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Flowers have magical properties. The magical meaning of herbs: secrets of the ancestors. Flowers are magical helpers for women

and how to use their power

Plants and flowers are designed not only to please the human eye and soul. They all have a certain energy potential and each have their own impact on one or another area of ​​life. Plant energy can be both positive and negative. They also have magical properties and are used in many rituals and ceremonies.

Flowers are magical helpers for women

Plants especially give strength to women. An energy exchange occurs between them. Therefore, it is important, when using, to love them and breed them with pleasure. So, it turns out that the woman will give them her love and care, and in return they will receive a good and powerful energy charge and great magical potential. Otherwise, they will only cause harm, simply absorbing energy and not giving anything in return. Therefore, it is better not to breed flowers if there is no attraction to them.

White flowers can give a woman a great energy and magical charge. These plants are protected by the moon. To use their energy, the flowers need to be charged with it. To do this, they need to be placed in the house so that moonlight falls on them at night. The magical properties of indoor plants and flowers are also varied and can help in various life situations.

How to choose flowers for your home so that they bring comfort and benefit?

For harmony and comfort in the house, the energy of indoor flowers is very important. You need to choose them correctly, since not all of them are positive.

First of all, you need to take into account that some flowers are female, and some are male. And their ratio must be observed. It would be best if there were an equal number of flowers in the house of both genders. Then they will really contribute to the harmonization of the general atmosphere in the house and the relationships of its inhabitants.

Flowers with rounded leaves are well suited to create a favorable atmosphere in the house. It is this form that can smooth out and eliminate all negativity.

What can the energy of house plants influence:

1. On the general atmosphere in the house. Purifying flowers can absorb negativity and all negative influences, thereby purifying the atmosphere of the home.

2. Flowers – . Many are able to help their owner in case of illness.

3. The magic of plants is used to attract various benefits.

4. There are flowers for love. Many have the ability to attract a soul mate and strengthen relationships between people.

5. There are flowers for protection. They can protect from a lot. For example, from theft, from illness, from evil forces, from witchcraft.

What plants are useful to have in the house?

Balsam. He is also simply called Vanka. This is a very positive flower. Its energy helps to avoid despondency and puts residents in a good and joyful mood.

Aloe. This is a medicinal plant. But, besides its practical use in folk medicine, it also has certain magical properties. His energy will protect him from diseases. It will also help you cope with separation from someone close to you and loneliness. Helps strengthen mental strength.

The energy of geranium will help prevent and. She is able to absorb anger, calm and give strength in oppressive situations. The magical properties of flowers vary in their direction, depending on the color. So, pink geranium will protect you from dark forces and help you find love. And white will help in conceiving a child. In general, the energy of this flower is very useful for the home.

Hyacinth is also a good protector against evil forces. It will also help cope with insomnia and get rid of nightmares. That's why, the best place for this plant - a bedroom. His energy will be just right there.

Another protector from evil is dracaena. But she is very receptive. If you bring it into a house whose energy is unclean, the plant will die. Therefore, she is more suitable as a guard. The magical properties of this plant are also used for love purposes. For girls, a piece of dracaena will be a good talisman, giving attractiveness and helping to find happiness. It needs to be sewn into a small bag made of natural fabric and carried with you at all times. For men, this plant will help avoid sexual impotence. To do this, part of the plant is placed under the mattress.

The cactus will become the guardian of the house from thieves and uninvited guests.

Spathiphyllum is called the “flower of love.” The use of its magical properties can be enhanced if another plant is placed next to it - anthurium. The name of the first flower fully reflects the area of ​​​​use of its energy. And the second is a male flower. So, a composition of these plants will help attract a man to the house and maintain love and happiness. The energy of these plants is very strong.

Roses are always associated with something beautiful and are a symbol of love. These flowers will always help in finding mutual feelings. And women will be given beauty and attractiveness.

Crassula, called " money tree” can truly bring financial stability. To use its magical properties there are special rituals and conspiracies. This plant should be located on the eastern side of the house or apartment.

Violets in the house are desirable. They, depending on their color, influence different areas. Energy properties of violets of different colors:

  • red will enhance positive energy in the house;
  • pink - will improve the love atmosphere;
  • blue promotes the discovery of creative forces and will stimulate inspiring aspects;
  • purple will promote spiritual growth and development;
  • white will have a cleansing effect.

What plants will harm the house?

Can't be kept in the house climbing plants. Their energy will contribute to quarrels between family members.

There are also vampire plants. They will drain their owners of their vitality and energy. If they are present in the house, people may experience a bad, dejected mood, fatigue, depression, and even poor health.

But you can use their energy by planting them in front of the house. There, vines and energy absorbers will be useful. They will not allow negativity from the outside to enter the house; they will act as guards.

The magical power of flowers and plants has been used by people since ancient times. These are real gifts of nature.


A universal remedy for any weakness, headaches (if you put it under your pillow). A vervain branch is worn as a protective amulet against the evil eye. Vervain is used to treat impotence. Often used as a highly effective love potion. After drinking a love potion... To summon spirits, a sprig of verbena is placed on the altar. Promotes fortune telling and clairvoyance. Verbena has long been considered miraculous. Greek warriors believed that verbena made their body invulnerable and put their enemies to flight. In the Middle Ages, verbena was collected once a year on a moonless night, when the planets Venus and Mercury were shining. The Druids revered vervain and believed that it healed all diseases. Currently, verbena is most often used for diseases of the liver, spleen, against rheumatic pain, for exhaustion and loss of strength, as well as for scanty and short menstruation. Verbena infusion cleanses the blood, improves its composition and increases the total amount of blood in case of anemia. It is the blood purifying, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, wound healing and choleretic effect of verbena that makes it a panacea for all diseases.


Strengthens Martian (fighting) traits in a person (bravery, courage, initiative, honesty, etc.). Nettle is used when you need to dramatically change something in yourself. Smoking with a nettle sprig removes the evil eye. Bathing in a bath with nettle decoction relieves mild types of damage. Nettle is especially useful for people over 35 years of age. If you apply the blood of a sacrificial animal, or your own, to a freshly cut sprig of nettle, and then read a certain spell depending on the desired effect, and then fumigate the room with this sprig, you can cause a quarrel between residents, complete ruin (if it is a store or a company office), or vice versa , happiness and wealth. Nettle heals vision, kidneys, liver, improves blood circulation, burns fat. If you wash your face with nettle decoction, your skin will become smooth and velvety.


An excellent love spell. One of the most effective. Mint decoction increases sexual desire (there is a rush of blood to the genitals and natural sexual desire appears). Drops of blood in the decoction and a certain spell enhance the effect of the love spell. Regular use of mint love decoction enhances the implementation of the program in a person. We know people who are so accustomed to mint tea that they cannot go a day without it. Addiction appears. Without mint tea, such people become irritable, nervous and incapable of sex within two days. A decoction of mint is given to a person for several days after the removal of a love spell, damage or other magical attack. Mint is used for increased acidity gastric juice, colitis, nausea, insomnia, loss of strength, angina pectoris, hypertension. Improves metabolism, dilates blood vessels in the brain, internal organs, gives vigor, relieves fatigue, increases performance. Antiseptic. An effective stimulator and regulator of heart function. A decoction of mint calms the nerves, tones the body, expels bile, eliminates belching, and gives the face a healthy, cheerful appearance.

St. John's wort.

A powerful remedy against any magic. They try to prepare it on time summer solstice on Kupala (June 21-24) or on the day of Perun (August 2). A branch of St. John's wort is hung over the door as a protective amulet and carried with oneself against the evil eye. St. John's wort smoke is used to fumigate a house to drive out evil spirits and neutralize negative energy. St. John's wort makes strong love potions. He is a good honey plant. In ancient times, the flowering upper part was used to make “Erofeich” tincture and bitter vodkas. St. John's wort is the most important medicinal plant of all known. Both fresh and dried it is always effective. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “the herb for 99 diseases.” It is used for diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the liver, bladder, heart, enhances gastric secretion, gently increasing acidity, regulates metabolic processes in the body, enhances the absorption of ultraviolet rays by the skin (alcohol extract of the herb only), relieves headaches, heaviness in stomach, helps with urinary incontinence, stomach ulcers, hypertension, impotence, neurasthenia, increased excitability, insomnia, as a rinse for bad breath. An infusion of the herb increases urine output by 40% and stimulates the amplitude of contractions of the heart and uterus. It reduces bile stagnation in gallbladder, relieves spasms of the large and small intestines, increases urine filtration in the kidneys, strengthens capillary walls, improves blood circulation and much more.

