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What does the five-pointed star symbolize in Orthodoxy? Inverted five-pointed star in Orthodoxy

Every person on the planet knows this figure. The beginning of its use goes back to ancient times. In the history of many peoples, it has a certain semantic and religious meaning. Five-pointed star symbol meaning varies. Let's try to understand all the intricacies together.

The five-pointed figure was one of the most important elements of religion among many peoples of the world.

The five-pointed figure was one of the most important elements of religion and worship among many nations of the world. The meaning of the symbol among the Slavs, Muslims and Catholics has common features, but there are still some significant differences.

The first known use of the symbol occurred around three millennia BC. e. In Sumerian writing it denoted a small room, a small pit, and also a corner.

Among the Pythagoreans, the figure was personified as a refuge in which the primordial chaos was confined at the time when our world was created. Then the container of dark forces was sent to Tartarus - the afterlife. According to legend, darkness, which was placed in a figure with five rays, was the soul of the world, as well as a real storehouse of wisdom. This symbol had two rays located at the top.

The meaning of the Slavic symbol

In Slavic culture, wearing a star with 5 rays helped the owner in his affairs. Such a talisman attracted prosperity, health and happiness. How could it be interpreted differently if each ray denoted very important concepts for the Slavs. The elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air merged in this figure. The Spirit joined them. Therefore, the meaning of the symbol among the Slavs acquired a religious character rather than a magical or protective one.

A five-pointed figure in Slavic culture - such a talisman attracted prosperity, health and happiness

The elders of the clan wore such a distinctive sign in the form of pendants, rings or embroidery on clothes. They interpreted it even more broadly - they argued that the star personified infinity, the relationship between the end and the beginning, since a pentagram is easy to draw without breaking the line. This is the endless cycle that exists in the cycle of nature. The pentagram was positioned with its beam upward. In Rus' they believed that the inverted sign was used by witches in their witchcraft rituals to induce damage and evil spells.

The meaning of the five-pointed star in various religions of the world

This sign is widely used in religious movements. Thus, the teachings of Kabbalah interpret it as an image of the messiah if the figure is positioned so that one of its rays is directed vertically upward. The pentagram denoted the sacred seal of the wisest of kings - Solomon. Also in one of the historical periods it was used as the official seal of Jerusalem.

In Muslim teaching, this sign is important. It is associated with the 5 pillars of true faith, as well as the number of prayers that should be said each day.

Christian teaching in the European powers endowed the pentagonal figure with a number of meanings. Let's list just a few

  • five fingers;
  • health;
  • feelings;
  • number of wounds of Christ.

The sign was identified with the Star of Bethlehem. In Russia, the night star that pointed to the birthplace of Christ had 7 rays.

The pentagonal star at the very beginning indicated that Christ was a man living among people.

The Renaissance is characterized by interest in the essence of man, in his personality. The symbol with 5 sides was associated with a person whose limbs are spread wide apart, as shown in the drawing of the great Leonardo.

Important social symbol

The meaning of the five-pointed star also has a social and humanistic aspect. This symbol became most widespread during the period when the Great French Revolution “ruled” Paris. With the advent of atheism, man was elevated to the main place in the new gradation of values. And the star becomes an important symbol. Its importance especially increased in military symbols, first in revolutionary France, and then this phenomenon spread to other countries.

Over time, the star becomes one of the key signs in Masonic symbolism. At first it had an ancient occult meaning. Gradually, the star acquired a wider meaning and began to be used to express the ideas of the Masonic movement. The star began to be used as a state symbol of those countries that were built according to Masonic drawings - it can be seen on the flag of the USA and the European Union. The five-pointed symbol is found on the national flags of many powers. Here are just a few of them׃

  • China;
  • Vietnam;
  • Cameroon;
  • Liberia;
  • Cuba;
  • Congo-Kinshasa;
  • Panama;
  • Myanmar;
  • Puerto Rico;
  • New Zealand, etc.

The five-pointed symbol is found on the national flags of many powers.

The meaning of the five-pointed star also has some symbolism in the civil direction. It is often used as a badge of honor in many social organizations and movements.

Negative meaning

A figure with two rays pointing upward is considered almost the main symbol of Satanists. The inverted pentagram in this case means Tartarus. This is the name in their teachings for the place where the fallen angels are located.

Inside the inverted sign is often the goat's head of Baphomet. The main symbolism of this figure is anti-humanity, animal passion. Three rays directed downwards for those who profess satanic teachings mean rejection of the Holy Trinity.

In Russia

After the victory of the socialist revolution, the new state needed completely different symbols.

At first, a hammer and a plow were depicted on the red star. It was an emblem adopted as a badge of honor among the Red Army, which was in dire need of its symbols.

The opposing sides in the civil war that broke out after the October Revolution were as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. They wore the same clothes, spoke the same language, and were similar in appearance.

Thus, for the first time, the five-pointed red communist star, which later became famous throughout the world, appeared among the symbols of the Land of the Soviets.

For the first time, the five-pointed red communist star, which later became famous throughout the world, appeared among the symbols of the Land of Soviets.

Magical meaning

The five-pointed star is used as a very powerful witchcraft sign in witchcraft. In magical rituals, texts and formulas it is called a pentagram.

A pentacle is used for rituals. This is a special round disk that is made of wax, baked clay or other materials. The sign of the pentagram is applied to it. It can be engraved alone or in combination with other magical symbols.

The pentacle is used to attract the energy of the elements, earth, stars or people. Sometimes during magical rituals, the high priestesses themselves assume the pentagram pose. They stand in a circle and spread their arms and legs to the sides, symbolizing a five-pointed star. In some teachings, this pose signifies rebirth.

Today, many modern magicians wear a pendant on their chest or a ring on their finger with a five-pointed symbol. It is a sign of their teachings, as well as a protective talisman and amulet. It is made from silver, less often from gold. Metal gives the figure special strength and energy, which is enhanced by special spells. Practicing magicians and sorcerers use a magic sign to cope with elemental forces and entities from the underworld that they call.

Pentagram as protection and help

The star sign with five rays is used by adherents of esoteric teachings for meditation. They associate each ray of the figure with a certain quality or name of the deity. In other situations, emotions or feelings are “attached” to the rays. Very often, the pentagram is used to designate any concepts in encrypted witchcraft formulas.

In addition to being used in jewelry, the star is embroidered on clothing, it is drawn inside a circle, into which participants in witchcraft rituals then stand.

The star is used in jewelry, embroidered on clothes, drawn inside a circle, which participants then stand in for witchcraft rituals.

The five-sided star is a very powerful amulet. It not only protects from evil demons, but also gives power over them and allows you to subjugate the summoned spirits.

The symbol of a star with five rays was a fairly powerful amulet back in pagan times. It was believed that the owner of such a talisman would be able to achieve wealth and happiness faster.

