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What you can and cannot eat for dinner. What to eat for dinner if you're eating right? Foods and drinks you should never eat before bed

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


All specialists in the field of nutrition, when describing nutritional plans for body correction, specify that in the evening you need to put as little stress on your digestion as possible. However, not everyone explains what you can eat for dinner on a diet so that you don’t crave forbidden foods later in the night and your body is full. What dishes will not contribute to weight gain, and how to eat properly in the evening?

What is weight loss

Reducing the calorie intake to almost zero, eating greens and drinking kefir is the path to erosive changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa, but not body correction, although weight may go away, but only water will be lost. Proper weight loss means burning fat reserves, i.e. effects on body quality dependent on nutritional quality. It is carried out by reducing the number of calories that a person should consume, but within reasonable limits. Giving food to the enemy in the evening, as the proverb says, is not worth it - the damage to digestion is too great: you just need to find out what it is - the right dinner for those losing weight.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight

Food can help burn body fat if it has the so-called. “zero” calorie content. This concept does not mean a literal 0 kcal, but the predominance of the amount of effort that the body will make to process it and obtain energy over the number of calories it contains. These foods can help you lose weight, but they're not the only foods you should eat for dinner to lose weight. The evening meal, according to doctors, must include very nutritious foods, but low in calories. These are mainly light proteins, but they are not always useful.

Dinner at proper nutrition for weight loss should include something from following products:

  • greens (fiber and low calorie);
  • vegetables (especially cruciferous vegetables, i.e. cabbage), better in fresh;
  • spices (will accelerate metabolic processes).

The main principles of proper dinner

Breakfast and lunch raise significantly fewer questions than an evening meal, since nutritionists vying with each other to repeat that you should not overload the body before going to bed. To dig a little deeper and try to formulate an approximate filling of a plate of food, the following basic principles help:

  • Try to eat 25-30% of your daily caloric intake in the evening.
  • If possible, have 2 dinners - the last one will be 3 hours before bedtime, will be less than 10% of the daily calorie content of the menu and will be represented mainly by fermented milk drinks (ryazhenka, kefir, sourdough).
  • Proper dinner for weight loss this means a reduced proportion of carbohydrates (simple carbohydrates are completely excluded) and the absence of high GI foods.
  • You shouldn’t eat potatoes for dinner, just as you shouldn’t eat boiled beets and carrots in the evening if you hope to lose weight. excess weight.
  • If you really want to, take green fruits (or citrus fruits), because... the rest, when consumed for dinner, will interfere with weight loss.
  • Do not overeat - the portion should fill you up, but not to the point of wanting to lie down and not move: imagine that after dinner you still need to jump. Can you? If the answer is yes, everything is fine.
  • Do not mix cereals with protein at dinner (i.e. cook meat with herbs, not rice).
  • If you have to drink alcohol, then only dry wine.
  • The maximum serving of animal protein is 100 grams.
  • Avoid sweets, sources of caffeine, and fatty/smoked meats for dinner.

What foods can you eat in the evening?

This question It is of particular relevance for people attending events after work: it is difficult to completely refuse food here, it may look disrespectful, so you have to urgently decide which of the proposed ones will harm your figure to the least extent. For this situation, nutritionists advise giving preference to red wine and hard cheese. The ideal option is Parmesan and its “relatives”, i.e. types that are aged for a long time (from a year): they have low fat content and few carbohydrates.

As a classic dinner in the evening, you can eat foods that are low in calories and fat:

  • boiled eggs (use without yolk);
  • seafood;
  • lean fish - mackerel, pollock, flounder;
  • poultry meat;
  • herbal teas;
  • vegetables (preference for zucchini, cabbage, celery, pumpkin);
  • legumes;
  • hard cheese or Tofu;
  • kiwi, apples, dried apricots, pineapple, prunes;
  • fermented milk products;
  • maybe a little honey;
  • juices from vegetables/fruits that are made at home (i.e. no additives);
  • Nuts and seeds are allowed in minimal portions for dinner - they have a high calorie content, but are very filling.

Dinner options

The choice of products for preparing an evening meal is completely determined by whether you will have a load today, or have already had it, or whether you lead a completely sedentary lifestyle. You will have to decide what you can eat, taking into account the calories you have already eaten, and even after answering the question of when you will go to bed. Universal dinner options, according to a number of nutritionists, are as follows:

  • Cottage cheese casserole (only egg whites + low-fat cottage cheese, you can add a few sour berries) and natural yogurt.
  • A serving of kefir or fermented baked milk (up to 500 ml), but it is better to leave this option for the second dinner, which is closer to bedtime.
  • Smoothies (preferably vegetable ones, since fruits have a higher percentage of sugars that are dangerous for weight loss).
  • Fish and seafood prepared without additional fats - you can bake, stew, boil, but do not fry. Juices, wine, soy sauce.
  • Stewed mushrooms.
  • Turkey/chicken cutlets or meatballs that were baked in the oven or steamed.
  • Omelet, but with a minimum of yolks or without them, supplemented with vegetables.
  • Boiled chickpeas or lentils with stewed tomatoes, zucchini and a bunch of herbs.


Nutritionists are ready to advise this option for evening food only to people who have during the day. physical exercise. Then the protein will be used to build muscles, and will not be converted into fats, preventing you from losing weight. However, there are certain caveats here: a healthy protein dinner is a small (!) portion of boiled or steamed poultry or fish (the norm is up to 100 grams), and lettuce, dill or another type of greens. You can take a cucumber if you don't like animal protein without plant foods.

Light dinner for weight loss

Are you not exposed to physical activity, do you have an office job, don’t go for walks, and do you go to bed early? A delicious light dinner for weight loss in your case will exclude meat, because... it will not be digested and will poison the body, but fish (low-fat types) can. Seafood is also suitable for dinner. A serving of such protein should be about 50 g, and the rest of the plate will be taken up by vegetables. An alternative for losing weight can be an omelet (if you don’t value sea creatures), but always with products of plant origin.