Calamus common.

It is called angel grass, Tatar potion, cinquefoil. Increases the tone of the depressed nervous system. Improves digestion. Treats stomach ulcers. Increases body tone, rejuvenates, gives vigor. Even the most annoying heartburn will stop if you take calamus root powder on the tip of a knife several times a day. If you take a powder solution (0.5 tbsp per glass of water) every morning, you will be cheerful and cheerful all day long. Calamus root can be chewed to improve memory, increase sexual function (for impotence), for heartburn, toothache, and to strengthen teeth and gums. With the help of calamus you can quit smoking once and for all! In magic, calamus is used as a love spell. The root is charmed and added to cream, cookies, liqueur, and meat and fish dishes.


Protects the house, protects from damage and other magical attacks, and drives away evil spirits. It is good to plant juniper at the gate of the house or under the windows. Fumigate a house and a sick person with a juniper branch (to cleanse the energy). Daily fumigation speeds up recovery. Juniper has strong phytoncidal properties. It has long been noticed that in the places where it grows, the air is cleaner; exhausted, sick animals go there, and by eating the fruits, they restore their strength. In North America, Indians, to treat tuberculosis of the skin, bones and joints, placed patients in juniper thickets, where the air was thickly saturated with healing volatile oils. Virgil wrote that during severe epidemics it is necessary to fumigate the premises with juniper branches. For medicinal purposes, juniper berries are used as a strong diuretic and choleretic, disinfectant of the urinary tract. They are recommended for kidney and liver diseases, cystitis, gout, rheumatism, to improve the quality of blood, cleanse the body of toxins, and stomach ulcers. Chewing the berries disinfects the bile ducts. An infusion of berries is used for edema of cardiac origin, while not only water, but also excess salts are removed from the body. A decoction of pine needles normalizes blood circulation, improves metabolic processes, calms the central nervous system, especially after rubbing the whole body with it or taking baths.


Included in many potions. Returns strength and joy to a person who has experienced a magical attack. For medicinal purposes, sage infusion strengthens the nervous system, improves metabolism, normalizes sexual function, and relieves hand tremors. It is used for paralysis and poor memory as a general tonic and vasodilator. To treat radiculitis and polyarthritis, aromatic baths with sage are used. An infusion of the herb is drunk to treat swelling and treat urinary incontinence. The decoction cleanses the stomach, has a good effect on the kidneys and liver, and enhances the activity of the endocrine glands. Wash your hair with the decoction to strengthen your hair.

Thistle (thistle).

One of the most strong means to expel unclean spirits from the house. If you keep thistle in the house, it helps against the evil eye and damage. Protects against poltergeists (expels them). Gives peace to those grieving for close relatives who have passed into the afterlife. Placed at the head of the bed, it protects against nightmares. If you keep thistle near the bed, the husband will stop walking or will completely leave the house for his mistress (a good turnaround remedy if the wife dreams of freeing herself from her walking husband). For medicinal purposes, an infusion of thistle flower baskets is used for seizures, epilepsy, insomnia, and to normalize heart rate and increased pressure. A decoction of the herb perfectly regulates the activity of the central nervous system; in small doses it excites, and in large doses it calms. The decoction is used as a bath for children against fear and the evil eye. A decoction of the roots is drunk for intestinal, renal, and hepatic colitis, to remove fluid from the body during edema of various origins.


Helps to see prophetic dreams. The flower is dried and placed under or near the pillow. Included in drugs that relieve insomnia.


Helps preserve love in the family, makes marriage strong. This is a Venus plant. Periwinkle should be planted near the porch or near the gate. A decoction of periwinkle leaves is used as a powerful love spell. For medicinal purposes, an infusion of periwinkle leaves is drunk as a means to improve memory and cerebral circulation (cleanses the blood vessels of the brain). Useful for hypertensive patients and after a stroke.

Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb).

Helps against damage. Calms the brownie. Expels a poltergeist (when a violent spirit makes noise at night, falls on sleepy household members and strangles them). For medicinal purposes, an infusion of the herb is drunk for poor digestion, kidney ailments, as a blood purifier and stomach strengthener. Thyme tea is drunk as a sedative for insomnia, intense mental work, nervous system disorders, headaches, alcoholism, and bedwetting.


Drives away evil spirits, protects the home if you hang a twig over front door or put it in a vase. Wormwood is used to fumigate a home or a sick household member, since wormwood perfectly neutralizes negative energy. A decoction of wormwood is added to the water used to wash the floor to destroy harmful microbes in the room. For medicinal purposes, a decoction of wormwood dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and reduces swelling. An infusion of wormwood is drunk for insomnia, seizures, diabetes, obesity, and rheumatism.

Good from the evil eye. Planted in the garden, they protect the house from magic.

Cornflower - magical plant.

Used in ritual magic to communicate with the afterlife (placed on the altar). As a component, it is included in the black potion for inducing magic. Helps in communicating with spirits and evil spirits. For medicinal purposes, cornflower infusion works well on cardiovascular system, relieves heart palpitations, calms the nervous system (for nervous diseases), is useful in the treatment of night blindness (impaired twilight vision). Children with diathesis and eczema are bathed in cornflower decoction.

Sweet clover.

Helps even against severe damage. This is a poison, so sweet clover decoction is drunk carefully, in small doses. Sweet clover is also used to fumigate a spoiled person. Sweet clover infusion is drunk for inflammation of the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, heart attack, flatulence, menstruation disorder, menopause, pain in the bladder and kidneys. As a narcotic and sedative, it is used for neurasthenia, insomnia, headaches, and increased excitability of the nervous system.

Used to make amulets (flower or clove). According to legends, garlic protects against vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits. Since garlic activates the first chakra, it strengthens a person’s etheric field, so it is used as protection against the evil eye and in protection magic in general. It is useful to put a clove of garlic near the computer if you have to work a lot), garlic helps to even out the imbalance in energy). Garlic juice is effective for quickly cleansing the body. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, improves intestinal motility and urination, cleanses the lungs and bronchi from mucus accumulation, and promotes the release of poisons through the pores of the skin. Garlic juice removes warts and various spots on the skin and strengthens hair. It is enough to chew a clove of garlic for a few minutes to completely cleanse your mouth of all bacteria. To eliminate the smell of garlic, there is a simple method - chew some fresh parsley, since the chlorophyll of this herb replaces the most expensive deodorant and is a natural mouth rinse.

Weeping grass.

Mother's tears and earth's sadness
They rose from the ground like a weeping flower.
Silently tears pour over the arable land
Over the dashing misfortune over yesterday.

People believe that the plant grew from the tears of the Mother of God as she mourned her Son. Thanks to this same belief, the grass has protective powers against evil spirits. A cross made from its root, worn on the chest, wards off damage and the evil eye from a person. In addition, such a cross protects a person from various types fever.
Grows near rivers and lakes, high in hemp, crimson color...
His flowers are like a torch, and in the morning he cries bright tears.
The weeping mother of all herbs, - they say about him the wild cornflower, and the oak tree, and the shore grass, and the blood grass, and the willow grass.
He opens access to the sworn treasure, overcomes evil spirits, and makes evil spirits cry.
Collect weeping grass at dawn on Midsummer's Day. As you dig, take off everything iron, otherwise the root will not be given to your hands and will not have strength. And when you start digging, say: “Weeping! Weeping! You cried long and a lot, but cried little, do not let your tears roll across the open field, do not carry your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of the evil demons, half-demons, old witches of Kyiv. If they don’t give you submission, drown them in tears, but they will run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. May my word be with you forever and ever!”
Keep the weeping grass clean, give it to the cattle that are spinning, and put it in the heads of the guys who are not sleeping.
When you go to the swamp, take weeping grass with you, it will drive away the unclean and prevent it from being pulled into the quagmire.
Drives out unclean spirits from the house.


