The study of the pathogenetic action of Belladonna was begun by Hahnemann through tests and observations of accidental poisonings. Further tests were carried out by Viennese homeopaths, and in America by Dr. Hale. The pathogenesis of belladonna reflects the dynamics of the development of symptoms known from tests and from clinical observations of side effects belladonna The first phase of intoxication includes dryness of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus with a feeling of constriction, difficulty swallowing, dilated pupils, headaches, dizziness, and increased sensitivity to all kinds of irritations. The second phase is characterized by strong excitement, “frenzy” with the desire to hit, tear, jump up, run, incoherent speech, delirium, hallucinations, sudden redness of the face and body, perspiration, scleral injection, maximum dilation of the pupils, exophthalmos. The third, final phase is expressed by loss of consciousness, a spousal state, and fibrillary muscle tremors.
The initial symptoms of poisoning, such as dryness and burning of the mucous membranes, hyperemia of the sclera and skin, headaches and severe agitation, are caused by arterial hyperemia. Arterial hyperemia is a “key” symptom characterizing the specific pathogenetic effect of Belladonna, which allows it to be differentiated from its relatives. medicines of the same family Stramonium and Hyosciamus. Belladonna is a universal remedy in homeopathy for all acute inflammatory processes and for the initial period of many infectious diseases. Each acute inflammatory process is characterized by: skin hyperemia, soreness, heat and swelling. In this process, the main role is played by circulatory disorders associated with the expansion of capillaries. Belladonna, given in homeopathic doses, causes spasm of the capillaries, which helps stop the inflammatory process.
Every doctor can verify the anti-inflammatory effect of Belladonna by using Belladonna at the beginning of an acute inflammatory process. Working in the surgical department of the hospital. S.P. Botkin (1952-55), we were able to repeatedly use Belladonna to stop the development of phlegmon, mastitis, lymphangitis, which is manifested by the rapid disappearance of hyperemia, swelling and pain.
Belladonna is able to stop acute inflammatory processes wherever they arise, be it a disease of the ear, throat, abdominal organs with symptoms of incipient peritonitis - when the disease begins suddenly and is characterized by the rapid development of inflammatory phenomena. Belladonna works especially well on people who are full-blooded, with a beautiful complexion, delicate skin, who blush quickly, who are chilly, and who are easily susceptible to colds. The Belladonna type person is very friendly, cheerful, funny, talkative when he feels good, he has an abundance of thoughts that quickly appear and just as quickly disappear. Greatly increased sensitivity to all kinds of irritations, sounds, and touch. He is very temperamental, quick-tempered, and easily loses control of himself.
During illness, a sharp change in appearance and behavior occurs. "Angel" becomes a "demon". The face turns red, the eyes become shiny and bulging, the pupils dilate, the cervical arteries pulsate, cheerful speech turns into incoherent chatter. Severe anxiety is manifested by attempts to jump out of bed, hit, and bite others. Nervous excitement is accompanied by hallucinations, visions of dogs, animals, monsters. This state is replaced by depression and memory loss, inability to work, and reluctance to talk.


Abscesses. Phlegmon. Boils. Lymphangitis. Angina. Flu. Migraine. Insomnia. Headache. Hallucinations. Epilepsy. Tetanus. Conjunctivitis. Iritis. Blepharitis. Strabismus. Thyrotoxicosis. Acute otitis. Rhinitis. Laryngitis. Pharyngitis. Otalgia. Pre-apop-lexical state. Apoplexy. Meningitis. Scarlet fever. Measles. Whooping cough. Peritonitis. Acute rheumatism. Pleuropneumonia. Stomatitis. Gastritis. Haemorrhoids. Dysmenorrhea. Mastitis. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Oophoritis. Myelitis. Dysuria. Orchitis.

