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Aliya Mustafina artistic gymnastics photos. Aliya Mustafina: “It was scary at the Russian Championships.” Personal life of Aliya Mustafina

Aliya Fargatovna Mustafina is a Russian gymnast of Tatar origin, Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

In 2010, she became the absolute world champion and in the same year she became the world champion in the team championship, as well as a three-time vice-champion of the world championship.

At the European Championships in 2010, Aliya won a gold and two silver medals. Aliya Mustafina is also a winner and medalist of the World Cup stages, a multiple champion of Russia and a medalist of Russian Cups.

Aliya was brought into sports by her father, a former famous athlete who trained in Greco-Roman wrestling, Farhat Mustafin. Mustafina was 6 years old at the time. Aliya's sports career grew rapidly, she won almost all children's and then youth competitions. Thus, at the third student sports competition, Aliya Mustafina managed to win 5 gold medals.

Among Russian gymnasts, her main influence was Ksenia Afanasyeva.

“I respect her strong and beautiful gymnastics,” said Aliya.

Due to a conflict with coach Dina Kamalova, Mustafina stopped training for some time, until she met with coach Alexander Alexandrov.

In March 2003, Mustafina seriously injured her ankle while preparing for the next Russian Championship. Her place in the team was taken by Victoria Komova - along with Aliya, one of the main hopes of Russian gymnastics

In 2007, Mustafina, as a member of the CSKA sports club, was able to win first place at the 26th open championship in women's artistic gymnastics in England, and also become a champion in four all-around events.

In 2008, at the European Junior Championships in artistic gymnastics, Mustafina won first place among the teams. At the same time, juniors were able to score 4 points more than their adult colleagues. In the all-around she then took second place.

In 2009, Mustafina took first place in the women's all-around at the Russian Championship.

In the Russian Cup, Aliya Mustafina won the all-around. These competitions were qualifying competitions for the World Championship, but Aliya could not take part in them, since she had not reached the age of 16.

In the capital of Qatar, Doha, where the World Gymnasium Games were held, Aliya Mustafina took 5 first places and “silver” in the vault.

However, due to an injury, Mustafina had to take a break. The next time the gymnast performed at the fourth stage of the World Cup, where she came second on the balance beam and fourth on the uneven bars.

In preparation for the World Championships in Rotterdam, our team of gymnasts performed in the Japan Open Cup. Our girls beat the Japanese athletes by four points (173 points versus 169). In the all-around, Aliya Mustafina received a bronze medal in the women's all-around.

As a result of her performances and training during the sports season, Aliya Mustafina was included in the team for the 2010 World Championships. In preparation for the championship, Aliya Mustafina complicated the program of her performance in the vault, preparing the most difficult jump “Yurchenko two and a half”, the base cost of which is 6.5. In qualifying, Aliya Mustafina reached the all-around final with the first result, and was selected in all four separate events. Previously, only gymnast Svetlana Khorkina could do this.

In the women's all-around final, Aliya Mustafina defeated the Chinese gymnast and won the gold medal with 61.032 points. Only Svetlana Khorkina succeeded in doing this in 2003. Aliya Mustafina received a silver medal 3 times - in the vault, on the uneven bars and in the floor exercise. However, while performing on the balance beam, Aliya fell and could not count on a medal. In the vault, Mustafina reasonably expected to take first place, but the judges reduced the score for her performance, and the appeal was also rejected.

At the European Championships in April 2011, Aliya Mustafina, while performing vault injured my leg. Due to an injury, the gymnast had to withdraw from the competition. Aliya Mustafina was operated on a few days later by the famous German doctor Michael Strobel. However, due to injury, the athlete missed the World Championships.

“Now I cry less often. And I cried a lot this whole year, which I had to miss due to injury. The worst thing for me was that I lost my faith. I believe that I can return…” the athlete admitted then.

Aliya Fargatovna Mustafina is the first Russian gymnast to win the all-around title since Svetlana Khorkina in 2003. At the 2010 World Championships in Rotterdam, she also led her team to victory for the first time in the history of Russia as an independent state.

