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Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck in children. Uzdg of vessels of the head and neck for children. Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck for children - what is it and why is it needed?

Dopplerography of neck vessels in children remains one of the main methods for identifying brain pathology. The technique is non-invasive, painless, inexpensive and takes minimal time. Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck can be performed as many times as desired, which helps to monitor the course of the pathology over time and evaluate the results of treatment. You can undergo a diagnostic procedure at SM-Doctor.


Most often, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head is performed in children in the first years of life. Since it is during this period that cerebral blood flow disorders are usually diagnosed. But they are also possible in older children. These may be consequences of birth trauma, which appear only after 5-10 years.

Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck of a child of the first year of life is performed together with neurosonography. Research is required when:

  • malnutrition (low body weight);
  • previously identified brain pathologies;
  • birth trauma;
  • seizures or other neurological symptoms;
  • detection of malformations of other organs and systems;
  • genetic pathologies.
At an older age, indications may include:
  • Pathologies cervical region spine.
  • Posture disorders.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Poor memory and inability to concentrate.
  • Delayed intellectual development.
  • Sudden deterioration of vision.


Tell the doctor about all medications your child is taking. Some may need to be canceled before the study is completed. Others preparatory activities not required.

How is it carried out?

Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck can be performed with the child lying or sitting. If the baby is lying down, the doctor may ask him to tilt his head back. Blood flow is also assessed by turning the head.

Doppler ultrasound is a safe examination. The doctor performs it without special protection. He is in the same room with the child. Doppler ultrasound can be performed as many times as necessary without any risk to health. The study is performed on children of any age.


After closure of the fontanelles, Dopplerography of the neck vessels remains the main method for diagnosing vascular pathologies of the brain. The technique is informative for cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and hemorrhages. In this way, vasospasm or increased intracranial pressure can be detected. Blood clots, signs of aneurysms, disturbances of venous outflow, vascular spasms, and any intravascular formations are detected.

Carrying out an ultrasound scan of the neck vessels in children allows us to determine the causes of impaired blood supply to the brain. The study evaluates the patency, diameter, and structure of the vascular wall of various arteries: carotid (common, internal, external), vertebral, and cerebral (anterior, middle, posterior).

Examination at SM-Doctor

If you need to carry out a diagnostic procedure aimed at assessing the condition of the neck vessels and cerebral blood flow in a child, contact SM-Doctor. Our advantages:
  • Ultrasound machines of the latest generations.
  • Experienced doctors have extensive experience in identifying pathologies of blood vessels in the neck and head in children of different ages.
  • To conduct research, we use special small sensors. They operate at frequencies ideal for studying cerebral vessels in children.
  • Affordable prices for ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head of a child.
  • You can undergo diagnostics quickly, without queues, and immediately receive a conclusion.
The conclusion of an ultrasound diagnostic specialist is not a final diagnosis. The results are assessed in conjunction with data from other studies. Based on the results of the ultrasound examination, you will need to consult a doctor. In our clinic you can make an appointment with a pediatric neurologist, orthopedist, epileptologist or any other specialist.

You can find out more details and make an appointment with a specialist by phone

It does not require being in a dark room or wearing a lot of sensors. Virtually no preparation is required and does not cause immediate or long-term consequences.

Application of Doppler

Doppler ultrasound is used in pediatrics no less often and with no less success than in general therapeutic practice. Dopplerography allows you to study the quality of blood flow:

  • along the great vessels of the upper and lower extremities;
  • along the arteries of the circle of Willis, which provide blood supply to the brain, tissues of the head and shoulder girdle;
  • along the aorta;
  • through large vessels supplying blood to internal organs.

Disruption of blood flow caused by a change in the patency (stenosis/occlusion/inflammation/tumor) of any artery or vein leads to a functional or organic change in the organ and system it serves. One of the most common blood flow disorders in childhood affects the arteries and veins that provide blood inflow/outflow to the brain structures, tissues of the neck and shoulder girdle.

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics of cerebral vessels in children under one year of age

The ultrasound procedure is prescribed to newborns from the first days of life, starting from the maternity hospital. In the maternity hospital, in general, neurosonography is prescribed, which, if indicated, can be supplemented with Doppler ultrasound. Indications for ultrasound examination of children under one year of age are:

  • after an intrauterine infection;
  • difficult childbirth, accompanied by the use of various means of obstetric aid (including vacuum forceps);
  • prematurity;
  • suspicion of ICP;
  • suspicion of abnormalities in the development of arteries (congenital aneurysm, excessive tortuosity);
  • severe intrauterine or postpartum hypoxia (asphyxia);
  • fainting conditions;
  • injuries received during childbirth;
  • suspicion of intracranial hemorrhage;
  • vascular pathologies of an inflammatory nature;
  • overweight and diabetes as risk factors.

In pediatric science, there is an opinion that the procedure for ultrasound diagnostics of arteries and veins of the brain under the age of one year should be performed on all children, regardless of the presence of indications, as a preventive measure to identify severe vascular pathology. Thanks to timely diagnosis, doctors can not only identify, but also in the most early dates begin correction of congenital pathologies of the vascular bed (if possible). There are a number of diseases that are easily corrected before the age of one year, but are difficult to treat after one year. Without timely diagnosis, you can miss a serious pathology, such as developing hydrocephalus or the first signs of cerebral palsy.

For premature babies, ultrasound examination of blood vessels is prescribed first of all.

Doppler measurements of a child’s blood vessels after one year

After the large fontanelle has overgrown, neurosonography cannot be done. But an ultrasound may be necessary for the baby even after one year. Therefore, children undergo Dopplerography of intra- and extranial vessels of the head and neck in combination with duplex scanning (USD) or as an independent technique. A referral for an ultrasound is issued by a neurologist. You can undergo the examination yourself, and after that get a consultation with a doctor, because... deciphering an ultrasound scan can explain little to a non-specialist. The main indications according to which a neurologist issues a referral for ultrasound examination in childhood are the following:

  • headaches of any origin;
  • vestibulopathy;
  • fainting conditions;
  • impairment of one or more cognitive functions (attention, memory, psychomotor skills, speech, counting, thinking, etc.);
  • disturbance of the emotional sphere (irritability, tearfulness, anger, etc.);
  • hypertension (hypertension), diabetes, inflammatory and immunological vascular pathologies;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia, increased sleepiness);
  • restlessness and irritability;
  • paresthesia of the scalp and neck (crawling of goosebumps, foreign objects, etc.).

Any of these signs can serve as a beacon signaling early stage pathologies of cerebral circulation, and their combined manifestation requires immediate intervention. This symptomatology is especially acute in school age, due to increasing intellectual load and the onset of puberty. Part indicated signs may arise as a result of the formation incorrect posture and early osteochondrosis leading to the development of angiodystonic syndrome in children.

Studies of blood circulation in the arteries and veins of the head can help diagnose VSD, NCD, epilepsy, migraine, residual encephalopathy, logoneurosis, syndrome of impaired higher cortical functions, etc. They also allow you to diagnose a number of forms of hearing and vision impairment.

Most neurological disorders manifest in school years when the intellectual load on the child increases significantly

Advantages of Dopplerometry

Doppler ultrasound readings of the brain vessels, tissues of the head, shoulder girdle and neck are sent to the ultrasound doctor’s monitor in real time. This allows you to track the condition of a small patient at the time of the study. If venotonics are prescribed, assess the level of their effect after administration.

There are no consequences after the procedure - this method does not involve exposure of the child’s body to x-ray radiation, no traumatic damage remains skin. The operation of an ultrasound scanner, unlike an MRI machine, is not accompanied by sharp, frightening sounds, and unlike an EEG, it is not accompanied by photostimulation. After ultrasound, there is no increase in the symptoms of the underlying disease. Therefore, to monitor the pathological process over time, it can be prescribed at any frequency necessary for treatment.