Dinner after training

The main requirement for nutrition after exercise, if you are aiming to lose weight by burning fat, is to create a “window” between it and food. Dinner after a workout for weight loss should be done 1.5 hours later so that the calories you just ate are not used to replenish energy. Protein becomes the center of your plate, so here all options for meat or fish compositions, seafood, and cottage cheese dishes are allowed, but without fat. It is desirable that all products be low-calorie, i.e. 150-200 kcal, no more, and was not accompanied by cereals.

Diet dinner recipes

You can’t figure out how to put together a grocery set in the evening so that it’s healthy but tasty, and you can go to bed without feeling hungry? Take advantage of these recipes for dietary dishes, which are attractive due to the simplicity and low calorie content of ready-made food. The basis of these evening plate options are eggs, which are a mandatory menu product, and cereals - buckwheat and rice.


  • Cooking time: 7 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 104 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: homemade.

If you don’t like meat and fish in the evening, but without them you don’t know what you can eat for dinner while losing weight, so that you don’t have the desire to eat something harmful afterwards, try a light omelet. You can cook it in a frying pan, but it must have a non-stick coating, or you can cook it in the oven, but this will increase the baking time. Omelet for dinner exists in 2 variations: with milk (it is advisable that lactose be contained in a minimum amount, it interferes with weight loss), or with water. For taste and nutrition, add herbs or vegetables. You can throw in a couple of grams of hard cheese.


  • egg whites – 3 pcs.;
  • 1.8% low-lactose milk – 50 ml;
  • spinach – 100 g;
  • tomatoes – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the washed spinach and cut the tomatoes into slices.
  2. Place in a hot frying pan, pour in the egg whites whipped with milk.
  3. Place the lid on top and wait until the surface of the omelette sets.
  4. Turn over and brown the other side. Roll into a log before serving.


  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 114 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Among the dinner options, nutritionists' recommendations occasionally include boiled rice, but not white, but only wild varieties. An excellent choice when losing weight would be black rice for dinner, which goes well with seafood. An additional advantage is the reduced calorie content of this cereal, so the serving size can be slightly increased. This best option what is on a woman who does not eat enough vegetables.


  • black rice (dry) – 50 g;
  • peeled shrimp w/o – 50 g;
  • water – 210 ml;
  • cucumber – 100 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cereal until the water runs clear.
  2. Cook for half an hour using stainless steel cookware. Add minimal salt – it’s best to avoid this for dinner.
  3. Throw the shrimp into boiling water for a minute.
  4. Cut the cucumber into slices and decorate the main dish.


  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 179 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, it is advisable to avoid cereals in the evening when losing weight or consume them before 19-20 hours. Afterwards, you should not eat cereals, but there is an exception - you can eat buckwheat for dinner. This cereal, according to nutritionists, is an excellent fat burner, and is safe for people with food allergies (mainly to gluten). If you don’t know what you can eat for dinner while losing weight,...


  • buckwheat – 40 g;
  • water – 170 ml;
  • salt;
  • butter – 5 g;
  • green beans – 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the buckwheat by pouring it into boiling water for 25 minutes with the lid closed and low heat. Add oil (preferably without).
  2. Separately, brown the frozen beans (the pan is dry). Serve without mixing.


  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 72 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If, an hour after your main evening meal, you realize that the night is far away, hunger has made itself known again, and you cannot decide how to drive it away reliably and safely, boil eggs for dinner. However, they may not satisfy you alone, so it’s worth additionally going through the list of foods allowed when losing weight. Here you will need greens (check the availability in the refrigerator), Bell pepper, Tofu cheese (alternative - Adyghe). You can serve this dinner with whole grain bread.


  • eggs 1 cat. - 3 pcs.;
  • greens – 20 g;
  • bell pepper – 70 g;
  • Tofu cheese – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the eggs. Technology is not important because... you remove the yolk. Cut the egg white lengthwise to form boat halves.
  2. Grind pepper, cheese and herbs. Mix.
  3. Place a teaspoon of this mixture into the egg white halves. Dinner for the night is ready!

Video: What to eat for dinner when losing weight

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Many people know the golden rule of diets - do not eat after six in the evening. Women who are losing weight, and especially girls, try not to deviate from it. But doctors are sure that when fasting for more than 10-12 hours, digestion and metabolism are disrupted, neuroses and insomnia occur. Going to bed on an empty stomach is just as harmful as going to bed on a stomach full of high-calorie foods. Instead of dooming yourself to hunger pangs, you need to properly plan your diet and have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

A healthy dinner is very important for proper nutrition. In the evening you should not eat high-calorie foods, but you can only eat certain foods.

Healthy dinner for weight loss

A perfect dinner is just as important for your figure as your morning and afternoon meals. If you consumed heavy food during the evening meal, then losing weight is out of the question. Therefore, women are very concerned about the question: what can they eat for dinner if they eat properly.

The main thing is that the dishes should be healthy, but low in calories. There are recommendations for what you can eat in the evening. They must be followed.

    Pasta, dumplings, dumplings, mayonnaise, chocolate, and potatoes should not be included in the diet.

  • Have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Serving size for women is 250 g, for men – 350.
  • Energy-wise, dinner should be one fifth of your daily caloric intake.

Protein with vegetables or protein with greens are ideal dinner options. Animal proteins in a proper diet include fish, seafood, lean meat, eggs, cheese, and cottage cheese. Sample menu The best things to eat for dinner are listed below.

Green or green drinks are good Herb tea, as well as coffee with milk and cocoa.

  • Once or twice a week, animal proteins can be replaced with vegetable proteins - these are dishes made from beans, legumes, lentils, peas, but the fruits must first be soaked to eliminate the gas-forming effect.
  • For dinner, you can eat proteins in the form of nuts, but the nuts should not be fried, but dried.
  • For dinner you can only eat vegetables (in any form, except fried) or porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, seasoned with any vegetable oil, mushrooms, dried fruits, berries and fruits are light dishes for dinner.

Varied dinner options

Here are some examples of what to eat for dinner when eating healthy.

