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What are the benefits of fermented milk products for the body? Fermented milk products: benefits and harms Which products are fermented milk products

Answers Konstantin Spakhov, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences:

On the other hand, you are completely in vain to give up all milk products. They are designed in such a way that there is much less lactose in them than in milk itself, and in some there is practically no lactose, and they can be called lactose-free. For example, when, due to sanctions, the import of cheeses from many European countries into Russia was banned, many manufacturers “restructured” and began supplying lactose-free cheeses to Russia. Since lactose-free dairy products were practically not produced in Russia, their import was allowed. The paradox is that the suppliers only changed the label of the cheeses, indicating the magic word on it - “Lactose-free”. In fact, almost all cheeses are lactose-free and you can eat them without any problems.

Nature has arranged it in such a way that when fermented milk products, cottage cheese and cheeses are made from milk, the amount of lactose in them decreases. When milk is fermented, lactobacilli destroy milk sugar and its amount becomes significantly smaller. When cottage cheese is made, the fermented milk, which has become a curd clot, is squeezed out of the water - and along with it the remaining milk sugar goes away. When cottage cheese matures into cheese, there is even less lactose. So even for those who cannot consume lactic acid products - this happens with severe lactase deficiency - cottage cheese and cheeses do not cause reactions.

What is contained in a glass of milk (% of daily requirement)

Useful material

  • Calcium - 25%
  • Vitamin B2 - 22%
  • Vitamin D - 21%
  • Phosphorus - 18%
  • Vitamin B12 - 15%
  • Proteins - 13.5%
  • Selenium - 11%
  • Potassium - 10%

Unhealthy substances

  • Milk fat* - 6.4-8 g
  • Lactose - about 10 g (milk sugar)**

* There is a debate about the usefulness or harmfulness of milk fat, but so far it is still considered not very healthy, since it belongs to saturated (solid) fats.

** Since milk is unsweetened, many people do not even realize that it contains sugar. In fact, lactose does not have a bright sweet taste, but it does have other negative properties of sugars. One glass contains approximately 2 teaspoons of milk sugar.

Cottage cheese is an ideal product

Not only is almost all milk sugar lost during the production of cottage cheese, it also concentrates a huge amount of high-quality milk protein - the most important component of our food. There is much more protein in cottage cheese than in any drinking fermented milk products. At the same time, it also contains beneficial lactobacilli.

Cottage cheese is very filling and perfectly helps build muscle. To get the same amount of protein as is contained in just 100 grams of 9% cottage cheese, you need to drink 600 ml of milk. But with it you will get twice as much fat plus 6 tablespoons of milk sugar.

There are fewer of them than in yogurt or other fermented milk, but you shouldn’t discount them. But there is 1.5 times more useful calcium in cottage cheese than in them or in milk, and almost 2.5 times more phosphorus.

In addition, cottage cheese contains quite a lot of phospholipids. These substances are important for the body - they prevent the harmful effects of cholesterol.

Pyotr Obraztsov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences:

Many people believe that cream does not form on the surface of modern milk, and foam does not form when boiled, because it is powdered. This is not entirely true. Cream is formed on the surface only of milk that has not undergone so-called homogenization.

This milk contains fat globules, which, being lighter than water, float and stick together - this is how cream is obtained on the surface of the milk. All that remains is to remove them. And if you boil such milk, then foam is baked on its surface. With modern milk this does not work, because it is homogenized. This means that immediately after milking the cow, it is specially whipped to destroy the fat globules. As a result, tiny particles of milk fat are formed, which do not float, but form a suspension - a suspension in the milk. This is done so that the milk does not separate (that is, does not form cream), which is necessary for its industrial processing.

Encyclopedia of fermented milk products

There are many fermented milk products, and almost all of them are healthier than milk. There are several reasons for this.

They have probiotics- these are beneficial microorganisms that join our microflora in the intestines. They help her fight harmful bacteria and synthesize vitamins and some other beneficial substances. Probiotics come in two types. The first are those microorganisms that themselves ferment milk. They are always present in fermented milk products. The latter are added on purpose; they do not take part in the production of fermented milk products, but make them even healthier. Bifidobacteria are most often added for this purpose. Usually the particle “bio” is added to the name of such products: biokefir, bioyogurt, etc.

They always contain significantly less milk sugar, the negative effects of which you already know.