During the same period, in witchcraft, such talismans were ritual and were often used for revenge, damage, and witchcraft spells. In this case, an inverted pentagram was used, which was associated with hell and the power of powerful evil forces.

Since ancient times, the star has been considered a special symbol, because we see it almost every night. The sky seems so distant and inaccessible that its stars are associated with something strong and permanent. The brightness and beauty of these celestial beings evokes dreams and thoughts of miracles. There are thousands of interpretations of the images of stars, and they have a special place in the culture of all nations.

A six-pointed star (hexagram), formed as a result of superimposing two equilateral triangles on top of each other (one with its apex up, the other down) with a regular hexagon resulting in the middle, is called the Star of David (in other cultures - the Star of Goliath, the Seal of Solomon, the Seal of Vishnu in India).

Now emblem is most strongly associated with the Jewish people, although in fact it is an international sign. The symbol is depicted on the flag of not only Israel, but also Burundi, Nigeria and some Muslim states (Karamana, Kandara). The Star of David can be discerned in elements of the US state seal and the coats of arms of some German, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Russian, Finnish and Estonian cities. The photo is presented below.

Origin story

Early finds

The history of the origin of this symbol and its names go back a long way and is not known for certain. The first images began to appear in rock paintings of the Bronze and Iron Ages. Since the 7th century BC. e. The hexagram began to be found in books on alchemy and magic, elements of ancient seals, frames of synagogues and the interiors of rich houses.

This sign was often found in Arabic books, became widespread in India, the Middle East and Europe in the Middle Ages, and was also mentioned as the “shield of David” in the Kabbalistic “Book of Limit” and “The Alphabet of the Angel Metatron”. Some researchers mistakenly claim that the “shield of David” was also mentioned in the 12th century work “Eshkol Ha-Kofer”, but according to Wikipedia this definition appeared only in the 19th century edition.

There is a theory about the Russian origin of the symbol. In the north of the country, V. Meshcheryakov found a silver six-pointed star on a stone stand from before the Ice Age. He suggested that at that time this territory was occupied by ancient highly developed civilizations.

The hexagram had much in common with the pentagram. Nowadays the six-pointed star is called the "shield of David" and the five-pointed star is the "star of Solomon" (it is believed that it was engraved on the king's magic ring, hence the name), but in the past these names were considered interchangeable. The pentagram was more common, but both emblems were given magical meaning and used in amulets.

For your own well-being, you should start drawing a star from the top of the upper triangle. Then draw the bottom one and touch the center. Freemasons used them as a “flaming star” and a sign of undivided power over the world, occultists believed that the hexagram would help reveal secrets, used it to summon demons, and alchemists saw it as a sign of immortality and wore silver amulets of this shape.

Connection with Jews

It is not known for certain what served as the beginning of the history of the perception of the Star of David as a national symbol of the Jews. In the 7th century BC. e. A seal with her image was discovered that belonged to the Jew Yehoshua ben Yeshayahu, but this symbol was often found among other nations. In 1354 it appeared on the Jewish "flag of King David" and the official seal of the community in Prague. The choice of this particular image could have been borrowed from the culture of Egypt, in which it was associated with deities. In another version, it was an image of King David’s shield, with which he liberated the state. It was then that the star began to take on a more important meaning than a decorative one.

In the XIII–XIV centuries the image was already quite common on Jewish manuscripts, amulets, family coats of arms and in Kabbalistic texts. Then the sign spread to the Czech Republic, Moravia, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, and Eastern Europe. The attitude towards the hexagram as a symbol of the Jews was finally consolidated in the 18th century. It began to appear on Jewish tombstones, anti-Semitic caricatures, and replaced the five-pointed stars on coats of arms.

In the 19th century, the hexagram was adopted by all Jewish communities and appeared on their buildings and synagogues, monuments, and document forms. Although it was often given a meaning similar to the Christian cross and was depicted on the graves of Jews, the star did not represent religion. This is what allowed her to become the official symbol of secular Zionism.

Finally, the six-pointed star was sadly associated with the Israeli people by the Nazis, who chose it as a mark of Jews, separating them from other populations. In concentration camps, all prisoners had a distinctive sign in the form of one triangle, and Jews had two. In addition, the foreheads of concentration camp prisoners who were subjected to experiments were marked with a yellow hexagram.

Derogatory meaning, which was a symbol of the Nazis, was turned into a source of pride by Jewish soldiers of the British Army by creating an emblem of a yellow star against a background of blue and white stripes. And then the blue six-pointed star began to be depicted on the national flag of Israel.

Red Star on a white canvas is the official emblem of emergency care organized by Jews. This organization continues the work of the international committee for the provision of medical assistance. The emblem was adopted by the International Committee of the Red Cross in the early summer of 2006, on the condition that outside Israel, it would be framed by a red diamond.

Connection with the menorah

Initially, the menorah, which is now depicted on the coat of arms of Israel, was considered a Jewish symbol (see photo). It was a seven-branched candlestick, which at the beginning of the new era was also called the “shield of David.” The sacred connection between the menorah and the Star of David began with the fact that Solomon placed columns topped with two-meter lilies at the entrance to the Temple. In the ancient Bible, the flower is translated as lily and symbolizes the nation of the Jews, since it was the only one that grew wild on their territory. The same white lily flowers, when opened, resembling the shape of a six-pointed star, were located under each of the menorah candles, common in churches from the 2nd century AD. e. When the candles were lit, the fire was located in the very center of the Star of David.

origin of name

No matter how widespread this theory may be, it is not supported in the Bible. The king’s personal seal depicted a shepherd’s crook, and, most likely, people began to look for connections with this legendary hero already in the Middle Ages.

What does the Star of David mean?

Hexagram has always been perceived as the sum of several principles that form an equilibrium Universe. The number of these principles varies in different cultures from two to twelve.

Hexagram in ancient religions

  • In the Jewish religion Jews are considered a supernation, and all other people are contemptuously called goyim. In the 17th century, when the symbol was widely used by Kabbalists, it was given the meaning of world domination of the Israeli people (the triangle with its apex up symbolizes the triumph of reason and will) over all the goyim (the second triangle is a designation of pseudo-man, a creature without will and spirit). In this context, the pentagram means the same thing, the absence of one corner is the cut off mind of the goyim.
  • Star used in Muslim mosques, in the book of the Holy Quran. The main shrine of Muslims, the Kaaba stone, is covered with a silk blanket with the image of stars with six rays.
  • Hexagram in Christianity depicts the Star of Bethlehem and is an element of the ornament of Orthodox churches even more often than synagogues. It symbolizes the struggle between God and the devil, but more often it is perceived as a symbol of Jesus Christ - the union of the divine and the human. It is also a sign of the six days of the creation of the world, and is used in decorating temples and icons.