According to legend, it helps against the evil eye and damage. It was used to make amulets and find treasures. This herb was used to remove the protective spell. There was a superstition that the tear-grass flower was capable of magically opening any locks. However, not every flower had magical powers, but only those obtained through the following ritual. First, it was necessary to find a hollow where the woodpecker had built a nest, and that there would certainly be chicks in it. Then it was necessary to wait for the mother bird to fly away from the nest - and tightly plug the hollow. Seeing that the hollow was plugged, the bird had to return with a stem of grass in its beak, fly up to the hollow and bring the stem to the plug. Then there would be a loud bang and the plug would fly out. At this moment, the observer should have screamed with all his might. Out of fear, the bird dropped the grass. It was this stem (if you lift it from the ground with a red or white rag) that was the talisman that opens all the locks. Moreover, possessing this plant should supposedly make you invisible; and if you carry it in your pocket, neither bullet nor lead can hurt you. Rupture-grass blooms at midnight on Midsummer's Day (June 24) and holds its color no longer than it takes to read "Our Father", "Virgin Mary" and "I Believe". If you throw broken grass into the forge, the blacksmith cannot work.

Symbol of immortality. Some varieties of acacia were used to make crayfish for storing the relics of saints. According to some reports, the thorny crown of Christ was woven from acacia. It carries wisdom and connects a person with the mystical world.

Bamboo as a material for amulets appeared in Russia recently, when Eastern philosophical teachings came into fashion. Symbolizes perseverance, longevity; happiness, spiritual enlightenment and wisdom.

Has healing and protective properties. In the mystical rituals of shamans of many nations, it is a cosmic tree that connects the earthly and spiritual worlds. In Asia, the central pole of round Asian tents was made from birch, and therefore it was a symbol of life, the spiritual ascent of man, and cosmic energy. In Russia, birch trees are planted near houses to summon good spirits. It is a symbol of spring, girls and young women. Birch, as a symbol of purity, is credited with the ability to drive out evil spirits. Witches and people possessed by demons were beaten with birch rods.

The magical properties of hawthorn go back to the Greek god of marriage, Hymen, who blessed wedding wreaths made from hawthorn. Protects chastity, preserves marriage bonds. However, hawthorn flowers cannot be brought into the house - for many peoples this foreshadowed death.

IN Northern Europe- a magical tree-amulet against evil spirits on Walpurgis Night. By picking elderberry branches or berries, people apologize to the tree.

An ancient pagan symbol of the spring revival of nature. In medieval Europe it was used in some necromantic rituals, with the help of which sorcerers tried to restore life to the dead.
With the spread of Christianity, it becomes a symbol of the passion of the Lord and the Resurrection. It’s not for nothing that on Easter many people place a bouquet of several willow branches with fluffy buds in their home.
The people attributed special properties to the willow, giving strength and health, which increased after the consecration of the willow in the church. According to Slavic beliefs, willow branches could be used to prevent or stop fires, storms, and save crops from hail. The willow also had medicinal properties- willow catkins could be eaten or carried with you to heal from infertility and protect yourself from fever. Wearing crosses carved from willow on the body also protected human health.

A symbol of fertility among many ancient peoples. In Ancient Greece and Rome, the vine was associated with Dionysus and Bacchus, on the one hand, and with Apollo, the god of light and the arts, on the other. In Mithraism, where Apollo was associated with Mithras and the sun, the grape becomes a symbol of the sun. In Christianity, it is a spiritual symbol of rebirth.

The tree of the samurai of Japan, therefore it is credited with magical properties that endow the owner with strength, will, and loyalty. In China it is a symbol of good luck and spring. In Christianity, it sometimes replaces the apple tree as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

A calm tree that transmits its properties to people. Helps to get rid of fuss and minor worries over trifles.

The tree, growing in the Far East, is little known in Russia. Its magical properties are of interest - it is believed that amulets made from its wood promote the appearance of milk in women. Ginkgo is also a symbol of immortality or longevity and devotion.

Promotes fertility. Helps people who strive for wisdom or have the gift of foresight. In China, love amulets were made from the fruits and wood of this tree.

Pear amulets are made mainly for women, since the pear is a symbol of motherhood and love.

It has enormous energy - it gives strength, promotes wound healing and recovery. Oak trees symbolize wisdom, longevity, and power. The cult of oak in one form or another was widespread throughout Europe.

One of the New Year and Christmas trees. Symbol eternal youth, strength. A person who wears a spruce amulet in science is believed to have an unbending will.

A symbol of sexual love, it helps to quickly restore mental and physical strength, making it easier to endure separation from your loved one. For Buddhists, willow is an emblem of compassion and meekness, patience. According to many legends, it promotes good health and easy childbirth. This probably comes from the fact that painkillers were made from its bark.

Thanks to the white candles of its colors, it has become an emblem of light, purification, goodness and marriage. Also symbolizes calm strength and self-confidence.

The owner of a product made from cedar wood receives constant energy from this tree, peace of mind and self-confidence. Cedar helps remove toxins and cleanse the body.

A symbol of mourning, sadness for a deceased person. In pagan cults symbolized new life man in the afterlife.

Promotes the rise of mental strength, protects against energy vampires.

The personification of victory. Laurel wreaths were awarded to warriors and poets. Helps in searching for secret knowledge. Serves for cleansing from sin, provides protection of the most general nature. During epidemics, laurel branches or products made from its wood help ward off the disease from the home. If you carry a piece of laurel wood with you during a thunderstorm, it can protect against lightning. In Christianity, it is a symbol of eternal life.

Hazel (hazel).
Brings material security and fertility. Like all nuts, it symbolizes rich harvests and large offspring of livestock.
It was believed that the hazel tree was most suitable for making a magic wand. Using a forked hazel stick (vine), people searched and are searching for underground water, deposits of coal and metals.

Protects true friendship from accidental disagreements that can lead to a quarrel. Helps in conducting business negotiations and cooperation. Promotes easy childbirth and healthy newborn.

Thanks to its hard wood, it has become a symbol of immortality. Represents strength (in a broad sense - from the strength of feelings to good health). For the peoples of Siberia it is a symbol of rebirth.


Helps in finding true love, concluding a happy marriage. Associated with sensual love, longevity and harmony. It is used during childbirth to facilitate it and gives the newborn strength and abilities.

Brings joy, abundance, victory. Protects purity and chastity. In Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and ancient traditions - a blessed tree. Amulet for brides, helps in marriage, facilitates childbirth.
Helps maintain inner peace, devotion in friendship and love.

Neutralizes a person’s bad emotions, calms him down, instills in him the ability to reason soberly and act decisively.

A tree that protects from evil forces, primarily from the undead (vampires, ghouls, etc.). By striking an aspen stake in the heart you can kill the undead; a smaller copy of the stake carried in the house will scare them away, especially in combination with garlic and silver.
Absorbs pain, removes negative emotions from a person.

Brings victory, success, fame, longevity. It especially helps athletes, scientists, and politicians. In the Christian tradition, it is a symbol of the Resurrection, victory over death.
A palm wreath, along with laurel and myrtle, crowned the heads of winners in competitions, etc.

Pieces of peach wood have a protective power during marriages, help preserve youth and beauty for a long time, and symbolize prosperity. Peach wood was used to drive away evil spirits and to protect against them.

Strength, fortitude of mind and body.

Fertility and productivity. Rowan branches with berries are planted in winter fields as a symbol of a good harvest. Tree of thrifty, thrifty people. It brings them to others who do not have these qualities.
Bunches of rowan branches red from the berries are tied in the shape of a cross with red thread to protect doors and windows.


Beauty, splendor, rebirth. An amulet made of lilac wood brings girls an abundance of suitors, and women - happiness in marriage. Men, under the influence of the properties of lilac, make more thoughtful decisions and express their thoughts less harshly - a practical benefit in negotiations. Amalia, the heroine of one of the knightly novels of the Middle Ages, decorated her hair with lilac flowers, and sewed the withered flowers into her pillow and into her belt. The story of her happy love with the knight Eliot often served as an example for the spouses.

Fig tree.

Buddha Tree - helps people with contemplation, spiritual training and improvement, meditation.

Protects a woman in marriage. Strengthens loyalty, determination, wisdom in men.