They are easier to digest than milk. This seems paradoxical, since it is well known that liquid foods are digested better. This is correct, but in the case of milk everything is different. In the acidic environment of the stomach, milk proteins quickly coagulate into a dense and difficult to digest clot. Moreover, it is usually quite large - you would hardly be able to swallow it whole without chewing. As a result, the stomach and intestines must work for a long time, crushing the protein clot. Therefore, milk is one of the most difficult to digest foods.

Product Leaven Taste Particularly
and harm
Products of mixed fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol
Kefir Kefir grains, without the addition of other microorganisms
flat, slightly sharp
It is healthier than yogurt, as its microorganisms take root in the intestines. Prevents the growth of tumors. Moderately reduces cholesterol. Relieves food allergies
Acidophilus Acidophilus-
bacillus, lactococci and kefir grains
Slightly spicy, refreshing
The most powerful product against putrefactive bacteria
in the intestines
Ayran Thermophile-
ny strepto-
cocci, bol-
gar stick
and yeast
local, sometimes salty
After fermentation, water is often added Helps with hangover
Kumis Bulgarian and acidophilus
naya sticks and yeast
sweet, sour
Made from mare's milk It is considered especially useful for tuberculosis and other lung diseases. But no large studies have been conducted. Has an anti-hangover effect
Product Leaven Taste Particularly
and harm
Only fermented milk products
cocci and/or thermo-
philic strepto-
Pure sour
called milk is fermented at 35-38°C
Prevents the development of candidiasis and other fungal diseases
Yogurt Thermophile-
ny strepto-
and Bulgarians
which wand is in equal proportions
sticky, quite viscous and white
It can only be sweet with added sugar or sweetener.
teley, berry, fruit and other flavors create a taste
aromatic additives. Fortunately, in other acidic
All these food chemicals are practically not used in food products
There is evidence of a protective effect in some cancers, especially bladder
Bioyogurt The same, but with added
nium bifido-
bacteria, acido-
Phil stick or other probio-
Very good
with dysbak-
kovskaya just-
ny strepto-
and Bulgarians
kaya wand
Pure sour
Effectively similar to yoghurt
Ryazhenka Thermophile-
ny strepto-
with added
with or without pain
gar stick
Pure sour
local with private
a piece of stewed milk. Color light
Made from baked milk (often with added
no cream)
Its action is similar to that of yoghurt, but it contains end products of glycolysis (AGEs), forming
simmering milk - they are not healthy, especially for diabetics
Varenets Thermophile-
ny strepto-
Pure sour
mild with the taste of stewed milk. Color from white to light
Made from heat-treated milk
work at 97 ±2°С. It's like it's a little melted
Also contains CNG,
but in smaller quantities

Many years ago people already knew about everyone beneficial properties milk and fermented milk products. They were used both as food and for cosmetic purposes. It’s impossible to count all the “benefits” of lactic acid products, but we will try to do so.

Let's look at each product separately and identify the best and most useful product with lactic acid bacteria. So, which fermented milk products are the healthiest, let's find out.

The benefits of fermented milk products for the body

What is a fermented milk product and how is it produced?

Everyone knows the benefits of milk for the body, although lactose is contraindicated for some people and it is forbidden to consume milk in its pure form. In addition, calcium, phosphorus and other elements from milk are poorly absorbed.

This means that people are allergic to milk, is it possible to have fermented milk products in this case? Such people and everyone else simply need to include fermented milk in their diet; it is easily digestible and does not contain sugar or lactose.

How do you get fermented milk raw materials, and what types of healthy fermented milk products are there?

All fermented milk products are obtained by fermenting boiled milk with the addition of a concentrate of lactic acid bacteria. As you can see, this is a natural process and many of you are probably familiar with the taste of sour milk. Previously, sour milk was obtained out of desperation - there was simply nowhere to store milk in warm conditions.

And now, knowing which fermented milk product is healthier, some still do not introduce it into their diet every day, but in vain. The taste of a fermented milk product with the addition of beneficial microorganisms is somewhat different, sourish-sweet, and the consistency becomes thicker.

Can fermented milk products be purchased in a store?

Real fermented milk product always has a sour taste, but not sweet. This indicates improper processing and fermentation of the original product.

Most often, this is what happens - on store shelves we buy yoghurts, to which, in addition, various preservatives are also added. In this case, most of the very bacteria we are talking about are lost, and the benefits of fermented milk products are also lost.

