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Price for gasification of a private house in the Moscow region. How to supply gas to a house or a summer cottage: procedure, documents, prices Documents required for gas connection in Belarus

Until recently, gasification of a private cottage took a lot of nerves and money. The scope of this activity was highly monopolized and had prices that were not always understandable. Now the situation has changed: it is enough to obtain technical conditions for gas connections from a gas distribution company - and blue fuel is practically in your home.

We will tell you who is best to entrust the preparation of the project, what documentation and in what order you will need to obtain it. We describe in detail the nuances of connecting households to the gas main and to the gas holder. The strengths and weaknesses of both options are given.

Technical conditions (TU) for gas are a document confirming on the part of the supplier of blue fuel the very possibility of technological connection of a new facility to existing networks. This piece of paper is the actual beginning of the process of connecting to the gas infrastructure available in the village.

Specifications can be drawn up both for an already constructed house and for a building still under construction.

All rules and procedures for connecting gas are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314, it describes all the nuances of the process, however, there are many pitfalls in this matter

All natural gas consumers, based on the volume of gas pumped from the main pipe, are divided into four categories:

  1. Up to 5 m 3 /hour - cottage owners.
  2. Up to 15 m 3 /hour – small business.
  3. Up to 300 m 3 /hour – medium-sized organizations.
  4. Over 300 m 3 /hour - large industrial and energy companies.

Almost all private houses fall into the first group. Five cubic meters per hour is enough to heat a home up to 200 square meters. meters and cooking food in it.

But a lot here depends on the level of minus temperature outside the window and the number of people in the family. Before submitting an application for technical specifications, it is necessary to calculate maximum gas consumption. It is this estimated figure that will need to be indicated in the application.

Technical conditions for gasification can be issued exclusively for a capital construction project (cottage, utility yard or other building), it’s just that no gas fuel supplier will issue specifications for a plot of land

The issued technical conditions contain:

  • approved volumes of gas consumption;
  • recommendations on materials of pipes and fittings for insertion into the main;
  • description of the procedure for approving design documentation.

If the gas is planned to be used for profit (not for consumption to heat a private home or other building), then such a consumer immediately falls into the second group. Even if the consumption volume is below 5 cubic meters, it will still be carried out according to the second category with slightly different connection conditions.

Here, too, it is better not to rely on your own strengths, but to initially trust the professionals. Natural gas is not something to joke about. A leak plus a spark results in a fire.

If a gasification project costs approximately 50–100 thousand rubles, then the estimate for installing a pipe from a highway running down the street rarely exceeds 25 thousand, but here we must also add the costs of laying gas pipes around the house and connecting boilers, boilers and stoves

To reduce Russians’ expenses on gasification of their homes, many regions of Russia have subsidies for connection. Of course, not all categories of citizens can use them. But it wouldn’t hurt to study the programs existing in the region or region in more detail. The money saved will definitely not be wasted.

After making a connection into the main line, which is carried out on the basis of the issued technical conditions, it is necessary to call a representative of the gas supply organization.

It is needed to:

  • check the compliance of the work performed with the specifications;
  • seal metering devices;
  • conclude an agreement for the supply of natural gas;
  • conduct instructions with the customer on the rules for using gas equipment in everyday life;
  • sign the act of putting the gas supply pipe into operation.

According to the law, all responsibility for the serviceability of indoor gas equipment lies on the shoulders of the gas consumer who has entered into an agreement with the supply company. However, it is the specialists of this company that in the future will constantly come to inspect the networks and devices inside the house to ensure they are working properly and there are no leaks.

Gasification of the house using a gas holder

If the distance from the house to the gas main is more than a hundred meters or it is impossible to connect to it at all, then the only option left is with. This is a container for pumping and storing gas, from which it flows through a pipe directly into the cottage to the boiler or stove.

If the installed gas tank has a capacity of up to 10,000 liters (which is more than enough for most private houses), then it is not required to obtain specifications or other permitting documentation for it. All designs and documents will be provided by the company that will install it.

This container itself costs a lot of money, but if there is no way to connect to the main line, then a gas tank is a good replacement. Usually its volume is calculated in such a way that refueling needs to be done two to three times a year. Otherwise, such a gas supply system to the house does not differ from the option discussed above. The same sensors, valves and gas supply pipe.