Where to do Doppler testing in childhood?

Where can I get an examination of the blood vessels of the brain, tissues of the head, shoulder girdle and neck for children (including up to one year old)? As for adults - in any specialized center. In addition, today in any sufficiently large medical institution where there is an ultrasound scanner, you can successfully undergo a diagnostic examination.

Study preparation and procedure

If you are conducting the examination in a medical facility, preparation will be minimal. You need to have a diaper with you (put the baby on the couch), water or milk for the baby and disposable wipes (remove excess gel after the procedure). The baby should not be hungry, thirsty or afraid. To do this, you need to have a conversation with him the day before and explain (preferably in a playful way) that the technique is painless.

You need to warn the baby that the doctor may ask him to roll over, change the position of his neck - these commands must be followed. If a child takes venotonics and drugs that improve brain trophism, it is better to refrain from taking them until the study is carried out.

The procedure is carried out in a lying position, and a gel is applied to the area being examined. Then, using a sensor, the doctor receives a visual and audio reflection of the processes of blood movement through the vessels of the child’s head and neck.

Analysis of the ultrasound results will allow us to draw conclusions about the condition of the vessels of the baby’s head and neck (the tone of the veins and arteries, the presence of occlusions, stenoses, pathological tortuosity, etc.). If an ultrasound scan is performed in combination with a duplex study, it is possible to obtain data not only on the characteristics of blood flow, but also on the architectonics of arteries and veins.

Ultrasound dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck - indications, performance and interpretation of results

Brain cells are so sensitive to a lack of oxygen that even a slight disruption of blood flow leads to serious neurological pathologies. Ultrasound examination of blood vessels makes it possible to solve the problem of cerebrovascular diseases at an early stage. Doctors say that this is the most reliable diagnosis of these diseases. An ultrasound scan showing the vessels of the head and neck provides a unique opportunity to see a two-dimensional image of the circulatory system of the area under study, and it can be done for a price of 1000 rubles.

What is Doppler Doppler Doppler of the Head and Neck Vessels?

Ultrasound diagnostics is an instrumental research method. Ultrasound waves penetrate the body tissues and are reflected from them, which is recorded by a special sensor. The data is processed by a computer, then displayed on a monitor, after which the image of the internal environments is examined by a doctor. An additional function of ultrasound diagnostics is Dopplerography. With its help, you can evaluate the speed and nature of blood flow in the veins and arteries. If the blood flow moves in the direction of the sensor, the computer colors it red; if it moves in the opposite direction, it turns blue.

Indications for use of the procedure

Main medical indication to conduct TCD or ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels is deformation, narrowing (stenosis) or blockage (occlusion) of extracranial (extracranial) vertebral (vertebral) or carotid arteries and intracranial (intracranial) middle, posterior, and forebrain arteries. In clinical practice, the study is prescribed for:

  • early detection of intracranial vascular lesions;
  • clarification of the degree of blood flow disturbance after traumatic brain injury;
  • detection of vascular stenosis after infectious diseases;
  • selection of optimal therapy for migraine to clarify the vasospasm factor;
  • assessment of hemodynamics in the brain after organ transplantation;
  • identifying the causes of poor blood circulation in the brain due to spinal curvature, cervical osteochondrosis, compression of the vertebral arteries;
  • monitoring the state of cerebral blood flow during surgical operations;
  • detection of microembolism in patients with transient circulatory disorders.

An ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head is prescribed by a doctor at the slightest suspicion of a change in cerebral circulation. The study is also widely used for the prevention of cerebrovascular lesions in people suffering from atherosclerosis or other vascular diseases of the brain. The technique helps prevent the development of strokes and evaluate tactics complex treatment patients.

When is the examination performed on children?

Dopplerography of the vessels of the brain and neck is prescribed in pediatric practice. This research method helps to correctly diagnose a child and conduct a course of correct therapy for long-term headaches. If a newborn has perinatal pathology, then assessing the condition of the vessels of the head and neck provides an excellent opportunity to prevent serious disorders that over time can lead to disability.

When performing an ultrasound or TCD, a person does not experience radiation exposure, so the method is ideal for examining children of any age. Indications for Doppler ultrasound in young patients:

  • suspected injury to the cervical vertebrae;
  • residual (residual) effects of perinatal encephalopathy;
  • psycho-emotional disinhibition;
  • delayed speech development;
  • asthenic syndrome (lethargy, high fatigue);
  • poor memory, inattentiveness.


Dopplerography is a painless procedure. The study does not violate the integrity of tissues and does not have a negative effect on the body, so there are no contraindications to its implementation. Difficulties can arise only in one case - if the patient for some reason cannot take the supine position required for an ultrasound scan session. A relative contraindication is:

  • presence of a wound in the sensor installation area;
  • pronounced subcutaneous fat layer;
  • location of the vessel under the bone;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

What does ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck show?

The technique provides the specialist with extensive information about the blood supply to the brain based on the following data:

In atherosclerosis, the location of atherosclerotic plaques and the presence of a blood clot are identified. In hypertension, a decrease in elasticity, thickening of arterial walls, and spasm of the cerebral arteries are determined. If blood flow from the brain is disrupted, dilated veins with reduced blood flow may be found. If a change in the direction of blood flow is visible, this indicates the occurrence of various obstacles in its path: the formation of an aneurysm, dissection of the arterial wall.


No special preparation is required to perform an ultrasound scan of the neck and head. Before examining the structure of cerebral vessels, you need to notify your doctor about all the medications you are taking. medicines, since there are medications that can affect the results of the procedure. The session is performed in a supine position, with a low pillow placed under the head. Before starting the study, the patient is asked to relax and breathe calmly. The procedure is carried out according to general methodological principles.

Before starting an ultrasound scan of the neck, the doctor palpates the carotid artery to determine the mobility, location of the vessel, and the strength of its pulsation. In the process of ultrasound scanning, simple techniques are used to study the functions of the external and main arteries: 8-10 branches are pinched with a finger, then a test is performed with tilts and turns of the head. Then the doctor studies the speed of blood flow. Next, a transcranial study is performed, which evaluates the tortuosity of the internal branches of the vertebral and carotid arteries, vascular tone, and blood flow along its entire length.

How to do an ultrasound of cerebral vessels

Scanning the blood vessels of the head and neck can be done in minutes. In order for the device to show accurate data, you need to remove air between the skin and the transducer (sensor). To do this, a thin layer of a special gel is applied to the place of its attachment, which must be thoroughly washed off after the session. Doppler ultrasound begins with the vessels of the neck. The doctor applies the sensor to the desired areas and slowly moves it along the blood flow. Then the specialist moves on to examining the vessels of the head.

For this, the uniform rules of ultrasound diagnostics are applied: data is recorded through the temples, which act as windows for better conduction of the ultrasound signal. The sensor picks up the ultrasound that is reflected from the vein or artery and then sends it to the monitor. The resulting picture does not resemble the usual image of a vessel. During an ultrasound scan of the neck and head, sometimes there is a need to conduct various functional tests. To do this, the doctor asks the patient to press the vessels with a sensor or fingers and breathe deeply.

Decoding of ultrasound examination

The results, which show normal patency of the vessels of the head and neck, are as follows:

  • the carotid artery (CA) on the left arises from the aorta, and on the right from the brachiocephalic vessel;
  • the internal branch of the common carotid artery (CCA) has no other branches until the entrance to the skull;
  • the spectral wave in the CCA shows that the speed of diastolic blood flow is the same in the external and internal branches;
  • many additional branches branch off from the external branch of the CCA;
  • the waveform in the external branch is triphasic, the blood flow velocity in it during diastole is less than in the CCA;
  • the waveform in the internal branch is monophasic, the blood flow velocity during diastole is greater than in the CCA;
  • the vascular wall has a thickness of no more than 0.12 cm.