Born on September 30, 1994, Aliya began training in gymnastics at the age of six, when her father brought her to the CSKA sports club in her hometown of Moscow. Her father Fargat is also a famous athlete, bronze medalist in Greco-Roman wrestling at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, also winner of the 1974 World Championships in Katowice, Poland and the World Championships in Minsk in 1975. Alia calls her father her main source of inspiration and support. “He helps me and gives me advice, especially when my strength is exhausted and I feel like I can’t do it anymore,” says the gymnast. Her mother is a physics teacher, so physics and mathematics are on Aliya's list of favorite subjects. Nailya's younger sister, born November 5, 1996, is also a gymnast and former athlete on the National Junior Team. “She is not training with me yet at our National Sports Base on Round Lake, but I hope that this is only temporary,” commented on the situation with her sister Aliya during the 2010 World Championships.

“Mustafa,” as Aliya’s teammates call her, was already harboring thoughts of leaving the sport, but she was noticed by Alexander Alexandrov, a famous Russian coach who had just returned to Russia from the USA, where he had been a coach since the mid-nineties and joined as head coach of the women's national team. Alexandrov was the last coach of the women's national team Soviet Union and led the team to its last Olympic gold in 1992 at the Barcelona Olympics. What started out as a short-term collaboration between coach and athlete has turned into a long-term partnership. Under Alexandrov's guidance, Mustafina fell in love with gymnastics again and improved her results. “I like working with him, he has enormous experience and he found an approach in communicating with me,” shares the athlete. Despite the fact that Aliya is a very strong athlete, she is a very secretive person and, according to the coach, it is not always easy to work with her. “Aliya is very cunning, she already knows a lot about herself,” Aleksandrov said in an interview with the official magazine of the Russian artistic gymnastics federation GYMNASTIKA. “She's a difficult girl. She is very talented in sports, but she has her own problems. And that’s normal—champions are never too accommodating or easy.”

After Aliya won her first all-around gold, she spoke to reporters in the mixed zone with enough confidence, but it also felt like she was surprised. Always polite, she is a girl of few words, but answers questions calmly and with style. Career Aliya first made her mark at the prestigious International Junior Championships in Japan in 2007, where she won a silver medal in every event in which she took part. At these competitions she was left behind Rebecca Bross of the USA, whom she would meet again in 2010 at the World Championships.

In 2008, Aliya was a member of the team that triumphantly won the European Youth Championship in French city Clermont-Ferrand. The Russian junior team took first place with a margin of 10 points. Aliya won the silver medal in the all-around and placed fourth on the uneven bars and floor exercise in the final. In 2009, she became the senior gymnastics champion in Russia, but due to age rules of the International Gymnastics Federation, which does not allow a gymnast under sixteen years of age to take part in senior competitions, she was unable to participate in the World and European Championships in 2009.

Her senior international debut took place in 2010 at the French International Gymnastics Championships and World Cup, where she placed second on balance beam and fourth on uneven bars. A few weeks later, she would lead her team to its first European gold in eight years, and take two more silver medals in separate finals on uneven bars and beam. She took the World Championships by storm, reaching the all-around final with the first result and qualifying for the final of all 4 individual events, which was last achieved by Svetlana Khorkina in 1997. But even in comparison with Khorkina, she continued to dominate in the all-around, as she scored more points than her predecessor. At the championship finals, she won three more silver medals on vault, uneven bars and floor exercise. In addition, she leads her team to the first victory in the history of independent Russia. As the last participant to compete in the championship, she needed to score 14.465 or higher for Russia to beat the United States.