The strengths and weaknesses of connecting a private home to are thoroughly analyzed in the article we have proposed.

The process of connecting the cottage to the highway step by step

Technical conditions as such are just a piece of paper with requirements and capabilities. In addition to them, among the documents for connecting main gas to a private house are various plans, projects, statements, acts and agreements. The problem is that without all this paperwork it is impossible for its owner to gasify the cottage by definition. These are the norms in our country.

The process of connecting a house to a gas pipe in Russia is strictly regulated by law; this was done in order to limit monopolists and reduce prices for gasification of private households.

The complete “ceremony” with connecting the cottage to the main gas is as follows:

  1. Estimation of gas fuel consumption volumes.
  2. Submitting an application for TU.
  3. Obtaining technical conditions.
  4. Design of a gas network from the main line to the house and inside the latter.
  5. Concluding a connection agreement.
  6. Installation of inlet outside and gas equipment inside the building.
  7. Checking the readiness of all this for work.
  8. Drawing up a connection act.
  9. Conclusion of a service agreement.

Plus, it is also necessary to sign acts delineating the operational responsibilities of both parties and property ownership.

The area from the highway to the fence of the personal plot belongs to the gas supply organization, and everything beyond is the property of the owner of the cottage. At the same time, the gas supplier (or its authorized subsidiary) is again obliged to service all gas equipment and monitor its serviceability.

You will find information about how it is produced in the article that we recommend you read.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To connect to gas, you need to collect a fairly large package of documentation, but without this you can’t get anywhere. The video materials presented below will definitely help you understand all the nuances of this procedure.

All about the procedure for gasifying cottages:

Nuances of internal wiring of gas pipelines in a house that should be taken into account before approving the project:

However, the presence of blue fuel in the cottage immediately eliminates many issues with heating and cooking. Using natural gas allows you to save a lot, the pain of waiting for connection is worth it.

Please post stories about how you received technical conditions for connecting a country house to the backbone network in the block below. Please write comments, ask questions, share useful information and photographs.

Today, more and more owners of country houses are deciding to gasify their homes. Unlike other types of heating, gas has a lot of significant advantages. The main thing to remember when connecting gas is the collection of all necessary documentation and legal registration of gas supply. After all, unauthorized connection entails significant penalties. So, we bring to your attention the most acceptable way to carry out this procedure.

In order to connect a private house to gas supply, it is necessary to collect a sufficiently voluminous package of documents necessary to obtain a permit for gasification. All these papers are submitted to the permitting authority to which the property belongs territorially. So, you will need:

  • A written application from the property owner in which he requests permission to carry out gasification.
  • Identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation)
  • Papers confirming ownership of the property where gas connection is planned
  • If the pipeline that will be extended to your private home needs to be laid through the neighbors’ plots, you must obtain their written consent to carry out such a procedure

Additional Documentation

It happens that a private house has not yet been completed, but the owner is already beginning the process of gas supply. In this case, the applicant must prepare an additional list of papers. These are documents such as:

  • Written consent of the territorial government body, which confirms the legality of construction work
  • A document confirming the applicant’s rights to the land plot where construction of a private house is underway
  • A certified copy of the technical passport for the property under construction. This paper must necessarily contain all agreed clauses of the law on gasification

When a private house has already gone through the commissioning procedure, the list of necessary documents will be slightly different. You will need to prepare the following papers:

  • The original of the act confirming the commissioning of housing
  • Certified copy of the state registration certificate
  • Schematic plan of the facility where gasification is planned. This document must be prepared on A4 size sheets. The main condition is to clearly trace the boundaries of your home.
  • Estimate, which includes economically sound technological calculations

Preparation of documents by power of attorney

The procedure for connecting gas to a private home is a rather complicated process that requires a lot of time. Therefore, quite often owners do not have the opportunity to personally deal with this issue. In this case, the right to obtain all necessary permits can be registered to a private individual, who will subsequently represent the interests of the customer. The basis for obtaining the right to act on your behalf will be an ordinary power of attorney certified by a notary office. You simply attach this document to the rest of the papers that are submitted to the licensing authority.