Making healthy yogurt is now as easy as shelling pears at home, the main thing is to discard laziness and reluctance to do something yourself. It is prepared either in yogurt makers or simply in a container and placed in a warm place. The next day, wonderful, healthy yogurt is ready, incomparable to store-bought products.

By eating such yoghurts every day, you can get rid of many diseases, this is especially important if there are children in the family and for them this is a delicious and healthy dish.

Types of fermented milk products:

  1. Products formed by fermentation of milk and disintegration (coagulation of casein) into flakes. That is, milk sugar is converted into lactic acid, so a sour taste is necessarily present. These include cottage cheese, sour cream, acidophilus, yoghurts, fermented baked milk and yogurt.
  2. Mixed fermentation products – lactic acid and alcohol . Such products include kefir, kumiss, matsoni, as well as bifidok, to which a probiotic culture is also added.

In the second case, along with lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, and acids are also produced from sugar. All this further enhances the digestion of food when consuming such products.

The proportion of alcohol is so small that it does not affect humans - approximately 0.07%. But for very young children, kefir is not recommended for consumption; it is advisable to replace it with natural yoghurts with starter until they are 3 years old.

Who is primarily recommended to drink kefir, eat cottage cheese and why are fermented milk products useful? People who are overweight, because they are the ones who suffer from dangerous diabetes, are worried about high blood pressure. It is for them that fermented milk is the most valuable.

It has been proven that after establishing a kefir diet, feelings akin to bird flight appear - lightness in the body and lightness in the soul.

The most useful fermented milk products are kefir, matsoni, and unsweetened yogurt. It is advisable to buy products in glass containers or tetrapacks (cardboard boxes), and not in plastic.

Which fermented milk products are good for the intestines?

We all know that there are a great many healthy foods for the intestines, including cereals, vegetables and fruits, nuts, and wholemeal bread.

Are fermented milk products good for the intestines? Of course - yes, because they contain special microorganisms to cleanse the intestines. Maintaining a healthy body is not so difficult; it is enough to include fermented foods in your diet every day.

All processes in the body depend on the health of the small and large intestines. We consume various foods and supplements every day; all of this must be excreted from the body, and only what is useful must be absorbed. But waste products are not always excreted, beginning to be absorbed into the organs and toxins accumulating there. It is the lactic acid bacteria that take on all the work and remove all the harmful things that accumulate inside.

Typically, the human body maintains a balance between beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria. This is achieved by consuming healthy foods every day.

If you are concerned about problems such as constipation, diarrhea and flatulence, most likely the problem can be solved quickly by adding kefir or yogurt to your diet. These products remove carcinogens from the body and reduce cholesterol.

Which fermented milk product is the healthiest for the intestines?

It happens that a person suffers from rashes and constipation at the same time, then he gives up special analysis for the presence of beneficial bacteria. It is used to determine whether there is dysbiosis (imbalance) in the intestines.

The doctor determines which bacteria are the smallest and prescribes special yoghurts and kefir, which, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, also contain streptococci and acidophilus (lactobacteria), bifidobacteria.

The name of such products usually includes the prefix “bio”; they are considered very useful in the presence of dysbiosis in the intestines. During the course of treatment, such kefir drinks regulate the ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria (pathogenic flora) and the person recovers faster.

Is it possible to eat fermented milk products if you have allergies? Since fermented milk products no longer contain lactose - it is broken down and there is also a minimum of sugar, for any type of allergy, fermented milk products can be eaten and even needed.

In rare cases, an allergy may also occur to the protein contained in fermented milk. Such intolerance can occur in young children under 3 years of age, and it is worth consulting with a pediatrician.

Very healthy fermented milk products

Kefir and its properties

The benefits of fermented milk products

As we have already said, kefir is a product of mixed fermentation and the most useful fermented milk product. Kefir contains a unique set of microelements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, bacteria and fungi. The healthiest fermented milk product, kefir (classic), should have the following composition per 100 grams of product:

  • Proteins – at least 3 grams
  • Fats – 2.5%
  • Acidity is normal - 85-130°T

The benefits of one-day kefir are completely justified for every person. But it is worth noting that kefir can accumulate alcohol in its composition, or rather increase its percentage with shelf life.

