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Why are message bads needed? Dietary supplements - biologically active additives. If you have cosmetic problems: hair grows poorly, nails are brittle, special dietary supplements will help

Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that it is possible to prevent many diseases, reduce the risk of their occurrence, avoid relapses of chronic diseases, and normalize metabolic processes in the body only on the basis of balanced diet , which must include biologically active food additives.

But our diet is notbalanced, and the lack of many important substances occurs due to a limited range of products or our taste preferences.

For example, in modern Russia Scientists constantly document iodine deficiency in the body of the majority of the population. It is well known that insufficient iodine intake from water and food is a cause of thyroid dysfunction.Dietary supplements, as an additional source of iodine, are simply irreplaceable in this case

Unfortunately, there are a lot of “myths” and outright “speculations” in the media around dietary supplements. Popular publications either scare readers by declaring that all this is “chemistry” that can lead to “pollution” of the body, or, on the contrary, they praise the extraordinary properties of these additives as a panacea for the most terrible diseases and the “elixir of youth” that humanity has dreamed of for many thousands of years! Let's figure it out calmly.

What are dietary supplements and why do you need to add something to your food?

First, you need to give a clear definition of what a dietary supplement is: is it an additional food, a medicine, or something else? - It is a food additive that complements nutrition. (Many people confuse that “dietary supplements” equal “vitamins”).

You need to understand what your dietary supplements are aimed at: for weight loss, compensation for vitamin deficiencies, boosting immunity, etc. How do the components of dietary supplements combine with each other?

This is very important points. We need to create an information field that will allow our dietary supplement manufacturing companies and experts to competently tell the public about them.

Can dietary supplements replace medications (tablets)? - Not really... They have very different tasks!

Dietary supplements are not medications and cannot replace them - at least in their “medical function” - to treat diseases.

Dietary supplements are an intermediate sector between food and medicine.

Yes, dietary supplements have a certain place in therapy.
During the period of rehabilitation treatment and prevention, for example. It is known that preventing stroke is not very expensive. And treatment costs about 20 thousand dollars. If people care about their health, they need to start taking biologically active substances even when there is no pathology.

But it is impossible to “cure the disease” with dietary supplements. Although every person, with the help of dietary supplements, has the opportunity to try to prevent the onset of the disease and support their body.
But still, this is not exactly a product for medical use.

Regenerative medicine - YES, prevention - YES. But not treating the disease when it has already developed - NO! Dietary supplements contain substances in doses in which they cannot have a pharmacological effect, like strong drugs. They just have a DIFFERENT task. (Well, you don’t take medicine every day, do you?!)

Dietary supplements are concentrates of natural food and biologically active substances isolated from food raw materials of animal, marine, mineral origin, food or medicinal plants, or obtained by chemical synthesis (synthesized substances identical to natural analogues). (This is by no means a “placebo”!)

The body is not always able to synthesize these essential nutritional and biologically active substances, so we must include them in our diet every day. IN otherwise develops, and over time their deficiency increases, the body weakens and cannot withstand adverse factors environment. As a result, performance deteriorates and the aging process intensifies. Long-term deficiency of these substances in the body can lead to serious illnesses and, in the worst case, death.

Throughout its history, humanity has lost hundreds of millions of lives from scurvy. A person who is sick with it has a decreased performance, then develops bleeding gums, skin bruises appear from the slightest mechanical impact, then general bleeding begins, teeth fall out, and ultimately painful death occurs.

And the cause of this disease is a deficiency in human food of a simple, easily synthesized compound - ascorbic acid or, more simply, vitamin C. The human body is not capable of synthesizing this vitamin, so it must be obtained from food or in the form of ready-made vitamin preparations. Today, vitamin C deficiency is observed in the population of all regions of Russia. And this is just one example demonstrating the importance of vitamins in human life.

The level of nutrients in our body is greatly influenced by negative factors in our lives. Here are some examples of external factors that increase the need for certain vitamins and elements:

Stress increases the body's need for vitamins B and C;

Air pollution in urban areas requires the consumption of sufficient amounts of vitamin E and other antioxidants;

People working in rooms with artificial lighting suffer from a lack of vitamin D and poor absorption of calcium, which leads to osteoporosis;

Our food is contaminated with radionuclides and pesticides, which “displace” the microelements necessary for the body (calcium, potassium, etc.);

Prolonged heat treatment of food destroys vitamins A, B, C, E;

Constant consumption of large quantities of coffee and tea reduces the synthesis of vitamins and the extraction of minerals from food;

Excess alcohol negatively affects the absorption of vitamins in the body;

Smoking, “active” and “passive”, requires large quantities of vitamins C, E and beta-carotene;

Exercising increases the need for vitamins B and C, and sedentary lifestyle life leads to metabolic disorders - obesity and early aging.

