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What does the symbol mean - the all-seeing eye. What does the pyramid sign with an eye mean? What does the eye in a triangle symbolize?

The All Seeing Eye tattoo consists of two symbols: a pyramid and one eye inside it. This abstract composition is a mystical and ambiguous sign. An eye tattoo in a triangle fascinates and attracts the attention of others.

This symbol can be seen on ancient Egyptian papyrus, Christian icons, architecture and even on modern banknotes.

All-Seeing Eye Tattoo in a Triangle: Meaning

Many world religions and cultures have images with the eyes of gods.

In Ancient Egypt, the “eye of the god Horus” was a symbol of the resurrection of Osiris, a powerful sign representing power, royal power and fertility. It was worn as a talisman by many residents of this country, including pharaohs and priests.

In North America, the eye of the Great Spirit is an amulet that symbolizes victory over evil spirits.

In the Christian religion, the eye in the pyramid is a sign meaning that not only our actions, but also our thoughts are visible to the Almighty. For Christians, the number three is a symbol of the Trinity.

Since the end of the 18th century, the image of the All-Seeing Eye began to appear in paintings Orthodox churches.

Freemasonry, which was initially associated with Protestant sects, borrowed a lot of Christian symbolism, including this sign.

The All-Seeing Eye, or another name for this sign, Radiant Delta, means among members of the secret society of free masons the Great Architect of the Universe, observing their works.

The Illuminati also had an influence on the formation of the meaning of the sign, which has become an attention-grabbing tattoo in our time. Unlike the Masons, they did not attach of great importance mysticism and religion. For them it was a symbol of enlightenment or the principle of consciousness.

In paganism, a common sign of sorcerers and shamans was the so-called “third eye,” personifying intuition, the ability to look inside the human soul and even open the door to the other world. However, in addition to the positive, it could also have the meaning of a destructive connection with dark forces.

What does an eye tattoo in a triangle mean?

To summarize the above, the main meaning of the All-Seeing Eye tattoo is the desire for enlightenment and intellectual development. This drawing also symbolizes clairvoyance and intuition.

Tattoos with this sign can be made in different styles. Realism will allow you to convey the finest details and shades, be it a monochrome version or made in color.

A tattoo on a leg or arm in the style of biomechanics will also look impressive. The back is suitable for placing a voluminous, spectacular tattoo. It is permissible to add additional elements to it.

Meaning for men

The meaning of the All-Seeing Eye tattoo may have slight gender nuances. This symbol, especially one printed in the biomechanical style, is more suitable for men. For representatives of the strong half of humanity, it will personify the victory of Good over Evil, the acquisition of spiritual wisdom and power over oneself and the world.

Meaning for girls

In The Devils of Fyodor Dostoevsky there is such a phrase: “A woman will deceive the all-seeing eye itself.”
This suggests that the meaning of an eye tattoo in a triangle for girls is the ability to clairvoyance and intuitive vision. On female body Small tattoos made in color will look more harmonious.
Girls need to be more careful about its location. Some people can interpret a tattoo of eyes in a triangle on the wrist as a sign of an active lesbian.

It’s worth mentioning right away that there is not and cannot be any “Masonic” symbolism in the temple (just as there is no “pagan” symbolism). It is more correct to talk about symbols borrowed from Freemasonry or paganism or similar to pagan, Masonic, etc.

It is not a discovery that in the temple we are surrounded by symbols of pagan origin. There is nothing strange about this. After all, no culture arises from a vacuum. And Christian is no exception. Just as the Fathers of the Church used the philosophical apparatus of the pagan ancient world to explain Christian truths, in the same way pagan ancient symbols and images entered Christian iconography, receiving a new meaning. Many symbols that we have long been accustomed to consider “ours” (for example, halos) actually come from paganism.

But still, some symbols found in Orthodox churches still confuse a certain part of church society, especially if they are somehow associated with Freemasonry.

The most characteristic symbol is an eye in a triangle. Indeed, it is one of the famous Masonic signs and means the creator (“Eye of the Great Architect of the Universe”). Who exactly the Freemasons mean by the creator depends on the ideologies of the Masonic lodges. We are more interested in the Christian explanation of this symbol.

"All-Seeing Eye" on a ritual Masonic apron

The symbol of the eye as the “All-Seeing Eye” has been known since ancient times. It is found in Ancient Egypt (for example, the hawk's eye of the god Horus, the so-called Wadget). Similar symbolism is used in other religions, for example in Hinduism (the third eye of the god Shiva).

