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Electronic textbooks on the Russian language. Anger. Creative and destructive What is creation?

Every person sooner or later begins to think about the meaning of life, about what contribution he makes to his life and the existence of those around him. We all want to be useful, loved by loved ones, to receive recognition, to succeed in one activity or another. Achieving these goals is greatly facilitated by understanding the need to develop and strengthen the creative principle in one’s life. Many people gradually come to take it as a basis.

If you turn to the explanatory dictionary, you can find out that a creator is a re-creator, creating life according to his great desire to do so. However, the main idea here is not to act contrary to social norms, to live by your own rules, not coordinating them with the opinion of the majority, but to direct all your strength and energy to unlocking your creative potential.

So what does it mean to create? The meaning of the word goes back to building a life filled with special meaning. In this article we will try to answer questions about what components creation includes and what it is in the most general case.

Openness to new experiences

A person who is ready to accept the changing conditions of his own existence always strives for renewal. It doesn’t matter what it will be - an acquired specialty, gaining knowledge, studying any subjects. The main thing is that such a person is not afraid to take risks and does not feel guilty about spending money on himself. By creating life around oneself, a person becomes truly happy.

Why is it so important for us to embrace new experiences? The fact is that we live constantly learning. If what we have learned is pleasant, then, as many believe, we can be proud of our achievements. If this circumstance is not very approved in society, then, most likely, the person will not accept the new experience, will begin to hide it and, as a result, will not learn anything useful from it.


What can compare in power to the happiness that a creator experiences when he manages to complete a work? Many people have creative impulses, but only a few are actually ready to work on developing their talent. A creator is, first of all, one who is not afraid to take risks. Loyalty to one's ideals is a criterion that promotes talent and helps to reveal extraordinary abilities. If a person has a clear plan for developing and establishing himself as a wonderful author of books, paintings or musical creations, then he will achieve success much faster.


We could not live on this planet alone. A person is designed in such a way that even under a favorable combination of circumstances, he still needs help, the participation of another. Even a little support, a timely spoken word, a smile, a look - all this has more than once helped to maintain faith in oneself, to perk up in difficult situations.

Many people believe that charity is the preserve of very rich people, who can and should share with those who are much less fortunate. Meanwhile, true help is always born in the heart, that is, inside a person. Anyone can be useful to his neighbor. To do this you need to have faith in yourself and an open heart.


A creator is one who is in harmony with himself and the whole world, which means he has integrity. Such a person’s feelings are aggravated and he will not allow anyone to offend him. It is impossible to manipulate him, he is so wise and self-sufficient that ill-wishers bypass him.

Integrity means the desire to live in accordance with the laws of the universe. A person with harmony is able to give and sincerely care for others. She is completely devoid of egoism, but has individual goals, ambitions that she wants. This is what it means to fully create. The meaning of the word here is seen as the ability to be oneself, without masks and false pretense.

Love of life

A happy person is a generous person. He wants to share, he is filled with a feeling of abundance from within, and he himself rejoices at this. His face lights up when he communicates with other people, animals, nature, the whole world. Such a person spends a lot of time both interacting with others and alone. He knows no fear of being alone. Spiritual practices, meditation - this is his strength, the center of his personality, creative visualization.

One who truly loves life will never harm any creature. He mentally and practically (that is, in reality) makes certain attempts to maintain well-being throughout the world. This includes the protection of natural resources and specific assistance to people.

Thus, a creator is a person who recreates life, a happy, holistic, internally filled person, one who can renounce his own egoism at the right moment and serve with true participation for the benefit of others.

Feelings that create and destroy

Creation and destruction. Two equal forces. Two foundations of the world order on which all human life is based. Just as we ourselves are capable of creating and destroying, so our feelings have this dual nature. Our passions, the unbridled desires of the body and the momentary whims of the soul, our greed, our anger, envy and jealousy can destroy both ourselves and the lives of those who, by unfortunate chance, happen to be nearby - our relatives, close people or complete strangers to us. And vice versa - our love, our tenderness and our sympathy, our desire and willingness to give have an amazing ability to heal and change both us and those around us.

Thus, in the work of the same name by William Shakespeare, the commander Othello, a high-born Moor, convinced of his young wife’s infidelity, destroys her in a fit of anger. This terrible instantaneous fire of his base desire to punish Desdemona at all costs, this impulse of wounded male pride and jealousy that has taken possession of the hero, destroys not only the life of his innocent beloved, but also the life of himself. As soon as the deception is revealed, Othello will repent in horror of what he has done and, finding himself unable to bear the full gravity of his own act, will destroy himself. This example clearly illustrates to us a situation where feelings have that very destructive power, often beyond a person’s control and leading to terrifying consequences.