What does the gasification process consist of?

When the owner receives all the necessary technical conditions, the process of gasification of a private house begins, which consists of certain stages and will require a lot of time and money from you.

Design stage

Having all the permitting papers in hand, the owner must decide on the choice of design organization. Today, the service market presents a very wide selection of companies and institutions that are ready to provide you with services of this kind. The most important thing to remember when contacting a design organization is that it must provide the client with the appropriate license allowing it to carry out this type of work. The service for drawing up a project is, of course, paid. Usually its cost varies between 10 – 50 thousand rubles.

To avoid subsequent troubles, many people immediately ask GorGaz employees which design organization is best for them to contact.

Scheme of the project of an honest house for gasification

All necessary measurements to draw up an individual project for your home must be made by a design engineer who goes directly to the site. However, this condition must be specified in the contract that you previously conclude with the design organization.

It is the designer who is obliged to approve the place where it is planned to install the gas boiler and other equipment. And also tell the customer which brand he should choose. After the design organization issues the documents developed for him to the owner, the designer goes with them to GorGaz, where the approval process takes place. This maximum stage lasts for 2 weeks.

Having received the gasification project in hand, you can begin to draw up cost estimates. The next stage is drawing up an agreement for the introduction of technical supervision and obtaining a positive chimney inspection report.

Drawing up an agreement with a construction organization

When the preparation of the project is left behind, the owner must contact a construction organization, which will carry out all the work on gasification in a private house. If it is necessary to replace any existing communications in the housing, this will also be the responsibility of this office. The customer must remember that the result of the construction company’s activities will subsequently be accepted by GorGaz, therefore the company must have a permitting license and a registration entry in the GorGaz register. When choosing such an organization, please note that some companies have the right to carry out not only installation, but also design work. If you order all services together, you can save up to 25% of your personal funds.

To avoid any misunderstandings, be sure to conclude a preliminary agreement with the installation organization, which will indicate all the conditions for the construction work. The main thing is to comply with the deadlines for completing the order.

Stage of collecting executive and technical documentation

When the construction organization has successfully installed a gas pipeline and other necessary equipment in a private house, you can proceed to the next stage - drawing up executive and technical papers. This document will allow the owner to receive a positive response from a special commission that will go to the site to accept the new gasification facility. This group usually includes representatives of GorGaz, organizations performing the project and installation work, as well as the customer himself.

The commission usually works from 2 weeks to 1 month to resolve the issue. If there are no violations, a GorGaz employee issues you a receipt, according to which you must pay for the technical supervision permit. The amount of costs usually does not exceed 1,500 rubles.

The commission will consider your facility only if all gas equipment is already connected and ready for operation. If the commission accepts the gasification facility, the construction organization provides GorGaz with a complete package of documents, which will subsequently be stored in this institution.

After this, within 21 days the customer will have the meter sealed and an agreement will be concluded with him providing for the supply of gas to the site and maintenance of all equipment.

Completing the safety instructions

This procedure is mandatory. The Gorgaz engineer responsible for this area has the right to carry it out for you. After completing the training, the owner of a private house signs the safety log. You can also provide instructions directly on site. In this case, it is performed during startup activities for gas supply.

Connecting the facility to the gas pipeline

The insertion of your gas pipeline into the general pipeline can be carried out exclusively by a special organization that has a license for this type of activity. After connection, specialists will pre-supply gas to eliminate the possibility of leakage. This service is paid. On average, its cost is 3,000 thousand rubles.

Launch of the gas pipeline

The final stage of gas supply will be the launch of the gas pipeline. This procedure must be carried out by the organization with which the owner of the real estate enters into a corresponding agreement. This document specifies all the conditions of warranty service for all gas equipment. It is usually drawn up for a period of 1 to 3 years.

When starting gas supply, the owner must have on hand a technological calculation that determines the power that is necessary to ensure uninterrupted heating and hot water supply to the facility.


The process of gasification at home is a technically complex and costly undertaking. It is the material issue that is often the main obstacle to providing a building with the most economical method of heat supply. However, the costs of laying a gas pipeline can be recouped in the coming years, provided that the connection is made in compliance with the requirements and the approval of all documents.