The triangle is also an ancient symbol. It can be found in Plato and the Pythagoreans. In the early Christian era, the triangle as a symbol of the Holy Trinity was first used (commonly believed) by the Gnostic sect of the Manichaeans. Over time, these symbols fell into the arsenal of alchemists, from where they were borrowed by Renaissance philosophers. The eye was enclosed in a triangle, symbolizing the Trinity, and acquired the Christian meaning of the All-Seeing Eye of the Lord. Afterwards it was used in Western European icon painting as a sign of God the Father. At the same time, the Masons also adopted it.

"The all-seeing eye of the Lord." Icon

At the end of the 17th century, the “All-Seeing Eye” passed from Western to Orthodox iconography. This sign was most popular in the 18th century, and reached its apogee at the beginning of the 19th century, during the reign of Alexander I. During this period, the image of the “All-Seeing Eye” can be found both in the design of churches (for example, the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Ilyinskaya church in Kiev), and in the civil sphere - pedestals of monuments, award medals, etc.

Medal "In memory Patriotic War 1812." (obverse and reverse). 1813

The idea of ​​the “All-Seeing Eye of the Lord” does not in any way contradict Scripture, where the Lord is depicted as having organs of vision and omniscience, for example: “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him and trust in His mercy” (Ps. 33:18).

Although the origin of this symbol is somewhat doubtful, what is more important for us is the meaning that the Church puts into it. There are quite a lot of examples of the use of the same or similar symbols in different iconographic systems.

The halo of Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints and angels on icons and the halo-aura in pagan, Buddhist and other images.

A gesture of attention in an Orthodox icon and a rocker “goat”.

The blessing gestures of Orthodox icons are the “mudras” of Buddhism.

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the “dove of peace.”

However, alas, fear of the Freemasons often prevails over common sense. If we meet a certain symbol in the temple and something similar among the Masons, is this a reason to be afraid? A halo or a blessing gesture on an icon and similar details, for example, on a Buddhist image - this is not a reason to abandon the icon?

Many Masonic symbols should be viewed through the prism of architecture, the construction of the “mystical temple of Solomon”: steps, a floor laid out with checkerboard slabs, columns, etc. are used by Masons, and, therefore, their analogues in our temple architecture could also be considered if desired. to "Masonic".

Thus, it is necessary to separate symbols in the temple (and more broadly throughout the Church) and symbols outside the Church.

Dmitry Marchenko

On many papyri Ancient Egypt you can find an interesting symbol - a triangle with an eye, it is called the “All-Seeing Eye”. Today, scientists suggest that Egypt is indeed considered the birthplace of the symbol, and it belongs to numerous Masonic signs.

The symbol's design is an image of a human eye described by a triangle. The symbol is considered very famous; it can still be seen today on many Egyptian buildings, architectural monuments, jewelry, clothing, dollars, souvenirs, and even on Orthodox icons. This is why it is mysterious, since it was able to independently appear in many cultures.

Origin of the Eye in a Triangle symbol

The image of the All-Seeing Eye, also known as the Eye in a Triangle or the Radiant Delta, is associated with the image of the Great Architect of the Universe, the Creator, who in such a simple way can constantly observe what free masons bring to life with their work.

Scientists associate the origin of the Masonic sign with the religion of the ancient Egyptians and the ciphers of a secret organization. It is believed that this particular magical symbol will help people understand the secret of the Universe, thanks to it humanity will be endowed with mental and spiritual knowledge of the world. Represents the sign of rapid prosperity, gaining strength, knowledge and development.

Scientists are inclined to believe that the magical sketch is a symbol of the Freemasons; there is no scientific evidence for this; it is unclear what role the Illuminati play in the origin of the sign. It turns out that the mystery of the all-seeing eye has not been solved to this day and humanity can only speculate, trying to find at least some evidence of the effectiveness of its assumptions.

Types and meaning of the All-Seeing Eye

Despite the version of Egyptian origin, this image is found in different religions and cultures. Each nation drew the secret symbol in its own way, giving it its own meaning, but in general, they are all somewhat similar.

In Egyptian culture

Studying the designs of the ancient symbols of Egypt, we can conclude that the Egyptian symbol itself is significantly different in its image from all the others. Represents a glitch stylized eye. Symbolizes incredible strength, the power of knowledge.