These are, of course, minimal doses, but the longer kefir sits idle after preparation, the more alcohol-containing elements it contains. Therefore, you need to consume kefir immediately after preparation, this is especially important for children.

Useful properties of fermented milk products. Kefir

Kefir is useful for anemia, dysbacteriosis, rickets, allergies to food products, and even with pneumonia. This is a product for everyone who is losing weight and wants to stay in shape. Because, unlike milk, it is digested in half an hour, and 90% complete.

At the same time, your digestion improves, your appetite improves, and kefir disinfects the intestines at this time. By the way, it is considered a world antiseptic and antibiotic for the body.

Also fermented milk product promotes better absorption useful vitamins throughout the day, calcium, iron, vitamin D. You get all this from lunch, breakfast and dinner . A glass of kefir before meals will help with this.

This is why kefir for an afternoon snack is considered more effective and beneficial than any pills, nutritional supplements, which people try to use at any cost.

With kefir, you can avoid taking medications altogether, because its benefits far outweigh the harm. But there are also contraindications to using the product.

Can people with high stomach acidity consume fermented milk products? You need to drink it with caution. Also, if you suffer from an upset stomach, drinking more than a glass a day can lead to even more problems.

Is it possible to have fermented milk products (kefir) for pancreatitis?? Kefir should not be consumed if you have this disease; it can be replaced with sourdough. If, of course, you choose a starter of excellent quality and with the shortest shelf life.

And the last contraindication - if you need to concentrate - you are going to an exam or an important meeting - a glass of kefir the best option to cheer up, as it relaxes the body more. It is better to drink a glass of juice for this purpose.

What are the benefits of fermented milk product?

A relatively new product on store shelves - leaven, appeared recently, but has already gathered admirers. Some people doubt whether kefir should be replaced with sourdough, what is healthy about it and how does it affect the body?

The answer is that with a shelf life of several days (not a month!), the starter contains a maximum of beneficial bacteria, including acidophilus and other beneficial microorganisms.

The benefits of sourdough for children

If you want to know the truth, it is several times better than kefir because it has low acidity. Therefore, small children, as well as those who suffer from gastritis and pancreatitis, are allowed to drink it. Used in the treatment of allergies, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system and fights insomnia.


The traditional dish of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia is made from baked milk (cow's milk) with the addition of streptococcal and Bulgarian bacillus. It is essentially a type of yogurt. Only without flavoring additives. The drink is absorbed much better and faster than baked milk, and contains a whole range of vitamins: C, PP, A, B, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium.

Having a drink alone a glass of fermented baked milk, you can replenish your body with calcium by a quarter daily norm, and phosphorus by 20%. In addition, the protein in it is absorbed faster than the protein in whole milk. These are fermented milk products, the benefits of which are obvious and there are also harms. Contraindications: stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.

Cottage cheese

Fresh cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is formed by fermenting milk and gradually removing the whey. Classic, full-fat, low-fat, low-fat – which cottage cheese do you prefer? Each of these types is useful in its own way.

For diabetics - completely low-fat is suitable, for allergy sufferers - low-fat, but for people who do not suffer from these diseases - classic is suitable. There is also cottage cheese with additives - raisins, dried apricots, calcined - enriched with calcium.

Most useful product rich in protein, minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins PP, C, B2, B1. Cottage cheese is very easy to digest, while the fattest cottage cheese per 100 grams has a calorie content of only 226 calories. Therefore, cottage cheese is used in diets and is indicated for obese people, with liver diseases, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. In other words, cottage cheese literally dissolves fats in the body.

The benefits of fermented milk products for children and adults

Cottage cheese strengthens the skeletal system, cartilage tissue, increases hemoglobin, and also has a positive effect on nervous system person. Cottage cheese is especially useful for children, women and the elderly.

Because female body often loses calcium and it is they who need to restore this balance in time, as well as strengthen their hair and nails. Elderly people often suffer from calcium deficiency, but children need it to grow.

The benefits and harms of cheese

If you're a cheese fan, that's good, but everything is good in moderation. The fact is that hard cheeses are quite fatty and contain a lot of calories. Naturally, a cheese lover can consume up to 200 grams at a time, and this covers daily dose norms, additionally depositing on your sides. Sorry to go off topic... but we have to talk about it.