Methods of gas supply to a private home

Without a full-fledged heating system, ensuring comfortable living in winter is quite problematic. For heating, you can use various types of heating equipment - electric, solid fuel, powered by solar energy. However, gas boilers have been considered the most effective and reliable solution in organizing heat supply for many years.

How to gasify a private house for heating and hot water preparation:

Connection to central gas supply

It is considered the most common option. If there is a gas main on the street where the house is located, you can contact the gas utility at your place of residence and gasify the building using its services. Central gas supply is safer compared to an autonomous system (gas holder) and requires homeowners to periodically adjust the parameters of the gas boiler.

Gas tank installation

Gasification of a country house using gas tanks is resorted to in cases where it is impossible to connect to a centralized main line. Gas holder systems are designed to store relatively small volumes of natural fuel - on average from 2,500 to 20,000 m3, but can provide buildings with the necessary gas reserves year-round.

Application of gas generator or biogas equipment

Gas generators and biogas plants are a rare phenomenon in Russian realities. They are highly efficient and, with proper planning, supply the home with sufficient amounts of fuel. However, some consumers are put off by the need to allocate large areas for their installation and take care of constant supplies of wood, manure and other materials for gas production.

Gasification stages

If you decide to gasify your home by connecting to a gas main, first you should find out in whose jurisdiction the gas pipeline running nearby is located. As a rule, it is managed by the local Gorgaz, which should be contacted to obtain permits and the necessary documentation.


The first document required for laying a gas pipeline is technical specifications. Specifications are a permit to connect to the main line, according to which the gas distribution organization (GDO) guarantees an uninterrupted supply of natural fuel and maintenance of its pressure at the proper level.

What documents need to be submitted to the State Registration Office to draw up technical conditions for gasification of a house:

  • a request for the issuance of technical specifications indicating the planned launch date of the gas pipeline and the expected gas consumption;
  • copies of certificates of ownership of the plot and building;
  • copy of ID;
  • calculations of maximum fuel consumption (when used over 5 m3 per hour);
  • plan of the site and adjacent territory;
  • consent of the owner (if the documents are submitted by the tenant);
  • power of attorney (when submitting documentation by a representative).

The development of specifications is carried out by GRO specialists. The finished document must specify: hourly fuel consumption, timing of pipeline connection and period of validity of technical conditions.

After issuing the specifications, you need to draw up an agreement with a design bureau - GRO or a third-party company that will prepare a project for gasification of the house. To prepare the agreement, you will need a topographic plan of the site, technical passports for the building and installed equipment. If necessary, the designer can visit the site to take measurements and clarify details.

After receiving the finished project, you will need to coordinate it with the technical department of Gorgaz, as well as enter into an agreement with the State Distribution Organization for technical supervision, which requires a chimney inspection report. Another necessary document is an agreement for the connection of natural fuel, which is drawn up with the gas distribution organization at the request of the owner.


A gasification project for a country house is a mandatory item when carrying out installation work, allowing you to correctly plan the wiring, calculate and select the necessary equipment. Visually, it looks like an explanatory note of several sheets, which reflects:

  • floor plan of the building indicating the locations of pipes and devices;
  • energy efficiency parameters of the facility;
  • gas equipment specification;
  • installation estimate;
  • justification for choosing one or another installation method;
  • precautions and protection measures.

On the last pages of the project, special conditions for the work are prescribed and an assembly drawing is placed that defines the features of the placement and welding of pipelines. The cost of the project for gasification of a private house can be established in accordance with FAS Order No. 1151 (upon contacting the State Distribution Organization), or at market prices if the document is ordered from third-party organizations.

