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House plant Dieffenbachia. Is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia at home and why not? Types of Dieffenbachia with photos and names

Latin name: Dieffenbachia

Family: Aroids (Araceae)

Homeland: South and Central America

Interesting information about the spectacular, flexible and successful Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia - a genus consisting of thirty species of picturesque evergreen shrubs and herbaceous rhizomatous plants, belongs to the huge Araceae family.

No one will argue that the Dieffenbachia flower is the most common indoor plant. The presence of this green beauty sets its bright accent in production premises, supermarkets, clinics, kindergartens, and they also perfectly landscape living rooms, verandas, and balconies. And, for sure, every flower lover has had the honor of growing this miracle of indoor flora at home.

Why did this flower attract the attention of amateur gardeners?

The splendor and expressiveness of Dieffenbachia comes from the variegated large leaves of an oblong and symmetrical shape, mounted on thick, succulent stems that resemble tree trunks. The leaves are the highlight of the plant. The unique attractiveness of the foliage, which has no equal in the world of plants, is provided by amazing patterns painted with spots, specks and stripes of different shades from dark green to light, absolutely white. It is almost impossible to see Dieffenbachia flowering at home. Small pale flowers collected in dense bracts - the cobs can only be admired in the wild.

The homeland of the Dieffenbachia plant is the tropical forests of Central and South America, where it is accustomed to shady conditions, but this does not prevent it from being a very light-loving plant.

This beautiful plant was discovered and described in the nineteenth century and named by the famous Austrian naturalist Heinrich Wilhelm Schott in honor of Joseph Dieffenbach, the chief caretaker of the Imperial Botanical Garden at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. And so the Victorian period saw the flourishing of Dieffenbachia, a greenhouse plant. This beauty appeared here and became popular a century later.

The closest relative of Dieffenbachia can be called syngonium And zamioculcas.

Dieffenbachia species and its varieties

Dieffenbachia maculata also called painted dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia picta).

The most common decoration of residential premises, spacious halls, and corridors is Dieffenbachia spotted. It forms one or several large stems, which are decorated with oval, large glossy leaves up to half a meter in length, and the width of these giants is 12 cm. Depending on the variety of diffebachia spotted, the various colors and patterns on the leaves vary. The Dieffenbachia plant grows up to one meter in height.

Dieffenbachia Leopoldii

Costa Rica is considered its native place. The sophisticated and delicate Dieffenbachia Leopolda has a short and succulent five-centimeter stem. Dark green, elliptical in shape, with a light central vein, very beautiful large leaves have a symmetrical arrangement. The leaf sizes reach up to 35 cm in length and up to 15 cm in width. And they are presented on pale green petioles with bright green spots. With good care, the plant will reward you with flowers collected in a spadix up to nine centimeters in size, surrounded by a green-cream spathe up to 17 cm long.

This type of Dieffenbachia can decorate not only a living space, but also improve the landscape of courtyards and cottages.

Dieffenbachia Seguina

She came to us from the tropical rainforests of Brazil. The appearance looks a bit like Dieffenbachia spotted. The only difference is in the shape of the leaf - it is wider and less colored with spots. Blooming Dieffenbachia Seguin is represented by a large twenty-five centimeter cob.

Dieffenbachia amoena

It has become the most common species in home floriculture. Its external parameters resemble Dieffenbachia Seguin, but it has significantly fewer leaves.

The stem of the plant reaches one and a half meters in height. It is decorated with round leaves with a light pattern along the sides, similar to a herringbone. Thanks to this, the lovely Dieffenbachia looks very attractive and will decorate any interior, provided there are no sharp temperature fluctuations and drafts.

Spider mites also like this look. Take care of your lovely beauty.

Dieffenbachia reflector

The most colorful type of Dieffenbachia. The plant has very beautiful, round-shaped, large leaves with pointed ends, dark green with a purple tint. They are covered with bright green or yellowish spots and have a pronounced central vein.

Tropical forests are the most suitable natural conditions for this variety of Dieffenbachia. At home, it requires high humidity and moderate watering. Does not like hypothermia, is not afraid of direct sunlight within reasonable limits.

Similar flower appearance There is arrowroot .

Dieffenbachia bush. Taking Dieffenbachia spotted as a basis, breeders developed various bush varieties and hybrids of the plant. All of them are very beautiful and differ in size, shape and unique patterns of leaf plates.

Representatives of bushy varieties of Dieffenbachia:

Dieffenbachia Camilla

The hardiest bushy variety, very popular in the world of flower lovers. Extraordinary beautiful leaves lanceolate-shaped, white-cream, greenish or light in color, edged with a dark green edging.

Dieffenbachia Compakta

Miniature and neat, bushy variety. Its height does not exceed forty centimeters. The leaves along the central vein are covered with light specks.

Dieffenbachia care at home

Selecting a location and temperature

Light-loving Dieffenbachia needs a place with bright, diffused light, especially variegated varieties. Windows on the northeast or west side may be suitable. Larger specimens are best placed around two meters from a sunny window. In darker areas where the plant lives, it is necessary to use artificial lighting. With a lack of sunlight, the leaves become pale and the stems become elongated. Dieffenbachia turns its leaves towards the sunlight. Such actions are performed by anthurium. Plants must be periodically rotated around their axis to avoid one-sidedness.

Heat-loving Dieffenbachia will feel great in the summer months at a room temperature of 20-28˚C, and in winter the temperature should not fall below 18˚C. Protect the plant from drafts to avoid dropping leaves.