This product also has its advantages - these are real storehouses of calcium, protein, tryptophan, lysine, phosphorus and zinc. Eating hard varieties of cheese helps strengthen the skeletal system and prevents tooth decay, while soft varieties such as feta and mozzarella promote good sleep.

White cheeses are considered dietary, and they are no less tasty. These are low-fat varieties of Ricotta, Mascarpone, Camembert, and other varieties; they are great for diets and preparing various dishes.


Homemade yogurt

Bulgaria is considered the birthplace of yogurt, since it was there that the first yogurts containing Bulgarian bacillus and sourdough were made. To this day, the traditions of natural yogurt are preserved. The product that is sold on our store shelves is not considered yogurt in Bulgaria.

Our production technologies allow us to add pectin, thickeners, sweeteners, etc. to the product. Well, thanks to preservatives, many vitamins are lost, but the shelf life is preserved.

You can make yogurt, like Bulgarian yogurt, at home. Eating this yogurt will bring many benefits.

Matsun (matsoni)a traditional dish Armenia and Georgia, where it is revered, just like bread. And Caucasian centenarians use matsoni every day and get sick less often. This fermented product has a consistency similar to yogurt. It is prepared from cow, buffalo, goat or sheep milk.

Moreover, in the Armenian national cuisine their own methods of preparing it and the acidophilus bacillus predominates in the finished yogurt. In Georgia, matsoni is prepared a little differently, and the final product is enriched with Bulgarian stick.

Fermented milk product “Snowball”, benefits

“Snowball” is a fermented milk drink that was produced back in the USSR and was very popular among residents. It is prepared by fermenting pure Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococci. Plus, sugar or berry syrups were traditionally added to this composition.

The benefits of snowball are to improve the functioning of the digestive system, remove toxins from the body, and strengthen the immune system. It's all about the preparation technology - it is the same as that of Bulgarian yogurt, except with the addition of natural fruit and berry syrups.

Is it possible to eat fermented milk products while taking antibiotics??

When treatment with antibiotics occurs, the body experiences shock and all bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract die. And the whole body suffers from this. To immediately fill it with beneficial bacteria, consuming probiotics is not only possible, but also vital. The best are yogurts containing lacto and bifido bacteria without preservatives and sweeteners, as well as kefir.

Is it possible for nursing mothers to have fermented milk products?? Of course, a nursing mother is recommended to consume fermented milk products - this is an important element in maintaining lactation! It is preferable to choose high-quality cottage cheese, bifidok yogurt, but kefir and kumiss contain a certain percentage of alcohol, so you need to be careful with them.

A liter of such a product will harm the baby, but a glass a day will only bring benefits. The baby and mother will have stronger joints, hair, nail growth will increase, and the immune system will be strengthened.

Is it possible to have fermented milk products at a temperature? The answer to this question is clear - kefir, sourdough and yoghurts are very useful at temperature.

Firstly, at a temperature the body needs to eat, but there is no appetite as such, and fermented milk products are your best friends in this case. Secondly, the body will spend energy not on digesting food, but on recovery, which leads to a speedy recovery of the patient and a decrease in body temperature.

Is it possible to have fermented milk products during fasting?? The purpose of fasting is to cleanse the body of everything carnal and submit to the Holy Spirit. That is, all products of animal origin, including proteins, are excluded from the diet, naturally, and dairy products. But you should remember that fasting is not torture of the body as a whole, so there is a list of people who are prohibited from fasting, these are:

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers
  • Patients and people after surgery

Fermented milk products are beneficial for prostate adenoma and very effective. They have a mild laxative effect and are equipped with lacto and bifido bacteria necessary for the body to fight the disease. Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor, the treatment of which requires a special diet, and this diet must include yoghurt and yogurt without fail.

The benefits of fermented milk products

Fermented milk products are products that are produced with the help of bacteria. There are two types: lactic acid and mixed fermentation. Lactic acid products include acidophilus, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. Mixed milks include kumiss, acidophilus-yeast milk, kefir, and shubat. Fermented milk products contain bacteria that break down milk sugar, which increases digestibility. Thanks to its medicinal and dietary properties, have great importance in human nutrition. Since ancient times, the healing properties of these products have been of great importance. With their help, various diseases are treated - from hair loss to sore throat. By consuming them, you will not only strengthen your immune system, but also improve digestion. Fermented milk products can also remove toxins and get rid of extra pounds. Don't forget that lactic acid bacteria produce vitamins such as C, B1, B2 and antibiotics. In any case, these are the most healthy foods nutrition.