Like other conifers, it symbolizes the Christmas tree.
Bestows courage, determination and good luck. IN Western Europe It was believed that pine wood used in amulets contributed to a rich harvest and high offspring of livestock, which goes back to ancient pagan beliefs.

Yew wood, according to legend, supports the strength of the owner of the amulet and helps him in contact with otherworldly forces.
In some countries, they are used to make vines - a tool for searching for water, coal, and metals.

Relieves irritation, calms, gives self-confidence.

Apple tree.
The tree of knowledge in the Christian tradition. Probably, in connection with this, the wood of the apple tree in popular belief takes on the meaning of a talisman against temptations and temptations, on the other hand, it helps in the mystical quest for knowledge.
Apple blossom is a symbol of spring, renewal, fertility.

Items made from ash wood help the owner in communicating with both good and evil supernatural beings and provide physical and spiritual strength.

A plant with enormous medicinal and magical powers. In Central and South America, sorcerers wore dried leaves, stems and roots of aloe around their necks, and during healing rituals, a bag of aloe roots was hung on the chest of the patient. There is also another method - the fleshy aloe leaves are finely chopped, the resulting pulp is wrapped in a piece of leather and hung around the patient’s neck. The evil spirits of the disease think that this is another victim, attack the bag, and the magical power of aloe and the sorcerer’s conspiracy kills them.

A plant with a strong aroma. One of the most important properties is the ability of this plant to repel the forces of darkness with its smell - the smell of anise is unpleasant to them. It is useless to use in combination with garlic - garlic is stronger and interrupts the smell of anise for otherworldly forces. In Thrace it was once considered a plant of evil, probably due to the fact that evil magicians collected it and tried to accustom their creations - evil monsters - to the smell of anise. Anise root, worn on the chest, helps a person maintain sobriety - in the literal and figurative sense. This probably comes from the unusual intoxication from aniseed vodka. Frankincense with anise root helps a person stay sober in the right situations and prevents him from saying too much.

They are collected on dark moonless nights, dried in the dark, so that not a single ray of sun falls on them. The petals are used to make a powder that is added to the wine of a loved one to cast a love spell, and the stems, leaves and roots are worn around the neck in order to enjoy success with the opposite sex. Heal from sad, gloomy loving memories, support bright and kind memories.

Like many spices, ordinary people associated it with something demonic. Used in alchemy and magic. It was believed that basil attracts the spirits of the air and a person who has an amulet with a mixture of basil and lavender on his chest can control them. In this case, there should be quite a lot of bags of basil in the room. The famous magician of the early Middle Ages, Allobius, died in his castle when his cook used basil supplies to prepare a festive dinner. The air spirits got out of the magician's control and destroyed the castle. The castle was sprinkled with holy water, but even after that, tornadoes often circled over the castle.

Solar symbolism. The roots of marigolds were used to summon minor fiery spirits. It was believed that these spirits fed on solar energy through the inflorescence and hid in the roots so that no one would think that fire spirits could live in the ground.


The expression “Have you eaten too much henbane?” did not arise by chance. Henbane is poisonous and appears to have little-studied narcotic properties. Ancient sorcerers ate henbane in certain proportions with other herbs and fell into a trance. A bunch of henbane worn around the neck protects a person from madness. Henbane also protects against hypnotic effects.


Folk - belladonna. A very dangerous poisonous plant. Like many other nightshades, it has a narcotic effect in carefully adjusted doses and after processing. Used for medicinal purposes against spasms. This is probably where the belief comes from that if a patient with epilepsy carries dried belladonna leaves with him, then the attacks will not be so severe, and over time they may pass.

Valerian drops are used in modern medicine as a sedative, while in the past our ancestors used dried leaves and roots of this plant, exactly the opposite. Incense with dried valerian root was worn on the chest as a powerful tonic. People with such amulet did not get tired and could travel great distances. Valerian root was tied into ropes that hung on horses' bridles so that the horses would be fast and tireless.

The red carnation is traditionally considered a symbol of engagement and betrothal, and only then it became a symbol of the world proletariat. In its first meaning it appears in magical rituals. Carnation inflorescences and roots are worn in order to preserve the love of the engaged, in order to awaken love if it is an engagement of convenience.


Quite rarely found in the system of magical symbols. Its properties depend on the variety. Narrow leaves of fragrant geranium are placed in the ears to relieve ear pain. Thanks to its smell, geranium was sometimes awarded with the ability to ward off the forces of evil. At the same time, there are references that geranium, as a flower most loved by goats (a goat is a symbol of sin), attracted evil spirits. Not recommended for use without in-depth knowledge.

Bird's knotweed.
Knotweed. Popularly known as ant grass. In terms of importance for sorcerers, it is the third herb of the sun after heliotrope and sunflower. The dried root of this herb, placed in a nauz, worn on the chest, protects and heals from nervous shocks and diseases caused by evil people. For lovers who are separated, knowledge of knotweed helps to remain faithful to each other and dispel melancholy. If the root is worn on the stomach, it protects the psyche from shock and madness in turbulent times - political unrest, war, etc.


Common names: yellow eye, heart grass. It is believed that this plant has nine powers, one of which removes damage and the evil eye, the other gets rid of love spells. The grass is collected before sunrise on the eve of Ivan Kupala. Placed in an amulet and worn on the chest. For love spell purposes, it is mixed with incense, worn on the chest for nine days, and then quietly sewn into the dress of the beloved woman. It is not recommended to use it together with centaury (semisilnik). Their powers may conflict.

Centaury umbellata.
The popular name - sevensilnik - reflects the properties attributed to this plant. A person who has a seven-strength nauz does not get tired for a long time and rests quickly. In a foreign land and on the road, such an amulet protects a person and guarantees his return home. Included in herbal preparations for warriors and travelers.

Ivan da Marya.

The symbol of Ivan Kupala Day, which is where its many mystical properties and meanings come from. Denotes the inextricable connection between the masculine and feminine principles, and is widely used in love spells. Also, for magicians of the past, it denoted the unity of the elements of air and earth, and was used to summon the corresponding elementals (elementals are the spirits of various elements).


It personifies purity, protection and at the same time sadness and sorrow. The iris tuber must be dug up when the sun has just set and the moon has not yet appeared, boiled in St. John's wort infusion, and dried next to the images. Such a talisman, worn around the neck, saves a person from colds and viruses.

The popular name is marigold. Solar symbolism. Longevity, in the West - the flower of the Virgin Mary. The flower turns its head after the sun. Dried inflorescences help a person tolerate the cold more easily. In a snowfall, an amulet with marigolds prevents its owner from getting lost and leads him to warmth.

For Christianity, it is a symbol of the Trinity. In Ireland, the clover leaf has become a symbol of Ireland, which is called the Green Island. This goes back to the ancient Celtic legend of the good green island, where the souls of all the righteous end up. Clover is a symbol of rebirth, a honey-bearing herb. Dried clover inflorescences protect against the evil eye and help in righteous deeds.

Symbol of prosperity and abundance. Strawberry roots were used in fortune telling, probably due to their mild narcotic properties. For the same reason, it is believed that strawberry roots worn on the chest enhance magical abilities, help to cast magic.

One of the industrial plants for the Slavs. Hemp was used to make ropes and laces. Thus, she was directly connected with the sciences.

As one of the first spring flowers, it represents the renewal of life and nature. Very powerful amulets are prepared from the roots of the crocus - they are dug up in late autumn and dried all winter in the attic near the chimney. It is believed that such roots can smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin of the face. They can also return the love of their spouses.

White water lily.
The popular name is overpowering grass. The name contains the popular idea of ​​its capabilities. With this herb, a person is able to overcome all the adversities of life and achieve success in life. This herb can also be useful for travelers - an amulet filled with overpowering herb protects a person from troubles along the way and contributes to the safe achievement of their destination.

The purchase is unburnable.

The burning but unburnt bush of the kupena in biblical symbolism depicts the fiery angel who appeared before Moses. In the fire symbolism of the Vedic ancient Indian tradition we find similar motifs. Later, in Christian medieval painting, the burning bush symbolized the purity of the Virgin Mary. The Slavs developed great respect and veneration for the plant, which lit up with a bluish flame, but did not burn itself. It was believed that if you keep parts of this plant at home, your home will not burn down.