Star of David in religions

symbolizes the 5 human senses one for each ray, and the sixth signifies the desire for God. But in this meaning the star is depicted as whole. Since Christianity makes a distinction between the seal of God and the mark of the devil, it is believed that the division of an entire star into triangles (an image drawn with lines) is of a satanic nature and it is precisely this image that will accompany the coming of the Antichrist. On this basis, it is associated with the devilish number 666 (in the figure there are 6 corners, 6 vertices, 6 sides of the inner figure).

It is also believed that in the pentagram the absence of one corner means the cessation of the desire for God and is considered a demonic symbol. In this context, the Bolsheviks who built communism were called Satanists who created the kingdom of the Antichrist, since they wore this image on their headdresses.

Who can wear a Star of David amulet?

Since the hexagram is present in the culture of all civilizations, anyone can wear it. Some wear it as a decoration, without attaching any significance to the symbol; others - as an amulet, believing that it will prolong life and health or awaken special abilities. Previously, sailors even gave themselves tattoos with a hexagram in order to return home safely. It was believed that this sign protects against evil spirits, but now it is also actively used by Satanists.

Everyone can interpret a chain with a hexagram worn around the neck in their own way, the main thing is what meaning the owner of the amulet gives to the Star of David.

The five-pointed star or pentagram is a common symbol of all times and peoples. Only the meaning is different. It is believed that this sign is more than five thousand years old. The five-pointed star was first mentioned in Sumerian written sources about 3,000 years ago. What does this sign symbolize, what meaning does it carry? Let's look at it in detail.

What do stars mean in people's lives? They have always been associated with eternity and cosmic order, and were an astral symbol. Ancient people attributed mystical qualities to them and believed that the stars controlled human destinies. This is how astrology was born - the science of the stars. The Greeks generally called the stars by divine names and considered them the patrons of people. For example, they associated the Milky Way with the road of the gods. According to ancient Greek myths, the Milky Way emerged from the breasts of the goddess Hera when she spilled milk. Ancient goddesses were depicted wearing crowns decorated with stars.

Let's consider the meaning of the five-pointed star symbol in different eras. So, in Sumerian sources, a five-pointed star denoted a pit, a small room and a corner. Another symbol found in Mesopotamia is the four-pointed star. This sign carries a different meaning - a symbol of the god Shamash. In modern times, a star with four rays symbolizes the correct direction of the chosen path, as well as a happy destiny.

Among the Pythagoreans, this symbol was associated with the five refuges of Tartarus, where primeval chaos resided. It is noteworthy that the Pythagoreans depicted this symbol with two rays upward, like modern Satanists and black sorcerers. But the Pythagoreans did not worship Satan, but considered Darkness to be the source of wisdom and the basis of the soul.

Pythagoras generally considered this symbol to be an expression of perfection in geometry, and his contemporaries considered the star to be a symbol of health. This was related to the apple: if you cut it crosswise, the seed pod looks like a pentagram.

The symbol can also be found in the ancient science of Kabbalah, where it has the meaning of Mission and is depicted with one ray upward. The wisest King Solomon is also mentioned in connection with the pentagram - it was depicted on his famous ring with the inscription “everything will pass.” Also, the pentagram was at one time a symbol of Jerusalem. The Pentateuch is another traditional meaning associated with the five rays of the star.

In the Muslim religion, the 5-pointed star expresses the 5 pillars of wisdom and the 5 prayers that a true believer must do.

What does a five-pointed star mean in Europe? In Western Europe, the meaning of the pentagram is associated with the senses (5 senses) and the five fingers and toes. Also, the 5 rays of the pentagram express:

  • 5 wounds on the body of Christ;
  • 5 joys of Our Lady;
  • Star of Bethlehem.

During the Renaissance, this symbol was associated with the great artist Leonardo do Vinci, who compared it to the perfection of the human body (Vitruvian Man). In the era of atheism, the symbol was completely humanized; it began to express the greatness of human nature.

During the era of the French Revolution, the star acquired a new meaning - military. From there, this symbol migrated to other countries: in particular, in Russia, the five-pointed star is still a distinctive sign of the military. The leaders of the French Revolution associated the pentagram with the god of war, Mars, who was born from the lily. If you look at the petals of a lily, they form just a five-pointed star.

Soon the pentagram became a symbol of the Freemasons, who saw in the five rays the expression of the ideas of the spiritual perfection of man as the crown of nature. From then on, stars began to appear on the flags of those countries that were secretly controlled by Masonic lodges.

Along with the image of a star with one ray up, its inverse image is also used - with a ray down. This symbol is closely associated with the Satanic Church, Mormons and black magicians. Inside the satanic star they depict a goat's head with horns - Bephamet.

If a straight pentagram with an upward ray symbolizes the power of the spirit and mind over the body, then an inverted one speaks of the power of bodily desires over the mind and spirit.

Star in the USSR

In the 20th century, the five-pointed star became a symbol of the communist idea proclaimed by the Soviet Union. In the center of the five-pointed star were depicted a sickle and a hammer - symbols of the working people, workers and peasants. The militant meaning of the god of war Mars here acquired a different meaning - not an attack, but the protection of the peaceful labor of citizens of the Soviet state. Also, 5 rays symbolized 5 continents, which are united by the common goal of the working people - peace and equality. The red color of the star symbolized brotherhood and blood shed for freedom.

Three ideas that the red star expressed:

  • military (star of Mars);
  • protective (amulet);
  • guiding (bright future).

The peasants did not immediately accept the new symbol, since the Soviet government first approved an inverted star - with two rays upward. This caused a superstitious fear of belonging to Satanism. Taking into account the interests of the majority, the star was given a direct image - with one ray upward.

In 1928, the October star appeared with a portrait of Lenin in the center, and in 1935 a red star adorned the Kremlin’s Spasskaya Tower. In 1942, the pioneer badge also took on the shape of a star, although before that it was depicted in the form of a flag.

Star of Bethlehem

The Gospel of Matthew speaks of a certain star that showed the way to the wise men to the newborn Jesus. These were Persian astrologers who came to worship the Savior of the world. According to legend, an unusual star led them to the birthplace of Jesus and stopped above him.

The symbol of the Star of Bethlehem came to Orthodoxy from Byzantium. She carried a certain meaning - the Mother of God and the baby born to her. The image of a five-pointed star can be found in various churches in Russia and Israel:

  • decorates the Cathedral of the Nativity in Bethlehem;
  • decorates the icon case in the Cathedral of the Nativity in Bethlehem;
  • personifies the virginity of the Mother of God in icon painting;
  • decorates the Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg.

The star is also depicted in Andrei Rublev’s famous painting “The Transfiguration of the Lord,” where it is drawn with the upper ray downward.