Construction and installation works

After preparing the documentation, it is necessary to draw up an agreement with the organization that will carry out the installation work. The selected company must have a license and permits to carry out such activities. The entire gas supply process can be divided into several stages:

  • Laying an external gas pipeline. The pipeline from the central highway to the site can be laid underground or above ground. When choosing an underground gasification method at home, pipes with a diameter of 15 cm are used, which are placed in pre-dug trenches. A gas control point is installed in the local area, designed to normalize the pressure of natural gas.
  • Boiler room installation. Preparing the premises for equipment installation is carried out simultaneously with external work. As part of this work, the necessary equipment is purchased and installed, the boiler room is finished in accordance with the requirements of the fire department and the gas industry, and places are prepared for the entry of the gas pipeline. The boiler room must be equipped with a chimney and an artificial or natural ventilation system. Similar preparations are carried out in the kitchen where the gas stove will be located.
  • Connecting communications. At the last stage of gasification of a country house, a pipe is inserted into the building and connected to the main riser. After the assembly is completed, control and measuring instruments are connected - a meter, various sensors, shut-off valves.

Starting the system

Before launching the gas supply system, it is checked by the UGC commission, which draws up a corresponding act. To carry out the first gas launch, it is necessary to obtain permission from the State Distribution Organization to put the pipeline into operation. In addition, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement for the supply of natural fuel. Please note that the gas supplier and gas distribution organization are not always the same company.

When the system is actually started, the functionality of all devices is checked and pressure indicators are established. The absence of gas leaks is also monitored. If no problems are identified, a connection certificate is signed, which confirms that the building is gasified.

Installation requirements

When gasifying a house, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for laying a gas pipeline and performing other installation work:

  • The depth of placement of pipes on the site should be 1.25–1.75 m from the ground surface.
  • Where the pipeline enters the building, the pipes should be placed at a depth of 0.75–1.25 m.
  • It is allowed to conduct the pipeline inside the building both through the wall and through the foundation.
  • The distance from the gas pipeline to heat, water supply or sewer lines must be at least 0.2 m vertically. For telephone and electrical cables, this parameter is at least 0.5 m.
  • When laying steel pipes in the ground, care must be taken to waterproof them, which will prevent the development of corrosion processes.
  • As part of the gasification of a private home, it is prohibited to install risers and distribution networks in residential premises.
  • Do not lay the gas pipeline through chimneys or ventilation ducts. Pipes should not cross the openings of doors and windows, and when they are placed in places where people pass, they should be at a height of at least 2 m.
  • The gas pipeline is introduced into the building and routed through the premises only through steel pipes. It is unacceptable to use polyethylene pipes for above-ground gas pipelines. They are not used in regions with increased seismic activity or in places where air temperatures can drop below -45 °C.

Requirements of the Federal Law on gasification of a private home

The procedure for gasification of a country house is determined at the federal level, that is, gas services and local authorities do not have the right to establish their own or request additional documentation. According to Federal Law 69, 1314 and a number of other regulations, when connecting to a centralized pipeline, the following requirements must be observed: Only capital construction projects, including residential or industrial buildings, the construction of which has not yet been completed, are allowed to connect to the gas distribution network. It is unacceptable to gasify non-permanent buildings - greenhouses, garages, summer kitchens and other structures without a foundation, as well as separate residential premises in apartment buildings. An application for gasification of a house can be made by the owner or tenants who have the written approval of the owner of the property. If there are several owners in the building, the consent of each of them is required.

The period for issuing technical specifications by the gas distribution company cannot exceed 14 days. The technical specifications are considered valid for no more than 70 days; after this period, the document will need to be reissued.

The gas connection period cannot exceed 9 months for applicants of the first category (with a maximum fuel consumption of up to 20,000 m3), unless they require permission to build a gas pipeline with a capacity of up to 0.6 MPa. If necessary, obtaining permission to connect is given no more than 12 months. For other categories of consumers, gasification of a private home is carried out within a period of no more than 1.5–2 years.


The main difficulty in organizing gas supply is compliance with legal regulations and a large number of approvals, which require a significant investment of time and effort. Use the service of the Mosoblgaz company to make the task of laying a gas pipeline easier. We are participating in a program to provide natural fuel to the Moscow region and are working to create a simplified gas connection system accessible to every resident of the region.

Our specialists are ready to provide qualified services for connecting to distribution networks in strict accordance with the rules and requirements. In addition, in our online store you can buy equipment for home gasification, including boilers, meters, geysers and stoves. All products are sold at a competitive price and can be promptly delivered to your address in Moscow or throughout the region.