Watering and air humidity

The plant should be watered with plenty of settled soft water. After all, a large amount of moisture intensively evaporates from the large leaves of Dieffenbachia. To replenish it and create a natural microclimate for your tropical queen in the warm months, we water the flower at least three times a week, plus daily spraying. And in cool weather, we reduce watering to once or twice a week. Moreover, we monitor the condition of the soil, one third of which should be dry.

The maximum humidity level for Dieffenbachia can be considered 55%. At low temperature readings, do not spray the plant. Too low humidity can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the flower.

The soil

Transplantation and feeding

Dieffenbachia is replanted as the root system of the pot fills. For young specimens, the place of residence needs to be changed annually, and for older plants once every two or three years. The best time for this procedure would be March or April before active growth. We increase the diameter of the pots for replanting by only one or two centimeters in order to protect the plant from excessive growth of roots instead of intensive growth of the upper part of the plant; the soil in a smaller container will be less acidic. Drainage is required and must correspond to one quarter of the volume of the pot.

Intensive feeding in the spring-summer period with an interval of once every fourteen days of Dieffenbachia will only be beneficial. You can use a universal soluble fertilizer. There is no need to fertilize the plant in winter.

Dieffenbachia reproduction

Propagating the plant is not difficult.

After cutting off the top, place it in water, wait until the roots grow to two centimeters, plant it in a pot and get a new beautiful Dieffenbachia.

We cut the remaining trunk into cuttings 15-20 cm long, always with a dormant bud, dry them and place them in water for rooting. Cuttings can also be rooted in a sand-peat mixture. After the roots appear and small leaves emerge from the dormant bud, sprouts can be planted in separate pots.

Dieffenbachia diseases and pests

The plump trunk and huge leaves of Dieffenbachia can be a place of concentration for various pests - insects. The plant can be affected by spider mites, scale insects, mealybug. Immediately after discovery uninvited guests apply traditional methods fight - soap solution, onion, garlic or lemon infusion. The next stage of the fight will be the use of chemicals Decis, Actellik, Fitoverm, Intaavir according to the instructions.

Dieffenbachia is not difficult to care for, and based on the state of health of the southern beauty, you can immediately determine errors in its maintenance.

Difficulties encountered during cultivation:

  1. Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and also curl from drafts at excessively low temperatures; the plant may also become infected with root rot.
  2. The stem stretches, the leaves turn pale and smaller, the clarity of the pattern changes - the plant does not have enough sunlight.
  3. Rotting of the stem at the base can be caused by overwatering at low temperatures.
  4. The leaves dry out, the tips and edges of the leaf blades acquire a brown tint when the earthen coma is overdried and the air in the room is dry. Spray your dieffnbachia and water it more often.
Dieffenbachia signs

Very often the question arises: can Dieffenbachia be kept at home? There may be two options in this regard. On the one hand, there is an opinion that the plant is a protector from evil and envious people. When they appear in the house, Dieffenbachia can neutralize the influence of negative energy. They also say that Dieffenbachia is considered a strong “husband-killer”. Dieffenbachia absorbs oxygen and should not be left in the bedroom. This is certainly not true. After all, there is scientific evidence that this beautiful plant purifies the air from xylene, formaldehyde and benzene.

From the above, only one thing is clear: every flower lover must decide for himself whether to keep this wonderful plant at home or not.

Dieffenbachia is poisonous or not? Yes. All parts of the plant are toxic.

Take care precautions and everything will be fine. After all, Dieffenbachia is very beautiful and worthy of decorating any room. Jatropha The plant is also poisonous.

Also, if you want to grow Dieffenbachia at home, you should remember that it is poisonous, and you need to carefully monitor your pets and small children. Or even refrain from purchasing Dieffenbachia if there are children and animals in the house. All work on crowning a plant must be carried out wearing protective gloves.

Negative signs and Dieffenbachia.

There are a large number of superstitions associated with the Dieffenbachia plant among the people. Why can't you keep this beauty at home? Maybe because these signs mostly have a negative connotation? Here are some of them.

  • Where Dieffenbachia grows, conflicts and quarrels constantly occur. It is even believed that the plant is fueled by negative energy from quarrels in the family or team.
  • If there is a young girl of marriageable age in the house, the plant turns away candidates for marriage from her, literally drives them out of the house with its mere presence.
  • Why is Dieffenbachia called “muzhegon”, why can’t you keep it at home? According to folk signs, this flower, by its very presence, can drive the legal spouse out of the house. Or even lead to his death.
  • Promotes the development of infertility in women and impotence in men. If you are planning to have children, then it is better to remove the flower from your home.
  • Provokes headache, poor health and ailments. Causes insomnia and increases anxiety. Therefore, it is better not to place a tropical beauty in the bedroom, no matter how tempting such a prospect may look.
  • According to popular rumor, the flower can also worsen the financial situation in the family, up to complete impoverishment.
  • Pets in the house in which Dieffenbachia has settled begin to get sick and soon die. However, this sign has not only mystical grounds. This plant is poisonous. Animals can be poisoned by its juices and die. And here, rather, there is not mysticism, but a certain carelessness of the owners who do not pay enough attention to their pets.

It must also be said that most indoor flowers are poisonous to one degree or another. And in the dark, instead of releasing oxygen, they begin to absorb it. That is why it is better not to keep a large amount of living vegetation in the bedroom.

Useful qualities of Dieffenbachia

The acquisition of this capricious tropical seedling does not always have disastrous consequences. If you properly care for the plant, you can get quite a lot of benefits from it. The main thing is to place it in the right place and take into account all its features.