Pentagram in magic

In magic, this symbol has, first of all, a protective meaning. Belief in the protective properties of the pentagram came from time immemorial. So, even during the Sumerian kingdom, it was depicted above the doors of shops and trading stalls as a talisman against theft. In Babylon they believed that she was a symbol of perfection and power. Enlightened men saw in her a symbol of the perfection and harmony of human nature.

In order for the pentagram to acquire protective properties, it must be drawn as an unbroken line.

The Pythagoreans saw in the rays of the star symbols of the four elements and the Spirit. The spirit expressed the idea, and the elements were the building blocks of this absolute Idea. It was in the Pythagorean school that the pentagram acquired a symbol of the dominion and dominance of the Spirit over matter, expressed by the elements.

What does the five-pointed star mean:

  • lower left ray - earth element;
  • lower right ray - fire element;
  • the upper left ray is the air element;
  • the upper right ray is the element of water;
  • the upper ray is the spiritual self of a person, the idea.

In modern magic, two images of the pentagram are used - upright and inverted. The upright pentagram carries a protective meaning, the inverted one - the image of the goat of Mendes. Inverted, the five-pointed star takes on a different meaning and expresses the worldview of black magic. The head of a goat is depicted in the rays of an inverted pentagram. The devil's pentagram is widely used in occult areas of modern magic, and since 1983 it has been the official symbol of the Church of Satan in the USA.

The pentagram is embroidered on magical clothes, worn as a pendant on a chain, and depicted on a magical altar. A pentagram in a circle is considered a talisman - this amulet can be purchased in esoteric stores.

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The five-pointed star is an ancient symbol of goodness and high ideals November 15th, 2017

Quite recently there was a significant anniversary. 80 years ago, on November 2, 1937, ruby ​​stars lit up on the towers of the Moscow Kremlin. As you know, the Bolsheviks made the red five-pointed star the emblem of the Red Army and one of the symbols of the Land of the Soviets. Unfortunately, either from illiteracy or something else, there are such obscurantists, especially among Orthodox monarchists who believe that this symbolism is Masonic and Satanic.

In general, the history of the pentagram goes back centuries and throughout the entire existence of mankind, no one has used it.

The five-pointed star (pentagram) is the oldest symbol:

- protection from dark forces, including in Orthodoxy.

- eternal youth and health among the Pythagoreans

- symbolic representation of the human body in alchemy (in the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, a man with closed legs and outstretched arms looks like a cross, with open legs like a star)

- transition of the Roman Empire to Christianity (pentagram on the seal of the Roman Emperor Constantine)

- in Orthodox iconography, many ancient images depict five-pointed stars.

The star initially served as a symbol of eternity, and later as a symbol of high aspirations and ideals. This was the purpose of the stars on the shoulder straps of officers of Tsarist Russia even before the revolution.

Starting from the 16th century, Masonic organizations began to use the pentagram, which led to the emergence of an ambiguous attitude towards this ancient pious symbol.

The red star appeared in Soviet symbolism after the All-Russian Collegium for the Organization and Formation of the Red Army, formed on December 20, 1917, proposed it as a military emblem. By order of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of April 18, 1918, the red five-pointed star was introduced as a breastplate for all personnel of the Red Army. The red star symbolized the struggle of workers for liberation from hunger, war, poverty and slavery, being the emblem of Soviet power.

Here below I will give only some examples of the use of the five-pointed star in Christianity, both in Western and Eastern (Orthodoxy)

1. Seal of Emperor Constantine the Great.

2. Seal of Jerusalem on the handle of the vessel

3. Hannover Cathedral, Germany

4. Chartres Madonna against a background of inverted pentagrams.

5. Entrance to the Church of Christian Evangelists, Schenkenschanz, Germany.

6. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Vitry-de-Francois, France.

7. Illustration of the Adoration of the Magi from Berthold Sacramentary contains an inverted pentagram as the Star of Bethlehem.

8. Five-pointed star over the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

8. Painting in a 13th-century Catholic church in the city of Kaarma, Estonia.

9. Floor case for an icon in the symbolism of which a five-pointed red star is used in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

10. Red star in the House of the Lord. Mosaic panel from America, Mexico City.

11. Icon of Andrei Rublev “Transfiguration of the Lord”. The inverted pentagram became a symbol of the transfiguration of Christ, as well as his descent into the world (that’s why it is directed downwards). Christ is depicted against the background of a clearly visible inverted pentagram.

The star belongs to the ancient symbols of humanity, adopted by the heraldry of different nations, and belongs to the astral signs. Her image is perceived as eternity and longing. In heraldry and emblems, the star symbol differs in the number of angles and color. Their combination gives different national nuances of meaning.

Eight-pointed star - meaning of the symbol

What does the eight-pointed star mean? In different teachings, the octogram symbolizes the symbol of harmony of spirit and matter. The image of an eight-pointed star is considered as two squares, which are superimposed on each other at an angle, and has been associated since ancient times as balance, solidity and refers to the symbol of proportionality. The eight-pointed figure can also be seen as two crosses aligned in the center, which are the basis of the universe. The “star” symbol with eight rays is a common insignia of the order in many Christian states.

The symbol of the number of rays is the endless circular movements of energy in space - the symbol of infinity. Eastern philosophy explains the merging of two crosses as the law of karma, which represents the seven incarnations of the human soul, and the eighth ray represents entering heaven. An octogram in the form of a “star” symbol with eight rays has different meanings:

  • in the zone;
  • in Orthodoxy;
  • among the Slavs;
  • in Islam.

Five-pointed star - meaning of the symbol

Since ancient times, wearing a figure with five rays protected the owner and was considered a talisman of well-being. The fusion of the elements of Earth and Air, Fire and Water, combined with Spirit. What does the five-pointed star mean? The pentagram is a symbol of life. Its protective properties determine the relationship with the beginning and the end. The pentagram can be drawn on a sheet of paper without lifting your hand. This process is characterized as a continuous cycle in which the beginning merges with the end and can be repeated. The pentagram is positioned with the tip up; the symbol is used upside down by witches.

Four-pointed star symbol

A star, which has four rays, belongs to the symbols of guidance (light in the darkness of the night). It is used by a number of organizations that determine the right path. What does a four-pointed star mean? The form associated with the cross is mainly adopted in Christianity. It is used on departmental service awards. The four-pointed star is a symbol of good luck in career growth. It serves as the emblem of combat sports and club badges. The four-beam principle is maintained for all teams. The emblems differ in rotation angle, size and color.

Star of David - meaning of the symbol

Two triangles with equal sides superimposed on one another appear as a six-pointed shape. This ancient image is present in the culture of different countries and has many names: Solomon's seal, hexagram, magendovid. According to one version, its name is associated with King David, who used the star for his talisman. The letter “D” had the image of a triangle, and in the name of the king there are two of them.