However, one should not think that one should start taking dietary supplements and vitamins only when “something is already sick...” This is not correct.

Health is the most precious thing we have!!!

Practically healthy people for:

Preservation and maintenance of health;

Improving the functions of organs and body systems;

Eliminate micronutrient deficiencies;

Reducing the risk of various diseases;

Cleansing the body of waste and toxins;

Rejuvenation and life extension.

People suffering from various diseases need dietary supplements:

For the same reasons as healthy people

PLUS as an important component in the dietary therapy of these diseases.

Today, more than 15 vitamins and more than 20 minerals are known - microelements that the body needs in milligrams or even thousandths of a milligram. But a person cannot live completely without them. For example, with a deficiency of iodine in food, goiter develops; with a deficiency of selenium, myocardial dystrophy or tumors develop.

We remember again catchphrase Hippocrates "Man is what he eats." Nutrition is not only a state or medical problem, it is a problem for each of us. Most of the 600 micronutrients are absolutely essential, are not synthesized in the human body, and are present in food in very small quantities.

Fortunately, in our time, thanks to high special technologies, irreplaceable, nutritionally deficient They have learned to isolate human nutrients and biologically active substances from various sources, concentrate them in tablets, capsules, powders, extracts, elixirs, etc. This is a dietary supplement.

They can be added to various food products, for example, dry drinks, etc. And the release of additives in the form of pharmaceutical forms allows them to be recommended not for general nutrition of the population, but for specific groups of people, children, elderly people, women or men at a certain age or physiological condition. A dietary supplement is not only a concentrate of substances useful and necessary for humans, but also, figuratively speaking,concentrate the most modern knowledge and technology.

It is extremely important to know and remember that dietary supplements are only food additives. They cannot replace medications, but are excellent dietary aids in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, as well as their prevention.

Therefore, dietary supplements should, like any other quality food, be present in the daily diet of every person!

TWENTY-FOUR reasons to take vitamins, Dietary Supplements (BAS) and Health Cocktails.

Reason 1. ALCOHOL.

New Year, birthday, March 8th, feasts, holidays... Alcohol has bad influence for the presence and absorption of most nutrients. (Dietary supplements eliminate this imbalance. But we should not forget about the need to abstain from excessive alcohol consumption!)


Coffee... tea... soups... meat broth... salt... spices... vinegar... Can lead to disruption of water-salt metabolism, leading to a deterioration in the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food. What subsequently affects your skeletal bones, ligaments, cartilage, joints, muscles, nervous system, kidneys, endocrine system, genitourinary system.

Reason 3. READY TO EAT PRODUCTS, fast food (“fast food”)

Foods loaded with refined carbohydrates (sugar and glucose). White flour, white bread and white rice significantly increases the need for B-vitamins.

Such foods are overloaded with fat and protein. Contains an insignificant amount of vitamins and minerals, enzymes and other useful substances we need every day.

Each cell of the human body requires a daily intake of 600 to 650 nutrients - micronutrients. Our diet should contain approximately 32 different foods: bread, meat, fish, milk, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, vegetable oils, etc. Food largely determines a person’s health and life expectancy.

Systematic epidemiological studies conducted by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in various regions of Russia over the past few years indicate that the nutritional structure of the population is largely defective and the nutritional status has significant deviations from the formula of a balanced diet, primarily in terms of the level of consumption of micronutrients - vitamins, minerals, especially microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, many organic compounds of plant origin, which are of great importance in the regulation of metabolic processes and the function of individual organs and systems.

1. Excessive consumption of animal fats.

2. Deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

3. Deficiency of complete (animal) proteins.

4. Vitamin deficiency:

Ascorbic acid

Thiamine (B1)

Riboflavin (B2)

Folic acid

Retinol (A) and beta carotene

Tocopherol (E), etc.

5. Deficiency of macroelements: calcium, etc.

6. Deficiency of microelements: selenium, iodine, fluorine, zinc, iron

7. Dietary fiber deficiency.

OVERPROCESSING FOOD, long-term cooking or overheating of meat and vegetables lead to the oxidation and destruction of such thermally unstable vitamins: A, -group B, C and E. Frozen and then “heated” food loses most of the vitamins, enzymes and other useful substances. The use of preservatives, dyes, and flavor enhancers in food is not beneficial.


Smoke, city smog, car exhaust, etc. seriously depletes or completely suppresses vitamins C, E and beta-carotene.


Even if you eat good food- ineffective digestion limits the body's absorption of vitamins.

Reason 6. INJURIES.

Physical damage to the skin and bones increases the need for zinc, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B, and other nutrients involved in cell repair.

Reason 7. LAXATIVES.

abuse of harmful synthetic laxatives can lead to poor absorption of vitamins and minerals from food, as the time the food spends in the gastrointestinal tract decreases.