So, useful properties:

  • Regulation of the microclimate in the apartment. The wide leaves of Dieffenbachia can increase humidity in a dry room. This is especially true for city apartments with central heating.
  • Good news for allergy sufferers - the extensive foliage of this flower can attract dust, purifying the air in the room and significantly reducing the concentration of allergens in the air. For this to work, you need to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every couple of days.
  • This tropical guest also neutralizes the effects of formaldehyde contained in new furniture, varnishes, paints, etc. Therefore, after renovation, this flower can significantly improve and improve the atmosphere in the house.

Flowering and mystical properties

Dieffenbachia blooms quite rarely in our harsh climate. And maybe it's for the better. After all, people tend to believe that the flowering of this plant is a bad omen.

Although practice shows that in order for a plant to bloom, it is enough to comply with a large number of complex conditions related to care, humidity and temperature, not everything is so simple.

Experts in bioenergy believe that the worse the emotional background in a family or team, the better the tropical guest feels. That is why its flowering is considered an indicator of a deterioration in relations and warns owners about impending changes, which will most likely be negative.

Perhaps this belief is also due to the fact that after the plant has flowered, it sheds most of its foliage. This is necessary to ensure that its fruits have enough nutrition and moisture.

But then again, things could turn out to be much more positive. And although this answers the question of why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home, signs can also be interpreted in different ways.

This behavior of a flower can be considered from an energetic point of view as renewal. And you shouldn't be afraid of it. Change is not always bad. But perhaps it’s worth thinking about it, reconsidering your views, relationships and clearing the room of negativity, garbage and stale things, which will harmonize the energy space.

We looked at mystical properties and signs. But it turns out that this tropical beauty is capable of surprising not only with what rumor ascribes to her, but also with real qualities from which one can derive great benefit.


This flower perfectly predicts the weather, changes in humidity and changes in atmospheric pressure. As moisture in the atmosphere increases, drops of water appear on the leaves of Dieffenbachia, looking like tears. This way the leaves get rid of excess moisture. Because of this feature, Dieffenbachia is sometimes called a crying flower.

There is nothing wrong with this; on the contrary, the plants slightly neutralize external changes in atmospheric pressure and moisture in the room in which they are located, which benefits, for example, weather-sensitive people.

Protection against viral epidemics

The tropical beauty contains phytoncides that are actively released into the air and purify it, killing pathogens. Therefore, placing a flower in premises where there are a large number of people is a good prevention of mass seasonal morbidity.

Heads of offices and large companies can take note.

Beneficial energy properties of the plant

We have already found out that the plant does well in an emotionally unstable and conflict-ridden environment. But is it really that bad?

Perhaps the plant, feeding on the unhealthy energy of the house, partially neutralizes it and serves as a kind of shield for the parties to the conflict. The flower can shed its negativity, it will live and prosper, and you will feel better. There is also such an opinion.

Yes, the tropical guest feels good in crowded places, offices and supermarkets, absorbing all the negativity that the crowd gives off. And thus, in a sense, it neutralizes negative emotions.

The correct place for a plant according to Feng Shui

That is why, in the teachings of Feng Shui about harmonizing the space around, flowers are treated quite positively.

But the most important thing is to place the pot with the plant in the right place. In this case, it will become a reliable ally of its owner.

In order for the tropical diva to reveal all its positive properties, it is best to place the flowerpot with it in the northeast of your room. And not in the living area, but in the work area. In a study or office. It is in this case that the flower will reveal all its positive qualities.

Smart placement:

  • Optimizes the microclimate in the office.
  • Helps create an energetic work environment.
  • Will increase the performance of each employee.

Why then do many people think that Dieffenbachia cannot be kept at home? After all, if you put a flower in the bedroom, it will not bring any benefit. The owner will suffer from insomnia, anxiety and other health and mood problems. But the point is not that this is a bad plant, but that it is simply not in the right place.

Perhaps that is why the flower was popularly called “muzhegon”.
Anxiety, irritability and insomnia, of course, contribute to family conflicts and quarrels.

Why is a green pet dangerous, precautions

We’ve sorted out the mysticism; it’s up to everyone to believe in omens or not. But there are also scientifically proven facts about Dieffenbachia, why it cannot be kept at home, which its owners should take into account.

Tropical Guest Presents real danger if safety precautions are not observed when communicating with her.

After manipulations, even if you were wearing gloves, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

That is why the plant is very dangerous in a house where there are children and animals.

A child picking off leaves or playing with a plant can suffer serious harm to health: burns of the palms or even allergic swelling of the mucous membranes.

Animals sniffing and biting the plant can easily die from the poison it contains.

What to do if you do get a burn

A burn from Dieffenbachia leaves is quite dangerous. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you are burned by plant juice and not self-medicate.

In addition to the fact that chemical compounds in the shoots and leaves can damage body tissue, they can also cause a serious allergic reaction with swelling and blisters. Be sure to see a doctor if you have a burn to the eye or mucous membrane. And in case you are allergic.

What needs to be done with the victim before the doctor arrives:

  • Rinse skin burns immediately with running water.
  • Also, to reduce pain, you can spray lidocaine spray on the damaged area or take a pain reliever. But all activities should be carried out with caution, taking into account individual intolerance to substances in the medications.
  • It is best to take some kind of antihistamine as soon as possible after a burn.
  • Sometimes it is advised to give the victim milk or water. This can only be done if swallowing is not difficult. IN otherwise It's better to abstain.
  • The most important thing is to deliver the victim to a medical center as quickly as possible so that professional help becomes available to him.

To start or not

Dieffenbachia for the home - good or bad? To start a flower or not is a difficult question. This capricious beauty is not suitable for everyone, either physically or energetically. Everyone must decide for themselves how comfortable they will be next to such a complex green pet.

To make up your mind, you first need to understand whether you believe in omens. If you believe, it is better not to start one, because such a belief can serve as a self-fulfilling prophecy and have a bad influence on the course of your future life.

