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Darnitsky bread in a bread machine: composition and recipe. How to cook Darnitsa bread in a bread machine? Recipe: Darnitsky bread - in a bread maker Recipe for making Darnitsky bread in a bread maker

Darnitsky bread in a bread machine

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For once, I got normal, tasty rye bread!

The source for the recipe is listed at the end of the post. My photos. I have adjusted the recipe quite a bit.

In essence, this is a regular rye bread recipe. And the unusualness is in the method of preparation. More on this below.


Rye flour - 325 gr.

Wheat flour - 225 gr.

Malt - 4 tbsp. (40 g)

Honey - 2 tbsp.

Salt - 1.5 tsp.

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Cumin - 1 tbsp.

Yeast - 2 tsp.

Water, boiling water for brewing malt - 80 ml.

Water - 330 ml (including 1 tbsp vinegar).

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the malt and let cool.

Place all the dry ingredients in a bread machine bucket, add the brewed malt and add water, vinegar and oil.

The bread maker needs your help when kneading dough. Take a plastic or wooden narrow spatula.

We turn on the “Gluten Free” mode, the bread machine will immediately start stirring, after a couple of minutes, we help clean up the flour from the corners of the bucket to the general lump until the dough takes up all the flour.

After starting the program, we mark one hour, after which we turn off the “Gluten Free” mode and immediately turn on the “Baking” mode for an hour and a half. After this time, the bread is ready

My comments. The peculiarity of cooking, as you noticed, is that kneading begins immediately and lasts longer than when kneading in the “Rye” mode. You need to help with a spatula until the bun has absorbed all the flour. Baking lasts an hour and a half! When I made bread for the first time, I was afraid that it would burn. It didn't burn. Baked normally.

Vinegar must be added in order to adjust the viscosity of the dough.

To taste... well, not quite Darnitsa. Something between Darnitsky and Borodinsky. But the bread is great!

Enjoy your meal!


It so happened that I have never baked such nostalgic and popular varieties of bread as Darnitsky and Orlovsky among many bakers.
The appearance of a bread machine, albeit temporarily, prompted me to correct this situation, especially since adapting a traditional Gost recipe for a bread machine is a fascinating activity.

Having some experience with the Panasonic SD-255 bread machine, I confidently thought that I could adapt such simple recipes just once or twice.
However, no, I had to do a lot of test baking before getting bread that can already be called Darnitsky and Orlovsky. I will discuss this briefly below.

Darnitsky bread (GOST 26983-86).


300 g – peeled flour;
- 200 g – flour 1c;
- 0.25 g – instant yeast;
- 7 g. – salt;

- 135 g – water;
- 110 g – peeled flour.

Dough (1-1.5 hours at 28-31C to acidity 7-8.5 degrees):

275 g – sourdough (all);
- 175 g – peeled flour;
- 200 g – flour 1c;
- 7 g. – salt;
- 0.25 g – instant yeast;
- 200 g - water according to calculation, my flour took 220 grams.

SEQUENCE and duration of the PROGRAMS used:

  1. “Dumplings” - kneading dough. 20 minutes.

  2. “RYE”, “Dough” mode – dough fermentation. 120 minutes.

  3. PAUSE, 30 minutes, is necessary for proofing before turning on the "BAKING" mode.

  4. "BAKING" - baking bread. 90 minutes.

TOTAL(without taking into account the time for sourdough maturation) – 4 hours 20 minutes

Orlovsky bread (GOST 2077-84).

RECIPE for one loaf weighing 700 grams:

350 g – peeled flour;
- 150 g. – psh. flour 2s;
- 7.5 g – salt;
- 0.05 g – instant yeast;
- 30 g – starch molasses (light)

Sourdough (125 g flour, 150 g water, overnight at room temperature):

30 g – mature sourdough with peeled flour, ow. 100%;
- 135 g – water;
- 110 g – peeled flour.

Dough (1.5 – 1.7 hours at 30C to acidity 7-8 degrees):

275 g – sourdough (all);
- 225 g – peeled flour;
- 150 g – flour 2c;
- 7.5 g – salt;
- 0.05 g – instant yeast;
- 30 g – starch syrup
- 240 g. - water according to calculation, my Altai flour 2c took 240 grams.

If you put 15 grams of sugar instead of molasses, you will get Podmoskovnye bread.

The modes and programs are exactly the same as for Darnitsky bread.