Necessary for the destruction of dangerous bacteria, antibiotics, at the same time, destroy beneficial bacteria intestines, synthesizing substances such as vitamin K and folacin. Antibiotics also cause a decrease in vitamin B levels. Therefore, taking vitamin B supplements during antibiotic treatment is not advisable because vitamin B neutralizes their therapeutic effects.

If people care about their health, they need to start taking biologically active substances even when there is no pathology.

Reason 9. STRESS.

Chemical, physical or emotional stress increases the body's need for vitamins. B, and C. Air pollution increases the need for vitamin E.


Long-term intensive exploitation of soils, the use of fertilizers and chemicals lead to the depletion of odors of trace elements in soils. Most soils today contain virtually no vitamins and minerals, so these essential elements are also absent from plants.


A vegetarian diet that excludes meat and other animal products must be carefully planned to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency. The consequence of such a deficiency is pernicious anemia.

Reason 12. FOOD ALLERGY.

Individual allergies lead to the exclusion of certain food groups from the diet. This in turn leads to the loss of important sources such as thiamine, riboflavin and calcium.


Our diet should contain approximately 32 different foods: bread, meat, fish, liver, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, vegetable oils, etc.

But how can you maintain your figure? The question is very difficult. On the one hand, we understand that in order to be gracefully slim and beautiful we need to eat less, on the other hand, it is well known that in the diet modern man There is a catastrophic lack of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, microelements, dietary fiber, and therefore you need to eat more. Needless to say - two mutually exclusive recommendations! On one side of the scale is BEAUTY, on the other is HEALTH. So should you eat well or not?!

Some people eat very little HEALTHY products, and NOT just because they are on a diet, for example, to lose weight. Studies have shown that the average person receives 7560 kJ per day... However, this level is maintained through a diet low in thiamine, calcium and iron. People eat little fresh meat, fish, seafood, fruits and greens... they eat a lot - fast food, frozen and “heated” food, white bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar, etc.

By the way, one of the reasons for malnutrition (among others) is...

Reason 14. ECONOMIC reason - eating well is "too EXPENSIVE" for many people.

The economic aspect of dietary supplement consumption is also important. Of course, a high-quality product, backed by scientific developments, made from certified raw materials, cannot cost less than a certain amount. And yet the use of dietary supplements makes economic sense. After all, in order to get the required amount of microelements and vitamins from food, you will need to eat a set of products that will cost much more. For example, the daily requirement of vitamin C is contained in 2 kg of apples, vitamin A - in 1.5 kg of carrots, potassium and magnesium - in 2 kg of bananas. And the point is not even the price of the products, but the fact that it is impossible to satisfy the daily need for biologically active substances in this way. Even the most correct diet of normal caloric content is deficient by at least 20 - 30% in most vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, etc.

If these are products that have undergone long-term storage, transportation, canning, heat treatment, then the content of vitamins and minerals in them tends to zero, and these are the products we mostly use for 9 months a year. For example, when storing fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator for three days, up to 30% of vitamin C is lost.

During heat treatment of foods, 25 to 100% of vitamins and minerals are lost. And in dietary supplements these substances are much more preserved than even in fresh products from the garden.


Despite the fact that the body is able to store some vitamins (for example: A and E), studies by Canadian scientists have shown that almost 30% of people have reserves of vitamin A “at risk.” Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, mucous membranes and good vision.

Some vitamins and substances (for example, vitamin C) do not accumulate in the body. In other words, we need these substances constantly - with daily food intake.

Reason 16. LACK OF SUN (and we live in a climate where there are not many sunny days a year).

People who rarely spend time in the sun may be deficient in vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium metabolism. Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets and osteoporosis (thinning of the bones).


To support accelerated physical, biochemical and emotional development, a balanced and nutritious diet is necessary.

Reason 18. SPORTS.

Athletes consume large amounts of food and experience significant stress. These factors increase the need for B vitamins, vitamin C and, especially, iron.


Weaken absorption folic acid and increase the need for vitamins, B6 and C, zinc and riboflavin.


According to research, taking vitamin B6 helps 60% of PMS sufferers.

Reason 21. PREGNANCY.

causes an increase in nutritional requirements in order to ensure the normal development of the child and not deplete the mother’s body. During this period, the mother’s body experiences a particularly acute deficiency of almost all nutrients. According to statistics, 85% of pregnant women have conditions of vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, etc. And the result? According to the Ministry of Health, more than 70% of women experience pregnancy problems. If mom has avoided nutritional deficiencies throughout her pregnancy, the reward will be much greater. healthy child, because it is in the first trimester of pregnancy that organs are laid and developed, and in recent months Pregnancy builds the child's immunity for life. Under no circumstances should this moment be missed.