Possible disorders and diagnoses

If an ultrasound scan reveals results that are abnormal, this indicates the following diseases:

  1. Stenosing atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques are observed. Their features may indicate the ability to embolize. In the early stage of the disease, increased intima-media thickness can be seen on the image.
  2. Non-stenotic atherosclerosis. The results of the study show an uneven change in echogenicity in large arteries, a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels by 20%.
  3. Temporal arteritis. The pathology is expressed by uniform diffuse thickening of the vascular walls and decreased echogenicity. If the disease is advanced, then atherosclerotic lesions are also present.
  4. Vascular malformations. The patient has an abnormal vascular network that is completely different sizes. The veins extending from the affected area are hypertrophied and have signs of lipotic infiltrates and calcification. The consequence of vascular malformation is the so-called steal syndrome and cerebrovascular accident.
  5. Hypoplasia of the vertebral arteries. Pathology is a decrease in the diameter of blood vessels to 2 or less millimeters. The disease is often accompanied by the entry of the cervical vertebrae into the canal of the transverse processes.

Ultrasound examination for children

Neurosonography for children under 1 year of age (transfontanelle transcranial)

Ultrasound dopplerography is an abbreviation of the name for ultrasound examination of blood vessels using Dopplerography (Doppler, duplex). Ultrasound ultrasound is an informative and harmless diagnostic, approved for use by children of any age without restrictions on weight and height.

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Doppler ultrasound is used in research

  • vessels of the head and neck;
  • vessels of the extremities;
  • arteries and veins of internal organs;
  • aorta and its branches;
  • vessels of the pelvis and reproductive system;

As a rule, not all of these studies are required for a child. For example, varicose veins, for the diagnosis of which ultrasound of the vessels of the extremities is used, occurs in children only in case of injury or other acute condition. Ultrasound of the vessels of internal organs and the reproductive system is also performed for children when indicated.

An exception is the examination of the vessels of the aorta and its branches (for example, detection of coarctation - narrowing of the aortic lumen). Basically, this disorder is detected in a child before a year in a hospital (maternity hospital, perinatal center, etc.).

Doppler ultrasound of head and neck vessels for children

Pathologies of the vessels of the head and neck are often found in children (narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, an increase or, conversely, a decrease in their size, the absence of one or another vessel). To detect these disorders, ultrasound of the head and neck in children is an important additional study when neurosonography is indicated (for children under one year of age).

After one year of age, neurosonography is not performed and ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck is performed as an independent diagnosis. This is a comprehensive ultrasound examination, including diagnostics of cerebral vessels (intracranial, intracranial - transcranial, performed through “acoustic windows” in the bones of the skull, through which ultrasound and ultrasound of neck vessels (extracranial) with duplex scanning penetrate).

A referral for diagnostics is issued by a neurologist, who also formulates the final diagnosis, so taking the initiative to independently conduct an ultrasound scan of the head and neck without further consultation with a neurologist is inappropriate.

Indications for Dopplerography of head and neck vessels in children

A consultation with a neurologist with an ultrasound scan of the head and neck will be useful if the child has the following symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • He became moody, his academic performance decreased;
  • Restlessness;
  • The child gets tired quickly, memory and attention impairments have been identified;
  • Doesn't sleep well;
  • He has dizziness;
  • The child has a congenital pathology of cerebral vessels (encephalopathy, etc.);
  • Delays in speech development;
  • There are diseases that provoke cerebral circulation disorders (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, vasculitis, etc.).

Parents of school-age children should pay special attention to these symptoms. Angiodystonic disorders are often observed in these children. Timely studies of cerebral blood flow make it possible to identify early symptoms of migraine (including of unknown origin), vegetative-vascular dystonia, logoneurosis, epilepsy, disorders of higher cortical functions, as well as some forms of myopia, hearing loss, etc.

Ultrasound scanning of blood vessels is an informative, painless diagnostic method that has no contraindications and does not involve radiation exposure (multiple repetitions are possible to monitor the patient’s condition).

It is important that the technique is non-invasive, i.e. The examination is carried out on the surface of the skin without penetration - it is painless, short in time and well tolerated by the child.

In addition, Doppler ultrasound indicators are recorded in real time and on a large scale, this allows the doctor to obtain objective data about the vessels of the head and neck, which is crucial in choosing an adequate therapeutic intervention and monitoring its effectiveness.

Where to do an ultrasound scan for children

It is possible to conduct an ultrasound examination using both the center and at home, which is especially important when it comes to children. The decision comes from the patient and is purely for his convenience. The quality of the ultrasound examination, methodology and interpretation are not affected by the location of the study. Often, at the Medicenter, home visits are carried out by the same specialists who provide outpatient visits. The portable device for ultrasound examinations used by the Medicenter is not inferior in parameters to the stationary one.

In ultrasound examinations, a type of which is ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck, the main condition for success is professional equipment and the experience of the doctor. A feature of pediatric diagnostic procedures is that the doctor must have experience working with children and interpreting studies (the blood flow in children's vessels has its own speed and other characteristics). In addition, there are conditions that are unique to the child’s body, and therefore they should be assessed by a professional familiar with these specifics. This statement can fully be attributed to the Medicenter specialists.

How the research works

The method only requires psychological preparation of the baby. He should be explained that doing an ultrasound scan is not painful or scary. If it is possible to show how the research works using the example of another child (for example, on the Internet), do it.

You should also explain to your child the need to obey the doctor’s commands. If you need to breathe intensively or, conversely, hold your breath, lower or turn your head, the baby should be prepared for the doctor to ask him to do this.

If a child requires vascular medications due to illness, you should refrain from taking them before the procedure.

During the procedure, the child lies on his back, the doctor touches certain points on the neck and head with an ultrasound sensor, locating the blood flow. The child should lie still, not talk and, if possible, not move.

If these conditions are met, there will be no unpleasant sensations or inconveniences. The only unpleasant sensation is short-term pressure on the neck area, which the doctor performs several times during the procedure to assess the patency of the blood vessels.

Decoding the results of the study will tell you about the parameters, direction and nature of blood flow, the tone of the veins, narrowed and dilated sections of blood vessels, and atherosclerosis. Dopplerography will allow you to see anatomical changes in blood vessels or manifested pathologies (stenoses, atherosclerotic plaques, etc.). Moreover, it is with the help of ultrasound that the doctor will be able to not only diagnose the disorder, but also analyze its causes.

Doppler ultrasound of cerebral vessels in a child

Considering the safety of the study, it can be used not only for adults, but also for children of all ages. It is also not uncommon to perform ultrasound scanning on newborn children. In this case, Doppler sonography of the cerebral vessels is most often necessary for the newborn. This study helps to supplement the data obtained during neurosonography, namely to verify the absence of vascular pathologies or, if present, to determine their type in order to carry out successful treatment in the future. Since this type of study does not involve radiation exposure, it can be done as many times as necessary, thus observing how the treatment is progressing over time. The non-invasiveness of the technique and the absence of discomfort during the examination do not cause rejection in the child, which undoubtedly facilitates the task of both doctors and parents. For the patient, it is no different from a regular ultrasound.