Despite the improvement of heating equipment, the increase in the energy efficiency class of electrical appliances and the automation of solid fuel units, as before, it is still cheaper to heat with main gas. Under the same conditions (house area, thermal resistance of enclosing structures) in terms of the ratio of energy consumption during the heating season and its cost, “blue fuel” has practically no equal. However, not everything is so rosy - not a spoon, but a whole ladle of “ointment” in this “barrel of ointment” is the connection costs. Even in gasified country villages and partnerships, where there are no technological problems, the invested amounts pay off over the years. And if connecting to an existing network is not possible, the costs often completely outweigh the benefits. However, the issue of gasification is one of the most pressing, and legislation changes from year to year. Let's consider the current algorithm for connecting a private house to gas.

  • Rules for connecting to gas distribution networks in 2018
  • Gas connection procedure
  • List of documents for connection

Basic concepts of current connection rules

In order not to get confused in the terminology used by the compilers of gas connection rules, let’s look at the basic concepts. Since we are interested in private houses, we will understand them as capital construction projects.

Applicant– in our case, an individual planning or carrying out the construction or reconstruction of his own private house with its further connection (TP) to the gas distribution network.

Executor– gas distribution organization (GRO), which is the owner of the gas distribution network to which the house is planned to be connected.

Main subscriber– the owner of a gas distribution and (or) gas consumption network facility who does not have the rights to provide gas transportation and technological connection services. This could be either a neighbor or the village administration.

Situational plan– a graphic diagram drawn up by the applicant, showing the location of the house, the boundaries of the site, the name of the locality or municipality, if the house is located outside the locality. The second option is a graphical diagram, in the compilation of which the applicant used data from a public cadastral map or maps of search network systems (Yandex, Google). If the maps do not clearly depict the house and property boundaries, the applicant may depict the house and property boundaries directly on the map fragment.

Connection (technological connection) of a private house to the gas distribution network– a set of organizational and technical actions that provide the connected house with the opportunity to use gas supplied from the network. TP includes insertion and gas start-up.

Connection point– the point of connection of the gas source (the contractor’s gas distribution network) with the applicant’s gas consumption network.

Actual connection– a set of technical works to ensure physical contact (connection) of the gas distribution network with the gas consumption network of the applicant’s home, including the release of gas into consuming equipment. Also, actual connection is possible to the gas consumption network of the main subscriber.

Changes in the rules for connecting to gas distribution networks in 2018

The latest changes in legislation in the field of gasification, aimed at simplifying the process, came into force on February 9, 2018 (GD of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2018 No. 82). Adjustments were made, including to the landmark PP No. 1314. As before, applicants are divided into categories on which both the connection time and cost depend. In the previous edition, most private houses fell into the first category, with a maximum planned gas consumption of up to 5 m³/hour (42 kW). This volume is enough to meet all the needs in a house with an area of ​​250-300 m³. If the estimated consumption was higher than the maximum established for the first category, connect to the second or third category, which is both more difficult and more expensive.

Now the first category includes applicants with a maximum flow rate of up to 20 m³/hour. As for the distance from the consumption devices to the gas distribution network, to which an application for technological connection will be submitted, it remains the same - no more than 200 meters (in a straight line). The design operating pressure at the gas supply source is also the same – up to 0.3 MPa (low or medium pressure). That is, the current first category is guaranteed to cover the private sector, even if we are talking about a “palace” of 1000 square meters. There is one “but” - if to lay a gas pipeline it is necessary to break through the soil under the roadway, they will put the second category, and this is several times more expensive. An alternative is to negotiate with the owner of the road to open the roadway and restore it at your own expense. This is still cheaper than connecting to the second category due to a piece of road surface.

The executor, as before, remained the gas distribution organization, which owns the networks by right of ownership, but the concept was clarified - even if the connection is carried out not directly, but through the networks of the main subscribers, all the same, the executor will be the gas distribution organization-owner. And from the main subscriber it is necessary to obtain consent for a connection into his network, or consent to lay a gas pipeline through his section (if necessary). If, while “the essence is the case”, the owner of the gas distribution networks has changed, and gasification is already in process, then the contractor to whom the application was initially submitted and who issued the technical conditions for the connection is obliged to carry out the technological connection.