Reason 22. RADIATION

Microdoses of radiation exposure from the environment and food negatively affect most physiological processes in the human body and the absorption of necessary substances.

(This is especially true for residents of “dirty” areas, big cities, people working in such production, and even people working with household appliances, computers, etc.)

Reason 23. AGE-related changes and OLD AGE.

Older people tend to have low levels of vitamins and minerals (especially iron, calcium and zinc).


When you feel great, look great, are active, full of energy, etc. You can recommend people's favorite products. Take care of yourself - take care of your loved ones! They also need good products.

CONCLUSION: throughout a person’s life there are ENOUGH reasons to start and continue to take vitamins, dietary supplements, to maintain health, wellness, healthy sleep, etc. By replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in your body, you act not on the symptoms, but on the very cause of the disease. By replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in your body, you act not on the symptoms, but on the very cause of the disease..

Nature has provided our body with perfect cleaning and protection systems. Biologically active substances (vitamins, minerals, etc.) are responsible for the performance of these systems. If the body experiences their deficiency, the protective (immune) systems will be inactive. And as a result, pollution and oxidative processes, which underlie almost ALL known diseases, will inevitably begin to increase. (Stomach ulcer and hypertension, prostatitis and osteoporosis, heart attack and other diseases are a direct or indirect consequence CONSTANT shortage biologically active substances.

By replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in your body, you act not on the symptoms, but on the very cause of the problem.

Once in the body, the capsule with dietary supplements dissolves and 100% natural biologically active substances are absorbed into the blood, from which they are carried throughout the body. They strengthen and activate immune systems, and the body immediately begins to fight the damage. This is a “treatment” by replenishing the body’s deficiency of those substances that it naturally should have, but which are missing. Leading scientists of the world call this direction the most promising in medicine of the 21st century. You will feel the results of the dietary supplement gradually as you solve problems.

Start reception natural products should be taken in small doses, as if testing the body’s reaction to a specific product. After 2 - 3 days, the dose can be gradually increased to the recommended one. What is this recommendation based on? This is a completely natural feature of the body, which needs time to adapt to new products. Remember, have you ever had to suddenly change your eating style (for example, on business trips, tourist trips, etc.)? Even with the best quality food, you probably experienced discomfort in the first few days. Similar symptoms can be observed when starting to use dietary supplements. But this phenomenon should not be feared, because we are not talking about a deterioration of the condition, but only about restructuring the body to better-quality CELLULAR nutrition.

Also, while taking natural dietary supplements, it is recommended to observe a physiological drinking regime, unless there are special contraindications:

Adults - at least 2 liters of fluid per day

For children - according to age.

Why is it important? When the body, with the help of dietary supplements, replenishes the deficiency of vital nutrients, all organs and systems are strengthened. The first thing the body does is strive to cleanse itself of poisons, waste and toxins. If at this moment your body does not experience a shortage of fluid, the cleansing will take place as quickly and comfortably as possible, because water is the conductor with which naturally harmful substances are removed.

Is it possible to get vitamins and minerals from natural products?

By definition, dietary supplements are food additives, not food substitutes.

Of course, you can replenish the missing vitamins and minerals through your diet, which these days should contain more than 600 different substances (nutrients). But how REAL is this? The first question is, for example, to provide our body with the daily requirement of calcium, we need to eat 10 kg of meat or 3 kg of carrots, to provide the body with vitamin C - we need to eat 2 kg of apples or 3 lemons.

The second issue is the quality of the products themselves. Perhaps someone could replenish the necessary substances in this way, but given the “naturalness” of today’s products, there is almost no hope of getting the required result. Therefore, modern people need to search for additional sources of vitamins and microelements.

And here biologically active food additives (BAA) come to the rescue. But dietary supplements are not a panacea; this should also be remembered. That is, for example, when taking a dietary supplement that contains blueberry extract, you should not expect the complete disappearance of vision problems. But, if you work a lot at the computer or often sit in front of the TV, your visual apparatus will definitely be under strain. Therefore, if you take 2-3 tablets of blueberry extract or eat a glass of this berry every day, this will help maintain the normal functioning of the visual apparatus.

Or, for example, dietary supplements that are used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. If you do not take dietary supplements, you need to structure your diet in such a way as to balance it in content vegetable oils, and reduce the amount of saturated fat. Or you can take a complex of fully balanced polyunsaturated fatty acids. Prevention, as is known, best treatment. Experts recommend taking dietary supplements to reduce the risk of developing diseases, especially for those people who need it.