  1. Beef cutlets, cabbage salad with vegetable oil and lemon dressing, coffee with milk.
  2. Fish baked in sour cream, vegetables, green tea.
  3. Stewed chicken breast, omelet with herbs, cocoa.
  4. Turkey fillet, 2 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat without oil, tea with lemon.
  5. Baked potatoes, squid salad, eggs and cucumber, tea.
  6. Stewed beef, vegetables, black bread, cocoa.
  7. Salad of rabbit meat, boiled beans, sweet peppers and fresh cucumbers, tea.
  8. Oven-baked fish, boiled rice, coffee with milk.
  9. Omelet with stewed tomatoes, chicken breast boiled, herbal tea.
  10. Fish stuffed with carrots and onions, vegetable salad with cheese, coffee.
  11. Cutlets from ground beef steam, mix of stewed vegetables, green tea.
  12. Turkey (fillet), garnished with mushroom stew with carrots and onions, Herb tea.
  13. Beef stewed with mushrooms, green salad, green tea.
  14. Shrimp and squid casserole with cheese, salad with cucumber and herbs, coffee with milk.

The above options are for those who decide to eat food containing animal protein in the evening.

What can you eat for bedtime?

Sometimes a situation may arise that a person may appear at home only before bedtime. But don’t go to bed hungry! What to cook for dinner? In such cases, dishes made from vegetables blended in a blender - smoothies - will help. They will be quickly absorbed and your sleep will be easy. You can take vegetables that you like, but from those that are allowed for proper nutrition.

Cocktail options

  • Tomatoes and cucumbers – 100 g each, greens;
  • spinach or celery leaves 200 g, 1 unsweetened apple;
  • boiled broccoli 200 g, tomatoes 100 g, a little salt.

How to eliminate the consequences of overeating

If it is difficult for you to overcome the habit of eating heavily for dinner, then you need to help your stomach fight your weaknesses.

Berry cocktails are suitable for this purpose. They don't take much time to prepare. In summer it is better to use fresh berries - currants, strawberries, raspberries, in winter - frozen. The berries are twisted in a blender; you can add freshly squeezed juices from fruits or mineral water.
A low-calorie cocktail based on low-fat kefir will also help normalize work gastrointestinal tract and have a good night's sleep. It can turn overeating into a healthy dinner. It includes the following ingredients: 300 g of low-fat kefir, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of ginger and cinnamon, a little ground black pepper. Mix all the ingredients and you can add any citrus juice to them if desired to give an interesting taste.

Eating the right foods for dinner isn't everything: movement is essential.

You can do some homework, enjoy a walk with your children in the fresh air, play with them at home if the weather is not conducive to walks. And then your sleep will be easy, and your figure will please you.

“Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy!” - popular expression, which has become almost the motto of all those who are losing weight. However, few people understand its full meaning, although purely intuitively people feel that it is impossible to completely refuse evening meals, even for the purpose of losing weight.

Hence the numerous antagonistic phrases coined among the people:

“To spite my enemies, I eat dinner myself!”
“I would give dinner to the enemy, but can you really get enough of them all?”
“I’m very kind. There’s no one to even give dinner to!”
“It’s not easy to find such an unassuming enemy who agrees to eat your every dinner. Only gourmets all around"

And all these phrases are true to some extent. In fact, there is no reason to exclude this meal from your menu. You just need to organize it correctly, then there will be benefits for both health and figure. It is especially important to know what dinner should be for weight loss in order to achieve good results from any diet.

Why do you need dinner?

Everyone understands why breakfast is needed: to wake up and gain energy. No one doubts the importance of lunch, which is the main meal of the day. But many people easily refuse dinner, saying that they have already eaten to their fill all day and there is no point in loading their poor stomach before bed.

In fact, it is no less important than and, as it performs a number of vital functions.

  1. Eliminates prolonged starvation of the body, which leads to fat deposits.
  2. Does not allow deficiency of nutrients.
  3. Helps you sleep, since hunger and the rumbling of an empty stomach - common reasons insomnia.
  4. Maintains the necessary metabolic rate, which slows down if there is too much in the stomach for a long time no food arrives.
  5. Provides the body with amino acids, which are used for growth at night muscle mass, nail and hair growth.
  6. Helps restore strength at the end of a hard working day and after training.
  7. Saturates, preventing attacks of night hunger and late gatherings in the kitchen.
  8. Relaxes and calms.

A properly organized dinner helps to improve well-being, improve health and lose weight.

Why is it called that? The word "supper" comes from the ancient Greek "δεῖπνον", which translates as "evening meal".

What should he be like?

Dinner must have certain characteristics so that everything eaten is beneficial and does not end up overnight in deposits on the sides and stomach.

  1. Light so that the food has time to digest before bed and does not cause a feeling of heaviness and fermentation.
  2. Useful for the body to consume vitamins and other bioactive substances rather than storing reserves in the form of fats.
  3. Low in calories to promote weight loss.
  4. Small in volume.
  5. Complete and balanced: must contain all the necessary nutrients, the approximate ratio of BZHU is 40/20/40.
  6. Protein and low-fat, based on the previous parameter.
  7. Nutritious so that you won’t want to eat anymore before bed.
  8. Early: no later than 19.00.

These characteristics are suitable for dinner both as part of weight loss and while observing the principles of proper nutrition.

In Germany. Germans have dinner from 18.00 to 19.00. The basis is cold but hearty dishes: fish, pork, beef, sausage and cheese. Can't do without traditional national beer.

Sequence of dishes

First you need to eat vegetable dish so that it prepares the stomach for digesting heavier food. After this, you can start eating protein foods. Drinks can only be drunk half an hour after eating.

Portion volume

A vegetable dish should be 2-3 times larger in volume than a protein dish: this is approximately 250 g of vegetables and 100 g of protein for women, 300 g and 150 g, respectively, for men.

Calorie content

Should be 25-30% of. With proper nutrition - about 400 kcal, for weight loss - no more than 300 kcal.


Everyone knows truism that you need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime, so that the food is digested and the stomach rests at night. Otherwise, everything that does not have time to be processed will go to the formation of fat depots. In this case, nutritionists advise taking into account the time of breakfast. At least 10 hours must pass between it and the evening meal. If in the morning you eat at 08.00, then in the evening you can do it at 18.00. But if you get up late and eat later for the first time, then move dinner too.

Always have dinner at the same time.