If I dream about family life It just doesn’t come true, think, maybe the violet doesn’t want a man to live in the house? Like camellia, which is also considered a flower of loneliness. For married couples with children, these flowers will bring more happiness. Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let a depressive mood into the house. Specimens blooming in lilac shades can cleanse the house by removing negative energy from it.

Closed and shy people need to be put in flower pot camellia, it will help you get rid of complexes, become more confident, and believe in your attractiveness. To attract the opposite sex like a magnet, place in your home

An orchid will improve your mood and cleanse the energy at home. Photo: Place spathiphyllum in your bedroom; it’s not called the plant of love for nothing. If a single woman wants to find a soul mate, let her place an anthurium in her bedchamber. It is believed to attract men, just like Chinese rose. Therefore, be sure to place these flowers in your home.

Also classified as a flower of love. This elegant plant will improve your mood and cleanse the energy of the house, just like balsam, which is popularly called Vanka wet. It will help the home atmosphere to be positive and will purify the air.

Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let a depressive mood into the house. Indoor white lily also has magical properties. It must be positioned so that the light from the moon falls on the buds. Then he will feed them at night, and during the day the plant will begin to give its magical powers to the woman who is the owner of the plant.

In addition to domestic plants that are useful from an energy point of view, there are also harmful ones. Thus, the majestic monstera is a powerful vampire, like Dieffenbachia. These indoor vines are capable of taking energy from people. Their negativity is especially evident in small rooms, where to place these houseplants highly undesirable. It is better to place it in large offices, medical institutions, where many people pass daily. Here these plants can even become useful, as they will cleanse the space.

For your home, choose plants with positive energy. Photo: It is also not advisable to place ferns at home; if you have a strong desire to grow such plants, do not place them in the bedroom, nursery or where family members spend a lot of time. It is better to take them out into the winter garden or place them on a glazed balcony, heated in winter.

It is better to grow cacti for those who have a calm character. Overly active people can become aggressive when in the vicinity of indoor needle plants.

When breeding flowers, it is important to know what appearance plants can be grown in one room or another. Thus, Feng Shui does not recommend placing in the living room or bedroom those that have leaves and flowers with pointed and torn edges. It is believed that these representatives of the flora are capable of emitting negative energy.

During the ideological dominance of materialism, the miraculous power of plants was sought to be explained by them. chemical composition. And even now this point of view is dominant. For example, the presence in medicinal plants biologically active substances and chemical components in the proportion required for the human body explain the medicinal effect of plants, and their magical properties are either declared superstition or attributed to narcotic, hallucinogenic and simply toxic substances.

Indeed, most plants used in cleansing rituals have antiseptic and antibacterial properties; many magical plants contain narcotic components.

But never (until recently) people equated magic and medicine. Of course, there is a connection between these areas of plant use, but it cannot be explained in any way physical properties leaves, roots, flowers and plant bark. To many magical herbs attributes properties that from the point of view of medicine (both official and folk) are in no way explainable and even absurd. For example, plantain with therapeutic purpose used as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, laxative and appetite stimulant, in witchcraft it is a herb that “gives heat and the power of love.”

Of all the variety of wonderful plants, a special place is occupied by those whose magical aura often obscures their practical benefits. We want to tell you about such plants, shrouded in a haze of ancient secrets.


“Beautiful Lady” - such a seductive name was given to a plant with a fetid aroma. Apparently, this is a kind of precautionary measure, since all parts of belladonna are extremely toxic. Belladonna is also known as "sleepy stupor" and "crazy cherry". The Latin generic name Atropa is given in honor of the goddess Atropa, who, according to ancient Roman myth, can cut the thread of human life at any time.
Belladonna was part of the “flying ointment” and was one of the components of witchcraft potions that allowed you to communicate with the world of spirits.


Datura is one of the most powerful hallucinogens; it belongs to the nightshade family, like belladonna, henbane, mandrake and many other witchcraft herbs. Botanists call this family paradoxical - in addition to narcotic plants, it includes quite ordinary “good” ones. edible plants(potatoes, tomato, eggplant, pepper).

Datura common- a very unpretentious and hardy plant. Scientists have described a case where Datura seeds showed 90% germination after 40 years of storage. Many consider this plant to be evil - Paul Sedir believes that Datura concentrates bad vibes; in ancient magic books it is stated that it “has the property of chaining one to a place or making one spin, when intoxicated with it, one can commit the most heinous crimes under the influence of suggestion and not retain anything about them.” a memory that disappears simultaneously with the action of the medicine.”

In medieval Europe, witches added Datura seeds to their magical ointments in order to gain the sensation of flying or experience sexual ecstasy with Satan.

The Greeks called one of the types of dope hippomania- a herb that causes madness in horses; The priests of Apollo used this herb to induce trance during prophecies.

However Indian datura (aneglakia) considered a sacred plant. There is a legend about twin children (brother and sister) who lived in the depths of the earth, who were very inquisitive and treated people well. Traveling across the earth, they learned a lot of new things, and when they met people, they sent them into a deep sleep with wonderful visions, in which they initiated people into some secrets. Some people received from their brother and sister the ability to see missing or stolen things. The sons of the Sun did not like this and the gods ordered that the brother and sister fall into the ground forever. And in the place where the twins went into the depths of the earth, beautiful flowers appeared, which people called “anegla-kiya” after the boy’s name. And to this day, flower children give people dreams full of wonderful visions, and give some additional abilities.

In India, it was also believed that a type of dope grew from the chest of Shiva; some believed that this flower adorns the headdress of the destroyer god. Datura was also a herb dedicated to Shiva’s wife, the goddess Kali. The crushed seeds of this plant, mixed with wine and another plant sacred to Shiva, served to awaken dormant sexual energy and were considered a powerful aphrodisiac. The temple dancers drank wine with Datura seeds and, in a somnambulistic state, prophesied and answered the questions of the priests.

In China, it was believed that Buddha received his sacred sermons from heaven in the form of raindrops, which remained as dewdrops on the petals of the datura. The famous Chinese botanist and doctor Li Shi-Chen, who lived in the 16th century and conducted experiments on himself with Datura flowers, describes: “It is traditionally believed that if a person laughed while collecting these flowers, then the drink to which they are added will cause desire to laugh; flowers that were picked crying, when consumed, will cause a desire to cry, and if the people who collected the plants danced, then drinking will cause a desire to start dancing; I found that the desires that arise in a person who is intoxicated by Man-to-lo-hua (one of the types of dope. - Note comp.) condition, can be transmitted to him by other people.”

In the Aztecs, Datura seeds were considered sacred and were used by shamans in rituals for tribal unity and initiation, and they were placed on altars as offerings to various deities.

On the islands of the Caribbean, Datura was called the “zombie cucumber” and was used to zombify criminals who were not subject to any corrective measures. A potent toxin (fish poison extract) was added to the herbal drink (which included Datura) and the criminal was given to drink, after which he fell into a coma. He was declared dead, placed in a coffin and buried in the ground (leaving holes for air access). After the allotted time, the coffin was dug up and another drink, which also included dope, was poured into the criminal’s mouth. For a former criminal who turned into a zombie, “life after life” began - he practically lost all signs of his personality, completely submitting to the will of the sorcerer. To maintain such a semi-conscious state, it was necessary to constantly feed the zombies with a drink made from Datura.

Shamans in many countries of the world use mixtures of Datura to facilitate the exit of their astral double from the physical body to communicate with gods and spirits.

An amulet made from Datura relieves a worthy person from damage.


This plant is well known to adherents of traditional medicine under the name angelica, or angelica medicinal. In magic it is used to protect against the evil eye, “charm”, and evil spirits. It is recommended to plant angelika in the garden and near the house, the root of the plant is placed around the necks of children to protect them from damage; it is also useful for adults to wear an angelica amulet around their necks. To exorcise evil spirits from the house, it is recommended to burn several angelica leaves indoors (it is better to light the leaves from a flame church candle or through a lens from sunlight).


The smell of this plant cannot be called pleasant. Perhaps that is why in magic this herb is used as a means of protection from evil, exorcism and cleansing the home of all negative energies. To do this, it is most often burned indoors. Sometimes they carry it with them to prevent misfortunes, but due to the terrible smell, few do so.


This spicy plant is used in love and protective magic, as well as to attract wealth. To cleanse the home, the dry leaves of the plant are burned and worn in a special bag to attract the attention of a loved one.