If you have children, you need to think a million times and organize safety very carefully. high level. Or don’t risk it and get some less dangerous plant than indoor flower Dieffenbachia.

Whether pet owners can keep animals at home or not is a controversial issue. But it’s better either not to have it, or to place it very high so that your dog, cat or rabbit cannot reach it.

Where to place

The flower is best placed in sunny, large rooms where you most often visit during the day. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight in this place. In the office, in the living room or even in the kitchen, this beauty will be at home.

Why exactly in those rooms where you are during the day? Because all flowers with wide leaves synthesize a lot of oxygen during the daytime and improve your internal microclimate by purifying the air.
Look at the photo. Why do omens and Feng Shui say that definbachia should not be kept at home?

The active release of oxygen is facilitated by the simply huge leaves of the tropical guest.

And it is precisely this quality that plays a bad joke on us at night. At night, plants, on the contrary, begin to absorb a lot of oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Therefore, when you place a flower in your bedroom, get ready for poor sleep, nightmares, insomnia and not feeling particularly cheerful in the morning.

Plant dieffenbachia (lat. Dieffenbachia) belongs to the genus of evergreen plants of the Araceae family, growing in the tropical zone of the American continent. The Dieffenbachia flower was named by Heinrich Wilhelm Schott, an Austrian botanist, in honor of the head gardener of the botanical garden at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Joseph Dieffenbach. There are about 40 species of Dieffenbachia in nature. Indoor Dieffenbachia is characterized by rapid growth - some species can reach a height of two or more meters in five years.

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Planting and caring for Dieffenbachia

  • Bloom: decorative foliage plant.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light for variegated forms, light partial shade for a species with green leaves.
  • Temperature: in summer – 20-30 ˚C, in winter – not lower than 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: abundant in summer, moderate in winter.
  • Air humidity: increased – 65%. Regular spraying of leaves is recommended.
  • Feeding: once every three weeks during the period of active growth with lime-free mineral solutions in a concentration twice as weak as the recommended one.
  • Rest period: from September to March.
  • Transfer: from February to May, when the pot becomes too small for the plant.
  • Reproduction: apical and stem cuttings, air layering and, in rare cases, seeds.
  • Pests: aphids, thrips, scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs.
  • Diseases: bacteriosis, root rot, anthracnose, leaf spot, fusarium, leaf bronzing and mosaic viruses.
  • Properties: The sap of the plant is very poisonous and can cause burns.

Read more about growing Dieffenbachia below.

Dieffenbachia flower - features

A common feature of all Dieffenbachia is a thick, succulent stem bearing large, oval leaves. The Dieffenbachia leaf is an amazing creation of nature, although breeders have made their contribution to the creation of many varieties and hybrids with different leaf colors. The growing point of Dieffenbachia is usually located at the top of the shoot, although there are species in which the dormant points are located at the base of the shoots, and therefore they are capable of bushing. The inflorescence of representatives of this genus, like other Araceae, is in the shape of a spadix, but Dieffenbachia rarely blooms at home. And it is not the flowering of Dieffenbachia that interests flower growers: Dieffenbachia flowers attract the eye with the beauty of their large variegated leaves.

- a unique plant. Get acquainted with a number of features that distinguish the indoor Dieffenbachia flower:

  • Dieffenbachia is poisonous, so pruning and replanting of the plant must be carried out while observing safety precautions;
  • Dieffenbachia grows very quickly - under favorable conditions, it produces a new leaf weekly, but as it grows, its trunk in the lower part becomes bare, the plant loses its decorative effect, and it has to be pruned and then rooted;
  • Dieffenbachia does not tolerate sudden cold spells and drafts at all and loves moisture very much;
  • Dieffenbachia does not tolerate lime, so water for irrigation and spraying must be settled or filtered. You can use rain or boiled water.

These not very attractive properties of Dieffenbachia, however, do not detract from its undeniable advantages, the most important of which is beauty and impressiveness.

Caring for Dieffenbachia at home

How to care for Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia prefers bright, diffused light without direct sunlight, and varieties with variegated leaves need more light than those with solid green leaves, otherwise their original color will fade. The best place for this rather large plant is at a distance of a meter or two from a brightly lit window. You can keep Dieffenbachia not so close to the window, but then you will have to use additional artificial lighting. The temperature in summer is preferably from 20 to 30 ºC, in winter - not lower than 15 ºC, and remember - no drafts, or Dieffenbachia will begin to lose leaves.

Dieffenbachia should be watered generously in the warm season, but the soil in the pot should not resemble liquid mud. In the cold season, watering is accordingly reduced, but the earthen ball should not dry out even in winter. Dieffenbachia requires high air humidity (65%), so spraying and washing the leaves is necessary, and the more often you do this, the better Dieffenbachia will feel.

For watering, wiping, and spraying, you can only use settled or boiled water. Sometimes, however, you can give a plant, if it is small in size, a cold shower, but the water should not get into the ground.

Caring for Dieffenbachia involves seasonal feeding. Dieffenbachia is fertilized, like most other plants, in the spring and summer, applying liquid mineral or organic fertilizers that do not contain lime once a decade in half the recommended dose. By the way, varieties of Dieffenbachia with white leaves lose this varietal property from the nitrogen contained in complex fertilizers, becoming greenish, so they are not fertilized with organic matter, and mineral fertilizers are applied once every 20 days.