In general, these breads are very close, the difference is in the type of wheat flour used (in Darnitskoye 1s, in Orlovskoye - 2nd), and in Orlovskoye molasses is added. That is why the color of the crumb is slightly different (in the title photo Darnitsky, lighter, on the left) and the color of the loaves,
here Darnitsky is also on the left:


The starter for these breads is the same and contains 25% of the total flour in the recipe. For ease of use in the bread machine, I used liquid sourdough. During the night of fermentation, the starter increases greatly in volume,
Don't go wrong with the size of the container! My 0.75 liter plastic container was filled to the top with starter:

Structure of mature sourdough:

Before putting it into the bread machine bowl, add all the water according to the recipe to the starter and mix:

And you can now load the bowl:

I have learned from experience that the oven cannot cope with such bread on its own. What I mean?

When kneading, there are always unkneaded areas with flour. This must be corrected in manual mode using a silicone spatula when kneading.
The dough is kneaded in the “Dumplings” mode for 20 minutes. It’s right around the 7-9th minute that you need to provide this help.

After kneading the dough, the shape it takes on the machine is completely unacceptable. And this is where intervention is needed. In this case, at the stage of the “RYE” program in the “DOUGH” mode, which lasts 2 hours,
1 hour 10 minutes after the start of the program, when kneading of the dough ends, which takes 5 minutes, you need to form a loaf by hand with a spatula.
Here is the dough for Darnitsky 50 minutes before the end of the Rye Dough program and after hand shaping:

And this is the dough for Orlovsky:

This is the same after a 30-minute pause before turning on the “BAKING” program:

I tried to bake bread 30% larger, i.e. loaf weighing 1 kg. Here is a kilogram Darnitsky compared to a 700-gram Orlovsky. Despite the fact that it seems very light, even half-baked, the crumb is still baked.
Therefore, for those who want large bread, I can safely recommend it for baking, but you need to increase the amount of each ingredient by 30%.

What I didn't like about this whole process was the artificial 30-minute pause between programs before baking. In order to eliminate it, I tried to run the bread through an accelerated cycle - using a starter made from 40% flour from the entire recipe.

The amount of leaven using this method has increased even more, and to ferment it I have already used a 2-liter container, and this is for one bread!:

And using this method, the bread turned out to be quite decent, but except for one factor - increasing the leaven content in the dough did not give the expected reduction in proofing time, the bread turned out over and over again with a torn crust:

So I accepted the need to take a break before baking and went back to the 25% flour version.

Well, the options for baking these breads in the oven are beautifully described by Mikhail (

Darnitsky bread is one of the most popular and favorite varieties, which perfectly complements first courses, as well as dishes of meat, fish, and vegetables. This type of bread is extremely good for sandwiches because, thanks to its slightly sour taste, it goes very harmoniously with butter. In addition, this bread is very healthy, because it contains rye flour, rich in vitamins (in particular B vitamins) and microelements. It is from rye bread that lysine, an amino acid necessary for the human body, is absorbed. This type of bread contains fiber, which ensures good digestion. Of course, Darnitsa bread can be bought in a store, but everyone knows that there is nothing tastier than homemade bread. If you have a bread machine at your disposal, our Darnitsa bread recipe for the Mulinex bread machine will help you please your loved ones with delicious aromatic pastries at any time.

First of all, check if you have all the necessary products. You will need:

  • water - 230 ml;
  • vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil) - two tablespoons;
  • buckwheat honey - a tablespoon;
  • salt - one and a half teaspoons;
  • dry yeast - one and a half teaspoons;
  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • rye flour - 150 g.

The process of making Darnitsa bread

In order for our recipe not to let you down, you need to take into account some subtleties. First of all, the water should be slightly warmer than room temperature. Pour water, vegetable oil and honey into a baking container, add salt (which should be distributed evenly!), add pre-sifted flour in a heap (both types of flour must be mixed). Make a small depression in the mound of flour and add dry yeast. Now you can close the lid and select the desired mode - basic or for baking rye products. The baking time will be from 3 hours to 3 hours 30 minutes, the weight of your loaf is 0.75 kg. The crust should be medium. After the baking process is completed, remove the bread from the pan and let it “rest” under a linen napkin.

It should be noted that some ingredients in our Darnitsa bread recipe for the Mulinex bread machine can be replaced with analogues without much damage to the quality of the baked goods. The recipe for this bread contains a small amount of honey. It provides the bread with its characteristic aroma and golden color. In addition, honey allows the bread to remain soft longer. However, instead of buckwheat honey, you can easily use flower or linden honey, and instead of olive oil, you can take refined sunflower or other odorless vegetable oil. The main thing is that the products you use are fresh and of high quality, then your bread will be one of the favorites in your home.