Calm, as always, Aliya achieved the desired result. In 2011, she opened the season by winning silver at the World Championships in Jacksonville, USA. Two weeks later, she won three gold medals in three all-around events (vault, bars and beam) at the World Cup in Paris. It looked like Aliya was ready to continue her winning streak at the 2011 European Championships. She dominated the qualifying competitions, finishing first in the all-around by almost three points ahead of her competitors and easily qualifying for all 4 finals. Unfortunately, Aliya injured her knee in the first event of the all-around finals. Overcoming the pain, she greeted the judges and immediately after the greeting she grabbed her knee in pain. The judges awarded her the highest score in the final with 15,375. On the same day, Aliya was taken to the hospital, where German doctors diagnosed her with a ruptured cruciate ligament in her left knee. Aliya returned to the arena the very next day, cheering her teammates on from the stands and supporting them throughout the championship. A few days after the European Championships, she went to Straubing in Bavaria (Southern Germany), where on April 13, in a specialized clinic, she was operated on by Michael Strobel, a well-known specialist in this field. Aliya returned to Russia three days after the operation and has already begun the rehabilitation process.

Interview with two-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics

After victories at two Olympics in a row, Russian gymnast Aliya Mustafina retired “to a well-deserved rest.” However, after giving birth to her daughter Alice, the athlete decided to return to the sport and since September last year began intensive training with an eye to participating in Tokyo 2020. The return turned out to be generally successful - at her very first performances after returning from maternity leave, Aliya won the Russian Championship in Kazan in the team championship. But this victory came at a slightly higher price than we would have liked, and now Mustafina is waiting for the doctors’ verdict regarding her injured knee. The gymnast spoke about how her recovery is going, about her former rivals and her national self-identification in an interview with Realnoe Vremya.

“I will definitely miss the Russian Championship due to injury”

- I can’t help but ask: how are you feeling?

My knee is injured, but I feel good. Will I take part in the Russian Cup? I think no.

- For the past month, everyone has been wondering where you are. Either you are in Croatia or you didn’t fly there , but you’re in Germany, or you’re in Penza, but now it seems like you’re in Moscow. Where is the truth?

I didn’t fly to Croatia, I trained in Penza. There good conditions for training. And we sent pictures of my knee to Germany so that doctors could look at them.

What's the hardest thing for you since returning to the gym? Was there any feeling of hopelessness when you couldn’t complete the simplest elements? Have you ever felt like giving up everything?

No, I didn’t want to quit, I knew it would be hard. I can’t single out any specific difficult moment. Everything was hard, but not so hard that we couldn’t continue.

Due to preparations, you did not have much free time. How often do you manage to rest and how does it usually happen?

“It doesn’t constrain you at all, but it probably doesn’t inspire you either. I don’t even know what to answer. I’m just discovering something new for myself.” Photo

“I want to prove to everyone that after giving birth you can return to sports”

You are the only mother in today's artistic gymnastics, not counting Chusovitina. Is it inspiring or perhaps constraining?

It doesn’t constrain you at all, but it probably doesn’t inspire you either. I don’t even know what to answer. I'm just discovering something new for myself. And if I manage to recover to full strength, then I will prove to myself and everyone else that it is possible to return after childbirth, that it is real.

- Last week you started an Instagram page for your 11-month-old daughter. How did this idea come about?

In fact, I was moving towards this gradually. Not all 11 months, of course. Well, you look into your phone, and there are a lot of photos that are lying around. I thought that my fans would be interested in what my daughter looks like and how she is growing. So I decided to start a page for her.

- Denis Ablyazin followed your example and started a page for his child. Admit it, did you give me a hint?

I'll tell you that it wasn't Denis who started it, but his wife. I didn’t tell anyone, it’s their own business. Some people want to start, some don't. Although it is quite possible that they took an example from me.

- For parents in the first months of life, the support of loved ones is very important. Who helped you the most?

My mother is always next to me and helps me a lot. Probably, without her support nothing would have happened at all.

- In one of your interviews, you said that she even quit her job because of this?

In principle, she had not worked before this. And before that she was a teacher.

- Now your daughter is staying with her parents for the whole summer. U same with are you heaping? Isn't it harder without her than with her next to you?

Of course I miss you! But my parents have it, I trust them, and therefore it’s not so hard for me.

“My coach was really looking forward to my return to the gym. In general, I never had a desire to quit gymnastics.” Photo by E. Mikhailova /

“It all depends on the psyche”

- Who helped you most in your development as an athlete?

