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Adonis Amur: reproduction, photo, care, watering. Adonis amurensis – Adonis amurensis Regel et Radde Amur adonis

Adonis Amur is a herbaceous perennial, which belongs to the buttercup family, which can reach a height of no more than 40 centimeters. It blooms with pale lilac flowers with yellow petals. It has pubescent fruits with a hook-shaped, pressed and curved nose.

The flowering period is April, the fruits ripen in May.

Adonis Amur is distributed mainly in the Far East, the Amur region, Primorye, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands. It grows in damp places, near bushes, in forests where there is good soil with humus.

IN folk medicine All above-ground parts of the plant are used.

Chemical composition

Carbohydrates and related compounds were found in the roots of Adonis Amur. The fruits contain ester compounds with benzoic and nicotinic acids, coumarins, flavonoids, flavonoids and other substances. The entire above-ground part of the plant has a similar composition.


Adonis amur is very close in its composition and action to Adonis vernalis. Used for treatment colds, for various diseases of the respiratory system.

Adonis amur has sedative properties. It is used as a sedative. Preparations of this plant are effective for convulsions, various spasms, such as good remedy, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.

Adonis preparations are used for headaches.

Methods of application

Infusion: from 5 to 10 grams of dry herb per glass of boiling water, leave for at least an hour. Take 20 grams (one spoon) 5-6 times.

Decoction: 20-30 gr. pour half a liter of water over the herbs and boil for at least 10 minutes. Take a teaspoon 2 times a day.

Adonis Amur - perennial herbaceous plant height 30-40 cm.
The rhizome is short and thick. The stems at the beginning of flowering are 5-15 cm tall, later up to 30-40 cm, simple or weakly branched below. Sepals glabrous or slightly pubescent, pale lilac; petals are yellow, oblong-elliptical, blunt at the end, 12-23 mm long and 3-8 mm wide. The fruits are pubescent, 4-5 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide with a hook-shaped and pressed nose.
Blooms in March-April, bears fruit in May.
Adonis is widespread in the Russian Far East. General distribution: Manchuria, Korea, Northern Japan, China.
It grows in thickets of bushes, along forest edges, in moist, humus-rich soil. Decorative.

The roots contain carbohydrates and the related compound adonite (0.18%), cardenolides, isoraman, pergularin, isoramanone and isolineolone (or lineolone) esters, with benzoic and nicotinic acids, samalin, strophanthindin, corchoroside A, convallatoxin, cymarin, K-strophanthin- beta, strophanthidol, cimarol; coumarins (umbelliferone, scopoletin), flavonoids (orientin, homoorientin, adonivernite). Carbohydrates and the related compound adonite were found in the aerial parts; cardenolides, flavonoids (orientin, homoorientin, adonivernite).
A decoction of 0.6-0.9 g of the plant is taken for severe heart failure.
For chronic heart failure and edema, take 0.5 ml 1-2 times a day alcohol tincture from the herb of Adonis Amur or 2-3 ml of complex alcohol tincture. The glycosides contained in the plant can be used to prepare heart medications in the form of tablets or injections.
Adonis Amur is poisonous, so an overdose may cause nausea, vomiting, severe sweating, abdominal pain, dizziness and palpitations. To neutralize the effect of glycosides, you need to drink 2-3 g of potassium chloride 3 times a day. Precautions must be taken during the procurement of raw materials to avoid poisoning.