The Star of David symbol is placed on ancient religious and magical books. For Christians, the hexagram served as a decoration for the temple. The image of the symbol was present on amulets and amulets. The hexagram was not always recognized by Jewish culture. The Star of David became a symbol of Israel in the early 18th century, when it was used by the Zionists. There is no single interpretation of the sign. This is a very ancient symbol, the history of which is complicated. From various sources it has been assigned magical, cult and mythical properties.

Star of Solomon - the meaning of the symbol

One of the ancient and powerful symbols in magic is the star of Solomon. It is suitable for rituals of protection and influence. round disk, what does the star symbolize, has magical powers. Engraving is applied to pendants and rings worn by sorcerers. They are mainly made of silver, less often - of gold. The pentacle is used in rituals by witches and white magicians, which is why it is called the “Solomon Star”.

It can represent God or man. The five rays of the star are the number of wounds that were inflicted on Christ on the crucifixion. The points of the human body are the head and arms and legs outstretched in different directions. The pentacle is embroidered by magicians on clothes and drawn around and inside the magic circle when performing rituals and ceremonies. Amulets with the image of Solomon's star protect magicians from evil spirits. They act as a talisman and allow one to communicate and command demons.

Inverted Star Symbol

Not every person knows the meaning of the symbols that may appear. What does an inverted star mean? This is the pentagram of Satan. A very powerful symbol that has existed for many centuries. It was used in ancient Rome and Egypt. The black devil pentagram has been depicted in different ways. It could have the appearance of a goat's head, where the beard is the corner of the star at the bottom, and the upper two are the horns of the animal.

This sign symbolizes the superiority of material values ​​and black magic over spiritual power and the elements. A star that has the correct location can overcome black power; it was used in magical rites and rituals. The symbol of black devils is often used in horror films and mystical books. In the modern world, the symbol of an inverted star relates to the occult sciences.

Slavic symbol - star of Rus'

Knowledge about ancient talismans has survived to this day. The star of Rus' is considered one of the most powerful amulets of the Slavs. He was well known in ancient times. The amulet also has another name, which means the star of Svarog (square). By creating this amulet, the ancient Slavs glorified the memory of their ancestors, restoring the connection between other worlds and the current generation. The ancient Slavs had three of them: Prav, Reveal and Navi. This meant the world of gods, men and the dead.

They must be perceived as a unity in order to maintain the balance of prolonging life on Earth. This connection runs through the past generation, the present and the future. The symbol “star of Rus'” was on the decoration of princes Vladimir and Svyatoslav. The amulet is an eight-pointed star, which consists of intertwined squares and pointed ovals. They are a symbol of the fertility of the earth, justice and honor.

Star of England - meaning of the symbol

What does the star of England mean? Amulet of the ancient Slavs. It represents a star with nine rays, consisting of three triangles with equal sides, and is the main symbol of the Ingliins. The amulet unites the Body, Soul and Spirit of a person and connects him with three worlds: Rule - the Gods, Reveal - people, Navi - the underworld of the ancestors. A circle containing three triangles of elements: Air around Fire, Water and Earth. The amulet has strong energy and helps to maintain contact with ancestors, receiving their wisdom and vitality. The runes used to decorate the star help to enhance its effect.

Erzgamma star - meaning of the symbol

In a difficult situation, a person turns to higher powers, asking for help. It is believed that the symbol of the Erzgamma star is the main talisman. It helps to maintain connection with the Universe. What is an Erzgamma star and what does it look like? It unites the human soul and cosmic forces. The amulet is a star with twelve rays. They are formed by four triangles with equal sides, which create harmony in the soul and body. In the center of the amulet there is a cross, which symbolizes the resurrection of Christ after his death, and the 12 rays are the apostles.

Pentagram: meaning of the symbol, photo, types of pentagrams

Many signs that are found in modern times had completely different meanings among ancient peoples. And the most common and ancient symbol that has survived to this day is the pentagram. Naturally, now it has acquired a completely different meaning than before, thanks to modern literature and cinema. Mysticism is attributed to her, she is even demonized, considered a symbol of the devil.

What does the sign look like?

What does a pentagram represent? Its meaning is ambiguous. This is a regular pentagon with isosceles triangles of equal height on each side. From Greek the meaning is literally translated as “five lines”. In other words, it is a correctly constructed geometric figure that has five ray symmetries.

If you depict this sign without lifting your hand, you will get the oldest symbol discovered by historians. Over the long centuries of the existence of the pentagram, a large number of meanings have been attributed to it. Even the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations designated stars with this sign. Their outlines are sometimes found on archaeological sites that date back to the seventh millennium BC. But there is an opinion that such a symbol arose long before that.

Pentagram among the ancient peoples of the world

Later, this symbol no longer denoted stars, but human feelings. In addition, masculine and feminine principles were attributed to him, as well as three points symbolizing harmony, health and mystical powers. The pentagram, whose meaning is multifaceted, also expresses the victory of spirituality over materialism, symbolizes safety, protection, and assistance to travelers on the road.

The Egyptians called the pentagram the “Star of Isis” and associated it with the underground womb of Mother Earth. When studying ancient Egyptian writing, you may come across a hieroglyph that is depicted in the form of this symbol. The literal translation of the hieroglyph is “enlighten”, “educate”. For the Celtic nation, this symbol was the designation of the goddess of death and war - Morgana, and it was called the “Trace of the Druid”. From excavations of ancient Greek culture they learned that the pentagram was called “pentalpha”, denoting the combination of five letters, namely alpha.

What else interesting things will the pentagram tell us? The meaning of this symbol was important to the Jews, who associated it with the sacred five books that Moses received as a gift from God. Throughout history, the pentagram existed among many peoples and had completely incompatible meanings.

The duality of the symbol

The pentagram began to be interpreted in two ways back in ancient times. There was an opinion that this symbol was the strongest protective amulet, capable of protecting against any evil. For example, in Ancient Babylon a pentagram was depicted at the entrance to shops and warehouses. Merchants believed that its properties would protect their goods from theft and damage. There, in Babylon, some initiates believed that it symbolized power and authority over the world. Therefore, it could be found on the rings and thrones of rulers. Modern scientists believe that for them this sign represents human power, which extends to the four cardinal directions.

Study of the pentagram by Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans

Pythagoras was the first to study this symbol as a geometric figure. According to the ancient scientist, this is a perfect sign. Therefore, Pythagoras made it a secret symbol of his school, which had a philosophical and mathematical direction. Thanks to this sign, the Pythagoreans could recognize each other. They appreciated its unique property, which is expressed in the fact that the symbol can be easily depicted with one stroke of the pen, without ever lifting your hand from the paper and without hooking the already drawn lines.

It is believed that the Pythagoreans began to accept the pentagram as a symbol of the entire earthly world. In their teaching, it was believed that the whole world consists of five elements, namely: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit. To reflect this doctrine symbolically, they began to write five letters around the pentagram:

  • ύ – water;
  • Γ – earth;
  • t – idea;
  • έ – fire;
  • ά – air.