On the other hand, there are those feelings and emotions that can heal a person and change him for the better.

An example confirming this idea is the sincere and selfless love of Sonechka Marmeladova for Rodion Raskolnikov. The entire novel by F.M. Dostoevsky is permeated with the spiritual tossing of the protagonist, and only Sonechka, with her patience and forgiveness, manages to change Raskolnikov’s view of his own theory and, albeit slowly and not immediately, but still morally heal him, resurrect him, as in one of the stories of the Gospel, Jesus resurrects Lazarus.

We can also recall the feelings of Ilya Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya from Goncharov’s novel. Thanks to falling in love, the main character literally transforms before our eyes. From being lazy and inactive, Oblomov suddenly becomes a lively, active and cheerful person. This transformation may not last long, but it also shows us what sincere love is capable of.

Thus, we are again convinced that human feelings, depending on their nature, can both destroy and destroy, and heal and change people for the better. And the matter is only up to the person: he is free to choose which feelings to give free rein to, and which ones to keep in a tight rein...

(385 words)

Pozdnyakova Marina, Perm

Recently I came to the conclusion that a person can be in two states: either he creates or he destroys, there is no third option. And the most important thing is that this process happens constantly, every day, every hour, every second we make a choice with you: to create or destroy...

Perhaps it is not immediately clear to everyone what we are talking about. I'll explain. Tell me, what are you doing now? You are reading this article. Right! What is this, creation or destruction? Only you yourself can answer this question.

If you think about every word, compare it with your experience, analyze, argue or agree within, then you create. If you just read quickly, thinking about something completely different, then you are destroying. You destroy your time, you destroy your energy, you destroy yourself!

The highest gift that we received from the Creator is to be here and now, to live this current moment, which is unlike any other! Only now do you have a magical opportunity to taste the joy of the present moment and plunge into the infinity of what is happening here. And in a second this “now” will be different, unique and one of a kind! And if every day we weave together such “nows” from thousands of truly lived ones, imagine what our life will become. And most importantly, outwardly everything may be the same as before, but inside us some kind of divine music will appear, which the Creator sent us in every such “now.”

But this is only half the success! Each, I repeat, absolutely each of you came to our planet with your own creative mission. You are a masterpiece created by a power that cannot even be imagined! You are the infinite Divine potential in human form! And each of us, before coming into the World, promised THERE what mission he would devote himself to on Earth. But, unfortunately, when we are born, you and I forget about our promise, and often live our lives in destruction.

What is “destruction” in my understanding? This is when we criticize another not in order to help him become better, but in order to satisfy our EGO. This is when we ask a person “how are you?” not because we are interested, but because it is accepted. This is when we do work, but inside we dream of finishing it faster. This is when we wake up, and our heads are already filled with thoughts about the evening. This is when we are relaxing, but thoughts about work are in our heads. You can continue endlessly.

Why is this happening? Because we forget with you who we are. Children remember this best of all, before society has yet managed to impose on them patterns of behavior, stereotypes, complexes and opinions. Look at them more often, learn from them, ask them about the most seemingly difficult questions. Through the mouth of a baby they speak the truth.

Remember that at every moment you and I make a choice. Increase your awareness of the present moment by simply asking the question: “What am I doing now: creating or destroying?” and only in this way will the wonders of the present moment be revealed to us!

There are character traits that destroy a person, and there are traits that create a Man and strengthen his internal system.

For example, traits such as pride, stinginess, lies, revenge, judgment, contempt for people, cruelty, blindness, complacency, fears seem to preserve the system in the state it is in rather than destroy it.

Vindictiveness, meanness, forgery, conscious betrayal, corrosive fears, fears that haunt us, a feeling of powerlessness, falsehood, breaking one’s word, deceit, failure to fulfill one’s duty, greed, narcissism, the desire to get everything just like that, without labor - a freebie, what else is it? called - these traits seem to destroy a person and negatively affect the fate of his family.

Do you have any of these personality traits?

Honor, honest attitude, keeping one's word or oath, fulfilling one's duty, keeping one's obligations, the ability to sacrifice, a noble act, the ability to sympathize, understand the pain of people, support them, joy, ease, trust, humility, generosity, the ability to do more, than is required - these traits create and develop a person, create positive karma for him and his family. Such a person and his family begin to prosper.

Do you have any of these personality traits?

Traits that preserve a person or destroy him, as a rule, pursue immediate gain. In this state, a person thinks only about himself and nothing else, cares only about his interests, achieving his own benefit. This is a short distance run, and very soon, if not immediately, this person is faced with the results of his actions and reaps the benefits. Laws are starting to take effect - it’s clear what they are.