Proper consumption of fermented milk products

Kefir is recommended to drink for liver diseases, gastritis, colitis, anemia, heart attack, bronchitis. And Japanese scientists have discovered that kefir will help with cancer and chronic infections. The use of acidophilus is useful in the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases. But you shouldn’t abuse it either, it can lead to clogging of the body with toxins. For young people, the norm for fat consumption is 50 grams per day, for older people - 30 grams. Therefore, choose yogurt or kefir with a low percentage of fat. American experts have found that calcium contained in fermented milk products helps maintain long-term results when losing weight. Those women who consumed dietary dairy products lost extra pounds more easily. Thanks to this diet, you will not only lose weight, but also increase your body's immunity. Everyone knows that fermented milk products are beneficial for both children and adults. For example, milk is absorbed only 32% in an hour, and kefir or yogurt completely. Such products are simply necessary for the heart, nervous system and bones. Everyone knows that fermented milk products contain bifidobacteria, which kill pathogens. Consuming such products within a few weeks eliminates putrefactive processes and restores the functioning of the kidneys and liver. If you are taking antibiotics, it is useful to eat fermented milk products during treatment. This way you will get rid of negative influence antibiotics.


Previously, it was believed that two-month-old children needed to introduce kefir into their diet, but now this is not worth doing. The problem is that milk and kefir lead to loss of iron in the body of such small babies. Consuming kefir for up to a year can cause microbleeding in the stomach. Moreover, kefir contains yeast and alcohol. This means that the load on the stomach will be twice as high. Therefore, experts recommend introducing kefir into the diet after a year, and even then no more than 200 ml per day.

Regular consumption of fermented milk products over several weeks significantly improves intestinal function, enhances the body’s protective properties (immunity), and fills vital energy. Fermented milk products contain unhealthy fats, so buy products with a minimum amount of fat. Fermented milk products contain healthy animal proteins that improve the condition of your muscles.

Cottage cheese

Fermented milk products include cottage cheese in their list. After all, cottage cheese is useful product nutrition, and has vitamins (7 pieces) and microelements (6 pieces). Cottage cheese contains animal proteins - 16.5 g per 100 g of product. When you go to the store, buy cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.1-2%, no more. Animal fat is not very healthy; in large quantities it is harmful to the body. Cottage cheese strengthens teeth and bones, improves vision, and prevents diseases of the digestive tract. Some diets use cottage cheese, because it contains a minimum of fats and carbohydrates and a lot of proteins. Athletes and people with an active lifestyle need 2-2.2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. 200-300 grams of cottage cheese 0.1% fat per day will bring an additional 33-50 grams of protein.

Sour cream

Fermented milk products include sour cream in their list. Sour cream contains 9 microelements, 7 macroelements and 16 vitamins. It is healthier to eat sour cream - 10% fat (115.3 Kcal per 100 grams). Sour cream is good for the intestines and is absorbed fairly quickly. Sour cream normalizes metabolic processes in the body, increases performance and strengthens muscles. Men are recommended to eat sour cream, because it has a positive effect on potency. Various face masks are made from sour cream at home, and they improve the condition of the skin and its tone. Sour cream fights the processes of putrefaction in the intestines and has a positive effect on hormonal levels. You can use sour cream to combat sunburn.

Curdled milk

Yogurt is a fermented milk product. 100 grams contain only 30 calories and 3 g of animal protein. Curdled milk has a rich amount of vitamins and minerals. There are 11 vitamins, 7 macroelements and 10 microelements. Curdled milk is well absorbed in our body and improves functioning gastrointestinal tract. Curdled milk is used in cooking and cosmetology. Curdled milk helps with constipation and improves metabolic processes. Additionally, yogurt helps with a hangover; you need to drink 1-2 glasses on an empty stomach and after 20 minutes, there will be noticeable improvements.