Cooking method

Vegetables are best eaten raw. Make light salads out of them. If you have stomach problems, bake, use a steamer or boil as a side dish. Meat and fish should be baked, steamed or boiled. Diet dinner as part of weight loss excludes fried foods.

General points

  1. Thorough chewing will facilitate and speed up the digestion process and quickly satisfy hunger.
  2. You can’t limit dinner to just fermented milk products. They will not be able to provide the body with everything it needs.
  3. About 1.5 hours after dinner, it is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air for half an hour to use up some of the calories consumed in the evening.
  4. Half an hour before bedtime, a glass or so is allowed. In case of a strong attack of hunger - a small green apple.
  5. A complete refusal of dinner (recommended in some diets - in particular, the model diet) forces the body to store fats during breakfast and lunch. Don't expect him to use them all up in one evening.
  6. You need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

For many, dinner is the only meal of the day when the whole family gathers at the table together. Unfortunately, more and more often it is not spent having warm conversations, enjoying home cooking, and behind the TV, ordering delivery of ready-made food with trans fats (pizza, sushi, hamburgers, quick salads, nuggets, French fries). If your goal is to eat right or lose weight, don't make this mistake.

IN THE USA. Americans have two dinners: early (from 18.00 to 19.00) and late (around 22.00). The first (Dinner) is almost a complete lunch, since during the day they are busy and only allow themselves snacks. And in the evening the whole family gathers at the table. Traditional dishes- burgers, fries, grilled steaks, nuggets and lots of sauces. You won't see any side dishes here. Second dinner (Supper) - pizza to order, chips, nuts and other fast food, which is consumed in front of the TV. These features of American national cuisine explain why the United States is the leader in the number of people suffering from obesity.

Product Lists


  • as a source of protein: boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, feta cheese, white cheeses (feta, Adyghe, mozzarella);
  • vegetables (you will find the healthiest and lowest-calorie ones in our article);
  • beans, chickpeas, lentils;
  • greens: feather onion, amaranth, dill, parsley, celery;
  • lean fish, seafood;
  • boiled lean meat; nutritionists call turkey ideal for dinner (it contains tryptophan, which improves digestion and helps with insomnia), although chicken breast is also suitable;
  • spices, spices, but not too hot: cardamom, ginger, ground black pepper, coriander;
  • sprouted cereals;
  • mushrooms;
  • soy products;
  • unrefined vegetable oils, freshly squeezed lemon juice, 9% apple or balsamic vinegar, 10% sour cream - for salad dressing.

Drinks include herbal tea, kefir, fresh juices, smoothies, cocktails, dry red wine (no more than 1 glass).

It is forbidden:

  • peas, beans (promote flatulence);
  • fatty dairy products;
  • corn, potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • fatty fish;
  • fatty meat: pork, lamb, goose, duck;
  • flour products;
  • sweets;
  • dried fruits, nuts, fresh fruits;
  • flakes;
  • sandwiches;
  • dumplings, dumplings and other semi-finished products combining meat and dough;
  • fast food, snacks;
  • fried foods, canned food, smoked meats.

Drinks include caffeinated drinks, energy drinks, carbonated drinks, and alcoholic drinks.

Controversial issues

Cabbage for dinner provokes increased gas formation at night, but it makes excellent low-calorie diet salads. You can protect yourself from this trouble if you drink dill water half an hour after eating.

Avocado is too high in calories for dinner, but contains amino acids that the body needs at night (about beneficial properties alligator pear we). Therefore, it is recommended to add it in small quantities to salads.

Cereals and pasta are high-calorie foods that are slow carbohydrates. The conclusion is obvious: they will take too long to digest. And if they don’t have time to do this, all the leftovers will go into fat deposits. On the other hand, they provide long-term satiety and prevent night trips to the refrigerator. The second argument is that they are good for health.

Solution: if you are on a diet that involves consuming a large amount of carbohydrates, rice, buckwheat and even oatmeal are possible on the evening menu. For people whose work involves heavy physical activity, for men and those who engage in intensive strength training, they can also be eaten as a side dish for meat or fish. They are definitely of no use to a woman who is losing weight.

When deciding this issue for yourself, know that nutritionists still recommend leaving cereals for the morning: a proper dinner for weight loss should not contain them.

In Great Britain. The British have dinner late, already around 21.00. They start with wine. Main courses - roast beef, steaks, vegetable side dishes (legumes, boiled corn, cauliflower) with sauces. The meal ends with tea and something sweet.

Top best dishes for dinner

If you want to lose weight, choose only dietary dishes for dinner. They should be low-calorie and as healthy as possible. A small rating will guide you and tell you exactly how to diversify the menu to benefit your health and figure.

  1. Salads made from green vegetables and herbs, with herbs and spices, lemon juice or olive oil as a dressing.
  2. Protein salads with pieces of chicken, shrimp, crab meat, cottage cheese, egg whites, with sour cream instead of dressing.
  3. Vegetable stew.
  4. Cottage cheese with herbs / cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Boiled turkey/chicken.
  6. Omelette (preferably baked or microwaved) with vegetables, boiled eggs.
  7. Seafood salad.
  8. Steamed fish.
  9. Boiled beans.
  10. / / .

In Japan. In the land of the rising sun, dinner is strictly at 18.00. Base - rice, noodles, clear misosiru and suimono soups, meat, fish, steamed vegetables, pickled snacks (tsukemono), sweets (wagashi) with green tea. Peculiarities of the meal: small portions and duration of the meal (sometimes it lasts 1.5-2 hours), since the Japanese chew everything thoroughly and know how to truly enjoy food.

Dinner options

Depending on the conditions for organizing dinner (with a diet or with proper nutrition), the menu should include different dishes and products that meet the basic principles of the chosen diet.

Low calorie:

  • vegetable salads with lemon juice: vitamin, celery, Greek;
  • stewed and baked vegetables;
  • vegetable stew;
  • grilled vegetables;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • green salads.


  • boiled chicken or turkey breast;
  • steamed or baked fish;
  • seafood salads;
  • boiled eggs, egg white omelet;
  • skim cheese;
  • white cheeses;
  • mushroom salads;
  • protein salads with seafood or meat.