These are absolutely all the coaches who work with me now. My coach was really looking forward to my return to the gym. In general, I never had a desire to quit gymnastics.

Your main competitor at the youth level was Rebecca Bross. But at the adult level you bypassed it. How did you manage to do this?

Probably due to programs and due to work on oneself. Hard to tell. I then improved my base a lot.

- Were you at that championship when she suffered a knee injury?

No. It seemed to be the US championship, an internal championship.

- She couldn’t do it after that. fully return.

Not everyone is able to come back from such injuries.

- But there is also your example, how you won the Olympics a year after a knee injury.

Yes, but this does not mean that everyone should do this. For some it is easier, for others it is more difficult, and for others they simply don’t want to continue. This is all terrible, but a lot depends on the psyche. Some people start to worry very much, while others don’t care at all.

“Doping? Biles was stronger than the rest."

Your father, answering the question why he decided to send you to gymnastics, told a story about how, when you were still very little, you slept with your arm raised up because of a cut. What is this?


- Can we say that this quality is more important in competitions than all the others?

No, I wouldn't say that. Gymnastics is rather a combination of all qualities.

“I treat her like an athlete who has won many competitions. I try not to talk about what has already passed.” Photo by Danilo Borges/

- The ability to control your emotions, concentration - this is very important for a gymnast, isn’t it?

In any case, it's important. But you won’t go far with control alone, without preparation and muscles.

What do you think of Simone Biles? In 2016, she admitted that she took psychostimulants and passed a positive test, but was not disqualified for doping. Why? After all, these drugs gave her an advantage.

I treat her like an athlete who has won many competitions. I try not to talk about what has already passed. Probably due to this she was a little stronger than the others. But besides this, she has a fairly strong program; it is impossible to do these elements with concentration alone.

Is it normal that she defends the purity of sports and at the same time took substances that make her stronger than others?

I don't want to say anything about her. I generally try not to understand such matters.

The same Biles recently stated that she was harassed by a team doctor. Recently, in biathlon, our athlete spoke about the harassment of her coach. How do you feel about this in gymnastics in general? This is a big problem?

There are no problems with this in Russia.

- So you shouldn’t expect such statements from our gymnasts?

“Only half Tatar. I consider myself Russian"

- Are you Tatar by nationality?

Only half, but generally Russian. I consider myself Russian.

- Do you often visit your father’s native land in Maly Rybushkino?

I visit in the summer.

- Are you familiar with Tatar cuisine?

Probably only partly. I don't cook myself.

“I just tried it. Chuck-chuck, triangles.” Photo by Maxim Platonov

- Can you mention your favorite dish?

I just tried it. Chuck-chuck, triangles. Tatar music? I tried to listen, but didn't really like it.

Your father is a world champion in wrestling and was involved in all its varieties. Do you know the sidekick? Did your father often win at Sabantui?

No, I don't know about this species. I was at Sabantuy only once, in Moscow, but not for long.

“If Zagitova is strong, she can handle it”

- At the age of 15, you were not allowed to participate in the well-deserved World Championship due to the age limit. Something like Maybe is about to happen to Alina Zagitova. How can you comment on this?

Well, not this year, then next year. It wasn’t that they didn’t let me in then, I initially understood perfectly well that I wasn’t the right age. And I didn’t even prepare for that World Championship because I was little.

- The situation with Zagitova is much more offensive, because she is already an Olympic champion.

It may be more offensive, but, as they say, they carry water on the offended. If Alina is strong, she will cope. I believe that she will succeed.

- After losing the World Championship to Zagitova, Kabaeva called her and supported her. Haven't you talked to Alina?

No, we don't know each other.

- What can you say in support of Zagitova if she is temporarily suspended from adult competitions?

Suspension is a little different. But age restrictions will affect everyone, right?

“But this will hit Russia the hardest, and above all Zagitova.”

Here we must distinguish, this is still not detachment. Because when they suspend, the athlete is prohibited from even training. Whether the restriction is correct or not, the athlete must adapt.