How to transplant Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia is transplanted as the roots fill the space of the pot, sometimes you have to do this twice a year, and best time for this procedure the period is from February to May. Choose a pot a couple of centimeters in diameter larger than the old one, put a decent layer of drainage in it and transfer the Dieffenbachia with an earthen lump, but cleared of adhering fragments of the old drainage, into a new pot. Then add the required amount of fresh slightly acidic loose substrate, consisting of two parts of leaf soil, one part of peat, one part of crushed sphagnum and half of river sand.

How to prune Dieffenbachia

Sometimes you have to remove damaged leaves of Dieffenbachia, which cats love to eat, and if the plant grows too quickly, you also need to take some measures. In such cases, Dieffenbachia pruning is used.

First of all, blot the damaged leaf with a napkin so that when cutting the poisonous juice does not splash into your eyes, then use a clean knife or blade treated with alcohol for disinfection, cut off the leaf or part of the trunk. The cut areas should be blotted again with a napkin, which will absorb the juice, and treated with crushed coal. Pruning should be done with gloves, and the remaining parts of the plant can be used for propagation.

Dieffenbachia - harm or benefit?

If on the mucous membrane or skin Dieffenbachia juice gets in, it will cause burning, redness, swelling and temporary numbness, as with local anesthesia. And if, God forbid, it ends up in the stomach, then profuse salivation, vomiting and paralysis of the vocal cords will almost certainly follow, so Dieffenbachia should be kept at home out of the reach of children. If trouble occurs, you should immediately rinse your mouth with plenty of water, take activated charcoal and, just in case, consult a doctor.

In the plant’s homeland, it is considered a weed; it is mercilessly destroyed, making sure that its remains do not end up in livestock feed. It was used to make poison for rodents and insects and used it as a rod to punish slaves, who suffered for a week after the execution. However, indoor Dieffenbachias are much less poisonous than their wild sisters.

On the other hand, Dieffenbachia undoubtedly brings benefits: NASA data shows that this plant, along with ficus and dracaenas, purifies the air of toxins such as formaldehyde, trichloroethane, xylene and benzene. Therefore, at home the best place for Dieffenbachia - your kitchen.

Reproduction of Dieffenbachia

Propagation of Dieffenbachia by apical cuttings

This is the easiest way to dispose of an old plant with a trunk that has become bare from time to time. How to root Dieffenbachia? The cut top, having blotted the poisonous juice on the cut, is placed in water, moss, wet sand or a mixture of sand and peat for rooting. The main thing is to regularly spray the cuttings, protect them from direct sunlight and keep them in moderate heat (21-24 ºC). If you are rooting a cutting in water, allow the roots to grow to 2-3 cm, and then plant it in Dieffenbachia substrate in a permanent pot.

Propagation of Dieffenbachia by stem cuttings

Cut the rest of the plant, that is, the bare trunk sticking out of the pot, into pieces with at least one node in the middle, leaving in the pot only a stump no higher than 10 cm. Dry the cuttings for a day or two, place them horizontally on a damp mixture of peat and sand with the buds facing up, cover film and keep at a temperature of about 25 ºC.

When the parts take root, transplant them to a permanent place in the usual substrate for Dieffenbachia. The stump will also come in handy: leave it in the pot, continue to water it moderately, and after a while a new escape. Wait until it has 2-3 leaves, then cut it and plant it in the soil for rooting. How many nodes remain on the stump, so many new shoots will develop on it.

Many gardeners, having once heard a popular prejudice, have a question: why can’t you keep Dieffenbachia at home? The photo of this plant fully demonstrates how luxurious, beautiful and interesting it fits into the interior of residential premises. It becomes a shame that, due to ordinary superstition, you have to throw away an entire “bush.” And the flower is exactly like it - it grows just as big, with large paw-shaped leaves. But don’t rush to take the plant to the trash heap. Perhaps it brings happiness after all, not sadness.

Description of the plant

Dieffenbachia is a beautiful indoor flower that has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house. Therefore, from the very beginning of the article it is worth asserting: the superstition as to why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home is wrong. The plant is evergreen, attractive in decorative terms, and therefore loved by many gardeners. It can be grown both at home and in the office. Dieffenbachia is generally unpretentious to living conditions and care. But there are still some nuances in this issue.

The flower appeared at the end of the 18th century and was presented to the world by the gardener of the Austrian Imperial Botanical Garden, Joseph Dieffenbach. He, in turn, brought the plant from North America and grew it under artificial conditions. Only after this they began to grow Dieffenbachia at home. It grows wild in North and South America. There are a huge number of species growing there, and almost all of them are poisonous. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home. You can't see the poison in the photo, but it looks like milk. However, if you are careful, nothing bad will happen.

Dieffenbachia has a thick, succulent stem bearing large, oval-shaped leaves. The growing point is at the top of the shoot, but there may also be “dormant” points at the base, which explains the ability of the plant to bush. Since it belongs to the Araceae family, the inflorescences are shaped like cobs. At home it blooms extremely rarely.

Varieties of Dieffenbachia

Breeders have created a huge number of hybrids and varieties of plants with different colors, although it is attractive in itself. There are about 40 types that look great in the interior. They differ in color, shape and height. For example, it can be bush or stem. The second option is tree-like Dieffenbachia, which looks like a tree, and produces lower shoots extremely rarely. The bush species, on the contrary, produces shoots from the ground. And before getting an answer to the question of why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home, let’s look at several of its varieties in the photo:

  • Oersted - the crown has a uniform color. The leaves are green with a wide vein in the center, slightly elongated, and have a pointed shape.
  • Seguina - characterized by oblong leaves. The length of the petioles is equal to the size of the leaves. They are slightly rounded at the base. The stalk is green, has white inclusions in the form of strokes different sizes. Looks like a tree.
  • Bauze - has a long tree-like trunk, grows up to a meter. The leaves are wide, with marble patterns.
  • Spotted - the crown frames the trunk with a chic cascade of leaves. They are variegated and have spots of different shades. Picky about care.
  • Leopolda is a low plant with dark green leaves that may have a purple tint. There is a wide vein in the center. The leaf shape is elliptical.
  • Adorable - not tall, but has large dark green leaves with veins and white stripes.
  • Camilla is a tall plant, growing up to 2 meters. It has oval elongated green leaves with a darker edge.
  • Green Magic is a small, neat plant with short petioles and compact leaves with white stripes.