An ultrasound scan of the cerebral vessels is performed on a child after one year without a preliminary NSG examination, that is, how independent species diagnostics Doppler sonography may be prescribed to a child by a doctor if there are complaints of headaches, dizziness, fatigue, delays in speech development and so on. Ultrasound scanning is also regularly performed in children if there is a history of diseases that cause circulatory problems, such as diabetes mellitus or vasculitis, as well as in the presence of congenital pathologies of cerebral vessels. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct even more detailed research vascular system child, which are duplex and triplex scanning. These methods help not only to detect the presence of vascular pathology, but also to determine its cause.

A huge advantage of ultrasound examinations is that they are carried out in real time and on a large scale, which increases the objectivity of assessing the parameters necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Of course, this also requires that Doppler ultrasound for children be performed on modern equipment by competent specialists who have experience working with children and specialize in interpreting the results of Doppler ultrasound in children whose blood flow has its own characteristics.

Ultrasound and MRI for children in Moscow

Anesthesia for the same ones is also not ice

We provide medical care for children at the Scientific and Practical Center

MRI - at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, they now seem to have installed a new machine, 3 Tesla, strong, according to the epi program 24 thousand.

At the Burdenko Research Institute, disabled children can receive free consultation. We didn’t have a referral. I only paid for the ultrasound

Angela Merabyan, Hello. Please tell us how you got to Burdenko for a consultation. And what are your impressions? Do they treat patients who have already been operated on by other doctors normally?

Everyone advised us to do ultrasound examination in Semashko at Nesterovsky’s - we visited him. And MRI is best done at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital

MRI for all children is done this way and that with anesthesia, it’s sedative, not scary) I don’t know where it’s better to do it, but I wish you success

I’m still afraid to do it ((((they even signed up for the Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital and didn’t go.

Mom won't miss

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Our pregnancy calendar reveals to you the features of all stages of pregnancy - an extremely important, exciting and new period of your life.

We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks.

Ultrasound of the cervical spine

After the invention of ultrasound diagnostics, the treatment of many diseases became much more effective. All thanks to timely and accurate examination using ultrasound.

This method allows you to determine the condition of almost all organs and systems with maximum accuracy. Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck is no exception. True, to study this part of the human body, another unique ultrasound method was invented - duplex scanning.

Dopplerography of blood vessels, or duplex scanning

To cure something, you need to know exactly where the problem lies. Examination of the patient is perhaps the most important part on the path to recovery. If you treat the wrong thing that hurts, you can cause enormous harm, but never correct or alleviate the patient’s condition.

This happened very often until accessible ultrasound diagnostics became available. Almost one hundred percent reliability of the established diagnoses coincides with absolute safety for the patient. The ratio is very important for the life and health of the patient. If we add here the painlessness of the research method and the absence of the need for pain relief and lengthy preparation and the absence of age restrictions, then this method becomes invaluable in medical practice.

Duplex scanning helps assess the condition of large vessels and arteries in the human body. If previously various shunting methods were used to assess blood flow, now even an ultrasound of the cervical vessels can be done using duplex scanning. And not only. An ultrasound of the neck will allow us to examine such a section of the circulatory system as the carotid artery, studies of which were previously associated with enormous risks and were of little information.

Dopplerography of cerebral vessels, traditional ultrasound and duplex scanning, used in a comprehensive examination of the patient, is the most modern and safe method.

The traditional method of ultrasound examination allows the doctor to see the structure and condition of blood vessels. When waves pass through a set of soft tissues, an image similar to an x-ray appears on the monitor. All tissues have different resistance to sound waves, which allows you to display a clear image, up to 3-D scanning.

Doppler ultrasound Doppler ultrasound is used to study soft tissues, vessels of the neck, brain and limbs. This method is also based on different resistance to sound, but allows, in addition to soft tissues, to show moving objects. A sound wave, when passing through a network of vessels, is reflected from red blood cells moving in them.

The stronger the blood flow, the brighter the image will be. When obstacles in the form of atherosclerotic plaques appear in the path of blood flow, the flow speed changes, and therefore the intensity of the image, which is immediately reflected on the monitor screen.

Duplex scanning or Dopplerography of blood vessels is an indispensable research method today, allowing one to evaluate both the structure of important arteries and the quality of blood flow in them. The only method is ultrasound of the cervical spine, which makes it possible to find out the cause of many paresis and pre-infarction conditions and to assess the patient’s risk of stroke. Ultrasound of the neck vessels is also important in determining the risk of stroke, especially in people with diabetes. Ultrasound examination of the soft tissues of the extremities is mandatory in such patients at least once every six months.

The ability to determine the state of the circulatory system, the presence and quality of blood movement, has saved many lives and prevented a huge number of diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

In what cases is ultrasound examination of the vessels of the neck and head performed?

Headache, frequent attacks of dizziness, loss of consciousness (even a one-time incident), tinnitus - directly indicate problems with blood supply to the brain. If this is accompanied by decreased memory and the inability to concentrate, as well as panic and feelings of constant anxiety, then this is a signal for immediate action, since the process of oxygen starvation of the brain has led to atrophy of its cells.

Despite the fact that such alarming symptoms can occur in many diseases, the doctor first of all sends the patient to perform an ultrasound of the cervical spine and cerebral vessels.

The most common diseases with similar symptoms are hypertension and atherosclerosis. Hypertension is manifested by severe spasms of cerebral vessels, which causes blood flow to become critically low or high in areas of narrowing of the vessel walls. In atherosclerosis, blood flow is altered by cholesterol plaques that form on the walls of blood vessels, altering the flow of blood through them.

Cervical osteochondrosis can also introduce a number of pathological changes in the blood circulation system due to compression of the arteries by the altered vertebrae. In this case, it is important not only an ultrasound examination of the soft tissues of the neck, but also x-rays that will show the condition of the cervical spine.

But the most unpleasant thing is that there is a high probability of a combination of these diseases. Especially in older people. And, if you treat one thing and ignore the other, then relief and recovery will never come. Therefore, it is important to conduct a comprehensive study of the condition of the spine and head.

In order to accurately diagnose a doctor and effectively treat the disease, as well as to raise the level of awareness of citizens and reduce the risk of untimely assistance for heart attacks and strokes, you need to know exactly the alarming symptoms that can become precursors of these diseases.

So everyone should know that

  1. Frequent attacks of headaches and a feeling of heaviness in the head;
  2. Dizziness, which may be accompanied by severe attacks of nausea;
  3. Loss of consciousness, even in a single case;
  4. Decreased memory and attention;
  5. Feeling of heaviness in the head and limbs;
  6. Feeling of numbness in the soft tissues of the limbs and face;
  7. Chill attacks

All this can be the consequences of impaired blood supply to the brain and lead to dangerous conditions.

The presence of several of the listed symptoms indicates a high risk of developing a stroke or heart attack and requires immediate contact with a specialist.

Doppler ultrasound in children

Ultrasound examination can be performed on a child, regardless of his age. Doppler sonography is indicated even for newborn children, especially if the mother had a difficult or prolonged labor and there is a possibility of birth injuries to the head, soft tissues or spine.

The child does not need to do any preliminary preparation during this examination. The studies are carried out through the natural openings of the head - the fontanelles, and the results, as a rule, with a high degree of accuracy make it possible to determine the state of the brain and the degree of its trauma when passing through the birth canal.

Moreover, today this method of ultrasound of the head and brain is considered mandatory in the first days of life in infants. This is how it is possible to promptly diagnose brain diseases and injuries to the blood vessels of the head, neck and spinal column, as well as soft tissues in children.

If birth injuries occurred at the birth of the baby, then the child requires timely assistance to prevent the manifestation of cerebral palsy and intracranial pressure. All these conditions can be successfully corrected with modern drugs, but provided that treatment is started on time and atrophic processes do not affect large nerves and soft tissues.