The cost of technological connection, as in PP No. 1344, remained in the range from 20 to 50 thousand rubles (taking into account inflation), but with the caveat that for private owners it is already with value added tax. The specific amount that you will have to pay for technological connection depends on the technical parameters and is calculated taking into account the tariff rates adopted in the connection region. This cost applies to the first category of applicants, when it is possible to connect to an existing low-pressure pipe, and there is no need to lay a new gas pipeline. Such a need may arise when nearby gas distribution networks are not designed to accommodate an increase in the number of consumers due to low throughput. Both in the previous edition and in the current one, the most common reason for connection failure is precisely the lack of technical capabilities due to lack of power.

Shiriff FORUMHOUSE Member

This is the situation. I contacted Mosoblgaz for a gas connection to a private house. The pipe is located 50 meters from the site. Submitted documents for TU. Done. I came to receive it and was stunned. Connection price 2.5 million! And the connection point is 400 meters from the site. To my logical question why the connection cannot be made to the pipe that is nearby, they answered that the low-pressure pipe is old, narrowed, there is no necessary pressure, and so on. I wrote to the FAS, they confirmed that it is impossible to connect to the pipe, the requested amount is real.

The astronomical figure is due to the complexity of the process.

diesel`ok FORUMHOUSE Member

There is no refusal of technological connection as such. They only pointed out to you the technical possibility of joining, which will cost a large amount. Most likely, we are talking about tapping into a high-pressure pipe, building a gas reduction point and laying a low-pressure gas pipeline to your site. If there are people in the area who want to join the constructed highway, this can only be done after your consent. That in the future, perhaps, will allow you to receive financial or other benefits. It is optimal to start by pooling from the beginning.

If you have doubts about the possibility of connecting to a point that is located 50 meters away, you can try to contact the State Distribution Organization with a request for justification, with calculations, etc., but it is unlikely that you will be able to prove anything, especially since the FAS agreed with their arguments.

By the way, Shiriff agreed to the proposed technical conditions, apparently the construction budget allows for such investments, or there were a sufficient number of people willing to connect gas through the same outlet.

The procedure for technological connection of private houses (in the first category) to the gas distribution network

Connecting the house to the highway is carried out in several stages.

Application – personally or through an authorized representative, by letter with a list of attachments, or electronically (via the official website), the applicant submits to the contractor an application for concluding an agreement for technological connection (connection) of the house to the gas distribution network. The application is standard, the form was approved in 2017, samples are available on the websites of regional gas distribution organizations. The applicant can track the progress of the case on the contractor’s website, which is obliged to post information in real time about the main stages of processing applications for TP:

  • the date of receipt of the application;
  • on sending to the applicant a connection agreement signed by the contractor with the technical specifications attached;
  • on the date of conclusion of the TP agreement;
  • on the progress of execution of the technical specifications;
  • on actual accession;
  • on drawing up and signing a connection act (on technological connection).

Concluding an agreement to connect a house to the gas distribution network – the connection agreement must contain an application with specifications developed by the contractor taking into account the technical capabilities of the connection. The timing of the issuance of the contract depends on the technical parameters and the number/complexity of gasification activities. The applicant is sent the contract signed by the contractor in two copies; he must provide one copy with his signature back to the State Registration Office.

  • 5 working days, if the gas distribution network passes through the territory of the applicant’s site, and there is no need to build a gas pipeline to the connection point.
  • 15 working days if the GRO needs to pull the pipe to the connection point (for the first category when connecting to an existing network within 200 m without the need to build a reduction point).

Fulfillment by the applicant of technical conditions – construction and installation work to create home gas consumption networks that meet the contractor’s requirements. For the first category of connection according to the Town Planning Code, a project is not required. The implementation of the entire complex of work or its parts can be carried out not only by the GRO division, but also by third-party organizations, and even on its own (since 2016), as long as it is in accordance with current standards.

Drawing up an act – the applicant notifies the gas distribution organization about readiness, representatives of the contractor check its gas consumption networks and equipment and, subject to all aspects, draw up a report on the readiness of the house for connection.

Actual connection – GRO representatives connect and start up gas to the consuming equipment of the house and draw up a technical connection act.