Features of flower care

In general, the plant is not picky, with the exception of a few of its species. You only need to follow some recommendations related to watering and replanting, and also provide it with constant warmth. After information is received whether it is possible to keep a Dieffenbachia flower at home, and the final decision is made, you will have to visit a specialized store to buy a wide pot and a special substrate for it. In general, planting is carried out in the same way as almost any other color. It is only recommended to make drainage at the bottom of the pot. Now about how to care for the plant.

Temperature for growth

A temperature of 20-22 degrees is considered comfortable. If it is over 30, you need to increase the humidity in the room. In winter, it is recommended to organize 16-18 degrees for Dieffenbachia. Humidity should be monitored constantly, as she loves this kind of air. There is nothing complicated about this - regularly add water to the pan.

Watering and fertilizing

The soil must be constantly moist. You need to water often, but in small portions. In summer every 2 days, and in winter once a week is enough. It is necessary to feed throughout the year, since the flower is always active. In summer it is recommended to fertilize once every 2 weeks, and in winter - every month and a half.

Plant transplantation and propagation

It is important to know that Dieffenbachia has a large root system, so it needs a pot much wider than itself. To make the flower comfortable, it is necessary to replant it regularly, avoiding crowding. When replanting, you need to look through the roots and remove rotten roots. Transplantation is carried out every year in the spring. The process of reproduction is also simple. It is possible at the top and stem.

Growing problems, as well as possible diseases and pests

Whether it is possible to keep an indoor Dieffenbachia flower at home should concern plant lovers no more than possible problems with its cultivation. The most common is yellowing of the leaves. It occurs with excessive watering, poor lighting, sunburn and because of hard water. And leaves can dry out due to lack of heat or lack of humidity. Therefore, if one of these problems occurs, predisposing factors should be eliminated, and Dieffenbachia will continue to delight the eye with its beauty.

If you do not follow the rules of care, even this unpretentious plant may die. First of all, due to fungal infection. The most common diseases of Dieffenbachia are anthracosis and fusarium. They affect the root system of the plant. To save the flower, you need to remove the infected parts and treat the roots with fungicides. The presence of the disease can be indicated by yellowing, drying or “wetting” of the leaves, as well as the appearance of uncharacteristic spots.

Why can't you keep Dieffenbachia at home? Photo of a flower and prejudices associated with it

First, let me tell you that Dieffenbachia is a poisonous plant. If we leave prejudices and superstitions aside, this fact alone is enough to get rid of the flower. Especially if there are children and animals in the house. The milky sap that the plant secretes when a leaf breaks or the trunk is damaged is extremely poisonous. It causes severe skin irritation, but is especially dangerous for mucous membranes. If milky juice gets into the eyes, it threatens a person with loss of vision. Swelling of the tongue and loss of speech are also possible.

By the way, to prove this there is one very interesting fact, which will probably definitely make you wonder whether you can keep Dieffenbachia at home - the photo shows a cute and attractive flower. It says that slaves who had been guilty for a long time, namely those who talked a lot and not on business, were obliged to bite the stem of the plant. Naturally, severe swelling of the tongue and larynx occurred, and people were then unable to speak for a long time. Surely after such punishment, even when speech returned, they preferred to remain silent for a long time.

There is also a popular superstition associated with this flower. It explains why you should not keep Dieffenbachia at home. In the photo - “mozhegon”. But there seems to be a logical explanation for this prejudice. It is believed that Dieffenbachia has a negative effect on male potency. And if there is such a flower in the house, then the married couple will not be able to have children for a long time. In this regard, it is often called the flower of “widow”, “old maid” and “celibacy”. In addition to the fact that Dieffenbachia allegedly negatively affects male potency, it also repels the stronger sex with its energy. That's why they leave home.

Knowing the obvious disadvantages of Dieffenbachia, is it possible to keep it at home or is it better to throw it away?

You shouldn’t get hung up on popular beliefs, but it’s important to assess the possible harm caused by the plant due to its toxicity. If there are small children in the house, as well as animals, especially cats, it is better not to take risks. Or put the plant in a place where neither the baby nor the kitten can reach it. In general, to completely protect the most defenseless family members.

Useful qualities of Dieffenbachia

You can't talk only about bad things. Now about when the question of whether it is possible to keep an indoor Dieffenbachia flower at home should be answered - yes!

  • Dieffenbachia is an aesthetically attractive plant that will decorate any interior and make it more “alive”.
  • Dieffenbachia helps filter, purify and humidify the air in the room.
  • Dieffenbachia disinfects the air, reducing the number of pathogenic microorganisms in its composition.
  • Dieffenbachia improves chemical composition air.

These are the positive properties of the plant that every person needs to know. There is already so much negativity in the world, so why not learn to see the good in everything, not the bad.

A very popular houseplant that grows wild in South America is called Dieffenbachia. It was named in honor of I.F. Dieffenbach, a botanist from Germany, and it belongs to the aroid family.

Its variegated leaves of a fairly large size look quite impressive. And they are located on stems similar to the trunks of small trees, which are quite thick and succulent. The growth rate of this plant is quite high and it looks more than impressive, which is why it is often used to decorate insulated balconies, living rooms, warm verandas and so on.