“When the opportunity arose to go to football, I went to the Spartak stadium. And I liked the atmosphere there." Photo

“CSKA? I support Spartak

- You love football, right? Who are you rooting for?

For Spartak.

- How did it happen that a CSKA student supports Spartak?

When the opportunity arose to go to football, I ended up at the Spartak stadium. And I liked the atmosphere there. I don't attend matches often.

- Who is your favorite football player in Spartak?

I don't have favorite football players. I don’t know any of the players or coaches personally. But, of course, I know Carrera and Romantsev.

Zulfat Shafigullin

Aliya Mustafina- a young Russian gymnast, born in the city of Yegoryevsk near Moscow. This event occurred in 1994, on the thirtieth of September. Aliya Mustafina is an Honored Master of Sports of Russia. In 2010, Aliya Mustafina became the absolute world champion. In the same year, she became the world champion in the team championship, as well as a three-time vice-champion of the world championship. In 2010, at the European Championships, Aliya Mustafina won a gold and 2 silver medals. Aliya Mustafina is the winner and prize-winner of the World Cup stages. Aliya Mustafina became the champion of our country and the winner of the Russian Cup many times.
Already at the age of six, her father brought Aliya to train at a sports school. He himself was a famous athlete in the past and practiced Greco-Roman wrestling. The coaches immediately noticed her athletic talent and enrolled the girl in the section. And for good reason! Aliya Mustafina won all children's competitions. Then came the junior competitions. At the third student sports competition, Aliya Mustafina managed to win as many as five (!) gold medals!
But then Aliya Mustafina stopped training for some time - she had a conflicting relationship with coach Dina Kamalova. Aliya Mustafina stopped going to the gym. Then she returned to training, but now Alexander Alexandrov became Aliya’s coach, they had a good relationship.
In the fall of 2007, the unofficial Junior World Championship Junior International was held in the Japanese city of Yokohama. Aliya Mustafina managed to get five silver medals, she lost only to the American athlete Rebecca Bross, who received five gold medals.
The same year in England Aliya Mustafina As a member of the CSKA sports club, she managed to win first place at the 26th open championship in artistic gymnastics among women. Aliya Mustafina, in addition, became a champion in four all-around events.
In 2008, at the European Junior Artistic Gymnastics Championships, which took place in the French city of Clermont-Ferrand, Aliya Mustafina won first place among the teams along with her friends Anna Dementieva, Anastasia Novikova, Tatyana Nabieva and Tatyana Solovyova, they scored more than one hundred and eighty points. Silver medals went to the French, who lost ten points to our athletes. Interestingly, the juniors scored four points more than the adult team. In the all-around, Tatyana Nabieva won the gold medal, and Aliya Mustafina received silver.
The following year, in 2009, at the Russian Championship, Aliya Mustafina took first place in the women's all-around, beating Tatyana Nabieva and Ksenia Semyonova.
Aliya Mustafina won her next gold medal while competing as part of the Moscow city team, along with Elena Syrnikova, Elena Zamolodchikova, Anna Myzdrikova, Yulia Berger and Maria Chibiskova. Aliya Mustafina She also won awards in certain types of exercises: she received a gold medal for performing on the balance beam, a silver medal for performing exercises on the uneven bars, and a bronze medal for performing floor exercises.
In the Russian Cup, Aliya Mustafina won the all-around. These competitions were qualifying competitions before the World Championships, but Aliya Mustafina did not have the right to take part in them, since she was not yet 16 years old, and according to the rules of the International Gymnastics Federation, to participate in international competitions the athlete cannot be younger than sixteen years old.
In the capital of Qatar, Doha, where the World Gymnasium Games were held, Aliya Mustafina took five first places, and she also won silver in the vault.
Then there was a break due to an injury, and Aliya Mustafina took the start in the fourth stage of the World Cup. She placed second on balance beam and fourth on uneven bars.
Then Aliya Mustafina performed at the European Championship, which was held in the city of Birmingham, where she and her teammates became a gold medalist, they scored almost 170 points (or, more precisely, 169,700 points). She also took second place in the balance beam exercises and the same result on the uneven bars (16 and 14 points, respectively).
In preparation for the World Championships in Rotterdam, our team of gymnasts performed in the Japan Open Cup. Our girls beat the Japanese athletes by four points (173 points versus 169). In the all-around, Aliya Mustafina received a bronze medal in the women's all-around.
In Chelyabinsk at the Russian Cup, Aliya Mustafina won the women's all-around final. Her result was 62.271 points, Aliya Mustafina beat Ksenia Afanasyeva by 3.597 points. Aliya Mustafina won on uneven bars and floor exercise. Aliya Mustafina won second place in the vault, and came third in the balance beam competition.
As a result of her performances and training during the sports season, Aliya Mustafina was included in the team for the 2010 World Championships. In preparation for the championship, Aliya Mustafina complicated the program of her performance in the vault, preparing the most difficult jump “Yurchenko two and a half”, the base cost of which is 6.5. In qualifying, Aliya Mustafina reached the all-around final with the first result, and was selected in all four separate events. Previously, only the famous gymnast Svetlana Khorkina could do this.
In the women's all-around final, Aliya Mustafina defeated the Chinese gymnast and won the gold medal with 61.032 points. This was previously achieved only by Svetlana Khorkina in 2003 in the city of Anaheim in the USA. Aliya Mustafina also received a silver medal 3 times - in the vault, on the uneven bars and in the floor exercise.
Unfortunately, while performing on the balance beam, Aliya Mustafina fell and could not count on a medal. In the vault, Aliya Mustafina reasonably expected to take first place, but the judges reduced the score for her performance, and the appeal was also rejected.
But even without this, the result for Aliya, as a debutant at the championship, was excellent - 2 gold and 3 silver, it was the most best result championship, in addition, it allowed the Russian team to take second place in the team standings after the Chinese team.
Aliya opened the season in Jacksonville, where she competed at the World Cup and won silver in the all-around, losing to American athlete Jordyn Wieber.
The World Cup stage, held in Paris, ended for Mustafina with victories in 3 all-around events (vault, balance beam and uneven bars), thanks to which the Russian team showed the best result.
At the European Championships in April 2011, Aliya Mustafina injured her leg while performing a vault. Due to an injury, the gymnast had to withdraw from the competition. Aliya Mustafina was operated on a few days later by the famous German doctor Michael Strobel, who once treated him himself. Due to treatment, Aliya Mustafina missed the World Championships.
At the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan, July 6-17, Aliya earned a gold medal in the women's individual all-around.