This symbolism became part of the worship of nature, assigning divine properties to it. This is how the modern pentagram appeared. The meaning of the sign lies in the personification of life and its manifestation in nature. Thus, this symbol smoothly turned from a sign that protects against evil spirits and into a symbol of dominion and patronage. One of the ancient legends says that it was the students of the Pythagorean school who attributed the properties of power over the world to the pentagram. They believed that each element was very important. And the corners of the symbol are the embodiment of these elements, namely:

  • The lower left corner of the star signifies Earth, physical endurance and stability.
  • The lower right corner symbolizes Fire, courage and bravery.
  • The upper right corner means Water, this is a manifestation of intuition and emotions.
  • The upper left is considered the element of Air and is responsible for art and intelligence.
  • And the highest point is a symbol of the Spirit, our spiritual Self.

What else was the pentagram (star) associated with among the ancient Pythagoreans? The meaning of this symbol implied the presence of five refuges of primeval chaos, placed in Tartarus at the time of the creation of the world. It was believed that darkness was hidden in these shelters, carrying within itself the source of wisdom and the soul of the world. To depict this truth, the figure was turned over. It is believed that it was this inverted pentagram that became the progenitor of the first devilish sign.

The meaning of the pentagram in Christian Europe

For Christians in Europe, the five-pointed star also became an important symbol. The meaning of health, copied from the ancient world, remained, but the symbolic designation of the five senses, human fingers, was added to it. The pentagram was also given the meaning of the five wounds of Christ. Well, the positive meaning is the five joys of His Mother Mary, which she experienced for the perfection of her own son.

One of the main meanings of the pentagram for Christians was the human nature of Jesus. With the advent of the Renaissance, the five-pointed star took on a more important meaning. Looking at this symbol, you will notice that it resembles a man with arms and legs spread to the side, which Leonardo da Vinci depicted in his drawings. When atheism and humanism began to develop, the pentagram became a symbol of the human personality as the new highest value of the new era.

The meaning of the pentagram in numerology and magic

If we consider numerology and magic, then there are two meanings for the pentagram. The first, for a normal figure, is a man, the second, for an inverted figure, is the Goat of Mendes. The latter carries an occult, devilish meaning. This sign is the main symbol of Satanism; it is commonly called the sign of Baphomet. This inverted pentagram had a negative meaning, since the head of a goat was inscribed in it.

Since 1983, this symbol has been a registered trademark. The sign of Baphomet, or the pentagram of the devil, whose meaning is negative, belongs to the world's largest satanic organization, which is officially registered and is called the Church of Satan. This pentagram is a symbol of Tartarus, Hell - the place where fallen angels are imprisoned. The sign looks like a distorted man who has no head, since there is no vertex on the figure. Here the physical universe is considered the lower world, it is indicated by the lower dot.

Pentagram in Chinese symbolism

In the main category of Chinese philosophy, Wu-hsing also lies the pentagram. The meaning of the symbol indicates the basic parameters of the universe. If we carefully study this philosophical movement, we learn that the figure represents two cycles that interact with each other:

  • Mutual generation. From wood comes Fire, from Fire - Earth, from Earth - Metal, from Metal - Water, from Water - Wood.
  • Mutual overcoming. Wood is capable of defeating Earth, Earth - Water, Water - Fire, Fire - Metal, Metal - Wood.

Pentagram as a magical symbol

In magic there is a positive and negative image of this sign. The five-pointed star with the main point at the top is called the “Druid's Foot” and is considered a symbol of white magic. The inverted sign is called the “Goat’s Hoof”, or “Devil’s Horns”. This article presents this pentagram (photo), its meaning for black magic is also revealed.

White magicians associate this sign with the dominance of discipline over world processes. Black magicians, in turn, consider such a symbol destructive and contrary to the fulfillment of spiritual tasks. It is because of this that the sign is attributed to evil.

Pentagram as a symbol of a perfect person

The five-pointed star is also symbolized as a perfect person, since it reflects both his physical and spiritual essence. Thus, the ends of the star are attributed to the meaning of love, wisdom, truth, kindness and justice. All of them are directly related to the soul, intellect, spirit, heart and will respectively. It is worth noting that the pentagram was also used at the court of King Arthur. The knights who wore this symbol gave the star its own meaning, namely: each facet of the symbol meant nobility, chastity, politeness, courage and piety. It was because of these properties that the sign was used by the secret order of the Templars.

Double pentagram

There is also a double pentagram, where a person is inscribed in it in accordance with his harmony with the elements and ether, namely: will is combined with earth, heart with water, intellect with air, soul with fire, and spirit with ether.

This symbol indicates that a person lives in the Universe, fitting harmoniously into it and fulfilling his destiny. The double pentagram symbol is still used in charms and amulets around the world. It helps the owner to find harmony with himself and those around him, to know his path and follow it without getting lost.

Use of the pentagram in the modern world

Despite the fact that this symbol has been around for many centuries, it is still used by modern people to this day. The most common use of the pentagram in modern times has been the creation of protective amulets and amulets. Moreover, the duality of this symbol has remained to this day. Thus, on the market you can buy a symbol of evil and destruction - an inverted star.

The pentagram in a circle has a positive meaning - a light protective amulet. It is believed that he is able to create a shield on the mental and astral level and protect a person from the influence of lower beings living beyond the material world. If you are looking for protection, then the pentagram “star in a circle” is suitable for you. Its meaning is the protection of the owner. This is exactly what a modern person needs. In addition, such a sign protects against negative influences from other people and is able to repel any energy attack.

So, we have looked at almost all types of pentagrams and their meaning. From this we can conclude that such a symbol is the most ancient and combines a lot of knowledge and beliefs.

What does the five-pointed star mean and where did it come from in Soviet symbolism?

Who proposed and why to use the five-pointed star as a symbol of Soviet power, and then the USSR (on the flag and coat of arms), as well as for all law enforcement agencies.
Why is the use of the five-pointed star as a symbol so similar among different peoples in different countries at different times?
For example, the symbol of a five-pointed star is used not only in the Russian army, but also in the American army. The five-pointed star was a symbol among the rulers of Babylon, then it was used as a symbol among Christians and even Freemasons.