Dieffenbachia has enough poisonous juice, released when the stem or leaves are damaged. If it ends up on the mucous membranes (nose, mouth, eyes), it can cause a significant burn. Because of this significant feature, the plant It is not recommended to place in rooms where there are small children.

Growing this plant is very simple, and even a person who is just learning the basics of floriculture can easily cope with this task. The thing is that it does not require care and is unpretentious. However, it is worth considering that if there is an excess of moisture in the soil, the stem may begin to rot.

The peculiarity of this plant is that it grows from the top, while the leaves below gradually die off. In this regard, it will soon enough look like a broom on a stick or a tree and not a trace will remain of the spectacular rather lush bush. Its trunk can grow up to several meters in height, but despite its thickness, it is quite fragile. Therefore, it may happen that it simply breaks due to a strong shock or under its own weight. However, there is nothing wrong with that. This is a completely natural process for Dieffenbachia. All you need to do is cut off the top part and then root it. You can also cut the stem into pieces and root them. As a result, you will have many young plants of this species.

However, there are species capable of bushing. They have dormant buds on the trunk, and sometimes it happens that they awaken, and thanks to this new shoots are formed.

Dieffenbachia flowering- This is enough a rare event, if it grows at home. However, thanks to artificial pollination, it can also produce fruits. If this plant suits environment and caring for it, the flowers bloom on it every year. After it starts the process of the flower drying out, it should be removed. The fact is that seeds begin to form in it, and this process takes a lot of energy from the plant.

As mentioned above, Dieffenbachia grows wild in South America, namely in tropical forests, where it is very warm and humid. In this regard, these plants are very light- and heat-loving. And they tolerate drafts very poorly.

It feels great on a bright window, but it is worth considering that Dieffenbachia does not like direct rays of the sun. If the open balcony is located on the south side, then this plant should not be placed there for the summer.

In the event that it does not get enough light, its stem will stretch out in the shortest possible time and become very brittle and very thin, and only a few leaves will show off at the top.

When the plant begins to actively grow, it should be watered abundantly. However, in winter time Watering needs to be significantly reduced. The soil should not be over-moistened. Watering is carried out only after the soil has dried at least a couple of centimeters deep. To check, you can use a special soil moisture meter or check with your finger.

What should the humidity be?

The humidity in the room where this plant is located should be quite high. The thing is that in the homeland of Dieffenbachia there is always high air humidity. In this regard, the leaves should be sprayed as often as possible with plain clean water, and this is especially true in winter, when the air is greatly dried out by heating devices and radiators. A sign that the air humidity is lower than necessary is dry edges of the leaves.

The room must be at least 17 degrees. It should be remembered that in the autumn-winter period, when it becomes very cold outside, you should under no circumstances open the windows.

In order for the plant to grow and develop well, it must be planted in. To do this, you will need to make the following earth mixture: turf soil + sand + peat soil + leaf soil, they are taken in a ratio of 4: 1: 1: 1. Don't forget about drainage. It is also quite possible to add brick chips or charcoal to the soil.

Features of feeding

When Dieffenbachia begins to actively grow, it should be fed quite often, or rather once every 14 days. Complex fertilizer is excellent for this. This plant also reacts extremely positively to fertilizing with nitrogen-containing organic matter.

Most often, propagation of this unusually beautiful plant is carried out by apical stem cuttings. For rooting, you can use sand, water or a mixture of 1 part peat with 1 part sand. You will need Kornevin. The bottom of the cutting should be soaked in it before rooting. It is advisable to cover the top with a transparent glass jar or film. For the cuttings, you should choose a place where it is light and warm enough, but it is worth taking into account that direct rays of the sun do not fall on the leaves. The soil should be constantly slightly moistened (not wet). Once every 7 days, when watering, you should put a drug in the water that promotes rapid rooting, for example, Zircon, Ecogel, Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Kornerost. As a result, roots will appear much faster. To speed up rooting, it is necessary to spray the cuttings as often as possible, and you must ensure that the substrate is at least 21–23 degrees. It is highly undesirable to place the plant on a cold windowsill.

In the case when the cutting takes root in water and its roots already reach at least 3 centimeters in length, feel free to plant the plant in the soil. If sand is used instead of water, then the cuttings should be fed with mineral fertilizer, or rather, a weak solution of it (a quarter of the prescribed dose will be enough). Transplantation should be done only after the roots have grown very well. It is necessary to replant carefully along with a lump of substrate so as not to disrupt the integrity of the root system.

Dieffenbachia also reproduces quite well from stem pieces. To do this, it should be cut into cuttings, the length of which will be approximately 10–20 centimeters and they should have 3–4 internodes. Before planting, they should be dried for 24–48 hours. Don’t forget to sprinkle the cuts with charcoal or sulfur. Then they must be placed in the substrate (they must be in a horizontal position) and lightly pressed into the ground so that it covers ½ of the cuttings.

You shouldn't count on quick results. The formation of roots, and even more so shoots, occurs extremely slowly, and this can take from several weeks to 6 months. In the case when the shoots do not appear for a very long time, but the cutting itself does not rot, it should continue to be watered moderately. The fact is that the rooting process has already begun. After some time, you will see that a bud has appeared near the soil. And a leaf will already begin to grow from it, and at this time it is important to pour very little soil at the base of the shoot. After the plant becomes much stronger, it should be replanted. However, do not forget that under no circumstances should you remove the old trunk, otherwise the plant will begin to rot. An old Dieffenbachia whose top and trunk have been cut off should not be thrown away. If you leave at least 3 internodes on the stump, then very soon new shoots with leaves will begin to grow.