Adonis Apennine

Adonis Apennine is a perennial herbaceous plant 20-60 cm high.
The rhizome is thick and short. The stems at the beginning of flowering are 20-30 cm high, later up to 60 cm, smooth. The leaves are large, double- and triple-pinnate, oval or triangular in outline. The flowers are large, 4-6 cm across, intensely yellow, the petals are obovate or round, 20-30 mm long and 10-15 mm wide. The fruits are short-haired, about 4.5 mm long and 4 mm wide, with a short downward curved nose.
It blooms in late May and June, bears fruit in June-July.
Grows in the European part of Russia (Dvinsko-Pechora, Volzhsko-Kama, Zavolzhsky regions), in Western Siberia(Obsky - south, Verkhnetobolsky, Irtysh, Altai regions), in Eastern Siberia (Yenisei - extreme south, Leno-Kolyma, Angaro-Sayan, Daursky regions), in Central Asia (Dzungaro-Tarbagatai region). The plant is rare in Bashkiria; if necessary, the procurement of raw materials should be strictly regulated; in Central Siberia, control over the state of populations is necessary.
WITH therapeutic purpose The above-ground part of the plant is used.
The plant contains alkaloids (0.05%). Cardenolides, vitamin C, and flavonoids (orientin, adonivernite) were found in the aerial part.
An infusion of the herb is used for dizziness. It has a pronounced sedative effect. It is also used for heart, nervous and stomach diseases. In Tibetan medicine, herbal infusion is used for bronchitis and gynecological diseases.

Adonis spring

Spring Adonis (folk names: God's tree, hair grass, hair grass, spring adonis, spruce, centaury, western grass, hare poppy, paints, swimmer, shag grass, hairy grass, marigold, snowdrop, field dill, consumables, pine, sosonka, starodubka, black grass, black hellebore, Montenegrin) - a perennial herbaceous plant with a short, thick rhizome, with straight, furrowed, bare, few-branched, densely leafed stems up to 40-50 cm high. The leaves are alternate, once-, twice-palmated, their segments are linear, narrow (1-2 cm long and about 1 mm wide), glabrous. The flowers are single, large, light yellow, located on the tips of the shoots. The fruits are spherical-obverse, wrinkled, with hook-shaped bent columns, loosely pressed to the nut.
Blooms in April-May, bears fruit in July.
It grows on open grassy slopes in forest-steppe and steppe in the European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, the Caucasus, and Western Siberia. The plant is poisonous. Requires protection.
For medicinal purposes, the herb is used, which is harvested during the period of fruit ripening. The cut grass is laid out on a sheet or sieves and quickly dried in air or in well-ventilated areas - in attics or in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 °C, since glycosides are better preserved with rapid drying. In this case, the grass is often mixed.
Raw materials should be stored in dry rooms, glass or porcelain jars with lids or wooden boxes lined with paper. Without checking biological activity, store the grass for one year, observing the rules for storing poisonous plants. At long-term storage The biological activity of the grass is monitored annually.
Adonis vernalis contains 25 individual cardiac glycosides. The largest amount of them is found in leaves and green fruits. K-strophanthin-beta and cymarin were found in the aerial parts of the plant, and K-strophanthin-beta in the roots. The specific cardenolide of adonis is adonitoxin, which is hydrolyzed to adonitoxigenin and L-rhamnose. The herb also contains 2,6-dimethoxyquinone, phytosterol, flavonoids (0.59-1.25%), steroidal saponins (6.8-9.4%), flavone glycoside adonivernite, ascorbic acid(33.4-49.2 mg%), carotene, choline, adonite alcohol (4%), coumarins and organic acids.
The greatest pharmacological activity of cardiac glycosides is observed in the flowering and fruiting phases. Glycosides accumulate in the rhizome of the plant at the end of the growing season.
Adonis drugs belong to the group of cardiac glycosides. They slow down the heart rhythm, increase systole and lengthen diastole, increase the stroke volume of the heart, and moderately inhibit intracardiac conduction. In terms of strength and duration of action, Adonis vernalis is inferior to foxglove, but when used in therapeutic doses, the danger of accumulation is practically eliminated, therefore it is widely used in outpatient settings. In addition, Adonis vernacular preparations have a calming effect on the central nervous system and reduce excitability motor centers, dilate the coronary vessels.
Adonis vernalis is prescribed for relatively mild forms chronic failure blood circulation: for cardiac neurosis, vegetative dystonia, infectious diseases occurring with symptoms of weakened cardiac activity, kidney disease with signs of heart failure.