Luna luna

The five-pointed star, or “pentacle,” has been known since ancient times - primitive people, as well as representatives of the earliest civilizations in the territories of modern Turkey, Greece, Iran and Iraq, used it as a symbol of protection, security and safety in their totems and ritual drawings. It was also a revered emblem among the Japanese and American Indians. Among the Sami of Russian Lapland, the five-pointed star was considered a universal amulet that protects reindeer - the basis of the way of life of most northerners. In North Karelia, back in the middle of the 19th century, the fact of veneration of the five-pointed star by Karelian hunters was attested. Having stumbled upon a connecting rod bear in the winter forest, the hunter quickly drew three five-pointed stars in a row in the snow and retreated behind them. It was believed that the bear would not be able to cross this line.
Archaeologists suggest that at the dawn of civilization they tried to symbolically depict the heraldic figure of the Big Bird, who supposedly created the world with a spit from its beak. The Pentacle seemed to our ancestors to consist of five triangles - signs of the Eternal Sky, where the Gods live. The number five is generally symbolic: after all, our hands and feet have five fingers. Five processes “stick out” from our body - two arms, two legs and a head. In the drawing of the brilliant Leonardo da Vinci, the “ideal” person, having placed them widely to the sides, himself resembles a five-pointed star. And later people learned that the planet itself consists of five main continents.
The ancients noticed this phenomenon and were so shocked that Venus and her pentacle became symbols of love and beauty. That is why the ancient Greeks organized the Olympic Games once every eight years, and centuries later, with the revival of the Olympic movement, the five-pointed star almost became their main symbol - at the very last moment, under pressure from the Church, it was replaced with five rings, since the priests considered the five-pointed star a symbol paganism and, to put it mildly, “didn’t like it.”
In the Middle Ages, the inverted five-pointed star acquired a different meaning: evil and sinister - it resembled the face of a horned goat used in the rituals of witches and sorcerers, or even the face of Satan himself. Moreover, such “witch” stars were red - since ancient times, the red color has symbolized not only beauty, but also rebellion, revolution, independence - with a willingness to shed blood for all this. Psychologists note that red is the most aggressive color. It always catches your eye, it seems visually closer. The color red in clothes is also a kind of indicator of “energy expenditure”: they say that a woman in red is easier to seduce. As a result, the five-pointed red star became a symbol of the element, in which either a “new order” challenging the old world, or complete chaos, was to be born - depending on where its rays were looking.
However, in Russia, until 1917, five-pointed stars were used infrequently as a symbol - as a top on New Year trees or decorations on wrapping paper for gifts, and occasionally on embroidered peasant towels. Even at the turn of the 20th century, small five-pointed stars appeared on the shoulder straps of Russian officers. But the Bolsheviks who came to power, destroying the old world “to the ground,” urgently needed new symbolism - and here the red pentacle came in handy more than ever!
According to some sources, the first to introduce a five-pointed star in the spring of 1918 as a distinctive sign of Red Army soldiers was the military commissar of the Moscow Military District, Nikolai Polyansky. According to others, the “father” of our five-pointed star was Konstantin Eremeev, the first Soviet commander of the Petrograd Military District, chairman of the Commission for the formation of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army. And she was finally “adopted” by one of the Bolshevik leaders of the Bolsheviks, Leon Trotsky.


To be honest, I don’t know where it comes from, but it seems to me like they draw the solar plexus, and that is, it seems to me that on the one hand it is a person:) I think this is a unique symbol of Life... but this is just my imagination :)

Star of Solomon. What does it mean, no one knows. Golden ratio and other crap. Like symmetry in everything, a symbol of pseudo-perfection, a symbol of materialism in Masonic symbolism. A satanic sign, if viewed from the point of view of the Orthodox Church. There are generally 13 of these stars on the bucks. They think of Blavatsky as the one who introduced this symbolism for bucks, and she also gave the swastika to Hitler. Then one American bequeathed a lemon of bucks to her and bequeathed the house.


The oldest symbol is a perfect person who owns all five senses.
Find an image of the Vitruvian Man by Leonard da Vinci - also a five-pointed star, a holistic man
In the USSR, the meaning was adjusted to the international - 5 continents

Solotse solotse

For the first time, in the spring of 1918, the military commissar of the Moscow Military District N. Polyansky proposed introducing a new symbol - a red star - as a distinctive sign of the military personnel of the first units of the Red Army. According to other sources, the emblem was proposed by the All-Russian Collegium for the Organization and Formation of the Red Army, formed on December 20, 1917, and in particular, the actual creator of this emblem was K. Eremeev, the first Soviet commander of the Petrograd Military District, chairman of the Commission for the formation of the Red Army.
The choice of this emblem for the Red Army was explained by the following reasons. Firstly, its shape was a pentagram, that is, the oldest symbol of amulet and defense.
Firstly, the color red symbolized the revolution, the revolutionary army. Naturally, the very concept of a star as a symbol of the pursuit of high ideals was also important when choosing this emblem. The crossed plow and hammer are an emblem of the unity of workers and peasants. Accordingly, the five-pointed star was also placed on other insignia of the Red Army soldiers - sleeve insignia. Since 1923, the symbol of a five-pointed star began to be used in the coat of arms of the USSR as a badge (a type of figurative motto denoting a certain individuality; a sign inherent only in an individual object - a region, a dynasty, a person) - as a figurative addition to the motto “Workers of all countries, unite!” Therefore, such a red star began to be considered an emblem of international workers’ solidarity. True, the workers of other countries themselves were unlikely to realize this.
As a result of the fact that the five-pointed, red star with a hammer and sickle was already the official military insignia and emblem of the Red Army, it was understood that this symbol also had a place in the award system and should be placed on insignia. By the way, on the very first Soviet Order of the Red Banner, established on September 16, 1918, the five-pointed star turned upside down immediately catches the eye. Not only in meaning, as mentioned above, but also in terms of the artistic composition of the composition, this order is not very successful, although it was awarded for special bravery and courage shown in battles against the enemies of Soviet power, in defense of the socialist Fatherland.
Returning to the five-pointed star, we can confidently state that this symbol is not related to the entire history of Russia, but belongs only to a small part of it - the history of Soviet Russia. Yes, five-pointed stars were present on shoulder straps in the tsarist army, but exclusively as a sign of distinction according to ranks (military ranks); stars appeared on shoulder straps only at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century.

Anya zalushko

A star with five ends is a man with his arms outstretched, it fits in easily (I would like to joke that since he is wearing a Budenovka, God himself ordered this symbol to be placed on the flag of the USSR), in turn, in an inverted position it is a goat, that is, Satan. In Soviet symbolism, she, a star, appeared because the red elite was seriously fascinated by mysticism.


In 1918, he proposed as an emblem of the regular Red Army
K. S. Eremeev was the first commander of the troops of the Petrograd Military District.
The five sharp corners of the five-pointed star mean: control over finances, the media, Jewish brotherhood, Palestine, control over the masses, and the sixth point will be the conquest of the world - the coming of the Messiah (from Jewish symbolism - the Star of David).