Main indications

Nervous system. Migraines are predominantly right-sided. Intense headaches with redness of the face, pulsation of blood vessels, shiny eyes and blurred vision. Manic delirium with violent behavior. Visual and auditory hallucinations. Tetanic and clonic seizures. Increased sensitivity all senses. Rigidity of the neck.
Eyes. Acute inflammation of all membranes of the eye. Severe pain. Photophobia. Blepharospasm. Sudden strabismus.
Infectious diseases. Flu with chills, high fever, headache and flushing skin. Scarlet fever with all its symptoms - sore throat, crimson tongue, bright red rash.
Thyroid. Exophthalmos with strong palpitation and pulsation of blood vessels.
Respiratory organs. Swelling of the nose. Redness of the nose. Burning in the nose. Running nose. Bleeding from the nose, mainly at night and in the morning. Severe dry nose. Acute inflammation, hyperemia and swelling of the tonsils. Sharp redness of the throat.
Ears. Noise and ringing in the ears. Acute otitis.
Digestive organs. Intense thirst. Difficulty swallowing. Painful swallowing with a sensation of recoil in the ears. Pressure and fullness “like a stone” in the epigastric region after eating. Sharp pain in the abdomen. Pain from the slightest touch of the sheet to the stomach from shaking the bed. Hemorrhoids with painful bleeding nodes.
Joints. Sharp pain. Swelling of the joints.
Female organs. Acute inflammation of the genital organs. Menorrhagia with bright blood (hot) with clots. Pain in the lower abdomen. Right-sided oophoritis. Dysmenorrhea.
Urinary organs. Urinary retention. Bladder sphincter paralysis. Involuntary leakage of urine.
Modalities. Worse from touch, noise, draft, cold, at night. Improved by warmth, rest.

Doses. Given in 3x, 3, 6, 12 and 30 divisions. For acute inflammation - in 3x, after 20-30 minutes, 5 drops. For excited children, difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep, it is given in 3x division, 5 drops per 1/4 glass of water, a teaspoon, 2-3 minutes before sleep. For headaches - in division 6, 5 drops every hour.

John Henry Clark. "Dictionary of Practical

Materia Medica in 6 volumes" (Publishing house

"Homeopathic Medicine". Moscow. 2001).

Borax veneta - Borax - Na 2 B 4 O 7 10H 2 O.
The drug is prepared from trituration and solution.

Borax has many peculiar symptoms which

allow you to choose this drug.
The leading ones among them are the following two:
1) sensitivity to unexpected sounds, such as a distant shot;

this causes the patient to wince. (Medicine cures fear of

shots from dogs.);
2) intolerance to downward movement; the child cries when he is lowered into

crib or rocking in it; symptoms worse from going down stairs;

seasickness (while moving downwards brings more suffering:

“Every time the ship goes down, I turn inside out.”
Stitching pains predominate.
Many of the symptoms identified in the trials are typical of sodium

Characteristic symptoms: moodiness, anger, dissatisfaction and lethargy before

defecation (occurring in the afternoon; stool passes easily); after it

the patient becomes satisfied, lively and cheerful.
Other mental symptom: patient loiters until lunchtime, nothing

cannot start, grabs first one job, then another, walks from place to place

Severe anxiety, especially when riding in a carriage or when descending a mountain

terrain. Intolerance to downward movement; children become anxious

expression when being lowered into a crib or carried down stairs.
Easily startled, flinches at the slightest noise. Extreme timidity.
Irritability before defecation; joyful mood after it.
Fear of contagious diseases.
Irritability. The patient easily becomes angry, becomes gloomy, and

outbursts of rage; becomes frantic, swears and uses foul language.
Doesn't want to do anything. Disgust for work.
Restlessness and rapid palpitation, especially after talking, with nausea.
Laughter alternates with tears.

Suitable for fair-haired subjects with loose skin and muscles, with wrinkles

on the skin.
Pale babies, with sallow skin and flabby bodies; child

screams in his sleep, wakes up in fright and calls the nanny; pronounced

nervousness, wakes up from the slightest noise.
Winces in pain.

Aphthae. Beli. Infertility. Sore nipples. Painful periods

(membranous). Discharge from the ears. Herpes. Purulent and phagedenic

vesicles. Headache. Dizziness. Gonorrhea. Dysmenorrhea. Shiver.

Lightheadedness. Burning. Turning of the eyelids. Itching. Cough. Screams and crying. Bleeding

gums Flatulence. Seasickness. Suppuration. Taste disturbance. Nasal

bleeding. Fainting. Dyspnea. Calluses. Shingles.

Hoarseness. Pleurisy. Diarrhea. Eye damage. Nasal lesions. Hot flashes.

Teething. Psoriasis. Vomit. Erysipelas. Syphilitic

sore throat. Spasms. Nausea. Trichiasis. Boils. Chancres. Ulcers. Ulcers

on the knuckles of the fingers.

Feeling of a cobweb. Soreness of the mucous membranes. Shooting and drawing pain.
Discomfort and restlessness throughout the body, preventing you from staying for long

at one place. Anxiety, rapid heartbeat, especially after

conversation; with nausea.
After lively communication or intense thinking,

restlessness, trembling, nausea, lightheadedness and dizziness.
Lack of physical strength, especially when moving joints.
Attacks of fainting with ringing in the ears, tremors in the legs and nausea.