  • milk and green cocktails;
  • herbal teas;
  • unsweetened dried fruit compote;
  • fresh juices from unsweetened fruits and sour berries;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices;
  • green smoothies;
  • low-fat chicken broth.


  • beans, chickpeas, lentils;
  • sprouted cereals;
  • avocado;
  • pasta from durum varieties wheat;
  • varieties of fish with medium fat content;
  • steamed or boiled veal and beef, cutlets or meatballs made from them;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • rye bread, whole grain bread.

A healthy dinner should be balanced in terms of... You need to include all of the above dishes and products in your diet one by one.

In France. The French have dinner around 20.00 and combine it with watching TV. The basis is light salads made from fresh vegetables and plenty of greens.


Here is an example of a menu for evening meals for a week:

In Greece. Greeks have dinner after 20.00, most often with family or friends. Main dishes - omelet, stewed vegetables, famous Greek salad with feta cheese. The meal ends with tea and a sweet dessert.


Light salads

  • Curd

Tear 100 g by hand Chinese cabbage, cut 100 g of fresh cucumber into strips, chop the herbs (50 g of dill and parsley). Add 30 ml lemon juice and stir. After this, add 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and mix again.

  • With sun-dried tomatoes

Cut 100 g of washed radish into slices. 5 pieces. put 2 sun-dried tomatoes into strips, 2 fresh ones into slices. Cut 100 g feta cheese into arbitrary pieces. Tear 3 lettuce leaves with your hands. Mix. Sprinkle with fruit vinegar and lemon juice, add salt and pepper.

  • Greek

Coarsely chop 100 g of feta cheese, 1 salad pepper, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 onion. Prepare the dressing separately: mix 3 crushed garlic cloves, 10 ml of grape vinegar and 25 ml of olive oil. Mix vegetables and cheese, season with sauce, place on lettuce leaves, and top with olives.

Main dishes

  • Turkey omelette

Cut the boiled turkey fillet (150 g) into small pieces, cut into strips 1 green bell pepper. Mix. Pour in 2 egg whites. Bake in the microwave for 3 minutes. Place on a plate with lettuce leaves, sprinkle with chopped green onions.

  • Flounder with steamed vegetables

Cut 1 flounder carcass into portions, season it with seasonings and spices. Place 100 g of young zucchini into cubes, 100 g of eggplant and celery stalks into strips, and 2 tomatoes into slices. Crush a couple of garlic cloves. Mix the vegetables and drizzle with olive oil. Place everything in a bowl and turn on the steamer for half an hour.

  • Turkey meatballs

Cut 500 g turkey fillet into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Add to minced meat 1 a raw egg, 1 small chopped onion, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 10 g suneli hops, salt (optional). Beat the minced meat, form it into meatballs, and lightly roll in flour. Place in a thick-walled pan, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Add 1 more chopped onion and 1 tomato, cut into slices, add 50 g tomato sauce, a couple of bay leaves, a few peppercorns. Simmer for about an hour over moderate heat.

Smoothies, cocktails

  • Curd

Beat 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 100 ml of 1% milk in a blender.

  • Green

Cut 100 g of celery stalk into pieces, pour in 200 ml of 1% kefir, add 20 g of chopped dill. Beat in a blender.

  • Vegetable

Cut cucumbers, tomatoes and celery stalks into 50 g pieces. Add 20 g of chopped herbs (feather onions, dill and parsley), a little pepper, Tabasco sauce. Pour 250 ml of 1% kefir. Mix in a blender.

When organizing the perfect dinner for weight loss, remember that it can only become so under two conditions: if it is healthy and you like it. This applies not only to a diet that meets the principles, but also to diets. If the food seems bland and tasteless, you will go to bed on an empty stomach, which will only harm your body.

Even with strict diets, you need to have dinner. And even more so with rational healthy eating dinner won't do any harm.

A proper dinner avoids the risk of night hunger and spontaneous snacking in the evening.

A competent approach to the evening meal involves dishes that are prepared from acceptable products. There are many of them, so dinner can be interesting and varied. At the same time, it is as useful as possible.

The importance of this meal in the diet

Eating throughout the day is important for:

  • good health and mood;
  • replenishing the body with energy, useful vitamins and substances;
  • feeling full without the risk of overeating;
  • normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems.

Everything that was eaten during the day or not eaten will ultimately be reflected in the evening appetite. It is important to eat right all day, starting in the morning, so that dinner does not become a hunger strike.

What should be a healthy and healthy meal in the evening?

Evening food should be easy to prepare and easy to feel after eating. She must be:

  • light;
  • small in volume, but satisfying;
  • not greasy and not spicy;
  • not too salty.

The food that is considered healthy in the evening is one that promotes normal digestion and sleep. It must also be balanced in the composition of the BZHU.

Important! Dinner should account for 30% of the energy value of the entire day. Calorie content must be taken into account.

What you can eat healthy for dinner (examples of suitable foods)

Allowed foods and dishes for the evening:

  • lactic acid products and products made from them, for example, cheesecakes, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • a small portion of nuts;
  • boiled or soft-boiled eggs, omelet;
  • hard cheese;
  • a little honey;
  • herbal teas, juices;
  • seafood;
  • vegetable stew.

Protein foods should not be bulky, but should fit in the palm of your hand. This is approximately 100 g.

Important! To avoid overeating in the evening, you need to eat slowly, without rushing. Portions should be made a quarter smaller than usual. Chew every bite. The plates should be small. The visual perception is that the portions on a small plate look impressive.

What is better not to eat

The evening meal will be beneficial if you exclude foods such as:

  • fried in oil;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • sweets;
  • bakery;
  • sweet fruits, as well as boiled carrots and beets;
  • potato.

There is no need to eat a lot of salty foods at night. Water retains water in the body. And you shouldn’t mix cereal side dishes with proteins.

Important! If you overload the digestive system in the evening, this provokes abdominal pain and flatulence. This will interfere with normal sleep.

Portion volume

The volume of evening meals should not be larger than your fist. The stomach is about the same size.

There is no need to stretch the stomach, but at the same time it should not be empty.