In Russia, “Darnitsky” bread is considered one of the most popular varieties. This flour product is gray-brownish or gray-cream in color, has a bright, rich aroma and excellent taste with a characteristic sourness.

The technology for preparing this “rye” bread was developed in 1933 at the Leningrad bakery No. 11, which was popularly called “Darnitsa”. This is where the name of this beloved bread comes from. It was baked in an oval or round hearth shape, weighing from 0.5 to 1.25 kg. To this day, many customers prefer to buy this type of dark bread because of its excellent taste characteristics and delicious aroma. In this article we will share several excellent recipes and tell you how to cook “Darnitsky” bread in a bread machine. If you prefer to eat healthy homemade baked goods, be sure to follow our tips and try making this delicious baked product.

Fragrant and delicious bread for your table. The benefits of rye baking

Real "Darnitsky" bread has a lot of useful properties. The fact is that half of it consists of rye flour, which contains valuable substances. Among other things, it is a supplier of an essential amino acid (lysine), which is not synthesized in the human body and is vital for the construction of any protein cells.

Rye flour also contains valuable fiber, vitamins E, A, B, as well as minerals - zinc and manganese. It is also important that rye flour is rich in iron, magnesium and potassium. That is why regular consumption of “Darnitsky” bread allows you to improve your well-being, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and normalize metabolism. This baked product is also useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it cleanses the intestines, removes waste and toxins. Unfortunately, all these beneficial properties are retained in Darnitsky bread during the first 36 hours after baking. Therefore, it is advisable to consume it as soon as possible after purchase. This problem is easy to solve - bake rye bread at home. This way you will be sure that it is fresh, high quality and 100% healthy!

We bake Darnitsa bread. Composition of the product

This bakery product is made from a mixture of first-grade wheat flour, peeled rye flour, as well as salt and pressed yeast. At bakeries, real Darnitsky bread is baked (recipe according to GOST 26983-86) as follows. To prepare two loaves weighing 750 g, take 90 g of thick sourdough, 150 g of water, 220 g of peeled rye flour. First, knead the dough, put it in a warm place (26-28°C) for 3 or 4 hours, and then prepare the dough. To do this, use about 570 g of ready-made dough, 270 g of peeled rye and 400 g of wheat flour (first grade). Be sure to add 5 g of pressed yeast, 350 ml of water and 15 g of fine salt to the dough. After which it is kneaded by hand for about 10 minutes and left alone for an hour or an hour and a half in a warm place (28°C). Next, the dough is formed into a loaf and placed in a pre-greased pan. Leave the workpiece for another hour to proof, maintaining a temperature of 27°C. Then brush the bread with water and bake at 240°C for 45 minutes. The result is a delicious baked product with a beautiful crust.

Let's learn how to cook "Darnitsky" bread on our own. The simplest recipe

If you wish, you can learn how to bake excellent rye bread, which is in no way inferior to “store-bought” bread. It is especially easy to prepare any flour products in a bread machine. This device greatly simplifies the entire baking process. If you have a bread machine, be sure to try baking homemade “Darnitsky” bread. The recipe that we will offer you is somewhat different from the traditional method of making bread using dough. But baked goods prepared using it turn out incredibly tasty and aromatic. And most importantly, this recipe is very easy to follow.

So, to bake homemade “Darnitsky” bread you will need to prepare some ingredients, including:

  • water - 300 ml;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • wheat flour - 260 g;
  • rye flour - 150 g;
  • buckwheat honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp.

We bake "Darnitsky" bread in a bread machine. How to do this correctly?

Let's start preparing homemade bread by measuring the required amount of water. Dissolve one tablespoon of honey in it. Remember, water should be used at room temperature. Buckwheat honey allows us to add a special aroma and subtle taste to our wheat-rye dough. Next, add olive oil to the water. Pour the resulting mixture into the bread maker bucket. Now comes the dry ingredients. Measure out the required amount of rye and wheat flour. We sift it and mix it, and then put it in a heap into the prepared water-honey solution. Make a hole in the flour with a spoon and place the dry yeast in it. Add salt. We put the bucket in the bread maker. Select the main mode and bake. The result is this magnificent homemade “Darnitsky” bread. Serve it to the table, cutting it into portions. Bon appetit!