This plant was not particularly loved by the people due to its high toxicity. A few leaves or grains of henbane eaten cause severe nervous attacks, and large doses cause death. It was believed that henbane could be used to prepare a remedy that would be fatal even at a distance. However, the magical uses of this plant are not at all as sinister as one might expect.

Henbane was sometimes used to summon evil spirits and was part of the “flying ointment” of witches, but more often it promoted clairvoyance and was used in conspiracies against witchcraft. In addition, henbane is one of the most popular love spells. And for this it is not at all necessary to mix it into food or drink. An amulet made from a whole plant gives a person a special attraction to the opposite sex. Moreover, a man who wants to win the love of a woman must certainly collect henbane in the morning, standing on one leg in the nude.


Elderberry flowers, berries and leaves have long been used in folk medicine. In magic, the same parts are used for the purposes of cleansing and magical protection from evil forces. To do this, just collect fresh elderberry leaves and berries and scatter them in your yard in four directions. A bouquet of elder flowers, collected after the full moon, attracts love.


Verbena has enormous magical powers. It was called "pigeon grass" and was believed to promote peace and prosperity. Ambassadors going to negotiate with the enemy during the war carried branches of verbena with them to protect themselves from death and return in peace.

Magicians claim that a vervain talisman heals and protects against all diseases, and if you rub yourself with this herb, collected in the evening, at dusk, in secret from everyone (from people, the Sun and the Moon), you can get everything you want.

If you sprinkle a room with verbena water, it will always be cheerful and full of friends.
Sprigs of vervain above the head of the bed protect against nightmares. The aroma of burnt verbena cleanses the house, and buried in a garden or field, verbena is the key to abundant shoots. But if you sprinkle vervain powder, collected in a special way at a certain time, in the matrimonial bedroom, the husband and wife will quarrel.

Sorcerers claim that some spirits can only be summoned while wearing a wreath of verbena stems.

St. John's wort

One of the most powerful magical plants. If you hang bunches of St. John's wort in a room, hostile forces will not penetrate it. It is believed that an evil sorcerer cannot cross the threshold of a room under (or above) which there is a branch of St. John's wort. An amulet made from St. John's wort flowers worn on the body protects against damage. L You can also put a stalk of St. John's wort in your shoes to protect against evil spirits. You need to collect it on the night of Ivan Kupala, weave a wreath and wear it on your head, and in the morning put the wreath in a secret place and use it all year for magical protection.


Universal magical plant bloodroot used in spells to increase wealth, purify, protect against evil forces, increase wisdom. It is recommended to collect herbs to increase wealth after sunset on Thursday on the new Moon.


As the name implies, the main property of this plant is to attract love. As a rule, an infusion of the root of this plant, which is popularly called “love root,” is added to bathing water; sometimes the above-ground parts of the plant (along with rose petals) are added to the water. Black magicians use lovage to prepare potions that increase anger and cause rage.


In magic, poppy is used to enhance prophetic abilities and the gift of foresight. If you need to make some important decision in life or get an answer to some very important question, you need to place a piece of paper with the question in a dry poppy seed box, cleared of seeds, and leave the box near your bed. In a dream, an answer to a question or a hint will come. A dry box of seeds is worn around the neck or in a pocket to increase wealth (you just need to make sure that the seeds do not spill out, otherwise wealth will quickly come and go).


This plant is used as a protective agent and as a remedy for infertility. Men are recommended to carry mandrake root in their trouser pocket to stimulate potency. If a man digs up a mandrake root on a full moon at midnight, clears it of soil and writes the name of his beloved on it, she will remain with him forever. Women wear mandrake root amulets to be attractive to their loved ones and to become pregnant.


miraculous power juniper people appreciated it in ancient times. This plant is mentioned in ancient magical treatises as a powerful protective agent. Young shoots of juniper were worn on the body as amulets to protect against accidents; bags with dry twigs were worn around the neck to protect oneself from thieves and robbers while traveling. A juniper planted in front of the porch blocks the path into the house evil people and strength.

The incense of juniper leaves and berries strengthened the spirit and helped cleanse the house of dark forces.

In addition, a necklace made of ripe juniper berries was believed to attract love to the one who wears it.


Digitalis, or digitalis, has long been successfully used in folk medicine to treat heart diseases. In magic, foxglove (in very small quantities) was used in purification rites.

However, most sorcerers used this plant for more base purposes: it was believed that foxglove could serve as the embodiment of evil forces, with its help one could direct evil spirits to a specific person.

In addition, due to its high toxicity, foxglove has long served as a weapon of crime.


In magic, mistletoe is used as a protective and love spell. In Europe and America, there is a custom at Christmas time to hang a sprig of mistletoe over doorways, and if a man and a woman stand under this sprig, they must kiss. To attract love or to become pregnant, women wear an amulet made from mistletoe collected on Midsummer. Mistletoe branches collected on the sixth day after the new moon have protective properties.


Peony root is worn as a necklace or bracelet to protect against witchcraft. Peony seeds are burned in the house to drive out evil spirits.


In ancient times, the aroma of burning wormwood was used to evoke spirits, but since, according to many experts, wormwood is saturated with “lower quality astral light,” modern magic places emphasis on the cleansing, protective properties of this plant and the ability to cause visions to predict the future.


Everyone knows that a rose is a flower of love. In magic, before starting to prepare any love mixture, hands are rinsed with rose water. Rosebuds are used as love amulets - the one who wears them is sure to find his love. Rose petals have long been sprinkled on the marital bed to enhance love passion.

Various potions from these flowers enhance clairvoyance abilities if a person’s thoughts are pure, like white rose petals.

Thanks to its thorns, the rose protects the hearth and symbolizes the strength of femininity.


This plant combines the magical properties of a loving, cleansing, protective agent. The herb is added to cleansing bathing mixtures; the aroma of burning leaves cleanses the room of negative influences and helps attract love. Hands are washed with rosemary infusion before and after magical rituals; a rosemary wreath serves as a barrier to alien influence, protection against suggestion and hypnosis.

A bag of rosemary worn around the neck improves memory, and rosemary tea promotes mental sharpness.


The Russian name for this plant is clean guy. In Europe it is sometimes called "bishop's grass." Used in magical rituals of cleansing and protection from evil spirits. It is recommended to burn the above-ground parts of the plant from time to time in the room, and on the night of Ivan Kupala it is recommended to make a fire, throw this cleansing herb into it and jump over the fire. Bishop's grass is also used to stuff pillows to get rid of nightmares.


In European countries, this plant is poetically called “seven-year-old love”, “knight’s grass”, “maiden’s cape”. From these names one can judge what power was attributed to yarrow. It is believed that this herb helps in love, but only in pure love, sanctified by marriage. If a husband and wife wear yarrow amulets and talismans, he will give them 7 years of marital happiness. Yarrow also protects against evil spirits and helps drive out evil spirits and possessors. In Catholic countries, yarrow is used in exorcism rituals.

A specially prepared infusion of yarrow (collected at a certain time) increases the abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.


Thanks to many films today, probably every child knows that the best defense against vampires is garlic. Indeed, the main magical properties of this plant are exorcism and protection from it. Before moving into a new house, heads of garlic were hung in every corner of the room. The flowers of this plant were used to decorate the altar during rituals of expelling evil spirits. A head of garlic, peeled, can be carried with you to protect against spoilage.


This tree was revered in Ancient Egypt. Its magical power lies in increasing clairvoyance abilities, as well as protecting against extraneous influences on the mind and spirit of a person.


Among the Slavs, birch is considered a tree so pure that it is never used in black magic.
They sweep the floor with a birch broom to remove troubles and misfortunes from it. It is recommended to carry out a cleansing ritual (sweeping) after quarrels or serious illnesses.

A birch tree growing near a house gives its inhabitants prosperity, peace and protection of their ancestors.

Birch earrings are worn in bags by girls and young women to attract female happiness. Birch bark, worn on the body, protects against damage. If you throw birch leaves and branches into the fire, all your sorrows will go away with the smoke. During and after a serious illness, healers recommended heating the stove with birch wood.