Ultrasound of the neck, as well as the head, takes place in an atmosphere that is comfortable for the baby. The devices do not make loud sounds, and the gel from an experienced ultrasound technician will always be warm. If the baby is too nervous, then the examination can be carried out by examining the child in the mother’s arms. However, such a need arises very rarely, since ultrasound examination is a completely painless and safe procedure. Every mother should do an ultrasound of her child’s blood vessels. It is better to notice the disease in a timely manner and prevent dangerous consequences when the process is running.

Ultrasound examination of the fetus

Ultrasound examination can also be performed during pregnancy to detect birth defects fetal development. Even in utero, the important vessels of the baby’s neck and head will be clearly visible, as well as internal organs. Visualization of fetal soft tissue is no different from that of an adult.

Sometimes the situation may be such that the unborn baby will need qualified help in the first hours of life. Identifying such pathologies during pregnancy provides a huge advantage: doctors can provide timely assistance, carry out the necessary surgical correction and save the baby’s life.

Even in this case, Doppler ultrasound is completely safe for the mother and will not cause any harm to the unborn child.

Doppler ultrasound of head and neck vessels for children

The cervical region is the most mobile part of the spinal column, where blood vessels pass through the openings in the vertebrae. They, in turn, are responsible for supplying the brain with blood and oxygen. The children's cervical area is very vulnerable until the bone tissue is completely strengthened.

In this regard, it is relevant to carry out ultrasound diagnostics in infancy of blood vessels in the cervical and head areas. Diagnostics makes it possible to promptly identify narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, an increase or decrease in their size, as well as other pathologies.

When is it prescribed?

A pediatrician or neurologist can prescribe a referral for an ultrasound scan of the neck vessels for children. Together with a brain examination, this procedure gives highly informative results. There are a number of symptoms that are a reason for diagnosis in childhood:

  • headache;
  • capriciousness, restlessness;
  • memory impairment, increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance, dizziness;
  • speech delay, decreased academic performance;
  • congenital vascular pathologies.

Parents of school-age children should pay special attention to these symptoms. During this period, due to improper sitting at a desk and often lowered head, they develop angiodystonic disorders. Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head in children will help identify the cause of unpleasant signs of pathological changes.


Carrying out ultrasound diagnostics does not require special training. It is enough to explain to the baby that the upcoming procedure will not cause him any unpleasant sensations, so he should not be afraid of it. For the examination, you do not need to change your usual lifestyle; it is enough to dress the child comfortably and feed him in advance. You should expect its duration to be about thirty minutes.

During diagnosis, a small patient may be in a sitting or lying position. Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck for children is carried out in special rooms equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable, unhindered and high-quality procedure. You can sign up either in the morning or in the afternoon - this will not affect your performance.

Doppler ultrasound for children at the Open Clinic Pediatrics

Our specialized medical center has everything necessary equipment to provide comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic care to children. Here you can conduct a competent ultrasound examination of the neck vessels of children using a modern, highly sensitive device. The clinic's doctors are qualified specialists in pediatrics and other areas of medicine. The advantages of the children's “Open Clinic” are:

  • extensive work experience;
  • advanced equipment;
  • individual approach.

We know that every child is unique, so we approach therapy issues taking into account the baby’s condition and his physiological characteristics. To sign up for a study, you can call the number listed on the website or visit the clinic in person. Our consultants will answer all questions related to ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head for children.

What does an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck show and how is it done in a child and an adult?

What does an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck show? This procedure is an informational type of study of arterial and venous branches passing outside the cranial cavity. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the brain, its nutrition and blood flow. The study may be prescribed when neurological symptoms begin to bother you. It is advisable to carry out the study as planned; this is done in order to minimize the risk of developing serious diseases. Minimal preparation is required before the test, and the average duration may vary from 30 to 40 minutes. The result can be obtained immediately, and the attending physician will help decipher it.

During ultrasound diagnostics, specialists distinguish 2 main levels: the vessels of the neck and the brain.

How is the research going? What features can you highlight? Which persons will be contraindicated for diagnosis? Answers to these and more questions can be found below.

Main stages of the study

In order to determine the current clinical picture of the patient, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive study of both levels, that is, the vertebral and cervical arteries, since there is a direct connection between them. The cervical blood flow is an intermediate stage of blood moving from the heart to the brain, and the cerebral blood flow is the result of this process.

It is possible to diagnose disorders at any of these levels, which is why thorough investigation is so important. The first stage is aimed at studying the condition of the cervical vessels:

  1. Examination of all carotid arteries, as well as their main branches.
  2. Analysis of the condition of the spinal arteries, which are located at the cervical level of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. They carry blood to the target parts of the brain.

The examination can reveal possible obstacles, which can be either congenital or acquired. At the cervical level, you can often see tortuous vessels that can form “loops,” as well as tortuous passages formed by osteochondrosis.

You can see narrowing of the arteries, both congenital and acquired. During the study, it is possible to establish the narrowed diameter of the vessel, as well as a possible inflammatory process that caused negative changes. In addition, atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots could form in the vessels, which could block the lumen of the artery itself. The doctor examines in detail the neck veins - the jugular and vertebral, determining the degree of outflow of venous blood from the brain to the heart.

At the second stage, a detailed study of the arteries and veins that are located in the brain begins. The procedure is performed transcranially, that is, through the cranial bones. The arteries that are located in the brain continue with the cervical ones, concentrating inside the skull itself. You can see the formation of two circulatory basins: caritodic and vertebrobasilar. Each of them has a number of differences that need to be considered:

  1. The caritodic basin consists of the terminal branches of the internal carotid artery. The study itself is carried out through the temporal bone.
  2. The vertebrobasilar basin consists of terminal segmented vertebral arteries. Entering the cranial cavity, they merge together.

This type of study helps to identify the results of the main indicators of cerebral blood flow. The blood supply may be unchanged or impaired due to detected problems with arterial blood flow (arterial spasm, insufficient blood flow). This type of study is called TCD, or transcranial ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels.

Doctors do not recommend examining only problems of the vertebral arteries and cerebral vessels. First, it is necessary to determine the state of the entire blood flow and the peculiarities of the development of the cervical arteries, since a number of obstacles may appear that block the flow of blood.

If only the vertebral artery is examined, then the study will not be considered complete, since the resulting indicators of the cerebral and cervical structures will not be taken into account.

The need for a separate study of the cervical arteries arises in the case of a dynamic increase in atherosclerotic thrombi and plaques, which can be detected in the early stages of development. This is done in order to send the patient to vascular surgeons as soon as possible.

Doppler ultrasound can help examine individual levels of blood flow. For example, the neck or the brain, but this is considered not quite the right solution.

Features of ultrasound examination

Among the features of the ultrasound examination are:

  1. Efficiency.
  2. Information content.
  3. Safety (it is not contraindicated even for a small child).
  4. Simplicity.
  5. Rapidity.

When is this diagnostic method prescribed?

In order to clarify the state of cerebral blood flow, it is advisable to conduct research only if the following problems occur:

  1. Strong headache.
  2. Decreased activity and loss of strength.
  3. Insomnia.
  4. Deterioration in the quality of vision and hearing.
  5. Ringing in the ears and head.
  6. Stress and neuroses.

In order to prevent a stroke, it is necessary to conduct preventive studies that can identify blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. Doppler ultrasound is indicated for the following groups of patients:

  1. Age over 40 years.
  2. Cardiac ischemia.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Diseases of the urinary system.
  5. Patients who have suffered a stroke/heart attack.

Duplex scanning cannot provide high information content. Having understood how ultrasound scanning is done, we can identify its competitive features. If primary symptoms are detected, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, who, during the diagnosis, will be able to determine possible reason diseases and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Ultrasound Dopplerography (USDG) of the vessels of the head and neck

Doppler ultrasound (USDG) of the vessels of the head and neck is a method for diagnosing vascular pathology using ultrasound.