An interesting modification of the traditional recipe for "Darnitsky" bread

The baked product made using this technology is more fluffy, soft and incomparable in taste. To prepare it you will need carbonated mineral water - 300 ml, chicken egg - 1 pc. olive oil - 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour - 260 g, rye flour - 160 g. You will also need salt - 1.5 tsp. wine vinegar - 1 tsp. and, of course, yeast - 1.5 tsp. We recommend using premium wheat flour, for example, Makfa. How to prepare Darnitsky bread correctly? The recipe is as follows: all liquid ingredients are poured into a bread machine bucket, including the egg white. Leave the yolk for greasing the product. Then the dry ingredients are added to the dough, with the yeast added last. "Darnitsky" bread is baked in a bread machine for 4 hours. An hour before ready, brush the dough with beaten yolk. The end result is a delicious, very aromatic and tasty homemade bread with a beautiful brown crust.

Original "Darnitsky" bread with caraway seeds

The baked goods prepared according to this recipe have a bright, slightly sour taste and rich “malt” aroma. We advise you to try making this homemade “Darnitsky” bread at least once. For this you will need: rye flour - 300 g, wheat flour - 200 g, brown sugar - 2 tbsp. l. malt - 3.5 tbsp. l. You will also need salt - 1.5 tsp. olive (or any other vegetable) oil - 2 tbsp. l. cumin - 1 tbsp. l. yeast - 1.5 tbsp. l. and water - 400 ml. The technology for baking bread is as follows. First, prepare the dough: pour 100 ml of boiling water over the malt and leave it alone for a while. At this time, all the dry ingredients are placed in the bread machine bucket. Remember, rye and wheat flour must be sifted first. After cooling, the brewed malt is added to the remaining ingredients. And then water and vegetable oil are poured into the bucket. Now you can start kneading. Turn the appliance to Gluten Free mode, take a spatula and begin to gently stir the ingredients. The procedure should be performed within 3 minutes. After an hour, turn off the Gluten Free setting and leave the dough to rise. After this, set the “Baking” mode for 1 hour 40 minutes. After the allotted time, your bread will be ready! Bon appetit!

Wheat-rye bread with sunflower seeds

If you want to pamper your household with very tasty and healthy “dark” bread, try preparing it according to the following recipe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • first grade wheat flour - 280 g;
  • rye flour - 320 g;
  • kvass - 300 ml;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • seeds - 100 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp.

Technology for preparing flour products

So, let's prepare delicious "Darnitsky" bread. The recipe is as follows: first we process the seeds - lightly fry them in a frying pan and peel them. Let's dilute the kvass with water. Now let's start preparing the dough. Pour diluted kvass into the bread machine container, add salt, sifted flour, sugar, and yeast. Lastly, add dried sunflower seeds. Turn on the device to the main mode “Regular bread” and bake the product for four hours. If desired, you can brush the crust with beaten egg yolk.

"Darnitsky" bread in a bread machine turns out very tasty! This recipe for “Darnitsky” bread for a bread machine should definitely be adopted by any housewife who bakes her own baked goods. We hope you found our article useful!

Darnitsky bread is a fairly simple but very tasty version of homemade baking. We will prepare it using wheat and rye flour, and will also add natural honey for flavor. The finished bread turns out very fragrant, the crumb is moderately moist and does not crumble at all. It goes just great with first courses, although I love it simply with a cup of sweet black tea.

About the ingredients: wheat flour can be used of both the highest and first grade. Take the rye that is available - both seeded and peeled will do. In any case, adjust the amount of both when kneading the dough! If there is no honey, replace it with molasses or simple granulated sugar (1.5 tablespoons). When finished, after complete cooling, a loaf of Darnitsky bread weighs about 750 grams.


(325 grams) (150 grams) (300 milliliters) (2 tablespoons ) (1 tablespoon ) (1.5 teaspoons) (1.5 teaspoons)

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

My bread maker has the following arrangement of ingredients: first liquid, then bulk. If it's the other way around, follow the instructions. Pour lukewarm water, vegetable oil into a bucket, add natural honey. Shake the container a little so that the honey dissolves.

Now pour in the sifted wheat flour, which we first mix with the rye flour. I hope you understand that during the process of kneading bread dough you may need a little more or less - it depends on its moisture content.

And at the end add salt and yeast. If your kitchen is hot (especially in summer), pour all three of these ingredients into different ends of the bucket so that the dough does not have time to sour.

Select the Main program, time - 3 hours. The first kneading of the dough begins, which lasts 10 minutes. During the process, we monitor the condition of the bun - it should be soft, tender, but at the same time keep its shape and not spread. If the bun does not want to come together, add a little flour, since the moisture content of this product is different for everyone. We noticed that the bucket was clean, all the flour was mixed into the dough. Now I don’t recommend opening the lid so as not to disturb the dough - it may fall during baking.