It personifies the mystical third eye, which is capable of seeing something hidden from humanity, cognizing something secret against the background of this, thus rising above all of humanity. Differing from them primarily in supernatural intuition, the ability to know everything that exists in this world.

The sign is associated with an indispensable bright future, absolute power and might. This symbol allows its owner to develop incredible supernatural abilities to healing and the ability to see the future.

In Christianity

When you come across a Masonic sign among Christians, you immediately pay attention to a more realistic depiction of the drawing. Moreover, the eye is literally inscribed in a regular triangle. It is the Orthodox scriptures that call the triangle with an eye inside the Radiant Delta.

The main meaning lies in the triangle itself. This geometric figure the correct form symbolizes three equally possible facets, like three hypostases of the Lord himself: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. This defines powerful energy. The eye itself reminds us that everything is subject to the Lord God. Observing humanity, he sees not only actions, deeds, but also people’s thoughts. It is no coincidence that the eye is depicted in the singular; this suggests that everything that the Almighty sees cannot be dual. This is all accurate, uniform, correct.

The symbol characterizes quick insight and indicates that humanity will gradually acquire spiritual wisdom and knowledge, which contributes to a greater revelation of their intellectual abilities and potential. Represents blessed light, joy, the power of knowledge, creation and the existence of a higher mind.

In the countries of China and Japan

The ancient Chinese and Japanese painted the sign in a special way. The picture necessarily contained an image of heavenly sanctities - the Moon, the Sun. It was through them that the future and past of humanity were compared.

North America

American aborigines believed that the Eye of the Great Spirit could tell a lot about the past, present, and future.

Hinduism and Buddhism

According to the religions of the Indian subcontinent, the interpretation of the sign says that the eye is the eye of Shiva or Buddha himself. Characterizes spiritual development through the knowledge of wisdom. Only a wise person is able to ward off some kind of evil and unclean forces.

Ancient Greece

When drawing an eye, the ancient Greeks compared it with the Sun. The sign was completely associated with the powerful Gods Zeus and Apollo. They believed that the eye could protect, warm, carrying light and grace.

Despite this, some Indo-European tribes, for example the Celts, associated the eye exclusively with something negative, evil, and insidious. It was this symbol that could carry human envy, plans for something bad, black bad energy.

To summarize, we can see that different religions and cultures interpret the meaning of the symbol differently and draw a sign with obvious differences. However, it is easy to notice that some interpretations are similar - the All-Seeing Eye speaks of the power of knowledge. Such a guardian will endow you with the ability to understand the secrets of existence, the ability to see the “invisible”, but existing in our Universe. Only with him, under his protection, will it be possible to rise above humanity, gain power over minds, and learn to control one’s consciousness.

How to use the amulet

According to ancient scriptures, the All-Seeing Eye can be used as powerful amulet, talisman. This is precisely why it was created by ancient people, perhaps even by the Masonic organization. Today, images of a sacred symbol, full of mysticism and magic, can be seen on many products; it is still used as an amulet, protection from everything bad. It is believed that the product attracts goodness and allows you to increase intellectual level, discover your abilities for the supernatural.

The green triangle is used to design banknotes; its image adorns pendants, rings, and coins. The design options can be completely different; the main design often contains a pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye, a triangle, and outlines of the eye itself. The material for such talismans can be completely different, from metal, wood, fabric, to ordinary paper.

When choosing an option for the design to be applied, you need to clearly understand what the amulet will be associated with. It is advisable to choose a design in accordance with religious characteristics certain culture. Such amulets can be used to protect homes, livestock, property and people. Therefore, such things are worn on the body, many even tattoo an eye in a triangle on the body, like a tattoo. They place amulets in their homes, workplaces, and cars.

Esotericists who study in detail the effect of the magic symbol assure that proper wearing and storage of the amulet will allow a person to achieve a lot both in the workplace and in life in general. Will allow you to preserve and increase your wealth, attract into your life the right people. The main thing, perhaps, is that with such a patron will come wisdom, knowledge, understanding and development of certain abilities, talent that no one else has.

Masonic symbols are often found throughout the world. What do Masonic signs mean? Why and why is Masonic symbolism being spread?

The eye in a triangle (pyramid) or the all-seeing eye is the most famous Masonic symbol that surrounds us everywhere. In 2003, a new 500 hryvnia banknote came into circulation in Ukraine. There are many different symbols on the banknote, but what attracts attention most is not the portrait of Grigory Skovoroda, but the eye inscribed in a triangle on back side bills. The exact same symbol can be seen on one US dollar, on the inside of the doors of many Orthodox churches, on monuments, architectural landmarks, house walls, in movies and cartoons.