Kefir is a mixed fermentation fermented milk product. Kefir contains 10 microelements, 7 macroelements and 14 vitamins. It is recommended to use kefir with 0.1-1% fat content. Per 100 grams of product, there are 39.8 calories, 2.9 g of protein, 0.1-1 g of fat and 3.9 g of carbohydrates. It is useful to drink kefir at night, 1 hour before bedtime, to satisfy the feeling of hunger. Kefir is easily absorbed in the body. Kefir will be especially useful for those who are losing weight or watching their figure, because kefir is a dietary and low-calorie food. Kefir is beneficial for adult men and women and for children. Kefir stabilizes sleep, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and harmful substances, strengthens the nervous system and is a tasty fermented milk drink. You can use kefir to make non-alcoholic cocktails, make pancakes, add kefir when preparing barbecue, or make a pie.

Watch useful video No. 1:


Fermented milk products include yoghurts in their list. Yogurts come in different fat contents; we recommend that you buy them with a small amount of fat per 100 g of product. Yogurt contains 10 microelements, 7 macroelements and 12 vitamins. Yogurts are popular fermented milk foods, loved by children and adults. Yogurts have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Yogurts practically do not cause allergies, and improve immunity and protective functions body. It is best to buy yoghurts with a short shelf life (7-10 days) - in this case they are more useful. You can cook a lot delicious dishes using yogurt, for example: cake, yogurt ice cream, broccoli with yogurt, mocktails, tartlets, yogurt pancakes, pie, banana yogurt casserole and other dishes.


Fermented milk products include cheese in their list. Cheese is an interesting food product because it contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Cheeses come with a large amount of fat per 100 g of product and with a moderate amount of fat. Buy cheese with the least amount of fat, because such fat is saturated and is not very beneficial for the human body. B vitamins included in cheeses increase performance. Eat cheese 2-3 times a week, because cheese improves the condition of hair, skin, and nails.


  • Kefir
  • Yogurt
  • Curdled milk
  • Sour cream
  • Cottage cheese
  • Varenets
  • Ayran
  • Kumis
  • Chal (shubat)
  • Matsoni
  • Serum
  • Ryazhenka
  • Dzhugurt
  • Kurunga

Watch useful video No. 2:

Monotonous food, addiction to spicy, fried and smoked foods, snacks on the run - all this leads to digestive problems. Against the background of poor nutrition, gastritis develops - an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, which has a bad effect on digestion and inhibits the main functions of the organ.

Gastritis can also be caused by bad habits, emotional stress, taking certain medications and bacterial infections.

The main symptom of gastritis is pain in the epigastric region, which may be accompanied by heartburn, nausea or vomiting. Acute gastritis is a condition that often requires hospitalization.

“Missed” acute gastritis threatens to transform into a chronic form, which is dangerous due to its complications.

In the treatment of gastritis, an important (if not the first) role is played, which eliminates the consumption of foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. What dairy products can you eat if you have gastritis, and which ones should you avoid until complete recovery?

Benefits and harms

Dairy is food products made from animal milk(cows, sheep, goats, etc.) First of all, these include drinking milk of varying fat content, as well as condensed milk, ice cream, various milk drinks with added sugar, vitamins and other ingredients.

Fermented milk products are food products produced from milk by ripening or fermentation. These include butter, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and many other products, including national ones (kumys, ayran, tan, matsoni, kaymak).

Dairy and fermented milk products are valuable food products that contain animal protein, calcium and other microelements, vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Milk, dairy and fermented milk products useful for physical exhaustion, anemia, after illnesses, as well as in cases where “heavy” animal protein (meat, poultry, fish) should be replaced with a “lighter” one.

Not all people can drink natural milk due to lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy. A salvation for them can be fermented milk products, which are not inferior to milk in terms of nutritional value, but are absorbed by the body much better.

Besides, beneficial bacteria which they contain, have a beneficial effect on digestion: improve the digestibility of food, relieve constipation, and help strengthen local and general immunity.

What dairy and fermented milk products can you eat if you have gastritis?

Milk and any dairy products excluded from the patient’s diet during the acute period. But as soon as the painful symptoms subside, dairy and fermented milk products must be included in the patient’s menu: they contain the protein necessary to restore damaged mucosa, and a whole range of essential substances.

For gastritis with increased or low acidity shown different dairy products, since they directly affect the secretory function of the stomach.

For example, whole milk is contraindicated for gastritis with zero or low acidity, and sour kefir should not be consumed for gastritis with high acidity.