Typically, pale areas of skin turn red.
The skin heals with difficulty; it is dull, unhealthy, any wound festeres.
Erysipelas with swelling and distension in the affected part of the body;

with fever. Erysipelas on the skin of the legs with chills and subsequent

heaviness and throbbing in the head, later with bleeding from the nose.
Old wounds tend to fester. Herpetic rash.
Whitish pimples with a red rim. Purulent and phagedenic vesicles.
Shingles. Psoriasis. Calluses.

Drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night.
In the evenings, the desire to sleep arises much earlier than usual; wants in the morning

sleep much longer than usual.
Restless sleep interrupted by palpitations, colic, or

diarrhea. Wakes up too early and cannot go back to sleep because of fever or

a continuous stream of thoughts.
The child screams anxiously in his sleep and makes convulsive movements with his hands.

Chills, trembling; chills with trembling, heaviness and weakness, or headache

pain and pain in the periosteum of the thigh; followed by fever.
Chills, especially during sleep. Hot flashes (morning and evening).
Sweating during night sleep. Chilliness, usually in the afternoon; then fever with

headache or pain in the hypochondrium, sometimes followed by sweating.
Heat in bed in the evening; at the same time, the slightest opening causes chills.
Sweat on the skin of the whole body at night.

Headache with shooting in the ears. Headache (all over the head, with trembling

in body); also nausea, retching, usually at 10 am.
Sensation of fullness in the head and pressure above the eyes.
Aching and nagging pain in the forehead, at the root of the nose and in the back of the neck,

worse when writing, reading and when tilting the head.
A series of flashes of nagging pain in the forehead with nausea and sharp nagging pain in the

eyes. Shootings in the head, especially above the eyes and temples.
Congestion of the head, especially in the occiput, with throbbing pain.

Attacks of dizziness with lightheadedness. Dizziness with feeling of fullness

head, especially when climbing stairs, for example.

Sensitivity of the scalp to cold and stormy weather. Hair is tangled;

tangles in hair; the hair looks unkempt, splits, and sticks together.

Sick, pale, sallow face in nursing women.
Sensation as if a cobweb was stuck to the right side of the face.
Muscle twitching in the corners of the mouth.
Erysipelas and swelling of the cheeks with acute nagging pain in the zygomatic areas

bones, worse with laughter. Pimples on the face, nose and lips.
Burning lips. Eczematous spots around the mouth, crusts on the upper lip.
Swelling of the lower lip with burning and stinging pain.
Red papules on the cheeks and around the chin.

Feeling of pressure in the eyes. Itching in the eyes.
When putting on glasses, a burning sensation occurs in the eyes, forcing you to close your eyes.

Inflammation in the eyes, especially in the corners of the eyes, with irritation of the edges of the eyelids;

trichiasis; sticking together of eyelids at night. Granulations on the eyelids.

Sparks before your eyes while writing. Turning of the eyelids.

Hypersensitivity of the eyes to dim lighting.

Shootings with raw pain.
Inflammation and swelling with discharge of pus and shooting in the head.
Periodically occurring sensation of congestion or complete loss of hearing.

Buzzing and rustling with sharp drawing pain in the vertex.
Predominant damage to the left ear. Itching and tingling in the ears.
Otorrhea and inflammation of the ear; "winces in pain."

Difficulty breathing with an irresistible urge to take a deep breath and

shootings in the right half of the chest.
Spasmodic tightness in the chest, especially when going up stairs.
Shortness of breath when climbing stairs; Shootings in the chest while talking.
Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the chest.
Shootings in the chest, especially in the right half, mainly when yawning,

coughing, taking a deep breath, while running and any physical effort.
Drawing lumbago in the intercostal muscles on the right, spreading into

groin, worsened by the slightest movement of the muscles of the chest and arms; at

It is impossible to lie on the affected side.
Chest pain is relieved by walking slowly or

pressing with hands on the sore spot, as well as if the patient is motionless

lies on his back. Symptoms of pleurisy (in the upper right chest)

and cough with the discharge of pasty sputum with a musty odor.

A dry cough that causes a scratchy, scratchy throat and chest pressure.
Dry consumptive cough with shooting in the right half of the chest and in

groin area, decreasing after washing with cold water;

worse from drinking wine. Night cough.

Cough with expectoration of mucus that tastes and smells like mold.

Expectoration of sputum streaked with blood.

Dry throat. Sticky mucus in the throat that is difficult to clear. Sharp, pulling

pain in the larynx, radiating into the chest and causing the desire to cough.
Hoarseness with drawing pain when coughing and sneezing.

Itching and tingling. Pain and swelling of the tip of the nose. Dry crusts in the nose.
Ulceration of the nostrils, with swelling and raw pain in

tip of the nose. Nosebleed when blowing nose.
Nosebleed with throbbing headache.
The tip of the nose is red and shiny; red nose in young women.
Violent shooting in the right side of the chest when sneezing.
Accumulation of thick greenish mucus in the nose.