Think about it and be healthy! (Lessons by Vladislav Dinapoli)

Series of messages " ":
Dietary supplements appeared in our lives for a reason. This is a kind of alternative to those products that are poor in nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 7 -
Part 8 -

What are dietary supplements for and what are they, why and what dietary supplements can you take? How do dietary supplements act on the body? Today, more and more people are interested in these issues. To maintain health, it is important not just to have a balanced diet, but also to get enough vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other essential substances from food. Without all these components, called micronutrients, which we require in very small quantities - from micrograms to 1-2 grams per day - the human body cannot fully function.

Deteriorating ecology, active use of chemistry in agriculture and livestock farming, mass production technologies and long-term storage food products have led to the fact that modern food no longer contains all the components necessary for life. In addition, food storage conditions at enterprises retail are not always observed; a product that is repeatedly frozen and thawed loses vitamins.

The diet of modern man has been restructured towards greater consumption of processed and refined foods, excess amounts of carbohydrates, white flour products, and low-quality fats.

During deep processing, all the most valuable things are removed from food: vitamins, micronutrients, fiber. And the food instant cooking, processed foods and fast food are just empty calories. Such a diet not only does not provide us with everything we need, but also causes hypovitaminosis and an imbalance of intestinal microflora.

Even if we consume a large amount of fruits, vegetables and herbs, we still will not receive the required amount of biologically active substances. The very quality of the products has changed. Most fruits and vegetables in stores are shipped from afar, often from abroad. During this time, they lose most of their valuable substances. They look very beautiful, however, for example, the iron content in apples is last decades decreased by almost 90%, the content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus - by tens of percent.

It is necessary to distinguish between dietary supplements and nutritional supplements.

Food additives are added to foods to give them certain properties. These are preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, thickeners and others. The labels are marked with the letter “E” with numbers. Dietary supplements (dietary supplements) are concentrates of natural biologically active substances intended for direct intake or addition to food in order to enrich the diet with individual biologically active substances or their complexes.

The BIOMEDICINE company has been offering natural health products TM Astrum for more than 20 years: vitamins, minerals, microelements. This is a dietary supplement produced by World Wide Nutriceutical, USA. All products are made on the basis of natural raw materials of plant and mineral origin while maintaining the natural ratio of components, which is very important, and in full compliance with international GMP standards. The plant materials used are organic products (organic products), grown without the use of any chemicals, using organic fertilizers.

Astrum's product range includes more than 40 items that meet the widest range of needs of people who care about their health. Astrum dietary supplements are produced according to highest technology, with precise dosage of components, are free of side effects and do not cause allergic reactions. Such additives are not harmful, but only bring health.

Dietary supplements, unlike medications, can be taken for a long time. The quality control of the best modern dietary supplements is even more stringent than the quality control of medications.

Dietary supplements are divided into nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and probiotics.

Nutraceuticals– these are additional nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), vitamins and microelements that increase the nutritional value of the diet.

Parapharmaceuticals, or “near-medicinal” substances have no nutritional value. Unlike drugs, they have a physiological rather than pharmachologic effect. They are obtained from natural raw materials, including medicinal plants.

Probiotics– drugs isolated from the group of parapharmaceuticals, including beneficial living microorganisms, or their metabolites (waste products), normalizing the composition of intestinal microflora and intestinal motility.
The quality of food is generally assessed by the content of nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. IN last years The labels of some products began to indicate the content of vitamins, although this often does not correspond to reality, since during transportation and storage the content of valuable substances is significantly reduced.

Meanwhile, about 600 types of macro- and micronutrients are necessary for human health, and their daily lack of supply shortens our lives. They have great importance to maintain health, regulate all life processes, and give birth to normal children. Pregnant women and children, the elderly, and athletes especially need sufficient amounts of nutrients. And if at least one of them is missing, disruptions occur in the chains of biochemical reactions, and with a systematic deficiency, a disease develops.

The country has been living in a state of vitamin-mineral deficiency for 120 years! This is 6 generations of people. And the shortage of essential substances in products is growing.

We experience a year-round deficiency of vitamins, and not only in the winter-spring period, as is commonly believed. Synthetic vitamins cannot replace natural ones in their action and, basically, are simply excreted from the body. It has been established that modern food products contain only about 10% of valuable substances compared to products 100-150 years ago. This is a very alarming statistic and the problem has become global.

In addition, as we age, our body's ability to absorb nutrients declines.

Zinc (Z) deficiency in the body reduces immunity and the functioning of the nervous system and brain.

Long-term magnesium (Mg) deficiency leads to deterioration of heart function, which can result in a heart attack or stroke.

A lack of coenzyme (Q10) leads to a decrease in the level of ATP in the body, as a result of which a person loses strength. Unfortunately, foods containing coenzyme Q10 are high in fat and cholesterol, so they are contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases. However, it is these people who primarily need coenzyme Q10.