The Germanic and Celtic peoples did not have the same reverence for the birch as the Slavs. Traditionally, this tree is believed to be associated with the souls of the dead. Therefore, some turn to the birch tree to receive protection from relatives who have passed on to another world; some believe that devils nest in its branches and evil spirits. It was believed that witches fly on a broom, in which the broom is made of birch twigs.


A very powerful magical tree. It is under the oak that mistletoe grows, which is used in protective magic. The aroma of oak leaves (burnt) cleanses the room and expels all evil spirits from it. Oak leaves and branches for magical purposes must be collected at night, and magicians recommend pouring wine over the roots of the oak tree in gratitude.

A necklace made of acorns is worn to awaken dormant energies: women wear it if they want to increase their sexual attractiveness and against infertility, men wear it to get rid of impotence and increase male strength.


Spruce is used in protective and cleansing magic. It is believed that a spruce planted at the gate blocks the path of evil forces.


This tree has long been considered witchcraft. The witch's broom was held together with willow branches. It is not recommended to settle where willows grow unless you are looking for contacts with otherworldly forces.

A willow planted on the bank of a stream or other body of water near your home (but not in the immediate vicinity) will protect the one who planted it from evil forces associated with water.
To get rid of the fear of death, magicians recommend carrying with you a piece of willow branch, cut during the full moon. To get rid of visions, it is recommended to wear a willow bark amulet around your neck.


Cypress in magic is considered the tree of death. Its branches, hung on the wall, protect against visits from the evil spirits of the dead. Only highly qualified magicians can carry cypress with them in order to gain an understanding of death. It is called the "ghost of the dead flame."

It is better for ordinary people not to experiment with this tree.

bay tree

This tree has enormous protective power, gives foresight, and casts out evil spirits. The smell of burning leaves helps you see the future; the same effect can be achieved if you put bay leaves under your pillow at night. If you wear the leaves as an amulet, you can get rid of painful and “hellish” visions. Bay leaves added to water for cleansing, scattered on the floor during the exorcism ritual. For magical purposes, laurel leaves must be collected with one’s own hand during sunrise, facing east.


The Slavs have long used hazelnuts in Christmas fortune-telling: a whole, good nut means prosperity for the whole year, and an empty or rotten one means poverty, ruin, illness or death. The fused hazelnuts are placed in a chest of goods (in our days - in a wallet) so that wealth does not become scarce. Walnut considered a symbol of wisdom, its shell is used as a talisman for those who comprehend any wisdom: for schoolchildren, students, etc.

Magical security fences around the home are built from hazel (hazel) wood. When performing cleansing magical rituals, walnut rods are stuck around the perimeter of the territory to prevent other people's magical interference. Hazel can also be used for a magical attack on an enemy, but only if there is absolute confidence that one is right. Hazel is a fair tree and does not help people carry out their evil intentions.

It is believed that lightning never strikes a hazel tree, so under the hazel crowns people used to escape from a thunderstorm; the Slavs also believed that a thunderstorm would bypass the territory enclosed by a walnut fence. A walnut rod is used to draw a magic circle on the ground to protect oneself from evil spirits. If there is a suspicion that the child is capricious and does not want to sleep because he has been jinxed, the cradle is walked around with a lighted walnut branch.

There was a belief that on Trinity Sunday the souls of deceased ancestors visit the earth and settle in the branches of a hazel tree, so on this day it is strictly forbidden to break the branches of this tree so as not to disturb the ancestors. On Ascension or Spiritual Day, houses and churches were decorated with bouquets of hazel branches , they scattered branches on the floor. By putting your ear to the branches on the floor, you could hear the voice of the deceased relatives. After the holiday, they swept the room with these branches, carried them to the graves and swept them so that the souls could return to their afterlife.


This tree has always been considered the main weapon against all evil spirits. Aspen leaves and wood are used as an amulet that protects against damage, the evil eye and terrible visions. There was a belief that only an aspen stake could stop a vampire forever. Also aspen popularly known as the tree on which Judas hanged himself. Aspen trees are often planted in cemeteries or cemetery fences are built from aspen wood to prevent restless souls from entering the world of living people.


Berry necklace mountain ash protects against damage, wood brings happiness and prosperity, especially to women.


Ash protects against diseases and accidents. Ash leaves under the pillow evoke prophetic dreams. Human figures are carved from the roots of ash trees for various magical rituals in areas where mandrake does not grow. The stick for the witch's broom was made from an ash branch.

Our ancient land is the most complex symphony of solar colors, folk beliefs, rituals, and the art of magical actions. And all this for one thing: to be the master of your land, in your home, to follow the successive traditional way of life, to glorify the Gods of relatives and ancestors. In folk medicine, there are many methods of influencing the heart, mind and ailments of a person. Our ancestors had their own hygienic culture, i.e. their specific attitude towards their body and soul, a high general spiritual culture, a unique interaction with their housing, a unique way of eating.