The heart is felt with right side, while it seems as if it is about

will burst. Cyanosis in newborns.

The mucous membrane of the palate is dense and wrinkled. Inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Taste disturbance. Aphthae; the baby's mouth feels hot to the mother's

pacifier; the child spits out the nipple and screams in pain and resentment; may also

Don't take the breast at all. Aphthae in the mouth and tongue, bleeding easily.

Spasmodic stiffness and numbness of the tongue.
. taste. Bitter taste in the mouth when eating or swallowing

It is advisable to prescribe this remedy for teething in children.
Pressing and spasmodic pain in teeth affected by caries, especially in

damp weather, sometimes with inflammatory swelling of the cheek or swelling

gums Sharp, nagging pain in carious teeth, spreading to the head,

occurring when the tongue touches them or comes into contact with cold water.
Pressing tingling in the teeth that occurs immediately after dinner or breakfast and

ameliorated by smoking tobacco. Shooting pain in affected teeth

caries, with shooting in the ears and headache. Bleeding gums.
Ulcers on the gums with inflammation and swelling of the cheeks.

Nausea and vomiting when riding in a carriage.
Nausea and discomfort while eating.
Vomiting of sour mucus in the morning on an empty stomach or after breakfast.
Feeling of pressure in the stomach after every meal.
Cramping pain in the stomach or a feeling of tension in the lower back with

Shootings in the spine and lower back.
Pain in the stomach after lifting weights; the pain radiates to the lower back and

practically makes it impossible to walk. Fullness and heaviness in the stomach with

discomfort and bad mood that occur after consumption

fruits (pears and apples).

Moderate appetite, especially during dinner.
Loss of appetite. Thirst in the morning.
. addictions. Desire for sour drinks.

Pain in the hypochondrium, usually in the left, mostly pressing, often

occurring after riding in a carriage.
Pain in the hypochondrium and lower abdomen, as if they were moving there

hard sharp objects. Abdominal cramps with diarrhea.
Flatulence with frequent passing of gases.
After each meal, bloating occurs with diarrhea and colic.
Colic and diarrhea after smoking tobacco.

Diarrhea with pain or soft yellow stools in combination with aphthae. Frequent

passing soft or loose stools with cramping and rumbling in the abdomen.

Greenish stool (in children). Mucous diarrhea.
Copious discharge of pale, yellowish or brownish mucus and blood from

anus with lower back pain.
Itching, spasms and shootings in the anus and rectum.

Unfruitful urging to urinate, with lancinating pain in the urethra and

pasty skin in the lumbar region. Hot urine. Acrid smell of urine.
An irresistible urge to urinate.
Frequent urination, including at night.
Pain in the urethra after urination and especially when

touch, even without urinating.
The child cries before urinating (due to inflammation of the mucous membrane).

Transparent, profuse, like egg white, unusually hot leucorrhoea.
Leucorrhoea is corrosive and thick, similar to starch.
Acrid leucorrhoea occurring during the two weeks between menses,

accompanied by swelling of the labia, as well as inflammation of the glands

vestibule of the vagina with discharge from them.
Burning and feeling of fullness in the clitoris. Infertility.

Premature and too heavy menstruation, pale pink in color.
During menstruation, there is a throbbing pain in the head, a buzzing in the

ears, nausea, pain in the stomach and lower back or shooting and aching pain in the groin.
Leucorrhoea before and after menses, resembling egg white, acrid.
Dysmenorrhea (membranes may be found in the discharge); strong

pain during discharge.

Pain during breastfeeding; pain after feeding.
Feeling of emptiness in the mammary glands; soreness in them after them

emptying; better from pressure - these are very characteristic symptoms.
Cramping and sometimes stabbing pain in left breast; when a woman feeds

child, she is forced to squeeze the mammary gland with her hands, since as

After emptying, pain appears in it.
Pain in the mammary glands when feeding the baby.
Leakage of milk that quickly curdles.

During pregnancy, swelling, itching and burning occur in the vagina with

purulent discharge. Contractions during childbirth: spasmodic, felt

more in the stomach than in the uterus; the pain shoots upward, while the head

the child moves back. False labor pains.

Lack of sexual desire. Stitching pain.
Stitching and raw pain; worse when touched. Erections in the morning

upon awakening, accompanied by painful tension.

Gonorrhea. Chancres cover the foreskin.