Lack of calcium (Ca) leads to decreased density bone tissue and, as a consequence, to increased fragility of skeletal bones. The initial symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body are manifested in the detrimental effect of this deficiency on nervous system. A lack of calcium in children can lead to poor posture (scoliosis) and the development of flat feet.

Omega-3 fatty acids - extremely beneficial for maintaining health omega-3 PUFAs, which “protect” the heart and blood vessels, nerves and eyes, joints and skin. To maintain vascular health for many years and reduce the risk of vascular accidents, you need to enrich your diet with omega-3 PUFAs every day.

B vitamins are necessary for mental and emotional stress - they reduce fatigue, increase performance, help resist stress, depression, and insomnia. Every day they are necessary for proper metabolism and energy production. Affects vision, improves the structure of skin, nails and hair.

Protein is the main “building material” for the cells of the body. With its deficiency, the processes of decay begin to prevail over the processes of synthesis, which means that the muscles, like the entire body, do not recover, fatigue and weakness accumulate, and immunity decreases. To avoid such developments, you need to meet your daily requirement for complete proteins.

Antioxidant vitamins (A, C, E) protect cell membranes from the negative effects of aggressive radicals, increase the body’s resistance to infections and adverse environmental factors, are necessary for the normal functioning of joints, ligaments, heart, blood vessels...

The pace of life is very high and requires increased consumption of vitamins, microelements and other valuable substances. Stress, a common cold, not to mention other diseases, dramatically increase the consumption of these substances. Unfortunately, not all medical professionals understand the problem of micronutrient deficiency, prescribing medications to the patient and believing that everything else can be obtained from food. The approach to nutrition is gradually changing, but it must change radically.

Micronutrients are included in dietary supplements to compensate for nutritional deficiencies of the entire spectrum of valuable substances. These are, first of all, vitamins, mineral components (minerals), macro- and microelements (more than 20 elements) and another 25 classes of natural substances (the most famous of them are phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, bioflavonoids, carotenoids).

The slagging of the body has become a natural result modern nutrition. Dietary supplements allow you to effectively and painlessly cleanse the intestines and the entire body of waste and toxins.

Dietary supplements restore enzyme activity and give energy to cells, strengthen defenses, regulate and support work internal organs, reduce the risk of many diseases, including such serious ones as stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, cataracts.

Dietary supplements are a means not only to maintain health, but also to restore it. The use of dietary supplements in parallel with medicines, including for removing them side effects and improving the quality of action. At the same time, biologically active substances, unlike drugs, do not act on external manifestations - symptoms, but on the causes of pathological processes. Supplements are also used during the rehabilitation period after treatment of diseases and operations. After chemotherapy courses, it is very useful to take antioxidant dietary supplements.

One of the main tasks of dietary supplements is disease prevention. Dietary supplements can and should be used for preventive purposes after treatment with antibiotics.

What is the way out of this situation?

This is the intake of biologically active food additives - dietary supplements, which is actively and has long been practiced in developed countries. For a modern, very busy person, it is more convenient to obtain the necessary substances in the form of concentrated products, and such products are dietary supplements, where one capsule weighing only 1 gram contains almost everything necessary to maintain and, most importantly, restore health. Our body is a powerful self-healing system that works without failures only with a sufficient amount of natural vitamins and minerals.

In Japan, more than 90% of the population takes dietary supplements, the average life expectancy is 84 years; in the USA, 80% of people take dietary supplements, life expectancy is 79 years; in Europe - 50%, life expectancy is more than 75 years. In Russia, only 5% of the population uses dietary supplements, the average life expectancy is 69 years.

Previously, it was almost good manners to criticize dietary supplements. Now the need to take dietary supplements and their benefits are recognized throughout the world, and there is no doubt even among the most conservative representatives of medical science. Scientific research leading scientists, repeatedly confirmed clinically, show the effectiveness of dietary supplements.

Today in our world it is no longer possible to stay healthy without adding biologically active substances to your diet. TM Astrum dietary supplements are produced using high-tech, energy-saving technologies, with precise dosages of components. Everyone needs to take dietary supplements: children, expectant mothers, the elderly, athletes, healthy people. Dietary supplements are a mandatory addition to our nutrient-depleted food.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing dietary supplements:

Made from high quality natural ingredients confirmed by relevant international certificates;
produced using modern technologies;
balanced in composition;
dietary supplements must be complex;
with its own unique recipe, eliminating incompatibility of components;
effective and safe.

Dietary supplements TM Astrum meet all the above requirements.

Vitamins and probiotics sold in pharmacies are also considered dietary supplements, however, their quality is often not high. These are, for example, synthetic rather than natural vitamins, which are mainly simply excreted from the body. In high-quality modern dietary supplements, vitamins and microelements are natural and are in a form that is bioavailable and natural for human absorption.