Every person comes across this symbol from time to time, but not everyone knows that the all-seeing eye is main sign world secret organization of Freemasons.

The purpose of the Freemasons

Freemasonry is secret society people who occupy a high social position and strive to introduce their own rules into the world and change society in accordance with their own ideas. The Freemasons arose in the 16th century from the Knights Templar after they were excommunicated for disobedience. Beginning in 1870, when Adolphe Cremieux became the head of Freemasonry, they began to pursue a new policy for their dominance. A special program was developed. One of the points of this program included the First World War and the liquidation of the empire, then the Second World War and the Third World War, which we expect in the near future.

Freemasonry researcher, history professor Nikolai Senchenko, claims that in almost every country in the world there is Masonic lodge, which can only include the best, richest and most influential representatives of the nation. Having united, they are trying to influence events in their country and around the world.

The main goal of the Freemasons is to change the world for the better, that is, to make it more perfect, so that everyone who lives on the planet can feel happy. To do this, the entire society in general and each individual person must change.

Masons have long tried to understand how exactly they can influence the world until they came to the conclusion that by force to change society or force people to behave differently, it is possible only by influencing the consciousness of each individual, that is, by forcing people to think differently, guided by other values. According to many psychologists, it is possible to completely change social guidelines only through gradual re-education. However, this method is too long in time, because several generations of people must change until the values ​​inherent in the first generation become the absolute norm public life. This is what happened, for example, during the transition from the tribal to the primitive communal system at the end of the Stone Age. The Masons allegedly came up with a faster way and began to influence the thoughts and desires of people through symbols.

Photos of Masonic symbols on architectural monuments

These are the symbols that have remained since the times when the first Masons were engaged in the construction of temples: a hammer, a trowel, a square and a compass, and the most common one is an eye in a triangle (pyramid) or the all-seeing eye.

All photos are clickable

The pattern by which all Masonic organizations exist is order and constant control. There is an eye in a triangle on the pediment of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. There is an eye in the pyramid above the icon of the Mother of God in St. Isaac's Cathedral. There is exactly the same sign right in the middle of the obelisk for those who died during the First World War in Moscow.

On the emblems of American law enforcement officers, regardless of state and rank, this sign - a square and a compass - is a symbol of the redevelopment of the world.

In the Latvian capital of Riga, there are a number of Masonic symbols on 17th-century buildings.

And this is Ukraine. One of the houses on Knyazheskaya Street in Odessa. On the facade there is a sign of a square and a compass, and under it there is another Masonic symbol - a hammer.

The hammer is a Masonic symbol that signifies the power and strength of the order. On the monument to the fallen Cossacks in Poltava, on top of the cross there is an all-seeing eye. Above the central entrance of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Kyiv there is an eye in a triangle (see photo below). All these objects have practically nothing in common with each other, except for Masonic symbols.

This list presented in the article is a drop in the ocean, despite the fact that the Masons are not going to stop at architecture.

Modern cinema is filled with Masonic symbols. Here are just some of the films where they are found: “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider”, “Gangs of New York”, “A Scanner Darkly”, “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”. Even in cartoons there are Masonic symbols: “Monsters, Inc.,” “DuckTales,” “The Simpsons” and many others.

According to researchers, Freemasons strive to instill in people the idea that they are an integral attribute of life in all its manifestations. Allegedly, when this idea is firmly rooted in the consciousness of all earthlings, they will be perceived as air or water, and the Masons can take the leadership of the planet into their own hands.

The influence of Masonic symbols on humans

In 1957, American researcher James Vickery put forward a theory according to which the human subconscious absorbs not only what we want, but also information that somehow passed our attention. It is firmly anchored in the subcortex of the brain and corrects a person’s desire and behavior. Our unconscious operates in the language of symbols. There are symbols that evoke positive or negative emotions, thoughts and feelings in a person, and there are symbols that are simply destructive. When we repeat some information several times, the first unit of consciousness “rolls down” into our unconscious and there it becomes our feeling. Allegedly, it is for this purpose that the Masons fill the world with their symbols.