Sharp and nagging pain between the shoulder blades, in the shoulder joints and back

neck, with inability to bend forward. Boils in the armpit.
Itching and paresthesia in the sacrum. Aching and burning pain in the sacrum, especially in

sitting and bending forward positions.

Pressure and shooting in the lumbar region.

. Hands. Sensation of cobwebs on the hands. Throbbing pain at the tip

thumb, which does not stop day or night and does not allow

fall asleep. Burning pain, redness and heat in the fingers, as if from frostbite. Pustules

on the fingers with swelling and suppuration in the affected limb.
. Legs. Ulcerating vesicles on buttocks. Burning pain in thighs.

Feeling hot water, flowing down the thighs. Erysipelas and swelling

legs and feet, usually after long dances; sometimes this is accompanied by a pulling

pain, burning and tension, especially when touched. Severe weakness in

lower extremities. Shootings in the feet. Stinging pain in heels. Sites

suppuration on the heels, occurring in places where the skin rubs with shoes. Burning

pain, heat and redness of the fingers, as if from frostbite. Shots in

calluses, especially in rainy weather.

Herpes. Aphthae. Gonorrhea. Chancres.

. Worse. In warm weather. After menstruation. During or after meals.

The consequences of hypothermia in cold damp weather, unstable weather,

driving and eating fruit.

Should be compared: Calcarea carbonica, Nux vomica, Bryonia alba, Lyesinum,

Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Allium cepa, Silicea, Sulfur,
Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Graphytes, Ignatia, Kali bichromicum, Phosphorus.
Antidotes for Borax veneta are: Chamomilla, Coffea.
Similar action:
Ammonium carbonicum and Magnesia muriatica (congestion of the right nostril);
Calcarea carbonica (desire to take a deep breath);
Kali bichromicum (sticky mucus);
Pulsatilla (alternating laughter and tears);
Sarsaparilla, Lyesinum, Benzoicum acidum (pungent odor of urine; crying before

urination, but for all three drugs these symptoms are associated with

discharge of sand, in Borax - with inflammation of the mucous membrane);
Arum triphyllum (stomatitis);
Graphytes (trichiasis);
Belladonna (hot leucorrhoea);
Sepia (small ulcers in the joint area);
Varyta carbonica (feeling of cobwebs);
Natrium sulphuricum (happy mood after defecation).
Borax veneta cannot be combined with AcetIicum acidum, vinegar, wine.

Borax - sodium borate. The first three dilutions are prepared by rubbing. Pathogenesis is found in Hahnemann's Treatment of Chronic Diseases Characteristic 1. Fear of any forward movement: going down the stairs, down the mountain, going down in the elevator. Consequently, no oscillatory motion (boats, rocking chair) is tolerated. The child screams every time he is tilted to be put into bed, clings to whatever he can and literally screams if they want to lull him to sleep or rock him. 2. Hyperesthesia of all senses, mainly hearing: the slightest noise, scream, sneeze, gunshot, lighting a match causes the patient, especially a child, to experience an attack of fear and anxiety. 3. Aphthae in the mouth and tongue; the baby does not take the breast. 4. Leucorrhoea, between menses, thick, sticky, with a sensation of “hot water running down the thighs.” 5. Sensation of cobwebs on the face, exclusively on the right side. 6. When breastfeeding, pain in the mammary gland on the other side. Pain: sharp and shooting, usually worse in cold and damp times and always relieved by pressure. Chair. Diarrhea usually accompanies aphthae. The stool is “frequent, light yellow, foamy.” Menstruation: premature, very profuse and very painful, preceded by characteristic leucorrhoea. Summary The most characteristic feature of Borax is the fear of downward movement, a symptom which occurs in all cases in which this remedy is indicated. Aphthae or aphthous stomatitis. Beli. Epilepsy.

indications for use

Main indications STOMATITIS IN INFANTS: aphthae, the oral cavity is painful (stomatitis with dryness - bryonia; with salivation - mercurius; with inflammation - arum). Pasty, corrosive DIARRHEA in children; stool always contains mucus; Along with diarrhea, aphthous inflammation is observed. Stitching pains in groins during menses. INFERTILITY. Severe COUGH in the morning when getting out of bed or in the evening when lying down, with expectoration of sputum, with the taste and smell of mold, accompanied by sharp pain in the right upper part of the chest (kali carbonic).

effect on the body

Physiological action The lesions produced by Borax are shallow; it superficially changes only the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and genital organs; Only aphthae and membranous dysmenorrhea are characteristic. On the contrary, subjective symptoms occupy the pathogenesis of borax important place: anxiety, peculiar hyperesthesia, agitation. Peculiarities Worse: when bending over, with sudden, even slight noise. Better: from pressure, after stool. Predominant side: right.