Doppler ultrasound allows you to visualize the movement of blood in blood vessels, assess the speed and direction of blood flow, and identify obstacles (blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques, abnormalities of the vascular wall, aneurysms) that impair blood circulation. The method is based on the Doppler effect: when ultrasonic waves are reflected from blood cells, the radiation frequency changes. The changes are recorded and, after analysis, make it possible to determine the characteristics of blood flow in the vessels of the head and neck.

Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck is used to diagnose the following pathologies:

  • thrombosis of arteries and veins
  • narrowing of the great vessels of the head and neck
  • aneurysms
  • - atherosclerotic changes in the vascular wall and other vascular pathologies.

Doppler ultrasound of the head and neck vessels does not differ from conventional ultrasound examination. A sound-conducting gel is applied to the sensor (transducer) of the ultrasound machine. The transducer is located on the skin in the projection of large vessels and a blood flow study is performed. Ultrasound ultrasound does not require special preparation.

Transcranial Dopplerography

Transcranial Dopplerography (TCDG) is a non-invasive method of ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels, which allows one to assess the speed of blood flow through intracranial (intracranial) vessels to identify hemodynamically significant changes.

  • “Ultrasound” means that the radiation used to assess blood flow is ultrasound, which is absolutely safe for the human body, in addition, there are no age restrictions or contraindications for ultrasound;
  • “Dopplerography” - this method received its name on behalf of the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, whose physical laws discovered formed the basis for assessing the speed of blood flow through the vessels.

Description of the transcranial Doppler method

Unlike sensors that are used to study the extracranial sections of the great vessels (common carotid, internal and external carotid arteries, etc.), using a frequency of 4 and 8 MHz in continuous insonation mode, transcranial Dopplerography (TCD) uses sensors of a lower frequency ( 1.5-2 MHz), operating in pulse mode. The latter makes it possible to selectively assess blood flow at different depths of insonation. In practice, sensors are applied in the area of ​​the so-called “windows” or accesses (temporal, orbital and occipital). Ultrasound waves emitted by the transducer, passing through soft tissue, skull bones and brain tissue, colliding with moving red blood cells in the vessels supplying the brain, are reflected with a change in the frequency of the sent signal. The sensors detect the reflected signal, and the change in frequency (frequency or “Doppler” shift) is directly proportional to the speed of blood flow. The blood flow in the vessels is heterogeneous, there are flows with different speeds (the slowest are near the walls), the device converts the reflected signals into a set of speeds, displaying them in the form of spectra. Measurements are carried out in real time, displaying characteristic changes in blood flow during the systole and diastole phases. The most commonly used parameters are maximum and minimum speeds, average speed, pulsating and resistive indices.

The resolution of the method allows convincing assessment of blood flow at the level of the middle, anterior and posterior cerebral arteries, branches extending from them, communicating arteries of the circle of Willis, basilar and vertebral arteries.

In our center, research is carried out using one of the latest technological developments - the M-mode digital Doppler method. M-mode allows you to scan streams at a depth of 30 to 90 mm. The result is displayed continuously in the form of a color scale in a special M-window. Flows in the direction towards the sensor are coded in red, and from the sensor in blue. Unlike the standard technique, there is no need to change the depth to locate the vessel, since all flows are automatically scanned at all depths. The depth is selected only for display and measurement of the Doppler signal.

It is possible to display from 1 to 8 windows of Doppler spectra at different depths - sequentially or simultaneously in real time. The final results form a graphical report with digital values ​​and a clinical opinion from a specialist.

Ultrasound dopplerography of cerebral vessels allows:

  • find out the cause of the headache (angiospasm, increased intracranial pressure)
  • identify early vascular lesions of the neck and brain
  • identify stenoses (narrowing of the lumen) of the arteries of the neck and brain, determine their significance
  • determine the condition of the vertebral arteries
  • determine the state of venous blood flow in the vessels of the neck and head

To assess blood circulation in the brain, we recommend that you undergo an examination using modern ultrasound techniques - transcranial Dopplerography.

In children, Doppler ultrasound is used for

  • delayed speech development,
  • restlessness, disinhibited behavior,
  • manifestation of asthenic conditions with increased fatigue, decreased memory and attention.

Indications for transcranial Dopplerography

  • different types of headaches
  • migraine and megraine-like attacks
  • dizziness, both associated with turning the head and changing body position, and occurring in other situations
  • noise in the head or ears
  • fainting states
  • attacks of general weakness, poor health, spots before the eyes, feeling of lack of air
  • episodes of sudden loss of consciousness
  • episodes of sudden weakness or numbness in an arm or leg, speech problems
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries
  • pathology in the cervical spine
  • pronounced osteochondrosis
  • suspected cerebral vascular abnormality
  • clinical signs of cerebrovascular accident
  • coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction
  • vertebrobasilar circulatory failure (VBI), cerebrovascular disease, transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • If you have suffered a stroke, then Doppler ultrasound of the brain is necessary to predict the degree of recovery of disorders, the development of complications and relapses of the disease.
  • age over 55 years, with a family history of heart attacks, strokes, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis
  • poor adaptation to external loads (motion sickness in transport, weather dependence, etc.)

How the research works

Dopplerography of cerebral vessels does not require special preparation, except for the exclusion of vascular drugs immediately before the procedure. You should also not smoke or drink alcohol.

During the examination, you lie on your back on a special couch. The doctor sits behind your head and, touching certain points on your neck and head with an ultrasound sensor, locates the blood flow. During the examination, you need to follow the doctor’s commands - hold your breath when commanded, breathe frequently, turn your head (when necessary).

During the procedure, you cannot talk or turn your head. The examination does not cause any unpleasant sensations. The only thing that can cause slight inconvenience is short-term pressure on the neck area (for 3-4 seconds), which the doctor must perform several times during the examination to assess the patency of the blood vessels.

The method is absolutely painless and has no contraindications, which makes possible to carry out this procedure for young children.

According to the screening program for children under one year of age, an examination such as an ultrasound of the brain in an infant is often prescribed by a pediatric neurologist. The second name of this method is neurosonography. Parents of children are often interested in the question: how safe is this test and why does the doctor prescribe it?

The brain coordinates the work of all organs and systems; the vital activity of the body directly depends on its health and well-being. A significant leap in the development of children in the first months of their life requires the well-functioning performance of its functions by the central nervous system, which is controlled by the brain. It is during the newborn period that it is very important not to miss brain states that differ from the norm in order to make the necessary correction in time.

Neurosonography procedure

A little about neurosonography and ultrasound

Bone tissue protects the human brain from most possible damage, including the effects of electromagnetic radiation. To conduct an ultrasound, it is necessary that the sensor detects the reflection of sound waves from denser tissues, and a device with a screen converts the received information into an image. However, bone tissue does not transmit ultrasound through itself, and in order to study the brain of a newborn, it is necessary to use the so-called “acoustic windows”, or fontanelles.

Fontana – not closed bone tissue a section of the skull that allows its bones to move slightly relative to each other during childbirth. Normally, a newborn has two of them - the parietal, which closes by one year and six months, and the occipital, which closes by three to four months. The parietal fontanel has a diamond shape measuring 20-25x20-25 mm, the occipital fontanel has a triangle shape.

The larger the “acoustic window”, the larger area of ​​the brain can be examined and more objective information can be obtained.