Actions that build a person can be called long-distance running. There is no immediate benefit to them. The correct results of actions, which are determined by creative character traits, often appear only after a few years - after three and after seven.

Suffering may often be present in the lives of such people, but this is only because they are constantly fighting injustice, confronting “a deceitful, corrupt, cruel world where evil reigns.” That is, essentially, they live in a world of good and evil. Hence the struggle, hence their suffering.

And one last thing. Very often, and perhaps always, a normal person in his actions, in business, in relationships, is guided by the “win-lose” rule, that is, he strives to win, win, benefit, first of all, for himself, and lead his partner to lose. Even games are built on this principle. That is, a person learns this behavior strategy from childhood.

But there is a “win-win” strategy. This is when both parties win in relationships, in business, in the division of inheritance, in disputes, in ideology, anywhere. This is when, while respecting your own benefits, you consciously think and care about the benefits of the other party, about their winnings too.

Would you then be able to establish peace with your loved ones and the nature around you?

Imagine that you are tightly tied with a belt to another person. You stand close to each other, face to face. This is actually your position in relation to your loved ones, business partners, and nature. Any actions you take regarding this person will instantly respond to your own actions.

Try to hit him between the legs, and then try to run about your business. Try to beat him up, leave him in the cold, and then, satisfied, go about your own business. Just try not to pay attention to what he needs now, take care only of your own needs.

What would be your first step if you started using a win-win strategy in your life?

By the way, did you know that there are children's board games that teach you to think and act in exactly this way? They have been produced in the West for fifteen years. In the early nineties, I tried to start making them in our country (under the name “Alternative Games”), but I didn’t succeed - or the time had not yet come for them.

The strategy of such games is that all players are forced to take into account each other’s position and sacrifice their immediate interests, otherwise everyone will lose. It is impossible to win such games alone - everyone must reach the finish line together.

The separation of all living things from each other is only an illusion generated by ignorance. We are all one, united by love. Due to the ignorance and coarseness of our perception, we are not aware of this love and are therefore alone. Around us there may be our friends and family, our friends and co-workers and just acquaintances, and this creates for us the illusion that we are not alone. And besides, we have our property, which is an extension of ourselves and serves as a kind of protection from a world that is not always friendly to us. But this is only the external side of reality; deep down, on a subconscious level, we are all united and our illusory external separation introduces dissonance into universal unity. Every part of our being is connected to everything that exists on Earth and reflects the state of both the Earth and what exists on it. If any part of life on Earth suffers, then this, like an echo, affects all manifestations of life on it, and affects the consciousness of a person, making him defective in some way. The influence of hatred, aggression, violence and suffering on all forms of life on Earth is especially destructive, since they not only sound in dissonance with the love that unites all things on Earth, but also destroy this love, which leads to the degeneration and extinction of life and not only plant life. and animals, but also man himself. Because without love, life anywhere is impossible, and without love, the evolution of everything in the Universe is impossible.

Love manifests itself on many levels from the lowest, physical, to the highest - Divine. Its spectrum has both destructive and creative parts. And if the destructive ones belong to the lower vital planes, the spokesmen of which are all kinds of vital entities, then the high parts of the spectrum of love, the creative ones, reflect the influence of the highest divine planes of reality.

Here we can look at several examples of destructive manifestations of love and an example of its creative power. In a relationship with another person, be it an adult or a child, the most destructive thing is to indulge one's whims and weaknesses. The same applies to yourself. Another destructive manifestation of love is its material manifestation, when a person is loved because he has a good character or provides us financially, but when these factors weaken, then a person may have a question: why should we love him? In true love there are no such questions. By indulging another person in his whims or weaknesses, we not only destroy his personality, an example would be Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, but we also destroy ourselves. This statement is true, because on Earth all forms of life are a single field of life, in which one form of its manifestation depends on all the others. Consequently, by indulging another person in our low vital love, we harm not only him, but also ourselves, lowering our level of consciousness. And this pathological process echoes throughout everything that we call life. True love always leads to perfection. And if we do everything so that another person becomes impeccable, so that he realizes in himself that he needs to improve and begins to make efforts in this direction, but such love is creative, and when another person gradually becomes more perfect, then this how it echoes back to ourselves. Therefore, true love, directed towards other people or even towards one’s entire people, makes the loving person more perfect and his consciousness higher.

Loving yourself and indulging your lusts, whims and weaknesses, and in some cases inducing compassion in other people for yourself, through which you can receive some kind of benefit, is selfish love and it always leads to the degradation of a person who loves himself. But if, loving himself, he strives for the perfection of himself, and not only his body, but also his mind and consciousness, then such love is true Divine love, which not only elevates the consciousness of an individual person, but is also the good influence that elevates all humanity.