You can weigh the portions if you have scales. For men, a serving weighs a maximum of 350 g, for women - 250 g.

When should you eat in the evening?

It is best to have dinner no later than 19:00. Although situations may be different. It still depends on what time you go to bed. If at 22:00, then you need to have dinner before 18:00. If lights out is at midnight, you can eat at 20:00.

The maximum permissible meal is two hours before bedtime. This is because digestive processes slow down in the evening. Food eaten in the evening simply does not have time to be digested. The result is extra pounds. And, in addition, the risk of developing hypertension, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, as well as nervous diseases and depression increases.

Should you give up your evening meal?

You shouldn't give up your evening meal. And that's why:

  • while eating, the body produces a special substance - serotonin, it makes a person happy and satisfied;
  • Proper nutrition normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • you sleep better on a full stomach;
  • during sleep, the body also actively consumes energy, and if there is nothing to take energy from, it will begin to take it from muscle tissue;
  • An evening meal prevents stress and depressed mood.

If you don't eat in the evening, you may have an irresistible urge to have a snack before bed, or even empty the refrigerator at night.

Menu options for every day

Some examples of a balanced dinner. In these options, the food is prepared quickly, which is also important.

Option 1

Fish baked in foil or on coals, fresh salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber and sweet corn, seasoned with sour cream, a glass of tomato juice.

Option 2

Fish stewed in cream, boiled cauliflower, a glass of herbal tea.

Option 3

Boiled chicken breast, cut into cubes and seasoned with yogurt. A glass of apple juice.

Option 4

Salad of tomato, cucumber with the addition of Mozzarella cheese and olives, a teaspoon of olive or linseed oil. A cup of green tea.

Option 5

Cottage cheese with honey or omelet. A glass of kefir.

When losing weight: light food, quick preparation

For those losing weight, it is important to reduce the amount of carbohydrates for dinner. And it is better to give preference to proteins, but not more than 100 g.

An evening meal may consist of chicken fillet, hake, cod, lean beef, boiled eggs and cottage cheese.

A side dish for meat dishes can be lettuce, various greens, cabbage salad and cucumbers. Cooking simple food is quick and easy.

Ideal meals for athletes

Athletes need to restore energy and replenish protein so that the body does not begin to “eat” muscles. The evening meal must contain proteins, as well as some carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits.

Ideal foods for dinner include:

  • cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir;
  • chicken fillet and eggs;
  • boiled beef;
  • stewed vegetables and green fruits.

Three hours before bedtime, you can drink a protein shake. Any fermented milk drink will do; it is useful for the active restoration of muscle fibers.

The best recipes: delicious, low-calorie and healthy dishes for the whole family

Bean salad with mushrooms


  • a can of canned beans in their own juice;
  • 4 large fresh champignons;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 2 tbsp. l. curd sauce.

Boil the champignons and cut into cubes. Peel the cucumber and also chop into cubes. Mix beans, cucumber and mushrooms with curd sauce.

Calorie content of the product: 180 kcal per 100 g.

Armenian pilaf


  • 200 g rice;
  • 30 g raisins;
  • 30 g dried apricots;
  • 30 g prunes;
  • 50 g butter.

You need to boil the rice so that it does not stick together. Steam in hot water dried fruits, chop large ones. Mix with rice and oil. To give a special flavor to the dish, you need to fry an egg in butter and season the pilaf with this oil.

Calorie content of the product: 189 kcal per 100 g.

Egg pancakes with vegetables


  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mineral water;
  • frozen vegetables “Chinese style”;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • 30 g vegetable oil.

You need to beat the mineral water with the eggs. Fry this egg mixture in oil, pouring it into a thin layer like pancakes. You will get 2-3 pancakes. Stew the vegetables. Place vegetables on each pancake and roll into a roll.

Calorie content of the product: 203 kcal per 100 g.

All professionals, trainers, nutritionists are unanimous in the opinion that dinner is needed. It is useful even for those losing weight.

Nadezhda Melnichuk, nutritionist

Natalya Samoilenko, nutritionist

This specialist suggests including moderately hot spices for dinner. They improve metabolism and blood circulation. These are pepper, cardamom, coriander. Tea with mint and a spoonful of honey is also good for the evening.

Evgeniy Shorokhov, personal fitness trainer

This specialist advises eating vegetable proteins and vegetables, dairy products with an average percentage of fat for dinner.

Useful video

Main conclusions

Dinner is a must. However, several rules must be followed:

  • the weight of portions should be no more than 250 g for women and 350 g for men;
  • by calorie content: 350 kcal – for those losing weight, up to 500 kcal – for ordinary people;
  • In terms of volume, the evening meal makes up 35% of the entire day.

You should also have dinner no later than 20 o’clock. You will have to give up sweets, fatty and fried foods.

Proper diet- one of the main components healthy image life. The issue of choosing the right evening meal regimen is especially acute. “What's for dinner? When should we have dinner?” - these and other questions related to dinner are the most discussed on the Internet. We will try to answer them briefly.


Nutritionists recommend making any cereal porridge the main course of breakfast, the fiber of which helps remove toxins from the body and absorb fats. . Cereals are a storehouse of healthy carbohydrates, B vitamins (affects nervous system) and vitamin E, which is responsible for slowing down the aging process.

You should not have breakfast with advertised “ready-made breakfasts” such as muesli, chocolate and frosting flakes - despite the content of valuable vitamins and microelements, these breakfasts contain a lot of sugar and are high in calories. It is for this reason that it is better to eat porridge.


Long breaks between meals are harmful, and eating a lot at night is harmful. This means that about 35-45% of calories a person should eat between breakfast and dinner. Not everyone can afford to eat a little every 1.5-2 hours, so the best option is.

Lunch time should be approximately 4-5 hours after breakfast and approximately 4-5 hours before dinner.

The main dish of lunch is the “hot first course” (borscht, cabbage soup, fish soup). Firstly, it promotes digestion. Secondly, it creates a feeling of fullness, but does not overload the stomach.

You should not eat dessert during the day; a high-calorie lunch contributes to a feeling of fatigue and drives you into an afternoon nap (the initial surge of energy from an increase in glucose levels quickly passes, and as soon as the level begins to return to normal, lethargy occurs and begins to lead to sleep).