As for connection times, they vary depending on the complexity of the process.

  • 9 months - if connecting a gas distribution facility does not require obtaining a permit for the construction of a gas distribution network.
  • 1 year – if the GRO has to obtain permission.
  • 3 months from the date of signing the act of readiness of the applicant’s gas pipeline and equipment - when only actual connection and connection to the existing gas distribution network with a pipe diameter of 250 mm and a pressure of at least 0.3 MPa is necessary.

If the applicant did not meet the deadline allotted by the contract for the implementation of the specifications, and the contractor is all ready for the actual connection, you can apply for an extension of the validity period of the specifications. The main thing is to have time to submit an application for a deferment to the contractor no less than 10 working days before the technological connection date specified in the contract.

Payment for connection in the first category, according to the new legislation, is paid broken down into stages.

  • The first half of the amount after concluding the TP agreement must be completed within 11 working days.
  • The second half of the amount after signing the TP act - also within the next 11 working days from this date.

Package of documents attached to the application for connection

The list of documents established in the previous edition has not undergone significant changes.

  • Application standard form - contains the applicant’s passport details, contact information, address details of the house, type of gas consumption, construction timeframe (if it is not completed).
  • Title documents - for the site, if a house is being built, for the site and the house, if the house is registered.
  • Calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption is not required if consumption is planned to be less than 5 m³/hour.
  • Situational plan - optimally using map fragments.

The list was supplemented with the consent of the owner to use the site for the period of construction of the gas distribution network, if the applicant is not the owner, but a tenant, or uses the site on another legal basis.

Of course, the process of connecting a house to gas, even under the most favorable conditions, is quite lengthy and costly not only financially, but also in terms of time, nerves and effort. However, many people prefer to spend a year and a certain amount of money today in order to spend less on energy in the future. Whether it’s worth it or whether it’s easier to “spread out” these costs to pay for electricity or any other heat source, everyone chooses for themselves.

FORUMHOUSE has collected a huge amount of real experience in connection both according to PP No. 1314, both in the original version and in the latest edition - in which all the nuances are discussed and ways of dealing with unscrupulous gas distribution companies are shared. For those who prefer to do without blue fuel - materials and. In the video - how to choose equipment for a boiler room.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 “On approval of the Rules for connecting (technological connection) of capital construction projects to gas distribution networks, as well as on amending and invalidating certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” (download link) regulates the procedure for technological connection (connection) and approves the size fees for connecting gas equipment. In accordance with Resolution No. 1314, Methodological Instructions were developed and approved, according to which fees for connecting to gas networks are calculated. For example, for consumers with hourly gas consumption from 5 m3 to 15 m3 and located at a distance of up to 200 meters from the gas main, the cost of connection ranges from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

In 2001, a plan for gasification of Russian regions was approved, which is being implemented by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation together with the Gazprom company, which bears the costs associated with the construction of gas pipelines to populated areas. In turn, regional authorities must lay out street gas networks while simultaneously preparing end consumers for receiving gas.

The new law on gasification approved gas connections according to new rules. The regulatory documents and provisions on gas connection are based on the Federal Law on Gasification. It contains all the main legal, economic and organizational provisions. In addition, the Federal Law on Gasification regulates the relationship between gas suppliers and consumers, which are set out in detail in the “Regulations on the approval of gas supply rules.” It describes the basic principles of gasification of private houses, dacha cooperatives and enterprises, as well as the calculation of the cost of connection and the procedure for payment for gas supply services.

Gas connection according to new rules

Previously, residents had to wait for years to connect gas to a private (country) home. The new rules clearly define the terms of connection. The gas distribution company is obliged to issue technical specifications within 14 days, and the pipeline itself must be laid within 2 years. The cost of the connection itself has also decreased significantly. If previously connecting gas to a private house cost 100,000 to 700,000 rubles, now it costs from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles, provided that the distance from the house to the gas main does not exceed 200 meters. In the event that the distance to the gas distribution point is greater, then residents of the village (dacha cooperative) can be advised to create a public organization that will seek to bring the gas main to their houses at the expense of the budget. In addition, the new rules specify the connection procedure in detail, which eliminates the possibility of discrepancies (which occurred previously).