Azat nigamatullin

Judging by what I managed to find out, the five-pointed star, or pentacle, is a symbol of the perfection of advancement towards knowledge, knowledge of the world. The lower 4 ends mean 4 elements, 4 elements; these are fire, water, earth, air. 4 energies that combine into the 5th element, ether or spirit. In Taoist practices, the highest degree of enlightenment is the connection of 4 energies with the highest human spirit. As a result of this, a person receives enlightenment, knowledge, and a connection with the universe opens. Simply put, some abilities are revealed. The pentacle is also associated with a person’s feelings. 5 senses that serve us in this material world. Accordingly, the 6th sense is already a magical aspect. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the pentacle is a symbol that helps a person move towards spiritual development. By balancing and taking control of all 5 senses, or 5 elements within oneself, a person comes to spiritual transformation, which in turn opens the way to the secrets of the universe.

Anatoly Romanov

Cut the apple (fruit of knowledge) crosswise. A five-pointed star will be visible on the cut. If a circle of arbitrary radius is divided into five equal parts, we obtain the second radius. Using these two radii, you can construct a DNA helix and a six-pointed star with a Necker cube in the center. You can also make a diagram of a hydrogen atom.

What is the symbol of a five-pointed star?

Cover Vladimir

What does such a symbol as a five-pointed star actually represent? In general, any image of a star is one of the most ancient symbols of humanity, accepted in the heraldry of all nations. The star as a concept initially served as a symbol of eternity; later it became a symbol of high aspirations and ideals. It is also used in our time as an emblem of guidance (the so-called “Wind Rose”), happiness (“to be born under a lucky star”).

Stars in heraldry and emblems differ both in the number of rays forming them and in color. The combination of both gives different semantic and national meanings for each star.

The five-pointed star (pentagram; a star turned with its “head”, i.e., with one of its rays facing up) is an ancient symbol of protection, security, and safety. It is of Eastern origin.

Paracelsus said: “Man is a small world within a large universe. The microcosm within the macrocosm is like the embryo in the mother’s womb: by its three main principles it is connected with the womb of the universe.”

What is said is indicated by a five-pointed star inside a six-pointed one. The vertices of the five-pointed star symbolize the five-membered man. Five shining rays emanate from the head, two outstretched arms and two legs. The greatest magnetic force comes from these members.

Chaldean magicians and Kabbalists considered the pentagram a powerful weapon of magic.

Sometimes the pentagram is used in healing. However, anyone who thinks that a sign is healing, and by applying it to a sore spot, hopes to be cured, is mistaken. But the will of a person and passes in the form of a pentagram can help.

The star is also a symbol of the five human feelings, symbolized by five rays of different colors. Each color corresponds to a certain sound, as well as a number, metal, planet, day of the week, etc. The named aspects have many meanings and purposes, so it is not difficult to imagine how complex and meaningful any symbol of the Universal Teaching of Shambhala is. If we talk about color, it can change when vibrations change (every thought and feeling is a vibration).

Take at least one of the rays - yellow. The yellow fire flares up if the aspiration for the highest, for self-denial, develops in us. The more a person transforms spiritually, the more the Yellow fire acquires a reddish tint and gradually becomes Red.

The star is also an Egyptian hieroglyph meaning “blessed, enlightened spirit.” The ancient Egyptians believed that high spirits ascend to the sky as stars to shine for people at night, and during the day, together with the Sun God Ra, float across the sky. The star is the Egyptian number 5, meaning justice and order in the universe.

And vice versa, a five-pointed star, with one ray turned down and two rays up, acquires an ominous, bad meaning - in Western Europe, for example, since ancient times it was customary to consider this inverted star as a sign of the devil.

The fact is that in Western European magical tracts the pentagram was also revered as a figure depicting the human body: two legs are a symbol of earth and water, two arms are a symbol of air and fire, and the head (one ray looking upward) is the power of the ether that unites all members.

Some believe that the pentagram originally appeared about four thousand years ago in Mesopotamia, probably as an astronomical diagram of the movement of the planet Venus. The Babylonians also used this symbol as a magical talisman. The pentagram became the Sumerian and Egyptian star sign. In later symbolism, the pentagram became a symbol of the victory of the spiritual over the materialistic, a symbol of security and protection. The pentagram was everywhere recognized as protection against demons. Latin and Kabbalistic monograms were often made in the form of a pentacle-talisman inscribed in a protective circle. Celtic priests called the pentagram the “witch’s foot.” In the Middle Ages, the pentagram was considered the “brownie cross.”

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The first known images of the pentagram date back to around 3500 BC. e. , these are five-pointed stars painted on clay, found in the ruins of the ancient city of Uruk. Images of pentagrams are also found on Egyptian statues. As Arthur Waite reports in his New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, the Egyptians called the pentagram “the star of dog-headed Anubis.”

The pentagram was widely known as a sign that protects against all evil; the belief in its protective properties was so deep that in Ancient Babylon it was depicted on the doors of shops and warehouses to protect goods from damage and theft. It was also a powerful sign of power for the initiates. So in Babylon, for example, this sign is often found on royal seals, and, according to modern scientists, it personified “the power of the ruler, extending to all four corners of the world.”

The Jews associated the pentagram with their sacred Pentateuch, received by Moses from God. The ancient Greeks called the pentagram Pentalpha, which means "five letters alpha" because the symbol can be resolved into alpha five times. For early Christians, the pentagram was a reminder of the five wounds of Christ: from the crown of thorns on his forehead, from the nails in his hands and feet.

The pentagram was used by the Pythagoreans as a distinctive sign of belonging to their community. They taught that the world consists of five interconnected elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Ether). To reflect this doctrine, five letters were depicted around the pentagram:

Chinese pentagram of the Five Elements (Wu-Xing)
ύ - ύδωρ, symbolizing water;
Γ - Γαια, symbolizing the earth;
ί - ίδέα, symbolizing the idea, according to another version - ίερόν (temple);
έ - έιλή, symbolizing fire;
ά - άήρ, symbolizing air.

The pentagram is also found on Gnostic talismans, as a symbol of intellectual omnipotence.

According to the famous Kabbalah researcher Gershom Scholem, the magicians of medieval Europe learned about the pentagram under the name “the seal of King Solomon” from Arabic manuscripts.
The pentagram was also among the symbols of the Templars. The Roman Emperor Constantine I included the pentagram in his seal and his amulet because he believed that thanks to it he had found the true faith and accepted Christianity. The English warrior, Sir Gawain, nephew of King Arthur, used the pentagram as a personal symbol and placed it on his shield in gold on a red background. The five sharp points of the star symbolized the five virtues of knighthood - “nobility, courtesy, chastity, courage and piety.” In the 19th century, the pentagram appeared on Tarot cards after they became associated with Kabbalah.

The festive procession of the pentagram ended during the Inquisition, when hundreds of thousands of innocent people were burned at the stake. The thousand-year-old folk symbol of protection, the pentagram, has been turned into evil. It was given a new name “Witch's Foot”. For many millennia, the pentagram personified the symbol of good and light. And in just 500 years it turned into a symbol of evil.