Now more and more people are beginning to understand the benefits of dietary supplements and the need to take them. If the necessary substances are lacking in foods and there is nowhere to get them, then you just need to supplement the food with dietary supplements. The components of dietary supplements are food components, not medicinal substances.

Nowadays, to balanced diet we need to include biologically active supplements as a mandatory addition to our food, which is depleted of nutrients. Nowadays dietary supplements are available to the general population; it is necessary to realize the importance of using them as nutritional components.

Correct and regular use of dietary supplements will allow you to restore and normalize the most important physiological processes in the body, and feel additional energy and happiness in a healthy life.

The question “Are dietary supplements necessary?” has a clear answer: dietary supplements are the future of preventive and dietary nutrition.

To answer this question, it is necessary to touch upon the history of the creation of dietary supplements, which goes back hundreds of years. Let us remember that the main purpose of using dietary supplements is to enrich the diet. Therefore, the first dietary supplements appeared in human nutrition long before the term itself arose. Since ancient times, man has constantly enriched his food diet, mastering new food Natural resources, introduced various products of plant and animal origin into the diet, using them primarily as a source of food. However, the inclusion of certain nutrients in the diet of different peoples of the world is associated not only with immediate nutritional needs.

A person began to notice that some food substances have the ability to influence his health, have a stimulating, calming or healing effect.

Many of these products, having high biological activity, began to be used by humans as medicines. One of the first food products, which had biological activity, were fermented drinks and decoctions, which people began to use as stimulants of physiological activity. Subsequently, they became common food products such as wine, beer, tea, coffee and others.

In the diet of many peoples of the world, one can find products that from time immemorial have been used not only as ordinary sources of food, but also as a means of treating and preventing diseases. Therefore, it is hardly possible to draw a clear line between foods like " building material"and a source of energy for the body and a therapeutic agent that supports the stable functioning of the body. Doctors in ancient times understood this well and looked for the path to health in food.

We all remember the catchphrase of Hippocrates: “Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food,” meaning by this that food of a certain composition can have a healing effect. Another conclusion follows from this: unreasonable use of food can be harmful to health. But even now we do not always understand that even ordinary human food has the ability to heal. And although modern medicine uses the term " therapeutic nutrition" and "diet therapy", however, medical science does not classify nutrition as pharmacological agents.

Medical nutrition is not classified as a treatment method or treatment technology that uses pharmacological drugs.

When considering the history of dietary supplements, it is necessary to remember that the first generation of nutritional supplements were created only as a means of replenishing nutritional deficiencies. Subsequently, as technologies for the isolation and purification of nutrients developed, second-generation dietary supplements appeared.

They could contain and concentrate almost any components present in various products of animal or plant origin to a level that matched or exceeded the average daily intake of these substances from food. As a result, dietary supplements have become capable of solving not only the problems of replenishing the deficiency of missing nutritional components and correcting (correcting) nutrition, but also other problems. There is an opportunity to optimize nutrition.

Dietary supplements began to solve the problems of healthy nutrition (prevention), as well as provide a therapeutic effect.

This became possible due to the fact that the dietary supplement included such substances and in such quantities that could exhibit noticeable biological and pharmacological activity.

It is well known that many, if not all, components of the normal diet have certain biological and, therefore, pharmacological activity, influencing various biological processes in the body. The question of the benefits or harm of food substrates and their biological activity always lies in the amount of these substances.

It is known that a nutritional deficiency (deficiency) of many macro- and micronutrients, mainly irreplaceable (essential) - substances not synthesized in the body, can lead to disorganization of metabolic processes in the body, illness or even death. However, an excess of these undoubtedly beneficial substances is also harmful. If contained in excess, any beneficial food components (proteins, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, microelements, etc.) can change or inhibit metabolic processes and exhibit toxicity.

It is known that irrational nutrition, not only deficient, but also excessive or unbalanced in composition and ratio of substances, can lead to pathology or accelerate the development of various diseases.

On the contrary, the optimal diet for a given person or a modified diet (increasing or decreasing the content of certain components) can become a fairly powerful healing factor. Considering the possibility of using dietary supplements with medicinal purposes, modern classification involves dividing them into two main classes: nutraceuticals - substances that have predominantly nutritional value, and parapharmaceuticals (now they are called bioregulators) - substances that have a certain regulatory effect. The names of these two classes of dietary supplements may change, but this does not change the essence of the matter.

All the same, there will be differences between these two main classes of dietary supplements, both in terms of the goals and objectives of their use, and in the degree of biological - therapeutic and preventive effects on the body.