Adonis of the Volga

Adonis Volga is a perennial herbaceous plant 15-30 cm high.
The rhizome is short, thick, brownish-black. The stems are not numerous, spreading from the middle, brownish at the base. Young leaves and stems are profusely pubescent; the leaves are strongly dissected into lobes. The flowers are pale yellow, 3.5-4.5 cm across. Petals are 17-22 mm long and 6-7 mm wide. The fruit is round, the achenes are almost smooth, hairy, about 4 mm wide, the nose is bent downwards.
Blooms at the end of April, bears fruit in May.
Adonis Volga is widespread in Ukraine, Crimea, the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, the Caucasus (Southern Transcaucasia), Moldova, Central Asia (Aral-Caspian, Balkhash regions). It grows in the steppes (especially in the subzone of dry steppes), less often - on forest lawns and forest edges, on grassy slopes in the mid-mountain zone. Decorative plant.
The above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes.
The roots contain fatty oil (12%). In the aerial part, carbohydrates and related compounds were found: adonite; cardenolides, coumarins (umbelliferone, scopoletin); flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, vitexin, orientin, homoorientin). The leaves contain vitamin C.
By pharmacological actions Volga Adonis is similar to spring Adonis, therefore it is recommended for use as an analogue of the latter.

Adonis summer

Adonis summer is an annual herbaceous plant 10-50 cm high.
Differs from spring adonis in fiery red, less often orange, flowers; the petal of the corolla always has a black spot at the base.
Blooms in late May and June.
Distributed in Ukraine (Carpathians, Dnieper region, Crimea), Moldova, and the European part of Russia (Trans-Volga region, Black Sea, Lower Volga regions). Western Siberia (Verkhnetobolsky, Irtysh, Altai regions), in Central Asia (Aral-Caspian, Tien Shan regions).
It grows in saline meadows, shrubs, steppes, dry slopes, in the shade of rocks, and is a weed in crops and livestock camps in the mountains up to an altitude of 2000 m above sea level.
The stems, flowers, and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Carbohydrates and related compounds were found in the grass: adonite, cardenolides (0.14-0.2%), cymarin, carotene. The flowers contain the carotenoid astacin, the fruits contain alkaloids. The herb is used in homeopathy as a substitute for Adonis vernalis A. vernalis.
High cardiotonic activity gives grounds to consider the raw material promising for the preparation of medicinal preparations. Clinical trials have shown that it can be a substitute for Adonis vernalis (A. vernalis).
The plant has antibacterial properties and increases blood clotting. An infusion or decoction of the herb is used in folk medicine for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Indian medicine recommends an infusion of flowers as a laxative and diuretic for kidney stones.

Adonis fiery

Adonis fiery is an annual herbaceous plant 20-50 cm high.
The stem is straight, simple or branched, grooved, pubescent; leaves are three- or four-pinnately dissected into linear lobules, more or less hairy. Flowers are 2-4 cm in diameter, solitary, sepals pressed to the petals, petals 7-15 mm long, ovoid, intense red, less often yellow, black at the base.
Fruits in a cylindrical head with a blunt tooth.
Blooms in May-June.
Distributed in the European part of Russia (Black Sea region), in Ukraine (Dnieper region, Crimea), in the Caucasus (all regions except Dagestan).
Grows on dry slopes and waste areas, often a weed in crops.
The above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. The plant contains the carotenoid astaxanthin. The aerial part of the plant contains carbohydrates and a related compound adonite (2.6%), cardenolides, the carotenoid beta-carotene, flavonoids (orientin, adonivernite). Alkaloids were found in the fruits.
The plant has been proposed for use in medicine as an analogue of Adonis vernalis

With the arrival of spring, the Far Eastern forests turn bright yellow. It is in bloom, or adonis. Low, only 20-30 cm in height, it attracts attention not only with its rich coloring, but also with its unusual appearance.