About 200 thousand medicinal plants are known in the world. Of these, over 20 thousand grow on Ukrainian soil. Therefore, it is not surprising that our ancestors knew well and effectively used the healing potion - a real gift from the Gods.
It was considered a great injustice to pick and give flowers, as well as unripe fruits, since this means death (flowers were carried only to funerals: they covered the last earthly path of the deceased, and placed them on the grave). A flower picked and given as a gift is a sign of causing evil, i.e. They wish for a person the same thing that was done to the plant. Only plants consecrated by the ritual can be picked. Even a mature tree was cut down only with the permission of the spiritual director of the clan. This attitude of our ancestors to nature stemmed from the knowledge of the trinity of the world, the connection of all manifestations of existence in a single body.
Our ancestors knew that each potion has its own magical time when it has the greatest healing power. They started collecting herbs on the Zelnik holiday (Wednesday during Rusal Week). Digests, which were currently used to cover the forgery, were also considered healing. The Kupala collection of herbs began on the night of the elderly solstice (June 20-22). The potion, collected at this time, is granted magical properties: it cures all diseases. The next herb collection began at Poppy Spas (Makoveya). Since ancient times, this holiday has sanctified the collection, consumption and donation of ripe fruits of the Earth and the Sun. On this day, mainly garden plants that grow near the house are collected: poppy, sunflower, carrots, dill, lovage, mint, rue.
For a long time, the collection of plants began towards the east of the sun, until the dew fell, since then the potion loses its healing properties. The collection of herbs should take place in the first half of the day, before 12 o’clock, “while the day is coming, so that the strength comes.” Sometimes, as on Kupala, they began collecting herbs at night. It is at night that herbs absorb more moisture and nutrients, removing harmful elements, i.e. self-cleaning.
The best gathering place medicinal herbs uninhabited places were considered, “where you can’t hear the rooster’s voice.”
Each disease has its own time for collecting medicine. If the plant is used to strengthen the body, increase the level of hemoglobin, increase weight, for “strength”, it should be collected on Young, “so that it increases as the month increases.” When it is necessary to get rid of ulcers, skin diseases, warts, the grass should be collected for a full month, which will begin to decline, to decrease.
The collection of healing potions is associated with very old customs that are of a ritual nature. We must thank the earth for the gift of medicine. Therefore, before starting the collection, under the first bush or sprout of the plant, they place bread and salt, or a coin, and say: “Don’t be upset, Zemlitsa, that we exposed you, we put bread on you, Zemlitsa.” The plants were collected after praying and always wearing a clean shirt. They turned to the Gods and spirits of plants so that the collected potion would be an assistant against all sorts of ailments: “Father-Heaven, Earth-Snowstorm, bless the potion to take.”
From ancient times it is known that plants have not only healing, but also magical powers. In the darkest moments of their lives, our ancestors always turned to herbs and flowers for help.
Thus, it is believed that girls plant red rue and lovage in order to be always loved and desired, and young women so that their family will be strong. Cockerels protect against evil spirits. The poppy is also a talisman. Its seeds, consecrated on Makovei, are sprinkled on people and livestock. It is woven into girls' corollas. Wormwood and garlic are also used as amulets. Thyme (Evshan-potion) also has magical powers.
It often happens that inexpressive-looking plants hide significant strength. With its help, it is possible to fulfill your desires, to be cured, to remain faithful, to get rid of evil spirits, to remove love spells, or vice versa - to attract attention to yourself, to gain wealth, to cause prophetic dream or perfume, remove damage and the evil eye, preserve youth and beauty.
The magical power of plants has always been kept secret by sorcerers, priests, and healers, since it made it possible to help people in healing and could influence the inner world of a person, his psyche, and opened the way to unknown worlds and states.
Gender: female
Element: water
Planet: month
Goddess: Makosha
Strength: fertility, love, sleep, money, cottage
The poppy, consecrated on Makovey, was used by those in the know as a remedy against the evil eye and evil forces. Make a careful circle with its seeds and sprinkle the estate, people and livestock. Poppy flowers are woven into a braid so that the head does not hurt, and the hair is lush and does not fall out. Poppy seeds are used to make rain: when there is no rain for a long time, you need to go to a well and sprinkle poppy seeds there - it will be a fine rain. And when the priestesses all together hiss a handful into the well, it will be a downpour.
In love magic, poppies are collected personally, in the evening on Yunets, on right hand. For the ritual, you cannot collect grains in any container or bag. The same evening bring home and divide into three parts, knead the usual yeast dough, divide it also into three parts, and bake with poppy seeds. Place the baked bread overnight close to your head. The next day, go with him to your chosen one, give him one loaf of bread to eat, the second one to eat yourself, and the third one to divide and eat together. All actions must be performed with a good heart. To invoke love, carry a few poppy seeds in your pocket.
Pharmacological properties:
poppy has a calming effect on the nervous system and has mild hypnotic and analgesic properties. An infusion of the petals is used against coughs, for bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, and for insomnia; against diarrhea and dysentery, for pain in abdominal cavity. For local treatment, it is used in powder form, as a hemostatic agent, or as a lotion. A decoction of the heads is most often used for acute cough, palpitations, abdominal pain, and in the case of irregular and scanty periods. Also, extracts from poppy seeds exhibit antitumor effects. Poppy fruits are used for oncological diseases of the abdominal organs, sarcoma, condyloma and external forms of cancer.
- poppy petals.. 3 parts; black elderberry (flowers).. 2; linden 2; rolls.. 3; podbil 2; buckwheat..2; lungwort officinalis..3.
Pour 40 g of the mixture with one liter of boiling water into a thermos, leave overnight and drink half a glass every hour during the day if you have a strong cough, and as a diaphoretic.
Poppy petal syrup:
50g of raw material is poured with 2 cups of boiling water + 1g of tartrate or citric acid, stand for 4 hours, filter, dissolve 650 g of sugar in the filtrate and boil the syrup. Give children 1 teaspoon 5-6 times a day when coughing.
Externally: powdered poppy petals for sprinkling on wounds that are bleeding.
Infusion: 2 tablespoons of petals per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour, cool, filter and use as a lotion for wiping the face for dry skin and morels.
Chebrets (Evshan - potion)
Goddess: Makosha
Gender: female
Planet: Venus
Element: water
Strength: health, healing, sleep, psychic power, love, courage, purification.
For Ukrainians, this particular plant is a symbol of the Motherland; they took it with them when leaving for a foreign land, as a symbol native land. Thyme is one of the herbs that have been used in worship since the days of Trypillia.
It ensures the well-being of the family, brings health, improves memory and mental abilities.
Chebrets is able to evoke memories of the past and gives an opportunity to look into the future, provides courage and strength. If placed in the pillow you sleep on, it will ward off bad dreams and induce happy prophetic visions. By meditating on a mixture of herbs from thyme, nagodka and oregano, you can see the insults of your beloved.
A drink was made from thyme, which was consumed on the Green Holidays, when the dead were remembered, and also against the evil eye, witch powers on Kupala, on sparrow night.
Girls use this drink to charm boys who have become cold to them; and those “at the time” lubricated themselves with it, so that evil forces would not harm the future conception.
Pharmacological properties:
It exhibits expectorant, antibacterial, antispasmodic and analgesic effects, has a calming effect on the central nervous system, and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. It is used for laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, gastro-renal diseases (decreased gastric secretion). Also - in the treatment of whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, insomnia, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, with peptic ulcer stomach, hemorrhoids, joint diseases, paralysis, eye diseases. Thyme is used to treat alcoholism; it improves metabolism.
As an external remedy, used for inflammatory diseases oral cavity and nasopharynx (rinsing), in the case of nervous and skin diseases, rheumatism (baths), inflammatory diseases of the vagina, especially in older women (douching).
Thyme preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy, cardiac decompensation, liver diseases and pochard.
Internally: infusion (2 tablespoons of raw material per 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours) half a glass 4 times a day before meals. 1 teaspoon of raw material is brewed with 1 bottle of boiling water and drunk, sweetened with honey, like tea.
Externally: rinse with infusion (10 g or 2 tbsp.
spoons of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water);
15 g of raw material is poured into 2 bottles of boiling water, left to cool, filtered, diluted with boiled water to 1 liter and the resulting infusion is used for douching (morning and evening); 100 g of raw materials are brewed in 2 liters of boiling water, filtered and added to the bath.
Witch's Beauty Potion
The word “witch” comes from the word “to know” and means a woman who knows more than others, and, in addition, armed with female intuition. Witchcraft is understood as the ability to reveal the feelings and motives of people’s actions, phenomena and patterns of nature, and, above all, the art of using conspiracies and various “potions” to influence certain aspects of people’s lives: affection, sympathy, attractiveness and, of course, beauty.
Attractiveness is not so much a natural gift as the ability to preserve the beauty of youth and the spontaneity of youth. Taking care of appearance is, first of all, taking care of health. This includes a daily routine, a balanced diet, and the skillful use of cosmetics.
There is folk experience in using natural cosmetics, which are based on natural products of plant and animal origin. The use of plant extracts and juices has long been known to preserve the freshness of the skin, improve hair, reduce sweating...
It is known that plants contain substances necessary to maintain the beauty, freshness and elasticity of the skin. Washing, rubbing with fruit and vegetable juices, extracts from roots, shoots and foliage are useful for everyone without exception, not only for restoring withered skin, but also for maintaining its softness and flawlessness, for its whitening and velvety appearance.
Since ancient times people have been able to make cosmetical tools from flowers, tree bark, foliage and fruits of plants. This skill was passed down from generation to generation. Witches have long known and skillfully used products for whitening facial skin, softening the skin of hands, and for hair care.
Skin aging is a natural process, and if it cannot be avoided, then it is in our power to hold it back.
a certain period of time.
The first wrinkles are a signal that indicates that you need to pay more attention to caring for your appearance, the skin of your face and neck.
skin care methods
Oily skin
Place two tablespoons of St. John's wort herb in a basin or bowl, pour 2-3 liters of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel and take a steam bath for 10-15 minutes. After the bath, rinse your face with cold water. This steam bath is recommended once every two weeks to cleanse oily skin; it provides it with freshness and elasticity.
Pour a glass of boiling water over crushed oak and willow bark (1 teaspoon each), leave, strain and add a tablespoon of edible vinegar. Then add boiled water to the mixture in a ratio of 1:10. Wipe with lotion and rinse in hot weather oily skin faces.
Flowers of yarrow, nagodkov, medicinal sage, tricolor violet - equally. Pour three teaspoons of the mixture into a bottle of boiling water and strain. Use the infusion for compresses, and add the grounds powdered milk, starch or flour - for masks. Wash off the mask applied to the face after 15-20 minutes.
Dry skin
In the evening it is useful to cleanse the skin with a decoction oatmeal(without salt): boil 2 tablespoons of flakes for 5-10 minutes in 1 liter of water, strain, cool. The decoction softens chapped and rough skin. Particularly beneficial for sensitive skin.
Zucchini mask
Cut thin long strips of raw zucchini and place them on your face and neck. After 20 minutes, remove the strips and wash your face with raw milk. Recommended not only for dry, but also for rough skin to prevent wrinkles.
Normal skin
Pour boiling water over half a glass of dry mint herb, cover the dishes, leave for half an hour. Then strain and add a tablespoon of glycerin. Wipe your face morning and evening instead of washing.
Chamomile decoction (boil half a tablespoon of inflorescences in half a glass of water for 5 minutes) in equal doses with yolk and cream. Wet a napkin and keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes. The mask tones, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.
There are many cosmetic
products made on the basis of herbal preparations that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used, and which we will talk about next time.