Aliya was born into a sports family. Her dad Farhat Mustafin won bronze in Montreal in 1976 Olympic Games in Greco-Roman wrestling. But my mother Elena Kuznetsova taught physics at school. By the way, Aliya’s younger sister Nailya is also involved in artistic gymnastics and has risen to the title of master of sports. However, the girl left the sport after an injury and participates only in amateur competitions.

At the age of six, Aliya was taken to the sports section. After classes, the girl began to win children’s competitions one after another, followed by youth competitions. In total, Mustfina won five highest medals at the third Student Spartakiad. But a little later, Aliya stopped going to training due to a lack of understanding on the part of coach Dina Kamalova. The young athlete had a conflict with her. Later, the gymnast continued to train, but with Alexander Alexandrov.

Big sport

In the fall of 2007, Mustafina appeared at the unofficial Junior International World Championship. There, in Yokohama, she won five silver medals at once. In certain types of all-around and in the absolute championship. The girl lost only to American Rebecca Bross, who took gold five times.

But at the European Junior Championships in 2008 in Clermont-Ferrand, France, Aliya Mustafina, together with Anna Dementieva, Tatyana Nabieva, Anastasia Novikova and Tatyana Solovyova, became the leader in the team tournament in artistic gymnastics. In the all-around, Aliya took silver; she lost to Tatyana Nabieva.