The plant can also be propagated using seeds. But to get them, you will need to pollinate the flowers manually. The plant's spadix contains both male flowers (at the top) and female flowers (at the very bottom). Female flowers are always covered with the lower part of the coverlet. You will need to carefully cut the spathe (the cut should be longitudinal), take pollen from the same inflorescence with a brush and carefully introduce it into the flower. Then use regular tape to seal the cut.

Flowering continues for several days. Then the flower fades, but does not fall off for a very long time. If you did everything correctly and the flower is pollinated, then orange or red berries should appear in its place, but you just need to remember that they are poisonous. The fruit will ripen in about six months. This can be understood when its shells wrinkle. After removing the seeds, they should be sown immediately, and it is best to use chopped sphagnum moss as a substrate.

Transplantation is carried out in the spring months and only if necessary. A mixture of sand, peat, leaf soil and humus is prepared in advance. Or you can take universal soil for fruit and leafy plants. Take a larger pot than the previous one, and deepen the stem during replanting. This will encourage the growth of new roots.

You should carefully remove the earthen lump from the old pot. Inspect the roots carefully. If they are absolutely healthy, then they can be placed in a pot along with the old soil. Don't forget about the drainage layer. To do this, pour a little expanded clay onto the bottom. Then you will need to add a small amount of fresh soil and add it to the sides of the plant, compacting it a little. It is worth considering that the soil must be moistened (not wet) during replanting. Very often, damaged roots rot. When watering, add a rooting-improving drug of your choice to the water (Kornerost, Heteroauxin, Kornevin, Zircon).

If there are rotten roots, they should be carefully removed during replanting, after shaking off the soil. Sprinkle the sections with powder made from activated carbon. You can wait until they dry. After this, the plant can be planted in a new pot.

Dieffenbachia may appear (there is a cobweb on the stems and leaves), a false scale insect or (the appearance of brown plaques with sticky secretions), and also a mealy mite (a cotton wool-like white fluff appears).

Dilute Actellik, taking 1–2 grams of the product per liter of water, and treat the plant with it. A soap solution and warm washing are also suitable.

A very common disease among Dieffenbachia is rot. And it occurs due to abundant watering. When the plant begins to wither, leaves fall off, and the soil does not dry out even with infrequent watering, this is a reason to check the root system for rot. Remove soil and then rot from damaged roots. Sprinkle the sections with activated carbon powder (cinnamon or potassium manganese).

Spill the new soil with a small amount of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Reduce the number of waterings, and they should be done only after the top layer of soil has dried a couple of centimeters.

Types of Dieffenbachia with photos and names

Variegated or painted (Dieffenbachia picta)

This is one of the most popular species in home floriculture. Many people like it for its large dimensions. Mature plants easily grow to a height of 2 meters. These plants seem to have just come out of a photograph of a tropical forest. Effect and greenery of the plant: bright green leaves, shaped like an oval, are decorated with an intricate pattern of stripes and white spots. Their leaf blade is long - about 40 cm or more, and wide - 15 cm.

Spotted or painted (Dieffenbachia maculata)

This variety is not far behind the painted Dieffenbachia in popularity. It differs from it in height - it is shorter, its height does not exceed a meter. It's attractive ornamental plant, which will bring bright exotic colors to any room, be it a room or an office. Its spreading oblong leaves, slightly pointed at the tips, reach a length of 45–50 cm, and their width is no more than 13 cm. An asymmetrical pattern adorns their surface: on a green background (it can be dark or light), many white leaves are scattered in a chaotic manner and yellow spots, and more than a dozen lateral veins.

Leopold's (Dieffenbachia leipoldii Bull)

A rather rare variety in amateur floriculture, it comes from the Costa Rican jungle and has a unique exotic appearance. A distinctive feature of Leopolda is its very short (5 cm) and thick (2 cm) trunk. The wide, elliptical leaves are dark green, with a white midrib that stands out. The petioles are so short that they are difficult to see, pale green, with purple spots.

Lovely or pleasant (Dieffenbachia amoena)

Another species that is extremely unpretentious when kept at home. Unlike its more demanding relatives, it withstands a lack of humidity, so its attractiveness will not suffer at all in winter when the heating is on. It is enough just to make sure that the soil does not dry out. Flower growers also like it for its height - up to 1.5 meters, and wide - up to 60 cm dark green leaves, which are riddled with veins with white stripes.

Seguina (Dieffenbachia seguina)

It is very similar to spotted dieffenbachia, but differs from it in having wider leaves on shortened petioles and fewer lateral veins (from 9 to 12 cm). This is a bush species that managed to take an active part in selection. For example, Seguina became the parent of the spectacular and widespread variety Green Magic, the leaf blade of which is painted a uniform dark green color with a sharply prominent white vein in the middle.

Oersted (Dieffenbachia oerstedii)

A species with large green leaves. They have a pointed shape, with a clearly visible vein in the middle of the leaf blade. Its length is usually about 35 cm.

Magnificent (Dieffenbachia magnifica)

Another variegated Dieffenbachia, decorated with white dots, which are found both on the leaves themselves and on the petioles. It looks very beautiful, so the second name of the species is Royal (Rex).

An attractive variegated species that differs from other indoor Dieffenbachias in its unusually large leaves, the length of which is proper care and creating suitable conditions reaches 70–80 cm. This is a record among these plants grown at home. The color of the leaf blade is dark green with small light spots.

Bause (Dieffenbachia bausei)

This species is valued for its high aesthetic qualities. Relatively small leaves, not exceeding 40 cm, green in color with a yellowish tint. They are decorated with snow-white and dark spots.