Large and small fontanelles

Another study that a neurologist may recommend for a newborn is Dopplerography, or ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck (USDG). During Doppler examination, the device records the movement of blood through the vessels, from which ultrasound is reflected. The speed of blood flow affects the frequency of the sensor signal, which is compared in a computer with a norm or standard. The Doppler ultrasound method allows you to assess whether there is a violation of blood flow in the brain, and to what extent it is expressed; it combines traditional ultrasound and Doppler study.

In what cases does a doctor prescribe such a study?

Ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck is performed according to certain indications. There are no minimum age restrictions for him; ultrasound examination is performed even on premature newborns, the main thing is that the child’s weight is more than a kilogram. The main indications for ultrasound scanning of the head and neck vessels of newborns immediately after birth:

  • Deep prematurity (two months or more).
  • The baby's weight at birth is less than 2800 g.
  • There are signs of central nervous system damage and developmental defects.
  • There is a suspicion of intrauterine infection.
  • The labor was rapid or protracted.
  • Birth injury.
  • Rhesus conflict.
  • The need for resuscitation of children during and after childbirth.
  • Suspicion of fetal brain pathology during pregnancy.

Deep prematurity is one of the indications for ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels

Indications for ultrasound scanning of head and neck vessels in children aged 1 month:

  • Childbirth using forceps.
  • Repeated Doppler examination of low birth weight and premature infants.
  • Developmental defects and unusual head shape, paresis, strabismus, torticollis.
  • Repeated Doppler examination in children with birth trauma.
  • Frequent regurgitation, restless behavior of the baby.

Doppler examination of the vessels of the neck and head is performed for children older than one month in the following cases:

  • Genetic diseases.
  • Head injuries.
  • For brain pathologies (hydrocephalus, intracerebral abscess, cerebral ischemia).
  • For pathologies nervous system, after encephalitis and meningitis.

The main advantage of ultrasound examination of the vessels of the brain and neck is its low cost, ease of implementation, and absolute safety.

If the diagnosis requires clarification, newborns undergo MRI under general anesthesia to ensure immobility during the examination.

Preparing for diagnostics

Baby in the ultrasound diagnostic room

If the baby is scheduled for an ultrasound or Doppler test, parents are interested in what measures they should take to prepare for the diagnosis. This procedure does not require any preparation; it is enough for the baby to be in a good mood. He may be asleep or awake - this does not matter for the effectiveness of the study, the main thing is that the child behaves calmly.

The only nuance that is required during ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck is that children need to be fed an hour and a half before the examination. A Doppler study takes about twenty minutes; neurosonography can be done in five to ten minutes.

What happens during the study

Data for the study is obtained using a sensor, most often through the parietal fontanel and temporal regions. A special colorless, odorless gel is applied to the sensor. The ultrasound doctor takes measurements of 12 standard indicators of the brain and neck vessels. They are checked against the norm, reference values, and based on this analysis a preliminary diagnosis is made.

A pediatric neurologist will prescribe further treatment and monitor the dynamics of development in the future. Treatment may take more than one month; the examination will have to be repeated at the control period. Unfortunately, often infants serious problems The central nervous system may have very minor external manifestations.

It should be noted that after 12 months, neurosonography may not be possible due to the fact that the fontanel is overgrown with bone tissue.

Methods for studying the brain using ultrasound are safe, informative and easy to carry out in infants. A pediatric neurologist analyzes the results and prescribes treatment. In difficult cases, it is necessary to repeat this procedure every month to assess the dynamics of the pathology.

There is a popular belief that problems with blood vessels are characteristic mainly of adults and even older people. However, in childhood, starting from birth, circulatory disorders are no less common.

Most often, infants undergo ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck. We will talk about what this examination is, how it is done and what it shows in this article.

The essence of the examination

Ultrasound tends to be reflected from tissues and media of different densities. This is, in fact, what the ultrasound method is based on.

Doppler ultrasound is a type of ultrasound scanning, only ultrasonic waves in in this case are reflected not from organs, but from red blood cells - large red blood cells. Thus, it becomes possible to measure the speed and volume of blood flow through the vessels. The method allows you to determine how certain areas of the brain and the entire brain are supplied with blood.

Doppler of the cervical spine and brain makes it possible to determine with sufficient accuracy whether the lumen of the vessels is normal. Conventional ultrasound of blood vessels gives only a general idea of ​​their structure. But the processes that occur in them are assessed based on duplex scanning.

For a newborn, infant and older child, the best research option is duplex, which gives more full information about the condition of the vessels of the head and neck.

Harmful or not?

The dangers of Doppler are spoken mainly by those who have a poor understanding of the principle of this research. Since it is based on ultrasound, ultrasound examination is considered a harmless and completely painless non-invasive method.

Ultrasound does not affect organs, tissues, blood cells, does not cause their mutations, and does not disrupt functions. It is only reflected and returned back as a signal on the monitor. This is how the image is obtained, which is seen by the doctor and the patient on ultrasound and Doppler Doppler.

The long-term effects of ultrasound on the body have not been sufficiently studied; it is this fact that provides food for reasoning for opponents of the method. They usually keep silent about the fact that there is also no information about harm.


If an ultrasound of the child’s brain is mandatory at 1 month, since the study is included in the comprehensive screening of babies, then an ultrasound scan is not considered mandatory and is recommended only for those who have certain medical indications.

For an infant Doppler examination may be recommended in case of signs of hypoxia, after head injuries, as well as for babies born as a result of a difficult birth or who have received birth injuries.

Some neurological abnormalities that the doctor notices in the baby may also require a separate assessment of cerebral blood supply. These include:

  • frequent crying, difficulty falling asleep;
  • profuse and regular regurgitation;
  • too high or decreased muscle tone;
  • child's retardation in physical and mental development.

At an older age, the reasons for prescribing a diagnosis may be frequent headaches, attacks of dizziness in a child, cases of loss of consciousness, convulsions, frequent nausea and vomiting, and increased fatigue.

For children who are already 3 years old, ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck is often prescribed due to parental complaints of restlessness, poor memory, low learning abilities, behavioral problems, delayed speech and psycho-emotional development.

Since the procedure is considered harmless, parents can have their child undergo such an examination without a referral from a doctor, by visiting, for example, a private clinic specializing in ultrasound for children.

How is it carried out?

Doppler ultrasound diagnostics are performed in the same way as a regular ultrasound, in the same office and on the most ordinary hospital couch. To obtain information, an ultrasound sensor is used, the results are obtained in two types - ultrasound data and Doppler data.

The sensor is applied to the child at the location of important vessels that supply the brain. Such places are located on the back of the head, temples, and also in the eye area. The vessels of the neck are examined with the patient positioned on the couch on his stomach. The entire examination takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

Mothers hold their babies in their arms during diagnosis. Older children may be able to lie on the couch on their own. But if the child is very afraid, the mother is allowed to sit nearby on the couch during the examination.

Is preparation necessary?

This ultrasound does not require diet or fasting. If the child is an infant, try to ensure that the baby is well-fed and calm at the time of the examination. It is ideal if he undergoes the procedure directly in his sleep. Therefore, before visiting the doctor's office, feed him well.

For children who have left infancy and have already learned to understand what adults are trying to convey to them, it is recommended that they be told in advance in as much detail as possible about what awaits them.

You can take a small object and move it over the child’s head, “playing” with it in an ultrasound. Then the baby will be psychologically ready for the examination and the chances of a sudden hysteria in the doctor’s office will be significantly reduced.

Before the examination, it is not advisable to give your child strong tea, as well as painkillers and antispasmodics that affect the condition of blood vessels.

If the child takes certain vascular agents for health reasons, you should not refuse to take it, but you must warn the doctor before starting the study about what medications your child is receiving, in what dose, and for what reason.

What does it show?