Afternoon snack

An afternoon snack is simply necessary if the working day is too long, if due to circumstances it is difficult to organize the interval between breakfast and dinner of 9-11 hours.

The main goal of the “day snack” menu is to avoid acute hunger pangs.

You need to eat about 2-3 hours after lunch.

Unsweetened, calcium-rich foods are ideal for a “daytime snack.” dairy products(, yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese). For a greater preventive effect of the “snack,” you should take your afternoon snack slowly, eat with a teaspoon, and drink liquid foods in small sips.


Adequate rest and sleep is simply impossible in a hungry state. In addition, at night, a number of hormones necessary for normal human functioning are produced (restoration skin, muscles, bones, hair).

For dinner it should be easily digestible:

  • fresh vegetable salad, vegetable stew;
  • some boiled meat or fish;
  • weak and not very sweet.

Abuse of foods high in fat can cause serious disruptions in the body's physiological clock, which is responsible for the processes of sleep and wakefulness - it is always difficult to fall asleep after eating fatty foods.

Proper nutrition for dinner

All nutritionists and gastroenterologists unequivocally state that you should never refuse dinner. Even if you cannot organize your last meal 3 hours before bedtime, it is still better to have a light snack than to go to bed hungry.

The main thing is to follow basic nutritional rules:

Dinner for those with a sweet tooth

Most often, the desire for sweets occurs in those who lack complex carbohydrates in their diet. Therefore, it is imperative to include foods high in starch and fiber (beans, buckwheat, bran bread, vegetables).

It is advisable that fresh vegetables make up at least 60% of the dinner volume for a person with a sweet tooth - they will help prevent spikes in blood sugar levels and the person should not be tempted to eat extra cake or chocolate before bed.

All basic sweets (that is, chocolate, candies, cakes, pastries) should be eaten approximately 6-7 hours before bedtime.

It is necessary to replace white sugar with the “correct” sweets:

  • Honey, which contains many beneficial minerals, organic acids and vitamins. In addition to being sweet, it is a good preventative against colds.
  • To prepare sweet baked goods, use cane sugar, which is rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
  • If you can’t stand it, it’s better to snack on fruits or berries.

For lovers of seafood and cereals

Boiled with minimal addition of spices, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, squids, octopuses contain the protein of delicious sea meat, which is almost 4 times less caloric than any protein of any other meat, therefore it is easily digested and absorbed; saturated with polyunsaturated acids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Those who are losing weight should follow a few simple rules:

  • Rule 1. Introduce simple carbohydrates and starchy foods (dumplings, rice, potatoes and others) into the category of “taboo” in the evening, minimizing the amount of bread as much as possible;
  • Rule 2. Boiled, stewed and pureed foods significantly increase the speed of digestion. Quickly digested, low-fat cottage cheese, citrus fruits,;
  • Rule 3. Dinner should in no case exceed 1/4 calorie content daily norm for supporters fractional meals and 1/3 with three meals a day. To put it simply, dinner should be somewhat similar to lunch with half portions and following rule 1;
  • Rule 4. If light exercise after dinner is simply beneficial for everyone, for those losing weight this should be the rule.

Salads for dinner

Light salad- a dish that satisfies hunger and at the same time creates a feeling of lightness and harmony in the body. On the Internet and in cookbooks you can find a huge number of recipes for light salads. Here are some to prepare at home.

Fish salad with beets:

Chicken salad:

Salad with rice and pickled pink salmon:

Evening potato salad:

Dinner for adults

One should not assume that adults can do without dinner - sleeping on an empty stomach is harmful to the stomach itself, the nervous system and the entire human body as a whole.

An adult's dinner should be complete, but light. Nutritionists recommend using mainly a “second” course as dinner, but the products included in it should be easily digestible so that the stomach has time to digest them before bedtime.

That is why pork and beef, legumes (except beans), fried, fatty, hot sauces and seasonings. You should not drink coffee, cocoa and strong tea in the evening - you can use slightly sweetened weak tea, fruit drinks, compote, kefir, ryazhanka.

Dinner for children

The daily diet for children differs significantly from the diet, so dinner for children should be given a little more attention. Unlike an adult, it is difficult to explain the principles of proper nutrition to an actively growing 6-10 year old child - adults must supervise this.

Briefly about the basic rules of a proper children's dinner:

Dinner for pregnant women

Despite the fact that pregnant women have to eat “for two”, their dinner diet should not be very different from the diet of any other adult woman- you still can’t overeat.

But there are some organizational moments that a pregnant woman can afford - 15-20 minutes after the main dinner, drink a cup of green tea without sugar, hibiscus or rose hip decoction.

If you feel hungry before going to bed, be sure to drink a glass of kefir with dried fruit or eat 125-150 g of yogurt or a sweet apple before going to bed.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight?

As a guide, you can take the following formulas for an ideal dinner for those who want to lose weight:

  • Regular dinner:
    • A piece of lean boiled fish (seafood) or poultry meat not exceeding in thickness and size the size of your own palm without fingers;
    • 2 “fists” of fresh or boiled vegetables;
    • no more than 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil for those involved in sports and those who constantly work physically hard, and no more than 1 teaspoon for everyone else.
  • "Dairy" option:
    • 1 “fist” of low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 2 “fists” of fruits or berries.

Protein dinner

Some of the most common options for a proper protein dinner for those who want to lose weight:

  • Milk omelet with fresh tomatoes.
  • Grilled chicken fillet with fresh vegetable salad.
  • Steam with vegetable garnish.
  • Seafood with vegetables and boiled rice.

Dinner after training

After intense evening sports training or a physically difficult day at work, the body also needs proteins.

As a guide for a proper sports dinner, you can alternate with the following options:

Light dinner for weight loss

Sticking to correct principles nutrition for weight loss, you can focus on the following options for a basic light dinner:

  • steamed lean fillet with a little steamed rice and a medium portion of any vegetable salad seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • a small piece of boiled rabbit meat with a medium portion of lightly salted fresh tomato salad;
  • omelette as a bite with low-fat cheese;
  • fish meatballs steamed with mashed potatoes(fill the puree with kefir, not mrlok - do not add oil);
  • unsweetened pumpkin cream soup, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.