But there are a number of rules that must be followed by all patients without exception diagnosed with gastrointestinal diseases:

  1. Selecting a product in a store by external signs . Before placing a package of milk or kefir in your shopping cart, you should make sure that the product is not expired and that the integrity of the packaging is not damaged. These precautions will protect you from possible poisoning.
  2. Restrictions. Choose as much as possible natural products: various additives chemical origin will injure the already damaged mucous membrane. Avoid bright boxes with milkshakes, colorful ice cream and smoked cheeses.
  3. Storage and consumption. All dairy products are stored in the refrigerator. Pay attention to expiration dates after opening the package. Food can be eaten at room temperature or slightly warmed.

All dairy and fermented milk products consumed for gastritis should have a reduced fat content. The exception is butter, which is added to ready meals in very small doses.

With increased acidity

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Dairy products for gastritis with high acidity Can be consumed, but in moderation and with great caution.

This is especially true for fermented milk products, which cause increased secretion, which is unacceptable for this type of gastritis.

What foods can be included in the diet?

  • Milk. Choose low-fat. Prepare dishes based on it, and also add to drinks. In its pure form it should be consumed in small sips of no more than 150 g. in one go.
    Fresh unleavened cottage cheese in pureed form. You can make casseroles from it without nuts and dried fruits. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey.
  • Cheese. A little regular cheese won't hurt, but pickled, spicy and smoked varieties should be avoided.
    Homemade yogurt. The ideal option is homemade yogurt with the addition of “non-acidic” starter.
  • Sour cream. Use any, the main thing is that it does not have “sourness” and is not too fatty.
  • Cream. Give preference to low-fat cream, which you add little by little to prepared dishes or drinks.
  • . Preferably sweet cream. You should not consume more than 25 grams. oils per day.
  • Kefir(yogurt, etc.) Fermented milk drinks with 2-3% fat content can only be consumed fresh (1-2 days old) in very limited quantities. Ideally, no more than 1 glass per day.

At low

With gastritis with low acidity, all food entering the stomach should stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. What can you use?

  • Milk. Low-fat milk can be added to drinks and used in diluted form for cooking porridge or milk soups. It is very undesirable to drink it in its pure form.
  • Cottage cheese. Low-fat varieties with a soft consistency are preferred. Use cottage cheese pureed. You can add allowed fruits or a drop of honey to it.
  • Cheese. Include hard and soft cheeses and blue cheeses in your diet. Smoked, too salty and spicy cheeses are prohibited.
  • Sour cream. Choose low-fat varieties with sourness. Make sure the sour cream is fresh.
  • Cream. Cream with a fat content of more than 20% is prohibited. You can use low-fat 10% cream as an additive to drinks.
  • Butter. Give preference to sour cream varieties. Use oil in limited quantities as an additive to dishes.
  • Kefir(yogurt, fermented baked milk,). All these products have a positive effect on the production of gastric secretions: they can be consumed daily, but try not to combine them with other protein products of animal origin.

For ulcers and other aggravating diseases of the stomach

For peptic ulcers and others chronic diseases stomach having severe course, consumption of dairy products is possible only in the remission stage with the permission of the attending physician.

Because the peptic ulcer often develops against the background increased acidity, then when choosing dairy products you should focus on the list recommended for patients with hyperacid gastritis (occurring against the background of increased secretion of gastric juice).

For other severe chronic diseases of the stomach, you should also follow the recommendations for one or another type of gastritis, taking into account the acidity of gastric secretions.

Dairy and fermented milk products are one of the main foods for people with stomach diseases, so they must be present in the diet every day.

Strictly prohibited!

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Despite the obvious benefits of dairy and fermented milk products for patients with gastritis, there are a number of products that should not be eaten due to their irritating properties on the inflamed gastric mucosa.

They can injure the stomach due to various additives, included in their composition: large amounts of sugar, salt, cocoa, spices, artificial flavors, etc.

So, what dairy and fermented milk products should not be consumed if you have stomach problems under any circumstances?

  • Spicy, smoked and pickled cheeses.
  • Boiled condensed milk.
  • (look at how you feel).
  • Milkshakes with questionable additives.
  • Glazed curd cheeses.
  • Sweet “store-bought” yoghurts and curds.

Proper nutrition for gastritis - this is one of the main conditions for successful treatment of the disease.

But do not forget about other “enemies” of the stomach: tobacco smoke, “aggressive” medications, stress, physical and psycho-emotional overload. Only an integrated approach to the treatment of gastritis will guarantee success and save you from possible relapses.