It grows mainly in deciduous forests, on the edges, in thickets of bushes on sufficiently moist soil rich in humus. Selects well-lit places. In the photo, Adonis Amur pleniflora is a perennial plant with bright flowers and pointed leaves. The flowers, like the leaves, are completely double and have bright green feathery petals on a yellow background. The bud, compared to the entire growth of the flower, is large and stands out against the background of the leaves and stem.

The Far East, Primorye, Amur region, Sakhalin, Kunashir and the Kuril Islands, Japan, and Korea are considered the homeland of adonis.

The flowering period is from March to May. Residents of the Far East often call it “snowdrop”, because there are no real snowdrops there.

Main characteristics

Adonis Amur is a perennial herbaceous plant. It has a short and thick rhizome and weakly branched, low, erect stems about 30-40 cm in height of a light purple hue.

The lower part of the stem is covered with scales. The leaves are shaped like an oval or pentagon, sharply dissected into narrow linear strips. The flowers do not exceed 5 cm in diameter, are collected in a bunch and are located at the top of the stem. Interesting feature: The Adonis flower has a large number of stamens of varying lengths, sometimes up to a hundred, covered with fine, bright yellow pollen. This is one of the early pollen bearers, especially loved by bees. One flower produces from 3 to 6 mg of pollen.

Adonis Amur blooms in March-April, bears fruit in May and June.

The fruits are complex, in the form of numerous single-seeded nuts or sacs.

But be careful: despite the attractive appearance, the plant is poisonous.

Adonis of the Amur. Planting and care

People often call it adonis or starodubka.

This is a perennial plant. Propagated by seeds and division. The usual flowering period is 2-3 weeks, with double species a little longer.

Each of the flowers has 20-30 petals, the outer side of which has a bronze tint. In July, flowers and stems die off, and the root system goes dormant. But even in this state, constant moisture is required; drying out will destroy the plant.

Adonis is planted in areas with well-moistened and drained soil.

Reproduction in ordinary flowers occurs by freshly collected seeds. Unfortunately, double species do not produce seeds. Therefore, in early spring or immediately after flowering, the bushes are divided. In this case, they need to be planted in the soil as soon as possible, otherwise the plants will not take root. As you know, Adonis does not tolerate drought well.

The average planting density is 5-6 bushes per 1 m2.

Care and reproduction

The plant does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots, so soil drainage and regular loosening are necessary. Adonis loves the sun and does not develop well in low light.

An alkaline environment is preferred. To do this, it is useful to add a little lime to the soil.

Adonis in a duet with other primroses can become a wonderful garden decoration. Yes, it is considered a complex flower. But if all conditions for planting and care are met, it can settle in the garden for many years.

Medicinal properties

Adonis Amur has long been used in medicine and is part of medicines that provide sedative effect on the central nervous system. Its biological activity is very similar to Adonis vernalis; it can successfully become its substitute. The use of Adonis Amur in medicinal practice is safe, although its composition is more toxic than its relative.

This plant is also included in medications that regulate cardiac activity, helps with kidney diseases, colds, malaria, colitis, convulsions, hysteria, removes excess fluid from the body, and has an analgesic and sedative effect.

Protect and protect

Often unreasonable human behavior, mistakenly called economic activity, fires, unjustified recreational load lead to sad results. Many species of plants and animals have disappeared forever or are on the verge of extinction.

Adonis amurensis is also among the endangered species. According to preliminary estimates, there are now no more than 5,000 units of it in nature.

Today it is included in the list of rare and endangered plants in the Amur Region, and in the Khabarovsk Territory it is included in the Red Book. Adonis Amur is protected by the Khingan State Reserve and is cultivated by many botanical gardens in order to increase its numbers. The quantity of this species is also monitored, especially near populated areas and large-scale economic facilities, and work is carried out with the population on a complete ban on collecting the plant.