How many calories are there for dinner?

If we talk about calorie standards for dinner for adults, we should focus on the following indicators:

  • for those who want to lose weight, the calorie content of dinner should be:
    • for a woman, portion 250-300 g— 70-80 g protein + 180-220 g vegetables (250-275 kcal);
    • for men 350-400 g- 100-125 g of protein + a little more than 250 g of vegetables (325-350 kcal).
  • for adults involved in sports:
    • for women portion 300-350 g— 80-100 g protein + 220-250 g vegetables (about 300 kcal);
    • for men portion 400-450 g— 125-150 g of protein + 275-300 g of vegetables (about 400 kcal).

The main principles of proper dinner

What foods can you eat for dinner?

We bring to your attention 7 main products that nutritionists recommend for dinner:

  • Chicken or fish. In addition to low fat content and easily digestible protein, fish and chicken meat contains tryptophan, a substance that calms the nervous system.
  • . Rich in benefits for the human body complex carbohydrates and at the same time is one of the lowest calorie products.
  • Low-fat (up to 5%) cottage cheese. An excellent source of protein and calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Kefir. A product that normalizes digestion and at the same time satisfies hunger.
  • Green vegetables- a source of minerals that strengthen the immune system and vitamins.
  • Unsweetened apples. A tasty source of iron, which is necessary for the restoration of blood cells.
  • Seafood(with the exception of shrimp and crabs) - an exquisite source of protein, which affects the formation of hormones.

What foods should you not eat for dinner?

Nutritionists advise not only to limit, but to impose a strict taboo on eating after 17:00 such “difficult” foods to digest as:

  • Sweet pastry. It first quickly raises and then sharply drops your blood sugar level. As a result, a person constantly feels hungry.
  • Red meat, smoked meats and sausage. First of all, we are talking about fried red meat, although it is also better not to eat baked or boiled meat in the evening. Red meat and smoked meats contain a lot of tyrosine, which is responsible for increasing adrenaline levels - until it returns to normal, it will be difficult for a person to fall asleep. In addition, almost all smoked meats are very fatty.
  • Rice and other starchy grains, as well as chocolate. Starch and sugar are fast carbohydrates that are harmful to the body in the evening diet. In addition, nothing good will come from eating caffeinated chocolate shortly before bed.
  • Nuts. One argument is enough - a small handful of nuts contains about 600 Kcal...
  • Horseradish and mustard. These are very sharp and difficult to process components, which should not be abused during the day, but in the evening they are a potential threat to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, usually manifesting itself in the form of heartburn.
  • Fast food and any other fatty foods- at a minimum, this means heaviness in the stomach and restless sleep.

Diet dinner recipes

There are a lot of recipes for a proper dinner. Here's just a small part of them.


Cabbage soup



  • Finely chop and pour 3 liters of water into 3 small onions, 2 fresh medium tomatoes, 1/3 of a medium head of cabbage, 1 bell pepper and a small bunch of celery.
  • Cook for 10 minutes over high heat.
  • Then add salt.
  • Add a little soy sauce.
  • Reduce heat to medium and cook for another 10 minutes.

Soup with rice and fresh cabbage



  • Pour 2 cups of rice into 1.5 liters of water and put on fire.
  • When the rice is about half cooked, add chopped in large pieces fresh sea ​​fish and cook until the fish and rice are ready.
  • A couple of minutes before readiness (determined approximately), add 150 g of fresh seaweed and finely chopped onion (half a medium onion).
  • We wait for the soup to boil again, gently stir in 1 beaten egg and turn off the heat.
  • Let the soup sit for 10 minutes.


With carrots



  • Boil, peel and finely grate 600 g of carrots.
  • Beat 4 eggs, add carrot puree, 400 ml of milk, 2 tablespoons of flour and orange juice.
  • Add salt to taste.
  • Mix all this thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.
  • Pour it into the mold.
  • Bake in the oven until fully cooked.

With cauliflower



  • Boil 200 g of cauliflower in salted water.
  • Finely chop 5 medium-sized tomatoes.
  • Place the boiled cabbage on a preheated frying pan well greased with vegetable oil.
  • Place the tomatoes on top and spread evenly, add a little salt and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  • While the vegetables are stewing, beat 6 eggs and mix with 200 ml of milk, and also grate 50 g of hard cheese onto a fine grater.
  • Pour the egg-milk mixture onto the stewed vegetables, sprinkle with grated cheese and put on the fire again until fully cooked.


Porridge with vegetables



  • Grate 2 peeled large carrots onto a medium grater and simmer for 15-20 minutes over medium heat in 3-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Take 2 bell peppers average size and remove the seeds.
  • Coarsely chop the pepper and 1 kg of tomato, skip the pepper, stewed carrots and tomatoes through a meat grinder.
  • After adding a large clove of finely grated garlic to the resulting “minced meat”, let everything simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  • Separately, cook 1 cup of rice until half cooked - the rice should boil for about 6-7 minutes.
  • Drain the water and add the rice to the stewed “minced meat” and, stirring regularly so as not to burn, simmer everything for about 25-30 minutes over low heat.
  • After removing from the heat, let the dish sit for 15-20 minutes and you can serve.




  • Sort out 200 grams of buckwheat, rinse in running water and cook until half cooked.
  • Finely chop and fry 300 honey mushrooms.
  • Lightly fry finely chopped onion(1 medium sized onion).
  • Place the ingredients in a baking dish in the oven in the following sequence - a layer of semi-finished buckwheat/a layer of fried onions/a layer of semi-finished buckwheat/cover everything on top with mushrooms.
  • In this form, put it in the oven and bring it to full readiness.


Is it possible to have cottage cheese, fruit, cabbage, fish and beans for dinner?

Many people wonder about the benefits of eating certain specific foods in the evening:

Main conclusion- having dinner is not only necessary, but also vital. Compliance with the basic rules described in the article will allow you not only not to feel hungry, but also to avoid health problems (overweight, unhealthy sleep).