The next stage in Aliya’s life was the Russian Championship in 2009. In the women's all-around, Mustafina won the gold medal, ahead of Tatyana Nabieva and Ksenia Semenova. The gymnast won another gold together with the Moscow team, which also included Elena Zamolodchikova, Yulia Berger, Anna Myzdrikova, Maria Chibiskova and Elena Syrnikova. The girl did not remain without medals in certain types of all-around events; she received gold, silver, and bronze.

She won the all-around and the Russian Cup. The competition was a qualifier for the World Championships. The athlete did not take part in them, since she was under 16 years old. Aliya Mustafina won five gold medals at once at the World Gymnasium Games in Doha; she won the all-around tournament in floor exercises, as part of a team and in exercises on uneven bars and balance beams. The athlete has silver in her vault for the vault.

In 2010, after a long break due to injury, Aliya participated in the fourth stage of the World Cup. The gymnast showed second results in exercises on the balance beam and fourth results on uneven bars.

This was followed by the 2010 European Championship, where Mustafina, together with Ekaterina Kurbatova, Tatyana Nabieva, Anna Myzdrikova and Ksenia Semenova, took gold and became a double silver medalist. A little later, the athlete participated in the Japan Open Cup. She and her colleagues beat gymnasts from Japan. And Aliya showed the third result in the all-around.

Next, at the Russian Cup, Mustfina won the all-around final, ahead of silver medalist Ksenia Afanasyeva. Aliya practiced on the uneven bars and came first there, second on the vault and third on the balance beam.

Aliya Mustafina on video

The results helped the gymnast get into the team for the 2010 world championships. Especially for him, the girl complicated her program; she studied “2.5 Yurchenko screws.” As a result, she reached the all-around final with the first result and made it to the final of 4 events. The last time this happened was in 1997 by Svetlana Khorkina. In the final, Aliya took gold. By the way, Russian gymnast, who became the world champion in individual all-around, the last time in 2003 was the same Svetlana Khorkina. In addition, three times Mustafina was second in individual all-around events - uneven bars, vault and floor exercise. The athlete fell on the balance beam, and therefore dropped out of the fight. Championship debutant Aliya Mustafina won the largest number of medals at the championship; Russia then took second place in the team event. In 2011, Aliya began by performing at the World Cup. She took silver in the all-around.


In April 2011, Aliya injured her leg at the European Championships. She landed poorly after a vault. The girl left the platform in the arms of the coach. After this, the gymnast was forced to withdraw from the competition. Doctors diagnosed a ruptured cruciate ligament in the left knee. The athlete underwent surgery. During the rehabilitation period, the World Championships took place without Aliya. And Mustafina started training three months later.

2012 Olympics

During preparation for summer olympics Mustafina took part in the European Championship, Russian Championship and Cup. The athlete also performed in London at the Olympic Games. In the finals, she was on the team in the team championship and in the individual competition. Together with her Russian colleagues, she took silver in the team event. In addition, Aliya took bronze in the individual all-around. By the way, the girl did not do the “2.5 Yurchenko screws” because of which she was injured. Mustafina won gold on uneven bars. In the new century, this is the first Russian gold at the Olympic Games in this sport.

Family opinion

By the way, after the Olympics, Mustafina said that she was not going to give up her sports career. She plans to attend the games in Rio de Janeiro.

Personal life of Aliya Mustafina

In 2012, Aliya Mustafina graduated from school. Next, the girl entered the correspondence department of the Russian state university oil and gas named after. Gubkina. Her specialty is Economics and Management. Although the girl did not like to study, she enjoyed attending physics and algebra classes. By the way, the girl has not yet decided on her religion.

The girl has a rather difficult character. But, according to Valentina Rodionenko, she has an important quality that every athlete needs. Aliya knows how to pull herself together at the right moment. Coach Mustafina states that all athletes have quite complex characters. Alexander Alexandrov adds that Aliya is the most difficult member of the team. This is confirmed by the gymnast’s father. And he says that his daughter is very vulnerable. The athlete herself says that she, compared to her sister, is very calm.