According to magicians and psychics, in addition to the psychological effect, Masonic symbols also influence human energy. Some of the sorcerers use magical rituals Masonic symbolism and claim that the energy that these signs emit hides some danger. The energy of the symbol influences the bioinformational field of each person, laying in it a program that should turn on at a certain moment and encourage the person to perform certain actions. However, magicians cannot determine this program, as well as the time when it will turn on, so they simply advise you to be careful about what we are talking about. ordinary people, we don’t know anything.

Plato also spoke about the versatility of the symbolic eye. He considered it the main solar instrument. At the same time, the ancient philosopher pointed out various aspects of the symbol. This is intelligence, and insight, and the ability to study, and at the same time - limited perception. What does the eye in the triangle mean, which can now be found on buildings, banknotes and the human body? Let's figure it out.

Different understandings of the “eye in a triangle” symbol

Nowadays it is generally accepted that this is a Masonic sign. It is found everywhere. Most conspiracy theories arose due to its presence on the dollar bill. However, this is a misconception. The eye in the triangle was known to different peoples. It was painted in the West and in eastern countries. The meaning was (and remains) approximately the same. The Indians, for example, used this to designate the Great Spirit who monitors people’s behavior. In Buddhism, the eye was considered a symbol of wisdom. He was also identified with the light of knowledge. By the way, this is where the expression “third eye” came from. This is inner vision, capable of recognizing the subtle world. However, the West and the East, so to speak, had a mirror image of this symbol. People associated the left and right eyes with night and day, past and future. In the West, the right eye became a symbol of the Sun, the left - of the Moon. In the east they were interpreted exactly the opposite.

Egyptian philosophy

It is generally accepted that the eye in a triangle is one of the symbols ancient world. More specifically, he came to us from Egypt. This great civilization created a vast, multi-layered belief system. The Eye was considered an attribute of the Great Horus. This was a powerful and formidable god. It was impossible to hide from him, the Egyptians believed. He sees and knows everything, but he does not need reasons for anger. He is always ready to punish sinners. In addition, this symbol was associated with insight, enlightenment of the soul.

If an eyebrow was added to the eye, the meaning changed. They saw in him the power and strength of Horus. By the way, in those days not everyone was allowed to wear it on their body. After all, the picture itself was considered sacred. The priests used it as a talisman against evil forces. Nowadays they meet in museums ceramic products, frescoes with such a picture. These are household items of the priestly caste and nobility of Ancient Egypt. Ordinary people were not allowed to reproduce it in their homes. Maybe the popularity of this combination is related to this ban? A triangle with an eye, as some people are sure, has magical properties. Although in our time it may be due to more mundane things. Let's say, with the popularity of the world currency - the dollar. It is associated in people's minds with this Masonic symbol.

Why in a triangle?

If everything with the eye is more or less clear, then it should be explained where the geometric figure formed by three planes came from in this combination. This question is quite difficult. There is a theory according to which the triangle symbolizes the Holy Trinity. By the way, such an image is found on Christian and Catholic icons. The clergy explain that the triangle and the eye together represent the Almighty. He is in heaven, but it is impossible to escape his attention. The Lord sees the actions of all believers, evaluates and controls their thoughts and feelings. Everyone will be rewarded according to their deserts on the day of the Great Judgment.

Triangle eye tattoo

The deep meaning of this symbol is known to many people. The picture is now often used for tattoos. Some are attracted by the taste of mystery of the Masonic sign, others sincerely consider it magical. People believe that such a tattoo can protect them from evil. Perhaps this is so, given the effect of self-suggestion. This tattoo is more popular among males. Most often it is applied to the neck or biceps.

The pictures are made bright and colorful. Girls are also attracted to mystical symbol. They prefer to get a small tattoo on the wrist or in the lower back area. It is believed that it protects against curses and promotes the realization of creative abilities and talents. Although if you don’t work, then no picture on the skin will help.

While studying the topic: “Eye in a triangle: meaning and meaning,” you will inevitably encounter some oddities. The fact is that this image was considered sacred. His “magic” was cherished and strictly guarded. Masons and other “masters” of humanity are not particularly inclined to share their secrets. So why did this element appear on banknotes? After all, it is clear that in this way it was made a national property, even a planetary property. For what purpose was this done? The error of conceptual overlords? Or does the introduction of a sacred element into everyday life have a deeper meaning? This issue is not usually discussed. However, there is something to think about here. Is it not the desire to subjugate humanity that is behind such actions, as conspiracy theorists believe? Or maybe somewhere a new conceptual theory has already matured, and the old one is simply getting rid of, debunking it?