Such actions make it possible not only to preserve endangered plants, but also to increase their population and preserve nature for future generations.

Adonis Amur is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family, a species of the genus Adonis. This perennial comes from the Far East, where it grows in cedar-deciduous forests. Popularly known as Amur adonis.


Adonis Amur is a true primrose - it blooms in April and blooms for about three weeks with large golden-yellow flowers. The flowers reach 5 cm in diameter. Pinnately dissected leaves on long petioles begin to appear at the time of lush flowering and persist until mid-summer. This plant does not form large thickets in nature. Very decorative in spring, in cultivation since 1985.

Adonis Amur loves rich forest soil, constant watering and shade. This is an excellent ground cover plant that will look beautiful in wooded lawns in the garden. Experienced flower growers use it to determine the weather: before the rain, Adonis flowers close.

Adonis Amur is widespread in Primorye, the Amur region, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Kunashir Island, reaching the Amur in the north of its range. It grows in thickets of bushes, along forest edges, in moist, humus-rich soil.


The above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes.

The roots contain carbohydrates and the related compound adonite 0.18%, cardenolides (adonilide, fukuyuzone, lineolone, 12-0-benzoylisolineolone, fucuyuzonorone, isolineolone, ramanone, 12-0 (8-decoxylineolone), isoraman (8-deoxy-17-hydroxylineolone ), pergularin, esters of isoramanone and isolineolone (or lineolone), with benzoic and nicotinic acids, samalin, strophanthindin, corchoroside A, convallatoxin, cymarin, K-strophanthin-beta, strophanthindol, cimarol; coumarins (umbelliferone, scopoletin), flavonoids (orientin , homoorientin, adonivernite), Carbohydrates and a related compound adonite were found in the aerial part; cardenolides (samolin, strophanthidyl, corchoroside A, convallatoxin, cymarin, K-strophanthin-beta, strophanthidol, cimarol, digitoxigenin), coumarins (umbelliferone, scopoletin), flavonoids (orientin, homoorientin, adonivernite).

The above-ground part of Adonis amur is close in biological activity to that of Adonis vernacular and can be its substitute. The infusion of the aerial part has a sedative effect.

Adonis grass is harvested from mid-April to mid-June, until the fruits fall off. It should be cut at a height of 5-10 cm from the ground, leaving the basal scale-like leaves. The collected grass must be dried quickly. To do this, it is better to use a dryer with a temperature of 50-60°. With slow drying, the activity of medicines prepared from Adonis herb will be low.

Preparations obtained from Adonis are the most common mild agents for the treatment of moderate cardiac decompensation. Initially, Adonis preparations were also used for severe cardiac decompensation, but now they have been “supplanted” by preparations obtained from other plants that act more energetically. However, very active medicinal substances with cardiac effects can also be isolated from Adonis. Adonis herb also contains a certain amount of substances with a calming (sedative) effect on the central nervous system.

In practice, an infusion of adonis herb and the drug adonizide (in drops and for injection) are used. Adonis herb extract is part of the ankylosing spondylitis mixture, which is prescribed for certain diseases of the central nervous system. At one time, the so-called Bekhterev tablets, which are identical in composition to the mixture, became widespread. They are still available in pharmacies, but are used less frequently, since the mixture is more easily absorbed from the digestive tract.

">"> ">Adonis preparations have a calming effect and increase blood pressure. Adonis and its preparations are used in scientific and folk medicine as diuretics and analgesics. Adonis glycosides in therapeutic doses do not have cumulative properties. When taken orally, the effect of the drugs begins after a few hours and lasts no more than a day. Adonis preparations dilate the blood vessels of the brain and kidneys, which explains their sedative and diuretic effect. Adonis herb has been used in folk medicine for several centuries, in scientific practice the plant was introduced by S. P. Botkin.

There are contraindications for Adonis ( peptic ulcer, gastritis and enterocolitis in the acute stage) and overdose is dangerous.