The method shows the tone of the vascular walls of veins and arteries. If the tone is increased, blood supply may be obstructed, which will immediately affect the functioning of the brain and the entire central nervous system.

If there are stenoses (narrowings), varicose veins (dilations) or occlusions, the doctor will definitely report this, since the blood flow speed will be different from the norm. If necessary, the doctor will evaluate the structure of the vessel walls.

Thanks to this, it is possible to identify disorders such as minimal cerebral dysfunction, hypoxia, encephalopathy, and increased intracranial pressure. The method is used to assess the degree of damage in meningitis, hydrocephalus, and after traumatic brain injury.

If an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck is recommended for a child, it is better to have it done. Parental refusal to undergo examination can have a very serious impact Negative consequences: Brain circulation problems get worse over time if the child does not receive treatment.

For information on how Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck is performed, see below.

Ultrasound (including examination of the vessels of the head and neck) is a comfortable and short-term procedure. It does not require being in a dark room or wearing a lot of sensors. Virtually no preparation is required and does not cause immediate or long-term consequences.

Each of the variations of ultrasound (Doppler, duplex and triplex scanning) can be prescribed to children of any age. The primary option for studying blood vessels is ultrasound Dopplerography/Doppler ultrasound.

Application of Doppler

Doppler ultrasound is used in pediatrics no less often and with no less success than in general therapeutic practice. Dopplerography allows you to study the quality of blood flow:

  • along the great vessels of the upper and lower extremities;
  • along the arteries of the circle of Willis, which provide blood supply to the brain, tissues of the head and shoulder girdle;
  • along the aorta;
  • through large vessels supplying blood to internal organs.

Disruption of blood flow caused by a change in the patency (stenosis/occlusion/inflammation/tumor) of any artery or vein leads to a functional or organic change in the organ and system it serves. One of the most common blood flow disorders in childhood affects the arteries and veins that provide blood inflow/outflow to the brain structures, tissues of the neck and shoulder girdle.

In childhood, disruption of blood flow in the vessels of the brain structures, neck and shoulder girdle is often observed

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics of cerebral vessels in children under one year of age

The ultrasound procedure is prescribed to newborns from the first days of life, starting from the maternity hospital. In the maternity hospital, in general, neurosonography is prescribed, which, if indicated, can be supplemented with Doppler ultrasound. Indications for ultrasound examination of children under one year of age are:

  • after an intrauterine infection;
  • difficult childbirth, accompanied by the use of various means of obstetric aid (including vacuum forceps);
  • prematurity;
  • suspicion of ICP;
  • suspicion of abnormalities in the development of arteries (congenital aneurysm, excessive tortuosity);
  • severe intrauterine or postpartum hypoxia (asphyxia);
  • fainting conditions;
  • injuries received during childbirth;
  • suspicion of intracranial hemorrhage;
  • vascular pathologies of an inflammatory nature;
  • overweight and diabetes as risk factors.

In pediatric science, there is an opinion that the procedure for ultrasound diagnostics of arteries and veins of the brain under the age of one year should be performed on all children, regardless of the presence of indications, as a preventive measure to identify severe vascular pathology. Thanks to timely diagnosis, doctors can not only identify, but also begin to correct congenital pathologies of the vascular bed (if possible) as early as possible. There are a number of diseases that are easily corrected before the age of one year, but are difficult to treat after one year. Without timely diagnosis, you can miss a serious pathology, such as developing hydrocephalus or the first signs of cerebral palsy.

For premature babies, ultrasound examination of blood vessels is prescribed first of all.

Doppler measurements of a child’s blood vessels after one year

After the large fontanelle has overgrown, neurosonography cannot be done. But an ultrasound may be necessary for the baby even after one year. Therefore, children undergo Dopplerography of intra- and extranial vessels of the head and neck in combination with duplex scanning (USD) or as an independent technique. A referral for an ultrasound is issued by a neurologist. You can undergo the examination yourself, and after that get a consultation with a doctor, because... deciphering an ultrasound scan can explain little to a non-specialist. The main indications according to which a neurologist issues a referral for ultrasound examination in childhood are the following:

  • headaches of any origin;
  • vestibulopathy;
  • fainting conditions;
  • impairment of one or more cognitive functions (attention, memory, psychomotor skills, speech, counting, thinking, etc.);
  • disturbance of the emotional sphere (irritability, tearfulness, anger, etc.);
  • hypertension (hypertension), diabetes, inflammatory and immunological vascular pathologies;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia, increased sleepiness);
  • restlessness and irritability;
  • paresthesia of the scalp and neck (crawling of goosebumps, foreign objects, etc.).

Any of these signs can serve as a beacon signaling an early stage of cerebral circulation pathology, and their combined manifestation requires immediate intervention. This symptomatology is especially acute at school age, due to an increase in intellectual load and the onset of puberty. Some of these signs may arise as a result of the formation of incorrect posture and early osteochondrosis leading to the development of angiodystonic syndrome in children.

Studies of blood circulation in the arteries and veins of the head can help diagnose VSD, NCD, epilepsy, migraine, residual encephalopathy, logoneurosis, syndrome of impaired higher cortical functions, etc. They also allow you to diagnose a number of forms of hearing and vision impairment.

Most neurological disorders manifest themselves during school years, when the intellectual load on the child increases significantly

Advantages of Dopplerometry

Doppler ultrasound readings of the brain vessels, tissues of the head, shoulder girdle and neck are sent to the ultrasound doctor’s monitor in real time. This allows you to track the condition of a small patient at the time of the study. If venotonics are prescribed, assess the level of their effect after administration.

There are no consequences after the procedure - this method does not involve exposure of the child’s body to x-ray radiation, and there are no traumatic injuries to the skin. The operation of an ultrasound scanner, unlike an MRI machine, is not accompanied by sharp, frightening sounds, and unlike an EEG, it is not accompanied by photostimulation. After ultrasound, there is no increase in the symptoms of the underlying disease. Therefore, to monitor the pathological process over time, it can be prescribed at any frequency necessary for treatment.

Where to do Doppler testing in childhood?

Where can I get an examination of the blood vessels of the brain, tissues of the head, shoulder girdle and neck for children (including up to one year old)? As for adults - in any specialized center. In addition, today in any sufficiently large medical institution where there is an ultrasound device, you can successfully undergo a diagnostic examination.

An additional positive aspect of ultrasound diagnostics is the availability of portable devices. This allows children to be scanned at home.

Where the research is conducted does not matter to the effectiveness. The location does not affect the information content, painlessness and absence of side effects.

Study preparation and procedure

If you are conducting the examination in a medical facility, preparation will be minimal. You need to have a diaper with you (put the baby on the couch), water or milk for the baby and disposable wipes (remove excess gel after the procedure). The baby should not be hungry, thirsty or afraid. To do this, you need to have a conversation with him the day before and explain (preferably in a playful way) that the technique is painless.

You need to warn the baby that the doctor may ask him to roll over, change the position of his neck - these commands must be followed. If a child takes venotonics and drugs that improve brain trophism, it is better to refrain from taking them until the study is carried out.

Ultrasound scanning does not require special preparation. The baby should be calm and not hungry or thirsty.

The procedure is carried out in a lying position, and a gel is applied to the area being examined. Then, using a sensor, the doctor receives a visual and audio reflection of the processes of blood movement through the vessels of the child’s head and neck.

Analysis of the ultrasound results will allow us to draw conclusions about the condition of the vessels of the baby’s head and neck (the tone of the veins and arteries, the presence of occlusions, stenoses, pathological tortuosity, etc.). If an ultrasound scan is performed in combination with a duplex study, it is possible to obtain data not only on the characteristics of blood flow, but also on the architectonics of arteries and veins.