Everyone is well aware of the important role of vitamins and minerals for optimal functioning of the body, but most are mistaken in believing that they receive the entire range of necessary nutritional components from food from their daily diet. For example, in order to get the daily requirement of vitamin A and calcium, you need to eat tens of kilograms of pumpkin or several kilograms of cottage cheese. A lot, isn't it? I will not try to convince those who believe that they do not need additional nutritional supplements, to each their own. For those who understand the importance of this issue, dietary supplements come to the rescue.

How long can you live without dietary supplements?

In Japan, the average life expectancy is 82 years, and this country ranks first in this indicator. Not surprising, since 90% of Japanese people add dietary supplements to their diet. In Russia, the percentage of people using biological supplements is only 5%, and the life expectancy of Russians is almost ten years shorter - a sad statistic. But in our stores and markets the shelves are filled with very beautiful products, but, unfortunately, they all do not have the proper taste, and I don’t want to talk about their composition at all.

Dietary supplements have been used in our family’s diet for more than 20 years. We understand that now there is more harmful than healthy in our food. Therefore, we try to eat a balanced diet, and they help us with this. If you add dietary supplements to your diet, you will give your body a better chance of functioning normally, help activate the body's internal reserves, and generally prolong your life. , the easiest and safest way to get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Now you know why dietary supplements are needed and, if you want to get more full information about the use of dietary supplements, in particular, about how effectively you can lose weight with their help, then

We tell you what dietary supplements are and what benefits they can bring to our body.

Everyone knows that the human body requires vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to function properly. But not every person receives the entire range of important components from food every day, because for this you always need to eat a balanced diet. Some vitamins are difficult to obtain in proper quantities from natural products. For example, it is almost impossible to eat 10 kg of carrots or 5 kg of cottage cheese per day, but this is the amount of the listed products that contains the daily requirement of vitamin A and calcium. In this case, dietary supplements* come to the rescue.

How did dietary supplements* appear and why? The history of the emergence of biological additives stretches back to ancient times, when humanity only learned and medicinal properties some plants. Over time, knowledge about beneficial properties herbs and natural minerals have only expanded, the practice of different peoples has been passed down from generation to generation, thanks to which today we have a rich selection of numerous biological supplements of plant and animal origin to maintain the healthy and proper function of the human body.

Dietary supplement* is a biologically active food supplement presented in the form of tablets, capsules, chewable lozenges or powder for preparing a drink. Dietary supplement* is a set of microelements that complement the human diet.

IN different countries Dietary supplements* are very popular around the world. In countries with high level they have become an integral part of life healthy image people's lives. In Japan, for example, where the average human life expectancy is 82 years, about 90% of residents supplement their diet biological additives to food. In the USA, the same figure is 80% of the total population, in European countries – about 65%. In Russia, according to statistics for 2015, approximately 5% of the total population regularly take dietary supplements. The reason for this is the lack of a clear understanding of exactly what benefits the consumption of such supplements will bring.

Unfortunately, store shelves are filled with visually attractive, but minimally useful products. Fruits and vegetables may look like they were just picked from the garden, but they will taste little different from plastic theater props. About the content useful vitamins in such products it’s not even worth talking about. That is why it is worth thinking about an additional source of vitamins, especially in winter time. After all, this method of obtaining a full spectrum of vitamins actually turns out to be the simplest and safest.

Interesting: As a result of studies conducted by nutritionists, it was revealed that in the diet of Russians there is a significant deficiency of proteins, vitamin C, folic acid and vitamins B1, B2, B6, semi-saturated fatty acids and micronutrients, while carbohydrates and fats, on the contrary, are in excess. For 80% of the population in the northern regions of the country, the problem of vitamin D deficiency, which regulates especially important processes body.

Most people living in a metropolis often experience an acute deficiency of various vitamins and nutrients, for example, a lack of B vitamins leads to frequent stress, nervous disorders, depression, iodine deficiency leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland and of cardio-vascular system, iron deficiency leads to anemia or anemia, general weakness, and loss of strength. People who play sports need more vitamins B and C, as well as vitamin P, which are not enough in our usual foods. The complete absence or deficiency of any element can lead to serious consequences, so it is so necessary to maintain the overall tone and health of the body to eat properly and, if necessary, enrich your diet with additional substances. Unfortunately, even an increase in the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed does not guarantee an increase in vitamins and nutrients entering the body, since with prolonged heat treatment, chemical fertilizers soil when growing crops, vitamins such as A, B, C and E are lost.

Important: Dietary supplements* are not medicine and do not replace food. First of all, it can be a complex of dietary fiber or extracts of medicinal plants, polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acids. Dietary supplements help activate the body's internal reserves due to their composition rich in vitamins and minerals.

In order to contact an individual consultant who will create a nutrition plan for you and select dietary supplements that are suitable for you, follow the link:

* is not medicine January 20, 2017, 14:16 2017-01-20